The Shyish Student (An Amethyst Apprentice in Hogwarts) [Warhammer Fantasy/Harry Potter]

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Talking to Myrtle, we have decent odds of finding the chamber entrance then. Myrtle is willing to indicate the locations of the entrance, and with Nyx's wind since the lock should stand out to him.
Talking to Myrtle, we have decent odds of finding the chamber entrance then. Myrtle is willing to indicate the locations of the entrance, and with Nyx's wind since the lock should stand out to him.
I'm not so sure. This is Hogwarts after all. Randomly enchanted furnishings probably aren't terribly rare.

Also because of how much the castle shifts I wouldn't be surprised if the plumbing is one of the most enchanted parts of the castle. God knows whoever made it was probably some sort of insane genius.
Talking to Myrtle, we have decent odds of finding the chamber entrance then. Myrtle is willing to indicate the locations of the entrance, and with Nyx's wind since the lock should stand out to him.

So? Without being a Parselmouth, there's no point.

Even if we went down there, Voldy took all the useful stuff with him after he found the chamber. The only thing down there is a murder snake.
Would Zagreus know of any evil connotations to snakes? I don't think so. Simon might have told us about the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, but I don't know if that idea exists in the Empire. I'd give even odds that Basilisks aren't dark creatures by our standards. Indeed, they're born from chicken eggs, theropod eggs, hatched under toads... part of some cunning and ancient plot by the Lizardmen, no doubt. :V
So? Without being a Parselmouth, there's no point.
This is a really good point since you need to use Parseltongue twice to actually get the Basilisk out. Once on the faucet to get it to open and again on the GIANT STAUTUE OF SALAZAR SLYTHERIN. The password to getting the Basilisk out of the statue being "Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

Nothing valuable? The Basilisk a creature that kills with a glance, just might be attuned to Shyish, familiar get.
I'm still hoping to feed Shyish to a dragon egg enough to make it turn it into a Carmine Dragon. Can you have multiple familiars in Warhammer?
This is a really good point since you need to use Parseltongue twice to actually get the Basilisk out. Once on the faucet to get it to open and again on the GIANT STAUTUE OF SALAZAR SLYTHERIN. The password to getting the Basilisk out of the statue being "Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

I'm still hoping to feed Shyish to a dragon egg enough to make it turn it into a Carmine Dragon. Can you have multiple familiars in Warhammer?
Companion creatures and pets, yes... familiars that can share your soul? Hmmm... i'll check the 2nd edition rpg supplement
Zagreb's is smart enough to draw the similarities between what he is told and the Baslisk equivalent in Warhammer which has similar abilities even if does not look like a giant snake.
I'd give even odds that Basilisks aren't dark creatures by our standards. Indeed, they're born from chicken eggs, theropod eggs, hatched under toads... part of some cunning and ancient plot by the Lizardmen, no doubt. :V
I don't think Zagreus would even realize that the thing that has been petrifying muggleborns and that killed a girl once, leaving her body surprisingly intact, mind you, is anything close to a basilisk from back home. The only thing that they have in common is that they are cold blooded reptiles with scales, and even then, the similarities are only superficial, since one is in fact a giant snake and the other is a giant eight legged lizard, and that is the most trivial of their differences.
A basilisk in warhammer fantasy, compared to the basilisk from the chamber, is ridiculously overpowered (just like everything in warhammer fantasy, really, is a miracle that everyone isn't dead yet). It is a creature that is closer to the Greek myths than the harry potter's one, except for the fact that it's a lizard. It is a monster whose origin dates back to the first incursions of chaos in the world, and its capacity for destruction is so great and its venom so potent that it would kill plants just by passing by and it would kill you just by looking at you, no need to meet it's gaze with yours. In contrast, the basilisk, which only managed to petrify a handful of students and kill a girl after a thousand years of slumber, looks positively harmless and playful. Besides, this version of the basilisk, although provided with a very lethal venom, it needs to inject it in your bloodstream through its fangs by biting you, whereas the eight legged basilisk, according to the official lore of warhammer

Basilisks are creatures so inimical to life that they poison the very ground they walk upon. They are a living blight that can swiftly reduce an area to ruinous wasteland, decimating crops and slaughtering livestock with venom that suffuses both their body and spirit. In dense terrain they rely on their poisonous aura to clear foliage that might otherwise obstruct their charge, whilst their long claws finish off prey weakened by the poison they emit. So powerful is the venom that it infuses the Basilisk's very being so that when brought to bay by hunters and struck, it will corrupt and destroy the blades set against it.The most potent weapon in the Basilisk's arsenal is their deadly gaze. Renowned in folklore across the Old World for its lethal nature, the Basilisk's sickly pale eyes are able to focus the destructive potential of their poisonous soul, withering their prey until it's skin and flesh slough away.
It is said, partly as a joke in the fandom, that the basilisk of Salazar Slytherin was dangerous enough to be considered the magical version of a weapon of mass destruction, but compared to this abomination, it doesn't hold a candle to it. The only creature in harry potter that comes close to that level of raw destructive power is the African nundu. Besides, the basilisk could be tamed relatively easily by a parseltongue, whereas the lizard version was absolutely uncontrollable, only the most powerful of binding scrolls empowered by the great storms of magic being the only chance of submitting them to a wizard's will. So, if instead of the original basilisk, it was let loose the basilisk of warhammer fantasy instead, the school would be facing a cold-blooded creature, with a venomous bite, whose aura taints anything that draws near, being said that even the ground that it treads upon is made deadly by it's corrupt aura ,destroying weapons and killing men, its deadly power increasing with exposure, which can focus its dark malice upon a single target

, its gaze blistering skin and metal, and flaying the target with its tainted power.

Honestly, I don't think if that species of basilisk had attacked a student, there would have been anything remaining.
Really, the only worse outcome would be the unholy offspring of the union of both breeds of basilisks (Remember, the basilisk Ithat Tom controlled was female).
Go big or go home! There might not be Carmine Dragons native to Harry Potter, but we can try making one. We know someone that is going to get a dragon egg and ectoplasm would be a good substitute for dragon milk.

I'm still hoping to feed Shyish to a dragon egg enough to make it turn it into a Carmine Dragon. Can you have multiple familiars in Warhammer?
Although the idea is good, it bummers me a bit that it has to be a dragon from harry potter. It's just.... They seem so bland to me. Powerful as they are, they aren't anything more than dumb animals, brainless beasts. On the other hand, dragons in warhammer fantasy are a powerful and ancient race of creatures skilled in magic and gifted with a phenomenal intelligence whose memories and knowledge stretch back millennia. In comparison, the dragon breeds of earth look so lacking.
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Although the idea is good, it bummers me a bit that it has to be a dragon from harry potter. It's just.... They seem so bland to me. Powerful as they are, they aren't anything more than dumb animals, brainless beasts. On the other hand, dragons in warhammer fantasy are a powerful and ancient race of creatures skilled in magic and gifted with a phenomenal intelligence whose memories and knowledge stretch back millennia. In comparison, the dragon breeds of earth look so lacking.
I completely agree. Other fantasy worlds will have dragons with different elemental breaths, people ride dragons, or they have a rich and interesting history, but Harry Potter doesn't.

Literally just big dumb fire-breathing lizards that can't even be tamed. I hope that we can change that. I believe that by changing the magic in the dragon as it develops and making it a familiar, we can tame it. Even if that doesn't work, we should do it in the name of MAD SCIENCE MAGIC!
So completely unrelated, but I think we should get some kind of dog as a familiar.

I just feel like we could use a good boy to help us through all the crap that's about to happen.

You know, emotionally. . .
Well Sphinx with their celestial hair would also like great you all (though I don't know if they are technically animals or not.) Don't bring them around Fluffy, the Shyish aligned three headed dog.

So completely unrelated, but I think we should get some kind of dog as a familiar.

I just feel like we could use a good boy to help us through all the crap that's about to happen.

You know, emotionally. . .
Getting Zag any sort of animal companion would help him out both emotionally and socially. It is just a question on what to get and how to get it. We aren't really made out of money and have lots of time right now.
Doggo good. Crows better*.

For things like flying and being birbs. Dogs are better at being dogs.
I am hoping the new RPG book being released will give us some familiar options.

We have some art of an animated Warrior familiar from the promo stuff.

Warrior Familiar – By Dániel Kovács

Edit: Ok apparently 2e RPG already explored Familiars a little.

"Familiars come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and can have a wide array of abilities upon which their masters can call in the service of research, defence, spellcasting, and more. There are three methods by which a Wizard may obtain a familiar. The first is by creating a creature from unliving materials and imbuing it with life by magical means. Such creatures are sometimes called homunculi, though they are also known by other names, and the traditional concept of a homunculus—a small, humanlike creature—does not describe by far the wide variety of created familiars that are possible.

The second method of obtaining a familiar is to bind a living creature to your company and service. Cats, birds, and rodents are typical bound familiars, but nearly any other living creature can be bound as a familiar."

The third method is summoning Daemons but that is not relevant to us.
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I was thinking some kind of lorge doggo who would be our best friend

Like a Tibetan Temple Mastiff, go full Dresden
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If we're talking familiars, a crow seems best. Religious significance aside, it's just practical to go for portability when living in a boarding school, doubly so if it can fly. There may be cooler looking potential options, but they strike me as either overambitious or just plain cumbersome indoors.

The only thing down there is a murder snake.
And a sick crib ripe for the taking.
If we're talking familiars, a crow seems best. Religious significance aside, it's just practical to go for portability when living in a boarding school, doubly so if it can fly. There may be cooler looking potential options, but they strike me as either overambitious or just plain cumbersome indoors.

And a sick crib ripe for the taking.
Yup, Hedwig has nothing on Corax (yup, i'm original i know, sue me!)
I don't know if there is other lore, but we can't Bind familiars if Realms of Sorcery is to be believed. The Lore of Death isn't listed as one of the Lores that can Bind familiars.

That being said, we can Create a familiar, but I don't think Nyx is quite learned enough for that yet.

Realms of Sorcery said:
Your Magic Characteristic must be at least 3, you must have the Academic Knowledge (Magic) skill, you must have the Speak Arcane Language (Magick) skill, and you must have one of the following:
• One of these Arcane Lore talents: Death, Fire, Light, Metal, or Shadow.
• The Dark Lore (Chaos or Necromancy) talent.

Your Magic Characteristic must be at least 2, you must have the
Charm Animal skill, and you must have one of the following:
• One of these Arcane Lore talents: Beasts, Fire, the Heavens, Life, Light, or Shadow.
• The Witchcraft talent.
I am morbidly curious about what Madame Pomfrey would say about us Creating a familiar. The Harry Potter wizarding world seems to dislike messing with the soul. Though she wouldn't know that because the books we have are certainly College SecretsTM and would take some extreme character development on Nyx's part to even think about sharing. She might be able to guess if Nyx says things without thinking it completely through.

How our fellow students would find it would be determinate based on what form it would take. That can vary from humanoids and beasts of varying size, and even insubstantial. Then there are the oddities of form. Then there would be the nature of the relationship and its personality.
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