The Shadenight123 Corner, Hugs Need Not Apply
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So, I got greenlit by @Admiral Skippy before posting this thread, so don't you worry gents. It...
For your Streaming/Patreon/Original Fiction Needs
So, to make sure everyone knows (and though I know it might be a bit annoying to have it always present) I'm sticky-ing this post with...pretty much all the info. If the sticky-situation annoys folks, I'll get around to removing it after a week circa. By that time, everyone who might have missed any of the 'info' will have been filled in, and the new recruits-ahem, cultist-ahem, readers will eventually learn it through osmosis.


Offer me a coffee or something:


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Shadenight123. 74 likes. Shadenight123 facebook page, because why the hell not.
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Ten books I have published. More await!
So, I got greenlit by @Admiral Skippy before posting this thread, so don't you worry gents. It is apparently the right place for this.

Similar to the wdango thread, here is where I shall post all those one-shots, snippets, ideas, and whatnot that come through my head, wish to leave, and then are left in a corner of the hard drive to die horrible, slow, deaths until I need more space and thus erase them.

This shall also be a place where I'll put the quest status of the quest I'm doing, the ones I'd like to do, and those I need some crunching before doing.

However, as Admiral Skippy has thus proclaimed, keep the 'Quest-Related' banter of specific quests on their quest threads. Here there shall primarily be User-Fiction discussions.

Now then, to start first things first, a convenient index of stuff...because my Signature? My signature can't hold everything any longer.

(That is the secondary reason for this thread. My signature's reaching the end of its potential, and I need more space!)

So, Verbatim, here stands my Signature, if in an expanded format and with additions to it:

My Fictions on this Forum:

Persona IV - Faust Was Misguided All Along:
Saving those meant to die to kick-start the investigation on the Fool was supposed to make the rest easy, so then why are things spiraling out of control, and why is Izanami coyly smiling? Deus Vult, Shade! Deus Vult!

Grimm Life: Shade is love and everything nice. Shade is also a Grimm in pre-canon RWBY. Things spiral out of control. Chibi-Ruby is cute. Young Ruby is paranoid. This is all Shade's fault somehow.

My Older Siblings Cannot Be the Dragonborn:
Finding yourself dragged to the execution block together with a Nord and a Breton who believe they're your siblings is problematic enough, finding out the Dragonborn is a Bandit Nord? Where is my canon and what have you done to it!?

Noblesse Oblige (Completed):
Zero No Tsukaima/SI. A story of Fluff and Kindness, of growing up in the La Valliere household and altering events, ensuring things turn out fine...even when they don't. Features fluffy birds, loving tenderness and good, happy feelings. Because Shade is Love. Shade is Fluff.

I Have Materia. Your Argument is Invalid (Completed): FF7/SI fic. I was simply taking a train back home. How I ended up in Midgar's train station is anyone's guess, because my memories are what they are. If only Jenova wasn't so interested in feeding me...

Ignis Aurum Probat: Neon Genesis Evangelion AU fic. Due to events, the first battle ends with an eleven year pause in the arrival of the Angels. A Grown-Up Cast faces new dilemmas, new troubles and different dreams and desires. Also, Shinji has a therapist.

The Steep Path Ahead: Zero no tsukaima AU story. Louise is kidnapped as a newborn and left in Germania, the summoning happens in drastically different circumstances, and nobody happily whips anybody around.

Dread Rising (Book One Completed.): Pathfinder-Like Setting. A powerful Lich awakens from slumber, the world he knew and had conquered now not even remembering him, or his reasons. He thus embarks on a quest to recover his lost power, find out who sent him to slumber for thousands of years...and use his Smart-Evil alignment to prove that Evil does not necessarily need an Idiot Ball in hand.

Mook Life: Multicross. Be a mook. Live events. Die horribly. Get reincarnated as a mook elsewhere. Because even faceless mooks may have interesting stories to tell...or painful things to go through.

Fate Stay Write Go (Completed): FSN. We have three main paths as a master and one path as a servant. There are...things, inside. Lots of...things. And stuff. Still, in the process of turning it into a VN (thanks to Mizu and InfiniteDaze)

Grimm Tidings: RWBY. Follow a slight retelling of RWBY with a 'slight' diversion from the beaten path with team BAYN, as Jaune tries his hardest to become a Hero. Yet, the path to fame is always riddled with strife and pain, isn't it?

Soul Art Online (Completed): SAO/DS. Soul Art Online is a multiplayer online game where Humanity is precious, death is at the order of the day and many things are tested. Can the players keep their humanity in the face of ever-growing trials, or will they shatter their morality for an easier path?

I have a very strange Master (Completed): Star Wars/SI, POV of Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka Tano has a very strange master. Scratch that, maybe he's mad from head to toe. But he's also awesome. Maybe, maybe not. Episode I and II out.

Team Bonding. The last Naruto Fic I'll ever write. This shall deal with simple, fluff-filled stuff about Team Seven growing up and becoming the best teammates there ever could be, like no one ever was! Very, very slow pace, very short chapters, but if you want a dose of heartwarming, pass by here. Just be careful with Tora. The Eldricht thing bites.

Dark Wings. Ichika Orimura was successfully kidnapped by Phantom Task. Recovered after a failed mission, how will a half-broken, half-mercenary Ichika deal with...the Infinite Stratos Academy?

Soul Splitter (Completed). SI Pokémon story. Double the Shade, Double The Fun.

Bond Breaker (Completed). First SI Multicross. Keep an eye out for Invisitext and the Meta, there's plenty of both.

Hope Bearer. SI Multicross. Sequel To Bond Breaker. Vacation Time Means Happy Fluff Time, Right? This is the sequel which also holds all those dimensions I would have liked to put in the first one, but I didn't want to bloat the first part, so I placed it in the second one instead.

My Quests:

Welcome to Beauxbatons, You Are Tom Marvolo Riddle:
Be Tom Marvolo Riddle in the most fabulous setting ever. Enjoy the dryad songs and find out the mysteries of the golden palace. Will you have FUN?

Skyrim Quest. My first Riot Quest. You are a mook in the Imperial Legion. Burn down the cities you're charged in protecting! Praise Talos! Praise Sheogorath! Do madness and face-palms in abundance! And remember that the Legionnaires' hymn is 'Kill the Thalmor!'

Keep Ruler. Rule A Keep. (Quest). A try on a management Quest, hopefully it will go well.

Thicker Than Blood. Harry Dresden Quest. Be Nathaniel, Ax-Loving Guy. This has recently restarted to boot. I hopefully can convey Jim Butcher's ever-increasing odds of despair with only the skin-of-the-teeth salvation at the end.
Or maybe not, and Axing shall fall on poor fae and warlocks alike.
Poor, poor Fae.

Quests 'Dropped'.

Welcome to Hogwarts, You Are A Wizard SV! You are Alexander Crouch. Ravenclaw Wizard First Year.

Hero Hive Creatures Quest You are Emiya Shirou, governing the Zerg, in Halkeginia. Things can't possibly be worst-oh wait a second is that Gilgamesh and Magical Girl Ilya over there!? Joy! Pure. Joy!

Me Elsewhere

Tvtropes pages for my fics, help is appreciated: Bond Breaker , Introverted , The Eyes

Twitter. Facebook. Deviantart. Amazon. I have a Wordpress now.


My Fanfiction:

My Fanfiction Page

I personally suggest ignoring everything before Introverted. And of Introverted, I suggest reading past the Chuunin Exam, first test, because a lot of people stop there without understand it was a lie. That said, it is the core of Grim-Darkness-Derpness, so take it with a pinch of salt.

(Why then, do they still stand there? Those other fics, which I no longer consider worthy of being read? Because they are a testament to the changing of my writing style, of course!)

At 'Great Request': The Boy in the Park. This story is not endorsed by Shadenight123 in no way at all. It is not in line with his usual writing and should thus be considered an exception that confirms the rule. No, seriously, this is fluff.

My Published Book: The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.

And this should be all for the Signature and stuff.

With that out of the way, well, let's get this discussion going with some good asking.

Readers! Followers of the Cult of Shadenight -Yes, I have those too! Damn Huggers! (I'm watching you! Don't you dare near with your hugs!) Those who vote in my quests! (I really should update a couple. Give me a couple more minutes and some will be updated)

Things People Say about me:

@Taisei : "Your stories do inspire a bittersweet trippy sensation of sadness and grief. If I had to use an analogy to describe your writing, it's kind of like having sex with a quality prostitute who looks like someone you have a crush on, feeling sick afterward, then waking up and realizing it was a dream. You inspire that feeling in me; hold onto that."

@Bladestar123: "The name Shade is forever immortalized as belonging to a psychopath swinging a light saber through the multiverse."

'It could use a bit of Shadenight123 in it' has become a common term to define a desire for less Harem-Troping in a fic.

to Shade: vb. To act in a highly abrasive, yet entertaining manner, to use deep insight and knowledge of someones mental build to ones advantage, to preach about negative emotions and coffee.

I don't trust Shade when he shows signs. If he stood next to a road with a "Rome" sign, I would still ask him where is he hichhiking, and I would be fully ready for the answer to be "Santa's House".

Dark Ness: To Shade=To write a great story that also involves paranoia and ANGST in large amounts

But we can always improve.

And this thread shall serve precisely that purpose.

Thus, people, let's start discussing stuff. General Writing stuff. What would you like to see written by yours truly? What would you like to be improved in the upcoming chapters of new fics? Would you like an Omake? If so of what?

As always, my creed remains unchanged.

I am an average writer, but this does not mean I have to stay average. Thus, let us improve.
-I think for a starting post this is more than enough. Any Fic/Quest I forgot to put up in here? Do tell!-
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We're proud of you wdango. You also happen to be a terrible influence (and a pervasive one).

I have no idea what fic you are talking about.

Seriously. Did I ever write something like that in the first place?

Are you sure you aren't referring to "The Boy in the Team"? That fic about that poor Male-Sakura surrounded by Gary-Stu Sasuke and Mary-Sue Naruko? Are you sure!?

Indeed, I refer to that wonderful fic that seems to truly encompass your writing style in the hearts of all your dear readers. You should be more proud of it! With all the people referencing it in your newer works, why, it's more popular than ever!
Is Dark Wings dead? Or are you simply just focusing on Hope Bearer?

I was actually half way through an update.
And then the draft lost it.

Discouraged, I waited a few weeks.

Then, I went for another try.

Again, I am not a smart man. Thus, I lost it once more.

They do say third time is the charm, but it is currently on Microsoft Word...and inspiration doesn't flow when it's there.

And yes, wdango is a horrible influence on the world.
I was actually half way through an update.
And then the draft lost it.

Discouraged, I waited a few weeks.

Then, I went for another try.

Again, I am not a smart man. Thus, I lost it once more.

They do say third time is the charm, but it is currently on Microsoft Word...and inspiration doesn't flow when it's there.

And yes, wdango is a horrible influence on the world.

My inspiration is on pages. Looks better.
Wow...this post made me remember a lot of fics that I've read...

I started reading fanfiction by procrastinating on a super boring day. I started browsing FF...

Going through the Naruto fanfic section - I'll have to say at least 60% were pure shipping fics, 30% had hilarious bashing and other stuff like Naruto making another nation or getting super angsty with Naruto getting owned when he hit Sasuke too much etc.

Basically, my point is that 99.9% of all those fanfics were absolutely unreadable and 99.99% were bad. Even so...shadenight123....your fics were basically the top of that 0.01% that I read.

Back then with those fics as comparisons...I liked Introverted, the Boy in the Team and The Harsh Truth.
They were interesting. They were well written past some weird rough patches.

Firstly, I like how you think that the Boy in the Team had Mary Sues or Gary Stus. I'm trying to recall it...but I don't think it was as bad as you put it. If there was certainly not as bad as in canon.

Yes...with reflection now, the Harsh Truth was probably a bit too angsty, and I probably skimmed through some weird grammar parts. I think I screamed at the screen at Minato, Anko and Danzo being extremely frustrating and stupid. But the good moments were gold. It was like Game of Thrones with all the characters following their own plot with unintended consequences. Chapter 12 will forever hold a moment in my heart. It made me feel. The bad parts were forgiveable.
Chapter 12 will forever hold a moment in my heart. It made me feel. The bad parts were forgiveable.

Have a hug.

That said, I reckon I am my own worst critic. Frankly, whenever I do get back to re-read something I wrote, I immediately fill in the tropes, the 'this is a bit too much angsty' and so forth.
But I can't help it.

And if @InfiniteDaze uses Mac... *shudders* well, let's not start a Mac Vs Linux Vs Windows war in here.

But really? How does it look like with 'Pages' as a program?
Have a hug.

That said, I reckon I am my own worst critic. Frankly, whenever I do get back to re-read something I wrote, I immediately fill in the tropes, the 'this is a bit too much angsty' and so forth.
But I can't help it.

And if @InfiniteDaze uses Mac... *shudders* well, let's not start a Mac Vs Linux Vs Windows war in here.

But really? How does it look like with 'Pages' as a program?

Actually, for some reason I can only get it to flow good for my self when I'm on my Ipad. When I'm on my Mac then I type it online.
Whatever happened to Love Crafter?

Budget cuts.
Well, I realized it was kind of...jarring. I mean, it featured an OC Lovecraft book in a Multicross world. Better to make a sequel to Bond Breaker rather than write a 'Spin-Off' with the verve of a Harem Comedy.

Honestly I never made it past the first authors note. The animation just wasn't my style.
Honestly I never made it past the first authors note. The animation just wasn't my style.

Yeah, I can understand that. The studio changed before the project could be completed. Being a spin-off, it didn't have the main cast behind it, and the voice actress portraying Elsa was completely different from the one of the main series.
Yeah, I can understand that. The studio changed before the project could be completed. Being a spin-off, it didn't have the main cast behind it, and the voice actress portraying Elsa was completely different from the one of the main series.

I looked through the ost. It wasn't right. For a guy who makes dark atmospheric music light hearted music just wasn't his style.
I just watched this.

It's Chess.
With Warhammer.
And with the pawns having abilities to spruce things up.

I looked through the ost. It wasn't right. For a guy who makes dark atmospheric music light hearted music just wasn't his style.

I know what you mean.
That said though, what do you think would be a good ambient music, say, while reading any of my fics? Like a soundtrack going on as one is reading.
I know what you mean.
That said though, what do you think would be a good ambient music, say, while reading any of my fics? Like a soundtrack going on as one is reading.

Your fics (well your SI ones) tend to focus on mind breaks as the main way to despair. I feel like suggesting something that is orchestral and slow for atmosphere, a fast paced one with a steady rhythm but still managing to be creepy (see magia from Madoka Magica) for action scenes, and for the fluffy bits put a happy song that some how feels wrong.
Any chance on you revisiting the King at Hogwards? I really liked the original story and just seeing the bad ass from that bitch slapping all the canon characters would be worth it.
I would say that his meta angst is his strong point.

Which falls flat on other things.
Any chance on you revisiting the King at Hogwards? I really liked the original story and just seeing the bad ass from that bitch slapping all the canon characters would be worth it.

Unfortunately no. As much as I could actually write something crackish or slap-stick like a...

You just gave me an idea. Catch you later on this thread with the results of the idea.

That said, I just now finished insulting that which is Alienware and their disk protection systems that prevent someone from installing a windows 8.1 over a windows 7 version because Alienware seems paranoid enough everything that can be said has been said on them.


Note to everyone: the virus known as scrvmina *or something similar* is not that difficult to remove -you just wipe out everything and reinstall- but if you're on an alienware platform, you better believe shit is going to come down.