The Rules of Engagement (YGO/RWBY, CookieQuest)

A Yugioh/RWBY cross with a dimensionally displaced Ruby as Pegasus's adopted daughter. Interesting concept I look forward to seeing more. Particularly the part where Ruby uses her adorableness to roadblock Pegasus whenever he starts being really evil.

Also a funny thing:
= "The Soul of Mankind" World Chosen: Auracraft and the Creatures of Grimm may be encountered throughout your new lifetime. Duel Monsters and the Spirit Realms are born from the collective souls of mankind… and something else.
In the original series* Duel Monsters, or rather Ka spirits actually were born from human souls.

*The Waking the Dragon's arc was noncanon filler that didn't happen in the manga. Hence why the ancient Egyptian origin for Duel Monsters clashes with the Atlantian Dominion of Beasts.
1.1 Kinesis
[X] - You are LITTLE RED SNIPING HOOD, and your greatest desire is to RETURN TO YOUR BELOVED DEATHWORLD. Your life had been safe and warm on the island of Patch, until your idiot sister dragged you into the monster-infested woods in a desperate attempt to find her mommy. You were quickly set upon by a horde of evil red-eyed wolves, but you managed to awaken your Semblance and teleport away in the nick of time. Unfortunately, you woke up in a forest on an island called Duelist Kingdom, and found that you aren't in Kansas anymore. You were then found by a silver-haired man called Maximillion Pegasus who wants to adopt you. You don't know what to do next, but you do know something - you are going to figure out this Soul Magic stuff. Then, you can find a way to go back home, so you can cry all over your sister and make everything right again, or your name is not RUBY ROSE. (RWBY Cross, Medium Difficulty)

The Rules of Engagement

1.1 Kinesis


"Just a little while longer, Rubes," your sister whispers, more to herself than the shivering bundle in the hand-cart. "Just a little while longer."

For the first time in your life, you don't believe your sister. Yang had said the same thing an hour ago when she had dragged you into the haunted forests surrounding Patch, despite your father's nighttime horror stories and a thousand years of cultural conditioning screaming "Danger! Danger! Danger!" into your brains. She had said the same thing some thirty minutes' past when the well-worn Huntsmens' trail had been worn away until only Grimm tracks remained, and the howls of the monsters under the bed had proven themselves all too real. And she had said it again not five minutes prior when the sun had fallen below the horizon, and all you could see was black.

Patch is the safest island in the world - Daddy had told you so, and Daddy never lied. But this world is still Remnant, and Remnant is not the kind of world small children can wander around forests in. Even on the island paradise home to a thousand retired Huntsmen, ten thousand trainees of the same, and backed by the might of the Kingdom of Vale, the Grimm still roamed.

Whether they be conjured, summoned, or beckoned by the fears of mankind, the Creatures of Grimm will never be exterminated from the forests of Patch. You don't want to believe it, don't want to think your sister so foolish or your own life so fragile, but those heart-rending howls came from no mundane wolf. The Grimm, those bone-masked, black-fleshed abominations Daddy whispers to you about on the darkest nights, are out there - and there is no light of day or steel-gauntleted Huntsman to fend them off. Not anymore.

"When the monsters are all around you and there's no one there to protect you, know this, Ruby," Daddy had told you. "The Grimm can taste your fear. Soothe your heart and calm your soul. The last rose of Summer will not be left blooming alone."
("Last Rose of Summer (Low)" Trait Acquired)
You try. Oh, how you try, alone under the blackness of night with only your sister and your mother's cloak to hide you from the world. But it is hard - so very hard. With every howl of the Beowulves, with every creaking of aged branches on the wind, and with every terrified, empty promise on your sister's lips, you curl up tighter and tighter, and you whimper louder and louder.

All it takes is a rock on the path and a bump in the cart for you to scream with fear and despair.

"Just a little while longer, Ruby!" Yang shrieks back, breaking out into a full-force sprint, the cart skidding along the earth behind her. "We'll find Mommy! Just a little while longer!"

If Yang says anything else, you will never find out. The howling, the keening, soul-rending howling rises in pitch and number. One, two, three, five, eight, twelve- an entire pack of Beowulves join the chorus, roaring a challenge to the moon and a promise to their prey. You will never forget that sound, that horrible, horrible sound, and you will never forget the terror and misery that threaten to consume you whole long before the Creatures of Grimm can do it themselves.

The hand-cart, designed for paved city roads and carpeted household rooms, can't handle the wear and tear of a dead-sprint on a muddy forest floor. The front wheel strikes a second stone, then a third and a fourth, and it veers off course and topples clean over. You scream again as the entire world spins around and you roll out of the cage of plastic and paint, tearing bloody gashes in your back and beloved cloak on the rock-strewn ground.

The pain brings the entire terrifying ordeal into crystal-clear focus. The Grimm's howling, the forests' darkness, your sister's lunacy, the agony and the blood and the fearfearfear that drowns you under a tidal wave of horror-

You see a monster. Its black flesh fades into the shadows of the forest, its bone-white mask stark against the night sky, backlit by redredred eyes that promise a bloody, horrible death. It slinks closer, larger, claws like steak knives tearing furrows in the earth. It growls, a deep, primal thing, like a beast that's finally been freed from its cage, and you see the terrible, terrible fangs glimmer in the starlight.

You scream, tearing your throat apart with the sheer force of your horror made manifest.

I'm not gonna survive this, you think, a terrified numbness glazing over your eyes. And then, I wish Mommy was here. I miss her. I wish I can go to Mommy…

The monster pounces-
("Lupophobia" Irrationality Acquired)
And your soul is set on fire.

(The last thing you see before the world calls 'lights out!' is your sister's whitewhitewhite face.)


The sky is crying. That's good - you hate crying alone.

You feel… tired. The exhaustion is bone-deep and crippling, and you can't move for fear that you'll leave your body behind. You have never felt so weary before, never felt so bloodied and broken, as if your soul has burned itself out.

Aura ex… exhaustion? you wonder. Uncle Qrow mentioned it before, when he slouched home after three months missing. He had looked like you feel, as empty and stretched as the sky.

"Like someone tore out your soul and replaced it with an angry porcupine," he had said, if mockingly. You can't help but agree.

My Aura must have woken up, then, you realize, almost absently. You're not sure how long it takes to divine this; the sky is still crying, your soul is still burning, and you can't hear anything over the pounding of your own heart. Back home, awakening your Aura would be cause for celebration, with cookies and chocolate milk and presents and even more cookies, but… When the Beowulf…

"Yang!" you cry out, and choke down a scream. Your throat feels like it's been run through a cheese grater. Your hands clutch at it helplessly as you shiver on the cold earth.

Pain won't stop you from being a loyal sister, though. You may be less than trusting of your sister's common sense at the moment, but Mommy had told you to always watch over Yang as she does to you, and you had understood. You may be many things, but disloyal is not one of them.

You stagger to your feet and look around - and immediately fall back down to your knees in despair.

This… this isn't Patch. The elder trees that had felt so mammoth and fearsome are missing, stolen and replaced by low, rolling hills when your back was turned. The endless deluge of rain scours the earth clean and sweeps away the dirt and dust, flooding the valleys with crystal water. Vast, gaping clouds stretch from horizon to horizon, blocking off the sun as surely as the forest's canopy has. There's an almost palpable sense of misery in the air, thick and cloying and lonely. …Oh, wait. That's just you.

Your stars are missing. Your trees and your buildings and your dog are all missing. Your Daddy is missing, your uncle is missing, your sister is missing, everything is missing and you feel so alone. You don't want to be here, anymore. You want to be somewhere, anywhere else, where you won't feel so alone, and where someone will hold you tight and tell you everything will be okay-

Your soul burns, but nothing happens. Empty. All empty, and no soul left.
("Broken Reactor (Medium High)" Magical Trait Acquired)
My Semblance must be tele… teleportation, you think in dawning horror. A daughter of two Huntsmen, you know all about Aura, and all the nifty little things it can do. Your Semblance must have awoken as your Aura did, in defense of your life. You're grateful, truly you are, but…
("Translocation (Un-Rank)" Semblance Acquired)
…How do I get back home?

You don't know. You don't know.

"Yang will come for me," you whisper, voice rough and desperate. "Yang swore. She said she would always come for me."

And so you curl up in the mud and dirt and wait.

And wait.

And wait…

…When someone finally comes for you, it isn't Yang, or Uncle Qrow, or even Daddy, but a strange man with silver hair and a drenched red-velvet suit, and you feel something deep inside your newly awakened soul shrivel and die.

And so you scream and scream and scream until you run out of tears and misery and fear, and you just feel tired, so very tired. You fall asleep in unknown arms.


When you wake up, for a second, a single, glorious second, you think it all a dream, just a horrible dream.

"Hello, Ruby-girl," a kind voice says, and the delusion is scattered like ashes in the wind. This doesn't stir up any great sadness or anger - just a sort of resigned exhaustion. Your eyes open slowly.

Your first thought - she's really pretty. There's a portrait on the wall, easily as tall as you and twice as expensive, no easy feat considering your cookie addiction. The scrollwork is intricate and without flaw, the texture of her golden hair masterfully done, but you don't care about any of that. What matters to you are her eyes, wide and blue and full of warmth, seeming almost alive. Anyone with eyes like that, you know, just has to be a good person.

"My wife, Cecilia," the voice continues, pained fondness coloring his voice. "She died many years ago."

"…Oh," you say. What else could you? Your eyes shyly raise to his, one a dark amber and the other hidden by glossy hair, but they quickly retreat to the feather-soft hospital blankets covering you. Pudgy fingers reach out and grip on your oversized cloak, still enshrouding your small body under the covers, and you relax to it's comforting feel. "…My mom died too," you admit lowly.

"I'm sorry. That must be hard."

The following silence is horribly awkward- for you, at least. The man with the silver hair just reclines in his plush chair, a comic book - of all things! - in his hands.

You look around the hospital room, unable to look at the man who rescued you from the forest without an embarrassed flush warming your cheeks. This quickly bores you, however; all the walls are a slate white, the room is empty save for the bed underneath you, the man on the chair, and the dark television on the ceiling, and there's absolutely nothing to do.

There's a not-so-tiny part of you that wants to leap out of bed and track down Yang, no matter how far away she is. You could do it, too; your freshly awakened Aura has already healed up all your injuries, though it has done nothing for the sense of soul-deep exhaustion that makes every breath both a chore and a soothing relief. Still, your fingers itch, wanting something, anything, to do.

(Maybe… if you had something else to focus on… you wouldn't think about Yang anymore, and the cold, sharp pain of loneliness would go away.

You could hope.)

"Ah, my apologies, Ruby-girl," the man says in an exaggerated tone of voice, sounding like Uncle Qrow when he's mocking the over-the-top head professor at Signal. "I forgot to turn the TV on."

All it takes is a snap of his fingers for the blank screen to start streaming Saturday morning cartoons, and you feel something approaching awe. You wish you could summon cartoons like that.

The show features outlaw villain Funny Bunny, who's constantly getting up to wacky hijinks, stealing millions in cold cash and prized antiques, and evading capture from the heroic Ruff Ruff McDogg. Throughout the course of the episode, the pink rabbit in red overalls defaces a public monument, robs a bank, traumatizes a small kitten, breaks down three doors, frames an innocent pig for his crimes, and laughs all the way. The silver-haired man is laughing along with him, always beginning a second before the punchline, as if he has the entire episode memorized down to the individual jokes.

You huff at him, embarrassment forgotten. Why is he cheering on the dastardly villain? Ruff Ruff is clearly the star of the show! "I'm gonna be a hero when I grow up," you say challengingly. "Jus' like Sheriff McDogg."

The man gasps, looking scandalized. "You want to be like that humorless stick-in-the-mud? Funny Bunny is clearly just having some harmless fun!"

"We watchin' the same show?" you taunt back. In the heat of the moment, your old lisp comes back, and you utterly fail to notice. "Funny Bunny should be 'rrested for the good of ta' people."

"How dare you, Ruby-girl!" he says. Now, he sounds less like Uncle Qrow mocking his colleagues and more like Daddy playing along with your and Yang's Huntsmen-and-Hunted make-believe games. "Funny Bunny is a cultural icon, a symbol of freedom and hope for these people, that they can do whatever they want and become whoever they want! To lock him up? What a horrible thing to say!"

"He's a no-good crook!"

This continues on for quite some time.

You never noticed that you hadn't given him your name.

"Well, I never," he finally says, ending the discussion. Credits roll down the television screen and the man's comic book - featuring that same villain on the cover, laughing like a loon - was forgotten on the chair's arm some twenty minutes past. "I guess you don't want this rare card after all!"

He waves a small playing card in front of you. All you see is the card's back, a swirling vortex of bronze and black, and a pair of bulging, cartoonish eyes, before he's tucking it under his comic book.

"The game of Duel Monsters is followed nigh-religiously world-wide," he boasts, "And I invented it! With this card, you'd win all your duels."

"Never heard of it."

"You've never heard of it?" For not the first time that morning, he looks like he might just faint. "Duel Monsters is the number-one most popular method of resolving disputes in over sixty countries! It's all-but hallowed by the Rules of Engagement! Tournaments are held around the entire world, and the prize money can range into the millions!"

You blink. There are sixty countries?

"Why, in Japan, a teenager's mastery over the game has led to him building with his own two hands the KaibaCorp, a household name, one of the premier purveyors of cutting-edge technology on all of planet Earth!"

Your heart skips a beat. Japan? KaibaCorp? Earth?

"Duel Monsters' meteoric rise is unprecedented, why, I would say it is even-"

"Where am I?" you cut in rudely, but you can't help it. You're barely holding a second panic attack at bay and you can't have another, you just can't.

"Why, Duelist Kingdom, Ruby-girl," he says, and your world shatters.

You're crying - but not the loud, bawling shrieks from your arrival, or the agonized screams from your fall. They're quiet tears, silent tears, and all you can do is pull your hood over your head and hide from the world. You shake, slowly at first, then faster and faster as the tears come in rivers-

-and the man is there, pulling you against his shoulder and letting you just… let it all out.

"There, there, Ruby-girl," he says, soothingly. "We'll find a way to get you back home. Don't worry. We'll find a way, my Saturday morning hero. We'll find a way."

You never notice the gleam of his Millennium Eye.


When you wake, you feel - well, not good, but better. Much better.

You slip out of bed on light feet and nearly slip on a fallen card. You wheel your arms frantically in a bid to catch your balance, but trip and fall back onto the thankfully-soft mattress.

Growling like a baby tiger, you roll out of bed and crouch down next to the guilty card. You flip it over, but the face on the other side doesn't look ashamed in the least. In fact, it looks down-right smug, like that villain Funny Bunny after a successful caper. You're not sure you like this card, this-

[] - Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon.

[X] - Red-Eyes Toon Dragon.

[] - Toon Cyber Dragon.

[] - Write-In? (Must be Toon, mustn't be humanoid or capable of speech)

Then, it winks at you. With clawed paws, it reaches out of the card, grabbing onto the edges for support, and bodily lifts itself up and away from its plastic prison. As it does so, it expands, growing larger and larger, and in mere moments it's the size of your head.

You squeak, dropping the card and reeling back. Your knees buckle on the mattress' edge and you collapse into the sea of blankets, again, and you can hear the Toon's laugh as it darts around in circles. Then, winking at you mockingly, it turns and bolts away from the hospital room.

"It's… it's like Funny Bunny," you whisper in dawning horror. "It's gonna commit all the crimes."

A second later, you're up and darting after it. It leads you into-

[] - A prototype Duel Arena, hidden deep under a royal castle. You see two boys with blue hair, far from parental oversight, quietly dueling with machine cards in the long shadow of the Arena.

[] - A library of Duel Monster cards, far more than you can count. You see a boy with silver hair, dressed in an obnoxious silver dress shirt and hating it, looking at the cards with a gleam in his eye.

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-like illusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.


On A Winged Horse I Ride (Pending):
You'll never call him Daddy, but being the daughter of a man like Maximillion Pegasus grants certain boons… Cards, mostly. Lots and lots of cards.

Duel Monsters:
Saturday Morning Hero (Deck) (Pending):
You found a box of rare cards in your pocket. The thought of beating adults up in duels with cartoon monsters fills you with unholy glee.

Broken Reactor (Medium High):
Your soul burns, but nothing happens. Empty. All empty, and no soul left.
Translocation (Semblance) (Un-Rank): You possess the ability to travel from point A to point B with no time spent traversing in-between. …You think.

Chibi Changeling (High):
You are *raises five fingers* this many! Your ability to influence the world has been reduced.
Last Rose of Summer (Low): You are and always will be a denizen of Remnant, and a follower of its strange ideals.
Lupophobia: You were nearly mauled by a Beowulf as a young child. Close encounters of the lupine kind may cause you to act Irrationally.
The Road Less Traveled By (Very Low): You have a strange affinity for travel and distance. You think, maybe, just maybe, you can eventually learn to travel from point A to point B - with no time spent traversing in between.

Return to Remnant (Priority):
Family is the most important thing - Daddy said so, and Daddy never lies. You desperately want to return to Remnant.
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Okay so it's before Bakura takes his eye, that narrows down the Deck disposables for the moment.

[X] - Red-Eyes Toon Dragon.

Red-Eyes needs more love, even as a toon. *But what about Joey having normal red eyes* What about Joey! *Fair point*

[X] - A library of Duel Monster cards, far more than you can count. You see a boy with silver hair, dressed in an obnoxious silver dress shirt and hating it, looking at the cards with a gleam in his eye.

Speak of the flufy! (Abridged voices, I cannot not read them in anything else. not a bad thing)
[x] Toon Barrel Dragon

Looked at toons on the wiki, saw this one had a "flip 3 coins, destroy a card if you get two correct" effect, the Hearthstone fan in me cannot resist the allure of RNG even though I'm pretty sure it's objectively worse than the 3 provided options.

I have no idea who the characters we're supposed to be meeting in the other vote are.
[x] Toon Barrel Dragon
you know what this seems to fit Ruby a lot, a dragon made of guns? This screams Ruby, would be even better if there was a dragon made of cookies and guns.

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-likeillusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favoritedancing Monsters with delighted giggles.
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[x] Toon Barrel Dragon

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-likeillusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.
I have no idea who the characters we're supposed to be meeting in the other vote are.
In order:
[] - A prototype Duel Arena, hidden deep under a royal castle. You see two boys with blue hair, far from parental oversight, quietly dueling with machine cards in the long shadow of the Arena.

[] - A library of Duel Monster cards, far more than you can count. You see a boy with silver hair, dressed in an obnoxious silver dress shirt and hating it, looking at the cards with a gleam in his eye.

[] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-like illusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.
Zane and Syrus Truesdale

Aster Phoenix

Atticus and Alexis Rhodes (I think)
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[x] Toon Barrel Dragon

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-like illusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.

Gun Dragon for the Gun Queen!
[X] - Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

I have fond memories of this card, nothing quite like doing 3000 points of direct damage. Right now I am living for the moment that Ruby learns to use her aura to summon her monsters and brings such knowledge back to Remnant. Next time the Grim attack they will have to face this!
[X] - Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

[X] - A prototype Duel Arena, hidden deep under a royal castle. You see two boys with blue hair, far from parental oversight, quietly dueling with machine cards in the long shadow of the Arena.
[X]Toon Rose Dragon
Ok, probably not a valid thing (see "custom card" in the link there), but so fitting!

(being less than knowledgable about such things, i just ran a google search for yugioh toon cards, this was one of the images it spat out.)
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You know, toon or not the Blue Eyes Toon Dragon is still one of the most powerful creatures of Light there is. And Grim are made of Darkness.

And unlike Zorc I highly doubt their is any Grim in Remnant that can withstand its light.
[x] Toon Barrel Dragon

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-likeillusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.
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[x] Toon Barrel Dragon

In order:

Zane and Syrus Truesdale

Aster Phoenix

Atticus and Alexis Rhodes (I think)
..."Throws canon knowledge out the door."

[X]Toon Rose Dragon
Ok, probably not a valid thing (see "custom card" in the link there), but so fitting!

(being less than knowledgable about such things, i just ran a google search for yugioh toon cards, this was one of the images it spat out.)

That effect is way too strong for a two star card that's more what I'd expect from an 8+ star card. With it's low stats though I'd say it's a 5/6 star card.

Edit oh it's also missing the toon trademark of attacking your opponent directly if they don't control any toon monsters effect.
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[X] - Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-like illusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.
..."Throws canon knowledge out the door."
That effect is way too strong for a two star card that's more what I'd expect from an 8+ star card. With it's low stats though I'd say it's a 5/6 star card.

My experience with the game is a couple of starter/theme decks years ago. *shrugs* figured it'd need reworking Somehow to be playable, but then again, Anime + Pegasus. Just because it's horribly broken doesn't mean it wouldn't be a thing in universe. Heh.
But yeah, chose it for the themantic aspects and meeting the non humanoid/can't talk requirments. Not even slightly attached to its stats.
[X] - Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-like illusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.
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[x] Toon Barrel Dragon

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-likeillusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.
Ok I'm gonna make a cliff notes version of the cad effects of the three card options

All of them can attack the opponent's life points directly while Toon World is on the field if the opponent controls no Toon monsters except Blue-eyes which doesnt require Toon world on the field to attack directly the opponent still can't controll any Toon monsters though.

None of them can attack the turn they are summoned.

If a Toon World on the field is destroyed all Toon monsters are destroyed as well.

Blue-eyes can only be summoned with two sacrifices while Toon World is on the field/

Blue-eyes requires you to pay 500 lifepoints whenever you attack with it.

stat wise blue eyes is the strongest of the three.

Red-eyes can be summoned with two sacrifices. It doesn't require Toon World be on the field to summon.

We can summon one Toon monster a turn from our hand while ignoring it's summoning conditions. We can't summon another Red-eyes with this affect

stat wise it's the second strongest of the three.

Cyber can be summoned with no sacrifices if the opponent controls no monsters if they do then you have to sacrifice a monster to summon it. It doesn't require Toon World be on the field to summon.

Stat wise it's the weakest of the three.

And since it's a contender now I'll do Barrel Dragon too.

The first three points apply to it.

it requires two sacrifices to summon. It doesn't require Toon World be on the field to summon.

Once per turn it can pick a card on the field and flips a coin three times if at least two of the results are heads it destroys the card.

Stat wise it's between Red and Blue Eyes.

I'm gonna go red-eyes since it can bypass Blue-eyes's restriction and summon it without toon world.

[X] - Red-Eyes Toon Dragon.

[X] - A holographic Duel Monster generator, conjuring life-like illusions. You see a boy and a girl, brother and sister by their similar faces, projecting their favorite dancing Monsters with delighted giggles.

Edit: in hindsight I realize after posting this I could have just copied the card effects from the wiki instead of wasting an hour writing this whole thing. :facepalm:
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[X] Toon Barrel Dragon

[X] - A library of Duel Monster cards, far more than you can count. You see a boy with silver hair, dressed in an obnoxious silver dress shirt and hating it, looking at the cards with a gleam in his eye.
[] - Toon Cyber Dragon.

Assuming we're playing with mostly non-anime rules, this and red eyes are the only candidates that are any use. Soul exchange can only carry the game so much, and getting useless seven drops isn't a good idea. Maybe my mindset is wrong for the anime timeline, but blue-eyes and barrel dragon are really worthless you'd have to do some wasteful moves to even get them onto the field.

Edit: Changing to this instead since Cyber isn't going to win.
[X] - Red-Eyes Toon Dragon.
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