The Radiant Shepherd - A Warhammer 40K God-Emperor Quest

Nah when I say subjugation I mean subjugation in the form of Imperial Governors, laws, and Emperor worship.
Why is this in any way objectively necessary? I don't think it is.

Like, we don't actually have to drink the Imperium's overtly fascist propaganda Kool-Aid here. We can be roleplaying the Emperor trying to fix shit while still being aware that "ability to coexist peacefully and have some respect for other people's cultures as long as those cultures don't involve beating you to death" is in fact a good thing, not a form of weakness.
Let's drop the discussion of whether the Imperium stuff is justified, pls.
I don't mind dropping it, but it should be noted that saying "we should totally demand that all alien species be subjugated" is itself an implicit claim on whether or not Imperium stuff is justified. It's just a way of indirectly staking out the position that 'yes, yes it is.'
There are multiple examples of the Imperium working with xenos in the short term. So it isn't impossible. It's just going to be very hard for you to implement any kind of long term coexistence policy that goes beyond "We'll ignore you if you don't provoke us."
There are multiple examples of the Imperium working with xenos in the short term. So it isn't impossible. It's just going to be very hard for you to implement any kind of long term coexistence policy that goes beyond "We'll ignore you if you don't provoke us."
Frankly that's probably good enough as a top-level imperial policy. Actual interaction and trade with alien species should probably be a local matter, at least until the Imperium is far more centralized and organized than it is now. Just normalizing "we won't randomly decide to blow up entire species of essentially civilized beings who just want to do their thing" would be a big step up.

Why should we give aliens worlds special privileges that we don't give human worlds if we are bringing them into the Imperium.
Are you working under the paradigm that we're compelled to conquer alien-inhabited planets that we don't actually govern at the moment?

Does having deals that recognize them as independent polities not count as "bringing them in?" Maybe I've been misunderstanding you all along.
Can't we all just come together and agree to a 'peaceful' interaction with any future Xenos we come across? Like for starters if the Xenos are primitives in a Stone Age setting we can either just leave them alone or, this is if they have some type of special abilities/organs for example, we can make 'soft' contact with them with no intent of removing their religions or lifestyles. Introduce ourselves to them and offer to slightly raise their standards of living if only to better study their biology and use them as assisted fodder for our wars.

If come across any space faring Xenos that have their miniture empires we can make peaceful contact with them and set up trade deals. Of course if the Imperium starts having Black Crusade like events and said Xenos empire decides to attack while the Imperium is preoccupied at the moment...Well we can just, on the surface, ruthlessly beat them back, tell them we want immediate concessions and go back to trading. Behind backdoors though we will be taking stock of our soldiers, ammunition, territories and be preparing to start a Xenos extinction campaign for that alien empire that attacked us while we were busy doing other stuff at the time. This is just simply done for the fact we are not wasting resources again for when said Xenos empire decides to once again stab us in the back later on.
I don't think there's any good reason we should resign ourselves to the idea that the Imperium has to be incapable of winning a war against an alien species without killing them all. It clearly is more or less thus incapable now, and it clearly was more or less likewise incapable in the 30k era. But it doesn't have to be. There's no reason to build an "and then we necessarily kill them all for backstabbing us" step into the plan that involves "and then we defeat them in war for backstabbing us."
I don't see why we shouldn't try to make alliances with some of the more reasonable xenos in the Galaxy. As of right now Chaos is our biggest threat with the Nids in second place and the Ghazzy Gang in third. So I figure he'd view exterminating anything else that could be reasoned with as a waste of resources.

For people saying it'd be OOC for Big E to cooperate with Xenos he did make some exceptions here and there for races that could be used to benefit mankind
and could stay around a bit longer before being killed. So at the very least Big E would be open to something like either a temporary truce or temp alliance and then have them wiped out after the big threats are felt with.

While the Eldar are up there for alliances, the Tau are also and option so long as we send in some assassin's to kill the Ethereals and assuming they don't connect the attacks to us we could swoop in and convince them to at least help us with pest control of the Nids and Orks so that we have more bodies to throw at Chaos.
I mean I am not a fan of alliances I want conquest.

You can have your damn conquest when you fix that goddamn door!

But for real, either we conquest now and watch as Failbbadon carves up our Imperium, or we (at the very least) pause the conquest to preserve

Didn't he just subjugate usefull Xenos. Rather than having any sort of equal partnerships with non human factions.

Yeah, 30K Xenos interactions manly involved either exterminating an entire Xenos race, or subjugate them instead to serve as either canon fodder for future conflicts or slaves.

While it isn't totally unheard of for 40K Imperium officials to form some form of "equal" partnerships with Xenos, they're very short-term and made to deal with an unknown threat or a bigger threat period, and the moment they end said Xenos gets filled with lead and lasers.

Though Rogue Traders do deal with Xenos, but they're another thing entirely.
And does it matter that we only have one example of it? It still sets the precedent: If you can prove that you're useful to Mankind and the Imperium and not a a threat or a liability you will be made into a protectorate.

Like the Jokareo.

lmao x3

1)that was 30k imperium,not 40k
2) and even then the imperium relation with xenos was a "we will kill you later" type deal

neither was anything remotely closely to peaceful sustainable co-existance,all other stories in 30k involving xenos are about xenocide,and the few diplomacies attempts we see are sabotaged by other imperial commanders

im not against pursuing alliances and peace treaties with xenos, but to fix an issue first you need a honest assesment of it,and the truth here is that most of the imperium is it stands currently would rather sacrifice 10 planets to kill one xeno planet than coop to save a thousand human worlds

we will be having uphill fight to change that
I just don't like aliens... well, I don't like the Aeldari. Tau are nice folks, if you ignore the casteism.

But the Eldar thoughhhhh, I've only ever seen them being portrayed as a race that doomed itself to eternal damnation. Despite that however, they're somehow the most obnoxious characters around. Which, again, are mostly fan-interpretations, not sure about the source material. Still, there's got to be some truth to those. They're just... bleh. Not a fan of arrogant characters.
I just don't like aliens... well, I don't like the Aeldari. Tau are nice folks, if you ignore the casteism.

But the Eldar thoughhhhh, I've only ever seen them being portrayed as a race that doomed itself to eternal damnation. Despite that however, they're somehow the most obnoxious characters around. Which, again, are mostly fan-interpretations, not sure about the source material. Still, there's got to be some truth to those. They're just... bleh. Not a fan of arrogant characters.

on the eldar defense,the dammed ones are the dark eldar
craftworld and exodites are the ones that escaped the mess once they realize their cousins wouldnt change
is unfair to judge craftworlders and exodites over slaneesh,they did actually try to stop it,so they didnt cause it

fuck the deldar tho
Amen to that. Aaaaaa, I guess the craftworlders and exodites are fine too. Aside from the excessive vanity that all Eldar suffer from, right? Or are they actually reasonable characters?
The average Craftworlder considers humans to be barely evolved animals so jackass is the expect baseline. Not to mention the whole doomed a human world to save less then a dozen Eldar thing they pull occasionally.