Shade-EA has recently opened. What is the first thing you will buy?


    Votes: 638 33.5%

    Votes: 65 3.4%

    Votes: 176 9.2%

    Votes: 278 14.6%

    Votes: 36 1.9%

    Votes: 121 6.4%
  • Coffee. All other options are lies! I HAVE SEEN THROUGH YOU, ZA SHARUDO!

    Votes: 591 31.0%

  • Total voters
Well, the confession is happening! Wren's gonna get stabbed and worry people to death. Well, let's see what badass quotes he can come up with while he does it.Gorm won the pool. Smart man.
So, uh, harem option huh? And with Shade asking Gorm to pierce him with his special sword, to boot. Now that's a true bromance.
SHADE-EA would like to remind people that this is the WAIFU-PACK. Should you wish for more WAIFUS, please insert an amount of your choice for the LOOTBOX EVENT.

It's not gambling, it's SURPRISE WAIFUS.

5$ = One random common Waifu.
10$ = One random green-tier Waifu.
20$ = One random blue-tier Waifu.
30$ = One random purple-tier Waifu.
45$ = One random Orange-Tier Waifu.
60$ = One Random Legendary-Tier Waifu.
100$ = The Secret-Tier Waifu.

Notice: These prices are not final and may include secret taxes, which we call SURPRISE FINANCING OF THE GOVERNMENT, and much more!

Second notice: The post above is not to be taken seriously. No Lootboxes will be sold, no random Waifus will be written, SHADE-EA wishes you to gamble, ahem, to SURPRISE WAIFU, responsibly.
5$ = One random common Waifu.
10$ = One random green-tier Waifu.
20$ = One random blue-tier Waifu.
30$ = One random purple-tier Waifu.
45$ = One random Orange-Tier Waifu.
60$ = One Random Legendary-Tier Waifu.
100$ = The Secret-Tier Waifu.
Inserts 100$

Huh, let's see what will we get.

*Gacha box opens*
Congratulation you unlocked :
-Ultra rare genderbend professor Port in bikini ****** stars

What the ffffffffff

So many innudendos. A good amount of CHEZziness.

-Wren asking gorm to impale him with a sword without hesitation

-Wren-Salem spitroast. This is too lewd
We approach the end of this tale and I do not want it. The Characters are fleshed out memorable masterpieces. The tone has remained remarkably consistent throughout and every aspect from the comedy to the action has been superb. Thank you Shade-EA! I'm not giving you anymore money though :p
You know, knowing that Salem ripped away her own heart and couldnt feel love anymore made me feel better about having sent her away in a rocket.
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two

I hummed.

Chez and Zhelty's eyes both twitched, their faces betraying their lack of sleep.

They looked remarkably annoyed for some reason.

Perhaps I should have gone back to my room the night before, rather than spend the rest of the night sleeping under the stars on the roof. Perhaps I shouldn't have being such a merciless individual. Perhaps.

On the other hand, they knew that I knew that they knew. Thus, they were growling under their breaths. Even Chez' normally laid-back self was tense like a spring, if incredibly grumpy at that.

Gorm was instead chuckling and doing his very best to look away. My arms crossed behind my head as I glanced at the mission terminal for the huntsmen of Argus. Anyone with a regular huntsman license could undergo a mission, and while most went for a couple of days into the far stretches of the wilderness, one in particular caught my attention.

Brunswick Farms - No communication in months. Huntsmen required to investigate.

It was a few days away from Argus, but nothing we couldn't reach. My heart briefly froze in my chest, my lungs tightening, and then I steeled myself. "We're doing this," I whispered.

"Uh? Simple checking on a farm?" Gorm asked, the most vocal member of the team since the other two were constantly alert for the inevitable they were expecting.

"It's a few days away, but we can reach it quickly with our motorbikes," I mused, "Zhelty-"

"Y-Yes! Yes! Yes!" Zhelty exclaimed, before realizing I wasn't saying what she actually wanted me to say, and thus huffing and angrily scowling in my direction, "I mean-motorbikes? The Sunsizzles? They're packed in the hotel's garage. They've got the skis and the spiked wheels for snow terrain installed too. We can totally take them, yeah," she made a strained smile, "Yep. Totally."

I smiled at that, and then pushed a button to accept the mission in question.

"Then let's go," I said. "Chez-"

"I'm ready for the kittens, meow~" Chez said, suddenly chipper, before flattening her ears with a huff, "Sorry, sorry, you were saying, Wren?"

"Is everything all right?" I hummed, "You both look a bit out of it. Didn't sleep well last night?"

"You could say that," Zhelty growled.

"Nyah," Chez said with her head hanging low. "Meanie." She pouted, looking back up at me. "Meanie!" she huffed finally, arms crossed in front of her chest.

I laughed, and then amiably began to walk towards the hotel's garage. We had bikes to get, and places to be, and grumpy people to keep grumpy a bit more. It was a nice feeling of schadenfreude, all things considered.

Bikes rumbling under us, I quietly followed the laid out directions to Brunswick farms on my Scroll, letting it guide us across a road that became progressively more covered in snow the further inland we went. The skis popped out from the front of the bikes as the back wheels became spiked, giving us the traction needed to reach the farms themselves.

Ahead of us, I had sent a small white Nevermore. He cawed like an eagle over the farm, stopping upon the creaking sign.

I shuddered, and closed my eyes. "We'll need to build graves," I said in a very quiet voice.

"How many?" Gorm asked.

"A lot," I added as I dismounted. "Listen well," I said, "There are-there are a lot of Apathy down below. The people of the farm, they're all dead."

Everyone grimaced at that, even though we all readied our weapons. "They're all in the cellar of the farm," I added next, my boots crunching the snow as we came to a halt in the middle of the courtyard. A white Schnee Glyph materialized by my side, and an armored figure stepped out.

It clutched its sword in one hand, and its shield in the other. "I'll bait them to come outside, but-"

"We'd better protect our ears," Zhelty finished for me, already proceeding to grab some earplugs from one of her hoodie's pockets. "Just like we practiced, yes?"

I grinned at that, and then placed my own earplugs on my ears. The armored figure hoisted its greatsword, its face obscured by a helmet before charging through the courtyard, his senses becoming mine for the short time required to have him cleave apart a couple of wooden doors, and then shatter the cellar's trapdoor itself.

The humanoid figure then roared, a scream so vibrant and colorful that it made the very windows of the farmstead rattle.

Had nobody worn the earplugs, we'd have probably heard that scream be met by others, all belonging to Grimm that now sought out the source of that noise. The Apathy's long limbs were the first things that crashed out of the cellar, shattering the bottles that had remained of the farmstead's bar, and as their bodies emerged with their deformed extremities and their twisted appendages, their eyes shone balefully red.

Their screams were dulled, and my heart thrummed through fear at the consequences of failure, they wobbled forward, widening the gaps between one another as behind me a long tongue of fire burst into action, melting the snow and creating a cover of haze.

The haze was split by an invisible blade, as Gorm's Archimedes soared through the air to impact into one Apathy, sending the Grimm to sprawl against the ground while twitching its limbs. Cannon shots peppered some of the others, while my arms extended in front of me, twin glyphs of the Schnee forming right below and above one unlucky Grimm. Then, I slammed both of my hands together and dark paste-like Grimm remains poured out from the incessant grinding of the two glyphs, until they fully became ashes, disappearing into the cold wind.

Chez rushed forward on the melted snow, sliding past the bulk of the Grimm while smiling, leaving behind small, spherical-shaped teacups that glowed an angry crimson red. Zhelty's cannons took aim and fired, billowing flames rising immediately from the grenades, Gorm's own Archimedes twirling as the winds it generated turned the flames from red to blue, the heat starting to melt the hardened skin of the Apathy-group.

With a snap of my fingers, a Glyph appeared and slammed the Apathy down on their knees, their screams going unheard as they melted into puddles.

Then I moved, thrusting my right armored gauntlet into the face of an Apathy that had come out of the door late for the party, and which Chez hadn't bothered looking out for since we all had each other's back. The skull-like face shattered, the Apathy's body slamming through the wooden stairway and the wall nearby, exploding in grisly chunks of dark dust before disappearing into nothingness.

A couple of bullets sailed close to my head, and impacted against an arm that came down from the very ceiling of the entrance room in question. I looked up, smiled at the maw-wide creature of Grimm, and then jumped to grab hold of its extended arm. I pulled the monster down and spun, before throwing its body towards Zhelty.

She extended her shield-blade, and pierced it straight through, its body sliced in two chunks past her impacting against the snow, and dissipating there.

I sighed, and then signaled at the team to follow. I wasn't sure we had gotten them all, and we had to make sure.

We also had bodies to bury, all things considered.

Our return into civilization happened later, the day having left the place to the middle of the night. The receptionist of our hotel wasn't that happy to see us, but we were huntsmen, and he kept his professionalism. I simply smiled in his direction, keeping his dark thoughts about having his sleep interrupted to myself.

The motorbikes had truly been a blessing in disguise. It made traveling easier, and most importantly, faster. Still, as everyone was pretty much dead on their feet, we all went for our own rooms.

Ten seconds later, someone furiously knocked at my door.

Very amiably, I opened the door.

"You are a bastard," Zhelty said flatly.

"A bully of cat-girls," Chez agreed by her side.

"An asshole," Zhelty said.

"A mean, horrible man," Chez nodded wisely.

"A stupid moron," Zhelty continued.

"The big bad villain of fairy tales!" Chez agreed, nodding faster.

"So," Zhelty growled, "There is something you have to tell us. Spit it out or I'll pry it from your lips."

I made a show of blinking as slowly as I possibly could. "And if you don't speak within the next five seconds, I'll claw your eyes out!" Chez added, showing her nails.

"Maybe we could have this very important, heartfelt talk tomorrow?" I said with a small smile, "Today really wasn't the best day-"

"There might always be something bad in the way, and time's slipping from our fingers," Zhelty muttered under her breath. She glanced at Chez, who returned a strangely serious nod, her eyes gleaming like steel discs. "Good manners are out then," Zhelty said with a nod that echoed Chez'. "Didn't peg you for the shy type when it came to this, but fine, we're doing it our way then."

She stepped inside my room as I opened my mouth to speak, only to find my lips sealed by hers. "Listen here you stupid imbecile!" her face was crimson red, and flushed, while Chez stepped inside and locked the door behind her. "I-It's equivalent exchange! I'll give you half of my life-so I want half of yours!"


Another pair of lips crashed against mine, "And I'm taking the other half!" Chez hissed out, "You don't get to decide who to pick, because I'm picking! And I'm picking us!" her ears twitched and trembled slightly, "So-Wren, you're my bird now, don't you forget it!"

I could feel my heart drum in my chest at a hundred kilometers per hour. I could feel the worries and the unfounded fears radiate off them, and the insecurities, and the doubts, and-

And my arms engulfed them both. "If you'll have me, then I guess I really can't say no to my most precious persons in the world. I should be worried about your horrible tastes, but I guess I should also feel lucky you decided to choose me." I smiled, and then it was my turn to return the kisses.

"Now," I said with a smile, "It's getting late and we have a heavy workday ahead of us tomorrow. Why don't you go to sleep and we can explore our new relationship tomorrow?"

"Aw," Chez said, her ears dropping down. "We're not getting started on the kittens yet?"

"Not until we're out of Atlas Academy and with our economical stability guaranteed," I said flatly.

Chez blinked in disbelief. She turned to look at Zhelty, as if she expected her to have learned how to be a flawless ventriloquist. Even Zhelty was impressed, before snickering in realization that, after all, I had been the one who had managed his savings flawlessly in order to get into Vacuo Academy.

I was weak about money when it came to the people I cherished, but all the same, I could be incredibly stern when it came to something as important as household finances and preparing for the future.

"That takes a weight off my shoulders too," Zhelty said with a grin. "Let's see where this goes, and let's see it with calm, and ease, and-"

"I'm sleeping here tonight," Chez said flatly, hissing.

Zhelty blinked, cocked her head to the side, and then I waved both girls goodbye as the latter literally dragged the former away. Chez had tears in her eyes, and her nails were leaving behind marks on the floor, but I was sure I could chalk it up to a very recalcitrant cat not wanting to leave for the night nap.

I did lock both windows and doors, though.

Then I chuckled in mirth, shaking my head at what had happened mere minutes before.

Truly, I sincerely doubted I could get any happier than I was.

And as I looked back at the memories of my ancestors, I cherished those that managed the same, and pitied those who swore they would confess to their beloved, only to be cruelly cut down before they could.

The past, made of what had been done of good and bad, resided within my mind.

One must learn from the mistakes of the past...

...and if you like something, you'd better put a ring on it.
You, uh, might want to try dating first. Just saying, there can be major differences between 'friends with a crush' and 'actual romantic partners.'
I still can't figure out how Shade made 4 ocs that aren't downright absolute cringe

They are likeable and kinda fun to read.

GormxWren rise up!
I still can't figure out how Shade made 4 ocs that aren't downright absolute cringe
It's because they're twists on well-known characters, turned into waifus and bros with pre-built personalities, and Shade EA has been developing the fluff pack since it was a small organization, only capable of releasing cute indie titles like the "Naruko's Big Brother" series.