Warkeymon has given us two different actions that gives guns and fulfill our oath to the Ostermarkers. I assume we're not just giving them flintlocks and also giving them some of the hand-me-down surpluses with the Imperial School action. Write-ins on giving the Ostermarker guns in a different way would instead have us do the Diplo variant and the Must Beat of 150.The Imperial School action is having them make new guns, my idea is giving them our old guns. It would be embarrassing that we are giving the Ostermarks our newest flintlocks before our own army get theirs. Also do you have a reason on researching mainspring?
And Mainsprings are researched for an important reason. Despite the blurb of it being useful only on ships, it's an useful miniaturization tool that allows us to make smaller clockwork machinery and more importantly, advancing metallurgy. Making steel that has the capacity to be elastic and not brittle at a province-scale would have knock on effects, hopefully enough to lower the DC on other research items we have like the Steam Piston.
@Warkeymon is this the case?I think it would be better to use more than two dice on Storm Wurtbad. Maybe it is possible to exceed the check and suffer fewer losses. Even if it is not possible, with 2 dice we still have like a 20% chance of failure if the modifiers do not change. All the dice we save with military operations we will have to spend manifold on reinforcements in the coming turns, I think that is the lesson we should learn from the last update.