The New Frontier - Deadline Closed

I've decided where the colonies are going to go.

I put most of the trade lane colonies on the jump points to and from Sol as it means that all traffic going to and coming from Sol will have to go through at least one of them. As the only Martian colony, Nova Martia is being placed at the Coreward Terminal and will be living interesting time. The last three colonies have been placed between Sol and Nova Martia in locations that can be bypass if one desires.
Map looks good, though I think I might also be living in interesting times as well if the shortest supply route for me runs past a titan colony :p
That's a fairly sizable map it seems. Lots of room to expand too, for me at least. Are the unmarked systems already surveyed or even have a population? At least the systems close to Sol?
Are the unmarked systems already surveyed or even have a population? At least the systems close to Sol?

Technically several of them are surveyed, but I haven't written up the contents of the systems. Some of the systems might have a population, but it would be things like a pirate outpost or a cultist base rather than a proper colony.
Technically several of them are surveyed, but I haven't written up the contents of the systems. Some of the systems might have a population, but it would be things like a pirate outpost or a cultist base rather than a proper colony.

Boom, perfect. Money right there sitting pretty. It'll take a long time before anybody can do extrasolar operations but when we do? Hehehe...
I can't put a colony on it.
Just wondering why you should - I mean with multiple new planets getting colonised now, there should be enough population in Sol to give them at least some presence, but not enough to fill them up completely and as long as there aren't any special resources that are on a planet or not, there seems little reason to colonise more.
Just wondering why you should - I mean with multiple new planets getting colonised now, there should be enough population in Sol to give them at least some presence, but not enough to fill them up completely and as long as there aren't any special resources that are on a planet or not, there seems little reason to colonise more.

Honestly in this game, three reasons I can see.

1) Resources
Sure we only have Resource Points and every base resources like metals, etc is essentially folded into that one overarching label resources are always in demand. The more I have the more I can use to do whatever. Plus who knows, there may be something special about a certain planet that is really, really, good.

2) Power Projection
Taking a system and putting an outpost in it allows me to station a ship(s) in it and therefore they have a further range they can go. Hell just having it in another close system means one less location where hostile elements can base themselves out of.

3) System Blockade
This is similar to number 2, but is more specific. If I station a colony and put a ship(s) there, I can stop whoever I want from getting through the system into the next, or even force them to pay a toll in order for them to pass through. This is difficult for sure, considering the Sol factions are much, much more powerful than I will be and as such I would have to let them through. But other entities, such as private interests or hostile factions, I may be able to.
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I was hoping to have things done tonight, but family stuff popped up tonight. However, since I am as eager to get this show on the run as the rest of you and it is only the player colony sheets left to do, I'm going to ask you guys to help fill those out using the below template. To simplify record keeping, I am going to say that your colony ships are used for the initial settlements and count as planetary equivalent of their listed buildings.

Stats - Don't forget to include expenses. I remembered that your colonial backers are footing the bill for the first few months.
IP = Income each turn
RP = Current Amount + Income each turn
FP = Current Amount + Income each turn
LP = Current Amount + Income each turn
SP = Income each turn

Colonists = Current Amount
Farmers = Current Amount
Workers = Current Amount
Clerks = Current Amount
Scientists = Current Amount

Lists of buildings
- Fill this out if you have a moon.
IP = Income each turn
RP = Current Amount + Income each turn
FP = Current Amount + Income each turn
LP = Current Amount + Income each turn
SP = Income each turn

Colonists = Current Amount
Farmers = Current Amount
Workers = Current Amount
Clerks = Current Amount
Scientists = Current Amount

Lists of buildings

I have the warships and civilians ships done along with the initial research and the various colony and planet traits done and I am current working on the diplomatic relations so if you guys can fill out the above stuff, we can get this started tomorrow.
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I was hoping to have things done tonight, but family stuff popped up tonight. However, since I am as eager to get this show on the run as the rest of you and it is only the player colony sheets left to do, I'm going to ask you guys to help fill those out using the below template. To simplify record keeping, I am going to say that your colony ships are used for the initial settlements and count as planetary equivalent of their listed buildings.

Stats - Don't forget to include expenses.
IP = Income each turn
RP = Current Amount + Income each turn
FP = Current Amount + Income each turn
LP = Current Amount + Income each turn
SP = Income each turn

Colonists = Current Amount
Farmers = Current Amount
Workers = Current Amount
Clerks = Current Amount
Scientists = Current Amount

Soldiers = Unused Amount
Crew = Unused Amount

Lists of buildings
- Fill this out if you have a moon.
IP = Income each turn
RP = Current Amount + Income each turn
FP = Current Amount + Income each turn
LP = Current Amount + Income each turn
SP = Income each turn

Colonists = Current Amount
Farmers = Current Amount
Workers = Current Amount
Clerks = Current Amount
Scientists = Current Amount

Soldiers = Unused Amount
Crew = Unused Amount

Lists of buildings

I have the warships and civilians ships done along with the initial research and the various colony and planet traits done and I am current working on the diplomatic relations so if you guys can fill out the above stuff, we can get this started tomorrow.
I can't actually fill that out because I don't know what we get from extra supplies.
Which I then have nowhere to store?
Fairly sure they're stored in your colony ship. But no idea what the limit is.

They are stored in the colony ship and the limit is "You stumbled across something that I forgot to account for and it is too late at night for me to come up with proper reasoning so I'm just going to say that your colony ship has enough space and that space will disappear as the supplies are used up".
And I'm still somewhat confused on IP.

IP is used to build/maintain stuff and is closer to SP than FP, RP or LP as you use what you generate each turn and don't stockpile it. Your total IP each turn is the cap that your buildings and workers can produce and how much you generate is determined by your spare RP and how much money you have stockpiled. For example, say you use 44 of your potential 50 IP in a single turn. You would spend 44 IP and use up 44 RP. What you would not do is spend 50 RP and stockpile 6 IP to use spend next turn.

Whats the starting amount of each of those three resources again? Double checking.

60 RP & 40 LP.
IP is used to build/maintain stuff and is closer to SP than FP, RP or LP as you use what you generate each turn and don't stockpile it. Your total IP each turn is the cap that your buildings and workers can produce and how much you generate is determined by your spare RP and how much money you have stockpiled. For example, say you use 44 of your potential 50 IP in a single turn. You would spend 44 IP and use up 44 RP. What you would not do is spend 50 RP and stockpile 6 IP to use spend next turn.

You said before we brought with us the equivalent of 50 Orbital Industrial Factories, which was 2000 IP. So at the start we have that as our native IP capability then on top of our backer's support?
You said before we brought with us the equivalent of 50 Orbital Industrial Factories, which was 2000 IP. So at the start we have that as our native IP capability then on top of our backer's support?

Calculate what your colony can produce on its own as extra stuff from your colony backer will be added on each turn (including 10 Ground Production Factories for each Colonial Industrial Fabricator you have). The way, it is 50 IP each turn is from your 3 Colonial Industrial Fabricators and your Ark-class colony ship, which would produce 50 IP between the two (10+10+10+20) while your colonial backer will provide roughly free 100 IP depending on how well you are doing.

After my recent change regarding colony ships, you will start off with 50 Ground Production Factories with +5 for every Haven-class Colony ship and -10 for each time you took the Limited Industry Flaw.
Right, I think this should be good numbers-wise. Any specific place we need to put terraformers, and do they have to be staffed? And do we fill out the government part of this or is that already done by you?

Government: Argus Colonial Directorate (Constitutional Autocracy)
Stats -
IP = 55
RP = 110 + 0
FP = 90 + 160
LP = 50 + 12
SP = 0

Colonists = 204,376
-Miners = 40,900
-Farmers = 40,900
-Workers = 50,900
-Clerks = 50,000
-Scientists = 20,900
-Crew = 376
-Soldiers = 400

Lists of buildings
160 Ground Farms (From Colony Ships)
55 Ground Production Factories (From Colony Ships)
12 Ground Commerce Factories (From Colony Ships)
IP = 0
RP = 0
FP = 0
LP = 0
SP =0

Colonists = 0
Miners = 0
Farmers = 0
Workers = 0
Clerks = 0
Scientists = 0

Lists of buildings
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And do we fill out the government part of this or is that already done by you?

Martian colonies are Constitutional Monarchies by default and while I was going to make the other colonies representative democracies, I figured that I might as well give some of you the chance to pick the government type of your colonies. Martian colonies are still Constitutional Monarchies while if other colonies don't pick a government, they default to a representative democracy.