The Nameless

[X] Convince the Nameless to follow you.
-[X] Into Banditry!: There is a debt owed to the Nameless. Every rancid fruit or stone cast, every curse and humiliation has had its price. With us free of the Kingdom and her of all defences, let us take into our own hands what we are owed!

Yeah, no. The kind of mercenary work we can have with the lot that spat on their country both when they were free and when they were shackled is pretty evident no matter how many pretty words you dress it up with.
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I'm going to have to think about this. It implies heavy setting changes. I'll have rewards and canon/non-canon designation later in the day.
It was impacted heavily by Gleen Cook Black Company stories and few other things.
The setting has more dark tone.
This gritty more ugly feel remind me thing you set here.

Magic and magic beings there being scary, sometimes even primal force.

Old way sites of power are rare quite terrifying places. Some are well-known putting a shadow over big territories even after years of inactivity, while other are local. Sometimes those traditions are beneficial for common folk (like the witch), sometimes they are death (like the unnamed beast).

Mostly painting Old magic as much more ritualistic, powerful and dangerous while newer more civilized traditions are more akin to scientifical progress and safety. I tried to keep it in tradition vs progress tone.

I might outdo it a bit.

At first, I wanted to make this whole beast situation comedic with Theo making the whole thing up and Aster wondering how the hell did it work. Aster actually posing as the Witch, but I liked that Primescape feel of down to earth Witch (dress joke remains still). Added Black Company elements and I ended up with this.

Gavin family is intended as a blend of Bloodborne monster hunters, D&D normal hunters and assassins.

Well, I can get back to more comedic bluff version if I throw away 2nd to last part and rewrite ending.
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The thing is...with the group we have...I doubt we could make them an honorable mercenary company anyways. Our best bet is to keep their base desires sated. Which probably means loot, alcohol, and women.
When I wrote up the vote I imagined a war-ravaged land where people need protection against bandits and can't afford to be picky. Now that things don't seem quite that bad, I start to doubt whether going mercenary is viable.

I would prefer to just leave with Sylvia rather than become leader of a group of bandits, though.
I would prefer to just leave with Sylvia rather than become leader of a group of bandits, though.

Then make a case. It's not as if those two choices I offered up were the only thing. If that's what you really want, do a write in or take the..third(?) option. If you guys want full army command, then I'm going to have to cut down on personal character development in favor of a more CKII style format. Once again, this is another overarching change. Personally, and to date, I have written more personal quests, usually involving a small group or one character.

But if you guys want CKII, I can attempt that as well.

Just thought I should let you guys know.
How about a compromise? -a Nameless band of merry men? Bandits who steal from the rich and, if not give, at least buy and recruit from the poor? This land hardly seems to be ruled by paragons of justice and virtue. There must be quite a few oppressive bastards in need of a haircut.
How about a compromise? -a Nameless band of merry men? Bandits who steal from the rich and, if not give, at least buy and recruit from the poor? This land hardly seems to be ruled by paragons of justice and virtue. There must be quite a few oppressive bastards in need of a haircut.
I like this. Even in practical terms, it will likely be helpful to have some people on our side, who can hide us, provide us with food for pay, etc. I have tried writing something up; not sure how it sounds, though.

[X] Convince the Nameless to follow you.
-[X] Into Banditry!: There is a debt owed to the Nameless. The rich and powerful have enslaved us, spit on us and sent us to die. Now we will relieve them off their riches, and feast well from their ill-gotten gains.
I'd prefer to be a bandit king, but this is still better than trying to be a mercenary band. We could afford to work our way up gradually, I suppose.
Whatever lets us sleep at night better.

[X] Convince the Nameless to follow you.
-[X] Into Banditry!: There is a debt owed to the Nameless. The rich and powerful have enslaved us, spit on us and sent us to die. Now we will relieve them off their riches, and feast well from their ill-gotten gains.
Right, I need to actually post to switch. I sure hope some of the merc folk are actually following you into this or I'll feel downright silly.

[X] Convince the Nameless to follow you.
-[X] Into Banditry!: There is a debt owed to the Nameless. The rich and powerful have enslaved us, spit on us and sent us to die. Now we will relieve them off their riches, and feast well from their ill-gotten gains.