The Nameless

[x] You offer to join the man. Your nation has spat upon you and the Nameless. Far more than running away, turning the Nameless on our former nation would ease this man's victory. You would be willing to do so...for a price...


If the people of Fallory can still use the Tattoos to control/order our men that might backfire on us.

Can we get an answer on how exactly the tattoos work? If they just cause pain and don't actually force our men to follow orders with mind control or something then I'd say it would work fine.

[X] Yes
-[X] Fallory is fucked, whether they're willing to acknowledge it or not. The longer a siege is held, the worse the sack of the city and the fate of any common people will be. If things get bad enough quickly enough, maybe they'll shank a royal and negotiate a surrender that leaves the city intact.
If the people of Fallory can still use the Tattoos to control/order our men that might backfire on us.

Can we get an answer on how exactly the tattoos work? If they just cause pain and don't actually force our men to follow orders with mind control or something then I'd say it would work fine.

[X] Yes
-[X] Fallory is fucked, whether they're willing to acknowledge it or not. The longer a siege is held, the worse the sack of the city and the fate of any common people will be. If things get bad enough quickly enough, maybe they'll shank a royal and negotiate a surrender that leaves the city intact.

I agree with this. If the tattoos are too much of a hindrance I'll switch my vote to yes, but even if it gets our men slaughtered I wouldn't mind if it gets us and Sylvia a position in the invading army.

If you can't beat them join them.
The tattoos do work...but they require a combat mage within a certain distance to utilize them. Normally, a mage would be with you at all times, and would be your responsibility. However, Fallory isn't willing to part with one of its force multipliers.
Would our Character know how many mages the defenders have with them? And How many men the defenders have inside the city?

Also Thoughts on the Update.

Our men have an hilarious sense of humor, hope to see more moments like that in future updates.
Sylvia stood up for us and got her tongue cut out in return, truly the Delvah are a wonderful people.
The Enemy General seems like a pretty ok guy wouldn't mind working with him if we have to.
No, you aren't anywhere near important enough to have information about that. You'd have an extremely vague idea from the time you spent before your downfall to the Nameless, but you have no clue how much troops have been raised or how many have been lost. Especially about the mages.

All you do is fight where you're told to. You're not even trusted with the amount of men if you fight alongside normal elements of Delvah military units.

Also, thanks for the feedback. Hearing people are interested in the stuff I put out makes me very motivated.
Thanks for answering.

Alright, since we don't know what kind of force we would be up against inside the city or how many mages are around to mess with our men, I'd say the smart move by us would be just to leave. Take the Generals offer and just leave the city. Maybe we become a mercenary company later on or something.

And this seems like its gonna be a pretty interesting setting, hopefully I'll have more feedback as this goes on.
Well based on that info changing vote.

[X] Yes
-[X] Fallory is fucked, whether they're willing to acknowledge it or not. The longer a siege is held, the worse the sack of the city and the fate of any common people will be. If things get bad enough quickly enough, maybe they'll shank a royal and negotiate a surrender that leaves the city intact.
[x] No
-[x] While we don't care about Fallory itself, our men still have family and homes inside those that they are willing to die for. So this is not just for our survival, but for our loved one inside as well.
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[x] No
-[x] While we don't care about Fallory itself, our men still have family and homes inside those that they are willing to die for. So this is not just for our survival, but for our loved one inside as well. Not sacking the city could solve that, but the numbers on our necks are controlling device. That's a bit trickier thing.
its a little hard to believe that all of our men have no loved ones left inside the city, i can see them mutinying the moment they realize that we will be leaving the city to its fate.

edit: unless the GM states that all of our men are all emotionless orphans
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Mmm, yes and no. There are actually two extremes to what you're suggesting. Yes, there are some who called Fallory their home. On the other side of the spectrum, there are others whose homes were more rural or small cities with an equally small garrison. Ask yourself; do you think the country of Delvah sent troops to help those settlements?

I left the nature of Delvan government blank for a reason. There are almost little to no clues on what the royalty are actually like, but consider the nature of your fall into the Nameless.
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Mmm, yes and no. There are actually two extremes to what you're suggesting. Yes, there are some who called Fallory their home. On the other side of the spectrum, there are others whose homes were more rural or small cities with an equally small garrison. Ask yourself; do you think the country of Delvah sent troops to help those settlements?

I left the nature of Delvan government blank for a reason.
if this is the capital city, then a lot of refugees will be inside, some of them might be the last living relatives of our men.
[x] No
-[x] Disgraced or not, you are still an officer of Fallory. You swore to protect your country and the peaceful lives of your people, and betrayal by a few assholes did nothing to shake the conviction between that oath. Your duty is not to them, but to your fellow countrymen, and you will uphold it wherever you are.

No parley with the foreign invaders!
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Troo enough~

There's still time for voting.
are the other Nameless faceless mooks who will obey our commands? or do they also have personalities? can we just return to our unit and ask them? since this decision involves all of the Nameless...

edit: we might get stabbed in the back by our men if we choose poorly.
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Of course you could. There are a thousand of you. Almost all of them are criminals. That means a rather diverse set of opinions.
[x] No
-[x] While we don't care about Fallory itself, our men still have family and homes inside those that they are willing to die for. So this is not just for our survival, but for our loved one inside as well.
-[x] This choice is simply too big since it concerns everyone; some of your men would want to fight either because of an ideal or something more personal. While others would want to see this city burn, hell, some of them might be among those who will pillage and rape if you let them. No, you have to put this into a vote, the Nameless is a penal battalion, this is true, but each and everyone of them are still men and each man should be a master of his own fate. If i comes to disbanding the Nameless, then so be it.

-yeah, so this...
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Well from what I see there is split between

1) Screw you guys! I am starting my own Black Company... with Hookers and Blackjack.
Great book.

2) Did you saw Gladiator? Russell Crowe was so good in it.
Great movie.

Plus one guy thinking about joining the enemy.

Frankly speaking, I am fine with either.

Mmm, yes and no. There are actually two extremes to what you're suggesting. Yes, there are some who called Fallory their home. On the other side of the spectrum, there are others whose homes were more rural or small cities with an equally small garrison. Ask yourself; do you think the country of Delvah sent troops to help those settlements?
Well if it is invasion they probably would not aim to kill peasants. They will be people they will tax after taking control of territory. They are able to threaten capital, so I do not think they had problems with small garrisons. I would expect them to surrender because soldiers probably are peasants, so they do not care who is taxing them and officers are probably minor nobles not very happy with being ordered to hold the line while the rest of nobility are hiding in capital plus morale must be quite low at this point in the war.

I left the nature of Delvan government blank for a reason. There are almost little to no clues on what the royalty are actually like, but consider the nature of your fall into the Nameless.
We did lose the whole unit in a country ravaged by war badly, so every single soldier live counts even more, so we could be labeled as incompetent and they are just desperate. Plus a sizable portion of people in here probably are hardened criminals from all over the country. Royal could be ok kind of guys and them just have no actual power in the country. Still our second in command getting her tongue cut despite long service record for protecting PC. Sound like this place have some serious issues in politic structure.

Of course you could. There are a thousand of you. Almost all of them are criminals. That means a rather diverse set of opinions.
How long are we in this unit? If long we probably know most of their opinions as fellow death row convicts, especially with the way they actually following PC orders. What was PC opinion on the country before joining the war? He lived here for his whole life.
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[x] No
-[x] Disgraced or not, you are still an officer of Fallory. You swore to protect your country and the peaceful lives of your people, and betrayal by a few assholes did nothing to shake the conviction between that oath. Your duty is not to them, but to your fellow countrymen, and you will uphold it wherever you are.

If we stick to the side of the righteous and continue to shine in our duty, we will be able to prove our faith to the state and the treachery may be uncovered yet. This chance will be lost to us forever if we stain our honor black by abandoning the motherland and all her peoples to the foreign hordes in her hour of need.

Let us take the route of Admiral Yi and persevere through this difficulty!
You've been in command for four months.
Sound like this place have some serious issues in politic structure.

Oh you don't know the half of it. Delvah is...divided in some ways. For noticing that, I grant you 1 Kudos (stolen from Rho's version). Use Kudos to reroll during some situations or buy new skills.

Updating the character sheet with info about kudos now.
hmmm... its 4 no's and 4 yes's (though the yes is a solid block, the no's have different reasons)
Actually, there are 5 people in favor of noping out.
Pasta posted joining idea, but not voted. It's 4 v 4 for now from what I see.

You've been in command for four months.
How long ago war started and what was the reason for it from PC pow?

Good lad.

Oh you don't know the half of it. Delvah is...divided in some ways.
Political division is quite likely, because politics.
What about Racial division and Religious division?
Is Kingdom inhabited by just humans? Are there nonhumans in setting? If there are there are probably few in Nameless.
What is state religion and it's main dogmas? Who is courent ruler of country?

For noticing that, I grant you 1 Kudos (stolen from Rho's version). Use Kudos to reroll during some situations or buy new
I guess we will need that.