PhantomPhysicst said:
Talk about ways to completely re-purpose a phrase. It (Winter is coming) goes from "prepare for it to get worse" or "it gets worse" or "enjoy what you have now" to "the god of freedom and choosing your own path is coming". Rather sad when you think about it.
personally I find it pretty amusing I wonder if Hiver planned on that turn of phrase being redirected from the beginning.
Greyhawk only have the kingdoms going at war with each other as a seasonal feature, with the ocasional world ending threat handled by the 12th+ PCs.

It's not nearly as much outrageous as Forgotten Realms "Epic Level Retired Fighter turned Farmer" or "Epic Level Retired Whatever turned Tavern Owner".
14 C with some sun and clouds, But at least there isn't any snow like there was in other parts of the country last week. British Weather has become decidedly eccentric in the past few years.
SemiSaneAuthor said:
14 C with some sun and clouds, But at least there isn't any snow like there was in other parts of the country last week. British Weather has become decidedly eccentric in the past few years.
Climate change and global warming.. wat dis? Seriously, blame the arctic weather system being disrupted by massive loss of ice for that.
SuperSonicSound said:
Climate change and global warming.. wat dis? Seriously, blame the arctic weather system being disrupted by massive loss of ice for that.
I miss the days when Global Warming meant a perfect summer. I want the summer of '03 back, with two weeks of pure brilliance, now we're lucky to get a few nice days through the whole summer.
So, how 'bout that weather on topic things?

Then again, I can't actually complain that the weather talk is worse than endless circular debate about Mary being crazy or not being crazy or being evil or what. So... It's pretty nice here. Got to stand around in an auditorium for two hours to get my associate's degree, and it wasn't that hot at all. There's a nice breeze in the area.
24C and dropping, clear as a bell, minor breeze.
Great weather for doing stuff outside, like my dirt sieve project.
If it weren't for the incipient sunburn on my right arm, I'd be as happy as I could be.
Pietko said:
Well, you will miss it even more when global warming will mean much colder weather :) Seriously, GW is just hype. We have normal weather like every year. sometimes is warmer, sometimes is colder. Nothing serious.
Morality in game of thrones? Is there any?
Oh good another delusional denialist.

If global warming is hype prehaps you can explain the following

and why temperatures are rising globally, despite the fact that we are in a interglacial that should be trending towards cooling.

Cold weather in the uk will only last a decade or so as the arctic weather oscillation pattern is finally removed when the entire area becomes Ice free year round.

This is inevitable and the shocking ignorance of people who state otherwise is terrible.

I can't believe how much denialism has managed to take root.

Are people really so arrogant and stupid they believe they know more than people who spend their entire lives studying the issue when they just look into it for a few hours?
SuperSonicSound said:
Are people really so arrogant and stupid they believe they know more than people who spend their entire lives studying the issue when they just look into it for a few hours?
...Can we not have this discussion in here? If you want to discuss it go else where, I don't want to read another couple pages of attempt to prove or disprove global warming, and human or nature cause.
"She said what!?" I asked the tired messenger as I read through the answer.

"She said 'No' My Lord." he answered and I frowned.

"I can see that. Why precisely did she say no?" I asked as I dropped the scroll on the table. The scroll did not explain, it was a five hundred word polite way to saying 'Go to hell'.

" not know for sure, My Lord." the man answered. He was visibly tired after his long flight on the raven "She said that the Throne was already hers and not something someone could give her."

I resisted the sudden urge to find a desk to face at before I nodded "You did well. Go, find some sleep and food." I said, throwing him a small pouch of silver "Find a girl or ten. You deserve it."

He quickly bowed and left, leaving me to curse Daenerys Targaryen. That girl had more personality than sense in her head.

She could be the punchline of a blond joke.

Robb Stark wandered in and poured himself a goblet of my wine "Good news?" he asked and I grimaged.

"It appear our Targaryen have declined my offer. So it turn out we wont have any dragons." I said with a sigh before I continued "Any news?"

He put his goblet down and nodded "Stannis Baratheon and his army reached King's Landing."

I crossed my arms "On schedule. Should have happened about a week or two ago depending on the speed of the messenger. We didn't send a raven rider to check...the city wont fall without a fight, not with Tywin pulling his army back. They should have reached the city at about the same time."

"According to the spies, they did reach the city a day after Stannis forces did. The city had already fallen."

I stared at him "What?"

He gave me a glare, squeezing his goblet tight "It had already fallen. Somehow all the gates opened when Stannis army approached. The spies were not clear...My sister was in that city."

How the flying hell did she do that? Mary are not the type to hire spies and saboteurs. And from what I know, Neither is Stannis.

Did she use religion to somehow influence the city beforehand? No, the spies would have known about it. Somebody must have helped her...but who?

"What about Tywins army?" I asked Stark and he shook his head "Last we heard, they had started to lay seige to the city. Reports are still coming in."

He then frowned "The lords on my council are getting anxious. Our weapons and supplies are ready, our troops are trained. We should march now."

I tapped my finger against my leg in thought "Will take at least three weeks to king's landing from here with a army in tow. Yes, we can march...but I want one condition."

Robb put his goblet down "Which is?"

"I want to send a messenger to Tywin Lannister to offer a alliance." I said and Robb stared at me like I was nuts.


"We can not fight two armies at once, even with your new weapons" Well, technically not true "The muskets are ill suited for city fighting. We need his swords to take the city if they do not come out and meet us at the field."

That however was true. Muskets are 'bad' at close quarters fighting.

"We still have our swords, we can change muskets for them when we take the city."

I sighed "As you wish, King of the North. Do as you wish." I said and he turned to leave, stopping as I continued "Your sisters...I do not believe they are in immediate danger if they did not die when the city was taken. As long as they keep calm and do not do something rash, they should be fine."

He looked at me for a moment before he shook his head and left the tent "You do not know Arya."

I sighed and walked to sit down at my table, taking some wine with a frown.

How in the ever blazing bloody hells did she do it? She is monowhite, not white blue, there was no mind fuckery involved.

I then blinked. At least I didnt think there was any mind fuckery involved. Did white have mind magic? I didn't remember exactly.

Unless that was proof that they DID have mind fuckery!

I snorted and shook my head. In that way of thinking lay tinfoil hats and madness. I activated my omnitool to restart work on my attempt to fly. Damn that thing was complicated, but at least I'm making some progress.

As I kept working I couldn't help but be thankful for one thing regarding my so called worshipers.

They left me mostly alone and at the very least they were quiet about it. Things could have been so much worse...

And it was disturbing enough like it was. Besides, I was afraid to poke the situation. I had no idea how the mind of a religious fanatic worked, I might make things worse!

At the moment they kept quiet and didn't bother anyone even if I had started to see more and more snowflakes around camp.

Hopefully they stay nice and calm.

AN// Big thanks to CKirk for betaing this one.
Ryu Gabriev said:
Have you considered Energy Drinks? If you're sparing with them, they can be helpful.

I'm done going off topic SuperSonic, I put that link and watched it myself so you would hear more than you heard from CNN or where ever you got this from.

Honestly, my argument was science versus political power grabs.
All of my knowledge comes from science journals and you know scientists the people who actually do the research.

Not fox news where i presume you get most of your knowledge.

I also find your comment about climate science being a power grab mendacious given all the opposition to climate science comes from fossil fuel funded think tanks that are desperate to keep the gravy train going.

I can't believe people actually think climate science is about big money it's just ludicrous on every level.
Your discussion are coming dangerously close to politics. I do not normally involve myself in of topic things in my threads, but if you start talking politics, I need to politely ask you to stop.

Or else.