"I don't see the use of these 'muskets' as you call them." Lord Karstark rumbled crossing his arms as I explained the new weapons to Stark's council "You may have power, but that's your own. These things sound like needlessly complicated crossbows with worse accuracy that also take longer to reload."

"I can't help but agree, Winter." Robb Stark said as he sighed. "They would not only take up a great amount of steel, they would also take a good long time for the smiths to create. That's not even taking into account the alchemical ingredients you described for the 'gunpowder'."

I shook my head. "A crossbow bolt have much less power behind it and have nowhere near the range. Also, the musket are not meant to be fired one at a time, but as a line. One of them might not be that effective and not that likely to hit at a effective range, but a thousand of them cut a army in half. They also have the power to punch through the armor of any knight. Trust me, they are worth it."

Stark frowned and tapped his finger at the table "...Ok. We try it. Two hundred muskets and men trained to use them."

I frowned. "The more you make, the more effective they would be, especially in Pike and Shot formations."

Lord Glover frowned "Yes, you did tell us about those. I can see that the pikes would be effective against cavalry charges, but what would they do when the enemy infantry reach them and the musket men can not longer fire at them? Pikes are not effective against men on foot."

I gave him a small cold smile "What enemy infantry?"


Getting the smiths to construct flintlock muskets were not that hard. They were already used to fine details on armor and their quality of steel were sufficient.

What took some doing though was organizing them in assembly lines. One set of smiths doing barrels, one set of smiths doing the hammer and so on.

They protested until I set up a contest between two teams to make ten muskets each.

The assembly line team won by a mile AND their muskets were of higher quality as each smith could focus on getting each part perfect.

They might not have been happy, but they submitted to the new work format even if they thought it was a bit...boring.

Honestly, I would have suggested cannons, but I thought it would be best to get them used to muskets first. Cannons are much harder to make.

The gunpowder was also not the easiest thing. The materials themselves had to be brought in by wagon and then mixed and stored.

Ten of Stark's most trusted men were trained in the ratios and how to mix them.

The finished gunpowder where then stored in a tent outside the camp in dry barrels. It was kept under constant guard and no fire was allowed within a hundred yards of the tent under the punishment of death.

Once two hundred of the best crossbow shots had started to practice, there was the matter of what to do now.


Robb crossed his arms as he watched the map on the table. I was sitting in a chair by the other table, a raven on my shoulder as I practiced my mind magic, pulling memories from it's mind. I mostly failed. Unless your goal are to destroy the mind, throwing more power into it solve nothing.

"We should retreat." I said as I accidentally crushed the mind of the raven. I sighed and dismissed it before it fell of my shoulder, summoning another one. Simpler minds are more resilient, but it's still like handling soap bubbles.

Stark glanced over at me and then shook his head "Our armies match the Lannisters even without your help. We can push them all the way to King's Landing." he said and I petted the raven, feeding it a seed.

"The Lannister's are irrelevant. They have your sisters and I would prefer to free them. But in the big picture, the Lannisters are irrelevant. They are a buffer zone between us and Mary's forces. We should withdraw into a more defensible position and wait for them to clash. Mary will win, but they should at least slow them down. Perhaps until winter even. That would give your men quite a advantage."

He shook his head. "We are not pulling back. The Lannisters have claimed the Iron Throne with a bastard child of incest. They accused my father of treason and killed him. We will not retreat until they have paid."

I sighed and shook my head. He simply would not budge on this subject. Pushing further would not help.

"Very well, it is your army and your world. I'm just here to help. I just thought you wanted to be able to win with the minimum of losses so you could then go north and try to counter those undead beings massing there." I said and he glanced at me before he once again shook his head, moving a piece slightly on the map while checking his latest notes.

"We have had no reports of the Others or White Walkers. No confirmed ones at least." he said, shifting the position of the Lannister army slightly.

I rolled my eyes and dismissed the raven before I stood up. "Well, I can see you are busy. When you are quite ready to listen to advice 'King', I will be in my tent for your messenger to find." before I turned and swooped out, the muck hardening beneath my feet as I made my way to my tent only to find a naked girl in my bed.

As tempting as it was, I had better things to do. I shook my head and pointed my thumb at the entrance of the tent.

"Out." I said, flipping a silver coin to her before I walked over to my table, trying to ignore the rather attractive girl getting dressed as crossed my arms, leaning back in my chair as I started to think.

The Lannisters were a distraction at worst and a speed bump for Mary at best. Previous talks revealed that they likely would not bend to her so they would break.

What bothered me though was the copies we managed to acquire of the new laws Stannis put out. All in all they were... resonable.

Sure, death penalty were there for traitors, rapists and murderers but otherwise it was mostly forced labor for thieves (until they had paid back fifty times the worth of the item stolen) and prison terms.

Hell, the laws was more fair than what was in place before as they had no distinction between nobles and the little people.

It made me a bit uncertain actually. Perhaps she was not quite as radical as I first thought. But without more information there was no way to know actually.

Still, ready for the worst, hope for the best.

In this case 'ready for the worst' mean gather a army. I had that now, if under control of Stark who were so focused on the Lannisters that he could not see the whole picture clearly. He did not understand the full threat of the situation.

Which meant he would waste men against them in pointless battles.

Which meant I needed more men.

Frowning slightly I summoned another raven and eyed it for a moment before I picked it up and carried it out of the tent before casting 'Giant growth' on it.

Suddenly there was a raven the size of a elephant in the middle of the camp. Turns out that the giant growth spell do not increase the size of the animal proportionally, instead it simply add about a elephant worth of size on the animal. So a raven get to be about the size of a elephant while a elephant would only be twice as big.

Everyone stopped and stared but I had been here for a couple of weeks now so they were somewhat used to rather strange things happening. Still, a giant raven was kind of new.

I slowly nodded and mentally commanded it to take off and fly a circle before coming back. It easily took off, knocking my tent over as it did, but it did do it as easy as it could when it was of normal size. Physically impossible, but magic is magic.

If we went by normal physics, it would collapse as soon as it grew.

I smiled as it came back in for landing before I pointed at a nearby squire "You, boy." I said and he froze and swallowed, turning from the giant bird to me.

"Y-yes, your godliness?" he said and bowed deeply.

I ignored the title for now as I continued "Get the saddle maker. I have a job for him."

AN// Gruntjerka deserve big thanks for this one.
In the highest tower of the fortress of Dragonstone there was a young woman standing, looking out the window. Her hair was as white as her thin dress.

Mary arrived in this world months ago when her own world fell to the forces of evil. Even at barely twenty summers old she was the most powerful good magic user on her world. The most skilled, the best student, the best healer and shielder. The best enchanter.

It did not help in the slightest to slow down the demonic hordes and their human worshipers and servants.

She sighed as she looked down at the men moving around far below. She found refuge with King Baratheon, saving him from the evil witch preaching a twisted teaching, calling it The Lord of Light.

When she first arrived in this world she was...happy. Happy the fighting was finally over, even if it meant loosing. Every time she closed her eyes she could still see the massive horned form of the demon stand above the pulped bodies of her friends and guards, laughing as it swung it's huge black warmaul at her.

In her dreams she did not end up somewhere else in a flash.

In her dreams the demon was not satisfied with simply killing her.

Compared to her world, the world that had The Citadel, the massive fortress city that was all the land that remained free in her world and had been the only place of free and good people left in her world for longer than she had lived, this world looked perfect.

So much good. No demons roaming the lands and the skies. No evil mages and roaming undead monsters.

But there were also evil. Murderers, Bandits and worse.

Mary raised her hand to touch her necklace her father gave her on her thirteenth birthday. It was the last time he saw him before he went to stop a breach in The Citadels southern wall. A thin silver chain with a silver circle hanging from it, the symbol of light unbroken. The Greater Good.

There was good in this world, but also evil. She heard stories in the villages she visited. Nobles doing as they wished. Killing, taking and raping.

In the stories, that was how it started. Men became evil. The evil spread. Then the demons arrived.

It would not happen here.

She closed her eyes and channeled a bit of her pure white power, the white glow lighting up the pendant in her hand before she quickly opening her eyes again.

Then she met...him.

He was kind at first. He knew magic. The real thing, not the tainted demon arts.

They talked. As she spoke about stopping the evils in the land he turned against her, defending them. She couldn't believe her ears at first but in the end she conjured warriors to slay him.

That's when he showed his true colors. He lashed out with magic, red demonic power. When it failed to kill her guards, he summoned massive demonic beasts with flat dead fish eyes and massive jaws filled with sharp teeth.

Mary was barely able to escape with a spectral wings spell.

She searched the land for somewhere she could go. In the end she ended up here, with the brother of the former king and the rightful ruler of this land if the message from one of his brothers few loyal lords was correct.

She decided to help him. Free of the witches words that wormed into his ears he seemed like a just man.

He saw the wisdom in the laws of the light.

But now word had come from the North. Somebody with mysterious powers had joined the Stark army.

It could only be him.

Mary sighed and let her hand drop from her pendant, back to her side. The one that called himself Winter. It should had been obvious as soon as she heard the name. Winter, the time when things wither and die, when people starve and freeze to death.

He was coming and with him the demons would take this world to. The fields would burn and the people of the land would be slaughtered.

If you did not work with the side of good, you worked for the demons.

Winter needed to be stopped.

She turned and looked behind her, revealing the second person in the room who were sitting by the table, studying a map in the light of three candles.

"How soon can we move, Your Highness?" she asked King Stannis Baratheon.

He glanced up at her and slowly nodded "A week at most. Messengers are still returning with answers from other lords."

Mary nodded and then sighed as she crossed her arms, turning back to look out the window at the gathering stormclouds "A Storm is coming."

"They usually do here, My Lady." Stannis said as he stood up, walking up to join her.

She shook her head sadly "I don't mean the clouds."

AN// Big thanks to CKirk for betaing this section.
"You already know what I think of this." I told Robb Stark as we overlooked the future battlefield.

"You have told me plenty, yes." he responded as we watched the Lannister army in the distance maneuver across the field. Classic tactics. Archers and infantry in the middle and riders on the side.

I shook my head "I will tell you again. Fighting the Lannisters does not have a point. The more of their men that stay alive, the more are in the way of Mary's army."

"A Army we have not heard a word from." Robb answered "The Lannisters are here now. All we have heard are changes in some laws in The Stormlands."

I sighed and watched our army move around the small hill we were on. The formation of musket men and their accompanying Pikemen leading the pack. They would be center front with the swordmen to the sides of the formation to press forward in front of them when the enemy infantry get to close.

There were simply too few muskets. Two hundred muskets and the armies numbered in ten thousand. But they would be able to prove their effectiveness.

The men started to get decent with them, able to fire two shots a minute. Less than the three to four the expert British could do according to my omni tool database, but still decent.

Considering the surprise of the new weapon and their effects, they should be able to get of at least five salvos each, perhaps more depending on how much confusion the loud noises cause.

"You have powerful magic." Robb said "I have seen you control fire with your hands. Can you strike them with it?"

I looked out over the men that were about to die and I shook my head "I could. I won't. I can not hit enough for it to matter. I could summon creatures to assist, but I won't."

"You won't?" he asked, turning to me and I shook my head.

"This battle is pointless. I could have big monsters rampaging through the battlefield, but how would that help anyone? Yes, it might save some men on our side, but it will kill more on theirs. Men that could be used as a buffer between us and Mary's forces." I answered and then I sighed "You do not need my help with this. You would likely have won alone. Your men are good warriors and the muskets only tip the balance. You do not need massive monsters."

He looked at me for a moment before he slowly nodded "You have still not said were you sent that messenger."

Finding a rider willing to get on the massive raven was not easy. Getting the raven to follow his orders was a bit more tricky and required mind magic on the bird to get the raven to understand his commands.

Then we had to switch rider as the first one refused to get back on the raven after a practice flight. There were now a total of three riders on ravens, two of them were used by Robb for scouting but one I asked to borrow to send a message.

"No, I didn't." I said "He is going across the narrow sea with a message scroll to Daenerys Targaryen."

Robb turned to stare at me like I was mad "Targaryen? Are you mad!? The daughter of the mad king!?"

I nodded "Yes. As far as I know, she is sane. Well, as sane as anyone on this Plane is. And she has something we need."

"And what is that?" the King of The North asked and I smiled slightly.

"Dragons. Three of them."

"Impossible, all dragons are dead. And even if she had them, why would she help us?" Robb asked and I watched the armies line up as I answered.

"Because I promised her the Iron Throne." I said and he almost fell of his horse, his direwolf growling softly next to him.

"You did WHAT!?" he almost yelled before he glanced around "You did what?"

"Do you want it?" I asked him and he stared at me before he shook his head.

"Then what are you complaining about? If she really has dragons, she would have been able to take it anyway sooner or later. If she does not, there would not be a deal." I said and he just stared at me.

"The Targaryen ruled with a iron fist. The war to get them of the throne tore this kingdom apart." he slowly said and I shrugged.

"And?" I answered "She is not her father and she is the last one. If you are so worried about it, marry her. We need those dragons. Mary likely does not know about her yet. If she got the dragons first..." I said and then turned to him "I do not have a effective way of countering dragons. Not one I can easily implement at least."

A biplane should be able to handle dragons, but even those are not easy to build.

"I do not like it." He said and I smiled.

"You would like it even worse if they were on the other side."

A horn sounded and the Lannister army started to slowly move, their cavalry moving to start their deadly dance with the Stark cavalry, trying to get in position to flank the main force while keeping the other side from doing the same.

Robb glanced at me and nodded "Make the signal."

I raised my hand and channeled red. Thunder boomed as a bolt of lightening flew form my hand into the clear skies.

Moments late the archers started to fire.

Then the muskets started to thunder.

The dying had started.

AN// Big thanks to CKirk for betaing this one.
I knelt next to the man whimpering in the mud. He was covered in it and his right leg was covered with blood.

I checked him over and noted that he had received an arrow to the knee. Somehow it did not seem very funny. Without help, even if the wound did not fester and rot, he would be a cripple.

Pulling the arrow out he screamed and I pressed my hand against the wound, channeling White mana to heal it, using the absolute minimum and trying to pick up the slack with Green and a dash of Blue.

The wound healed beneath my hand, leaving a scar behind but fully healed and functional.

He stopped screaming and I finally noticed he was wearing the Lannister colors. It did not matter.

I got up and continued to the next man, walking past one with a leg missing and his stomach cut open. He was still alive, whimpering in the mud. Amazing really that he survived this long like that.

I could have saved him, but I didn't. Doing so would drain my White mana. It was a question of triage.

Stopping a hundred men from loosing their hands, arms, legs or feet from smaller wounds getting infected was better than saving a single life.

The hard, harsh truth.

I touch the head of a man sitting on the ground, holding a headwound, channeling mana as I move past, healing it as I went.

Somebody like Mary would likely had been able to heal everyone here in a single pulse of mana if she burned it all at once. I had to conserve.

Still, healing a flesh and bone wound was not like knitting together an already partially-healed spine. I didn't need to make it pretty, just functional. Also, by going slow my mana could regenerate slightly between healings, giving me more power to use.

Using Robb Starks authority I had the healers put up stills before, producing as pure alcohol as we could using strong, low quality beer. Some of it went to the men instead of the beer, but the rest were to be used to clean wounds.

Also, all bandages were to be boiled and nothing that had not been boiled was to ever touch a wound.

Hopefully it will save more people, even if I can not get to them in time.


"Well?" I asked Stark and he nodded.

"We found over a thousand men with wounds we had not seen before or with those small metal balls in them. Your muskets killed five times their own numbers." the Would be King said and I raised my eyebrow.

"That was more than I expected considering their numbers. The Lannister army might not have routed, but it sure as hell hesitated. They had good discipline."

"We got a third of them before they retreated." He continued "Our scouts reported they have crossed the river here." and pointed at the map.

I nodded "Good. Are we making more muskets?" I asked and Robb nodded.

"Yes, I have ordered the construction of another two thousand." he said and I crossed my arms.

"Should be sufficient. They wont be quite as effective next time as they will know what to expect, but the greater number should more than make up for it."

"You were on the battlefield after the battle, healing my men. Thank you." Robb then said and offered a goblet of wine which I took and sipped. Wine was never a favorite but it was better than drinking the water here.

"They were going to die if I did not, even with the new healing methods I taught your healers." I answered him and he frowned.

"You also helped Lannister men. From what you said, you can only use a limited amount of magic at a time." he continued and I snorted.

"What? I was suppose to leave them rolling, screaming in pain in the muck?" I asked and he sighed.

"They were fighting for the enemy." he said and I grimaced.

"They were swine herders and stable boys that were grabbed, a sword and a shield handed to them and told to go die for their lord. It is none of their fault they are here."

Stark sighed and sat down "I have gotten reports that almost to a man the Lannister men you healed asked to join us. Almost a hundred and fifty in total."

I put the goblet down and shook my head "Let them, we need them after this fiasco."

"There could be spies in the group." he said and I snorted as I turned to walk outside.

"Who do you think they are loyal to? The men that came and put a sword in their hand or the man that gave them the use of that hand back? Besides, we got plenty of spies already, that I can promise you." I answered as I walked out, heading for my tent.

I needed to rest, I had been up almost two days now. Then I had experiments I needed to do.

Further away in the camp I saw something that was not there before, someone had put up some kind of thick pole amongst the tents, almost a tree trunk. A man was currently climbing it with a axe. Why, I had no idea.

I pushed it from my mind and walked past the two guards into my tent. I had to order my tent guarded to stop whores from trying to sneak inside. First time it was amusing.

The tenth time it started to get annoying

AN// ntwayneK is the one to thank for betaing this one.
"Ah! No...no! Not that way...nonononono!" I panicked slightly as I floated towards the lamp hanging in the middle of my tent.

"What! Not that way you..." I flailed as I tried to get this flying business under control, now drifting towards my table and the pitcher of wine on it. Mary can bloody well do it, I wanted to be able to fly too.

However, using TK via blue mana to lift yourself is a bit...unstable. Without my self on the ground as the metaphysical anchor, the amount of control is limited at best.

So far I have managed to avoid knocking over something that might light fire to the place, but only narrowly.

Ironman had it easy with his fucking suit. I had to micromanage every part of the spell.

I groaned and dropped back onto the ground as I cut the power.

"Yeah, that won't work. Too much concentration needed." I grumbled and brought up my omni tool to do some notes on it.

I somehow needed some way to stabilize things and some way to bring down the concentration needed. Some kind of magical macro if you will. How Mary managed it with monowhite, I had no idea.

Perhaps if I made the TK lift a secondary effect and the control matrix the primary one...

That's how far I came before Stark walked into the tent and I glanced up from my omni tool. "Yes?" I asked him as I closed it down.

"Ah...We've just received news. Stannis Baratheon just defeated his brother's armies and assimilated the rest of it into his own forces. They are marching towards King's Landing. They are two weeks from the city." He said and I frowned.

"As expected. And the Lannister army?" I asked and he crosses his arms.

"The flying scouts report they have turned and are marching back to King's Landing. You knew this would happen." he said and I gave him a look that said 'No, D'uh'.

"Yes, I did. I have, in fact, told you. Several times. The Lannisters are not the enemy, they are a buffer. I would actually prefer to have them on our side if possible." I told him and he shook his head before sighing.

"What do you suggest now?" he asked and I frowned slightly.

"How are the musked production and training coming along?" I asked him and he blinked.

"About two thirds of the muskets are done. The men are taking turns to practice with them. Getting the alchemical powders take time to get here."

I nodded "We've got a simple choice then. Stay where we are, or retreat back further north."

"We should go after them. If we catch them fighting each other..." Robb said and I shook my head.

"Smiths can not work on the road. Without muskets it is not worth going forward. Besides, we have not yet gotten word from the Targaryen girl. Muskets are not good weapons for clearing fortifications so either we would need to go in with swords or we need dragons to burn the place." I said and he sighed before nodding.

"We will do it your way. We hold here for now." he said before he turned to leave.

I sighed and slowly tapped my finger against my leg. At least he was listening now.

Glancing at my omnitool I thought about going back to my research but instead I turned to exit my tent. Perhaps going for a walk would clear my head, let me make some kind of break through. The entire thing was annoying and the lack of anything but the most basic magical education didn't exactly help.

I couldn't help but wish I had a magic teacher.

I exited the tent and looked around. The sun was shining and the skies were blue, the first time this week.

That pole they put up had changed since I payed attention to it last, it was now carved into some kind of shape and somebody had started to fit metal details into it.

Feeling curious, I started for that location. Some tents had been cleared from the area around the pole and it turned out that the metal decoration of the pole had been carved with wintry scenes - giant snowflakes, primarily.

People were kneeling around it and at the base there were food and other gifts stacked. At the base of the pillar stood a man in white robes with pictures of ravens and red flames stitched onto it.

He was preaching, talking about Free Thinking, choices and birds flying free.

It took a moment before I realized what was happening, about at the same time as the preacher spotted me and cries out, rushing over to kneel, bowing deeply in front of me.

Only one thing went through my mind at the moment: 'Oh good lord...I have a religion.'

Well, almost the only thing.

The second thing was: 'Why the hell did nobody tell me about this!?'

"What's this?" I asked, looking down at the robed man. "And get of the ground, I don't want any grovelling."

"Your Holiness, this is the first temple to your magnificence. This is the place you first touched us, it is not much now, but it will grow." He said as he climbed back onto his feet.

I was honestly lost for words.

"I...why?" I asked before I continued "And what's your name?"

"My name is Gon. You...you healed me on the field of battle. I will spread your word to the people." He said. He was a middle aged man, bald with only a few wrinkles.

"And...what word is that?" I asked him and he smiled.

"The word. I have listened to what you have said, your message to the world. All men have the right to chose their own path."

"I see...Well..." I said. This was more than mildly disturbing. I then continued"Just...no killing people, torturing or anything like that. Also, no go knocking on peoples doors, asking if they want to hear your message. That's just rude."

"Of course not, Your Holiness. Your will be done." my priest said, bowing deeply.

"Well...enjoy yourself." I told him and then turned to walk back to my tent, this time noticing people bowing when I walked past and other people watching me with smiles. Several had necklaces with snowflakes on them.

Ok, more than mildly disturbing was a bit of a understatement.

As soon as Mary was handled, I was out of this damn world.

And for everything that is holy and sane, Jack is to NEVER find out about this.

AN// Dimensionist is to be thanked for this beta.
"She said what!?" I asked the tired messenger as I read through the answer.

"She said 'No' My Lord." he answered and I frowned.

"I can see that. Why precisely did she say no?" I asked as I dropped the scroll on the table. The scroll did not explain, it was a five hundred word polite way to saying 'Go to hell'.

"I...do not know for sure, My Lord." the man answered. He was visibly tired after his long flight on the raven "She said that the Throne was already hers and not something someone could give her."

I resisted the sudden urge to find a desk to face at before I nodded "You did well. Go, find some sleep and food. Hell...here." I said, throwing him a small pouch of silver "Find a girl or ten. You deserve it."

He quickly bowed and left, leaving me to curse Daenerys Targaryen. That girl had more personality than sense in her head.

She could be the punchline of a blond joke.

Robb Stark wandered in and poured himself a goblet of my wine "Good news?" he asked and I grimaged.

"It appear our Targaryen have declined my offer. So it turn out we wont have any dragons." I said with a sigh before I continued "Any news?"

He put his goblet down and nodded "Stannis Baratheon and his army reached King's Landing."

I crossed my arms "On schedule. Should have happened about a week or two ago depending on the speed of the messenger. We didn't send a raven rider to check...the city wont fall without a fight, not with Tywin pulling his army back. They should have reached the city at about the same time."

"According to the spies, they did reach the city a day after Stannis forces did. The city had already fallen."

I stared at him "What?"

He gave me a glare, squeezing his goblet tight "It had already fallen. Somehow all the gates opened when Stannis army approached. The spies were not clear...My sister was in that city."

How the flying hell did she do that? Mary are not the type to hire spies and saboteurs. And from what I know, Neither is Stannis.

Did she use religion to somehow influence the city beforehand? No, the spies would have known about it. Somebody must have helped her...but who?

"What about Tywins army?" I asked Stark and he shook his head "Last we heard, they had started to lay seige to the city. Reports are still coming in."

He then frowned "The lords on my council are getting anxious. Our weapons and supplies are ready, our troops are trained. We should march now."

I tapped my finger against my leg in thought "Will take at least three weeks to king's landing from here with a army in tow. Yes, we can march...but I want one condition."

Robb put his goblet down "Which is?"

"I want to send a messenger to Tywin Lannister to offer a alliance." I said and Robb stared at me like I was nuts.


"We can not fight two armies at once, even with your new weapons" Well, technically not true "The muskets are ill suited for city fighting. We need his swords to take the city if they do not come out and meet us at the field."

That however was true. Muskets are 'bad' at close quarters fighting.

"We still have our swords, we can change muskets for them when we take the city."

I sighed "As you wish, King of the North. Do as you wish." I said and he turned to leave, stopping as I continued "Your sisters...I do not believe they are in immediate danger if they did not die when the city was taken. As long as they keep calm and do not do something rash, they should be fine."

He looked at me for a moment before he shook his head and left the tent "You do not know Arya."

I sighed and walked to sit down at my table, taking some wine with a frown.

How in the ever blazing bloody hells did she do it? She is monowhite, not white blue, there was no mind fuckery involved.

I then blinked. At least I didnt think there was any mind fuckery involved. Did white have mind magic? I didn't remember exactly.

Unless that was proof that they DID have mind fuckery!

I snorted and shook my head. In that way of thinking lay tinfoil hats and madness. I activated my omnitool to restart work on my attempt to fly. Damn that thing was complicated, but at least I'm making some progress.

As I kept working I couldn't help but be thankful for one thing regarding my so called worshipers.

They left me mostly alone and at the very least they were quiet about it. Things could have been so much worse...

And it was disturbing enough like it was. Besides, I was afraid to poke the situation. I had no idea how the mind of a religious fanatic worked, I might make things worse!

At the moment they kept quiet and didn't bother anyone even if I had started to see more and more snowflakes around camp.

Hopefully they stay nice and calm.

AN// Big thanks to CKirk for betaing this one.