The moon rising- A Gwyndolin CK2 quest.

Hmm, that failed stewardship action is going to slow everything down. The original plan was sectioning-terraces-blacksmith, to get the bare minimum going roughly at the same time as things would develop. Getting sectioning done this turn would have lessened the chance of errors going forward, and having things charted out ahead of time would have sped-up things in regards to getting the population settled in and working, and allowed for more efficient use of our land in general. Getting everyone fed is more important though, and increasing our core industrial production is also going to be needed, so delaying those isn't something I'm eager to do. It's not disastrous though, just annoying.

I must admit, I did not expect the Snakemen to have that reaction to Priscilla, especially not since she's still in the damn painting. I can see this going in several ways, some not positive, though only one of them would be outright bad. This makes dealing with the painting guardians a little more important though, and I'm not sure how to approach them. It's still a problem that can be put off for a while, just not as long as before. Dealing with the Archives, on the other hand, might have just gotten moved up in the list, since eliminating it now serves several objectives.

I still want to take Firelink next turn, but doing so without taking Ingrid's - I think his name was - action, there might be problems. But taking care of the Snakemen is more important now...

Anyhow, the update was wonderful.
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Great update! A lot of good successes with just one unfortunate failure. I won't lie, for a moment I forgot Priscilla was a half-breed and figured that the snakewoman was looking at the painting because of the Undead Dragon. Priscilla makes a lot more sense, and it could be a good sign that the possible new leader of the Snakemen is the person that we just arranged to set free.

It's also good to hear that Reah and Siegmeyer are around, those are two characters that would be a huge help to have on our side if we can manage it. It's also not surprising to hear that Blighttown is a clusterfuck, because of course it is. I can only assume it'll be a nightmare to try and deal with the place however many turns from now we go for it, but it'll be important since there's a big ol' hole leading to Izalith down there, as well as the path down to Ash Lake which may not be important, but hey if we end up befriending the mushrooms there's a batch of them down there as well.

I agree that Firelink should probably be the next goal since that's a big nexus for everything reaching out from there, and it will put us in close proximity to the factions that we want to keep an eye on and the ones we want to befriend.
At the moment your forces are small enough that they can hunt beasts and scavenge for food- the terrace farming just takes less energy and is less dangerous overall, allowing civilians to be properly fed. Plus undead, though they don't exactly like it, can subsist off the energy of a bonfire. Just painting more of a picture in terms of a food situation.
Turn 2 start
You drum your fingers against your desk, considering the events of the last month. Other than the gaffe with your delay in your plans to divvy up Anor Londo, things were proceeding well. The giants below were happy to hear about the change of policy, and would be glad to come up as a workforce or even as soldiers- but there was the matter of Sen's Fortress. Currently it depended on the giants to make it functional as a truly hellish deathtrap. You didn't exactly need it as it was with your future plans- but there was something to be said about having a truly secure launch point into the rest of Lordran. On the bright side resources are going to be a little more plentiful with the princess guard gone to search for Gwynevere, but still.

Giant assignment choice: You combine these, like, two in Sen's one soldier, etc. One frontliner one archer, etc.

[] Position them in Sen's fortress: They don't seem opposed to this, given that is what they have been doing for the last few centuries. At least they'll have more company now with the darkmoons coming through.

[] Just the gate one: A solid gate is 70% of a defense, you need only that to dissuade most mortal attackers. 2 giants still allowed to be assigned in other areas.

[] Ask them to be soldiers: Outfitting them in divine brass is going to be hard, and constructing greatbows for them will require archtree wood- and getting down into the Ash lake is looking tricky.
--[] Outfit them in bronze. Costs 1 income for each
--[] Have them walk in Gough's path: requires a source of Archtree wood, as little else can take the force of their shots. No income. If voted they will hold off on joining battle for now.

[] Workers: They will try to find ways to be useful, this could be anything from assisting in building projects to apprenticing under the giant blacksmith. This will add a modifier: giant workforce. Adds a coinflips to any stewardship roll that involves building, on a heads (51-100) you gain +5 for each giant assigned to this role (IE three giants three coinflips).

With that set aside you return your attention to the current affairs. The Channelers must be destroyed, both for moral reasons and for the security of the realm. Beyond that, there seem to be several other factions forming in Lordran. You had confidence in your eventual success, but there were several potential headaches among them.

Well, they wouldn't wait around, you settle in and get to work, comforted by the presence of your right hand.

Current treasury: 10

Anna might as well be a statue with how rigid her posture is. She is one of your finest warriors, and beyond a shadow of a doubt your most loyal. While she doesn't have much experience in the way of conducting pitched battle, she is still is the coordinator of the Darkmoons.

Cleanse the Archives (DC 65): The resources of the duke's knowledge are worth seizing. To say nothing of his many instruments and the wealth the crystal cavern can bring you.

Reward: choices of what to do with the Duke's knowledge. Stewardship action to mine the caverns. Stop the flow of beasts. Snakemen join the fold if egg-grounds saved.

Secure Firelink (DC 40): Once a hub of travelers between the four lands of Lordran, Izalith, Nito's domain, and New Londo, the venerable station has fallen into decay. Seizing it is mostly a matter of actually stationing troops there, a bit of a hassle without a route from Sen's.

Reward: Able to renovate Firelink into a grand temple, a trading hub, or a military base. 1/3rd​ of 'secure pilgrimage'.

Quash the painting guardians (DC 30): While some may consider it treachery, some could also call it housecleaning. The painting guardians swear to a duty you would see ended, and if they catch wind of your plan they may not like it…

Reward: Free access to the painting.

Blue shift (DC 0, higher number=better outcome): Darkwraiths. You had hoped you had seen the last of them, but once again red eye orbs flood Lordran. You shudder to think of what they gather all that humanity for. It would take only a minor modification of your own darkmoons to allow them to stop people mid invasion.

Reward: Increased opinion among Lordran dwellers still sane. Stymie the darkwraiths.

You are forced to rely on your own personality for bringing about the outcomes you desire. How terrifying.


Recruitment drive (DC 0, higher rolls increase results): There are precious few safe spots in Lordran. Put out a clarion call to all those that would seek the sun's warmth.

Reward: Actual start of a civilian population. Potential hero units and advisors.

Reach out to the forest hunters (DC 60): Insular and reclusive, you know little of those that squat on the remains of Oolacile. But you are aware they considered themselves of the late Sif. You still feel guilt that you had something to do with the death of the noble creature, but still, maybe they would be willing to work with you?

Rewards: Diplomatic contact with Alvina. Possibilities to absorb the forest hunters in the future. Unlock ability to hire forest hunters as mercenaries.

Pardon me (DC 40): Many Darkmoons have mentioned the Pardoner with the disturbing laugh. As one of Velka's agents, he would be undoubtedly skilled- but he would also very likely spy on you for Velka and have his own aims.

Reward: Gain Oswald as a hero unit. Reduced DC of 'where in the world is Velka?'

A new duty (DC 70): The guardians take their duty, given by your father, very seriously. To the point where they only allow you to get anywhere close to the painting. But with you as the Lord of Anor Londo, and the direct heir of Gwyn, perhaps you can sway them towards another duty. (WRITE-IN ALLOWED). Costs one income if successful.

Reward: Redistribute the existing painting guard. Either as a skirmisher military unit, an addition to your intrigue forces, or police for Anor Londo in general. Free access to the painting.

Jolly cooperation (DC 30): The Chosen undead seemingly left quite a slew of admirers in their wake, and they're all gathering up in the burg, doing their best to have some semblance of civilization. You know there are at least a few of outstanding skill down there, perhaps they would welcome some assistance. They're certainly no friends of your enemies... even if the thought of people that so revere your brother getting so close to you is a little disturbing.

Reward: Possible to hire the adherents of sunlight. Possible to confederate them in the future. Opinion tracker for them revealed.

Anor Londo has all the basis it needs to return to it's former glory... if you can manage it right.


Sectioning (DC 40): Anor Londo is all but empty- but it need not be for long. You should get ahead of the game and make districts for the city to better enable. As it is it's merely a bunch of housing, and anything needed was imported, but you wanted to be self sufficient.

Reward: City organized. Future projects to improve various districts.

Terrace farming (DC 40): There are many terraces and flat roofs in Anor Londo going unused. You have read a few books on agriculture and botany alike, perhaps you can make use of them? Costs one income

Reward: People can properly eat, unlocks learning action.

A proper workplace (DC 30): The giant blacksmith is a kindly sort. He deserves better than simply hunching over an anvil in a corner. Costs one income.

Reward: Blacksmith Giant is able to start mass producing things more effectively. He likes you more!

Standardization (DC 50): Your darkmoons are an eclectic bunch. Get some of them to sit down and write down everything they know on Pyromancy, Sorcery, and Miracles, in hopes of spreading it around your army.

Reward: Basic manuals on how to use various spells. Teachers would still be more effective but it's better than nothing.

How to turn this on (DC 70, reduced if Sen's machines understood): Sen's fortress is a grand deathtrap. Problem is you don't exactly have much need for a deathtrap. But neither would you divest yourself of its defenses.

Reward: Sen's fortress able to disable and enable its defenses at the will of it's defenders. Right now you can only just sort of depend on the snakemen throwing down a ladder to help people up.

Ah this, this you know.


Rumor has it (DC 30): Send ears and eyes out into the world, to see and listen to the world at large beyond your border.

Reward: Access to the rumor mill. Find out how other kingdoms are doing. Slightly reduced DC of 'where in the world is Velka'.

God damn him (DC 40): You are aware that Flan's leave faction split several ways as soon as they left Lordran. Perhaps it is time you find out about the lesser godly cities?

Reward: Info page about the various godly city states.

Where in the world is Velka? (DC: ??): The goddess of sin, the crafty old bird, doesn't want to be found. This… makes things difficult to say the least.

Dragonslayers (DC: ??): You know Artorias is dead. You've visited the grave. You know Ciaran simply waited by it until her heart gave away to her sorrow. But that still leaves two. Knight-captain Ornstein, and Hawkeye Gough. The giant was last seen wandering off blindly after the treachery of Oolacile, and Ornstein followed your sister- to your knowledge. Their help would be most appreciated and greatly boost your legitimacy.

Reward: Start on finding Gough and Ornstein, two of the strongest heroes in the land. Potentially gain actions: A lead on Ornstein and A lead on Gough

The man in red (DC: 55): Someone has seized control of the undead of the graveyard. A surviving necromancer? Some lieutenant of Nito's? Regardless it's better to know rather than not.

Rewards: Knowledge. Potential diplomacy or martial actions

Eye gouger (DC: 0, higher roll equals better result): Darkmoons, hunt the guilty.

Reward: Dead channelers, makes the battle for the archives easier without their meddling.

You have always had a fondness for books. Which is good because it was the only way to pass the time while waiting for the Chosen.


Beacon (DC 50): You have no idea how the hell the serpentmen can detect Priscilla- something wrong with the painting perhaps? Or perhaps Priscilla pings as 'in the area' as she's only a bit off normal space.

Reward: Slightly reduce DC of study the painting, knowledge.

Full Boar action (DC 60): Iron tusks are nasty and temperamental creatures. How on earth did anyone produce and tame them in any number? Costs one income.

Reward: Unlock iron tusk military unit. Unlock a learning action for production of domesticated boars for eating. Unlock a military action to make boar cavalry.

How did he do it? (0/400): Sen was considered both a madman and genius in equal measures. He was one of your tutors and you found him to be a kindly, if forgetful sort of doddering uncle. Regardless, from the great elevators to the many… interesting mechanisms of his fortress, nobody can deny that his many works have merit.

Reward: Gain an understanding of how to build Sen's creations.

Abysswalking (0/200): As a magical and divine art in equal measure, you have some leeway to figure out how exactly a being of flame can survive infinite darkness. Though you hope you never need to use this knowledge….

Reward: Able to fashion anti-abyss equipment.

Magic medical mushroom (DC 60): Certain undead claim that the flesh of the mushroom people has incredible healing properties- others just claim it's tasty. How there is such a discrepancy you don't know- but it could be useful to find out.

Reward: Insight into how the mushrooms of old Oolacile work.

Demonomicon (0/???): The art of living stone and fleshcrafting. Gargoyles, golems, the batwings, the crow-women, among other things. Your batwings are extremely useful, and you would be loathe to be without them. Best find a way to make more, along with other things you won't miss if they fell.

Reward: Possible production of artificial beings.

Study the painting: The Painting guardians won't let anyone get close asides yourself- but you can't spend all your time doing it. (CURRENTLY LOCKED)

Experiment with humanity (DC ??): What could possibly go wrong?

Reward: ??????????

Two miracles of your own design to your name. Not exactly a wealth but quality is better than quantity.


Canonization (DC 0, higher number means larger success): You have few ties with the way of white as a whole. Before that was for the sake of secrecy, but now? Perhaps it would be better if Dark sun Gwyndolin was better known.

Reward: Thorolund opinion increase, ???

Chosen (DC 30/65): The tale of the Chosen undead is one fraught with struggle and hardship, and then the ultimate sacrifice. If it were known far and wide that an undead saved the age of fire, perhaps the stigma that has clung to them since the times of yore will finally abate.

Reward: Increased loyalty and morale from undead recruits/Reduce persecution of undead on a wide scale.

Illusory blessings (DC 0, higher roll equals better miracle): You have two miracles to your name, only one truly available. Perhaps it is time to make your art, the art of bending light into form, to be made more widely available.

Reward: Slightly increased reputation with the way of white when contact established. More effective priests and paladins. Possible trait.

Establish Paladins (DC 40): A knightly order, Paladins are sworn to the way of white. But why not a more specific breed?

Reward: Promote ten of your Darkmoons to Lunar Paladins, an elite heavy infantry unit primarily focused on miracles. Will utilize any miracles you developed in addition to the usual suite. May further establish them as a knightly order in the future as their numbers swell.

What the hell is Pyromancy? (DC: 90): The degraded cousin of fire sorcery, yet in some ways more effective. It seems almost instinctive for the humans in your employ to use it so freely, but why?

Reward: ???

Piligrim's progress (DC 0, higher roll is a larger success): Announce to the world that Anor Londo is free to be viewed and visited… if they can make it to sen's fortress. Making it into Lordran is still a bit tricky but not impossible for the determined.



Attempt to train: Your arms still work, and damnit you might need every bit of force you can possibly put into your bow.

Spend time with a hero:
Anna. Your loyal shadow. You trust each other utterly, but you never really speak much. You should rectify that.

Try to expand the Lord vessel transportation network: You helped make the Lordvessel but making it's transportation function more accessible is… a tricky proposition.

Encourage your troops: Before you mostly relied on their senses of duty and justice- but you want more. You want them to throw themselves into their work, and to see you as more than just their ruler. (Write in available)

Write memoirs: The way of white runs on stories of the gods. Perhaps you should give your own perspective on things. You would of course, expel any mention of your role in the Chosen undead.

Make Illusions: Bolster your men with the illusory sentinels, titans of bronze and muscle. (+15 to a martial or stewardship action)

Relax: You know how to do this… right? You finally won, and while a celebration isn't in the cards, you can at least take a break.

Research alternative means of mobility: You're honestly a little sick of being reduced to teleporting or extremely slow movement

The Lady of Darkling.

Study: You wish to be of better use to lord Gwyndolin, you should try your best to be functional in as many roles as possible.

Drill: Train yourself as a commander and the Darkmoons to function more as a unit

Give Humanity-Charity: There are fewer hollows now, but the sight of them gives a niggling thought. They attacked in search of humanity, but what would happen if they actually got it?

Give Humanity- Distribution: The Darksign faded but did not disappear, the undead among you still need it. It would set a good precedent that you care for your own.

Shadow your Lord: If anyone would harm him, you would know it.

OOC- So to make this absolutely clear, you pick one of each sort of the main six actions- and then every character listed in the personal section can take one of those actions as well representing the use of their free time. So Anna can help you beat the shit out of darkwraiths and still shadow Gwyndolin in the same turn.

Also thinking of offering Omake rewards- canonization, dice bonuses, possible traits, that sort of thing. Would you all be fine with that?
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Illusory blessings (DC 0, higher roll equals better miracle): You have one miracle to your name

Anyway. I feel like you should put the personal actions in spoilers as well since it's only gonna get more cluttered as we get more heroes and actions.

As for the actions, I suppose cleansing the archives is good to followup ASAP? It's not omega-urgent, but then, nothing else is in martial? If we put the bonuses we did last time, then we'd need to get fairly unlucky to fail. The "if egg-grounds saved" part makes me concerned that we need a better than DC roll, though. Maybe use that intrigue action to kill some channelers? Does the bonus apply if we do both actions on the same turn? I would go all-in, though the other intrigue actions are also useful.
EDIT: Oh yeah, diplomacy. Probably recruitment drive or Pardon me, we need more hero units.
Stewardship should probably be agriculture, but I can't tell how important it is when we don't actually have some arbitrary food number or description to look at, so maybe we can try Sectioning again before that. Learning... eh, I'm not sure. Maybe beacon or full boar. For Piety, possibly another miracle to enhance a paladins or canonization down the line? I guess we could try paladins now, don't see why they wouldn't learn about miracles we create in the future.

Then if we did that, illusions to martial, lady to martial, also probably drilling again. This is all assuming we get bonuses from other actions for archives this turn, otherwise, maybe we wait a turn.
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Anyway. I feel like you should put the personal actions in spoilers as well since it's only gonna get more cluttered as we get more heroes and actions.

As for the actions, I suppose cleansing the archives is good to followup ASAP? It's not omega-urgent, but then, nothing else is in martial? If we put the bonuses we did last time, then we'd need to get fairly unlucky to fail. The "if egg-grounds saved" part makes me concerned that we need a better than DC roll, though. Maybe use that intrigue action to kill some channelers? Does the bonus apply if we do both actions on the same turn? I would go all-in, though the other intrigue actions are also useful.

I was going to start including supply levels in the realm writeup once you started making food or having a civvie population (IE once it became a real concern for gwyndolin)- and thanks for pointing out the miracle error, my bad there. And if you attack the channelers and the archive at the same time the intrigue action fires first.
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Okay, so there are still a ton of options available to us, but some of them feel a lot more pressing than others. That said, I think one of the most important things would be to get things done in the right order to get the results we want rather than just rushing in.

For example, I think one of the most important things to us right now is handling the Channelers in the Archives and securing that whole place to gain protection from all the wild stuff in there as well as gaining the trust of the Snakemen and the resources that the crystals and knowledge and such would provide. However, failing to secure the archives seems like a much bigger threat than the dangers that might show up by delaying that attempt by a turn or two to make sure we pass. As such, it would be best in my opinion to lower that check a little more while simultaneously taking care of some other important tasks.

[X] Solidify and Prepare
-[X] Just the gate one: Defending the Fortress is important both for the threat of anyone trying to attack it and for the safety of anyone using it as a path to get to Anor Londo. The gate will do most of the work, but I think it's also important to remember where the gate giant is. He's right above the gate. If any giant should later be equipped with a great bow and some training once we can get to Ash Lake, it's this guy who's already in the best position to defend the place. It's not like the gate would need to be opened while he has any reason to shoot someone from up there.
-[X] Workers: And with that, I think the other two should be workers. While Gwyndolin's forces may not be too numerous at the moment, our workforce is far more sparse by an order of magnitude that can't be ignored. Just relying on the Snakemen for all our workforce while we haven't even fully secured their loyalty doesn't seem like a great idea.
-[X] Secure Firelink (DC 40): Once a hub of travelers between the four lands of Lordran, Izalith, Nito's domain, and New Londo, the venerable station has fallen into decay. Seizing it is mostly a matter of actually stationing troops there, a bit of a hassle without a route from Sen's.
-[X] Pardon me (DC 40): Many Darkmoons have mentioned the Pardoner with the disturbing laugh. As one of Velka's agents, he would be undoubtedly skilled- but he would also very likely spy on you for Velka and have his own aims.
-[X] Sectioning (DC 40): Anor Londo is all but empty- but it need not be for long. You should get ahead of the game and make districts for the city to better enable. As it is it's merely a bunch of housing, and anything needed was imported, but you wanted to be self sufficient.
-[X] Eye gouger (DC: 0, higher roll equals better result): Darkmoons, hunt the guilty.
-[X] Beacon (DC 50): You have no idea how the hell the serpentmen can detect Priscilla- something wrong with the painting perhaps? Or perhaps Priscilla pings as 'in the area' as she's only a bit off normal space.
-[X] Establish Paladins (DC 40): A knightly order, Paladins are sworn to the way of white. But why not a more specific breed?
-[X] Gwyndolin
--[X] Anna. Your loyal shadow. You trust each other utterly, but you never really speak much. You should rectify that.
-[X] The Lady of Darkling
--[X] Study: You wish to be of better use to lord Gwyndolin, you should try your best to be functional in as many roles as possible.

Overall, the goal of these moves is to both strengthen the moves we've already made while also preparing for the future. The Giants give us two valuable members of the workforce while our defense at Sen's fortress remains still quite strong, with the possibility of it strengthening more in the future.

Securing Firelink is a continuation of the move we made into securing a pilgrimage and will provide a good base for us to make larger moves toward contacting others in the coming turns. This is instead of securing the archive this turn since killing the channelers with the Eye Gouger step will lower that DC for later and we'll get much closer to guaranteeing a pass on that check rather than risking an unlikely failure even if we have good bonuses.

Taking in the Pardoner may be a slight risk since the Pardoner himself is a shady sort of guy, but working for Velka is far from the worst person he could work for since we want Velka to know what we're doing since the plan is to bring her back as soon as possible. Unless she's turned against us for some reason, it won't hurt to have someone that has a fresher connection to her than we do.

Studying why the serpentmen can sense Priscilla is a helpful move on three fronts as far as I can figure, helping us with the serpentmen, Priscilla herself, and finding out more about the painting which may help us with the Guardians. None of those are guarantees, but I think it's a more presently helpful option than the others.

When it comes to Piety, I'm honestly not too sure about this step, but setting up a group of Paladins early seems like a good idea since it adds a strong level to the hierarchy of our military forces that can benefit from the miracle we made as well as any we make or gain access to in the future.

For the personal, I simply think that the hero characters are important and even if we have a good connection with them, we should check in on them when we can to see if there's any growth that can be found there or any opportunities we wouldn't know of otherwise. Similarly, Anna will likely often be taking the Drill action, but seeing what she can learn through the Study is important for similar reasons to having Gwyndolin talk to her.
[X] Plan: Return of the Darkmoons
-[X] Just the gate one: A solid gate is 70% of a defense, you need only that to dissuade most mortal attackers.
-[X] Workers: They will try to find ways to be useful, this could be anything from assisting in building projects to apprenticing under the giant blacksmith.
-[X] Blue shift (DC 0, higher number=better outcome): Darkwraiths. You had hoped you had seen the last of them, but once again red eye orbs flood Lordran. You shudder to think of what they gather all that humanity for. It would take only a minor modification of your own darkmoons to allow them to stop people mid invasion.
-[X] Jolly cooperation (DC 30): The Chosen undead seemingly left quite a slew of admirers in their wake, and they're all gathering up in the burg, doing their best to have some semblance of civilization. You know there are at least a few of outstanding skill down there, perhaps they would welcome some assistance. They're certainly no friends of your enemies... even if the thought of people that so revere your brother getting so close to you is a little disturbing.
-[X] Sectioning (DC 40): Anor Londo is all but empty- but it need not be for long. You should get ahead of the game and make districts for the city to better enable. As it is it's merely a bunch of housing, and anything needed was imported, but you wanted to be self sufficient.
-[X] Eye gouger (DC: 0, higher roll equals better result): Darkmoons, hunt the guilty.
-[X] Beacon (DC 50): You have no idea how the hell the serpentmen can detect Priscilla- something wrong with the painting perhaps? Or perhaps Priscilla pings as 'in the area' as she's only a bit off normal space.
-[X] Illusory blessings (DC 0, higher roll equals better miracle): You have two miracles to your name, only one truly available. Perhaps it is time to make your art, the art of bending light into form, to be made more widely available.
-[X] Gwyndolin
--[X] Write memoirs: The way of white runs on stories of the gods. Perhaps you should give your own perspective on things. You would of course, expel any mention of your role in the Chosen undead.
-[X] The Lady of Darkling
--[X] Drill: Train yourself as a commander and the Darkmoons to function more as a unit
--[X] National
---[X] Intrigue

While I know there were plans to take Firelink this turn, I think our time will be better spent intercepting the Darkwraiths attacking the residents of Undead Burg, as it will synergize with our attempt to make contact with them, and stopping the plans of the Darkwraiths is valuable in and of itself.

I chose reaching out to the people of Undead Burg over recruiting Oscar or civilians because of the above synergy, and because I want to have completed Sectioning before people start moving into the city.

Additionally, Eye Gouger seems like an action that will make Cleansing the Archives easier, both by reducing the number of intelligent combatants and possibly freeing up some Snakemen to fight alongside us now that their eggs are safe from danger.

Speaking of the Snakemen, figuring out their connection with Priscilla, and how it works through the painting, is something that could possibly benefit both the Snakemen (by understanding their connections to dragons better) and Priscilla (by understanding the painting and her draconic nature better).

For Piety, I think we should continue making progress on our miracle roster, so that we have a better starting reputation with the Way of White members within the Undead Burg, and that our Lunar Paladins have a better roster to start with when we establish them later.

Finally, I believe that Gwyndolin should get started on writing his memoirs now, to help with Canonization and relations with the Way of White/Thorolund later, and that Anna should complete her Drills with the Darkmoons so they can function as an effective unit in combat even if she's not around to lead them.
[X] Plan: Archive Attack!
-[X] Just the gate one: A solid gate is 70% of a defense, you need only that to dissuade most mortal attackers.
-[X] Workers: They will try to find ways to be useful, this could be anything from assisting in building projects to apprenticing under the giant blacksmith.
-[X]Cleanse the Archives (DC 65): The resources of the duke's knowledge are worth seizing. To say nothing of his many instruments and the wealth the crystal cavern can bring you.
--[X]The Lady of Darkling.
-[X]Pardon me (DC 40): Many Darkmoons have mentioned the Pardoner with the disturbing laugh. As one of Velka's agents, he would be undoubtedly skilled- but he would also very likely spy on you for Velka and have his own aims.
-[X]Sectioning (DC 40): Anor Londo is all but empty- but it need not be for long. You should get ahead of the game and make districts for the city to better enable. As it is it's merely a bunch of housing, and anything needed was imported, but you wanted to be self sufficient.
-[X]Eye gouger (DC: 0, higher roll equals better result): Darkmoons, hunt the guilty.
-[X]Beacon (DC 50): You have no idea how the hell the serpentmen can detect Priscilla- something wrong with the painting perhaps? Or perhaps Priscilla pings as 'in the area' as she's only a bit off normal space.
-[X]Canonization (DC 0, higher number means larger success): You have few ties with the way of white as a whole. Before that was for the sake of secrecy, but now? Perhaps it would be better if Dark sun Gwyndolin was better known.
-[X]Make Illusions: Bolster your men with the illusory sentinels, titans of bronze and muscle. (+15 to a martial or stewardship action) - Martial
-[X]The Lady of Darkling.
Give Humanity-Charity: There are fewer hollows now, but the sight of them gives a niggling thought. They attacked in search of humanity, but what would happen if they actually got it?

Do we assign each hero to a main action?

I assume Gwyndolin adds his stats to everything since he is the faction lead but does lady of darkling need to be assigned to one?
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[X] Plan: Archive Attack!

Do we assign each hero to a main action?

I assume Gwyndolin adds his stats to everything since he is the faction lead but does lady of darkling need to be assigned to one?
You assign each hero (discounting Gwyndolin since he's involved in everything) to a national action to provide their bonuses to it. Last turn we assigned Anna to martial to help set up the containment lines around the archives.
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[X] Plan: Archive Attack!
-[X] Just the gate one: A solid gate is 70% of a defense, you need only that to dissuade most mortal attackers.
-[X] Workers: They will try to find ways to be useful, this could be anything from assisting in building projects to apprenticing under the giant blacksmith.
-[X]Cleanse the Archives (DC 65): The resources of the duke's knowledge are worth seizing. To say nothing of his many instruments and the wealth the crystal cavern can bring you.
--[X]The Lady of Darkling.
-[X]Pardon me (DC 40): Many Darkmoons have mentioned the Pardoner with the disturbing laugh. As one of Velka's agents, he would be undoubtedly skilled- but he would also very likely spy on you for Velka and have his own aims.
-[X]Sectioning (DC 40): Anor Londo is all but empty- but it need not be for long. You should get ahead of the game and make districts for the city to better enable. As it is it's merely a bunch of housing, and anything needed was imported, but you wanted to be self sufficient.
-[X]Eye gouger (DC: 0, higher roll equals better result): Darkmoons, hunt the guilty.
-[X]Beacon (DC 50): You have no idea how the hell the serpentmen can detect Priscilla- something wrong with the painting perhaps? Or perhaps Priscilla pings as 'in the area' as she's only a bit off normal space.
-[X]Canonization (DC 0, higher number means larger success): You have few ties with the way of white as a whole. Before that was for the sake of secrecy, but now? Perhaps it would be better if Dark sun Gwyndolin was better known.
-[X]Make Illusions: Bolster your men with the illusory sentinels, titans of bronze and muscle. (+15 to a martial or stewardship action) - Martial
-[X]The Lady of Darkling.
Give Humanity-Charity: There are fewer hollows now, but the sight of them gives a niggling thought. They attacked in search of humanity, but what would happen if they actually got it?

I really want those archives cleared.
Personally, I advocate for a slower approach to dealing with the archives. Focusing on assassinating the channelers this turn and attacking properly the next lets us support both actions with the Lady, giving us the best chance overall. Rushing it has its advantages, but the risk can be lowered.

In the meanwhile, approaching the Parish forces is a necessary step if we want to take and keep Firelink, since, through the chapel, they a have path with which to access it. Unfortunately for us, it seems that that chapel is also their base of operations, so marching our troops through it without an agreement in place would be... unwise. Also unfortunately, diplomacy is an area we are currently deficient in, so any little bit that can help is important.

Finding out what's up with (presumably) Priscilla is kind of a must-do at the moment, no point in arguing there.

I am against canonization as of this moment though; it's important that we do it, but it would put our name out there sooner than we are ready for it. With it, the word of our kingship would get out, in all likelihood, but right now we've near to nothing to actually show for it. It's liable to reach the world regardless of our actions, of course, but let's make use of this headstart while we have it. Making contact with Oswald is also something I want to hold off on, for now, seeing as keeping him loyal would involve searching for Velka which would have the consequence of opening hostilities with Flann. Another thing we're not yet ready for.

Overall, had I not been busy yesterday, I would have come up with something identical, or only differing in the details, to what Doctor Elsewhere put up.

[X] Plan: Return of the Darkmoons
Personally, I advocate for a slower approach to dealing with the archives. Focusing on assassinating the channelers this turn and attacking properly the next lets us support both actions with the Lady, giving us the best chance overall. Rushing it has its advantages, but the risk can be lowered.
I'm fine hitting it now.

With lady on it and the boost from the personal we only need to roll above 22.

Eye gouger can't fail so I imagine any decent result there will lower the dc even more from the dead channelers.

So starting off with a 78% chance of success with the assumed chance of that going even higher.

We need to clear the Archives to get the snakes to join. Once they do we have sens fortress. Then we get the chapel. Then we get firelink and have a save path for pilgrims.
Ah, to clarify, the parish dwellers are operating out of the temple of the adherents of sunlight. The temple of the bell of awakening hasn't been claimed by them yet (their main effort is claiming the areas below in hopes of stopping the gribbles coming from the depths). Seizing it was going to be part of claiming firelink due to the through line. But they will be your neighbors.
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Turn 2 results
Whoo boy this turn is something. Might have to pump up some dcs.

[X] Plan: Return of the Darkmoons
-[X] Just the gate one: A solid gate is 70% of a defense, you need only that to dissuade most mortal attackers.
-[X] Workers: They will try to find ways to be useful, this could be anything from assisting in building projects to apprenticing under the giant blacksmith.
-[X] Blue shift (DC 0, higher number=better outcome): Darkwraiths. You had hoped you had seen the last of them, but once again red eye orbs flood Lordran. You shudder to think of what they gather all that humanity for. It would take only a minor modification of your own darkmoons to allow them to stop people mid invasion.
-[X] Jolly cooperation (DC 30): The Chosen undead seemingly left quite a slew of admirers in their wake, and they're all gathering up in the burg, doing their best to have some semblance of civilization. You know there are at least a few of outstanding skill down there, perhaps they would welcome some assistance. They're certainly no friends of your enemies... even if the thought of people that so revere your brother getting so close to you is a little disturbing.
-[X] Sectioning (DC 40): Anor Londo is all but empty- but it need not be for long. You should get ahead of the game and make districts for the city to better enable. As it is it's merely a bunch of housing, and anything needed was imported, but you wanted to be self sufficient.
-[X] Eye gouger (DC: 0, higher roll equals better result): Darkmoons, hunt the guilty.
-[X] Beacon (DC 50): You have no idea how the hell the serpentmen can detect Priscilla- something wrong with the painting perhaps? Or perhaps Priscilla pings as 'in the area' as she's only a bit off normal space.
-[X] Illusory blessings (DC 0, higher roll equals better miracle): You have two miracles to your name, only one truly available. Perhaps it is time to make your art, the art of bending light into form, to be made more widely available.
-[X] Gwyndolin
--[X] Write memoirs: The way of white runs on stories of the gods. Perhaps you should give your own perspective on things. You would of course, expel any mention of your role in the Chosen undead.
-[X] The Lady of Darkling
--[X] Drill: Train yourself as a commander and the Darkmoons to function more as a unit
--[X] National
---[X] Intrigue

"I am glad that you are once more willing to work with Anor Londo for the good of the land. I realize that I haven't exactly been the most personable regent." You bow slightly to the giants. Their ceaseless service had to be rewarded at some point- and more than with just a stop to the drudgery. That the elder beings were so graceful about their state boggled the mind- but giants were hard to make truly mad.

"No problem, small king." One of the giants rumbles, not unkindly, any disrespect likely not intended. It was rare to meet one that had a full grip of the lordish/human language like Gough did- but only a fool would assume them stupid in any way. "Gwyn did us great service, doing likewise for you would be honor."

"Are you sure you are fine with remaining on the gate then?" You quirk a brow under your crown at the leader, better to be safe than sorry.

"Just give me bombs that Thorkell threw, so I can better defend the gate."

Learning check! 83+25= 118!


You nod- but a thought struck you. There were better ways to deliver such an explosive payload than just throwing them, and then your mind is set to racing. Firebombs and their black counterparts were powerful explosives- but the delivery was often the issue, most enemies being too fast for their meagre range even when thrown by a strong undead. But what of slings? The principal of the primitive device was still used in trebuchets just on a massive scale.

Hm, maybe you needed to think on simpler terms more often. The smaller races had gotten creative in lieu of divine aid multiple times.

"Little king?"

You jolt back into reality. "Ah, yes of course it will be done, thank you for your time."

Projects unlocked!
Martial: Firebomb slings
Martial: Firebomb artillery ammunition
Learning: Firebomb arrowheads/miniaturization.
Personal: Basics of chemistry.

They go to leave with ponderous steps, and you stew on your thoughts for a while, before another one strikes you. How did they get up here?!



Blue shift: 73+10 (familiarity nullifies malus)= 83

Great success!

Caiphas grimaces as he fires off another heavy soul arrow at the figure in red. The Darkwraiths just kept coming! It was unfair to fight an enemy that could take as many swings at you as they pleased! A little ironic coming from a former undead, but still-

He curses at the figure in skeletal armor as they rise to take a swing at him- at this range his sorcerer garb would only mean he died quickly. He hoped Sieg-

A barrage of glowing arrow fire cut off his thoughts as the darkwraith peddled backwards. A figure in blue- no, a blue figure leapt from a rooftop to drive an estoc through the flailing invader- and then with a flick of the blade severed an ear. As the dying darkwraith faded into nothing, the blue figure rose- and gave a salute. Caiphas, unsure, returned it with his catalyst hand as the figure faded.

He stood there, stock still, and moved to run back to the safety of the sunlight church. He had to tell the others!

Rumors spread in the following days of the women and men in blue who appeared to slap down almost every single attempt at invasion. A few of the more faithful or academically inclined managed to recognize the trend- the punishers of the guilty had also turned their blades to save the innocent. Morale soars, another god, their patron's own family no less, had seen fit to aid them!

Reward: Massive initial opinion increase. Darkwraith rate of humanity gain drastically slowed.


Jolly cooperation: 85+15-5(insecurity malus)+20(Blue shift)=115

Critical success!

At your message of a request to treat, a pair of figures leave the safety of the sunlight sanctuary. Your eyes report the larger of the two decking hollows with his bare hands and dropping even the knightly types with savage dropkicks. The squat onion knight followed through with surprising amounts of skill, carving through any who dared to approach with surprising amounts of grace for their portly shape. They make their way up into Sen's, and into Anor Londo- even though the blacksmith clearly didn't like being carried by three demons. They are ushered into your office rather than to a throne room- better to cultivate an image of equals than trying to lord over potential allies.

"Andre of Astora yer highness." The larger and bolder of the two announced himself first, bowing clumsily, clearly not the type for social graces. The onion knight stood silent for a moment- before being elbowed by her companion.

"Oh, sorry! I wasn't sure how to react to godly royalty. Let me just-" A soft female voice sounded out as the knightess pulled off her helm, revealing a blonde head of hair and soft features. "Sieglinde of Catarina. We're here to serve your grace."

"You are welcome in my hall, but I believe I didn't ask for your service?" You ask, more pleasantly surprised.

"Oh, well- I mean we're here to offer it." The knightess grew flustered. "You saved the lives of quite a few of our men, and in turn you asked for nothing. But between your position and your power, you're clearly the best person to turn to in these times. I may be good in a fight, but having everyone look up to you is exhausting."

"So you mean to pass the burden unto me?" You curse internally as her face grows panicked- your sense of humor needed work. "I jest, but truly, if you wish to join as a vassal of the Darkmoon, I will gladly give aid in return. Name anything and I shall see it done if it is within my means."

"Well, we either need resources to properly fortify against the darkwraiths, or we need to move into Anor Londo." Andre ignored the look Sieglinde shot him. "I mean yer blades are already living here, why not us? But I don't like the thought of the Darkwraiths wreckin everything behind us."

"Well, if we're allowed to ask for things, can we… know the name of the firstborn?" The knightess spoke up, asking a question that completely threw you off.

The question catches you off guard, and your eyes go wide under your crown. "…I will ask a question of my own first. What does it mean to you?" Your will bears down on Sieglinde, the weight of centuries and the legacy of Power unmatched. "It is after all, a question not answered lightly. He was struck from history after all. To undo that…" You let it hang. You would make an enemy of Flan with this if inviting Velka didn't already do it.

"…It's about the Chosen your lordship." Sieglinde mutters after a few tense seconds. "He… he was a follower. He saved my life with his skill, and my will to live with his kindness. I came to Lordran to save my father and ended up having to put him down. He was the only one there to comfort me in the end, and he didn't just help me. He helped Rhea and others too. And he didn't even know the name of the god he emulated. I think it would honor his sacrifice, to make sure that there are more people like him in the world."

"I see." The two words fail to capture how you are feeling. Emotions you thought long buried rush up. Your brother's smile, his relentless optimism, the way he always knew when to come close to you and when to leave you be-

You force the emotions down. To bring the memory of your brother back into the world would be to declare the ruling gods false in all the ways that mattered. But at the same time… it is your brother.

[] "His name was Aegwyn." Massive morale boost for sunlight warriors, chance to make a proper church for your brother. Sunlight warriors increase numbers faster. Piss off Quen Londo even more.

[] "I cannot. Maybe in the future however." Sunlight warriors join as is.

Sieglinde freezes slightly at the answer, and understanding the enormity of your choice, nods. "I see… I will go update the others as to the new arrangements then. I hope that we can work together to do him proud all the same."

You nod, and in a moment of vulnerability, you cannot help but speak- "I hope so too."

Sunlight adherents confederated!

Reward: Andre collaborates with the giant.
Dc for Chosen lowered now that you have more details to go off.
Rhea and Sieglinde join as hero units!
50 Sunlight warriors join, these units are faith focused offensive unit, with a tendency to be big damn heroes.
200 irregulars: These units are militia more or less- but the militia of a place like Lordran are seasoned warriors all the same.

Actions unlocked
Stewardship: Welcome home, a firm foothold.
Martial: Train the irregulars.


Sectioning: 29+18-5=42

Success! (barely)

Compared to the monumental decision you just made, going to work on the city is relaxing. It's all a matter of making sure everything is in its proper place. Noting areas that needed some upkeep. Smithies and tanneries where they wouldn't stink, a good central area for the planned bazar- multiple locations to store potential forces to avoid potential altercations, residential zones. You're unfamiliar with city building as a whole- but you manage to get a good outline that could be improved later with a more critical eye.

Reward: Anor Londo won't descend into chaos from haphazard personnel management. Actions to improve specialized areas later when population increases.


Eyegouger 81+22+12+5(hunter of the guilty)= 120

Critical success!

The full moon rising was an omen of death for the Channelers. One by one the blue phantoms manifested within the various nooks and crannies of the castle- and went about their grisly work with efficiency borne of outrage. Mad or not, the channelers had sinned, and vengeance would be had.

The remnants of Seath's mad little duchy die not with the scream of violence and death, but with whispers. Blades lunge from the darkness, and serpentine figures fall upon the spies of Seath with a surprising amount of fury when they can catch them alone. Some of them manage a fight- but in a single day, it's over. All that's left is the cleanup from the various battles. The crystal golems are shattered, the Piscea are given the mercy of death, the remaining hollows are driven out and into the crystal caverns- and at last Salanthis presents you with the head of the leader of the remainders herself. Seath's archives are claimed. And with it the wealth of knowledge… for good and for ill. There is much mundane safe knowledge- but quite a bit that would fray the sanity. You would have to be careful- and furthermore there are some wings you would consider burning away entirely.

Knowledge of fleshcrafting and genetics. Knowledge of how the Piscea, Priscilla, and the moonlight butterflies were made- and how two thirds of them were controlled. Perhaps even a way to restore your legs to what they should be…
[] Burn it. It was at the cost of violating the laws of nature and so much senseless suffering. You will not abide it's continuation in any way.
[] Keep it. The suffering had already happened. You can make sure it doesn't happen again under your guidance.

Crystal sorcerery. Derived from the primeval stone that kept Seath alive despite the efforts of all sorts of powerful figures from assassins to knights to demigods. Yet it may have been the very thing that drove him mad.

[] Keep it. Surely the sorceries themselves are safe? As long as you don't delve deeper into the mysteries of crystal you will likely be fine.
[] Burn it. No risks will be taken, not so early into your reign- there will not be another Seath on your watch.


300 snakemen join the fold! 50 of whom are casters.
The snakemen thoroughly proved their loyalty!
100 progress to Sen's notes and artificial beings!
Actions unlocked
Stewardship: Refurbish the archives. Leads into converting the archives into a barracks, school, or temple.
Crystal mining unlocked!
Learning: Eye see, trident trouble. Study Seath's body.

But there was one more thing. The weapon the Channeler leader was using. Hewn from the bones of his own master, it's a beautiful thing, that seems to resonate with you…

Moonlight Greatsword acquired.

First treasure unlocked! Treasures may be assigned at will to certain characters, but some will be better with it than others.
Unlock Personal action: Reattune the MGS.


Beacon: 95+ 25= 120

Critical, again!

You approach the painting in the quiet hall, well aware of the eyes upon you. There is nothing strange about the painting that mortal eyes can see- but for one so versed in illusion and magic as you? You need not your eyes. A hole has been pricked in the fabric of the painting- you can almost feel the slight chill poking out into Anor Londo. How strange it was that someone made it inside- perhaps a side effect of the time and space distortion that gripped the land as the fire faded? The painting was itself a mass of folded space, that the castle and soldiers were placed inside. Aramais life's work and Velka's antidivine guards were intended to be the ultimate protection for young wielder of the Lifehunt.

You lean a bit closer- and you feel space distort to accept you, and would likely draw you in if you got any closer- you in particular.

It clicks. Bonds. Someone had something that Priscilla wanted, or someone that knew priscilla, had approached the painting, and been drawn inside. You were one of Priscilla's friends in your youth, so it tracks that you could enter. You focus along that line of thought- and feel it seeping through the painting. Loneliness. Crushing loneliness. It was likely this that drove her dragon blood to call for its lesser kin- quite possibly unintentionally.

Fury grips you for a split second- what had happened to Priscilla?! What made it so that her soul called out to any source of company? Be it dragon, old friend, or otherwise? You teleport away, once again mad at your legs for the fact that you couldn't storm away properly. You needed some way to vent your anger.

Reward: Knowledge. Gwyndolin can now personally enter the painting. +10 to any action that leads to freeing Priscilla.


Illusory miracles: 38+18= 56

Inspiration doesn't come too easily this time, your mind whirling with all the other decisions you need to make. Moonlight, Illusion, and magic were some of your domains- but what could you do with magic that sorcerers already didn't? But then your last domain comes to mind. Justice. A sort of vigilante justice but justice all the same.

That gives you an idea. You write about how you detest the murderers, the unjust thieves, the various wretches that had a hand in the degradation of the world. And smiting bolt is born.

A long range attack that gains tracking and extra damage against one marked as a sinner. Otherwise acts as a faith based version of soul arrow. Far easier to cast than your previous miracle, but still a useful bit of kit.

Personal- Gwyndolin

Write memoirs: 45

It's a bit difficult to start, mostly because it truly begins with events and a person you have no memories of. Your mother, and the complications of your birth. Not even being a god could save a woman from all the rigors of life on this world- and there was some sort of malady that afflicted her. Simply put, you survived, she did not, and due to this malady, your body was suffused with moonlight. An extremely unusual trait for a male. Tradition dictated that your upbringing be… different from most. This was more a bother than any actual true curse, and admittedly the skirts made things easier on your true problem. Your legs.

The fact that you were born unable to walk also complicated things. You couldn't run around with your peers, no matter what physicians tried. You clearly recalled the look of devastation on your father's face when the healers finally gave up, and when the curatives failed to correct your deficiency, one after the other, his despair deepening each time. All he could do was… apologize. You feel a mix of sadness and anger at the thought of the pity in his eyes- and you force yourself to stop. You didn't want to write while filled with emotion like this. Your father loved you and did his best to be kind- but you can't help but wonder if that backfired in the long run. He saw you didn't like galas and the like, so he said you didn't have to go. He saw you didn't like the spotlight, so he said you didn't have to go to public events or participate in administration like your other siblings did. He always put the choice in your hands- but of course a child was going to pick what was easiest. But what would you do in his position?

It's a disquieting thought, thinking that your father's intended kindness is what lead to your current state. Still unwilling to truly be in the spotlight, spending centuries hiding behind the bare image of your sister and struggling with basic stewardship. The love your father gave you is what lead to the misery you underwent for centuries- but its also why you want to make the world better. For him. You spend time meditating on this, and by the end of it you're not sure when your father made mistakes, but you do accept he did. For some reason, that takes a little weight off your shoulders. Maybe it wasn't so bad that you weren't perfect if he wasn't.

Reward: Memoirs 1/5th​ done. Gwyndolin begins coming to terms with his father issues.

Personal- Anna

22+17+10(overwhelming victory)+5(battle experience)=54

Things are finalized, discipline is instilled. The great victories your troops won against the beaten Darkwraiths and the deceased channelers proved a great aid in demonstrating the useful points of your teachings. Despite yourself you feel a sense of pride. Your Lord's darkmoons would be a match for an equal number of elite soldiers the world over- except the silver knights or knights of Berenike, but those were outliers among already fantastic small and heavily elite focused armies.

Reward: Malus negated! Anna gains traits: Drillmaster, first blade.

The series of sensational successes have reduced Gwyndolin's malus! He now has a -3 on unfamiliar actions. He's gaining confidence that this was the right path to take, and that he has what it takes to succeed as a ruler!
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[X] Keep it. The suffering had already happened. You can make sure it doesn't happen again under your guidance.

[X] Burn it. No risks will be taken, not so early into your reign- there will not be another Seath on your watch.

Sanity-damage is to be avoided, but what if Priscilla gets sick or something? Somebody needs to know how her biology works.
That's the Archives dealt with... I guess.

We're gonna spend the few turns just moving into a position from which we can capitalize on all of this, aren't we?
Keep the notes, burn the crystal.

We don't need eyes on our brain, but the notes... honestly that's generally how irl medical knowledge is found. Or was, then it had laws and ethical rules put in place to stop it from happening again while we use what was learned to try and heal.

I had no idea eye gouger could cause us to claim the Archives.

Very nice turn then. Great Success. And two new heros.

And my favorite weapon acquired. Very nice.

[X] "His name was Aegwyn." Massive morale boost for sunlight warriors, chance to make a proper church for your brother. Sunlight warriors increase numbers faster. Piss off Quen Londo even more.

[X] Keep it. The suffering had already happened. You can make sure it doesn't happen again under your guidance.

[X] Keep it. Surely the sorceries themselves are safe? As long as you don't delve deeper into the mysteries of crystal you will likely be fine.

Destroying the knowledge is a utter waste. We can't undo how they got it but to destroy it would make the suffering pointless.

Keep the knowledge. And make sure no one ever tries to do it again.

As to the crystal stuff, I believe Seath went mad because he was trying to get immortality like the other dragons and made some poor decisions because of it. As long as we don't go that route we should be fine.
That's the Archives dealt with... I guess.

We're gonna spend the few turns just moving into a position from which we can capitalize on all of this, aren't we?

I mean you crit on wiping out the channelers, the only point of hard resistance. From there it was just hollows and (likely barely functioning) golems, barely worth a military action- especially since you had the snakemen helping you from within and without.
[X] "His name was Aegwyn." Massive morale boost for sunlight warriors, chance to make a proper church for your brother. Sunlight warriors increase numbers faster. Piss off Quen Londo even more.

[X] Keep it. The suffering had already happened. You can make sure it doesn't happen again under your guidance.

[X] Keep it. Surely the sorceries themselves are safe? As long as you don't delve deeper into the mysteries of crystal you will likely be fine.