In Merry Adventures any action will use a d20 system and it will take the relevant stat, divide its value by 10 and add it to the initial d20. Let's take an example where the PC is attacking a monster. The roll using SV's dice roll unsurprisingly is a 10, the PC's AGI stat, fortunately, is high enough to compensate for that. Let's take 60, divide it by 10 and add the result to the d20 roll.
It'll look like this: d20+6(AGI Modifier)
You could ask... What about odd numbers? Of course, dividing them by 10 will result in a decimal number and that is fine as even decimals are significant in a d20 system. For example 14.6 < 14.8 which could make a major difference in conflicts.
Dodging and attacking in Merry Adventures is very simple. Essentially the attacker will make an opposed agility check against their opponent to see if their attack lands. This is a basic d20 roll + their agility modifier.
Sometimes, you will get a Critical (19 and up) in your rolls which gives additional bonuses to your next action/action or damage.
Damage is a bit more complex. Each attack, spell, or weapon will have its own damage dice. How this modifier manifests depends on the attack. For instance, a shortsword could work with a 2d6. While a more advanced spell could use a 3d8. We will then add the Phys.Atk modifier to that damage roll.
Basic Damage reduction is directly from stat modifiers and then uses armor for the rest. The basic equation is thus: [Phys or Mag Def Modifier+(TotalLevel/3)].
To put this all together let's calculate one attack. For simplicity's sake, let's say the attacker and the defender both have an Agility modifier of five. The attacker rolls higher so it hits. He is using an iron shortsword for a 3d6+2 attack and rolled for max damage. The defender has 10 Physical Defense and a total level 15. So the equation will go as thus: [1+(15/3)]=5.3 damage reduction.
Magical actions are slightly different, as they have a limited magical pool they'll have to take a certain amount from to perform said action. Said action is always successful, there is no way for the casting of let's say a fireball spell to fail. However, depending on the strength of the spell and how powerful the target is, the result varies.
The spell's cost is determined beforehand by the GM. There is going to be a spoiler right under the character sheet listing all of them and their cost as well as their effects.
There are some special abilities or items which will fall under a d100 and use a whole stat as a modifier which we will discover later.
When you level up your job classes, you will get 3 stat points. You will always get 3 stat points for each level up in your base class(Fighter). When you will max out your base class up to 15, which the level cap. You'll unlock the Advanced class, its level cap is 10 and for each level, you will get 4 stat points. When you finally unlock the Epic class, you'll get 5 stat points per level and its level cap is 5.
So in total if you max out an entire class tree, you'll get 110 stat points in total. And since you are a human, you can get another second and third class tree.
An entire class tree is a total of 30 levels. That means if you max out all three of your class trees, it'll be a total of 90. You will ask then: "What about the 10 levels left to reach 100?". The remaining 10 levels are for a special class that you can obtain through the game.
Basic Human Traits: Basic Endurance: All humans start out with 20 in their Physical Defense stat.
Environmental Resistance: All humans are somewhat capable of resisting the elements which made them capable of spreading themselves in all of the Nine Realms.
Job Class Abilities:
"Have you tried hitting things harder and faster?" (Rank 3): You have a permanent +3 to all melee attacks and damage.
"Well Fitted" (Rank 1): Give an additional +1 to damage reduction when wearing light armor or a +2 when wearing heavy armor.
"Cleave" (Rank 1): With whatever weapon they have, a Fighter can hit up to three opponents at once in a battle. It can be used only two times in a battle.
"Projectile Catch" (Rank 2): If a fighter has a free hand or is fighting with their fists, they can make an opposed Agility check to catch an enemy's incoming projectiles, magical or otherwise. You have a +1 to shift the odds to your side more.
"Light Feet" (Rank 1): Your footwork is improved, you can move more easily around in a fight. +3 to Dodge rolls.
"Resilient Body" (Rank 1): As you went on in your journey of improvements and self-introspection to take on a martial path. Your body adapted to accommodate your training. +3 to damage absorption.
"Iron Fist" (Rank 2): As you went on in your journey of improvements and self-introspection to take on a martial path. Your body adapted to accommodate your training. +6 to damage.
"Reinforcement" (Rank 1): The only magical ability available to Fighter-class players. It enhances all of your movements for one turn. +1 to everything.
"Body Over Mind" (Rank 5): Let your instincts guide your movements. You will show true primal strength. You are one with your body. Something primal has awakened inside of you. An Apex Predator that finally shed its skin as a youngling. A being that dominates and rules the environment around it. It cannot be taken with 'Mind Over Body'.
--Immunity to Fear
--Immunity to Diseases
--Immunity to Poisons
--You can induce terror, fear, submission debuffs to any player or mob with a lower level than yours, the lower the level the more effective it is. You can make it a permanent aura around you that will constantly debuff enemies.
--You will receive a major improvement in your physical feats. +16 to all Physical Actions that includes Dodging, Attacking and Damage and Physical Damage Absorption.
--+20 to HP, Phys.Atk, Phys.Def, Agility, Resist.
"Mystical Holy Strikes"(Rank 2): Your instincts guiding your movements are flawless, graceful and elegant while still being brutally efficient with minimal movements. This ability is an AoE attack that can be used three times per fight.+8 to Melee Attacks and Damage. Your fists are coated in Golden Divine Light. Holy Attribute.
"The Way of the Asura" (Rank 6): You went through every hardship imaginable, your pilgrimage reached a point in which you developed your own way to fight. Your martial art has surpassed the Gods, Heaven and beyond. Your martial art has reached the realm of Legends. You can coat your fists and legs with any of the Wu Xing elements(Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, Wood) in addition to the Holy attribute. +30 to Damage, Attack, and Dodge rolls.
--"The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form" (Rank 5): Once this ability reaches the fifth rank, it will merge with the initial parent ability. This ability allows you to be more proficient in dodging your enemies' blows or in blocking them. +24 to Dodging and to Damage Absorption.
"Martial Mind" (Rank 1): This ability raises basic parameters and strengthens one's physical abilities and provide resistance against hindering one's mental capacities and one's sense of reason. +1 to all stats, mental debuff resistance augmented.
"Awe-Inspiring Prowess" (Rank 1): This ability allows you to use one of your two Physical stats or Agility depending on the situation as a modifier when performing social roles.
"Heavenly Bull's Charge" (Rank 1): Your legs are coated with Golden Divine Light, in a split of a second, you can cross large distances almost instantly to smash into your enemy into high speeds.
"Swift Alertness" (Rank 1): You receive a bonus of +4 to dodging, you also are more likely to notice things at the corner of your vision or things that are hidden more easily.
"Ambition to Reach Heaven" (Rank 2): Primal terror accompanied the first tentative steps into the dark, away from your home and the safe city that nurtured us. Only by conquering and stomping out this fear can you continue to grow. Millions will die so that you may reach your ambition. Your name will one day be on the lips of the Gods themselves. Use a specific ability in a way that lets you ignore multiple laws of physics completely and offer massive bonuses when used on attacks of +10 to Damage, Attack, and Dodge rolls. This ability also offers complete immunity to mental interference unless it is of a 6th tier and higher.
"Beast Taming" (Rank 1): You master the techniques needed to train and handle animals. You gain the following benefits: A reduced upkeep cost and a potential increase in the tamed beast's rank as your bond with it grows.
"Sharp Perception" (Rank 1): Through your perilous martial training and long hours of meditations. You honed your senses until they became razor sharp. You gain the following benefits: +4 against enemies trying to hide or sneak nearby you. You are more likely to notice traps, dangers, hidden treasures, etc...
"Unyielding Mountain" (Rank 1): There will be no half-measures or compromises when you make your decisions. Your will is dominating and unyielding. You go all the way, or not at all. Once you take a decision, you will stand by it even if the Gods themselves disagree. Such is a Will to defy Heaven. Your place amongst the Gods is assured and irrefutable, none can deny it. Once per battle you may completely ignore a magical attack that would throw you or otherwise overwhelm you by your sheer strength of will.
"Breath Control" (Rank 5): Through self-controlled respiration and meditation, a trained person can produce an inner-energy that boosts their own physical prowess. This ability if taken will unlock a chain. +25 to all Physical and Magical(Ki) Actions and +10 to MP stat.
"Heightened Combat Reflexes" (Rank 1): During a crucial moment, your mind's abilities would go on overdrive as you see everything around in slow-motion. However, if your agility is lower than 40, your body will have trouble catching up with your thoughts. Each increase in rank increase the time this ability can stay activated by one turn but the agility requirement is upped as well.
"Flexible Body" (Rank 1): It is a passive ability making your character able to contort their body to almost impossible angles. It is useful against a variety of traps or to dodge attacks.
"Meditation" (Rank 1): Your character will settle in the ground in a Lotus posture and meditate. You are highly vulnerable in this state but you can recover HP, MP and even nullify some status effects. As your understanding of this ability grows, you can even enter a state of hibernation here you will not move for centuries or even thousands of years and come out of it like it was a good night's sleep. You regenerate 10 HP and MP per turn.
"Splendid Water Fist" (Rank 1): An elegant attack using the element of Water, the movement flow like pure tranquil water as your fist extends and projects jets of high-pressure water. This allows you to attack both at range, far and close since it has melee advantages as well. +5 to Melee Attacks and Damage
"Fiery Thunder Sword" (Rank 1): A brutal technique. Your hands become as sharp as swords, they become coated in the element of Fire. After further improvements, your hands would crackle with high-powered charges of electricity. +5 to Melee Attacks and Damage
"Third Eye" (Rank 1): Through intense focus, a monk can force themselves to reach beyond their current threshold and achieve a momentary glimpse of enlightenment. Through using this ability, one may gain knowledge of the hidden secrets and potential of their foes. It costs 15 MP(Ki) per use.
"Predator's Gaze" (Rank 1): By channeling the ferocious nature of an Apex Predator about to strike through their gaze, the user has a chance to interrupt an enemies spellcasting and even focus their aura to make their debuffs more effective. It costs 10 MP(Ki) per use.
"Enlightened Soul" (Rank 1): You have reached a new stage of enlightenment and existence. The energies inside of you swirl around as they exit the confines of your body and coat it in a protective warm shell. You are completely immune to the magic(Arcane and Spiritual)of the 7th tier and lower. Physical damage needs to reach a certain threshold(50) before it can even register.
Ahkriin's Armor
Middle-Class Item
Armor for Rogue class players. Made out of Mithril, this armor is light and is strong enough that it can protect its wearer very well. 2d10 damage absorption, +2 to stealth rolls, +1 to melee attacks and damage when done stealthily. When the player reaches a total level of 50, this armor could be upgraded into 'Ahkriin's Heritage'. Required AGI stat of 20.
Monk's Wushu Uniform(Equipped)
Middle-Class Item
This outfit offers no protection what so ever but it is one most effective as it offers a +50% EXP gain if a Monk-class Player wears it. It is a high risk, high reward outfit.
Cloak of Shadows(Equipped)
Legacy-Class Item
A cloak that seems to envelop and obscure the body. Once per battle negate an enemy critical. Recharges once a battle is finished. Upgradeable through Data Crystals to negate consecutive/more critical hits per battle.
Mythril Guards(Equipped)
High-Class Item
A powerful guard made out of leather and has hardened Mythril in strategical places to do more damage. It does 3d10 of damage.
Ring of Fortune(Equipped)
Middle-Class Item
Increase Gold drops by 20%! This is the perfect item for grinding for the in-game currency.
Ring of Opportunity(Equipped)
Middle-Class Item
Increase the chances of having a rare drop from Middle-Class and up! 20% for Middle-Class drops and it decreases by 5% the higher you go in the item tier.
Minor Healing Potion(7)
Tier: Low-Class Item
Instantly heal 15 HP.
Corruption of Faith(Scroll)
Tier: 4 Spell.
Scrolls operate as one use-spells, the difference is that they are longer to cast than normal spells, the benefits is that there is no stat requirement for them. This one necessitates negative karma of at least below -50. It inflicts a permanent -100 karma to any targeted player. The targeted players can dodge.
Ring of the Nine Realms
Tier: Top-Class Item
A ring inscribed with Norse runes. This ring allows instantaneous transportation to any of the Nine Realms of YGGDRASIL. Two transportations per day. It can be improved.
Iron-Willed Physical Training Book
10/10 Chapters Completed.
Magical Gem
High-Class Item
A magical amplifier. You do not know the details as it isn't anything your class can use. It cannot be used.
A Sage's Robe
High-Class Item
An outfit for mages and other magical classes. You do not know the details as it isn't anything your class can use. It cannot be worn.
Mana Gauge
High-Class Item
This allows you to determine a monster or enemy player's MP stat. It can be used by any class.
Divine Banquet Table
High-Class Item
A table that is always filled with unperishable divinely delicious food. When eaten, it'll provide a variety of different buffs depending on the dish. The table can be upgraded.
Holy Shroud of The Saint Maiden
High-Class Item
A holy shroud with a crimson color that wards off negative-karma buffs and spells. +5 to Mag.Def against Negative-Karma spells. It can be upgraded.
Orichalcum Ingots
The Raider's Cloak
Tier: Low-Class Item
A tattered dark-blue cloak. It gives you a +1 to melee attacks and damage.
Steel Daggers
Low-Class Item
A pair of daggers, 2d6 of damage.
Spiked Iron Gauntlets
Additional 2d6 damage, -1 to Agility rolls if your AGI is below 5.
Item tier: Low-Class Item
Leather Armor:
Absorb 2d3 of damage dealt to you. No malus.
Item tier: Low-Class Item
Ragged Tissues
3- Demonic Boar
Tier: High-Class Mount
This is truly of one the best mounts, you can find in the game. It stands as tall as 30 meters high. It has no difficulty going through any realm apart from Asgard and Vanaheim. Due to its huge size, it has a low chance of hitting anything individually. -4 to hit rolls for individual targets, no malus for a large number of enemies. It is extremely weak to Holy attacks and extremely resistant to Unholy attacks. 3d20 of damage.
Firebird Mascot
A mascot, basically an immortal creature that'll follow you around in your adventures, if you stop moving, it'll sit on your shoulder. They do not affect your game at all, and they cannot be targeted by NPCs or killed by other players. They will just follow you around.
Servant Maid - Edith
Rogue - Level 10
High Half-Elf
A predetermined NPC that can be bought from the Shop. Her appearance varies in different versions going from blonde to red hair to all possible colors of the rainbow. That includes her eyes too and a variety of different races. You got the albino one which perfectly matches your blood-red eyes.
One day, the great and powerful goddess of a Fighter, StormDoom, came upon an opportunity to bring a Maid into creation. 'Fuck it, let's do it!' is what was going through StormDoom's head. And so she spun upon the sacred Gacha and pulled out a maid named Edith, an outwardly stoic maid who's a complete softie on the inside, and tries (and fails) to be just as cool and awesome as her eternal master, StormDoom-sama.
This is the current map of Midgard and the known world as in every place that was discovered and reported by the players which show up in this collective map. You are on the continent of Pracith, in the north-west near Dalsfjoror, on the edges of the mountains which is where the Ancient Tomb is. The map only shows the relevant important key locations. More will be added as players explore the world and report some locations. They have the choice to not do that and keep it for themselves or you can explore and discover new locations by yourself! What makes this a bit even more ridiculously big is that there are still 8other realms, you didn't go to yet. I'll try my hardest to make them just as interesting.
Here is the Cash Shop from which you can buy all sort of things. If you want to buy something from the cash shop, you can come back here as a reference, just put on a write-in vote for that at any time.
Example: [](Shop) Buy X item for 5 USD.
I'll add in some occasional things here from time to time, and even some suggestions from you, guys. Feel free.
The standard mount in all of YGGDRASIL, its a sturdy creature that can go through most areas but a pretty low speed compared to other mounts. Do not make it approach lethal areas, horses are not resistant to anything more than the basic elements! It has no weakness, however.
Cost: 1000 G
A mount that comes in a variety of brown and black colors of your own choosing! It is great for going through plains, forests! It is advised to take it when wandering the temperate areas of Midgard or the other realms. It is resistant to physical attacks and is weak to weak to magical attacks.
Cost: 2 USD
Winter Direwolf
A mount, wolf-like in appearance with snow-white fur. It is great to go through snowy, harsh biomes. It is advised to take it for Helheim and other such areas in the Nine Realms. It is resistant to cold attacks and is weak to fire attacks.
Cost: 2 USD
A mount with volcanic magma-like skin. It is great for going through hot, warm areas. It can easily swim in magma and go is immune to volcanic temperatures. It is advice for wandering Muspelheim, especially. It is resistant to fire attacks and weak to holy attacks.
Cost: 2 USD
A mount with clear-blue skin, it can come in different shades depending on your preferences. It is advised to take it for wandering around wide areas of water. It is not recommended to use it for underwater-diving however. It is resistant to magical attacks and weak to fire attacks.
Cost: 5 USD
Skeletal Undead Warhorse
A skeletal horse, it is immune to mental-debuffs and mental attacks and is generally capable of going through any realm without any difficulty. It is weak to all attacks, however.
Cost: 12 USD
A snow-white horse with wings. It is capable of flight, it can go through any realm, it is resistant to Holy attacks, Magical attacks, and physical ones. It is however weak to Unholy attacks, fire attacks, cold attacks.
Cost: 12 USD
A mount that comes in a variety of brown and black colors of your own choosing! It is great for going through any realm. It is resistant to physical attacks, magical attacks but it is weak to fire and cold attacks.
Cost: 12 USD
A mount that can have a variety of colors of your own choosing, no limits! It is great for going through any realm. It is resistant to physical attacks, fire attacks, and cold attacks. It is weak against magical attacks and unholy attacks, however.
Cost: 12 USD
Primeval Curse(Spellbook)
Tier 9 Spell.
Inflict a -20 HP/MP debuff for 3 seconds. You must have a Mag. Atk stat of at least 70, and a total level requirement of 50. There is no karma requirement.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.
Heavenly Battle Dress/Armor
Legendary-Class Armor
Absorb 3d20 of damage inflicted on you. It completely nullifies all Holy attacks against you. It gives you a +5 to melee attacks and a +10 to damage. You must have a positive Karma between 400 and 500. Wearing this with a karma when you have a karma between 400 and 0 will gradually inflict damage on you until you remove it, its effects still apply, however. If you have a Karma of below 0, you will be immediately killed upon wearing it. You must have an agility of above 60 to be capable of wearing it without being completely immobilized by its sheer weight. Minimum required a total level of 50.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold
Blank NPC
A blank NPC you can buy, modify its appearance and race to your whims. It will follow you around and level up as you do but at a much slower rate. You can buy EXP packs to boost them up to level 100. EXP packs can only be used by NPCs.
Cost: 5 USD/500 Million Gold
NPC: The Killer Rabbit
By @veekie
A special NPC which has an alternate form.
The disguised form of the NPC is a deliberately harmless design, with a range of options in the Damsel in Distress, Helpless Servant, Cute Child, Creaky Elder, and Cuddly Pet archetypes, along with a preset range of appropriate reactions. In this form, it always has half the levels of its true form, all of which can only be allocated to non-combatant classes.
The true form of the NPC starts at level 20 in one of the following classes, chosen on a purchase: Werewolf, Doppelganger, Magical Girl, Aberration, Demon, Angel, Divine Beast, or Outsider. Levels beyond that are customizable, though the base class may provide additional options. Divination effects higher than the level of the true form can reveal the true capabilities of the NPC, but otherwise. The health status and equipment of both forms are tracked independently, except that both forms must be killed, otherwise death in one form simply reverts it to the other and it loses the ability to transform for one day. Transformation takes a 10-second sequence, and can't be interrupted even if the starting form was killed during or before it starts.
Cost: 8.5 USD/ 850 Million Gold
Sword of Rebellion
Legendary-Class Item
A Demonic Sword, it deals 3d20 of damage. It deals unholy attacks to enemies. It can launch a magical AoE blast of 2d20 of damage. It gives a +10 to melee attacks, a +15 to damage. You must have a negative Karma between -400 and -500. Wearing this while having a karma between -400 and 0 will gradually inflict damage on you until you remove it, its effects still apply, however. If you have a Karma of 0 and above, you will be immediately killed upon wielding it. You must have an agility of above 30 to be capable of wearing it without being completely immobilized by its sheer weight, a minimum of Phy. Atk and Def of 60 and a minimum Mag. Atk stat of 30. Minimum required a total level of 50.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.
Rune Stones Ring
Divine-Class Item
Magic effective hit and damage rolls have a +15 both. There is no Karma requirement. A required Mag. Atk and Mag. Def stat of at least 60 and a minimum required a total level of 55.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.
Wrathful Fist of God
Legendary-Class Item
A neutral-karma weapon, it deals 3d20 of damage. It deals unholy attacks to enemies. It can deal an AoE ground-punch of 2d20 of damage. It gives a +10 to melee attacks, a +15 to damage. You must have an agility of above 60 to be capable of wearing it without being completely immobilized by its sheer weight. Minimum required a total level of 50.
Cost: 25 USD/2.5 Billion Gold.
Cloak of Shadows
By @Captain Spatula
Legacy-Class Item
A cloak that seems to envelop and obscure the body.
Once per battle negate an enemy critical. Recharges once a battle is finished.
Upgradeable through Data Crystals to negate consecutive/more critical hits per battle.
Cost: 5 USD/500 Million Gold.
Held in Inventory: 1.
Oni Monk's Rosary
By @veekie
Relic-Class Item
Legend has it that an Oni Monk who seeks worthy foes sent this into the world. A string of 108 smooth wooden beads in a loop, worn braided around an arm like a bracelet or wrapped around the body like a sash.
One bead changes color for each opponent of equal or higher level slain with natural weapons or monk weapons while wearing it. White for negative karma opponents, black for positive karma opponents and red for neutral opponents.
The effect varies depending on how it is worn.
-Arm: Grants a minor strength enhancement that increases when the number of colored beads reaches the thresholds 54,27,9 and 3. When all beads are colored, it also grants armor piercing quality to unarmed attacks and monk special attacks.
-Body: Grants a minor toughness enhancement that increases when the number of colored beads reaches the thresholds 54,27,9 and 3. When all beads are colored, it also grants resistance to special attacks.
Cost: 15 USD/1.5 Billion Gold
Ring of Troll's Vitality
By @Captain Spatula
Top-Class Item
A ring said to made using numerous troll hearts as a focus. Although the vitality is at times miraculous it still carries a trolls weakness to fire.
A ring that grants regeneration (10 per turn) except when the user is attacked by fire or a fire enchanted weapon.
Cost: 1 Million Gold
Heavenly Ribbons of Yggdrasil
By @veekie
Top-Class to Legacy-Class Items
White Ribbon
A long strip of plain white cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a Mental or Spiritual status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Ribbon.
If the White Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Blue Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Red Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Yellow Ribbon
Blue Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of sky blue cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair. There are wisps of white lace on it that seem like clouds.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Blue Ribbon.
If the Blue Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Purple Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Green Ribbon
Red Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of scarlet cloth worn around the head. It feels slightly moist.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a hostile Mental or Spiritual status effect, it is absorbed by the Ribbon. Additionally, each kill you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +10. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
If the Red Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If the Red Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Purple Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Orange Ribbon
Yellow Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of golden cloth worn around the head. It feels slightly stiff.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a hostile Mental or Spiritual status effect, it is absorbed by the Ribbon.
Additionally, for up to five minutes per day, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
With practice this does not occupy your actual limbs, and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could.
Each absorbed effect grants an additional five minutes of use in this form.
If the Yellow Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If the Yellow Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Green Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Orange Ribbon.
Purple Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of royal purple cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair. There are wisps of blue lace on it that seem like waves, and it leaves a brief bloody stain on whatever it touches.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Purple Ribbon.
Additionally, each kill you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +20. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
If the Purple Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If you obtain an item of Legendary class or rarer from a random source(loot drops from monsters and opening new chests count, as does the gacha, quest drops, looting players or trading do not), it becomes the Void Ribbon
Green Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of forest green cloth worn around the head or used to bind hair. There are golden threads forming the designs of flowers running through the cloth and flecks of pale blue seeming like the sky seen through trees.
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Green Ribbon.
Additionally, for up to thirty minutes per day, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
With practice this does not occupy your actual limbs, and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could.
Each absorbed effect grants an additional five minutes of use in this form and renders the ribbon indestructible during these five minutes.
If the Green Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If you kill 10 opponents of the same race as you within the same day, it becomes the Void Ribbon.
Orange Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of orange cloth worn around the head. Its edged with red stains and threads of gold forms designs of claws and fangs
The first time each battle that you are targeted by a hostile Mental or Spiritual status effect, it is absorbed by the Ribbon. Additionally, each kill you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +20. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
Additionally, for up to thirty minutes per day, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
Each absorbed effect can be expended along with 10 kills to apply the absorbed effect to the target of an unarmed attack.
With practice this does not occupy your actual limbs, and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could.
If the Orange Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
If the Orange Ribbon absorbs a status effect from a source at least 10 levels higher than you, it becomes the Void Ribbon.
Void Ribbon(upgrade only)
A long strip of vantablack cloth worn around the head. It is flecked with prismatic stars.
Whenever you are targeted by a non-physical status effect from a hostile source, it is absorbed by the Void Ribbon.
Additionally, each kills you make each battle grants a +1 to melee attack and damage, with a maximum of +30. An absorbed effect doubles the bonus.
Additionally, your unarmed reach increases tenfold, manifesting as the ribbon extending in place of your limbs. It has all the same properties while doing so, with the exception that damage done to the ribbon is not done to your limbs, but instead damages the item.
With practice, this does not occupy your actual limbs and can perform any fine manipulation you normally could. While the Void Ribbon holds an absorbing effect, it is indestructible, but cannot absorb more effects. Such a charge can be held indefinitely or released at any time outside of battle. Each absorbed effect can be expended along with 10 kills to apply the absorbing effect to the target of an unarmed attack, this discharges the Void Ribbon, allowing it to absorb additional effects.
If the Void Ribbon is obtained by another player or NPC than the one who upgraded it, it reverts to a White Ribbon.
Cost: It can only be obtained through the Gacha or a lucky drop.
Ring of the Wanderer
By @Ulrad
High-Class Item
"The wanderer goes where they will, undeterred by obstacle." Provides a moderate bonus to Debuff Resistance against effects such as Slow, Entangled, Rooted, etc... +10 to Resistance rolls against such effects. It can be upgraded.
Cost: 600k Gold
Drunken Immortal's Gourd
By @MrGazzer
High-Class Item
This seemingly humble wine gourd belongs to one of the Great Immortals to the East, it is said that his power flows from liquor, and the wine within the gourd is powerful indeed. The Gourd acts first as a Monk Weapon.
Second, it can act as a Middle-Tier Healing Potion once per day, by popping the cap and chugging a mouthful of divine wine. This imparts an intoxication debuff at the same time.
Thrid, as long as this item is equipped, this gourd can impart on its user temporary access to the [Drunken Fist] skill whenever they have the intoxication debuff. As even holding the Gourd grants you the smallest fraction of the Drunken Immortals enlightenment. This can item be improved with data crystals
Necklace of the Hearth
By @Ulrad
Middle-Class Item
The heat of this enchanted necklace imbues the wearer with strength, as well as providing resistance to being encased in ice. +2 Attack, Damage and +4 Damage Resistance against Ice Attacks. It can be upgraded.
Cost: 30k Gold
Rainbow Vial
By @Radical Sway
Cosmetic Item
An ornate phial containing a mysterious and magical liquid that shifts between every color of the spectrum. Drinking from this vial will permanently change your hair into a completely random color. It has 3 uses before the item is destroyed.
Cost: 1 USD. It cannot be obtained through in-game drops.
Necklace of Doors
By @Radical Sway
High-Class Item
A piece of knotted driftwood held on a simple length of hemp. A magical necklace that when worn allows the user to detect any hidden doors, entryways, or compartments within 20ft of the wearer. The necklace will grow warm, alerting the wearer that such a location is within the necklaces range but will not show the exact location.
Cost: 3 USD/300 Million Gold
Beaded Bracelet of a Disciplined Soul
By @Radical Sway
Middle-Class Item
Through precise control, disciplined focus, and a deep understanding of one's self and capabilities, a monk wearing this bracelet will find that techniques using Ki will be easier than before through the monk's enlightened understanding.
-Minus 10 Ki cost for all abilities that use Ki.
Cost: 1 Million Gold
Grand Alchemist's Spectacles
By @Radical Sway
High-Class Item
Enchanted old-fashioned spectacles that retain the experienced eye of their previous owner. The wearer of these glasses will find that all alchemy ingredients within the wearer's eyesight will be glowing, greatly easing the process of collecting materials and reagents.
Cost: 1 USD/100 Million Gold
Shadow Door
By @Radical Sway
Legacy-Class Item
An eight-foot-long magical disc of inscrutable darkness. By placing this magical item on any wall you create an artificial doorway that lasts for 30 minutes allowing the user to simply slip through even the most impenetrable of obstacles. This is a single use magical item.
Cost: 7 USD/700 Million Gold
Bad Penny
By @Radical Sway
Middle-Class Item
A magical coin of ill fortune. The coin has 3 charges, upon expending a charge, you can direct a bolt of negative entropic magic towards a target of your choice. Said energy will manifest as negative luck for the opponent in a random way. (E.g., an attack missing that otherwise would hit, a piece of armor breaking, tripping while running in an otherwise graceful stride, etc...) The magical energy of the coin is subject to the opponent's magical resistance, and an opponent with sufficient resistances can resist the effect of the coin.
Cost: 2 USD/200 Million Gold
Take your chance and spin the wheel for only 100 Yen(1 USD)! 1000 Yen(10 USD) for a 10-Pull spin! A 10--Pull spin has more chances of getting high-tier items and mounts!
Very well. Look on the Mechanic post under the Informational section of the threadmarks to understand more what each stat do. Special and Resist are not yet explained in there because they won't be relevant until later in the game.
HP: Hit Points. MP: Mana Points Phy. Atk: The physical damage you inflict. Phy. Def: The physical damage you can endure. Agility: Movement speed, dodge chance and hitting enemies. Mag. Atk: The magical damage you inflict. Mag. Def: The magical damage or debuffs you can endure or resist. Resist: Your resistance to special attacks, debuffs from Super-Tier Magic and other unique Abilities that don't fall under the two main categories 'Physical' and 'Magical'. Special: The special attacks or buffs from Super-Tier Magic and other unique abilities that don't fall under the two main categories 'Physical' and 'Magical'.
In YGGDRASIL, Magic fall under four main categories:
Arcane: Western Fantasy-like Magic
Divine: Restoration, healing, self-buff and allies buff Magic.
Spiritual: Eastern Fantasy-like Magic
Alternative: Spells that fall outside of the other types of spells.
From these categories, it can then be split off into many other sub-categories with such examples from the wiki like Elemental-type magic, Necromancy-type magic, Defensive-type magic and so on.
Magic then is tiered into 10 tiers normally but there is a last one which isn't exactly a tier. Each tier represent how powerful the spell is and the higher you go up the tier list, the stronger the spell is. Lastly, we have the Super-Tier Magic, which is beyond 10th-tier Magic so you could kind of call it an 11th-tier but its a bit more than that. Super-Tier Magic acts more like a special ability rather than regular magic. You can use it without consuming any of your MP.
The number of super-tier spells you could learn is one for each level after you go beyond level 70. When you first learn it, you can only be used once a day. However, you can use it increasingly once more for every additional ten levels gained. So, the average player who has managed to reach level 100 in YGGDRASIL is able to use Super-Tier Magic at least four times a day and will have about thirty super-tier spells.
Items in YGGDRASIL were classified according to their data size. The greater the data, the higher the grade of the Item. So if we go from the lowest to the highest, the classes are: Low, Medium, High, Top Class, Legacy, Relic, Legendary, Divine. Which are too many classes than necessary, in my honest opinion. *grumble*
Additionally, in YGGDRASIL there are player-made items such as Guild Weapons who possessed a data capacity that was determined by the value of the materials used in their construction and the skill of their maker. This data capacity limited the number of data crystals which could be added to it. So, rarer metals made a more powerful item and so on.
There are World Champion items which can only be received by winning the official martial tournament and gaining the World Champion class. The World Champion items are even stronger than Divine-Class Items and they're hand-designed by the devs especially for you and for you alone. Only World Champions can use World Champion Items evidently.
Now, we get to the fun part. World-Class Item(WCI for short), there is only two hundred of those in YGGDRASIL and currently, at this point in time when I put up this post, they were not yet introduced. These items are so bullshit, they threaten to break the game's balance on a regular basis. That's if there was a balance in this game in the first place. There is especially Twenty of them that are beyond overpowered. Once you look them up, you'll be thinking to yourself. 'What the heck were the Devs thinking? What the heck was Maruyama thinking?'