The Lost Files (C:TL/Dresden Files) (CK2-ish)

Turn 2--Sao-Luis Showdown, Part 2
Turn 2--Sao Luis Showdown, Part 2

[X] Plan Brazilian Inquisition
-[X] [1 point] Assassin: Straight up bring an assassin. Good at stealth, pretty good at killing people (though that isn't the same as combat, or at least might not necessarily be), great for a first strike, though likely to run into trouble if they are foiled in the medium and long term.
-[X] [1 point] Bomb-Maker: Fire is a universal weapon against vampires, and there's a relatively large chance that fire hurts them, and besides that, if this operation does become hot, the use of bombs and explosives, while automatically drawing down attention...also automatically draws down attention, which can hardly help the vampires.
-[X] [2 points] Have Faith: Faith courtiers might or might not be useful, but a select member or two from that area who can keep up could be useful, and they could also provide translation and knowledge. King Stoneguts remembers that one of them is from Brazil, or rather spent a long time there and was a member of Sao Luis's freehold.

The Hedge was beautiful sometimes, and this was one of those times. The thick vines and lovely vistas almost made one forget they were crossing the entire world in a matter of a twenty-minute hike, and that only because the fastest way, which took only fifteen minutes, didn't have the room for the host that went forth.

At its center stood King Stoneguts, eyes scanning, catching the gleam of bleeding thorns and ears ready to catch any sound that came. The goblins of the area weren't too fractious, which was to say that they didn't go out of their way to kill Changelings, but it was always nice to be wary. In front of him was Ignatius, the faith courtier, with Grace Manners in front of him.

Ignatius was old for a Changeling, and he'd been alive over a century. For all of that, if he was stooped and withered, it was in the nature of the Wizened, and his skin gleamed with a sort of subtle light which waxed and waned as he spoke. He wore robes, and carried a bishop's mitre in one of his hands. His dark eyes saw farther and deeper than most people's, and he was one of the most respected of the Faith Courtiers in the city, a man whose Catholicism was perhaps a little heterodox, a little tainted by the passing of decades and by the way that the knowledge of the Gentry tended to.

Grace Manners ran an advice column, was a Winter courtier in fact, but one who had felt the call of Faith strongly, and the short girl, whose skin was as hard as bark and whose hair was wild and unmanageable, was tough and clever in a fight, or at least enough so that she'd taken to being Ignatius' guard easily enough.

Behind him were Nancy Drew, as the investigator called herself, Yardstick, a chameleon of a man, blending into brick walls and parties and stealing people's appearances if need be, and Guy, the ironically named bomb-expert from Fall. His skin was as ashen as soot, and every so often caught alight in some harmless and strange way that somehow couldn't light fuses unless he willed it to, but the man had the experience and know-how that King Stoneguts had wanted.

The trees rustled, and Laughing Benjamin drew faster than anyone else, gun aimed at the rocky outcropping ahead of this part of the Hedge. The assassin was a rather short, nondescript man, but he'd killed plenty before, with rather less guilt and sorrow than Stoneguts preferred, but with more than enough skill to make up for it.

The person they were aiming at, though, that everyone was by now who had a gun, was just a boy though. Dark skin that seemed to be flaking off him a little bit, slightly serpentine features, couldn't be more than seventeen or eighteen. "Hey," he said, in halting, uncertain english, with a definite accent, "You are the Arch People?"

"Yes," King Stoneguts said, glancing at him for a moment, taking in features, making judgements. "You are from Sao Luis' freehold?"

"Si, I'm Low," he said.

"Prove it," King Stoneguts said.

"Well, uh," the boy said, holding his hand out and touching a tree. It withered slightly, the sure sign of a Winter courtier, which meant very little. "Mierda. Uh...can you come out of there?"

Behind him stepped a tall woman, her every step giving off heat and steam, her scaled like a fish's, but covered in strange tattoos. Her hair was black and swept back, her eyes blue and hard and a little too big, too strange, for her tanned features. She was holding a gun in one hand, but absently, carefully pointed away from everyone else, finger off the trigger. The other she held up and said, "In longing do we find/ everything but peace of mind."

God, he'd been such a terrible poet when he'd said that to her absently two decades ago, not even meaning it to be anything.

That was her, and since nobody could doubt Mother Mary on her loyalty to the Freehold, that meant that Low was legitimate.

"Very well. Do you know where the target is?" King Stoneguts asked, "Once we find out where it is and scout it out, then we can see to whichever members of your Freehold will accompany us."

"It is our Lost who was taken," Mother Mary pointed out, her voice having an odd echo, a sort of heat and fire to it that was hard to deny. The woman was charismatic when she wanted to be, and stern and intimidating when she didn't. "We should act in concert with you--"

"I shall do all I can," King Stoneguts assured her, "To fully respect the rights and privileges of your Freehold, and shall do you no dishonor. But if I may be so polite to say that this is not the moment for such conversation, here in the Hedge?"

"He got a point, boss," Low said. "We don't want another incident when Marco was already taken--"

"May I please ask for details in how it happened?" King Stoneguts asked, gesturing for everyone to follow Mother Mary.

"It was so stupid--watch out for that branch," Low said, "Oh gosh, we don't usually see. Oh. Now, I know you're all pros or stuff, but don't' touch that bright flower, it's deadly poison. Smells great though. Marco went out on the town, you know how he is? Oh, wait, you don't? Well Marco, you see, he's the sort of man who knows how to get on what needs getting on. Chicas dig him, ya dig? So he goes out, and the next thing we know he's calling us saying that he got in with someone wrong, and he's seen them before. Where? On those pictures? What pictures? The ones that ol' Beaky put up that he'd found 'a some of the suspected vamps. So then we was just about shitting ourselves and that was when Mother Mary said to call you guys--fuck, jump over that stone, it's a trap, and then down here. One at a time.

And then we came to greet you. It's right here, closest portal we got."

The closest portal they had was still a half a block away, and now was the time to send scouts, they huddled against the side of a building in an alley as Nancy Drew went forward with her camera.

Sao Luis was well known for having preserved its historic buildings, by luck more than anything, but it meant that there were parts of the city that showed off amazing Portuguese colonial architecture and sensibilities, all carefully adapted for the weather, which around this time of year was merely a little hot. Which was to say that the young morning was edging at around eighty, but at least it wasn't wet, like later on in the high months, like in December.

But not every part of the city could be like that, and this was the sort of neighborhood, the sort of area, that saw itself as more modern. Of course, there were other neighborhoods not all that far away where people lived in makeshift houses and struggled for a living while the rich bought swimming pools.

A place like Sao Luis, any city with wealth but also great poverty and corruption, meant understanding how to study and accept contrasts.

"So what can you tell me, Mother Mary?" King Stoneguts asked.

"The house is pretty close to a mansion, but not quite. It's leased to a private corporation that owns a number of such buildings, does very good business in the area. Bribes the police, owns them outright in some cases, buys the politicians. It's the sort of thing laws are supposed to cover," Mother Mary growled, "But don't. More blatant though than I expected. More open. Wallowing in it."

"More confident," King Stoneguts suggested.

"They know they don't have competition, maybe?" Low asked, "They know they the big tough in the city and don't gotta play around with respectin' the rules?"

"It would fit their nature," Ignatius said, glancing over at Mother Mary, "Vampires unless they are vastly changed are ambitious and grasping. It is their nature to be parasites on the body politic."

"We've dealt with parasites since the anglos first came," Mother Mary said, "Once we have Marco back, we're not going to end it there. Not by a long shot. God willing, we will see them pay for any harm they've done him."

"As to their hideout? How many entrances," King Stoneguts asked.

"Three. Front door, back entrance for servants and loading and unloading, and one on the roof."

"And," Nancy Drew said, slipping back around the corner pushing her glasses up, "Cameras. On all sides. There are guards inside, that I could see, and I suspect they are centered around…" she frowned and showed a picture of a loading bay, "Back there. The front door is locked and reinforced, and anyone going through that way violently would be noticed fast enough, so they protect the back entrance."

"Any nearby buildings?" Laughing Benjamin asked, grinning.

"A...few. So a roof access is possible, but there are complications, most of all the security system."

"Windows?" Guy asked.

"Yes, I have pictures here," Nancy Drew said, "Of course I do. That's who I am, it's what I do."

"So when are we striking?" Yardstick asked.

"Soon," King Stoneguts said gruffly, his mind already leaping ahead to the problem at hand.

They planned in a small church, the sort of place that survived on the edges, not one of the old ones, from the colonial days. The Freehold all but owned it, or rather had enough ties that they could squat in the back room of a church planning a rescue. It was almost ten by the time King Stoneguts had finally made his decisions and selected the two team members that were going to be going along with him from the local Freehold.

He'd gotten a lot of suggestions and ideas, ranging from the insane to the brilliant to the brilliantly insane, and he knew that in theory with more time a perfect idea could be worked out, but there was a time limit.

Vampires in his old world couldn't stay awake during the day except with great difficulty, but according to careful studies by his agents, the vampires in St. Louis, while they had never been seen out in the daylight, were active and awake during the day.

This meant that even now they could be draining Marco dry, or simply killing him. Either way he wasn't dead yet, or else Mindfinder, the Compass-Rose contract, wouldn't still be tugging on him, pointing the way.

He was alive, but for how long?

[] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
-[] Going in After: If he sends a message of panic or needs help, they should just try a straight up assault, distract things enough and let off enough explosives to cause panic and dismay, and then fight back out if need be.
-[] The Firebombing of Dresden: Or...they could drive by throwing molotov cocktails in the event of a crisis, and then use King Stoneguts to turn the flames into an impossible barrier, a nightmare of fiery death through which Laughing Benjamin can escape.
-[] Burn Anyways: As above, but even if Laughing Benjamin gets out unharmed, firebomb the place anyways. Vampires must die.
-[] Portal Away: Once the target is retrieved, Benny is to retreat into the Hedge and hope it's nowhere dangerous or out of the way, and then the rest of the team will come and retrieve him, waiting on the Hedge-side and earth-side with Mind-Finder and other means to locate him.
-[] Write-in.
[] The King Must Advance: As plan one, but with King Stoneguts rather than a somewhat more...disposable assassin.
-[] Through the Fire and the Flames: King Stoneguts will have explosives ahead of time, and he will if he sees it necessary blow up and set the whole place on fire and just walk straight through it all as if it is nothing (he's immune to undirected fire environmental damage).
-[] Portal Away: As with the other Portal Away option.
-[] Write-in.
[] Floor By Floor: With Sorcery, this might be a little bit simpler, but if the team can make its way to the roof and then down through it, and can remain unseen--or at least not noticed until after the fact--they can respond in force if discovered. The means for escaping would be the roof, at default. This would be the safest for individual agents, but there's a definite chance of being discovered, and some security systems have a fail safe if they suddenly go down. (King Stoneguts has Elements (Electricity) 3 so he can totally shut off all cameras, but if someone notices, well.)
-[] And burn it down anyways.
-[] Exit via a portal or non-usual means.
[] Through the Back Way (Singleton edition): Using some level of Vainglory and a lot of gusto, get a strike team in place via a van, and then send one member in. Same deal as usual, the team will be ready to strike out if there is trouble, though the Changeling will only return via the way he or she came if the coast is clear, because the back way is guarded most heavily.
-[] Who?
[] Someone Order Catering?: Through some ruse, gain entrance through the security, retrieve Marco and then leave via one of several ways. With the whole group or alone, via a portal or via any number of other means. This will rely on the ability to pull the con and nobody looking close enough just yet to do anything, and there are multiple variations that will be done without player input depending on the circumstances (I didn't want to get into details like 'leave one member under Smoke 5' or other minutiae.)
-[] Write-in.
[] Write-in.

Choose the teammates (Would have had more (and better) choices and options if you picked 'deal with the locals) (Pick 2)

[] Low: Apparently he's named that because he fights dirty. He's not high Wyrd, and he's young yet, but he's pretty scrappy and not bad at his job when he's not running his mouth off.
[] Ace: A Fall-Court Craftsman, he has a very little in the way of Sorcery talent focused on illusions, and while he's a bit jumpy, it could be useful in a pinch.
[] Catarina the Red: A mid-level Summer courtier, she's a bit isolated from everyone else, but she knows the Hedges very well, so any escape via the Hedge, or any attack *via* the Hedge (though that'd be a write-in plan) would be advantaged by her presence.
[] Jose Smith: He's the person you forget about. The person who is so bland you forget him right after seeing him. He knows how to manipulate minds and perceptions via both magical and non-magical means, and he could be a very good spy, but seems to mostly keep to himself. He's no good in a fight, though, and would have to be protected if things went wrong.

Character sheets: These are sometimes partial and a big sketchy because dear god I got bored of them a while ago. I also couldn't remember the link to 'fast character sheet generation' techniques GMs have made through the years, and it felt odd since mook-ifying people in a Group of only a few hundred (most Freeholds) seems weird, so I couldn't really say 'Winter Agent: Stats here.'

Could I?

Name: Nancy Drew
Concept: Winter Court Investigator, 'secretly' allied with a certain Fall Courtier.
Court: Winter
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Snoop
Wyrd: 3
Clarity: 6
Willpower: 7

Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 3, Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 3

Skills: Investigation 3 (Clues), Academics 2, Computer 2, Crafts 1, Occult 2, Science 2 (Forensics), Athletics 2 (Running), Weaponry 2 (Knives), Larceny 1, Stealth 2 (Blending In), Empathy 3, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1, Streetwise 1

Contracts: Fleeting Winter 2, Fleeting Autumn 4, Reflections 1, Smoke 2, Darkness 2, Forge 1, Separation 1, Den 3

Merits: Will be filled out as are relevant. Mostly social and mental things.

Name: Yardstick
Concept: Wooden Chameleon
Seeming: Wizened
Kith: Chameleon/Woodblood
Wyrd: 3
Clarity: 5

Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 4, Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Resolve 2

Skills: Academics 1, Investigation 1, Occult 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Larceny 3, Stealth 4 (Camo), Survival 2, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Empathy 2, Subterfuge 3

Contracts: Smoke 5, Reflections 5, Winter (Eternal) 2, Hearth 2, Darkness 3, Forge 4, Dream 1, Den 3

He makes the bombs, he provides the explosives. Relevant stats: Firearms 3, Dexterity 4, Crafts 5 (Explosives), Separation 4, Den 3, Intelligence 4, Communion (Fire, Electricity)) 4, Element (Fire, Electricity) 4, others available upon asking.

Concept: Former Madman, Now Cold Killer
Seeming: Wizened
Kith: Jester/Assassin
Wyrd: 4
Clarity: 3

Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Resolve 3, Strength 3, Dexterity 5,Stamina 2

Skills: Firearms 5 (Rifles, Snipers, Pistols), Survival 2, Stealth 4 (Hiding in plain sight), Academics 1, Occult 2, Medicine 1 (Checking corpses), Intimidation 4 (I'm not laughing, I'M LAUGHING 3), Computer 1, Crafts 2

Contracts: Darkness 5, Smoke 5, Shooter's Bargain, Calling the Guardian, Fair Entrance, Delayed Harm, Eternal Winter 3, Fleeting Winter 2, Separation 3, Vainglory 3, Dream 1, Hearths 4, Reflection 2, Mirrors 3, Den 3, Moon 5, Omen 2

Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Bright One
Wyrd 5
Clarity: 6

Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 5, Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3

Skills: Weaponry 4 (Mitre), Survival 1, Drive 1, Persuasion 4 (Sermons), Socialize 3, Academics 4 (Theology), Occult 4 (Mystic Christianity), Athletics 2, Medicine 1, Stealth 2, Empathy 5 (Motives), Expression 5 (Sermons)

Contracts: Earthly Faith 5, Strength of Faith 5, Catholic Faith 5 , Smoke 5, Vainglory 5, Separation 5, Shade and Spirit 2, Omens 3, Dream 1, Hearth 2, Fleeting Season 1 (all of the 'know' things), Compass Rose 1, Den 3

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Wilding/Stonebones

Wyrd 2
Clarity: 8

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3

Skills: Brawl 5, Survival 4, Persuasion 2, Socialize 2, Empathy 3, Academics 2 (Theology), Occult 2 (Weird Christian Mysticism), Weaponry 2, Intimidate 2, Medicine 2, Science 1, Politics 1 (Church Politics), Subterfuge 3, Stealth 2, might have forgotten one or two.

Contracts: Den 4, Fang and Talons 4, Stone 5, Oath and Punishment 4, Smoke 2, some Faith Contracts, Sorrow Frozen Heart 3, Fleeting Winter 3, Eternal Winter 3,

The Runt, who wasn't introduced in the text proper. Her full capacities are unknown and, while not untested, cannot be exactly indicated. She's quick on her feet, she's pretty good with a pistol, and she's relatively sneaky. Wyrd of 2.

Plus King Stoneguts and two others.

A/N: Whew. God, I admit I was getting tired of character sheets by the end of this.
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[x] Plan Disco Inferno

[x] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
-[x] Write-in: Burn Baby Burn: Part of the team remains on standby, ready to drive by throwing molotov cocktails in the event of a crisis, and then use King Stoneguts to turn the flames into an impossible barrier, a nightmare of fiery death. However, if possible, once the target is retrieved, Benny is to retreat into the Hedge and hope it's nowhere dangerous or out of the way, and then the rest of the team will come and retrieve him, waiting on the Hedge-side and earth-side with Mind-Finder and other means to locate him.

[x] Catarina the Red: A mid-level Summer courtier, she's a bit isolated from everyone else, but she knows the Hedges very well, so any escape via the Hedge, or any attack *via* the Hedge (though that'd be a write-in plan) would be advantaged by her presence.
[x] Low: Apparently he's named that because he fights dirty. He's not high Wyrd, and he's young yet, but he's pretty scrappy and not bad at his job when he's not running his mouth off.
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[x] Plan Disco Inferno

[x] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
-[x] Write-in: Burn Baby Burn: Part of the team remains on standby, ready to drive by throwing molotov cocktails in the event of a crisis, and then use King Stoneguts to turn the flames into an impossible barrier, a nightmare of fiery death. However, if possible, once the target is retrieved, Benny is to retreat into the Hedge and hope it's nowhere dangerous or out of the way, and then the rest of the team will come and retrieve him, waiting on the Hedge-side and earth-side with Mind-Finder and other means to locate him.

[x] Catarina the Red: A mid-level Summer courtier, she's a bit isolated from everyone else, but she knows the Hedges very well, so any escape via the Hedge, or any attack *via* the Hedge (though that'd be a write-in plan) would be advantaged by her presence.

You get to choose two characters. Unless King Stoneguts only wants to choose one, which he might. But just saying.
[] Plan Ghost Here
-[] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
--[] Portal Away: Once the target is retrieved, Benny is to retreat into the Hedge and hope it's nowhere dangerous or out of the way, and then the rest of the team will come and retrieve him, waiting on the Hedge-side and earth-side with Mind-Finder and other means to locate him.
-[] Catarina the Red: A mid-level Summer courtier, she's a bit isolated from everyone else, but she knows the Hedges very well, so any escape via the Hedge, or any attack *via* the Hedge (though that'd be a write-in plan) would be advantaged by her presence.
-[] Jose Smith: He's the person you forget about. The person who is so bland you forget him right after seeing him. He knows how to manipulate minds and perceptions via both magical and non-magical means, and he could be a very good spy, but seems to mostly keep to himself. He's no good in a fight, though, and would have to be protected if things went wrong.

This combo is to sneak in, extract out, with none the wiser. If it goes well, it goes REALLY well, and we get away clean.
If it goes bad the raid team is fucked.

[X] Plan Fire Shadow
-[X] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
--[X] The Firebombing of Dresden: Or...they could drive by throwing molotov cocktails in the event of a crisis, and then use King Stoneguts to turn the flames into an impossible barrier, a nightmare of fiery death through which Laughing Benjamin can escape.
-[X] Jose Smith: He's the person you forget about. The person who is so bland you forget him right after seeing him. He knows how to manipulate minds and perceptions via both magical and non-magical means, and he could be a very good spy, but seems to mostly keep to himself. He's no good in a fight, though, and would have to be protected if things went wrong.
-[X] Ace: A Fall-Court Craftsman, he has a very little in the way of Sorcery talent focused on illusions, and while he's a bit jumpy, it could be useful in a pinch.

I prefer a combo platter though. Pack stealth but be ready to burn the place down if it goes wrong.
They'd probably blame Dresden.
Is this a thing over there? I though vampires would be better able to travel then as opposed to the day.


Is... Is that suppose to be THE Virgen de Guadalupe???

Nope. Just a religious Changeling naming themselves/being named after certain things. Happens a lot more than you'd think.


Also, at the moment, since this isn't a spoiler, let me give you the Red Court's deep knowledge of Harry Dresden.

Red Court: Who?

Especially in South America. At this point Dresden hasn't done shit to get on their radar, other than annoy some random non-noble Vampire in some unimportant Anglo city. It's only next year, if events go as in the books, that he murders a bunch of vampires (well, it's justified, but...) and starts a war.
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I just wanted to point out that we have Miss Manners on our team. We shall have the most decorous, politest little sneak attack ever, and be sure to use the proper knives and wipe off afterwards.
Nope. Just a religious Changeling naming themselves/being named after certain things. Happens a lot more than you'd think.


Also, at the moment, since this isn't a spoiler, let me give you the Red Court's deep knowledge of Harry Dresden.

Red Court: Who?

Especially in South America. At this point Dresden hasn't done shit to get on their radar, other than annoy some random non-noble Vampire in some unimportant Anglo city. It's only next year, if events go as in the books, that he murders a bunch of vampires (well, it's justified, but...) and starts a war.

Its a joke!

Plus Dresden It is a proven solution!
Only two plans, and only endorsed by their creators, at the moment. ... How do tie-breakers work? ... Well, the actions are pretty similar, just the chosen characters are the main difference...

[x] Plan Disco Inferno

[x] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
-[x] Write-in: Burn Baby Burn: Part of the team remains on standby, ready to drive by throwing molotov cocktails in the event of a crisis, and then use King Stoneguts to turn the flames into an impossible barrier, a nightmare of fiery death. However, if possible, once the target is retrieved, Benny is to retreat into the Hedge and hope it's nowhere dangerous or out of the way, and then the rest of the team will come and retrieve him, waiting on the Hedge-side and earth-side with Mind-Finder and other means to locate him.

[x] Catarina the Red: A mid-level Summer courtier, she's a bit isolated from everyone else, but she knows the Hedges very well, so any escape via the Hedge, or any attack *via* the Hedge (though that'd be a write-in plan) would be advantaged by her presence.
[x] Low: Apparently he's named that because he fights dirty. He's not high Wyrd, and he's young yet, but he's pretty scrappy and not bad at his job when he's not running his mouth off.

[X] Plan Fire Shadow
-[X] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
--[X] The Firebombing of Dresden: Or...they could drive by throwing molotov cocktails in the event of a crisis, and then use King Stoneguts to turn the flames into an impossible barrier, a nightmare of fiery death through which Laughing Benjamin can escape.
-[X] Jose Smith: He's the person you forget about. The person who is so bland you forget him right after seeing him. He knows how to manipulate minds and perceptions via both magical and non-magical means, and he could be a very good spy, but seems to mostly keep to himself. He's no good in a fight, though, and would have to be protected if things went wrong.
-[X] Ace: A Fall-Court Craftsman, he has a very little in the way of Sorcery talent focused on illusions, and while he's a bit jumpy, it could be useful in a pinch.

Oh, and a unendorsed plan:

[] Plan Ghost Here
-[] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
--[] Portal Away: Once the target is retrieved, Benny is to retreat into the Hedge and hope it's nowhere dangerous or out of the way, and then the rest of the team will come and retrieve him, waiting on the Hedge-side and earth-side with Mind-Finder and other means to locate him.
-[] Catarina the Red: A mid-level Summer courtier, she's a bit isolated from everyone else, but she knows the Hedges very well, so any escape via the Hedge, or any attack *via* the Hedge (though that'd be a write-in plan) would be advantaged by her presence.
-[] Jose Smith: He's the person you forget about. The person who is so bland you forget him right after seeing him. He knows how to manipulate minds and perceptions via both magical and non-magical means, and he could be a very good spy, but seems to mostly keep to himself. He's no good in a fight, though, and would have to be protected if things went wrong.
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[X] Plan Fire Shadow

On an unrelated note are we going to see the perspectives of any beings besides the Changelings? Stuff like how having the Changeling people and their associates written into the immediate history of their world affects things seems important.
Turn 2--Sao Luis Showdown, Part 3
Turn 2--Sao Luis Showdown, Part 3

[X] Plan Fire Shadow
-[X] Assassin Through the Front Door: Laughing Benjamin can deal with doors, and he can deal with cameras. He could slip in, and the rest of the team would stand by in some respect ready to bail him out. He'd then search for Marco, try to retrieve him if possible.
--[X] The Firebombing of Dresden: Or...they could drive by throwing molotov cocktails in the event of a crisis, and then use King Stoneguts to turn the flames into an impossible barrier, a nightmare of fiery death through which Laughing Benjamin can escape.
-[X] Jose Smith: He's the person you forget about. The person who is so bland you forget him right after seeing him. He knows how to manipulate minds and perceptions via both magical and non-magical means, and he could be a very good spy, but seems to mostly keep to himself. He's no good in a fight, though, and would have to be protected if things went wrong.
-[X] Ace: A Fall-Court Craftsman, he has a very little in the way of Sorcery talent focused on illusions, and while he's a bit jumpy, it could be useful in a pinch.

The vamps were active, and suspected something. At least, that's what the King said, but Laughing Benjamin had paid attention only insofar as it would affect him.

He'd been given well-wishes and, by Ace a Token knife and now everyone was waiting. Waiting on him. Nearby was the King, his Lord, who he owed everything too. He looked over the knife curiously for a moment, readying his gear.

Knife, gun, cloak, and a few Tokens to keep in reserve.

Such a silly weapon, the knife.

It showed the truth of things. A knife balanced which could create or destroy, could make or unmake. Could be turned against the user or against their enemies.

Of course, Benjamin preferred the gun. There was something distant, something far more final, about when someone was shot with a gun.

Far less personal. People said that he didn't have a sense of humor, people who hadn't seen him kill people. But a knife was just morbid.

He had a scar across his face, running from his forehead down to tear at his nose, and then down across his lips, splitting them at one edge. When he smiled, the scar opened and one could see the eyes, the things beneath it. Worms and maggots, death and decay. He had been the jester who told bad jokes as he killed people, he had been the amusement of a cruel woman--perhaps a repetition of terms, he thought--and now he was free.

So he didn't smile anymore, not unless he truly felt amused. The world, though, it wasn't amusing at all. It wasn't fun at all. Sometimes he just wanted to walk out into the Hedge and never come back. It was ridiculous. All the little rules they made one follow.

But the King was the King, and Benjamin served as best he could. It was that simple. So he stood and waited, his heart-beat slow, but soon to be going faster once he got to the fun stuff. He hoped there was a chance to kill some of the vampires.

If only because he was curious. Would they react like normal vampires would to gunfire? If so, he should bring more than just a pistol. But a rifle was too clumsy. He'd have to hope that anti-personnel rounds and all of the other types of bullets, most of them illegal, would do.

More and more cars were showing up, something was going on.

He had a radio, a very small one. When the time came, if he needed backup, he wouldn't be saying anything. All the signal that would be needed was turning the radio on.

People said different things about different Contracts. But to him, Light-Shy was like taking a hit of a drug. There were certain drugs that relaxed the muscles and led to hallucinations made of certain Hedge-fruits that he had experimented with to stop the nightmares. Most people chickened out, or rather lost control of their arm during the plunge, and only got half a dose in before they lost use of their limbs.

Not him. Never him.

And so what he was doing, truly, was shooting smoke into his veins, hot and wild.

Smoke felt like joy itself. It felt like the promise that you'd never be seen. Benjamin knew he'd gotten a good pull. Not as good as that of the King, or his former girl, but Benjamin didn't compare himself to people such as that. Four minutes, or so. He had four minutes in which he was like the smoke.

He crossed the street in a hurry, timing things so that the noise would eat his movements, and the man loitering nearby who was clearly their guard, was looking the wrong way to see him even if he was the sort of person who paid so much attention to noises that he could track them back.

Most people were not half that good. Which left the door.

If there was a trap on the other side, then he'd be dead.

Of course, that was as much temptation as blandishment, and he became a ghost of smoke and dreams, he slipped through the door as if it wasn't there, and then froze.

On the other side was simply an entry-way, not even different than one that he might find in the civilized world.[1]

But he felt...different. Weaker. Less. He staggered for a moment, but he didn't have time to dawdle. He slipped forward. There were several rooms right along the halls, as well as a big living room, and there were five or six people talking in it as servants came and went. And then in the rooms, there were others.

But what he was watching was where people were going. One of the fuckers who was listed as probably a vampire went right by his hiding spot, way too close for comfort, but headed upstairs. He'd expected it would perhaps be in the basement, but no. Best guess was that Marco was kept upstairs.

He had only two minutes left before he'd have to take another hit. He waited three heartbeats and then followed the vampire up.

The rooms, the place. He didn't pay attention to it, he was following the vampire's blood trail. The rooms were all groaning anyways with the agony of what this place was. He almost wanted to smile as the agony coiled up and moaned, and he steadied himself by looking down at the knife he'd been given.

'Hey, don't worry' it seemed to say, 'With this you can fix the world. Kill him. Kill him.'

The vampire was a tall, dark skinned male, dressed surprisingly casually, though it was notable that his clothing covered as much of his body as possible.

He wanted to shush that stupid knife because the damn thing wouldn't shut up now, would it.

Putting it in somewhere would shut it up, definitely. There were servants being passed, and vampires and--

Already, his best guess was that he'd seen at least a dozen vampires, and it looked like there were more.

Twenty, maybe? It fit the patterns. At the end of the hall, a man moaned, groaned. "Stop…" he gasped, in english. Then he began babbling some nonsense in Spanish.

Laughing Benjamin didn't know spanish, but as he eased closer, he could tell that something was going on. Feeding?

The man opened the door, and Benjamin thought through matters for a second.

Then he moved forward as the door was closed, as slowly as he could, glad that the floors were carpet and not wood.

And then he slipped straight through the door, right behind the vampire, who was so busy staring at the scene in front of him that he didn't notice the assassin behind him.

A beautiful woman was standing over Marco, who was a lighter-skinned young man, dark hair. Pure handsome normally, but he was half-naked now and writhing, looking a little out of it. His eyes were unfocused as he lay on the bed, bleeding at places.

He was writhing, and the woman over him, she seemed...out of it. She was writhing a little too.
The man said something in Spanish.

The woman moaned and then said something that sounded like whining in spanish, and then got up out of the bed. Marco lurched slightly, but she pressed him down and shushed him, leaning in to nibble his ear one last time before heading for the door.

Benjamin moved out of the way as slowly as possible, worried that at this last moment something might be noticed.

Instead she opened the door and slipped through, and the man stalked forward, grinning broadly as he reached down to Marco.


Interesting, Benjamin thought, a little distantly, as he considered his options.

The vampires had come once and they were going to keep on coming. Likely, the period of time between one feeding and the next would be short, or at least it seemed that Changeling blood had some interesting properties.

It was a drug, just like it was to the vampires back home, was his guess.

Ace had given him a knife for a reason. There was an illusion planted to it.

How far he'd get is unknown, but he could simply wait for the vampire to finish up and try to get him out of there without being noticed, though hauling Marco around increased the chance of being caught downstairs.

Twenty vampires meant that he'd probably be dead if that happened, and he had no way to grant Marco invisibility. He could also work as per that plan, but retreat into a side-room in order to be less noticed, and from there activate the call and escape via the flames, as planned.

Or he could use cloak the area in night's subtle distractions, click on the declaration for the attack, and then time it all perfectly.

Move forward, shoot the vampire in the head, double-tapped, at the same time as the molotovs are thrown. Then haul Marco away in the chaos and get out of here.

Dangerous, but oddly...satisfying to consider, and it'd reduce the risks of something going wrong later.

Instead, something would go right now.

A dead vampire and a burning house.

It was 10:03, he'd have to renew his invisibility in just a moment, and Laughing Benjamin was having a good day.

What to do?

[] The Plan, Haul Down Edition: Wait until this vampire feeds and hope it doesn't, well, kill Marco. Because that'd be bad, you suppose. Maybe. The King thinks so, and that's what counts. Then replace him with an illusion, and haul him down, try to get him out as quietly as possible.
[] The Plan, Hide In a Room: Same as above, only hide in a room and then call in the Firebombing and escape in the chaos.
[1.2] Love-Tap: Timing is everything here, and Benjamin has amazing timing for acts such as this. Call in the firebombing, shoot the vampire in the head just as the molotovs get lobbed in and the fire really gets going, and then take Marco through the fire and the flames, without him having been fed upon yet again. The time to act is now!

[1] As with his 'really, cruel woman is a repetition of terms, amirite guys', you shouldn't take his views as being my own.


Glamour: 13/13
Willpower: 7/7

Light-Shy: 2 (Int)+4 (Wyrd)+1 (Unobserved)+1 (Plunge the Needle, enter the smoke)=8 dice=4 successes, so four minutes of stealth.

Glamour: 12/13
Willpower: 6/7

Stealth: 4 (Stealth)+5 (Dex)=9 dice, 8 again vs. 6 dice (Decent Perception guard)=4 versus 1 success

Breaching Barriers: 2+4 (Presence+Wyrd)=5 dice=1 success

Glamour at 11/13…

New Maximum at 12. So Glamour is at 11/12.

Wyrd down to 3.

Stealth: 9 dice, 8 again, versus 7 dice, 8 again-2 (Invisible)-2 (Not expecting company)=4 vs 1, not discovered yet.

Perception: 8 dice=2 successes

Stealth: 9 dice, 9 again versus 10 dice, 8-again-2 (Invisible)=6 versus 1 success.

Breaching Barriers: 5 dice=3 successes

Glamour is at 10/12
Willpower is at 6/7

Stealth: 9 dice, 9 again versus 11 dice, 8-again-2 (Invisible)-2 (DRUNK)=7 dice, 8 again=8 versus 2 successes

A/N: Well, okay, those were pretty good rolls. I know there isn't a lot of exploration in this episode, like in terms of describing the place and all of the vampires, but partially this is because Benjamin doesn't care except to how it affects things. He also has Clarity 3. So yeah, he's personifying things like the agony of the house and doing all sorts of other weird stuff, but I also didn't want that to take over, because part of the point is he keeps himself in check and acts pretty dead on the outside, all while thinking weird and creepy things about drugs and suicide and murder.

It's also why Love Tap is at 1.2, though all options are very viable, he's a professional, not some amateur.
Umm... just to point out to people voting for the Love Tap plan. These are Red Court vampires... while they won't be able to shrug off two in the head like a Blampire probably would, it won't put the guy down like it's going to need to, either- and then considering the Red Court's strengths, it going to be not entirely different to fighting a transformed WoD werewolf in an enclosed space.
[X] The Plan, Haul Down Edition

No reason to start a fight unnecessarily. If we want to do that, we can make it a far superior opening strike another time and with more information.