The Gemstone of Frostbite:
You noticed her before she noticed you… or she was feigning ignorance and tried her best to hide her ever-growing worry as you stopped and allowed yourself to pull out a lien card, placing it into the vending machine.
She was still coming your way, and you knew the moment you bent down, she would take the bait.
Thankfully, you knew she had her scroll in her left pocket, and it was only a matter of a quick shove and a small smile to get what you wanted.
You quietly knelt down and then felt your toe gets tapped, and felt something get lifted from your back pocket.
You quickly shot up and pretend to push her. "Hey, watch where you are going?!" You shouted as you slipped your hand in and got her scroll.
The soda was in hand now, and you prepared to throw it at her. "Hey, easy. The Mint head said as she raised her hands in protective protest. "Sorry, just wasn't paying attention."
She was lying through her teeth and you knew damn well she was. But you smiled. "Fine… just pay attention."
She had your scroll, and you had hers… Excellent.
Soon you would call her, and then, everything would go according to plan.
Or they won't and then you would let Adam, or Blake… or the Destructive duo that was Ren and Nora deal with her… drag her before you and force her to kiss your ring, and join you in your quest to destroy your father!
Maybe you need to take a little break from planning too much… After all, you had a call to make.
Your stomach grumbled.
After the soda of course.
"Who is this?" The mint said over the other line.
"Someone who wants to talk to you." You replied as you watched her in the distance, seeing her look around, trying to spy on you. But then again, you were in a crowd of Sanctum students, who had graciously volunteered to be protecting you, being on their scrolls and generally being as inconspicuous as possible as you made a call.
"And why is that? Want your scroll back?" She asked.
"No. Truthfully, keep the scroll it will help keep my enemies away from me, and my father from tracking me easily. Your scroll is really well encrypted, did you have to jailbreak it or did someone else do that for you?"
"What do you want?" She demanded.
"I want to talk. Nothing more, nothing less." You replied as you said one more thing. "Cafe Iceberg, Two hours, and don't try to sneak away or try to trick me… I have eyes everywhere in this city."
You then hung up and broke the scroll in half. It was last year's model and it sucked, with terrible security. You could buy her a new one with some money you had saved up.
She was dressed like a vagabond, a nomad who wore only one thing and one thing only. The two weapons on her back were a pair, and she was eyeing you with suspicion.
"I came."
"Thank you." You said as you offered her a seat. "You want anything, I'm buying."
She seemed frustrated by your lack of grace and calm in front of her, making her fume in anger. "What do you want?"
"Well, I want to be nice, treat you to a kindness I know you have never had before." You said with a smile. "I enjoy helping people become better, if only for the fact that it reminds me that I can be better and am not bound by my father's… Let's just say genes and temperament."
She frowned. "Okay… so you're just… what, board?"
"Far from it, I like talent wherever it may be from, regardless of background and temperament, as long as they try to remain within the laws, and… well, not leave it back to me. So tell me Emerald, and I know all the people I wish to hire… Why are you trying to steal from me… when I can offer so much more instead, with you as an employee?"
She froze. "How-"
"Your scroll had your name on it, don't worry, I copied the sim card over to this new one, modified by my people to make sure you are not tracked by anyone who might be your enemies. As far as they know, you were kidnapped and disappeared." You replied.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"Cole Crystal." You replied with ice in your voice. "I'm a man who wants to change the world because people deserve better."
"Your crazy."
"Perhaps. But I'm not. After all, I'm giving you a choice. Be a thief… or part of something more." You replied.
Emerald took a long moment to process what you had said. And than said only two words.
"I'm in."
"Let's get rich, Miss Emerald." You replied as you smiled.
"Also, you owe me the most expensive item on this menu." She proclaimed.
Oh no... She was going to be one of those Employee's.
Reward: Emerald Sustrai has joined Frostbite Solutions as an Employee.
New Action Available.
She really likes the balls on Cole Crystal… and believes that, for all his talk of a big game… He can back it up with his actions.