The Jedi Crusader - A Star Wars Quest (Post-KOTOR AU)

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Character Creation
Southampton, Great Britain
It has been twenty-one years since the Battle of Rakata Prime, resulting in the deaths of Darth Malak and the destruction of the Star Forge. With the Sith Empire fragmenting upon the loss of their leadership and lacking the industrial base that the Star Forge gave them, the Galactic Republic has recovered over the last two decades. While it will take decades or even centuries for a full recovery in certain areas, the last of the Sith remnants have been defeated while devastated worlds such as Telos and Taris have seen significant reconstruction efforts.

Over these last two decades, the actions of the Jedi known as Revan had been game changing. The most significant of these were his marriage of Bastila Shan and his differing philology on love compared to the Jedi High Council. Revan Shan and his supporters clashed with the Jedi High Council, resulting the latter excommunicating the former as heretics as Revan tried to spread his beliefs to others he felt would benefit from them. The end result was a schism amongst the Jedi Order as Revan, with his great charisma and status as a Republic war hero and saviour of the galaxy, went on to found his own branch of the Jedi Order at Telos, drawing many to his banner from his fellow Jedi to those that Revan had convinced to turn their backs on the Dark Side to Force Sensitives that the Jedi High Council deemed unsuitable for Jedi training.

He did other great deeds of course, such as helping Uncle Canderous unite the scattered Mandalorian clans and hunting down the more powerful Sith remnants, but to you, your father's most important deeds is his influence on the Jedi as you have recently passed your Initiate Trials to become a Padawan of the Revanchist branch of the Jedi Order. The second eldest of the six children that Revan and Bastila have had, you are Luka Shan and you are ready to begin making your own mark on the galaxy having chosen your path as a Jedi.

What path has Luka Shan chosen to follow as a Jedi?
[] [Path] Jedi Guardian. Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber.
[] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[] [Path] Jedi Consular. Jedi Consulars seek to bring balance to the universe. They focus less on physical combat and more on mental disciplines in order to augment their mastery of the Force.

Of course, becoming a Padawan is just the first stage of becoming a Jedi Knight. You will be spending the next several years as Jedi Padawan, learning the ways of the Light Side of the Force under the tutelage of your master.

Who is Luka Shan's Jedi Master?
[] [Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally oversee your training as a Jedi Padawan.
[] [Master] Juhani. Your aunt has decided to be the one who teaches you as a Jedi Padawan.
[] [Master] Dustil Onasi. Your cousin has decided to take you on as his first Padawan.

And then there is your style when it comes to your lightsaber. This isn't fixed in stone as proven by your mother going from a solo saber to double-bladed and Aunt Juhani going from solo saber to wielding two at once. Your father is the biggest example for he is skilled enough to switch between any type of lightsaber style without difficult. But as a Jedi Padawan, you will be using only a single style for the time being.

[] [Style] Double-Bladed Lightsaber. You will wield a double-bladed lightsaber, good for dishing out damage at the cost of accuracy and greater difficulty parry attacks.
[] [Style] Dual Lightsaber. You will wield one lightsaber in both hands, letting you get more damage in by the dint being able to attack more, but leaving your attacks less accuracy and yourself more vulnerable. Furthermore, having two lightsabers opens up more options to you than if you only had one.
[] [Style] Solo Lightsaber. You will wield only a single lightsaber, limiting how much damage you can hand out compared to other styles, but it is easier to wield, making easier to land attacks and fend them off.


So after a week of writer's block plus a weekend and a bit of playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, I want to do my own post canon for it since I didn't like what I read about Revan's canonically future of kowtowing to the Jedi High Council before ditching his family to disappear into the unknown reasons. So this is going to be a continuation of my recently completed KOTOR campaign in an AU setting as I'm not familiar with the other Star Wars works set in this period. The only canon things I am going with are what I did in my recent (mostly) light-sided campaign of KOTOR.

Since this is set twenty years after the game, there has been some stuff that has happened, but I'm not going to reveal everything at once to avoid exposition overload. The major highlights is that Revan and Bastila rejected the Jedi High Council and chose excommunication over keeping quiet before going on to found their own branch of the weaken Jedi Order on Telos, using their clout as war heroes and galactic saviours to get away with it. Revan struck down to help rebuild the Republic and raise a family with Bastila. The Sith Empire fragmented with Darth Malak and the rest of its upper leadership dying at the Battle of Rakata Prime, but those fragments have been pretty much hunted down by now. Revan helped Canderous Ordo find the Mask of Mandalore, who has become Mandalore the Preserver to mostly unite the Mandalorian clans as Revan's personal shock troops.

Now you are going to be playing as Luka Shan, the second child of Revan and Bastila and their eldest daughter as she becomes a Jedi Padawan of the Revanchist Jedi Knights and begins her journey into the galaxy at large. While this quest has stats and dice rolls, they are there for me to figure out what Luka will be capable of and help me simulate randomness. I will not be stating out any characters before Luka even if I do keep some idea of what reoccurring characters are capable of doing.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Character Sheet
Luka Shan
Human Female
17 Years Old
Jedi Sentinel Padawan of the Revanchist Jedi Knights

Vitality: 30
Force: 33
Attack: 5
Defence: 14

Fortitude: 7
Reflex: 6
Will: 7

Charismatic: You have inherited some of your father's natural charm and way with words. +2 to rolls regarding social interactions, +2 to rolls when defusing tensions.
Crusader: You have witnessed some of the galaxy's horrors and you shall always act when face with such monstrosities. You may always attempt to take some form of action when faced with evil.
Defiant: You are a stubborn person who rejects the odds and the impossible. +1 to rolls when resisting someone, +1 to rolls when facing DCs of 25 or higher.
Duellist: You have shown some skill at one on one duels and are good at holding your own when you face only a single foe. +1 to Combat Rolls when facing a single enemy.
Force Empathy: You have honed your Force Sense to the point that you are able to pick up emotions of other beings and acutely identify them. +2 to rolls regarding social interactions.
Force Immunity: As a Jedi Sentinel, your attunement to the force makes it harder to hinder you or debilitation you. Immune to Minor Mental Debilitation.
Force Sense: As a Jedi, you have developed a connection to the force that allows you to sense incoming attacks. You are able to deflect blaster bolts with a lightsaber and are harder to surprise in combat. +2 to Defence, +1 to Defence while wielding a lightsaber, +2 to rolls when blaster bolt deflection rolls.
Prosthetic Right Hand (Cortosis Weave): Your right hand and lower right forearm have cut off and replaced by a high quality prosthetic that is nigh-indestructible due being made with a Cortosis Weave. +2 Defence, +2 Resistance to Energy Damage, +2 to all rolls involving your right hand.
Polyglot: You have a talent for learning new languages have learnt plenty growing up. You can speak and read the following languages: Basic, Binary, Catharese, Durosian, Huttese, Mando'a, Rodese, Ryl, Selkath, Shyriiwook.
Solo Lightsaber Style: You have learnt how to wield a single lightsaber at once. +1 Attack & +1 Defence when using a single lightsaber.
Tough: You have inherited some of your father's enduring toughness. +2 to Fortitude, Increased pain tolerance.
Wilful: You have inherited some of your father's unyielding will. +2 to Will and +5 to resisting intimidation attempts.
Jar'Kai Style: You have begun to learn Jar'Kai, the art of dual wielding in blade. +1 to Attack when dual wielding bladed weapons. (Effective Modifier is -3 Main-Hand & -4 Off-Hand)

Computers: You have begun to learn the basics of operating computers and slicing into them. +2 to computer rolls.
Heavy Armour: Your Uncle Canderous has taught you how to properly wear all sorts of armour.
Persuasion: As Jedi, you know the important of playing peacemaker and diplomat. +5 to persuasion rolls.
Piloting: Your Uncle Carth has taught you how to fly starships and navigate the stars.
Physical Security: Aunt Mission and Uncle Zaalbar have taught you how to bypass locks and other physical security measures. +5 on rolls regarding physical security.
Repair: Your father and his droids have taught you how to fix up broken and damaged equipment and droids. +5 to repair rolls.
Starfighter Pilot: You have some skill and talent when it comes to flying starfighters. +2 to rolls involving piloting a starfighter.
Treatment: Growing up around plenty of war heroes has left you fully capable of taking care of both your own injuries and those belong to others. +5 to treatment rolls.
Undercover: You have grown proficient at pretending to be someone that you are not. +2 to social disguise rolls.

Force Powers:
Basic Telekinesis: You can use the Force to move things with your mind. Costs 1 Force to use.
Force Push: You can use the Force to push a target away from you. Costs 2 Force to use.
Force Stun: You can temporarily stun a living target via targeting their mind. Costs 2 Force to use.
Mind Trick: Costs 1 Force to use.

Food Preference (Spicy): Luka likes to have hot, spicy food.

Luka Shan's Bank Account: Your personal bank account that currently has 20,085 Credits.
Credit Chips: Some physical cash that adds up to 682 Credits.
Antidote Kit: This kit contains wide-spectrum antidote hypospray injectors designed to neutralize all known poisons. (Cures most poisons)
Blaster Pistol: Short Ranged. +6 Energy Damage.
Civilian Clothing: You have some plain, but practical clothing including a jacket that is long enough to conceal the lightsaber on your belt.
Computer Spike. These items allow a user to slice computer programs, assaulting systems with garbage data to overwhelm security measures. They are one-use items. (+10 Bonus to Hacking rolls)
Datapad: A hardy, reliable datapad with HoloNet access and plenty of data storage.
Energy Shield: When equipped and activated, these items project an energy shield around the wearer that provides limited protection against blasters or lightsabers for three or four minutes. The small power source can burn out when repeatedly stressed, requiring replacement of the entire unit. (Single Arm) (5/5 Uses Remaining) (Blocks up to 20 Damage)
Jedi Robes: You have the standard robes of a Jedi to wear. (+1 Defence.)
Medpac: A medpac contains essential equipment for the treatment of wounds. (Restores 10 Vitality or can heal a minor injury)
Lightsaber (Silver): This is your second lightsaber with an improved emitter. (+9 Energy Damage, +1 Defence, +2 to rolls when blaster bolt deflection rolls.)
Lightsaber (Yellow): This is your first lightsaber. (+9 Energy Damage.)
Medpac: A medpac contains essential equipment for the treatment of wounds. (Restores 10 Vitality or can heal a minor injury)
Sith Energy Shield: When equipped and activated, these items project an energy shield around the wearer that provides limited protection against blasters or lightsabers for three or four minutes. The small power source can burn out when repeatedly stressed, requiring replacement of the entire unit. (Single Arm) (4/5) (Blocks up to 30 Energy Damage)
Sith Energy Shield: When equipped and activated, these items project an energy shield around the wearer that provides limited protection against blasters or lightsabers for three or four minutes. The small power source can burn out when repeatedly stressed, requiring replacement of the entire unit. (Single Arm) (5/5) (Blocks up to 30 Energy Damage)
Survival Suit: A basic suit designed to provide some protection against harsh environment effects. +2 Defence, Minor Resistance to Environmental Effects.
Vibroblade: Melee Weapon. +7 Melee Damage.
Winter Clothing: You have some thick and warm clothing to let you outside in freezing conditions.

Dynamic-class Freighter Red Banner
-Crew: 3/8 (Luka Shan/Bastila Shan/Kira)
-Hull: 132 (Immune to 15 or lower Damage)/Armour: 14/Shield: 135
-Space Speed: 3/Atmospheric Speed: 800 km/h
-Cargo: 60 Tons/Consumables: 60 Days
-Hyperdive: x1 with Navicomputer
-HoloNet Transmitter and Receiver
-Combat Thrusters: Allows let the ship fight like a starfighter and dogfight.
--Starboard/Double Light Laser Cannons (49 Damage)
--Port/Double Light Laser Cannons (49 Damage)

2/Light Side: 45/150
9/Experience: 180/500
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Past Adventures
Luka Shan's first adventure as a Jedi Padawan, she went on a mission with her Jedi master and mother Bastila Shan to investigate reports of Sith activity on the moon. Shortly after arriving planetside, Luka found herself caught up in rescuing several hundred slaves from the Exchange with the aid of the Togruta smuggler Kira and the Jedi Knight Vokru Gendi. While Bastila and Vokru continued the hunt for the Sith, Luka and Kira took the slaves to freedom at Lantillies. After meeting up with her honorary aunt Mission Vao, Luka was gifted a Dynamic-class freighter called the Red Banner by her father, Revan Shan, while Kira was given a job as the pilot of the ship.

The duo returned to Nar Shaddaa with the Red Banner where Luka was ambushed by a Sith apprentice and a dozen lackeys of varying quality. In her attempt to escape, Luka defeated a quarter of her foes, but was ultimately defeated. She lost her right hand and lightsaber to the Sith apprenctice before being delivered to his master, Darth Malice.
Awaking as a prisoner on a Sith starship in hyperspace, Luka had a dinner/interrogation with Darth Malice where the Sith lady tried to convinced Luka to become her new apprentice. Luka refused and Darth Malice inflicted injuries upon her that required medical attention. On her way back to her cell from the medical bay, Luka made a daring escape attempt as she stole an escape pod and ended up crash landing on frozen backwater of Kaliton.

Getting a replacement limb and making herself at home on Kaliton, Luka soon uncovered that Czerka Corporation was up to no good on Kaliton as they had seized monopolies on the planet's mines and off-world trade. While waiting for Bastila Shan and Kira to come and pick her up, Luka constructed a new lightsaber to replace the one she had lost on Nar Shaddaa before winning some duels at the local duelling ring. When Bastila finally arrived, she and Luka began to find evidence of Czerka Corp's misdeeds on Kaliton so they could be brought to justice.

Czerka Corp realised that someone was investigating them and made an attempt at outright conquering Kaliton using their own forces and subverted locals, leading to the two Jedi fighting a running battle as they waited for Republic reinforcements to show up. When Republic forces did arrive at Kaliton, the local Czerka Corp leadership was arrested, the illegal slave mines were shutdown and Kaliton was freed from Czerka Corporation.
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State of the Galaxy
When the Jedi High Council refused to recognise the views that Revan and Bastila held on love and threaten to excommunicate from the Jedi Order as heretics if they got married or tried to spread their beliefs amongst the rest of the Order, Revan took matters into his own hands, starting by openly marrying Bastila. Able to reclaim the position of Supreme Commander that he was never technically fired from or replaced from, Revan leverage his position with the Galactic Republic and status as a twice saviour of the Republic to get official backing from the Supreme Chancellor and the Galactic Senate to found and lead his own branch of the Jedi Order with himself as the Grandmaster. Officially known as the Revanchist branch of the Jedi Order after his faction of Jedi in the Mandalorian Wars, Revan founded a new Jedi Temple at Telos.

Despite condemnation from the Jedi High Council and being excommunicated as a heretic, Grandmaster Revan was able to rally many to his banner from fellow Jedi like Bastila Shan or Juhani to former Dark Jedi like Yuthura Ban and Kel Algwinn to Force Sensitives that the Jedi Order had traditionally deemed too old to train in their ways. Whilst starting off small at barely a third of the size of the Traditionalist branch, Revanchist branch would soon grew with a great influx of new recruits at their disposal and with a couple of decades, they were nearing in size to the Traditionalist branch and looking to eclipse them.

Grandmaster Revan also went to great effort to secure the position of the Revanchist branch of the Jedi Order. He did this from using his position as a Supreme Commander to strengthen ties between the Republic military and his Jedi branch alongside leveraging his friendship with Mandalore the Preserver to forge connections between the Mandalorian clans and the Revanchist branch. Other actions he took was to keep on good terms with the Senate and take visible actions to help the common people so when the average person thought of his Jedi followers, they thought well of them. With the reconstruction of Telos continues steadily and the Revanchist branch continues to grow rapidly, Grandmaster Revan now looks to establish more Temples of his branch of the Jedi Order on other worlds within the Republic
Following the Battle of Rakata Prime, Canderous Ordo began to look into reuniting the Mandalorian clans and raising his people up from the depths that they had fallen into. He was initially met with minimal success, but that changed when he received aid from his close friend Revan Shan, who revealed to Canderous where he hid the Mask of Mandalore after defeating Mandalore the Ultimate. Successfully claiming the Mask of Mandalore with Revan's help, Canderous Ordo, newly dubbed Mandalore the Preserver, pledged himself to aid Revan in his fights and then at the request of Revan, to turn the Mandalorian Clans into something that would stand by him and the Galactic Republic.

The subject of Mandalore the Preserver quickly became a controversial one. Many in the galaxy still remember what the Mandalorian clans did under Mandalore the Ultimate, unable to forget the many atrocities committed in the Mandalorian Wars. So when a new Mandalore arose, those within the Republic and beyond were greatly concerned by that turn of events. Many initially advocated for a punitive expedition against Mandalore the Preserver and his growing number of followers, others pointed out the weaken state of the Republic's military meant that they lacked the forces to successfully rout out the resurgent Mandalorian clans.

The issue came to a head when Supreme Commander Revan Shan spoke out in the defence of Mandalore the Preserver, revealing that not only was the new Mandalore a Republic war hero, but he had won the Cross of Glory and the Republic had been proclaiming him as a saviour of the Republic itself and the galaxy as a whole. Beyond just words, Revan further swung the issue in favour of Mandalore the Preserver by enlisting the aid of him and his Mandalorian clans against the remnants of the Sith Empire. With clear examples of the resurgent Mandalorian clans aiding the Republic combined with Mandalore the Preserver being a famous Republic war hero, the outcry against him and his supporters soon died down even if it didn't go away entirely and never would.

Mandalore the Preserver wasn't just a controversial subject amongst the Republic as his fellow Mandalorians had mixed feelings about him. While many were eager to follow the rightful Mandalore and have some chance to return to their old glory even if it would be a different type of glory, others had their doubts against him. Most Mandalorians held no ill will for his victory over them, a good number of Mandalorians still resented Revan for what he did to the Mandalorian clans at Malachor V. They wanted nothing to do with him and resented Mandalore the Preserver for being what they perceived as being Revan's lackey. Other Mandalorians rejected Mandalore the Preserver for being a kath hound of the Republic or the Jedi or the Senate. They felt he lacked true Mandalorian spirit by bending knee to Revan and the Republic and deemed him an unworthy successor to Mandalore the Ultimate.

Even amongst the Jedi, Mandalore the Preserver invoked mixed feelings. While many Jedi approve of Mandalore the Preserver trying to lead his people down a better path, they were still wary of the warlike ways of the Mandalorians clans. The matter was further compounded by the close friendship that Mandalore the Preserver held with Revan as when it came to the Jedi Schism, Mandalore the Preserver stood firmly behind Revan and his followers. Revan making regular use of Mandalore the Preserver and his followers, the Revanchist branch of the Jedi Order had good relations with the resurgent Mandalorian clans whilst the Traditionalist branch of the Jedi Order was wary and concerned regarding the Mandalorians,

Over the next two decades, Mandalore the Preserver would consolidate his position and things would turn out in his favour for the most part. With his followers taking the position as Revan's personal army and standing as protectors of the Galactic Republic, Mandalore the Preserver would win the public relations battle as the galactic populace held a higher and higher regard for him. While unable to united all of his people, the majority of the Mandalorians clans throw their lot in with him soon or latter and the number of Mandalorians rejecting him slowly dwindled as the remaining outcasts slowly died out with few to replace them while Mandalore the Preserver rebuilt Mandalorian society with the support of the Republic. The tipping point was when the latest generation of Mandalorian warriors knew only the glory of Mandalore the Preserver and had no experience with the old glory that Mandalore the Ultimate had shown the Mandalorians clans.
Due to lack of capital ships from the Mandalorian War and the Jedi Civil War, the Republic Navy has been reorganised to focused on smaller ships, primarily frigates and starfighters. This was originally due to necessity in the face of extensive losses and an ongoing war, but Supreme Commander Revan Shan later rebuilt the Republic Navy to focus on its current strength than try to spend a significant amount of time restoring its pre-war strength.

Hammerhead cruisers with Foray escorts are used for transporting companies of soldiers and when actual warships are needed. Orbital and planetary defences are used to protect stationary targets while cheap, but effective starfighters with hyperdrives are used to supplement defences and act the main workhorse of the Republic Navy in offensive actions.

With relatively cheap upgrades to their starfighters, the Republic Navy is able to field the best starfighters in the galaxy and field a lot of them. They have a strong starfighter corps with plenty of aces and other experienced pilots while the factories of the Galactic Republic are able to churn out enough starfighters and proton torpedoes to replace losses.

This starfighter-based doctrine is partially driven by their losses because despite the size and wealth of the Galactic Republic, heavy losses in the Mandalorian War and the Jedi Civil War left them more able to build and crew a couple high-quality hundred starfighters than a single capital ship. With the process of rebuilding the Republic Navy's capability to field capital ships requiring a lot of time and money, Supreme Commander Revan choose to double-down on the Republic Navy's existing and well-developed starfighter capabilities.
Aurek-class Starfighter (Revan Refit)
The Aurek-class starfighter has been the workhorse of the Republic Navy since the Mandalorian Wars and since the Jedi Civil War, its position has only been entrenched due to the Republic's lack of remaining capital ships and the ability to produce more capital ships. With it being easier for the Republic Navy to produce and crew a couple hundred starfighters than to do the same with a capital ship, the Republic Navy has focused on filling out its forces with its primary starfighter.

While Hammerhead-class cruisers and Foray-class escorts have their place within the Republic Navy in fulfilling roles beyond a starfighter, the Republic Navy has decided to make relatively cheap refits to Aurek-class starfighter to make it significantly more effective and superior to the vast majority of other starfighters in the galaxy. This is renown as the Revan refit due to Supreme Commander Revan Shan being the main backer of the starfighter-focused doctrine of the Republic Navy and being the individual who approved the refit of the Aurek-class using his vast authority over the Republic's military forces.

The refitted Aurek-class has marginally better firepower with some slight improvements to the heavy lasers to let them pack more of a punch while the primary focus on the refit was to improve the survivability and mobility of the Aurek-class starfighter. While the armour and shields were about as good as they were going to get for a ship of its size, the refit was able to fit in a secondary shield generator that while not enough to provide a second shield or boost the primary one, it did allow for the Aurek's shield to recharge twice as fast. The hull of the Aurek-class was also refitted to be more durable and be able to take more damage at the price of being slightly bulkier. A jamming suite was incorporated into the starfighter to make it harder for enemies to lock-on even if the size of the Aurek-class limited its effectiveness.

Other improvements focused on the strategic range of the Aurek-class as the class two hyperdrive was upgraded to a class one. High-end atmospheric thrusters were added to significantly increase the speed of the starfighter whilst fighting in a planetary atmosphere and state of the art manoeuvring jets were installed alongside the thrusters to allow for massively improved rapid mobility and dodging capabilities. The onboard computers were improved from the previous basic version to allow for a slight, but noticeable boost to processing power that greatly benefited the Aurek-class in its new duties as the workhorse of the Republic Navy while an inbuilt sensor array allows for the Aurek-class starfighter to have detection abilities that are much needed when operating without a warship to support them.

The downside of all these upgrades is that the Aurek-class starfighter lost some of its advantage of being cheap to produce. Yet despite the noticeable uptick in cost, the Aurek-class starfighter remained cheaper than most of the alternatives whilst also having a major boost to its capabilities, combat and out of it. Furthermore, the simplicity of the Aurek-class' design remains unchanged and it remains just as a quick and easy to produce despite increase in price. Ultimately, it was still easier and cheaper for the Republic Navy to build and crew a thousand refitted Aurek-class starfighters than it was to build even a single warship and it was also significantly easier to set up a starfighter production line on a planet than it was a shipyard for building capital ships.

The end result is that the Republic Navy is able to set up at least one Aurek-class production line on even Outer Rim worlds and is able to assign hundred to thousands to tens of thousands of Aurek-class fighters depending on how important it is to defend that world. The Republic Navy is also able to better patrol regions by covering trade routes with roving squadrons of starfighters that are able to call in reinforcements if they run into something too much for their squadron to handle.

Liberator-class Starfighter
The Liberator-class starfighter is a new design for the Republic Navy to replace the Chela-class after it was determined it would be easier to design a new heavier counterpart to the Aurek-class than to refit the Chela-class into one. As a result, the Liberator-class starfighter born to be the heavy fighter to Aurek-class' light fighter. While the larger size of the Liberator-class makes it less agile and manoeuvrable, it packs more of a punch and has more standing power. The larger hull means that the Liberator-class is able to afford both greater amounts of armour and able to support a stronger shield generator in alongside having its own secondary generator for faster recharge rates with the Liberator-class having almost twice as much armour as the Aurek-class while its shields are over twice as powerful. The larger hull also means that the Liberator-class can potentially take an additional hit compared to the Aurek-class, but that improvement isn't as significant as with the armour and shields.

In terms of firepower, Liberator-class is clear step up from the Aurek-class. While it also supports enhanced heavy lasers alongside a pair of proton torpedo launchers, the Liberator has twice as many lasers cannons with two on each wing instead of just one. Like the refitted Aurek-class, the Liberator-class has a jamming suite, upgraded computers and a dedicated sensor array to provide it with an edge in ECM warfare. The Liberator-class also has the same strategic capabilities as the refitted Aurek-class with a class one hyperdrive and two days worth of consumables for the pilot.

The Liberator-class also has the advanced atmospheric thrusters and manoeuvring jets as an Aurek-class, but despite this, it is unable to keep up with the greater agility of the smaller Aurek-class. It is slower by a full two hundred and fifty kilometres per hour in a planetary atmosphere while it is unable to pull combat manoeuvres and other stunts to the same degree. Given its status as a heavy fighter to the Aurek-class' light fighter, this is deemed an acceptable trade-off for the Liberator-class. The final difference between the Liberator-class starfighter and the Aurek-class starfighter is that the former has room for an astromech while the latter cannot.

The Liberator-class doesn't see as much use as the Aurek-class and not just due to its newness. The Liberator-class is more expensive and lacks the simplicity of the Aurek-class when it comes to actual construction. Both costing more to build and taking more longer to build, the Aurek-class will remain the mainstay of the Republic Navy while the Liberator-class is reserved for more experienced and otherwise proven pilots such as Jedi. While it will never be as numerous or widespread as the Aurek-class, the Liberator-class is used in large amounts if only as a hundred Liberators for every thousand Aureks. As a final fact, the Liberator-class starfighter is commonly called the T-Wing as it looks like the letter Trill when it is deployed in combat mode while also looking like the letter Thesh when it remains undeployed.
MC05 Republic-class Star Cruiser
The Republic-class Star Cruiser is the most powerful and dangerous of the latest generation of Republic warships. Built by relative newcomers, the Mon Calmari Shipyards of Mon Cala, none can deny that the Mon Calmari can produce very powerful capital ships.

With a focus purely on war, the Republic-class favours strong defences with extensive armour plating, a heavily reinforced hull and some of the strongest deflector shields used in the galaxy. To back this up, the Republic-class is unusually manoeuvrable for a starship of its size with greater ability to avoid getting hit compared to its counterparts. To further enhance its defensive capabilities, the Star Cruiser has an extensive jamming array reduces the effectiveness of closing to short range by enemy warships and the threat posed by starfighters.

In terms of weaponry, the Republic-class has six batteries of heavy turbolasers and four batteries of light turbolasers for destroying the hulls of enemy warships as its primary armament. The warship also has six batteries of heavy ion cannons to rid hostile targets of their deflector shields and then leave them disabled for the turbolasers to strike them.

Secondary armament consists of a full ten proton torpedo launcher tubes to strike at either enemy warships or smaller craft and a dozen batteries of medium laser cannons that have been configured to hit both starfighters and warships. The Republic-class lacks no weaknesses for the enemy to exploit in battle.

Other features of the Republic-class Star Cruiser include a class one hyperdrive with a class three backup and space for three years of consumables for those onboard. The star cruiser also has extensive hangar bays, capable of fielding up to a hundred and forty Aurek-class starfighters though it usually fields a smaller amount due to hangar space being taken up by larger craft. The Republic-class has multiple hospital bays with a total over a thousand medical beds and over a hundred bacta tanks to carry to injured and ill individuals.

The downsides of the Republic-class Star Cruiser can be found in its limited transport capabilities for its size and the sheer cost of producing it. Compared to other ships of its size, the Republic-class has sharply limited space for passengers and cargo as a result of being purely designed for war. The cost of producing one could bankrupt many nations and only a power as large and wealthy as the Galactic Republic can afford to build more than a handful of Republic-class Star Cruisers.

Liberty-class Assault Cruiser
The Liberty-class Assault Cruiser is the first warship of Corellian design that the Republic military has chosen to use in centuries and one of the new generation of warships used by the Galactic Republic. Like many modern warships produced by the Republic military under the leadership of Supreme Commander Revan Shan, the Liberty-class Assault Cruiser is built purely for war with limited transport capability and a high cost to produce.

One of the most important and distinguishing features of the Liberty-class is how fast it is. At great expense, the sublight drives are fast enough to outpace almost all other warships and keep up with a good many starfighters. The Assault Cruiser is meant to hunt down smaller warships that would normally be able to outrun a larger starship like the Liberty-class. This speed is further supplemented by an unusually agile ship for its size as the Assault Cruiser has manoeuvring jets to make it harder to land a hit on it.

Beyond its very abnormal high speed, the Liberty-class is a very capable warship. It has heavy armour, immensely strong deflector shields and a hull capable of taking plenty of damage. Combined with a jamming array to give it an edge at close range, the Liberty-class is a fast and tough warship.

Its primary armaments consist of two batteries of heavy turbolasers plus half a dozen batteries of light turbolasers. Secondary armament is also extensive with eight batteries of light ion cannons and another eight batteries of medium laser cannons. With enough hangar space for forty starfighters, the Assault Cruiser is a highly versatile ship.

Non-combat functions include a class one hyperdrive with a class three backup alongside a fully equipped medical bay. The downsizes of the Liberty-class Assault Cruiser is limited space for both passengers and cargo and a very high price tag for a warship of its size, both of those being things that the Galactic Republic is willing to accept.

Courageous-class Heavy Cruiser
The Courageous-class Heavy Cruiser is the latest warship out of the shipyards of Rendili Hyperworks. While the design is based off of the old Centurion-class Battlecruiser, the Courageous-class Heavy Cruiser is significantly smaller though perhaps just as well-armed and protected.

Boasting a primary armament of six batteries of light turbolasers, half a dozen batteries light ion cannons alongside just as many proton torpedo launchers, the Courageous-class lacks heavier armament of the Centurion-class, but makes up for it in a larger number of lighter armament. The secondary armament boosts this further with two batteries of heavy laser cannons supported by twice as many batteries of medium laser cannons, all designed to engage starfighters just as easily as capital ships.

While the hull of the Courageous-class is technically weaker than the Centurion-class, it makes up for it with having significantly heavier armour plating and deflector shields. The net result is a tougher ship than the Centurion-class despite the smaller size at an admittedly substantially higher cost.

The Courageous-class Heavy Cruiser also has hangar bays with space for sixty starfighters or a dozen shuttles, another downside born from being smaller than the Centurion-class when respective hangar sizes are compared. Further capabilities of the heavy cruiser include a class one hyperdrive with class three as a backup alongside a fully equipped medical suite.

Like the other modern Republic capital ships, the Couregous-class Heavy Cruiser suffers from both limited transport capability and an expensive production cost as a result of being a dedicated warship.

Hammerhead-class Cruiser
Following the loss of larger capital ships in the Mandalorian War and the Second Sith War, the Hammerhead-class Cruiser became the mainstay of the Republic Navy and to a large degree, it has retained this position despite new capital ships entering production and a focus on starfighters.

The original design remains in use and produced by a handful of shipyards, the Republic Navy primarily uses a refitted version of the Hammerhead-class following the conclusion of the Third Sith War. Known as the B-variant while the original is known as the A-variant, the refit saw the hangar space on the Hammerhead-class Cruiser being halved and the light lasers being removed in exchange for using the newly freed up space for additional firepower and defences.

The level of armour has been slightly upped while the hull has been reinforced to a limited degree. The secondary armament has been substantially improved with two proton torpedo launchers, a light ion cannon and three sets of medium laser cannons compared to the old pair of light laser cannons. The refitted Hammerhead-class has also been upgraded with superior, but expensive engines that effectively double the sublight speed of the warship and allow it to outpace most other starships and even match speeds with some of the slower starfighters.

Foray-class Blockade Runner
Like the Hammerhead-class Cruiser, the Foray-class Blockade Runner is an warship that became a mainstay of the Republic Navy following the Mandalorian Wars and saw refits following the end of the Third Sith War. Unlike the Hammerhead-class Cruiser, the Foray-class Blockade Runner has seen two different refits, the warship B-variant and the troop transport C-variant.

The C-variant of the Foray-class Blockade Runner came out due to a lack of a dedicated troop transport and it being easier to refit the existing Foray-class design than to come up with a new starship. For this purpose, the Foray-class C-variant has a smaller class three hyperdrive, its weaponry replaced with light laser cannons and weakened defences to make room for additional troop compartments. While left significantly weaker as a warship, this version of the Foray-class Blockade Runner can fit twice as many soldiers onboard as the original version.

The B-variant of the Foray-class Blockade Runner is a more combat oriented version of the Foray-class. This is done by upgrading existing aspects of the warship to superior quality parts that take up the same amount of space. The hyperdrive has been upgraded from a class two to a class one while the deflector shields have been strengthened by almost ten percent. The Foray-class's firepower has also been improved upon with the medium laser cannons have been upgraded from single barrels to double barrels for some additional firepower.

Valiant-class Light Cruiser
Coming from Kuat Drive Yards, the Valiant-class Light Cruiser fulfils the need of a purely combat-focused escort warship. Unlike the Foray-class Blockade Runner, which is meant to fulfil a variety of duties, the Valiant-class meant for battle and battle alone.

With a small crew of eighteen, Valiant-class Light Cruiser is powerful for its size. Both the hull and armour plating have been improved in strength for most ships its size while deflector shields are the strongest that a starship of its size can support. It has a class one hyperdrive for speedy FLT travel whilst a series of manoeuvring jets built into the hull make the Valiant-class agile for its size.

Built for taking on ships of its own size or smaller, the Valiant-class Light Cruiser has two pairs of light turbolasers for engaging hostile escorts alongside four sets of medium laser cannons to handle enemy starfighters. Designed for escort work or being part of a larger force, the Valiant-class lacks the ability to take on the majority of larger warships even if it outclasses most other warships its size.
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An obvious question, perhaps, but is any of KOTOR2's account of post-KOTOR events true?
[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X] [Master] Juhani. Your aunt has decided to be the one who teaches you as a Jedi Padawan.
[X] [Style] Dual Lightsaber. You will wield one lightsaber in both hands, letting you get more damage in by the dint being able to attack more, but leaving your attacks less accuracy and yourself more vulnerable. Furthermore, having two lightsabers opens up more options to you than if you only had one.

Do you mean dual(2) lightsabers?
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[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X] [Style] Double-Bladed Lightsaber. You will wield a double-bladed lightsaber, good for dishing out damage at the cost of accuracy and greater difficulty parry attacks.
[X] [Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally oversee your training as a Jedi Padawan.

Admittedly this looks to be a clone of our mother but its how I always play KOTOR and Bastila as the Master since she's also a Sentinel
An obvious question, perhaps, but is any of KOTOR2's account of post-KOTOR events true?

Most of it won't be as I don't own the game and haven't played it. Because of this, anything I do include from it will be stuff I've got told by other people or read about on the Star Wars wiki. For example, Canderous Ordo becoming Mandalore the Preserver. I doubt there will be much since the main events of the game are incompatible with the post-canon events that I've decided upon for this quest (such as Revan not disappearing into Unknown Regions and founding his own branch of the Jedi Order after getting declared heretic). I also don't know any characters introduced in KOTOR2 so I'm probably not going to use them since I am not confident in my ability to do them justice.

That said, if enough players want a specific character or set of events to be included in this quest, I am willing to look into the possibility of including them though I won't make any promise on the matter.

Do you mean dual(2) lightsabers?

Yes. I've fixed the typo now.
I figured I should post the mechanics that I've come up with for this quest and will be using.

Character Stats
Vitality: How much health you have and how much damage you can take before dying. Dropping to each 75% of your vitality results in a minor long term injury. Dropping to 50% of your vitality results in a major long term injury. Dropping to 25% results in unconsciousness while dropping to 0% results in death. Vitality naturally recovers at a rate of one per a day.
Force: How strong you are in the force and now much you can call upon at once. You use Force to use your force powers and once you are out of Force, you won't be able to use any of your force powers until it has recovered. Force naturally recovers at a rate of one every ten minutes.
Attack: How skilled you are with a lightsaber and to a lesser extent, melee in general.
Defence: A mixture of how well you are able to dodge attacks and take hits without harm. When an attack fails to get past your defence, it means that they have either failed to hit you or were unable to hurt you.

Fortitude: Fortitude represents toughness and durability and used to resist damage.
Reflex: Reflex is used to dodge and avoid dangers.
Will: Will is used to resist social manipulation, force powers and mental effects.

Light Side: Light Side is gained by doing good deeds and staying true to the light side of the force. Once the player character has gained enough Light Side, they can choose a new upgrade. However, the player character can lose Light Side by engaging in the Dark Side of the Force.
Experience: Experience is gained from defeating foes and accomplishing tasks. Once enough experience is collected, the player character can choose a new upgrade.
[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X] [Master] Juhani. Your aunt has decided to be the one who teaches you as a Jedi Padawan.
[X] [Style] Dual Lightsaber. You will wield one lightsaber in both hands, letting you get more damage in by the dint being able to attack more, but leaving your attacks less accuracy and yourself more vulnerable. Furthermore, having two lightsabers opens up more options to you than if you only had one.
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[X] [Style] Duel Lightsaber. You will wield one lightsaber in both hands, letting you get more damage in by the dint being able to attack more, but leaving your attacks less accuracy and yourself more vulnerable. Furthermore, having two lightsabers opens up more options to you than if you only had one.

Your vote has the old typo of 'duel' instead of 'dual'.
[X] [Path] Jedi Guardian. Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber.
[X] [Master] Juhani. Your aunt has decided to be the one who teaches you as a Jedi Padawan.
[X] [Style] Double-Bladed Lightsaber. You will wield a double-bladed lightsaber, good for dishing out damage at the cost of accuracy and greater difficulty parry attacks.

Revanchist is an...interesting name choice for a couple of recovering ex-Sith.
Revanchist is an...interesting name choice for a couple of recovering ex-Sith.

It is the canon name for Revan's faction of Jedi.


The Revanchists, also known as the Jedi Crusaders, were a renegade faction of the Jedi Order who assisted the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars. In 3964 BBY, the movement was founded by the Jedi Knight Revan, who wished to take a more proactive role against the invading Mandalorian...
It is the canon name for Revan's faction of Jedi.


The Revanchists, also known as the Jedi Crusaders, were a renegade faction of the Jedi Order who assisted the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars. In 3964 BBY, the movement was founded by the Jedi Knight Revan, who wished to take a more proactive role against the invading Mandalorian...

Huh. Never read the comic. Still, has some fairly aggressive overtones, especially post-Sith.
[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X] [Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally oversee your training as a Jedi Padawan.
[X] [Style] Dual Lightsaber. You will wield one lightsaber in both hands, letting you get more damage in by the dint being able to attack more, but leaving your attacks less accuracy and yourself more vulnerable. Furthermore, having two lightsabers opens up more options to you than if you only had one.
Huh. Never read the comic. Still, has some fairly aggressive overtones, especially post-Sith.

I never read the comic either. In this case, the term is currently more associated with Revan himself than it is with its actual meaning, especially since Revan has been politically active for the last twenty years in order to build up the Republic so it is ready for whatever it is that he is worried about.
[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X] [Master] Dustil Onasi. Your cousin has decided to take you on as his first Padawan.
[X] [Style] Solo Lightsaber. You will wield only a single lightsaber, limiting how much damage you can hand out compared to other styles, but it is easier to wield, making easier to land attacks and fend them off.
[X] [Path] Jedi Guardian. Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber.
[X] [Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally oversee your training as a Jedi Padawan.
[X] [Style] Solo Lightsaber. You will wield only a single lightsaber, limiting how much damage you can hand out compared to other styles, but it is easier to wield, making easier to land attacks and fend them off.

Defensive options are many times better, especially if losing vitality is as bad as it seems, and if can take multiattack abilities later
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The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : The Jedi Crusader - A Star Wars Quest (Post-KOTOR AU) Sci-Fi | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 6-18]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Path

[X][Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Path] Jedi Guardian. Jedi Guardians battle against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber.
No. of Votes: 2

Task: Master

[X][Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally oversee your training as a Jedi Padawan.
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Master] Juhani. Your aunt has decided to be the one who teaches you as a Jedi Padawan.
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Master] Dustil Onasi. Your cousin has decided to take you on as his first Padawan.
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Style

[X][Style] Dual Lightsaber. You will wield one lightsaber in both hands, letting you get more damage in by the dint being able to attack more, but leaving your attacks less accuracy and yourself more vulnerable. Furthermore, having two lightsabers opens up more options to you than if you only had one.
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Style] Double-Bladed Lightsaber. You will wield a double-bladed lightsaber, good for dishing out damage at the cost of accuracy and greater difficulty parry attacks.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Style] Solo Lightsaber. You will wield only a single lightsaber, limiting how much damage you can hand out compared to other styles, but it is easier to wield, making easier to land attacks and fend them off.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 7
[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X] [Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally oversee your training as a Jedi Padawan.
[X][Style] Solo Lightsaber. You will wield only a single lightsaber, limiting how much damage you can hand out compared to other styles, but it is easier to wield, making easier to land attacks and fend them off.

Changed over to solo style but keeping sentinel and bastila
[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X][Master] Dustil Onasi. Your cousin has decided to take you on as his first Padawan.
[X][Style] Solo Lightsaber. You will wield only a single lightsaber, limiting how much damage you can hand out compared to other styles, but it is easier to wield, making easier to land attacks and fend them off.
[X] [Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.
[X] [Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally oversee your training as a Jedi Padawan.
[X][Style] Solo Lightsaber. You will wield only a single lightsaber, limiting how much damage you can hand out compared to other styles, but it is easier to wield, making easier to land attacks and fend them off.
[X][Path] Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order.

[X] [Master] Bastila Shan. Your mother has chosen to personally overse

[X][Style] Dual Lightsaber. You will wield one lightsaber in both hands, letting you get more damage in by the dint being able to attack more, but leaving your attacks less accuracy and yourself more vulnerable. Furthermore, having two lightsabers opens up more options to you than if you only had one. e your training as a Jedi Padawan.

Hey, a KOTOR Quest!
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