Before I request rolls, what does 'SCL' stand for in the Plan?
Also, Tech Leveks for the other Races:
Hive: Lvl 9
- Ascended Hive: Lvl 10
Vex: Lvl 9.5
Cabal: Lvl 7
Fallen: 7 (It actually varies, but the Kings are the highest in that regard and Twilight is an extremely new House without many crucial tech)
Humanity: Lvl 5
Guardians: Lvl 6
Awoken: Lvl 7
- Tech Witches, Mara Sov: Lvl 8.5
Traveler: Lvl 10+
Before I request rolls, what does 'SCL' stand for in the Plan?
Also, Tech Leveks for the other Races:
Hive: Lvl 9
- Ascended Hive: Lvl 10
Vex: Lvl 9.5
Cabal: Lvl 7
Fallen: 7 (It actually varies, but the Kings are the highest in that regard and Twilight is an extremely new House without many crucial tech)
Humanity: Lvl 5
Guardians: Lvl 6
Awoken: Lvl 7
- Tech Witches, Mara Sov: Lvl 8.5
Traveler: Lvl 10+
Not sure I understand what you're saying. Godliness as compared to what? Like, Crota vs a regular knight? Because that seems like less of a technological difference, and more of a metaphysical one.
I wasn't rolling for anything there. I was messing with dice roller trying to work out how it functioned. I am used to wholly different sort of thing when it comes to forum dice.
Also, in terms of combat ability, three regular and one Reaver Shanks are worth a Dreg and a Reaver Dreg, at least in terms of pure combat effectiveness. Two Noble Shanks are worth a Reaver Vandal. And an Elder Shank is about on par with an Elite Vandal.
Feel free to innovate different types of Shanks than what are currently present in canon. The same goes for weapons and tech. Come up with ideas, agree on it, and I may tell you what is needed to get it.
Don't Noble Shanks have shielding? That would put them above a Vandal pretty much no matter what if you ask me.
Maybe we could use Shanks that function purely as floating energy shield dispensers for other troops? Or Network Shanks that'd let them link up and function more effectively as a whole, with possibly using a Walker or Saber Shank as a central control when we get those?
And considering the overwhelming numerical superiority of our enemy, I would advise starting to rig our shanks with explosives. Suicide attacks enemy does not see coming at first might be remarkably useful in thinning out hostile Dregs and Vandals at least.
Since nobody else seems to be rolling for the Guardian, I might as well.
Well, at least the stealth run and the random events go well for us.
And the Ghost isn't horrible. Everything else? OHGODWHY?
Though we do seem to be good at breathing deep.
It seems that the quest has decided to allow us to have more average rolls. Although we still got enough really bad rolls to oppose our rather good rolls...
Yeah, but you specifically said two Noble Shanks are worth only Reaver Vandal, when I could see ONE Noble Shank ganking multiple of them without problem thanks to that shield.
Well, at least the stealth run and the random events go well for us.
And the Ghost isn't horrible. Everything else? OHGODWHY?
Though we do seem to be good at breathing deep.
It seems that the quest has decided to allow us to have more average rolls. Although we still got enough really bad rolls to oppose our rather good rolls...
actually it isn't that bad. Random events can be equally positive as they can be negative, it just means whatever occurs will have a large impact. Also, the cruiser seems to have done well. The only area we seem to have problems is with breath deep, and the guardian.
I think it's a case of rolling low on danger and high on severity for random events mean we get a bad event, but it's not that scary, rolling high on danger and low on severity means it's a good thing... it just doesn't really effect us.
The Stealth Cruiser approaches the Wolfship quietly, it's engines on silent running and stealth field at full power. Cursory scans designated it as a rather large Transport ship, but with significant modifications of an unknown type. But what was more obvious were continuous stream of skiffs entering and leaving the Ketch's underbelly hangars.
Troops and Walkers were being loaded as fast as possible and then sent to down to the gas giant...
Their trajectory took them to the location of that Helium-3 Mining Colony that House Twilight intended to claim. However, the number of troops present were concerning.
Remained Undiscovered, Standing By
[] Write-in
The Skiffs quickly evaded any sensor nets the Wolves may have deployed and landed at the edge of the enormous mushroom shaped mining colony. The high winds buffeted the skiffs, but they held firm as Twilight troops leaped down to the age old ground. Numerous abandoned habitats littered the skyline, only storms, rushing clouds, and lightning to be seen above them. The Skiffs stayed for a little while to keep the landing zone clear before lifting away.
The district the troops landed on was completely abandoned, but telemetry from the Skiff's own onboard sensors showed that there was significant fighting near the inner wards, multiple battles being fought between the Wolves and something else.
Lord Engineer Erixas had the High Servitor begin mining a local terminal for information as she directed her troops to fortify their location while sending Shanks to scout ahead.
Within the hour, however, it was determined the situation was quite complicated.
The Wolves have deployed a little over a thousand troops into battle (mainly lightly armed dregs), including at least a dozen Walkers, with multiple Skiffs providing air cover. Currently, they're vying for control in the inner wards for access to the central district, where the probable Command & Administration Center was located. Local defenses were very much alive in those areas and human security frames had been deployed to combat the intruders.
Currently, Wolf Walkers were exchanging artillery fire with multiple smaller gun emplacements and Frames were manning defenses or firing away at the suicidal dregs charging the armored doors to the inner district.
Spotted leading the army was a Wolf Baroness, Irxis. Otherwise known derisively as the 'Wolf Whore' for her claiming favor from the Wolf Kell Virixas by spreading her legs for him.
Still, she is no Baroness for nothing, Irxis is known for her ruthlessness and cunning.
Significant Enemy Forces, Expedition Is Undiscovered, Expedition Suffered No Damage
[] Write-in.
Thirty new Servitors join the ranks today. The twenty two that were slightly mad earlier are now functioning fine, though they do make odd comments on how the 'stars weren't right yet'.
Two hundred advanced models of Elder Shanks were constructed and deemed ready for service. These notably smarter hover bots were seen interacting with the humans who've decided to stay on the station with the Eliksni.
+30 Minor Servitors, +200 Elder Shanks
The keel of the Battlecruiser is laid down with some efficiency, but the lack of skilled hands has resulted in delays. Two new Destroyers are also laid down. The Golden Age Cruiser is has been set aside to make room for the three new ships, it now sits as a local Monitor, as it's defenses are active. Only it's engines remain awaiting repairs.
(Golden Age Cruiser is incapable of moving, Engine requires 2 Turns to repair)(Battlecruiser: 5 Turns)(2 Destroyers: 1 Turn)
The remaining mutant pests have been exterminated, their remains burned, and their habitats cleansed with extreme prejudice. The Hydroponics Levels are now ready for repairs.
Over a thousand new children have been born. It will be some time before they reach maturity, but the humans aboard the station appear to find the little four armed cooing mewling newborns 'disgustingly adorable'. The pregnant Eliksni quickly work off the the 'belly' and are back to combat duty, much to the surprise of the humans.
The Fallen are trying to experiment on me. Emphasis on trying. Though, then again, they're not putting in any real effort yet.
Their Servitors are smart, but I'm smarter. Still, as long as they isolate me in this... bubble, I'm helpless. My shell can hold out against their probing, but if they get serious, I might be in some trouble.
...Nope. Still no way to contact the City. Not that I thought the chances of it actually working was possible. I'm not terribly good at hacking things remotely, especially not isolated in this bubble.
Ugh. That Archon is back again-
OW! That hurt!
Report: The drone appears to be a highly advanced AI of some kind. Aside from it's ability to resurrect the 'Guardian', it also seems to be capable of connecting to terminals and networks remotely; though against hardened variants it appears to have more trouble. Servitors maintain their vigilance and continue to monitor it. Compared to the inactive model in the Archon's personal rooms, this one is much more... lively.
They've taken all my armor. Really, I expected to get pasted again when I was revived. Instead they just electrocuted me until I passed out and then I woke up in this cell.
Other than the odd poking and prodding, its kinda boring in here. My Ghost called them Fallen. I dunno why. Then again, he called them enemies of humanity. Not sure how I feel about the important human guy thinking I can't see him in the observation room.
Maybe these guys were working with the aliens?
I dunno what to think.
Oh, great, the aliens brought in knives. Wonderful.
Bet Gordon didn't need to deal with this.
Report: The 'Guardian' appears to be a middle aged human with significant cybernetic augmentation. Servitors report an odd taste in Solar Energy around the subject. Aside from augmentation, the ability to manipulate minute amounts of what Captain Wesley called 'Light' is of great interest to all involved. Servitors mining the station's databanks discovered a profile of one 'Barnard Calhoun', militarized security guard at Capricorn Station. Much of his profile appeared to be both highly classified and corrupted.
The humans staying with the House of Twilight expressed concerns when it is discovered that one of their more... promiscuouscurious scientists was discovered engaging in high inappropriate behavior with multiple Eliksni. Head of Robotics Vivian Porter maintains that her discoveries in Eliksni biology will prove extremely useful in future projects with robotics.
Kinda... Bad. If You Think About It...
That's good, right?
A strange exchange was discovered between an Elder Servitor and an unwilling Minor Servitor. Needless to say, many are unsure what to think about it.
It's Kinda Bad.
It's... good... I Guess...?
It appears that the humans aboard the Cassini Fleet missed a spot! Encrypted data slates detail a large Archive on the Second Planet in the Inner Star System. It includes passwords and references to the research done there. Some examples include a strange pillar made of metal and stone in an isolation chamber and multiple sealed containers of thick viscous water. There are various sealed Vaults that will take time to deactivate.
The Window has Closed, the Cassini Fleet will remain until another opportunity appears. Relations remain cool.
[] Search the databanks for any other Platforms. (1 Action + 1 Servitor)(1d100 Salvage Roll, +20 Bonus)
[] Explore the Platform for any surprises (1 Action)(1d100 Exploration Roll)
[] Repair Habitation Units on the station. (4 Actions, 100000 Spinmetal + 100000 Glimmer)(Result: Upper Limit to Population extended to 1 Million)
[] Repair Network Nodes (4 Actions, 1000000 Spinmetal + 250000 Glimmer)(Result: 1d10 Roll to Determine maximum number of Rolls on Research and Technology)
[] Exterminate the Mutant Infestation (3 Actions)(Deploy only those with +5 Defense)(Danger Level: Moderate)(Result: Dangerous Pests eliminated, Virulent Disease vectors minimized)
[] Clean and Repair the Recycling Systems (2 Actions, 100000 Spinmetal + 25000 Glimmer)(Deploy only units with Engineering trait)(Danger Level: Minimal if Mutant Infestation is exterminated)(Result: 1d10 Roll to Determined maximum number of Rolls on how much Material & Ether can be returned)
[] Research Mod: Heavy Interdiction Turrets are a fancy way of designating a weapons system that only picks out enemies trying to flee. The turrets are largely useless in a prolonged battle, maintaining their charge. When a ship is about to jump with a fully spooled FTL Drive, there is window of around 0.5-1 second where the shields are weakened by the forming jump field and window generator. With a pinpoint and very high power strike this system can punch through the shields of any system under 8 Shields, disabling the hyperdrive and preventing escape. The main advantage is in preventing hit and run attacks which an attacker can use almost with impunity, but it can provide some limited support in battle. (+1 Firepower) (1 Roll per Battle, +70 to Succeed) (Cannot Mount on Corvettes or Frigates)(4 Actions + 5000 Glimmer)
[] Research Mod: Exotic Matter Warheads cause an interesting gravitational effect. Depending on the mass of the exotic matter excited by the detonation of the warhead, they cause a powerful gravitational field which for a fraction of a second draws all matter within a certain radius towards the detonation point. The sudden gravitational shear causes unconsciousness, serious internal injury, metal fatigue, and other unpleasant side effects. Against larger vessels they are largely ineffective, since shields block the majority of the effect, but fighters are especially hard hit. While they do not fulfill the originally desired role of anti-ship duty, they can serve as an impressive replacement to point defenses. (3d10 Rolls vs Fighters - 4+ Kill)(Cannot Mount Corvettes)(4 Actions + 5000 Glimmer)
[] Research Mod: Subspace Shielding utilizes additions to the shield generator in order to shunt some incoming energy into subspace where it is harmless to the ship. The shields themselves do not grow stronger, but there are significant increases to system durability. (+3 Shields)(1d10 Roll for Damage Reduction)(4 Actions + 2500 Glimmer)
[] Biofoam is a self-sealing, space-filling coagulant made from Essence of Spirit Bloom. It is also an antibacterial, tissue-regenerative foam polymer used by many Golden Age military forces. This foam keeps damaged organs in place and helps stop bleeding and hemorrhaging from wounds such as; lacerations, abrasions, contusions, punctures, thermal and/or electric burn wounds. While prohibitively expensive, it is an effective (if temporary) way to put otherwise seriously injured personnel back on their feet for the next day or so. The effects of biofoam are temporary, and after a time, usually twenty four hours, it simply breaks down. Therefore, it is normally a form of first aid, used only as a temporary sealant until proper medical attention can be sought. (+2 to 1d10 combat saves)(1 Action + 500 Spirit Bloom)
[] Neural Shock Rifles were originally attempts at producing a strictly non-lethal crowd control weapon. Designed with an area of effect and short to medium range in mind, the Arc-based energy weapon fires a 'web' of specialized arc energy that attacks the brain and nervous system of the enemy, rendering them ineffective for a few precious moments or outright knocking them out. Even a few seconds is enough for someone else to put a bullet to enter each and every one of their skulls. Although designed for prisoners and belligerents in mind, it is highly effective in a holding action. Even mechanical units are not unaffected, though larger units likely will be the least affected by the weapon. (+3 to 1d10 combat rolls against organics, +1 to combat rolls against mechanical, 1d10 to Stun)(2 Actions + 2500 Glimmer)