The House of Twilight [Destiny Nation Builder Quest]

OK than on other news:
Bonuses and "+rolls":
1d10 for 'Salvage: Datamining'====2
1d100 for 'Salvage: Datamining'=====60 + 20 + 25 =~ 105
↑ From Elder Servitor and previous mining bonus,
↓ Elder Servitor Bonus
1d10 for 'Salvage: Luxury Liner Datamine'====5
1d100 for 'Salvage: Luxury Liner Datamine'====19 + 25 =~ 44

For Servitor-Shanks we need, in the least, 3x55 So I think of distributing those 5 Additional research Rolls (let others do it, see what happens) like this:
1 Roll to "Research: Drone Fighter"
1 Roll to "VI"
2 Rolls to "Research: Pyradon Pike"
1 Roll to "Research: Servitor-Shank"

AND depending on whats left distribute bonuses, in worst case scenario Re-roll the worst case,

Sounds good, what do you think?
The idea was basically to just make it so we don't have to spend actions and turns later down the line to make it ready to move. Like we had to do with the Wolf Depot.
So put just some engines and guns on it. I'm not going to go into incredible detail on the number of possible areas to mount them and the guns on it.

It's your job to 'draw up plans for expansion', not me.
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OK, here are he re rolls:

Edit: Ehhhhh, ..give up, please decide how to distribute our bonuses, otherwise I`ll make another mistake

OK, so others could distribute bonuses here you go @Averyone and @All

what to distribute:
+ 50 (5 x 10)
+ 25 (5 x 5)
+ 4 Roll saves{decide if you want to re roll 1! research up to 4 times}
1d100 for 'Calais: Request Assistance'=====30

1d100 for 'Proteus: AI Negotiation'=====23 100%???

1d10 for 'Salvage: Datamining'====2
1d100 for 'Salvage: Datamining'=====60 + 20 + 25 =~ 105

1d10 for 'Salvage: Luxury Liner Datamine'====5
1d100 for 'Salvage: Luxury Liner Datamine'====19 + 25 =~ 44

+50 (5 x 10) + 5 additional 'research rolls + 25 (5 x 5) +4 Roll saves
3d100 on 'Research: Pyradon Pike'==== 21 ; 15 ; 63 ; 57 ; 85
1d100 on 'Explosive Accident'=====40

3d100 on 'Research: Servitor-Shank'====7 ; 61 ; 39 ; 26 (3x 55 to succeed)
1d100 on 'Viabilty'====51

3d100 on 'Research: Drone Fighter'====47 ; 97 ; 35 ; 35
1d100 on 'VI'=====26 ; 59

1d10 on 'Stealth: Reef Patrols' ==== 6
1d100 on 'Stealth: Detection'==== 86
1d100 on 'Stealth: Combat' ====35
1d100 on 'Reef: Escape'==== 89

1d10 on 'Stealth: Cabal Patrols'====5
1d100 on Stealth: Detection'====81
1d100 on 'Stealth: Combat'====73
1d100 on 'Cabal: Escape'====22
Source: Where to distribute
Renars threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: add-Research: Drone Fighter Total: 35
35 35
Renars threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: add-VI Total: 59
59 59
Renars threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: add-Research: Pyradon Pike Total: 142
57 57 85 85
Renars threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: add-Research: Servitor-Shank Total: 26
26 26
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Actions Available: 6 Actions + 5 Free Personal Actions

[X] Proteus: Leave only one ship, the rest return to Capricorn +
Propose an alternative: AI must wake up the crew. IT saw, that the Human Golden Age is pretty much gone. Enough stalling and since "IT" does not want to trust anyone and Twilight can't trust it's crews safety to an "ignorant, paranoid virtual intelligence" it should reawaken it's crew and let them decide how to respond to these negotiations. IF Col-ship AI really has colonists best interests"at heart" it will awaken them, it will provide it's discovered information without tempering with it, and it WILL allow Baroness Erixas to explain her side of the story without interrupting her just as Twilight won't interrupt anything it has to say. (1 Action)

The AI refuses to comply, citing that it's priority is the survival of the colonists. It refuses to explain what it means by that.

[x] "Twilight never planned to take the colony crew hostage. We just wanted to reduce or outright avoid mass hysteria, panic, needless squabbling and potential casualties, both short-term and long-term. And we
• gave Cassini 2 intact, fully functional warships (there was next to no need to do so, and yet...),
• didn't kill anyone when there was Eliksni murders without proof,
• and even warned Wesley of rebels (OK, its a bit more complicated, but still all in all true).
If AI considers all "aliens" evil, and yes, its hostility and explanation WITHOUT RELEVANT INFORMATION wants for Twilight to be "evil". And that about leaving Cassini at their own station? We were upset because he siezed darkstar for himself and gave us nothing to show for our loss of life and resources. Tensions were high, and giving Cassini humans didn't want to deal with Twilight, it was safer for all involved to let them have "their own place". Furthermore you are guessing our motivations based on incomplete information. You may ask any of us, our Baroness and captured crew. Our intentions are not a lie." (Free Action)

Again, the AI refuses to be swayed.

[x] Calais: Call Wesley, perhaps he can pull rank on this damn AI. Assume he'll want something in return for the help, but that can be discussed after our people are back. (1 Action)

Wesley answers the call and arrives in a large cruiser of unknown configuration sporting a new insignia. He initially makes headway with the AI, forcing it to acknowledge his rank as the sole recognized human with any form of authority. When Wesley orders the AI to release it's prisoners, the accursed machine has the gall to refuse!

The human commander does not give it a choice, however. His cyber-engineers slice into external hardpoints via access terminals to force a connection to the Calais AI in order to brute force a patch in order to lock the Colony AI out of it's own systems, effectively 'Boxing' it.

Both Cassini and Twilight troops swarm the colony ship and secure it. The good Baroness and her people are unharmed, if a little starved on ether.

As it turns out, from what the Cassini scientists can understand, is that the colony AI is crazy as a bag full of cats. Whatever happened during the collapse drove the machine mind insane, in it's moments of lucidity, it could only focus on it's priorities without any form of reason or morality to prevent it to going to the extremes.

For the moment Cassini does not lay claim to the Proteus, but it is obvious that such a resource rich world cannot go unclaimed for long.

[x] Ishtar Research Facility: Build 200 more Creches. (1 Action)

Hundreds of Eliksni infants take their first breaths of the life-giving ether.

[X] Search the databanks for any other Platforms (1 Action + 1 Elder Servitor)(1d100 Salvage Roll, +20 Bonus + 25)

Two new platforms have been discovered. However, they do not appear to be harvesters, but rather spaceborne warehouses. Each hold roughly about five thousand units of usable Relic Iron.

[x] Capricorn: Staff the new Naval Yard Complexes. (2,000 Dregs) (Free Action)

Two thousand workers take their places at the yard complexes, ready to ply their skills.

[x] Build 8 Destroyers fully modded with Photon Cannons, and 8 Pilot Servitors to go with them. (2 turns to completion) (2 Actions)

The destroyers are easily built, the flotilla only need to be armored, weapons added, and fully kitted out.

[X] Research: Flame Pike: fast-response units with a very strong bite. Heavy Pike variant with build in Solar type furnace possessing scorch-cannon like projectiles that act as armor-piercing, termite-explosive like shots. Excess heat to stabilize the Furnace-core is used to create Solar type shield, providing it's pilots with additional defenses. (1 Action)

The Heavy Pike variant isn't as fast as the normal speeder, about a third as fast really, but it packs heavy armor and a canopy for the pilot. It's main guns were essentially two scorch cannons integrated into the vehicle and were able to fire long ranging shots that could damage multiple enemy units; however, it suffered from a very low rate of fire as typical of the weapon.

Due to the extreme volatility of the Solar Furnace powering the vehicle, multiple stabilizers bulge out from the core to prevent a breach. At the same time, however, despite initial expectations, attempting to use the excess Solar energy from the furnace only proved to encase the pilot in high temperature plasma and scorch fry them.

The feature was removed from the prototype. Attempts to use the vehicle for heavy assaults also proved to be problematic. Due to the heavy armor and stabilizers, it was far slower than normal Pikes and easily became a target. Should more than two stabilizers be flown off from weapons fire, the vehicle would become increasingly more likely to suffer a containment breach of his Furnace Core.

The results of that test proved to be more wholly destructive than the entirety of the pike's mounted scorch cannon shots during the entirety of the field test.

Engineers are unsure as to whether to continue attempting to perfect the design or abandon it.

[x] Send 100 Squires, 200 Dregs, 100 Vandals, 100 Human/Eliksni Knights, 20 Minor Servitors, 10 High Servitors, 10 Captains, Guardian AND 1 Light Stealth Cruiser Recneps-Syn to Mars to scout and information gathering. Remain undetected, gather as much information as possible and de-encrypt the message. Avoid combat with local forces, until we know what is going on. (1 Actions)

Light Stealth-Ketch Recneps-Syn manages to evade the vast majority of the Reef's patrols, only coming close to being detected when a pair of their fighter craft came far too close for comfort before peeling off.

The journey to the fourth planet of the star system is boring, but combat units practice their hand to hand or engage in other military exercises to pass the time. Others make children.

The Guardian and his Ghost keep to themselves, but the construct continues to monitor channels from the ketch's communications array.

The alien forces that have taken to occupying Mars do not appear to have sensors capable of penetrating the stealth technology the ketch is equipped with. However, the scans the ship took as they entered the atmosphere was worrying. The asteroid moon Phobos was visibly moving closer to the surface and the glittering on the asteroid itself showed extensive Cabal installations being laid down upon it.

The anomalous message appears to have been cut off recently, but it appears to have originated deep within the only major martian city of Freehold. The Cabal appear to have a very large presence here with clockwork patrols and high orbital sweeps of their cruisers and armed transports.

Choose a location to make base:
[] Olympus Mons
[] Stone Ruins
[] The Lost Oasis
[] The Ruins Within the Bay
[] Factory Ruins

[X] Datamine Luxury liner data core (1 Action + 1 Elder Servitor)

The ship came from Mars, hailing from a city-amusement park call 'Clovis Land'. Other than that, no other data can be recovered except for a list of what can be presumed as docking and access codes.

[X] Research: Servitor-Shanks {study the 'blueprints'; analyse the 'ready product'; talk with Refugees responsible for creating them, and find ways to improve on these designs} (1 Action) (3x 55s to Succeed)

There... aren't real means of improving upon the 'Servitor-Shank'. It is after all, a hastily put together servitor using shank parks to stretch out the ancient technology. By all rights, even eking out a wisp of Ether from what little biological waste that could be excreted was a miracle in of itself. The refugees were lucky that so many were able to come up with a general design. In lieu of having actual fully functioning Servitors on hand, it is the belief that such hybrid monstrosities were useless to Twilight House.

[x] Research: Drone-fighters – A VI controlled fighters engineered to operate in space and atmospheres. Since this has no pilot and won't act as a transport vessel, and considered semi-disposable, any 'transport space' and life support systems are removed, decreasing size and resource cost. Designed to be fast and maneuverable, with stronger weapons than Skiff turrets. Can coordinate and work with others (both drones and not) {Possible designs: #4104} (1 Action)

The requirement for it to not only be 'somewhat disposable', fast, maneuverable, and equipped with weapons stronger than skiff turrets was a project that had too many demands and too little practical means to actually meet those demands.

What does matter is that the engineers have managed to build a few prototype VIs for the prototype fighter, should anyone agree on what to sacrifice and whether or not to use the more expensive and rarer materials to meet the demands set before them.

[] Search the databanks for any other Platforms. (1 Action + 1 Servitor)(1d100 Salvage Roll, +20 Bonus)
[] Repair Network Nodes (4 Actions, 1000000 Spinmetal + 250000 Glimmer)(Result: 1d10 Roll to Determine maximum number of Rolls on Research and Technology)

[] Repair Hydroponics Level (100000 Spinmetal + 500000 Spirit Bloom + 150000 Glimmer + 2 Actions)
[] Hack the Vaults (3 Elder Servitors + 3 Actions + 3 Turns)

1 Battlecruiser Wreck (45000 Spinmetal/11,250 Relic Iron + 2000 Helium Filaments + 60,000 Glimmer + 1 Actions + 4 Turns)

Datamine the Warsat:
(3d100 + Elder Servitor Tech Roll (+25 to results) + Progress (+10 to Results)) (Minimum of 2x 60 to Succeed) (2 Actions)

[x] Research: Automated production lines. (1 Action) (+2 to next 1d10 of 3d10 roll.)
[] Research Mod: Heavy Interdiction Turrets are a fancy way of designating a weapons system that only picks out enemies trying to flee. The turrets are largely useless in a prolonged battle, maintaining their charge. When a ship is about to jump with a fully spooled FTL Drive, there is window of around 0.5-1 second where the shields are weakened by the forming jump field and window generator. With a pinpoint and very high power strike this system can punch through the shields of any system under 8 Shields, disabling the hyperdrive and preventing escape. The main advantage is in preventing hit and run attacks which an attacker can use almost with impunity, but it can provide some limited support in battle. (+1 Firepower) (1 Roll per Battle, +70 to Succeed) (Cannot Mount on Corvettes or Frigates)(4 Actions + 500,000 Glimmer)

[] Research Mod: Exotic Matter Warheads cause an interesting gravitational effect. Depending on the mass of the exotic matter excited by the detonation of the warhead, they cause a powerful gravitational field which for a fraction of a second draws all matter within a certain radius towards the detonation point. The sudden gravitational shear causes unconsciousness, serious internal injury, metal fatigue, and other unpleasant side effects. Against larger vessels they are largely ineffective, since shields block the majority of the effect, but fighters are especially hard hit. While they do not fulfill the originally desired role of anti-ship duty, they can serve as an impressive replacement to point defenses. (3d10 Rolls vs Fighters - 4+ Kill)(Cannot Mount Corvettes)(4 Actions + 500,000 Glimmer)

[] Research Mod: Subspace Shielding utilizes additions to the shield generator in order to shunt some incoming energy into subspace where it is harmless to the ship. The shields themselves do not grow stronger, but there are significant increases to system durability. (+3 Shields)(1d10 Roll for Damage Reduction)(4 Actions + 250,000 Glimmer)

[] Biofoam is a self-sealing, space-filling coagulant made from Essence of Spirit Bloom. It is also an antibacterial, tissue-regenerative foam polymer used by many Golden Age military forces. This foam keeps damaged organs in place and helps stop bleeding and hemorrhaging from wounds such as; lacerations, abrasions, contusions, punctures, thermal and/or electric burn wounds. While prohibitively expensive, it is an effective (if temporary) way to put otherwise seriously injured personnel back on their feet for the next day or so. The effects of biofoam are temporary, and after a time, usually twenty four hours, it simply breaks down. Therefore, it is normally a form of first aid, used only as a temporary sealant until proper medical attention can be sought. (+2 to 1d10 combat saves)(1 Action + 50000 Spirit Bloom)

[] Ion Cannons are extraordinarily similar to your Arc Burst weaponry, but taken in a completely different direction! While lethal to most conventional power systems and energy fields, the effects on... organics varies, depending on the level of technology protecting the crew. Whereas your Arc Bursts use the electrical bond of atoms to form superheated plasma, the Ion Cannon is almost entirely electrical energy in a sheathe of plasma. While causing no actual physical damage, it strips away shields and causes hardpoints to malfunction or become temporarily useless. (+6 Firepower vs Shields, 1d10 Roll for Random Hardpoint Malfunction)(Counts as 2 Mods, May Mount on any vessel)(2 Actions)

[] Photon Cannons fires an encapsulated antimatter sphere at the enemy, resulting in a matter-antimatter reaction made of heat, light, and radiation. Photon Cannons are most often deployed on ships in large batteries to make full use of their antimatter explosives. (1000 Relic Iron + 2500 Helium Coil + 500 Glimmer, Counts as 1 Mod)(+6 Firepower)

[] Neural Shock Rifles were originally attempts at producing a strictly non-lethal crowd control weapon. Designed with an area of effect and short to medium range in mind, the Arc-based energy weapon fires a 'web' of specialized arc energy that attacks the brain and nervous system of the enemy, rendering them ineffective for a few precious moments or outright knocking them out. Even a few seconds is enough for someone else to put a bullet to enter each and every one of their skulls. Although designed for prisoners and belligerents in mind, it is highly effective in a holding action. Even mechanical units are not unaffected, though larger units likely will be the least affected by the weapon. (+3 to 1d10 combat rolls against organics, +1 to combat rolls against mechanical, 1d10 to Stun)(2 Actions + 250,000 Glimmer)

[] Iron Wombs are artificial birthing chambers designed to grow and 'give birth' to newborns in an expedient time as feasibly possible. While no different to other children, it is a highly effective and efficient method to bolster the population. Due to the Wombs being designed for humans, it will be harder for this technology to be reverse engineered and modified for Eliskni use. (Increase population by 5% for every Creche every 4 Turns)(4 Actions + 500,000)

Voting Ends 10/16/16, 6pm PST
[x] Calais: Call Wesley, perhaps he can pull rank on this damn AI. Assume he'll want something in return for the help, but that can be discussed after our people are back. (1 Action)

Wesley answers the call and arrives in a large cruiser of unknown configuration sporting a new insignia. He initially makes headway with the AI, forcing it to acknowledge his rank as the sole recognized human with any form of authority. When Wesley orders the AI to release it's prisoners, the accursed machine has the gall to refuse!

Hahahaha! You gonna die now bitch!

Go Wesley, Go!

As it turns out, from what the Cassini scientists can understand, is that the colony AI is crazy as a bag full of cats. Whatever happened during the collapse drove the machine mind insane, in it's moments of lucidity, it could only focus on it's priorities without any form of reason or morality to prevent it to going to the extremes.

Now you know whats really scary about this thing? Its how much it actually saw.

Stop and think on this for a second, its a bog standard AI to all appearances, not a Warmind. But its basically been watching us and seeing everything we do since we arrived at Capricorn. Folks I think if we ever actually encounter Rasputin or another Warmind we should play as nice as we can.

[X] Search the databanks for any other Platforms (1 Action + 1 Elder Servitor)(1d100 Salvage Roll, +20 Bonus + 25)

Two new platforms have been discovered. However, they do not appear to be harvesters, but rather spaceborne warehouses. Each hold roughly about five thousand units of usable Relic Iron.

Ten thousand units of iron for us. Not what I was hoping for, but not bad.

I do find it funny that we could only find Helium when we went looking for Iron, but now find Iron after we don't really need it.

[x] Send 100 Squires, 200 Dregs, 100 Vandals, 100 Human/Eliksni Knights, 20 Minor Servitors, 10 High Servitors, 10 Captains, Guardian AND 1 Light Stealth Cruiser Recneps-Syn to Mars to scout and information gathering. Remain undetected, gather as much information as possible and de-encrypt the message. Avoid combat with local forces, until we know what is going on. (1 Actions)


I doff my cap to you sir, it worked. This is all sorts of good news for us, even if we cant find anything on that signal. Cabal loot, ahoy!

[x] Research: Drone-fighters – A VI controlled fighters engineered to operate in space and atmospheres. Since this has no pilot and won't act as a transport vessel, and considered semi-disposable, any 'transport space' and life support systems are removed, decreasing size and resource cost. Designed to be fast and maneuverable, with stronger weapons than Skiff turrets. Can coordinate and work with others (both drones and not) {Possible designs: #4104} (1 Action)

For now I suggest we just keep to sticking them in Skiffs.


[x] Proteus: With that out of the way, the Archon should go and thank Wesley personally. From there they should discuss how to divide the planet between them. He'll probably want the ship, and we have no real need for nineteen of the twenty mines. Nor do we have a need for the Shadow Bloom farms. So they can all be his if he wants them. What we would like to do is slap down a C'n'C and turn the moon into a place where both sides can keep in easy contact. (Build 1 C'n'C, garrison with 1 Captain and 249 Vandals) (2 Actions)
[x] Warn Wesley of the strange energy we've been detecting as well. (1 Action)
[x] Capricorn: Build 10 Helium Extractors, 1 Generator, and then deploy them. (16,000 Helium) (3 Actions)
[x] Staff the offline forty Robot Assemblys. (4,000 Dregs. 80 Minor Servitors) (-4000 Ether) (Free Action)
[x] Build 100 Minor Servitors. (2,500 Helium) (1 Action)
[x] Research: Light Spider Walker. With a heavy weapon mounted on top, four legs to support its weight, and a shield gauntlet strapped to each of the legs, these machines are a true terror on the battlefield. The brainchild of one of the original Knightly Engineers, Spider-lites are meant to increase the presence of Twilights larger weapons on the battlefield. Scorch Cannons are default, but any weapon sized for a Captain or higher can be equipped.
(20/10/14, this is a infantry scale mech. Not a vehicle.) (1 Action)
[x] Research: Drone-fighters. Stick the VIs in a couple of Skiffs and see how they do. (1 Action)
[x] Research: Frames. Skeletal robots of human origin, Frames form the backbone of human industry. One of the Human Engineers has recently raised the question of whether or not they can be made cheaper than the Worker Shanks. He further points out that even if they are not, surely they could make for a better battlefield asset than the regular Shanks. (1 Action)
[x] Mars: Scout out Olympus Mons as a potential base site. If its good then set down there. Avoid the Cabal if at all possible. (1 Action)

Note: I'm happy to discuss replacing the Spider-lite and Drone Fighter research with something else if anyone has some ideas. I wont budge on the Frames though.
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[x] Proteus: With that out of the way, the Archon should go and thank Wesley personally. From there they should discuss how to divide the planet between them. He'll probably want theship, and we have noreal need for nineteen of the twenty mines. Nor do we have a need for the Shadow Bloom farms. So they can all be his if he wantsthem. What we would like to do is slap down a C'n'C and turn themoon into a place where both sides can keep in easy contact. (Build 1 C'n'C, garrison with 1 Captain and 249 Vandals) (2 Actions)
[x] Warn Wesley of thestrange energy we've been detecting as well. (1 Action)
[x] Capricorn: Build 10 Helium Extractors, 1 Generator, and thendeploy them. (16,000Helium) (3 Actions)
[x] Staff the offlineforty Robot Assemblys. (4,000 Dregs. 80 Minor Servitors) (-4000 Ether) (Free Action)
[x] Build 100 Minor Servitors. (2,500 Helium) (1 Action)
[x] Research: LightSpider Walker. With a heavy weaponmounted on top, four legs to support its weight, and a shieldgauntlet strapped to each of the legs, these machines are a trueterror on the battlefield. Thebrainchild of one of the original KnightlyEngineers, Spider-lites are meant to increase the presence ofTwilights largerweapons on the battlefield. ScorchCannons are default, but any weapon sized for a Captain or higher can be equipped.
(20/10/14, this is a infantry scale mech. Not a vehicle.) (1 Action)
[x] Research: Drone-fighters. Stick the VIs in a couple of Skiffsand see how they do. (1 Action)
[x] Research: Frames.Skeletal robots of human origin, Frames form the backbone ofhuman industry. One of the HumanEngineers has recentlyraised the question of whether or not theycan be made cheaper than the Worker Shanks. He furtherpoints out that even ifthey are not, surely they could make for abetter battlefield asset than the regular Shanks. (1 Action)
[x] Mars: Scout out Olympus Mons as apotential base site. Ifits good then set down there. Avoid the Cabal if at all possible. (1Action)
Oh hell no, we are not ceding 19 Relic Iron mines and all the Shadow Bloom farms (the fuck? Shadow Bloom is an exotic material, aren't those Spirit Bloom farms on Proteus) to someone else. We don't need a place for diplomatic relations either, we can talk to them any time we want by sending envoys. What we do need is to be able to leverage this wealth of resources to the advantage of House Twilight.

[x] Plan Dark Abstraction

[x] Proteus: House Tewilight will send the Arbiter as an envoy to convey House Twilight's official gratitude, and the Archon's personal thanks, for the assistance the Cassini provided regarding the colony ship's insane AI. From there, the Twilight representatives will open a dialogue regarding if the Cassini have any intentions regarding Proteus, and if they are open to establishing any concrete trade or resource agreements. (2 Actions)
[x] Warn Wesley of the strange energy we've been detecting as well. (1 Action)
[x] Capricorn: Build 10 Helium Extractors, 1 Generator, and then deploy them. (16,000 Helium) (3 Actions)
[x] Staff the offline forty Robot Assemblys. (4,000 Dregs. 80 Minor Servitors) (-4000 Ether) (Free Action)
[x] Build 100 Minor Servitors. (2,500 Helium) (1 Action)
[x] Research: Light Spider Walker. With a heavy weapon mounted on top, four legs to support its weight, and a shield gauntlet strapped to each of the legs, these machines are a true terror on the battlefield. The brainchild of one of the original Knightly Engineers, Spider-lites are meant to increase the presence of Twilights larger weapons on the battlefield. Scorch Cannons are default, but any weapon sized for a Captain or higher can be equipped.
(20/10/14, this is a infantry scale mech. Not a vehicle.) (1 Action)
[x] Research: Drone-fighters. Stick the VIs in a couple of Skiffs and see how they do. (1 Action)
[x] Research: Frames. Skeletal robots of human origin, Frames form the backbone of human industry. One of the Human Engineers has recently raised the question of whether or not they can be made cheaper than the Worker Shanks. He further points out that even if they are not, surely they could make for a better battlefield asset than the regular Shanks. (1 Action)
[x] Mars: Scout out Olympus Mons as a potential base site. If its good then set down there. Avoid the Cabal if at all possible. (1 Action)
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Oh hell no, we are not ceding 19 Relic Iron mines and all the Shadow Bloom farms (the fuck?

Given our Spinmetal stocks and production I really don't see any need for the mines. Why shouldn't we give them up?

Shadow Bloom is an exotic material, aren't those Spirit Bloom farms on Proteus)
20 Relic Iron Mines
20 Shadow Bloom Farms
44 Habitat Modules
1 Colony Ship (1 C&C Center, 22 Hydroponic Farms, 4 Foundries, 4 Robotic Assembly Plants, 2 Network Nodes, 1 AVI)
11,000 Awoken

Apparently it is a bunch of Shadow Bloom. It makes sense I suppose, the Shadow Blooms were a result of mutated, synthetic, Spirit blooms after all. These were likely more of the same sort of crop.

We don't need a place for diplomatic relations either, we can talk to them any time we want by sending envoys.

I'm actually hoping that we can basically get away with spying on them if they say yes. Wesley has just shown up in a fascinating new ship after all.

Plus we're likely about to be hit by the Hive or whatevers behind that energy reading. I'd prefer they be there so we don't have to send as many troops to hold the place.

What we do need is to be able to leverage this wealth of resources to the advantage of House Twilight.

Its a 100,000 extra units of a material we hardly use, and however many units of Iron the mines produce. Iron being the metal we've effectively replaced with Spinmetal...

I could understand arguing over the ship, but I'm not really seeing much use for the rest of the place.
The House of Twilight will never rival the House of Wolves for numbers, but we could do a hell of a lot better if we had the resources to ensure we can support great numbers of Fallen. Which is facilitated by more and greater bases to populate, and bigger fleets and armies to defend them.

As well, I'd like to mass-produce mechanical units and vehicles of various types, which would necessitate lots of resources. Same for ships, which I want many more of. The resources aren't for immediate use, they're so that we can do ship construction every turn building up our fleet.
The House of Twilight will never rival the House of Wolves for numbers, but we could do a hell of a lot better if we had the resources to ensure we can support great numbers of Fallen. Which is facilitated by more and greater bases to populate, and bigger fleets and armies to defend them.

As well, I'd like to mass-produce mechanical units and vehicles of various types, which would necessitate lots of resources. Same for ships, which I want many more of. The resources aren't for immediate use, they're so that we can do ship construction every turn building up our fleet.

Oh trust me I get it. But consider that Spinmetal farms require only some metal, a equal amount of glimmer, and a single action. A mine sounds like it might be a far more costly action. Like how Helium requires two very costly pieces of equipment while Shadow Blooms share the same requirements as Spinmetal.

What I'm saying is that for every mine we could set up, we could just as easily set up a number of metal farms to rival it.
Well, it seems what we thought was universal human attitude was just one AI being completely off it's rocker. At least we did not do anything particularly rash, which is good. Also, @Tabi , why are we getting no news regarding the purge of the abominations in the depot? Unless ALL communication from there is suddenly dead, I doubt that should be the case.

Why do people think that CALL TO WESLEY to warn him about something costs an action now? That...that is stupid. And that first action you guys recommend should be just 1, I believe. I know nobody will probably give my plan a second look, but I might as well try to salvage this situation before you guys waste all our actions again. I mean, what the heck was it with those research projects this turn for once?

[X] Plan Heuristic

[X] Begin talks on what should be done with the awoken in stasis. Discuss the matter with Wesley, and if he agrees with the idea try to find a ranking officer of some sort among them and unfreeze them to talk them through their situation. (Free Action)
[X] The Lost Oasis. Scout before landing and be prepared to depart quickly if Cabal notice the incursion. (Free action)
[X] Warn Wesley of the strange energy we've been detecting. (Free Action)
[X] Ask the Kellsguard veterans if they could train students in their ways. Their craft could strengthen the House of Twilight while they search for proper Kell. (Free Action)
[X] Ship 100 more Incinerators to the battle against the abominations. Purge it with fire! (Free Action)
[X] Continue Research: Drone Fighter. Build the VI's a modular light fighter to allow changing configurations without requiring building of entirely new ship type every time. (1 Action)
[X] Research: Frames. Skeletal robots of human origin, Frames form the backbone of human industry. One of the Human Engineers has recently raised the question of whether or not they can be made cheaper than the Worker Shanks. He further points out that even if they are not, surely they could make for a better battlefield asset than the regular Shanks. (1 Action)
[X] Research: Gun emplacements: Anti-ship and anti-aircraft installations housing large, stationary guns to protect bases and space stations with. (1 Action)
[X] Research: Uses for the goods raided from House of Winter (1 Action)
[X] Begin forming House of Twilight's answer to Silent Fang. Find some veterans to quiet stealth operations and put them to training as many recruits as they are comfortable with handling. Equip all members of this new operations branch with Personal Cloaks. (1 Action)
[X] Build 2 Ascetics (2000 Spinmetal + 1000 Helium Filaments + 20,000 Glimmer + 6 Turns)(1 Action)
[X] Establish presence on Proteus, and in particular the mines, and set up a forward base by building C&C Complex and taking over the pre-existing structures. If the humans wish for a stake in the place, readily open negotiations. (1 Action)
[X] Attempt to open trade negotiations with the Awoken. We have excess metal, and they must have some things we could use. Why not try to work closer together? (1 Action)
[X] Repair 1 Battlecruiser Wreck (45000 Spinmetal + 2000 Helium Filaments + 60,000 Glimmer + 4 Turns)(1 Action)
[X] Send 2 Frigates guarded by a Destroyer to both of the platforms containing the relic iron to bring home the loot. Also sweep them for anything else useful. (1 Action)
[X] Begin counter-strikes against the increased Wolf raiding. Ambushes, strafing runs on supply depots, anything to make their attempts to harass us as miserable as possible. Use the new Destroyers for this. (1 Action)

Edit: And APL, I believe there ARE already mines there. We just need to walk in and get them. Handing them over just "because we can work without" is stupid excuse.
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Why do people think that CALL TO WESLEY to warn him about something costs an action now? That...that is stupid. And that first action you guys recommend should be just 1,

1 Action to thank him. 1 to build a C'n'C.

I spend actions to make certain things go the way I want. If I want to say thanks and mean it then I'll spend a action on it.

And if I want to say "Heads up, crazy Hive antics on the way!" and be taken seriously then I'll spend a action on that to.

[X] Begin forming House of Twilight's answer to Silent Fang. Find some veterans to quiet stealth operations and put them to training as many recruits as they are comfortable with handling. Equip all members of this new operations branch with Personal Cloaks. (2 Actions)

Heh, we need to call them the Nin'jah. :p

Edit: And APL, I believe there ARE already mines there. We just need to walk in and get them. Handing them over just "because we can work without" is stupid excuse.

No more stupid than taking them 'just cause' is really.

I see no use for them, so I'll score points with my allies by giving them away is always a good plan after all.
You give away one resource we don't have any means of generating. Which we might actually NEED for special projects that require relic, say, armor derivates heavier than our current ones? I am willing to bet some shiptech will also need it.
You give away one resource we don't have any means of generating. Which we might actually NEED for special projects that require relic, say, armor derivates heavier than our current ones? I am willing to bet some shiptech will also need it.

Actually we do have the means. We researched mining tech awhile back. Its part of why I'm keeping one, so we can test it and make certain we can set up our own if we need to.

The other reason is to know roughly how much Iron we can expect a mine to produce.
Actually we do have the means. We researched mining tech awhile back. Its part of why I'm keeping one, so we can test it and make certain we can set up our own if we need to.

The other reason is to know roughly how much Iron we can expect a mine to produce.
We have tech to mine for more, you know, from places that actually HAVE IT. The fact of the matter is, it is much easier to just resume production of pre-existing mine than trying to make entirely new one. We will save actions and lot of frustration by just claiming these ones. If you want to really butter up humans with relic iron, we can do it later by just directly handing some of our haul to them. Less hassle all around.

The humans also seem to focus their efforts on their fleet, and have little interest in settling down since they want to visit earth still. So...
The humans also seem to focus their efforts on their fleet, and have little interest in settling down since they want to visit earth still. So...

Honestly at this point I'm not certain that's true. Unless they somehow ticked the Queen off they should have good odds of getting past the Reef and to Earth. But they're still here so...

Also if they are leaving then whats the problem exactly? We give them the mines now, they leave all the sooner, and we get them back later by that logic.
Honestly at this point I'm not certain that's true. Unless they somehow ticked the Queen off they should have good odds of getting past the Reef and to Earth. But they're still here so...

Also if they are leaving then whats the problem exactly? We give them the mines now, they leave all the sooner, and we get them back later by that logic.
The problem is that you keep giving them vital resources without any need and without any clear payoff. Why SHOULD we do that is the question, instead of why shouldn't we.