The House of Twilight [Destiny Nation Builder Quest]

You forgot the cybernetics program, and do we still have option to datamine warsats? Also, further research of Hive weapons, although that one might keep until we actually have some Hive Knowledge. Here are some other suggestions:

Research: Fireproof Exosuit. Many of Twilight's troops utilize Solar weaponry capable of swiftly starting fires. Makes sure they will never be at risk from high temperatures again. (1 Action)

Research: Black Boxing. Make sure the technology of House of Twilight will not spread without it's consent: include mechanism to fry and destroy any of the house's technology if it is in danger of being captured by enemies (or even accessed in wrong manner in case of extremely sensitive projects)(1 Action)

Research: Deadman triggers. A closed system within armor of the house members that activates upon death of the wearer, releasing the trigger of whatever payload the system has been loaded with prior to it (generally a high-yield explosive)(1 Action)

Research: Hunters. Massive bipedal mechs crewed by most experienced and fierce Eliksni, designed to assault heavily fortified positions or massive enemy groups. Armed with line of appropriately sized weaponry and high-powered sensors. (1 Action)

Research: Improved Research Equipment. See if humans or captured enemy equipment can help research and development units to develop more precise and efficient toolkits and scanners to use in creation of future inventions. (1 Action)

Research: Paracausal scanners. The Guardian's Ghost seems to be able to pick up things House of Twilight could never manage to on it's own. Try to see if it and the research department would be able to cobble together scanner of some sort for studying such things. (1 Action)

Research: Hive Weapon Materials. There has to be something that allows these weapons to exhibit their logic-defying properties. Find it, and see if it can be produced en mass. (1 Action)
Thanks! and I mixed up Cybersecurity in "DONE" fixing now.

Edit: Fixed, added,
but "datamine warsats" is in Resource list under [Treasures]
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What do you think of my possible new research ideas then?
In "Destiny" setting some of them are {:o GREATE GOLD, PLATINUM, DIAMOND, PEARL, IRON :grin:} source

IMHO most beneficial ones {:o | :grin:} might be:
-Improved Research Equipment
--Black Boxing
---Paracausal scanners
----Hive Weapon Materials
in this order.

If we can improve our research we might crack some hard ones with less hassle, use less AddRolls, etc., and less time.:lol

Black Boxing = as said the less enemy understands our tech, the better (though Vex, Ghosts still might crack it open in time {then again, wasting time, giving enemy opportunities...})

Scanners, something that will allow Twilight to better understand Light/Darkness and find ways to use it / deal with it.

HWM = though Hadium (a COMMON material) can absorb properties of specific energy, it works with Paracausal concepts, so without those scanners we're pretty much blind. get what I'm saying?
Hmm, thank you for the input. I will be trying to push for some of them in my next plan then, assuming we won't miss any research this turn totally we'd want to continue next time over all else.

Also, regarding our good friends The Hive, I think we may have a big threat in the system other than Crota. Urrox is apparently also Son of Oryx (or just descended from him, unsure), and he might well be there giving us grief until Queen locks his ass up in Prison of Elders, or someone manages to kill him dead. Then again, he has been noted to be unusual Hive Prince somehow, so we MIGHT be able to goad him into attacking Crota when he takes his shot at The Moon.
Hmm, thank you for the input. I will be trying to push for some of them in my next plan then, assuming we won't miss any research this turn totally we'd want to continue next time over all else.
I know, but the problem is that M-Code. until it's dealt with .....

@Tabi? What does "infected all systems" means only Capricorn, or ANY TWILIGHT BASE???????

Also, regarding our good friends The Hive, I think we may have a big threat in the system other than Crota. Urrox is apparently also Son of Oryx (or just descended from him, unsure), and he might well be there giving us grief until Queen locks his ass up in Prison of Elders, or someone manages to kill him dead. Then again, he has been noted to be unusual Hive Prince somehow, so we MIGHT be able to goad him into attacking Crota when he takes his shot at The Moon.
True, Crota is merely the "strongest" Hive in this system,
We still have to deal with those Swarm Princes, Urrox you mentioned, Mormu, Omnigul

We have work to do! AFTER M-Code is dealt with.

Edit: Though no killing him! I don't want his rage to be concentrated on Twilight just yet. Let Earth and the Guardians to deal with him, though we could assist them (weapons, intel, fire support).


:confused::???::V:???::V:???::V:???::confused: It isn't funny per se but somehow:
Thalnok, Fanatic of Crota

managet to be funny, and so ridiculous that even Oryx took pity on him... or nostalgia, who can ever tell with the Hive.
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As far as I understand it, Thalnok was a rabid Crota fanboy when the big C was alive, and when he died he went to Oryx in hopes of maybe being trained and raised to Crota's position. Thalnok LITERALLY wanted to be Crota, down to having Oryx's fatherly approval. Of course Oryx laughed at that idea, considering he tended to live by "tough love" parenting and did exactly opposite of whatever Crota asked for if he tried to come to his dad to solve his problems for him... And although Crota was definitely the goofball of that screwed up little family, he was also TERRIFYINGLY potent. Oryx basically allowed Thalnok to remain in his Court to observe his son by proxy, since he needed some way to cope with the loss.
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I have edited my plan, adding in numbers for the scouting/potential raid mission. I am still willing to negotiate about it, as well as about the fleet composition.

Funny thing about Oryx though: for all of his posturing, he did not yet truly embody the philosophy of the Darkness. He has weaknesses, some of those due to caring about others that are close to him, and his power at least began entirely as borrowed one from his Worm. That Cabal commander he Took embodied it much better after becoming Taken: literally, the voice that speaks to all Taken notes that he reached the point of casting off all ties and such, being his own reason for existence. Taken are one scary bunch.

[X] All Fleets and ships: be prepared for battle. That last Hive-destroyer chase confirmed, that the Hive are mobilising their dormant ships. (Free Action)

[X] Contact, and warn, the Awoken/Reef and Calais/Cassini Fleet and tell them of recent Hive mobilization around Jupiter. Suggest, just in case, they ramp up their defenses (Free Action)

[X] Ask the Awoken if they would like their pilot delivered back over to the Reef. Since her ship was crashed and she is apparently still out of it, it seems to be only means of getting her specialized care (Free Action)

[X] Move the Vilesworn Sword back to the Shard's vault to complete the purification. Check on it regularly to prevent any unpleasant surprises (Free Action)

[X] Gather up the former disciples of Aksor and see if they are actually useless or if the Archon can teach them and get more Eliksni qualified to commune with Servitors and possibly guide to Cult of the Great Machine (Free Action)

[X] Seek out suitable Hive targets to attack and plunder knowledge about them from with both of the free Ascetics. Samples of their technology would also be nice, but focus should be on repositories of knowledge for now. Both of the stealthed ships are to have escort of three Heavy Cruisers, 2 Transports, 2 Destroyers with Photon Cannons and 3 normal Destroyers, all with full complement of Skiffs that they can carry (as well as any Drone Fighters they can take with themselves). These escorts are to stay out of detection range, but they are to be called in as reinforcements on instant that either of the Ascetics is discovered, and unless they are facing massively numerically superior resistance they are to assault and loot the targets immediately if called in. Otherwise the mission will remain as scouting. Both strike forces will consist of the following: 20 Striders ; 20 Noble Walkers ; 800 Reaver Dregs ; 10 Eliksni Squires ; 400 Reaver Vandals ; 50 Noble Vandals ; 10 Eliksni Knights ; 50 Reaver Captains ; 2 Barons ; 1 Lord Engineer. (1 Action)

[X] Recycle all shanks and other fallen mechanical units we can get back into service. (Free Action)

[X] Find the source of malicious code by any means necessary. If it turns out to be an AI, hold off to establish communication. Otherwise it is to be quarantined completely the second it is possible and deleted down to last line of code. (1 Action)
[X] Research: Recruitment and training centers. Centers where the more specialized orders of the House (Splicer, Iron guard, Kellsguard, Knightly Engineers, Shadows etc) can set up regular recruitment, and members of the House can nonlethally hone their combat skills and earn promotions. (1 Action)
[X] Research: Improved ship armor. Our ships have not lasted for long enough to defeat their numerically superior enemies in the past. Remedy that. (1 Action)
[x] Research: The Salvaged Servitor core. The Third tossed this thing to us, there's got to be something to it. (1 Action)
[x] Automate adjustment: Reduce production of skiffs from 30 to 10. Begin producing 30 Parasite Skiffs. (1 Action)

[X] Build 4 Heavy Plasma Cannons and 20 Medium Plasma Turrets to watch over the settlement and all operations. Have them manned and guarded at all times and prepare for assault against the settlement. (104 000 Spinmetal, 32 000 Helium Filament, 1 160 000 Glimmer)(2 Actions)
[X] Staff 10 Naval Yard Complexes with Reaver Dregs. They can be of use building the ships they may one day be crewing. (Free Action)
[X] Build 20 Destroyers (32 000 Spinmetal + 2400 Helium Filaments + 150 000 Glimmer + 2 Turns)(1 Action)
[x] Build 50 Creches. (1 Action)

[X] Send the Guardian to see what happened to the scouting party of Iron Guards. If they are captured, he is to go in and get them out if possible: if he is attacked, he should call for reinforcements if the situation seems to warrant it. Also explain the sigils and colors of the largest Fallen houses to him, so he can tell us who the other Fallen on Mars are if he happens to run into them. (1 Action)
[X] Build 10 Medium Plasma Turrets around Lost Oasis and man them (12 000 Spinmetal + 8000 Helium Filaments + 100 000 Glimmer)(1 Action)
[X] Send another Frigate through the transmat with further reinforcements (50 iron guards, 300 reaver vandals, 20 noble captains, 100 Pikes, and 5 Elder Walkers)(Free Action)
[x] Build 1 C&C Complex, 100 000 Spinmetal + 1 000 Glimmer + 5 Pilot Servitor (1 Action)

[X] Bring the 4 Engine units to February and see if they can be anchored onto the meteor safely enough to move the base without damaging it if possible. (Free Action)

[x] Timor: Build 5 Helium generators. (150000 metal, 30000 helium, 500000 glimmer) (1 Action)

Probably to late to get a vote, but gotta try. So its mostley Heuristics plan, but I tossed the space station, super ship, and base busters. In their place is some Creches on February*, more Helium generators on Timor, and a adjustment to the automation order. Reducing skiffs to 10 and including 30 Parasite skiffs.

*I intend to build crèches every turn until the next batch is ready. That way, in four turns, we will begin to get 5000 troops every turn.

I'm also researching the Servitor core.
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@APL 123AZ I know it's tempting to touch Third's gift, but M-Code? Just like Timor It will take several turn to deal with it, and that is if we're lucky, otherwise all Twilight systems go kaput.

And WHY do you want more Creches? want us to become Wolves-Lite, because we'll run through our Ether stockpile extremely quickly in that case, even if I try to put all our reserve Pilot Servitors (6) instead High or Elder in C&C and Ships.
No more "wait some time and they can be upgraded"?

And seriously, WHEN can we get more High and Elder Servitors! They are our lifeblood....
oh, I see, thanks Tabi for making it obvious that we are meant to DIE in this quest, no matter what we do.
And until we dealt with M-Code I rather not build Servitors.
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Our production basically matched our expenses, and our stockpile is tremendous; we're not going to run through our stockpile in anything approaching soon. By the time that actually becomes a concern, we'll have build more servitors to pick up the slack.

Just to check though, @Tabi, have we been failing our rolls for servitor promotion to High and Elder servitors, or has it just not been long enough for them to auto-promote? If the former, is there anything we can do about that?
@APL 123AZ I know it's tempting to touch Third's gift, but M-Code? Just like Timor It will take several turn to deal with it, and that is if we're lucky, otherwise all Twilight systems go kaput.

Ask Heuristic the same question. I got that one from his plan after all.

And WHY do you want more Creches?

I already explained why. Quite frankly if we're going to get anything staffed quickly we either need Worker Shanks by the thousands, or more Dregs. Building Creches every turn from here to the next batch being ready will give us that steady income we so desperately need.

want us to become Wolves-Lite, because we'll run through our Ether stockpile extremely quickly in that case, even if I try to put all our reserve Pilot Servitors (6) instead High or Elder in C&C and Ships.

Speaking of Pilots, we need to remember to build some next turn for the ships.
Ask Heuristic the same question. I got that one from his plan after all.
Actually, it is not in my current plan at all.
I already explained why. Quite frankly if we're going to get anything staffed quickly we either need Worker Shanks by the thousands, or more Dregs. Building Creches every turn from here to the next batch being ready will give us that steady income we so desperately need.
I can see the need for more Creches, but is FEBRUARY, the facility you want to turn into a warship, really best place for that? At best, they get put directly into line of fire. At worst, having 50 facilities focused on caring for children might impede combat effectiveness of a base where building ONE naval yard complex to takes significant amount of the available space.
Speaking of Pilots, we need to remember to build some next turn for the ships.
Once again, no building if you could be Automating instead. The problem with them, and adding the new Parasite Skiffs to the build queue, is that we will have to man more Robot Assemblies to get them all to build at same time. Wait until we get our batch of new Dregs to man the facilities and avoid stretching our military out further, and then we can simply put another automated order in to build Parasite Skiffs and Pilot Servitors?
Actually, it is not in my current plan at all.

Then what is your current plan? Cause the last one I found had this:

[X] Find the source of malicious code by any means necessary. If it turns out to be an AI, hold off to establish communication. Otherwise it is to be quarantined completely the second it is possible and deleted down to last line of code. (1 Action)

That's step one to dealing with it, right?

I can see the need for more Creches, but is FEBRUARY, the facility you want to turn into a warship, really best place for that?

See this is the critical difference between our plans. You keep wanting a ship, while I want a battlestation.

But as it is its all up in the air on which of us will get what we want. So for now, yes we build some Creches on it.

Once again, no building if you could be Automating instead. The problem with them, and adding the new Parasite Skiffs to the build queue, is that we will have to man more Robot Assemblies to get them all to build at same time. Wait until we get our batch of new Dregs to man the facilities and avoid stretching our military out further, and then we can simply put another automated order in to build Parasite Skiffs and Pilot Servitors?

The new batch is in four turns if I under stand correctly. That's a long time to wait.
Then what is your current plan? Cause the last one I found had this:

That's step one to dealing with it, right?
I was referring to the salvaged servitor research. The M-Code action is in my plan still, yeah.
See this is the critical difference between our plans. You keep wanting a ship, while I want a battlestation.

But as it is its all up in the air on which of us will get what we want. So for now, yes we build some Creches on it.
Call it what you want, but the fact is, it will be seeing combat in your plans. Combat craft should not have nurseries on it. Build them on safe planetside, like Proteus which will be safeguarded by ton of turrets real soon.
The new batch is in four turns if I under stand correctly. That's a long time to wait.
Well, perhaps, but we can probably free up the dregs working on the Destroyers currently in 2 turns, or this turn if we unman the facilities that were building last smaller order of Destroyers. I recall that was a thing still, but I could be wrong.

Edit: And if that makes our plans reach a compromise, I can axe the space station research for now to build more creches.
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Call it what you want, but the fact is, it will be seeing combat in your plans. Combat craft should not have nurseries on it. Build them on safe planetside, like Proteus which will be safeguarded by ton of turrets real soon.


Edit: And if that makes our plans reach a compromise, I can axe the space station research for now to build more creches.

You may wanna also consider reworking the ship research.

[X] Research: Supermassive ships. Begin developing a ship to serve as mobile base and flagship for the fleet, heavily shielded and armored. Create multiple types of designs of varying resource needs to avoid the problem of never having the means to build the most costly ones making the entire effort useless. (1 Action)

Tell me that's not going to go the same way the Drones did the first time. The description is just quite frankly calling for to much. Its a ship, but its a base, but there's got to be several different varients!

If you'd trim it down from this monstrosity to just a battleship with C'n'C capabilities then I'd have no problem voting for it.
Tell me that's not going to go the same way the Drones did the first time. The description is just quite frankly calling for to much. Its a ship, but its a base, but there's got to be several different varients!

If you'd trim it down from this monstrosity to just a battleship with C'n'C capabilities then I'd have no problem voting for it.
Slow down there. Making BLUEPRINTS is not the same as actually building the damn thing. The variants thing is to make sure we can actually afford it. I am still salty over the failure of Shield generators. Because no matter what, it WAS a failure if we can simply never have enough resources to build anything based on that research. Any important project is bound to have different prototypes to choose optimal result for, and sometimes prototypes would outperform the finished product simply because the resource needs for it were too extreme and the final thing had to have some things taken out to make it affordable.
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That is actually something we need to ask @Tabi about. I noticed that the ships in first page had Action requirements (big ships at least), but smaller ones did not. Does it mean that the additional actions there are just added to the cost of normal 1 Action per buiding stuff, or can we build WITHOUT an action when it comes to the small ships? And if we want to build, say, 3 Battlecruisers in a turn, will it just cost us 3 extra actions or 9 (3x3)?
That's the idea. Heavy Ships cost an additional action or two to build. Light Ships however don't, because they aren't that big. I'll edit that in appropriately into the Heavy Ship costs.

On the other hand, repairing big ships won't cost you an action. Unless they're so terribly damaged that you'd essentially be rebuilding it from the keel up anyway...
@Tabi? What does "infected all systems" means only Capricorn, or ANY TWILIGHT BASE???????
First off, too many question marks. Secondly...

Edit: Though no killing him! I don't want his rage to be concentrated on Twilight just yet.

Just to check though, @Tabi, have we been failing our rolls for servitor promotion to High and Elder servitors, or has it just not been long enough for them to auto-promote? If the former, is there anything we can do about that?
To be honest, I haven't rolled recently for any promotions with how busy I am with things IRL. Gimme results for 3d100 and I'll resolve that now.
I already explained why. Quite frankly if we're going to get anything staffed quickly we either need Worker Shanks by the thousands, or more Dregs. Building Creches every turn from here to the next batch being ready will give us that steady income we so desperately need.
Pros on Dreg workers:
Automatic spawn, free and essentially cheap labor.
Wait 4 Turns for free labor, assuming you're literally throwing lives away.

Pros on Shank workers:
Down payment, will be available for work in 1 Turn. Will repair and maintain each other. Can do the work of 10 dregs.
Down payment is more expensive due to size.
nope, not terrified at all, that's draft nothing more
Renars threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Promotion(?) Total: 126
22 22 71 71 33 33
I was under the impression that 1 worker shank equaled 1 dreg. That is how the writeup has been thus far at least, and it is also why I have always been against them.
One time build cost, afterwards you can compare the Naval Yards, Naval Yard Complexs, Robot Assembly Plant, Mechworks, etc. to Automated facilities + we once had overworked staff, at least 2 Turns we had to find a way to circumvent that problem, and find a way to rest the workers.

if you don't mind @Graves could you provide a fresh perspective, please?