The Grim Darkness in a Galaxy Far, Far Away - A Grimdark Star Wars Timeline

Monstro: an planet on the border between the Mid and Outer Rim, it is usually unique as it is home to (presumably) hundreds of species of animals, all of them three to five times the size of human. The humans on this planet are essentially the same as human outside of this planet but have enhanced strength, lifting weapons heavy enough to be vehicles themselves. As such, the GI have regularly send expeditions to acquire these creatures and use them as either livestock, gladiatorium areas, or war beast to assist the GI military.

(Basically the World of Monster Hunters but without the presence of the Elder Dragons. What do you think @AstralFists )
I don't make up new planets for this setting, but adapt existing planets from Star Wars, also you are pretty much describing a more Grimdark version of Geonosis
Wait really?! Damn! Not sure if I was lucky enough that I described an Grimdark Geonosis or just that good
Granted, it is not that much of resemblance, given it is populated by Geonosians (which are insect people) instead of hyper strong humans, but the whole large megafauna thing is very similar to Geonosis (and Rattatak come to think of it).
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Question: does the droid in this universe have the same role as the original one or are droid somewhat illegal
Droids are somewhat illegal in this universe, in part due to the droid rebellions that occur during the Galactic Imperium history, those that aren't (such as the Astromechs), are deliberately kept in a semi-sentient intelligence in order to prevent other droid rebellions
Automatons: mindless, cybernetic drones created from a fusion of organic clones and robotic technologies. Corellian Magisters often comes to The Scorned prison ships and process about 500 Scorned members before taking them to various Manufactorium worlds, and using Kamino cloning technologies, cloned them so the clones can be used to create Automatons. They does this 10 thousand times for each one before disposing the donors and bringing in new ones.

Automatons can be used in various ways, including farming, mining, manufacturing facilities, military, etc.

(An homage to the Servitor in 40k. What do you think @AstralFists )
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Automatons: mindless, cybernetic drones created from a fusion of organic clones and robotic technologies. Corellian Magisters often comes to The Scorned prison ships and process about 500 Scorned members before taking them to various Manufactorium worlds, and using Kamino cloning technologies, cloned them so the clones can be used to create Automatons. They does this 10 thousand times for each one before disposing the donors and bringing in new ones.

Automatons can be used in various ways, including farming, mining, manufacturing facilities, military, etc.

(An homage to the Servitor in 40k. What do you think @AstralFists )
Great job as usual, that's actually how I imagine this universe's clones would be, disposable military slaves that are often cloned and have cybernetic technology built into them
Magisters are both Tech-Priests and Business Leaders of the Corellian Machine Cult. Skilled in both businesses and technology, they are often regarded with both respect and suspicion of their society. Their are nine ranks of the Magisters:

Aspirant: Interns and Students
Scribe: Acolyte and Accountant
Apprentice: Students
Datasmith: Researcher and Teacher
Magos Minor: Captains
Magos: low-rank leaders
Magos Prime: mid-rank leaders
Magisters: High-ranking leaders
Magister Prime: Overall leader of the Magisters,
I'm at work right now but I do have two more things ready. Both of them are not GI related but about an Dark Side organization and an Sith term.
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Ascendants: Sith Lords and Darths who managed to earn Typhojem's respect and became figurative and literal demon lords, having command of some of Typhojem's demonic forces. Once becoming Ascendants, they set out to create their Palace World, pocket realms within the Immaterial Realm. Palace Worlds are not only Ascendants' base of operations but also their source of immortality. Once created, they set out into the Material Realm and wrecked havoc across the realm, and if they are killed, they reformed back into their Palace World. The only way to permanently kill an Ascendant is to enter into the Palace World and kill them there but there are two main problems with this: you need to be invited to enter an Ascendant Palace World and you will be forced to play by their rules.

(Inspired by Daemon Princes from Warhammer, Throne World from Destiny, and Palaces from Persona 5. What do you think @AstralFists )
Ascendants: Sith Lords and Darths who managed to earn Typhojem's respect and became figurative and literal demon lords, having command of some of Typhojem's demonic forces. Once becoming Ascendants, they set out to create their Palace World, pocket realms within the Immaterial Realm. Palace Worlds are not only Ascendants' base of operations but also their source of immortality. Once created, they set out into the Material Realm and wrecked havoc across the realm, and if they are killed, they reformed back into their Palace World. The only way to permanently kill an Ascendant is to enter into the Palace World and kill them there but there are two main problems with this: you need to be invited to enter an Ascendant Palace World and you will be forced to play by their rules.

(Inspired by Daemon Princes from Warhammer, Throne World from Destiny, and Palaces from Persona 5. What do you think @AstralFists )
Very interesting as always, thanks for the inspiration you are giving me
Legion of Darkness: The Legion of Darkness is arguably the greatest threat to the GI, due to them literally having hundreds of warships and hundreds of thousands of troops within the Unknown Region. Run by Darth Karel, they seek to destroy the GI and restore the Sith Empire. Not only do the legion have dozens of Sith Lords and Darth and hundreds of Sith Warriors, Inquisitors and the like, they have the Fallen on their sides and more recently, recruited Amon and his army of Droids, Cyborgs and Darkforged. Amon is an Dark Magister who managed to recruit dozens of Magisters and below to join his Legion of Dark Iron before he and his followers join the Legion of Darkness.
Legion of Darkness: The Legion of Darkness is arguably the greatest threat to the GI, due to them literally having hundreds of warships and hundreds of thousands of troops within the Unknown Region. Run by Darth Karel, they seek to destroy the GI and restore the Sith Empire. Not only do the legion have dozens of Sith Lords and Darth and hundreds of Sith Warriors, Inquisitors and the like, they have the Fallen on their sides and more recently, recruited Amon and his army of Droids, Cyborgs and Darkforged. Amon is an Dark Magister who managed to recruit dozens of Magisters and below to join his Legion of Dark Iron before he and his followers join the Legion of Darkness.
What's a darkforged?
exactly. In this case: Darkforged are combat walkers/large vehicles that are fused with a soul of the victim(who has been tortured so much) and a dark side demon. The process for this fusion of machine, man, and demon is largely unknown for both Jedi and the GI but is generally assumed that victim has been tortured to the length where the soul was tormented before being inserted into a stolen GI combat vehicle modified to be injected with both soul and dark side demons
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