The Grid (Out-Of-Character Thread)

- When you, or your alliance gains 5 points, the battle ends!
- If extra, points will be contributed randomly and the rest will be discarded. If there are no more opposing forces left, an alliance will gain the missing points randomly.
- Kills will continue to grant +2 points.
- Each point you contribute gives you permanent progress towards unlocking your characters' endings: 50% to 'Decent' ending, 25% to 'Happy' ending, 10% to 'Secret' ending.
- Survive to retire or continue your character. Win to make ending progress.

Sidewinder: The valkyrie king can (continue to) Rescue the knight even though they are big. If the The knight waits to get off until next turn they can immediately act afterwards even though disembarking would usually end their turn. This allows them to remain as 1 unit at the end of a turn. (Basically, this ability counters the rule changes that prevent the tactic.)

The knight's horse, while a powerful leaper, is burdened by a heavy load that requires them to navigate carefully. However the valkyrie's swift horse is able to carry both riders thus freeing up the knight's horse to follow behind them unburdened. When they stop the knight hops on their own horse as it passes by. This trick worked well on the desert dunes, where it was used to gain a decisive victory over the legendary snake titan.
Accrovideogames said:
So the knight is female? I retcon all uses of male pronouns to female ones. It wouldn't make sense for my character to not know the knight's gender. This is a player mistake.
Accro requested I repost this, and that I say they posted it in their OOC before their IC posts this turn.
The thief has been revived. They've had a few invincible turns, but considering their character info was revealed I think people can deal.
This is off-topic but related to crossforum games. I am making plans for my summer games, in addition to continuing this one, I'd be hosting a vehicle combat racing one.

(If that sounds interesting let me know! Need 2+ to include a forum.)
This is off-topic but related to crossforum games. I am making plans for my summer games, in addition to continuing this one, I'd be hosting a vehicle combat racing one.

(If that sounds interesting let me know! Need 2+ to include a forum.)
I'd probably be interested. Though, a lot of my interest is in scale. You can say I have delusions of grandeur all you want, but I like being "larger than life". Also Sci-Fi. Sci-Fi is cool.

Suffice to say I want to play a space battleship. Ooo, or some kind of hivemind car. I remember long ago watching something where ants had to build a car (Cartoon) and they made a really good one, because they can just pull themselves back together, and the only reason it lost, was because "salt weakened it"

But I can't remember what show that was for the life of...


I remember now.

It was Turbo. The salt was for the snails. Fire beat the ants.

Eh, I still want to play big spaceship, if at all possible.
Probably not a spaceship. Think more motorcycle, car, or tank.

Turbo was pretty good!
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Probably not a spaceship. Think more motorcycle, car, or tank.

Turbo was pretty good!
Fair enough. Wasn't expecting it, but held out a bit of hope. Alas. Could the monster from Carrion work?

Also, Turbo was alright, in my opinion. Just... never was one for racing in and of itself. I like to spice it up a bit. Take the racing scene going down in Vaudevillain (Great book). And, I also just like MASSIVE things in stuff anyways. There's just something appealing about commanding a mobile weapons platform big enough to rival a school, with enough firepower to level a small country. Of course, there's something appealing about commanding a mobile defensive platform with a force field and is functionally invulnerable. Kind of like the Titanosaur in Ark Survival. Sure, only one can exist at any given time, but it sure is powerful, what with being able to destroy tek and having a health pool deeper than Mark Twain's writings.
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Turbo slots into my brain in the same place as A Bug's Life and ANTZ, good company.

In the past, vehicle appearance has been highly customizable...but it may not be this time. That's because I'd like to try 3D modeling some action shots.
Accrovideogames said:
And why did YLW Assault turn black?

She turned black because she is now played by a MafiaScum player instead of a Bay 12 player. The old player dropped out, and a replacement on another forum stepped in.

But didn't they both ally when Assault asked Valkyrie if she wanted to team up and said yes?

That's a good point.

I'm going to compromise the fact the new player wasn't allied with you, and the old one was when you made your action, and say that the next time you get a point (kill or goalzone) you will get +1 point.
To make alliances more concrete, please offer and accept alliances formally. Such as saying:

Name1 proposes an alliance with Name2 and Name 3.

Name 2 accepts Name1's alliance.

Name3 rejects Name1's alliance. (rejection will be assumed if no answer is given)

The first person to propose an alliance will be the captain, and they are the only one who can invite more.
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a1s and accro have an alliance. While a1s made the proposal, I am going to say accro is the captain as an extension of being made king.

Besides these 2, even if you've mentioned teaming up before in IC Thread please use the new format.

You will still be able to attack allies, but you'll be removed from the alliance unless you are captain in which case the attacked unit will be removed from it. Allies will allow each other to pass through them.
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I get that VK is Alliance captain, just that my character is trying to push the "I really don't want to kill people" angle.
I'm going to wait 2 more days for the new people, then skip them. If they don't post next turn either then they'll drop out. I am optimistic things will work out for both of them though.
Just a quick thing about the racing game thing @roseheart mentioned earlier, I wouldn't mind participating, but I'd like to know the rules and how it'd all work before I throw myself into it.
Just a quick thing about the racing game thing @roseheart mentioned earlier, I wouldn't mind participating, but I'd like to know the rules and how it'd all work before I throw myself into it.
That's fair. Basically in the past how it has worked is that you design the stats of your vehicle, and give it a custom special weapon. They all also have machine guns and can lay mines. As you drive around the track you can shoot at spots on the map in range to hurt targetted or random enemies passing through that point. You can also ram enemies (best for larger vehicles against smaller ones). Just like the grid you can win both by getting kills and by completing the objective(getting a lap in this case). The main part of the driving game play is to choose how many spaces to go each turn, limited by your max acceleration and top speed. The faster you go while entering a corner or tight corner space, the higher the chance you will crash! The red skulls on that map would charge your super weapon.
I'm making a symbol for the Royal Knight Errants (Accro/Valkyrie's group) , a knight's helmet facing right. Since we are waiting anyway, any other potential groups may wish to choose a name or logo (must be at least 2 players) new alliances should be made IC. But you can make these aesthetic decisions here, if you wish.
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@Space Jawa I never did get your action for turn 5 which is surprising because you've been so good about it and I had to double check to see that yes, you did infact miss it.

BE SURE to tell me you will PASS or SKIP your turn (if you want to do nothing) so that you do not hold up the game. Thanks.
@Space Jawa I never did get your action for turn 5 which is surprising because you've been so good about it and I had to double check to see that yes, you did infact miss it.

BE SURE to tell me you will PASS or SKIP your turn (if you want to do nothing) so that you do not hold up the game. Thanks.

Yeah, I know, I think I just got too used to there being a lot more warnings before turn was locked in.
I'm going to start treating and describing attacks that are aimed at a space not occupied by anything as not being attempted or limited uses consumed. Exception for moves that have an effect even if no one is there, like the mech throwing a boulder that takes up a space.