The Gamer Discussion, Fic Ideas, and Recommendation Thread

My Gamer recommendations:
Puella Ludio Homura Magica 2e (and 1e) - Homura Gamer Quest (PMMM). Size: 35k (260k), Last Updated: April 26, 2017
Perfection - Emma Gamer (Worm). Size: 31k, Last Updated: Apr 20, 2017
A Bad Name - OC Gamer (Worm) (joins the Merchants). Main character starts as an unfortunate and mentally handicapped homeless man, focuses on Toughness and Strength, but also gets gradually smarter over time. Size: 45k, Last Updated: April 19, 2017
The Paragamer - OC Gamer (Worm). Very slow skill progression (for a Gamer) - struggling to survive after an Endbringer attack. Size: 42k, Last Updated: Apr 9, 2017
Ready Player One - Taylor Gamer (Worm). Bit of a rocky start, gets better. Size: 99k, Last Updated: March 27, 2017
A Video Game of Thrones - Jon Snow Gamer (A Song of Ice and Fire). Lots of skills, but more Quest focused than grind focused. Size: 39k, Last Updated: Aug 8, 2016
The Adventures Of Harry Potter, the Video Game: Exploited - Harry replays his life. This time as a munchkiny Gamer. Utter crack, but amusing. Size: 91k, Last Updated: Jul 3, 2016
Game On! - Annette Quest (Worm). Size: 110k, Last Updated: May 5, 2016
Mana Based System - Louise Gamer (Familiar of Zero). Character focused. Size: 37k, Last Updated: October 26, 2015
Spirit of the Gamer - Gamer SI (Bleach), fairly well written. Lots of Gamer interface stuff, but also a fair amount of character interaction. Size: 88k, Last Updated: Oct 13, 2015
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My Gamer recommendations:
Puella Ludio Homura Magica 2e (and 1e) - Homura Gamer Quest (PMMM). Size: 35k (260k), Last Updated: April 26, 2017
Perfection - Emma Gamer (Worm). Size: 31k, Last Updated: Apr 20, 2017
A Bad Name - OC Gamer (Worm) (joins the Merchants). Main character starts as an unfortunate and mentally handicapped homeless man, focuses on Toughness and Strength, but also gets gradually smarter over time. Size: 45k, Last Updated: April 19, 2017
The Paragamer - OC Gamer (Worm). Very slow skill progression (for a Gamer) - struggling to survive after an Endbringer attack. Size: 42k, Last Updated: Apr 9, 2017
Ready Player One - Taylor Gamer (Worm). Bit of a rocky start, gets better. Last Updated: March 27, 2017
A Video Game of Thrones - Jon Snow Gamer (A Song of Ice and Fire). Lots of skills, but more Quest focused than grind focused. Size: 39k, Last Updated: Aug 8, 2016
The Adventures Of Harry Potter, the Video Game: Exploited - Harry replays his life. This time as a munchkiny Gamer. Utter crack, but amusing. Size: 91k, Last Updated: Jul 3, 2016
Game On! - Annette Quest (Worm). Last Updated: May 5, 2016
Mana Based System - Louise Gamer (Familiar of Zero). Character focused. Size: 37k, Last Updated: October 26, 2015
Spirit of the Gamer - Gamer SI (Bleach), fairly well written. Lots of Gamer interface stuff, but also a fair amount of character interaction. Size: 88k, Last Updated: Oct 13, 2015

I second... all of those, basically. Maybe except for the couple I haven't read. A shame about the dead ones.
With my Pokemon/Gamer/Si fic, what would be the best way to find out that they have the Gamer ability?
they got Reincarnated as a Wimpod and have just hatched.
Quest alert. Pretty standard. For babies it's usually something like "learn to walk" or whatever. Basically the first time an attainable goal comes into existence they get a quest alert.
I heard of a Promo image or something, where Jee Han was in a tux, getting married to Gnome in a wedding dress, and it appeared on the webtoon around when Gnome first appeared? Anyone know anything about it?
Class packs are shaped in the form of rarity: White is a Wii Remote, Green is an Xbox 360 controller, Blue is a PS3 controller, Purple is a low quality traveling fight stick based on the MadCatz brand, Orange is a high quality traveling fight stick based on the Hori brand, Pearl is a PS1 controller.
Are these just going to be visible to the Gamer, or what?
Also, what's the setting and plot for this? Is it taking place in Borderlands, or somewhere else?
I would think that reaching perfect control would be impossible. The more you have to work with the harder it is to control things perfectly and having control give regen and magic resist means that having actually perfect control would mean complete immunity and infinite instant regen. Much like how perfect accuracy is impossible due to some things being harder to aim and the fact that if you might want to hit a small target moving at significant fractions of C while several light years away or some shit like that. Admittedly accuracy is a lot harder to scale up like that.

Or you could have it decrease if you don't keep up your practice; that could work?
Are these just going to be visible to the Gamer, or what?
Also, what's the setting and plot for this? Is it taking place in Borderlands, or somewhere else?
Class mods, that's what I meant to type. Yes. I don't remember how tired I was when I wrote that post.

The Gamer thinks he's just in the events of Borderlands 2 until he spots a Turian Sentinel as a Vault Hunter.
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My Gamer recommendations:
Puella Ludio Homura Magica 2e (and 1e) - Homura Gamer Quest (PMMM). Size: 35k (260k), Last Updated: April 26, 2017
Perfection - Emma Gamer (Worm). Size: 31k, Last Updated: Apr 20, 2017
A Bad Name - OC Gamer (Worm) (joins the Merchants). Main character starts as an unfortunate and mentally handicapped homeless man, focuses on Toughness and Strength, but also gets gradually smarter over time. Size: 45k, Last Updated: April 19, 2017
The Paragamer - OC Gamer (Worm). Very slow skill progression (for a Gamer) - struggling to survive after an Endbringer attack. Size: 42k, Last Updated: Apr 9, 2017
Ready Player One - Taylor Gamer (Worm). Bit of a rocky start, gets better. Size: 99k, Last Updated: March 27, 2017
A Video Game of Thrones - Jon Snow Gamer (A Song of Ice and Fire). Lots of skills, but more Quest focused than grind focused. Size: 39k, Last Updated: Aug 8, 2016
The Adventures Of Harry Potter, the Video Game: Exploited - Harry replays his life. This time as a munchkiny Gamer. Utter crack, but amusing. Size: 91k, Last Updated: Jul 3, 2016
Game On! - Annette Quest (Worm). Size: 110k, Last Updated: May 5, 2016
Mana Based System - Louise Gamer (Familiar of Zero). Character focused. Size: 37k, Last Updated: October 26, 2015
Spirit of the Gamer - Gamer SI (Bleach), fairly well written. Lots of Gamer interface stuff, but also a fair amount of character interaction. Size: 88k, Last Updated: Oct 13, 2015

So... every single one of those is a crossover. Does anyone have any non-crossover Gamer fics to offer? Ones actually set in the world of the Manhwa and using universe-specific concepts like the secret magical world of the Abyss and the Will of Gaia and all that? Stories about Jee-Han and Sun-Il and class prez that care about them as characters?

Maybe even a "The Gamer" story where no one in the story actually has the gamer ability because it's unique to that Jee-Han guy, and the story is about the marital artists and mages of the Abyss who do not get to view life as a game?

As far as I can tell, there's been a single non-crossover story recommended in the entire thread, The Female Gamer, which says it's a gender-swap of the main story. (Haven't read it yet.) Seems like the general consensus is that the Gamer ability is the only concept that anyone is interested in, a jewel being carefully picked out of the turd that is the actual manhwa. Which is a shame because I actually like the original comic.
So... every single one of those is a crossover. Does anyone have any non-crossover Gamer fics to offer? Ones actually set in the world of the Manhwa and using universe-specific concepts like the secret magical world of the Abyss and the Will of Gaia and all that? Stories about Jee-Han and Sun-Il and class prez that care about them as characters?

Maybe even a "The Gamer" story where no one in the story actually has the gamer ability because it's unique to that Jee-Han guy, and the story is about the marital artists and mages of the Abyss who do not get to view life as a game?

As far as I can tell, there's been a single non-crossover story recommended in the entire thread, The Female Gamer, which says it's a gender-swap of the main story. (Haven't read it yet.) Seems like the general consensus is that the Gamer ability is the only concept that anyone is interested in, a jewel being carefully picked out of the turd that is the actual manhwa. Which is a shame because I actually like the original comic.

Actually, the Gamer Manhwa is just a noticeable Gamer fic, perhaps special in that it isn't a fanfic or a Chinese WN. Considering that Gamer fics are now tagged Gamer instead of VideoGamePlot as they were pre-manhwa, or that 90% of Gamer fics now uncreatively copy from the Manhwa where before they copied from a small set of influential VideoGamePlot fanfics, it might be considered a trope codifier for more mainstream audiences, though Gamer fics were thriving well before the Manhwa.
How important would you call the party system in Gamer fics? It's a semi-important part of the manwha, and most crossover fics I've seen seem to use it. However, in some settings, the party system feels a bit unfair to me. Which sounds somewhat contradictory, considering how OP the Gamer ability is. But it's like a whole additional level of OP with the party system, and its mere existence should be a bigger deal than anyone seems to make it(even the manwha, if I'm remembering it correctly).

The party system makes it so not only is The Gamer exceedingly powerful, but all of his friends are too. Partying up with the Gamer provides relatively easy powerups into levels it would be near impossible to achieve without it. Yet there's almost never no fighting over it, no worrying about playing favorites, no conflict at all about partying with the Gamer. Which, to be fair, wouldn't be that interesting to read, so it's understandable that it's not brought up. But whenever the Gamer parties up with some people, I can't help but to think how much of an unfair advantage it is just because they're friends with or know the Gamer they get easy powerups. Which again, is a bit hypocritical considering the Gamer has those all of the time, but it feels different.

In short, if the setting doesn't seem right for the party system(which definitely isn't always the case, it works great for some settings), would it be big deal to get rid of it entirely? Or is there someway to change it? Is simply nerfing it to not provide those stat boosts, or limit the stat boosts in some fashion a better idea? What are your thoughts on it?
The Party System is actively harmful if you meet any of the following criteria:

A) The character with the Gamer skill is otherwise ordinary relative to the rest of the cast who have further abilities, this includes Robin from TT, a civilian OC in a setting with powers (a muggle in HP) etc.
B) The character with the Gamer skill loses their powers to replace it with the Gamer without doing the same to everyone else, this includes replacing Tony Stark's genius with the Gamer but leaving the Avengers still powered or replacing a RWBY character's Semblance if it is known (ie not Jaune, but making Ruby a Team Gamer instead of a Speedster)
C) You do not make the Party the focus of the story. Either Party Up or do not. Literally any competent Team should Party because it's essentially multiplying your Gamerness, which is a major force multiplier. And Gamers without a team should find allies to Party with for the same reason.
D) You do not want a complete curbstomp, or you do not have them fighting Haxxor enemies. The Gamer is comparable to a Solar Exalt if it gets even a few months to ramp up, or possibly a Dragon Ball Z character with Gohan levels of potential, imagine if every member of the Justice League could become Superman-like beings.
E) You cannot think of different builds that match the characters that are equally effective. This is true of most Team Ups, but especially true of the Gamer where your power is literally Choose-Your-Own. In Avengers having different skill levels is fine because they don't have a shared origin with effort and skill at build-choices determining power. A weaker character is Lazier or made Poor Decisions, which leads to clear weakness, so they need to be a better character to justify it.

Note: E does not mean identically effective, a ranged bullseye character can be the equivalent of a teleporter can be the equivalent of an invincible melee brawler, but their skills must seem like they take the same amount of effort and practice to accrue, or you need to justify why they are not. Which is fine, its plothooks, E is more of a 'heads-up' category.

The Gamer manwha hits either A or B (since it technically replaces his special power, by being his special power) and definitely C. I have my doubts the author could resist hitting E if he actually used the Party System beyond a few 'this is a thing' occasions.
Not yet mentioned in this tread is Brockton: In Venatus.

It has it's moments of anime/manga-style silliness, but in general has a more serious tone and it's totally worth reading. It has a strong focus on the story and uses the Gamer ability messages only when necessary, unlike some stories where it seems like half the chapters consist of copy/pasted ability descriptions.
If I were to have a party be thing, I'd recommend using a class and level system like the old Final Fantasy games or Dungeon and Dragons.
E) You cannot think of different builds that match the characters that are equally effective. This is true of most Team Ups, but especially true of the Gamer where your power is literally Choose-Your-Own. In Avengers having different skill levels is fine because they don't have a shared origin with effort and skill at build-choices determining power. A weaker character is Lazier or made Poor Decisions, which leads to clear weakness, so they need to be a better character to justify it.
I was considering adding a party but it runs into this, since it's a party of Gamers (+ one angel) and they can share abilities and blueprints so there's literally no "classing" possible. It would add additional characters to the trauma train, but there's no added complexity in the build (okay, it would make buffs and group heals worth more in terms of grinding, but that's it.)
This is relevant to your interests (though not explicitly The Gamer):

Upheaval - The Gentle Apocalypse | RoyalRoadL

Early in the summer, the world started changing. It is not known who first found out, but magic was real, or had become real. Of course, with the world as interconnected as it is, it took only two days for most people to know about it.

Online groups sprang up, eager to test humanity's collective new toy. Quickly, it was found out that it was all but harmless; there were (unconfirmed) reports of deaths as soon as the first day.

Nevertheless, it is a novelty to most, trying it out like you'd try sports or a game. The world marches on as scientists set out to study this new phenomenon, to use it for furthering our collective knowledge and to understand it.

But that won't show any results any time soon; it is only five days since the "Reveal" meanwhile I'm out camping. I had planned this since March, to unwind from sixteen years of studying. Finally! Finally I am done with school! Getting a job is another matter…

So I figured, with this magic stuff, why not try out meditating on it? I've enjoyed more than enough books and other media that at least some of the magic methods should be viable.

Turns out, the world might not let me relax.

It's one of those worldwide gamer fics but without the massive douchebaggery.

I didn't read the last few chapters but so far so goo.

I mean yeah fics like those tend to go "Suddenly slaves" "Gave some detailed gibs for no reason" or "Suddenly rape lol it's funny"

The author does a good job so far I guess.

TLDR: It's good because it doesn't suck.

Amusing highlights:

-Google went "sorry Google maps is now out of date. We'll have the new google maps in a few weeks"
-Military personnel not being Douchbag McHardass (Someone, somewhere got an erection when the words "Magic Gun" were spoken though. )
That kind of goes against gamerness in general. One of the main perks is that all training goes towards increasing stats and skills and they maintain themselves.

Perhaps stagnate instead; I think someone suggested this earlier. They won't get less per say, just less effective in the overall count; i.e. the more of something else you get the less effective what you had is, prompting you to get more as what you had is not as much benefit as it used to be.
Like, you start with a basic filing system; but time goes on, and you still have your filing system, it isn't less, but it isn't as effective as it used to be. This is due to you getting more stuff and needing to sub file it such as changing from A,B,C to Aa Ab Ac. And even then you might say refile it from alphabetical to relevance and alphabetical to relevance and use. Your filing system isn't less, it is just less effective as time goes on. Get it?

Edit: I think I just rephrased your idea in a metaphor..
Also, I am saying this assuming the filing system is one of those computer systems that self maintains; even if it is at the same level and takes care of itself according to your programming, your still gonna need to revamp the programming after sometime.
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The Party System is actively harmful if you meet any of the following criteria:

A) The character with the Gamer skill is otherwise ordinary relative to the rest of the cast who have further abilities, this includes Robin from TT, a civilian OC in a setting with powers (a muggle in HP) etc.
B) The character with the Gamer skill loses their powers to replace it with the Gamer without doing the same to everyone else, this includes replacing Tony Stark's genius with the Gamer but leaving the Avengers still powered or replacing a RWBY character's Semblance if it is known (ie not Jaune, but making Ruby a Team Gamer instead of a Speedster)
C) You do not make the Party the focus of the story. Either Party Up or do not. Literally any competent Team should Party because it's essentially multiplying your Gamerness, which is a major force multiplier. And Gamers without a team should find allies to Party with for the same reason.
D) You do not want a complete curbstomp, or you do not have them fighting Haxxor enemies. The Gamer is comparable to a Solar Exalt if it gets even a few months to ramp up, or possibly a Dragon Ball Z character with Gohan levels of potential, imagine if every member of the Justice League could become Superman-like beings.
E) You cannot think of different builds that match the characters that are equally effective. This is true of most Team Ups, but especially true of the Gamer where your power is literally Choose-Your-Own. In Avengers having different skill levels is fine because they don't have a shared origin with effort and skill at build-choices determining power. A weaker character is Lazier or made Poor Decisions, which leads to clear weakness, so they need to be a better character to justify it.
I'm working on a Boku no Hero Acadamia crossover and pretty much all of those points fit, and I really couldn't figure out a good way to get the party system in. My best idea so far was replacing it with a party system that allows for long distance communication and/or tracking of party members, because it just didn't work in the setting. Criteria A and D are the big reasons why really.
I don't see why you can't just not put in the party system in the first place. Most gamer fics have the gamer figure out the UI by trial and error. You could just not have it and have the same story.
I don't know much about Hero Academia, but I assume it's like Xmen or RWBY.
Remove the Party system, bam. No Party.

If you truly need to have Two gamers stomping around, revisit this topic, but there are better ways to most plot points.
Hell, a Teaching Skill maybe, used to make others skill-up faster but not Gamer-like.
I don't see why you can't just not put in the party system in the first place. Most gamer fics have the gamer figure out the UI by trial and error. You could just not have it and have the same story.
Hence why I asked my original question. I most likely will get rid of it entirely, but every gamer fic I've read had a party system and I wanted some opinions on whether it would be a faux pas to get rid of it completely. I really do appreciate the feedback though, I feel much more comfortable getting rid of it now.
Hence why I asked my original question. I most likely will get rid of it entirely, but every gamer fic I've read had a party system and I wanted some opinions on whether it would be a faux pas to get rid of it completely. I really do appreciate the feedback though, I feel much more comfortable getting rid of it now.
If you want to get rid of the problematic elements (makes everyone into a gamer) then by all means do so.
A chat system plus ability to keep track of each other would be useful though.