The Game of Crusading Thrones, Self-Insert Edition (GoT CK2)

Normal fails are you saying you will make time and then not making time.

Critfails are stuff like the sickness. Which you will be getting some options towards healing, along with a roll for it.

And yes, there's a sept in Wintertown.
I mean that the PC just can't find a time and place to spend time with his family because they are busy with something else, or don't want to spend time with him at this moment.

Because if every critfail on family time results in disastrous consequences if we make time to spend with the family, then it won't be a reliable action to ever take. This is like for three years every time you walk outside with a sibling there is a tornado in your way, every time. I doubt three critfails in a row is likely to occur, but low repeating rolls are not impossible.

I only have a problem with the family time action for some reason, and only if the critfail repeats itself with repeating the same consequences that cannot be ignored/shrugged off.
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You do have a point, I will think about it.
I don't actually have a problem with the sick issue. It's a time without modern medicine, so people dying from getting sick is reasonable, and can happen multiple times. Makes sense to me. Although, that roll type would probably be from a background roll the players don't see, instead of a roll that is influenced by direct player choice.

There are some children in first world countries that still die from unexpected events that are just upsetting, like truck, or being outside too long under snow. So a crit fail doing something like killing a kid is not utterly impossible to accept.
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Unless we built a sept in winterfell/wintertown there should not be a sept as Ned built the first in winterfell as a wedding gift for Catlyn breaking milenia of tradition of keeping the southern religion out of the capital of the North
I concur. At this point in time, the only Septs in the North would be in White Harbor, due to house Manderly being exiles from the Reach, and thus Anddals and followers of the Seven. What people forget is that, a number of Northern lords gave Eddard Stark grief for building a Sept for his Southern Anddal wife in the literal seat of power for the North AKA First Men territory.
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Jesus.... Those are some bipolar dice. Fails outweighed passes here.

I concur. At this point in time, the only Septs in the North would be in White Harbor, due to house Manderly being exiles from the Reach, and thus Anddals and followers of the Seven. What people forget is that, a number of Northern lords gave Eddard Stark grief for building a Sept for his Southern Anddal wife in the literal seat of power for the North AKA First Men territory.

Pretty much this. With his experience with Septons even in this quest should make him less likely to build one.
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-Family Time: 1d100 =2. Your daughter is sick. She burns with fever, sobbing in the night. You sit by her bed whenever you can, and it seems to comfort her as Maester Brynden tries remedy after remedy. You join Eddard and Edwyle and Cregan and Brandon and Frost in the godswood and Jeyne in the sept, both for their comfort and your own, and for the desperate hope that someone, anyone, will answer.
maybe its time to uplift penicillin
About the sept: keep in mind that your wife is a Manderly. There was a half-abandoned sept in Wintertown which was restored, primarily for her use. Although it does see more people now since so many have come from White Harbor.
I don't see a problem with having a sept, since Ned built the first one inside the castle of Winterfell and it's not explicitly stated that one doesn't exist in Wintertown.
Who is making up the population of Wintertown since chances are their are people from White Harbour or the people fleeing the riverlands because that might be a reason their is a sept.
Yes, there's people from the Riverlands and White Harbor, along with people from Stark lands and also the North in general.

Also, remember to vote for fostering and betrothals.
With the good is our eldest in combat? Because chances are, if we go Mormont, he is gonna have to fight the future bride and win...

I kinda want to betroth our eldest to the Mormont girl and leave our youngest for now.

Edit: With that in mind my plan is thus

[X] Plan Internal Relations

-[X] Betroth Eddard to: House Mormont Daughter

-[X] Invite children from House Glover and Dustin to Winterfell

The intent is to marry our son off to a Mormont for the purposes of building further on that recent favour we did them.

As for the Glovers and Dustins I want the Glovers to start building lumber mills and take advantage of them being surrounded by the woods. I want the Dustins to try and exploit the Barrowlands.
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I think inviting house Dustin or Ryswell children could help since two more major houses plus the Bolton already have
I don't see a problem with having a sept, since Ned built the first one inside the castle of Winterfell and it's not explicitly stated that one doesn't exist in Wintertown.
I however do have a massive problem with a sept in wintertown or winterfell. the North is first man territory thus almost completely follow the Old Gods (barring the Manderly) and has been kept that way since the Andal invasion ended with Theon Stark Destroyed Andalos. the beating heart of first man culture and religion is Winterfell/winter town. Allowances were made with the Manderley's to keep their faith but not to spread it beyond White Harbor. Even having a sept in the capital could cause rebellions with the other houses of the North. Further it makes no sense for there to be one as we are working to codify and expand the greenmen of the Old Gods as it works against our goals. Eddard was more likely able to survive doing so (despite being ridiculed constantly by his bannermen) because House Bolton was almost extinct by that time with only Roose and his son.added to the fact that he was quite young and the second son who was fostered by the andal idolators
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I however do have a problem with a sept in wintertown or winterfell. the North is first man territory thus almost completely follow the Old Gods (barring the Manderly) and has been kept that way since the Andal invasion ended with Theon Stark Destroyed Andalos. the beating heart of first man culture and religion is Winterfell/winter town.
First off, Theon Stark hardly destroyed Andalos. He did decisively repel an invasion of the North, razed the coast, captured a tower, and take the victims back to make an example on his western coast, hardly anything on the scale you implied, Andalos was probably already falling anyway since there was mass emigration from Andalos to begin the invasions as well as a lack of Andalos remaining in Essos by the time the conquest happens.
Allowances were made with the Manderley's to keep their faith but not to spread it beyond White Harbor. Even having a sept in the capital could cause rebellions with the other houses of the North.
We don't know what allowances were made for the Manderleys, except for the fact that they were given land, which happened at least 3000 years after the Andal invasions. As to rebellion, this whole time in the south the Blackwoods have existed as bastions of southern old gods worshipers both as kings and under various kings, both examples show that hostility between the two faiths have simmered down to practically non existence. The Blackwoods have never had a problem with the faith of their liege, nor been threatened by their neighbors due to their faith since the invasions.
Further it makes no sense for there to be one as we are working to codify and expand the greenmen of the Old Gods as it works against our goals.
Unless the sept in Wintertown was built by a former King and only refurbished for our queen to have a place to practice her own faith. The old gods are not a dogmatic faith. For the thousands of years of it's existence it's been decentralized and interpreted differently for all who practice it.
Eddard was more likely able to survive doing so (despite being ridiculed constantly by his bannermen) because House Bolton was almost extinct by that time with only Roose and his son.added to the fact that he was quite young and the second son who was fostered by the andal idolators
This is straight fannon. Edward was never ridiculed by anyone save Barbary Ryswell, who has her own issues that make her braised against him, and Roose Bolton who was probably praying for a chance to usurp Stark rule. Faith of the seven worshipers literally swore themselves to Robb even after the Greatjon made a point at their expense during the KOTN speech. And most of the Stark bannermen would never entertain the notion of deposing Stark rule in favour of Bolton rule without extenuating circumstances (like prisoners being taken in cannon).
The Andal invasions happened 4000 years ago. The seven worshipers and the old gods worshipers have learned to live together with minimal violence. Your making a big deal out of nothing but fannon. Is it realistic, no, but that's how GRRM has written his story and that's how OP has written this quest.
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Weighing in on the sept in Wintertown I don't see it making much sense for there to be a sept there. The North is almost Hegemonic in their way of worship with only one notable exception. Throughout the books and the setting there has only been one Seven house in the North and that was the Manderly. So for there to be an abandoned church on the other side, far from their powerbase, seems...weird. It seems kinda just placed there for no reason other than for there to be one. Now someone could have built one in the past but again with how hegemonic the worship is it is unlikely. I also don't see previous Lords making any allowances for the Seven to be preached considering that the Seven still see the Old Gods as heathens. This isn't Westeros three hundred years after the Targs. This is Westeros in the early mess of feuding kingdoms. The religious differences and dislikes would still be prominent imo.

Also considering how the faith views us as a "monster" for our warging I don't see a good reason as to why we would restore the church giving them more power to said priests or any priests of the Seven over how the masses view their king. Churches often had the ear of the people and many a king had to play nice with them or deal with the consequences. I don't see why we would give more influence over to a faction that already doesn't like us by giving them a base to speak.

My honest fear on this situation is that the sept comes back to bite us in the ass in the future but that is just Chekov's Gun rearing its ugly head at me again. Maybe nothing will come of it. Maybe not. Other than this small weirdness I am enjoying it so far.
I respectfully disagree, in that it this is Westeros at the time of the conquest, 4000 years after the Andal invasions, most of the wars and battles since then we're ironborn raiding, feuds between the Andal kingdoms and feuding between the North and Vale for the sisters. In those four thousand years all first man houses including in the North have intermarried with Andal seven worshipping houses. I don't find it hard to believe that a Stark king might have loved and Andal wife so much as to allow the construction of a sept in Wintertown. It's not like he nor his children are raised as andals.
Your wife was from House Manderly, and this isn't the first marriage between Stark and Manderly. That's why the sept is there.
Still doesn't make sense in pre targaryan timeline when the 7 kingdoms were in an almost constant state of war to allow a southern religion to have that big a voice in your Kingdom Let alone your capital when they view your people as heathens and can call a crusade or activate the faith militant which was a thing at this point in time
I could see a room set aside where the idols could be setup for her private prayers but no septa or septon allowed in the capital or castle
I respectfully disagree, in that it this is Westeros at the time of the conquest, 4000 years after the Andal invasions, most of the wars and battles since then we're ironborn raiding, feuds between the Andal kingdoms and feuding between the North and Vale for the sisters. In those four thousand years all first man houses including in the North have intermarried with Andal seven worshipping houses. I don't find it hard to believe that a Stark king might have loved and Andal wife so much as to allow the construction of a sept in Wintertown. It's not like he nor his children are raised as andals.

That is up to interpretation. The setting doesn't really have one true story in regards to if the Seven ever tried to make forays into the North after the initial invasions. Although the wiki does state that many armies fell at the Moat or the swamps after the invasions of the Trident which implies that they never really stopped trying to invade. Now that was millennia ago and the families have intermarried by this point but even still a public sept seems kind of like inviting the enemy to your house so to speak. Also the whole faith not liking us thing is still something that would be in consideration when we would be re-building a sept.
The sept dates back from the first time a Manderly married a Stark. Generally, after that Manderly dies, the sept goes into disrepair and is mostly forgotten about.
further the septons would constanty be coming to Winterfell stating donate cash or ELSE
The sept dates back from the first time a Manderly married a Stark. Generally, after that Manderly dies, the sept goes into disrepair and is mostly forgotten about.
still makes absolutely zero sense to ever build or have a sept in the first place given the normal antipathy the faith of the seven have towards followers of the Old Gods. I don't care if it goes into disrepair after a Manderly wife dies or not. It still opens the door for the Faith militant to crusade over the rundown state of the sept but now they have potential converts during the life of the Manderly wife who are now followers in the north to sabotage for them and aid them in crusade
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Turn 2 results

Speak with vassals (North): 1d100+19 = 95. The Karstarks are eager to reaffirm their loyalty and support, but otherwise have little to say. House Bolton sends a letter discussing fostering. They hope to have one or two of their children spend some time at Winterfell and get to know the future King. Last Hearth also seems to be hoping for a fostering, and Lord Umber also mentions that he has a daughter about your sons' age. "A spirited lass, she's already killed a wildling or two." He says. (It makes you a bit uncomfortable, all things considered.) He is also hoping for some royal aid in building a system of watchtowers to help protect his lands from raiders. Skagos politely asks for a fleet again, while the mountain clans reluctantly ask for any food you can spare – this past winter was hard for them. Aware of vassal opinion and requests.


Turn 4 Results

- Speak with Vassals (East): 1d100+19 = 97. House Manderly is the first to respond to your ravens, stating that they are always glad to hear from House Stark, and that they are especially heartened by the talks with the Vale. Lord Wylbert is apparently hopeful that trade with Gulltown would bring in substantial wealth. The Flints of Widow's Watch are the next to reply, reaffirming their loyalty and inquiring if you have thought about who you will be fostering at Winterfell. They also ask about the possibilities of additional royal support for watchtowers like those slowly being constructed around Flint's Fingers. House Hornwood is a little slow in their response, and only asks about the possibility of some royal support for mines in the hills around Hornwood. Aware of vassal concerns and vassal opinions.


Turn 7 Results

-Speak with Vassals (South): 1d100+19 = 69. House Cerwyn is as loyal as ever, profusely confirming their loyalty. Their granaries are well stocked, and though winter nears they are not worried about this one. House Reed, on the other hand, observes their courtesies but little more. In their letter, they do express several concerns about the ironborn. They have seen ships around Fever River and ironborn coming up far closer to the Neck than they are really comfortable with. Several actually entered the Neck itself. Lord Reed assures you that he did nothing untoward to them. Any harm they suffered is purely the result of the lizard-lions, serpents, and quicksand of the Neck. House Ryswell and House Dustin, meanwhile, are pleased by the royal patronage and the fostering arrangements. House Cerwyn, Dustin, and Ryswell loyal, House Reed accepting but worried about the ironborn.


Turn 8 Results

- Speak with Vassals (South): 1d100+19 = 76. While you spoke with the lords of the southern houses quite recently, with true autumn beginning you once again approach them to speak of various matters. Taxes are paid in full, possibilities of new trade goods discussed, but the most important subject is ironborn. Raids have struck all along the Rills, with some even having tried to attack up the Saltspear. Numerous bands have entered the Neck, and this time Lord Reed does not bother with any pretense. He had them killed, every single one, and dumped the bodies in the swamp. He didn't even bother taking their armor or weapons. Supposedly, some of it could not be removed. House Reed and Ryswell concerned about increasing raids, ironborn activity.


Turn 9 results

-Speak with Vassals (West): 1d100+19 = 39. Along with orders to call the banners and gather their men, you send other questions to your western lords. The answers you receive are not unexpected: Ironborn raids trouble all their shores, and House Glover is concerned by the beastmen. House Tallhart also inquires if you have any plans to settle on the Stony Shore. Western lords loyal, concerned about beastmen and ironborn. House Tallhart wants to expand its lands into Stony Shore.


Turn 10 Results

-Speak with Vassals (East): 1d100+19= 91. Once more, House Manderly is the first to reply to your ravens, assuring you of their loyalty and apologizing for their lack of support during the recent unpleasantness. They report some minor unrest among the more "impractical" people of the city, as Lord Wylbert deems a small band of septons who have been preaching against the "godless heathens" bearing "dark powers." He tells you that although he follows the Seven, he recognizes that the Old Gods offer their own blessings and he respects that they have given you and many of your lords these gifts. House Flint has no complaints, but they mention they have a son about the age of your twins and they hope to foster him at Winterfell for a couple of years. House Hornwood, in the meanwhile, has again requested assistance with digging out mines in their hills. They also report bandit troubles, although they are apparently minor.



Karstarks – 6/10
Umber – 7/10
Bolton – 8/10
Skagos – 6/10
Mountain Clans – 10/10
Hornwood- 5/10
Manderly – 8/10
Flints of Widow's Watch – 6/10
Reed – 9/10

The Night's Watch – 9/10
Peasants – 10/10
The Green Men: 9/10
Wildlings – 5/10
The Snowy Sept: 4/10

Jeyne Stark – 7/10
Eddard Stark – 7/10
Edwyle Stark – 7/10
Serena Stark – 6/10

The Riverlands:
House Blackwood: 9/10
House Frey: 3/10
House Bracken: 7/10
Peasants: 9/10

The Vale:
Stone Crows and Allies: 7/10
Burned Men and Allies: 1/10
House Arryn: 5/10
House Royce: 6/10

[X] Plan: There is more info
-[X] Betroth Eddard to: House Reed Daughter
-[X] Betroth Edwyle to: House Glover daughter
-[X] Offer to Foster children from...
--[X] House Flint
--[X] House Ryswell
--[X] House Dustin
--[X] House Tallhart

There is more info to work out from. House Flint is the only group that really moved to ask for fostering, recently. Our wife in turn 5 had put up a fostering system that would be impressive, in turn 6 we implemented it. I grabbed the next major groups that are loyal, or just have a presence on the front page.

As for the marriage choice, I see the choice is between house Reed and Bolton for the current social dynamics. Those two or Hornwood (Hornwood is at 5/10). I am open to discussion and changing the choice.

edit: Oops, I forgot to delete some of the sources, sorry about that.

edit2: Ever screwed up twice, then realized you screwed up twice? that's what happened here. I thought we could foster from more houses than I thought, and I thought we could choose any house for marriage candidates.
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