Turn 2 results
Speak with vassals (North): 1d100+19 = 95. The Karstarks are eager to reaffirm their loyalty and support, but otherwise have little to say. House Bolton sends a letter discussing fostering. They hope to have one or two of their children spend some time at Winterfell and get to know the future King. Last Hearth also seems to be hoping for a fostering, and Lord Umber also mentions that he has a daughter about your sons' age. "A spirited lass, she's already killed a wildling or two." He says. (It makes you a bit uncomfortable, all things considered.) He is also hoping for some royal aid in building a system of watchtowers to help protect his lands from raiders. Skagos politely asks for a fleet again, while the mountain clans reluctantly ask for any food you can spare – this past winter was hard for them. Aware of vassal opinion and requests.
Turn 4 Results
- Speak with Vassals (East): 1d100+19 = 97. House Manderly is the first to respond to your ravens, stating that they are always glad to hear from House Stark, and that they are especially heartened by the talks with the Vale. Lord Wylbert is apparently hopeful that trade with Gulltown would bring in substantial wealth. The Flints of Widow's Watch are the next to reply, reaffirming their loyalty and inquiring if you have thought about who you will be fostering at Winterfell. They also ask about the possibilities of additional royal support for watchtowers like those slowly being constructed around Flint's Fingers. House Hornwood is a little slow in their response, and only asks about the possibility of some royal support for mines in the hills around Hornwood. Aware of vassal concerns and vassal opinions.
Turn 7 Results
-Speak with Vassals (South): 1d100+19 = 69. House Cerwyn is as loyal as ever, profusely confirming their loyalty. Their granaries are well stocked, and though winter nears they are not worried about this one. House Reed, on the other hand, observes their courtesies but little more. In their letter, they do express several concerns about the ironborn. They have seen ships around Fever River and ironborn coming up far closer to the Neck than they are really comfortable with. Several actually entered the Neck itself. Lord Reed assures you that he did nothing untoward to them. Any harm they suffered is purely the result of the lizard-lions, serpents, and quicksand of the Neck. House Ryswell and House Dustin, meanwhile, are pleased by the royal patronage and the fostering arrangements. House Cerwyn, Dustin, and Ryswell loyal, House Reed accepting but worried about the ironborn.
Turn 8 Results
- Speak with Vassals (South): 1d100+19 = 76. While you spoke with the lords of the southern houses quite recently, with true autumn beginning you once again approach them to speak of various matters. Taxes are paid in full, possibilities of new trade goods discussed, but the most important subject is ironborn. Raids have struck all along the Rills, with some even having tried to attack up the Saltspear. Numerous bands have entered the Neck, and this time Lord Reed does not bother with any pretense. He had them killed, every single one, and dumped the bodies in the swamp. He didn't even bother taking their armor or weapons. Supposedly, some of it could not be removed. House Reed and Ryswell concerned about increasing raids, ironborn activity.
Turn 9 results
-Speak with Vassals (West): 1d100+19 = 39. Along with orders to call the banners and gather their men, you send other questions to your western lords. The answers you receive are not unexpected: Ironborn raids trouble all their shores, and House Glover is concerned by the beastmen. House Tallhart also inquires if you have any plans to settle on the Stony Shore. Western lords loyal, concerned about beastmen and ironborn. House Tallhart wants to expand its lands into Stony Shore.
Turn 10 Results
-Speak with Vassals (East): 1d100+19= 91. Once more, House Manderly is the first to reply to your ravens, assuring you of their loyalty and apologizing for their lack of support during the recent unpleasantness. They report some minor unrest among the more "impractical" people of the city, as Lord Wylbert deems a small band of septons who have been preaching against the "godless heathens" bearing "dark powers." He tells you that although he follows the Seven, he recognizes that the Old Gods offer their own blessings and he respects that they have given you and many of your lords these gifts. House Flint has no complaints, but they mention they have a son about the age of your twins and they hope to foster him at Winterfell for a couple of years. House Hornwood, in the meanwhile, has again requested assistance with digging out mines in their hills. They also report bandit troubles, although they are apparently minor.
Karstarks – 6/10
Umber – 7/10
Bolton – 8/10
Skagos – 6/10
Mountain Clans – 10/10
Hornwood- 5/10
Manderly – 8/10
Flints of Widow's Watch – 6/10
Reed – 9/10
The Night's Watch – 9/10
Peasants – 10/10
The Green Men: 9/10
Wildlings – 5/10
The Snowy Sept: 4/10
Jeyne Stark – 7/10
Eddard Stark – 7/10
Edwyle Stark – 7/10
Serena Stark – 6/10
The Riverlands:
House Blackwood: 9/10
House Frey: 3/10
House Bracken: 7/10
Peasants: 9/10
The Vale:
Stone Crows and Allies: 7/10
Burned Men and Allies: 1/10
House Arryn: 5/10
House Royce: 6/10