Mustering RollS:
Skagos: 1d100+10(Seeing to the Banners) – 20(Distant)+15(Close to the gods) = 90. When you sent the ravens, you did not expect any response from Skagos. But not two days later, a hundred men, led by Danar Crowl, the son of Lord Crowl, arrived with a large chest of obsidian and furs to sell for supplies. They were wrapped in thick furs, had almost no armor, and some of them didn't even have steel weapons. Only a few spoke the Common Tongue with any fluency. But twenty of the men were healers as skilled as a maester equipped with unicorn horns and rare herbs, while another ten were wargs, bonded with hawks, wolves, and a shadowcat.
Umber: 1d100+10(Seeing to the Banners) – 15(Distant) = 66. From Umber lands come two hundred men and three hundred archers with Lord Umber himself, while his sons secure his lands. The bulk of his forces are gathering around Last Hearth and will be moving to support the Watch.
Karstark: 1d100+10(Seeing to the Banners) – 15(Distant) = 4. Only twenty men come from Karhold along with a chest of silver and the news that Lord Karstark fell off his horse and broke his neck, leaving three feuding brothers and an infant heir behind. From the sound of things, there might be a second war in Karhold while you fight the beastmen, but the leaders of the armsmen thinks that they might come to an agreement in time to send reinforcements.
Bolton: 1d100+ 10-15+25(Vengeance!) = 93. When you heard from the Dreadfort that Lord Bolton had already left, you were concerned. Despite the impression he gave you and Rivers, he was still a Bolton. But then he arrived with a thousand foot-sore and weary infantry and two hundred thanes mounted on fine steeds and wearing half-plate purchased from your forges. Each and every single rider has beastmen heads tied to his saddle. Lord Bolton has over twenty, the captain of his personal guard over thirty. He arrived, he knelt, and he spoke. "Your Grace. We have come for the beastmen. We have come for vengeance. We have come, and our blades are sharp."
Hornwood: 1d100+10-10(Distance) = 98. House Hornwood comes with another thousand men, including two hundred archers and a hundred woodsmen. From the look in Lord Hornwood's eyes when he mentions them, you suspect those woodsmen are pardoned poachers. He also comes with a large amount of silver to purchase supplies for anyone who needs it.
Manderly: 1d100+10-15(Distance) = 14. House Manderly sends a hundred knights, two hundred crossbowmen, and even more silver than came with Lord Hornwood. The rest of their men are still mustering and will be for some time thanks to a rash of bandit attacks that have threatened even the silver mines.
Flint: 1d100+10-10(Distance) = 90. From Widow's Watch and Flint's Finger come a thousand men in total, a quarter of them mounted. They sent every man they could spare from guarding their coasts from ironborn incursions.
Reed: 1d100+10-20(Distance)+15(Close to the gods) = 81. You sent no raven to Greywater Watch. There would be no point. But House Reed found out about your call all the same and sent five hundred crannogmen with poisoned arrows and uncanny stealth. You also heard rumors that they sent some wargs as well, but Jym Reed denies it and you have seen nothing to suggest that he lied.
Dustin: 1d100+10-10(Distance) = 22. Two hundred barrow knights under the crossed axes of House Dustin ride into Winterfell.
Ryswell: 1d100+10-10 = 59. With them come another four hundred knights from the Rills and five hundred Ryswell infantry.
Tallhart: 1d100+10 = 101. House Tallhart brings fifteen hundred men. With two hundred cavalry and four hundred archers, led by Lord Tallhart. Every single one of his sons came as well, bragging and boasting and eager for blood and war.
Cerwyn: 1d100+10 = 51. House Cerwyn sent their eldest son at the head a hundred cavalry and three hundred infantry while the rest of their levies mustered.
Glover: 1d100+10 -5(Distance) = 101. Despite the threat of the beastmen, House Glover and their vassals sent two thousand men total. Five hundred of them were soldiers like the Wolfswood Wardens, another three hundred were cavalry, and the remainder were unusually disciplined levy soldiers, men who had faced beastmen raids and lived to tell the tale.
Mountain Clans: 1d100+10 -10(Distance) = 33. The majority of the clansmen were gathering in their mountains, readying themselves for war, but three hundred men, mostly hunters, made their away south around the beastmen horde to join your armies.
Mormont: 1d100+10 – 10(Distance) = 79. On fragile, flimsy ships House Mormont sailed south, bringing with them every man and woman they could spare. Six hundred fierce warriors came, and among them were a hundred berserkers, cloaked in heavy bearskin, armed with enormous warhammers with scarred hafts and scarred skins.
Minor Stark Vassals: 1d100+10 =78. Word has spread far and wide of your call to war. Minor houses you didn't bother sending ravens too, smallfolk from Stony Shore and Sea Dragon point, free riders and wandering thanes, all came to your call, bringing you another thousand men in total of varying quality.
The camp outside Winterfell doesn't smell as bad as you would expect. Although it's a ragged, disorganized mess of tents slowly transforming into something more orderly, the latrines at least are properly dug well away from the stream. You ride through the camp, your wolf and Brandon at your side, acknowledging the calls of "Stark!" and "The King in the North!" as you make your way to the command tent in the center.
Dismounting, you stride in, Brandon following along like a shadow, a map of the North in his hands. Here stand all the great lords of the North, or at least representatives of them. Brandon lays down the map, and you sketch a line from the last known position of the beastmen to the Nightfort. It goes right through the mountains. You nod to Lord Bolton, and next to the map he places a beastmen's head on the table. "This is our enemy. They do not want peace. I do not think they can understand any peace but the peace of the grave. They will destroy our godswoods, slaughter our people, and feast on our flesh if we let them." You look around at the grim, determined faces of your vassals. It's still strange, commanding so many powerful people. "I do not intend to. They are heading for the Nightfort. By now, they have made it out of the Wolfswood."
Brandon speaks next. "We have three options. If we leave most of the infantry behind and only take those who can ride, we could meet the beastmen in between the Wolfswood and the mountains. It's still hilly, but open enough to favor horsemen. We could meet them in the mountains themselves, where we would have the clansmen fighting with us, and we could probably find some narrow pass to hold, but our cavalry will be useless. Or we could try and circle the mountains and meet them in the Gift along with Umber men and the northern clans."
As soon as he is finished the tent is filled with a dozen voices arguing, suggesting alternate options, pointing out flaws and benefits, and generally making lots of noise. "My lords." You call, raising your voice. "My lords!" They fall silent. "I thank you for your input, but I have made my decision. We will…"
[] Meet them in the foothills of the mountains.
[] March into the mountains and battle them there.
[] Go around the mountains and attack them in the Gift.
[] Write-in.