@notbirdofprey Looking at the treasury on the State of the Realm page, it looks like the cost of last turn has been deducted, but that the seasonal income has not been added.
Also, I have a several Issue Command DC's to ask about:
[] Issue Command (Barrow Houses): Fortify the Rivers (Rillwater, Redwater, and Barrowriver), Looking to have the Diplomacy DC around 30 and Stewardship DC around 40?
[] Issue Command (Tallhart and Cerwyn): Construct a road between Cerwyn and the shipyard on Torren's Lake. Cost 500 Gold.
[] Issue Command (Green Men): The Gift of Might, seek to awaken the Gift of Might in the Umbers. Cost 200 Gold.
[] Issue Command (Western lords): Expand logging around Deepwood Motte while coordinating with the local Green Men to avoid disturbing any Fay. Resources: We take the Diplomacy action helping them. Is any gold required?
I know the Tallharts and Cerwyn are not usually grouped together, but they would benefit greatly from this road connecting the White Knife to Torren's Lake (and thus the Rillwater.) Also, what would the DCs change too, if the Manderlys where included in that grouping?
Your head is pounding by the time you are done, but you head to your solar anyway to see if any ravens arrived or any advisors had new proposals for you to consider. Maester Brynden had two letters from you, while Brandon and Snow both had proposals for dealing with the bandits attacking your ore caravans. You read the letters first. The first is from White Harbor, informing you that Septon Willem has accepted an invitation to join the Most Devout. Lord Manderly is most appreciative of your efforts to aid the Starry Sept. He comments in your letter that you have been truly supportive of the message that you stated in the Conclave. You did have practical considerations behind your decisions, something all involved are doubtless aware of – influence within the Most Devout could prove very useful, especially given the attitude of King Lorren. +3 Influence
The second letter contains less happy news. A mixed multitude of wildlings, forest clans, and fey have been making trouble for House Glover and House Tallhart. The two masterly houses have been trying to establish logging camps larger than the ones you made to supply their own efforts at building ships and shipyards, but various parties have interfered repeatedly. They somehow managed to keep this from Snow's agents for nearly a year before they called you in to intercede.
Hmmm... so there is some problem behind the lack of logging camps in the Wolfswood.
[] Coppering The Fleets: Copper is expensive. You were aware of that, of course – there are several copper mines in your kingdom, none particularly productive anymore – but you did not realize just how bad it would be. Coppering your fleets would cost almost as much as building a new one and take even longer. The benefits, however, are substantial. You will need every advantage you can get against the Iron Fleet, and they will save on maintenance in the long-term. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 2500 gold, ships will be more expensive going forwards. DC: 45. Reward: All ships coppered, speed increased, maintenance reduced.
[] Bandit Hunt: Rally some of your smallfolk, some of the Wardens, and the Winterfell Guard and go on a hunt, looking for these bandits and dealing with them. Not only have they attacked and injured your smallfolk, they have attacked men in your pay. Failing to respond will make you look weak, and you will not allow that, nor will you allow them to go unpunished. The hunt will take some time and cost a great deal. Some would say it's using a warhammer to swat a fly. You say you will be getting the job done. Time: 1-2 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 40/80/120. Reward: Bandits crushed.
Ugh... Coppering is expensive. And any sunk ships from the battle will be lost with the copper. On the other hand, the increased speed could be useful. However, I feel that the Gifted Warriors would be more useful over all, it costs less, and takes the same amount of time.
Interestingly the martial Bandit Hunt is actually less expensive action wise compared to the Intrigue option. Though the DC is higher... I also wonder what the higher DCs are for. It seems to me that the martial action probably has a better chance of revealing what is behind this, because it's clearly more than bandits. But if we do it, then I'd want to use our Double Down there. MIght mean passing on God's Eyes again...
[] Logging Problems: Two of your houses are in dispute with…quite a few vassals, fey, people sworn directly to you, people not really sworn to anyone…it's a mess of competing claims, arguments, near-rebellion, and feuding. Use your authority to settle matters and divide things fairly and justly. Time: 1 season. Cost: 150 gold. DC: 45. Reward: Claims and disputes settled before they boil over.
[] Braavosi Recruits: While most of the North, and indeed most of Westeros, are immensely proud of their heritage and way of life, but even the most arrogant noble cannot deny that the Braavosi are better at some things: trade, banking, making canals, and many other such tasks. Find down-on-their-luck or adventurous men and women of the Secret City and offer them work and pay to come to Westeros, and you will be able to use some of their skills. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 300 gold. DC: Special. Reward: Braavosi recruits, new actions unlocked.
[] Speak to Kings (The Reach): There are other kings to the south of you. Perhaps you should open up talks with one of them. Though all of them are Andals and ironborn, you doubt any of them would outright refuse you…Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Positive diplomatic contact.
So there are three possible actions we could be interested in taking this turn I think. We have to take the Logging Issue and resolve it, I'd also like to take the Braavosi recruits, I think it will help a lot with our Stewardship. On the other hand it's be nice to get the Reach into our little anti-Ironborn coalition... but we can probably wait one more turn on that I guess?
We could use our Free Action here to do both, but that means not using it for Stewardship... although maybe we should start using our Free Action to do Martial actions? Maybe in one more turn?
[] More Logging Camps: When logging camps were first set up, nearly a dozen sites were surveyed, but only a few were selected in the end. There simply wasn't enough gold to build all the shelters and purchase all the tools needed. Fortunately, this means that with some more gold more logging camps can be established in very little time. Really, the only preparation required will be building shelters and then the woodsmen can get to cutting trees and sending them back to Wintertown. Time: 1 season. Cost: 250 gold. DC: 25. Reward: One-time income, increase to logging income, increase to trade.
[] Expand the Schools: You've a school in Winterfell which serves a few dozen children and less than twenty adults as a part-time duty for one or two of the acolytes. Buy a small building in Wintertown, give those acolytes the full-time duty of teaching people to read and write, give an incentive or two for people to learn and then join up with the civil service, and you expect to have classes much larger. Hopefully at least a few of the graduates will fill in the gaps in your civil service. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 900 gold, upkeep, Citadel attention. DC: 45. Reward: Increased literacy, support for civil service, Citadel attention.
So these are the two possible actions to take in Stewardship I think, but they will require using our free action. I want to Expand Schools.. but maybe we should go with the Logging Camps for the simple increase in money? It's a one turn action, so we can do it quickly.
[] Valyrian Steel Link: Have Archmaester Wyllym send you some trustworthy acolytes with a Valyrian steel link or two to help make sense of all these new magics and study some of the examples of more hostile magic such as the skin you found on the sea. Time: 1 season. Cost: 300 gold. DC: 60. Reward: New actions unlocked, bonus to some Piety and Learning actions, further attention from Citadel.
[] The Chain Ballista: The weapon Brandon sketched out looks like it could be lethally effective. Of course, it was roughly sketched out on the back of a ripped requisition form while Brandon was running on half a night's sleep, so there are probably more things wrong with the design than you can shake a stick at. Have Maester Brynden take a look at it, refine the design somewhat, and make a couple test versions. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Rapid-fire ballista design.
I think we should do both of these. Let's get the most out of our Citadel connections before we start potentially offending them by Expanding Schools, and let's pursue Brandon's idea, it sound fun.
[] Blood of the Bear: House Mormont were never kings, and they have been conquered many times. Umber blood runs in their veins, as does the salty blood of Ironborn. Nevertheless, they have their own gift. Some could call bears to their side, some could become them. Have Frost try and awaken this in Lyanna Mormont. Time: 1 season. Cost: 150 gold. DC: 55. Reward: The Gift of the Bear-kin reawakens in Lyanna Mormont.
Thinking this for our Piety action, as it is a one turn action.
@notbirdofprey Wasn't there supposed to be anew Piety action exploring runes in weapons and armor based off the failed Issue Command last turn?
[] Even Deeper Secrets: Snow has people in every house in the North. He has people in every town and city too. But you want more. If your lords meet, you want to know. If anything happens, you want to know. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 600 gold. DC: 55. Reward: Spy Network (The North).
[] Find the Gap: Somehow, Snow's spies missed this entire affair with the wildlings, the forest clans, and now the fey. Have him look into how this happened, then solve the problem. Were his spies caught? Did he not have them in the right place? Was this simply bad luck? Snow wants answers, and so do you. Time: 1 season. Cost: None. DC: 30. Reward: Find out what was missing, bonus to Even Deeper Secrets.
[] Coded Messages: Snow has taken inspiration from the way Princess Argella used coded messages to instruct her agents, and he wants to devise something similar for the Hunters. He isn't quite as brilliant to come up with a way of hiding orders in the weave of a carpet, but he thinks he can manage some way to conceal what he really tells them. Time: 1 season. Cost: None. DC: 50. Reward: Cipher designed, bonus to Hunter actions.
[] Security Procedures: Snow might understand the necessity of what he does, but that doesn't mean he always likes it. For example, he understands that it's important to make sure the upper ranks of your civil service keep the acolytes away from anything you would consider sensitive such as the making of concrete, the printing press, and the carding factory. He just finds the process of teaching people really tedious. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 50 gold, Citadel attention. DC: 45. Reward: Acolytes kept away from sensitive information, basic security procedures taught to civil service.
[] Harrenhal: The network in Harrenhal has been devastated by Harren's sudden assault on it and by the sheer slaughter he has wreaked in and around his accursed castle. Some say even the very stones are whispering to him, identifying traitors, and that blood drips from the walls instead of dew. You are uncertain just how true that is…but you need to find out. Having advanced warning of anything he is planning could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Fortunately, you have some fairly expendable agents to send south. The Hunters are best at killing, but some could handle spying. Especially since the castle is half empty, meaning they have plenty of space to hide. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 70. Reward: Get another spy in Harrenhal, information.
[] Kill Someone (Ironborn Spies): Name your target and spend the necessary amount on supplies, and give both to Janna. They will die, although it's unlikely to be subtle. And if they are caught, there will be retaliation. Best be careful. Time: Varies. Cost: Varies: DC: Varies. Reward: A corpse. Please @ me when you use this action so I can give you the numbers.
[] Friends Among the Fey: The fey are everywhere in the Reach. Literally everywhere. Snow intends to take advantage of that when building his spy network there, leaning on the Green Men to identify ways to recruit the little house fey and tricksome gremlins and bribe them into telling his agents things. He expects to not be the only one doing so. He also expects it to not be a problem. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Spy Network (The Reach).
[] Iron Spies: Most of the Iron Islands seems to be in the grip of mad servants of the Drowned God, with crazed priests ruling just as much as the lords do and horrific abominations skulking in shadows or parading about, eager to raid and destroy. It takes a very brave man to go gathering information there. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 900 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Simple Spy Network (The Reach).
[] Find the Bandits: The banditry has displeased Snow at least as much as it displeased you. He intends for those responsible to be found and given to the king's justice. This will take time, so there might be some grumbling while he searches, but it is far more efficient than searching a vast swathe of the forest with hundreds of men. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 35. Reward: Bandits found and hung.
Wow... lots of good options in Intrigue. I think we should pass on the Bandits option and instead use the martial one. Probably take Find the Gap, and then either Coded Messages or Security Procedures. I suppose this is another potential location to use our Free Action.
[] Train Your Children (Stat): You have been making your sons go to lessons like green boys. Now it is time to teach them like men. Have them learn by shadowing you, by leading their own projects, and by discussion. You'll probably rely a lot on history for those discussions, ones you remember having with your own father as he taught you the arts of persuasion and deception. You will have to decide what to focus on teaching your sons of course. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 0. DC: 55. Reward: Eddard's and Edwyle's stats improve, chance of trait, chance of your stats improving.
[] Create the Book: Begin writing the book for your sons and their children so that things you don't manage to design and develop for the North can be created after you die. Write the introduction, design some precautions for keeping it safe, and add in what you have already one. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: None.
[] The God's Eyes: While you can open the God's Eyes more or less at will now, it can be difficult to keep them open, especially in places full of magic like Winterfell. You also suspect you are missing a great deal of nuance when you look at people or more complicated items like your crown, which just looks like plain metal. Or that skin, which makes you shudder whenever you think of it. Further practice could also extend how long you can use this gift. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 70. Reward: Greater control and skill with the God's Eyes, more information about the skin.
Hmm, we can combine Create the Book with a Train Children (Learning) action, but I really want to take God's Eyes (and Warging Practice) but I want to Double Down on them, and if we Hunt Bandits then I think we need to use the double down there... On the other hand, maybe we should do the training in Learning after we do the book to get a bonus there.
Can someone introduce this option in there plan?I truly think it will bring great benefice in the future with a lower mortality equal more people.
Uplift:Health and hygiene improvement:water and milk boiling,expecially for children,washing the hands more regularly, washing the bed sheets and linen,separation between animals and humans,a better waste disposal from both humans and animals(dug pits covered with wooden lids were the weaste can be put until it is used in farming),regular bathing and the use of saunas for communal bathing,introducing soaps and it uses,better cleaning during birth(boiling the linen used,washing hands,a clean room with sauna being the best for a clean birth),a more cleaner house,a better hygiene during any sort of medical procedures,expecially treatment for open wounds(using alcohol for disifection,washing hands,boiling anything before using ,making sure the wounds remain clean)
I'd have to go back and find it, but I think we talked about some of these before. Because of the Maesters, public hygiene in Westeros is not as bad as historical medieval practices. We determined that some of this already existed I think (especially in the medical field), and didn't we spend time developing a sewer system for Wintertown? Not saying I'm against a medical uplift, but I think it need a bit more organization and thought put into how to do it. Perhaps with the creation of books we can dedicate one to biology and medical knowledge which would be a good place to put some of this.