The Game of Crusading Thrones, Self-Insert Edition (GoT CK2)

[X] [NUM] Two

[X] [GOAL] Lore of the Age of Dawn
[X] [GOAL] Ritual lore

gonna cross my fingers and hope these books just happen to be right next to each other
[X] [NUM] One
[X] [GOAL] Lore of the Age of Dawn

Going with this because it seems to be the one thing we need and the least dangerous.
Why are so many people attempting a second action to get Ritual Lore?

I'd think Magic Items (hopefully from the Dawn Age) would be better as a second pick, as rituals can be learned through Piety actions.

Though really I feel like anything more than one is too risky a choice. One is already taking a risk, the safe choice is to take nothing, and just pocket our win over the Barrow Curse.

I'm gonna guesstimate a DC of 30 if we take one item, 60 if we pick two, and 90 if we pick three.

Probably with our piety modifier, but maybe not.

So that means something like a very rough 60% chance of escaping if we pick two. With a good amount of uncertainty about how risky it really is.

That just does not seem to me like a risk worth taking for either magical items or rituals.
[X] [NUM] Two
[X] [NUM] Three

[X] [GOAL] Lore of the Age of Dawn
[X] [GOAL] Ritual lore
[X] [GOAL] Magic items
[X] [NUM] Three

[X] [GOAL] Lore of the Age of Dawn

[X] [GOAL] Ritual lore

[X] [GOAL] Allies

See if we can get more of the people beyond the wall in our land. Fewer bodies for the Others to reanimate.
[X] [NUM] Three

[X] [GOAL] Lore of the Age of Dawn

[X] [GOAL] Ritual lore

[X] [GOAL] Allies
[X] [NUM] Two

[X] [GOAL] Lore of the Age of Dawn
[X] [GOAL] Ritual lore

i'm voting this way as two items is not to big a risk and the lore of the age of dawn my give us warning about the white walkers and their weaknesses and may interact with ritual lore to improve our understanding of magic and the possible creation of magic item's through rituals.
[X] [NUM] One
[X] [GOAL] Lore of the Age of Dawn
you guys are gonna fuck us over being so greedy trying to get all 3 sounds like a bad idea