The new excavation team begins work on another side, hoping to find something more interesting. Unfortunately, the excavation does not provide anything more useful than the small amounts of rocks and minerals that you burn and the free space for another room. Pity.
Training the Web Spider is more beneficial: he appears to be more capable of hitting with his web, and you believe that with enough experience, the web could provide additional effects, such as reducing enemies' defenses or their ability to attack. Another possibility is to use the metallic web to transmit heat, scalding the invaders and causing severe damage.
The new Smoke Elemental adds to your minions' combat abilities: while they appear immune, the smoke released by it has irritating effects on the eyes and throats, which, without good defenses, shouldn't be able to hit your minions as easily. Of course, the smoke produced by this amorphous cloud of burned stuff is constrained by its current size, but a larger elemental should cover a larger area.
You are hoping that the expedition will return with something more interesting.
The Foreman and the four cogworks decided to head in the opposite direction of the Morass, hoping to avoid the dredgers they encountered the previous time. Furthermore, gathering more information about their surroundings was not a bad idea.
After two hours, they noticed a tower on the horizon, too far away to make out the details, but standing proudly tail against the mist. The fact that it was visible even from such a distance indicates that it was able to repel the eternal mist in some way.
Smelling danger, the Foreman decided to move in another distance, without getting to close to the tower. It was more danger that they could handle in his opinion.
Moving along the direction of the detour, they started to hear noises. Hiding and focusing on them, they heard squitting noises and agitated voices and by avoiding getting spotted, they found a vantage point.
It looked like a small village or a sizeable camp, with rat-like creatures with two tails and black fur with spots of blue paint skittering around, busy with several tasks: some tending to smaller creatures that were probably their children, some training with weapons and some … torturing men.
They were tied to the wheels of a large wagon, and a large rat-like creature was speaking to them with a long curved knife. The distance made understanding what they were saying difficult, but it was clear that the men, who were clearly travelling merchants based on the tattered remains of their clothes and the wagon, were crying in pain and shaking their heads, which only prompted the large rat to ask more aggressively.
It was obvious that it was best not to stay too long and to look for something to bring back. Fortunately for them, they discovered what was most likely a dumping ground for these creatures' waste.
Loading several broken weapons, scraps of wood, and a couple of dead bodies, the expedition returned to the Dungeon.
By burning the body of one of the rat-like creatures, you discovered their name: they are called Bluehide Ratlings, which was obvious considering the blue paint on their hides. They are a scavenger race that usually engages in a bit of thievery and raiding to provide food for their clans and collect shiny things to trade with people, without too much care in exchange for metal weapons and other goods. They seems like fun neighbors to have around.
The main issue is their numbers: they are weak, but they usually attack as a sizable group, trying to overcome their enemies with the sheer force of numbers. That would be... difficult to deal with. Luckily, something like your Smog Elemental would be extremely beneficial against them.
You got an excess of Vitae that you weren't able to store due to your reserve. The excavation amounted for 2 Vitae and the Expedition for 6, plus your turn Vitae was 9 total and minus the Smog Elemental was 7.
Going to update the Setting post in a minute.
All the infos are updated in the Notion Board at this link: The Furnace Core
Please, vote by plan with the following format:
[J] Plan Smart
- [CREATURE] Create X CogWorks
- [ROOM] Create an additional room
- [RESEARCH] Spend one progress to Increase the Vitae Reserve
- [MONSTERS] Go scouting outside.
Vote will be open until the next weekend. Let the game begin.