The Furnace - A simple Dungeon Core Quest

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I'll update this when I got more sleep and time. And maybe when we have a solid idea of what sort of Dungeon Core we are going to play.
I: A New Beginning.
Ah, the world of Lugrarvis.

A fantastical world full of magic and beasts, where its denizen try to survive another day while fighting against an hostile world where monsters, abomination and undead are common occurrence. Thanks to the Gods, steel and arcane powers, they managed to claim their place in this world, founding their empires, kingdoms and republics.

Why the world is so hostile to them? Due to the overabundance of Dungeon Cores. Creating insidious maze of rooms, full of traps and guarded by minions, they throw out hordes of hideous being who want to pillage and kill.

Of course, that's the natural state of the world: Dungeon Cores require plenty of vitae to prosper and grow, in order to become stronger and the best way to obtain is from destruction and death. Those who can't get put down by soldiers or mercenaries and even some of the most famous one found their end at the hand of Adventurers, mortals who have received the blessing of their Gods.

You, my dear, are a freshly spawned Dungeon Core.

Welcome to Lugrarvis and good luck. You will need it.

Welcome in this thread, my curious readers!

I'm your future questmaster, Abyssien/Abyssius and this is going to be a simple Dungeon Core quests. As "simple", I intend it to be simple in both setting and mechanics (but I think that I'm going to overcomplicate the mechanics again because they tend to be my weak point and I don't enjoy fully narrative quest).
Expect this quest to be updated without too much frequency: I'm currently busy in the labs at my University and I'll be so for the next three years, if they don't kick me out before, of course.
I'm starting this quest because I never digest the failure of my first quest (Gears War for those interest) who was Dungeon Core inspired and I want to start writing again.
I tend to overcomplicate things too much, so I'm starting this quest with the easiest premise I can: fantasy setting with my personal spin but not too much deep in worldbuilding (I'll build it as needed) and simple mechanics (I hope).
I just want to start writing again and I think a simple project is a good idea. Maybe it wll die, maybe it will become a quest with a thousand of page, but at least I'll have written this post.

So, normally this would be the opening vote to decide the starting Theme of your Dungeon Core, where I would put some options with a write-in section.
I'm not going to do this. I'm going to leave the vote open for two days (I know that tomorrow I'll be busy) and it won't be a vote for the starting element. I just want to collect all the various proposals that you will surely present me. I'll tell you if I approve your suggestion, if I want clarification or if I veto the idea, explaining why. I'll try to give positive feedback if possible.
After these 48 hours, you will choose between all the approved options. Then we'll start.

Let's the quest begin!

[ ] [THEME IDEA] Write in
Vitae is the main currency in this game. It can be spent for the following actions:
- Create minions and traps
- Cast spells
- Add additional progress to research
- Build floor
Each turn, you get Vitae equivalent to your production. Vitae production gets increased by +1 after each successful raid and you get Vitae equal to the HP of the slain raiders.

Each turn, you get an amount of free "Progress" that can be spent to unlock more advanced monsters, increase the caps for rooms, floor and vitae storages. Progress cannot be stored, but additional progress can be obtained by consuming Vitae, with one Vitae being equivalent to one Progress.

Combat Mechanics
- Each creatures or band gets one "activation" for each combat round.
- Groups of five or more creatures with the same stats gets grouped together in one "band" to reduce complexity. This means that while I'm still tracking their HP and other parameters individually, they get the same activation, so that I can roll a group of dice instead of check. This will be the base when we'll scale to mass combat in the future with big numbers of Minions and enemies, that it will be a bridge we will cross when it's time.
- The defensive side gets to activate the first minion.
- Activation are alternated, like this: Your minion → Enemy minion → Your minion, until everyone has received an activation.
- This means that the side with more creatures/band, at a certain point, will get consecutive activations of its remaining minions.
- All the rolls are 1d100.
- When a creature is activated, he can perform one action. Usually Tier I Monsters have only their basic attack, with a chance to hit indicated on the sheet.
- To deal damage, you first have to land a successful hit. Then the enemy has a Saving Roll to negate the damage. If he fails to negate, he receives damage.
- At 0 HP, the creature is considered destroyed.
- A Room can contain up to 16 creatures. Larger creatures occupy more space and it's reported on their sheet in case. (Note: I won't allow creature smaller than 1 size, only bigger).
- Minions that die inside the dungeon can be respawned at half their creation cost + a surplus for each level up. Minions that die outside the dungeon cannot be respawned.
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Place of Interest

A large swamp containing rotting tree, undeads and a significant amount of peat that you can use as fuel. from your analysis, the undeads are magical in nature, but from one sample you can infer more than that magic is similar to yours, but "wrong".
Good source of fuel, but the Petroronto's Dredgers are usually near it.

One of your expedition found a tower of Black Rock far from your Dungeon. They decided to avoid getting too close because they felt that it was dangerous. You don't have more info than that.

A camp containing around five and six dozens of these creatures similar to large rats, with two tails and blue ink spots on their hides. They are bandits and ambushers. It's a place rich with loot and resources that you can get from these scavengers.

Encountered Factions

Faction Size: ???
Faction Strength: ???
You encountered the Dredgers from afar: they are black-claded individuals wearing bone trinkets that were dredging the Morass that you encounter. They are capable in dealing with the undead and extremely meticolous in their search for the dead bodies that populate the swamp.

Facton Size: Medium size Faction
Faction Strenght: Low-Medium Strength
You encountered the Ratlings in their home: you estimate that of the 60 ratlings, half of them are able to fight you, ignoring those who cannot combat or the childrens. They don't sem too strong, with scavenged weapons and cloth armours, when they have them. You weren't able to observe some noticeable leadership.
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[x] [fury of the ancient jungle: ] Write in: this theme focuses primarily on lizardfolk or lizardmen, lizardfolk are a ancient if primitive race that operate on cold logic and are feared for their powerful Jaws, affinity for other reptiles as well as a habit of being capable of being fairly strong magic users with a particular habit of having wind and nature aligned magic users. Lizardfolk themselves are stout, tall and make are crafty enough to create basic tools and weapons if they ahvr sufficient materials lying around, additionally there several subspecies such as the great saurians being the most common, varan being bigger and dimmer then the saurians and the kameons being the smallest but the most cunning and intelligent, with a higher then average chance of being magic users.

@Abyssius, hope that's this is good and interesting enough for you.
[x] [fury of the ancient jungle: ] Write in: this theme focuses primarily on lizardfolk or lizardmen, lizardfolk are a ancient if primitive race that operate on cold logic and are feared for their powerful Jaws, affinity for other reptiles as well as a habit of being capable of being fairly strong magic users with a particular habit of having wind and nature aligned magic users. Lizardfolk themselves are stout, tall and make are crafty enough to create basic tools and weapons if they ahvr sufficient materials lying around, additionally there several subspecies such as the great saurians being the most common, varan being bigger and dimmer then the saurians and the kameons being the smallest but the most cunning and intelligent, with a higher then average chance of being magic users.

@Abyssius, hope that's this is good and interesting enough for you.
In the quests that I partecipate, usually the theme or element was a single word (like Space, Time or Sand). But I don't dislike this format, so I consider this valid.
In the final vote, I'll put it as "Jungle" with a small note.
In the quests that I partecipate, usually the theme or element was a single word (like Space, Time or Sand). But I don't dislike this format, so I consider this valid.
In the final vote, I'll put it as "Jungle" with a small note.
Fair enough, I just wanted to be descriptive enough to carry my idea across besides, I had a hit of inspiration from playing total war with the lizardmen and couldn't stop.
[X] [Aberration] Beings warped by or birthed from forces that defy understanding. Aberration-themed creatures rarely stick to defined body plans and often exhibit malleability of form, but there are elements that stylistically unite them, such as an abundance of mouths or eyes and esoteric materials and properties (such as being partially made out of twisted space or phasing in and out of tangibility as they breathe). Despite their often disquieting or downright horrifying appearance, Aberrations rarely focus on being a primarily physical threat, relying more on abilities that affect the senses of their prey and even tampering directly with it's mind, closing in to finish disabled opponents. Aberration also tend to be rather sturdy, be it due to simple sturdiness, regeneration, or more esoteric defenses.
Particularly powerful Aberration may start to blur the line between reality and illusion, using the muddled perception of their enemies to twist space and time.

@Abyssius I'm terrible at creative writing, but here's my best shot. It's a little late where I'm from, but I hope I at least managed to convey the right vibe.
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I'll throw two possible themes in here if that's fine. Both of these seem enjoyable to me, and I really couldn't pick between the two. My themes were most likely too descriptive, but I just got super into it, so you'll have to forgive me.

[X] [A Holy Sanctuary Defiled] A beautiful forest area complete with mountains and lakes. It would be a beautiful sight, if not for the feeling of wrongness that affects all who enter, and the more observant might notice the odd details. This area filled with nature seems almost... artificial. As if each mountain, tree, and lake were specifically placed and made. The quiet of the forest is unnatural, as the lack of truly intelligent life shows itself, with no animals or creatures to be found. Yet, it always feels as if something is watching. With each step adventures take, the feeling of disgust fills the area more. As if the very land itself is judging them for what they are. Mortals with undeserved power. Adventures will find their divine blessings weakened here, for there is only one true god in this dungeon, and they will exterminate all mortals who dare to tread upon this holy ground.

(Don't really have any ideas for monsters here, but I wanted to general theme to be the reverse of the general system of "Gods give mortals blessing, mortals conquer dungeon in their name, repeat.". The warm comfort of knowing they have the blessing of the gods is turned on them, as they step into the domain of a god that isn't so fond of mortals. Of course, they aren't truly a god, but the adventures don't need to know that. A part of this was also fueled by the fact that nobody targes the adventure who is chanting for a blessing from their divine patron. I mean seriously, they're right there. Anything divine is going to be a bigger threat than the big guy with the steel axe.)

[X] [The Underground Factory] Deep within the dungeon, a factory ignites. Convery belts start to move, as materials are turned into monsters created with a single purpose in mind. The elimination of adventures. All to create a world for machines, and only machines. Although lacking in materials, the factory has ways of solving this issue. With each adventurer slain, the dungeon takes what they left behind. Weapons, armor, and accessories are all melted down and used to fuel the factory. Each death fuels the factory until only those made of metal remain. Metal blades grind, hammers pound against hot steel in sync, and the killing machine activates.

(I don't really have much to say about this theme, I just find it really enjoyable. We could go for classic fantasy monsters, but there's something about the cold and empty nature of machines that I feel would be much more terrifying to adventures.)
[X]The Abyss: in the debts of the ocean far from the light of the sun and the gods above lie strange lifeforms and stranger magics. This dungeon bring the darkness of the deep waters on the surface, to the horror of its dungeon's delvers.
[X] [The Broken Horizon] The Broken Horizon is a treacherous place, for it is formed of perpetually floating landmasses, small and large. Hurricane force Winds, massive thunderstorms and the constant smashing and rumbling of floating Islands colliding with eachover make it extremely dangerous, and that's without taking into account the numerous kinds of flying creatures.

Look, there's nothing more dangerous than gravity. We'll see those adventurers fly like little birdies when they get knocked off or grabbed and dropped by our monsters!
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[X] [Endless Hive] A series of dark tunnels and caverns forming a maze filled with infinite sounds of buzzing and skittering. A home of an uncountable number of insects and arachnids of all sizes and abilities that will feast on anything they might find.
[X] [Endless Hive] A series of dark tunnels and caverns forming a maze filled with infinite sounds of buzzing and skittering. A home of an uncountable number of insects and arachnids of all sizes and abilities that will feast on anything they might find.

I would enjoy being NOPE the dungeon. Plus, there's a lot you can do with insects if you go beyond the famous kinds.
[X] [Endless Hive] A series of dark tunnels and caverns forming a maze filled with infinite sounds of buzzing and skittering. A home of an uncountable number of insects and arachnids of all sizes and abilities that will feast on anything they might find.

I would enjoy being NOPE the dungeon. Plus, there's a lot you can do with insects if you go beyond the famous kinds.
Just saying Amilia but those aren't votes for anything quite yet, this is just a write in vote for voting for the actual themes.
[X] [The Flesh] Rivers of blood and bile, roots of bone, walls of warm flesh filled with puss, and with tunnels more like veins as the very structure pulses with the endless drumming of an unseen heart beat. What is this creature no one knows; is it the form of a slumbering god-beast or something stranger still. All people know is that there is value to be found with in it ever growing depths provided they can survive its horrors. For within its confines the very land comes alive to defend itself like an immune system attacking a infection, and if the body itself doesn't kill you the myriad of parasites and monsters will having grown strong and mutated from consuming the flesh of their home.
[X] [Classic] Who doesn't love a classic? Spiked ceilings, snake pits, sand traps, arrows in the wall, skeleton soldiers. Yea, the good stuff.

[X] [Puzzle-land] Puzzles and more puzzles. Everything is puzzles! You cant go five feet before being smacked in the face with another puzzle! And getting one wrong answer can be a death sentence. Will wear them out, both mentally and physically.
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[X] [Aberration] Beings warped by or birthed from forces that defy understanding. Aberration-themed creatures rarely stick to defined body plans and often exhibit malleability of form, but there are elements that stylistically unite them, such as an abundance of mouths or eyes and esoteric materials and properties (such as being partially made out of twisted space or phasing in and out of tangibility as they breathe). Despite their often disquieting or downright horrifying appearance, Aberrations rarely focus on being a primarily physical threat, relying more on abilities that affect the senses of their prey and even tampering directly with it's mind, closing in to finish disabled opponents. Aberration also tend to be rather sturdy, be it due to simple sturdiness, regeneration, or more esoteric defenses.
Particularly powerful Aberration may start to blur the line between reality and illusion, using the muddled perception of their enemies to twist space and time.
Approved. I can work with this.

[X] [A Holy Sanctuary Defiled] A beautiful forest area complete with mountains and lakes. It would be a beautiful sight, if not for the feeling of wrongness that affects all who enter, and the more observant might notice the odd details. This area filled with nature seems almost... artificial. As if each mountain, tree, and lake were specifically placed and made. The quiet of the forest is unnatural, as the lack of truly intelligent life shows itself, with no animals or creatures to be found. Yet, it always feels as if something is watching. With each step adventures take, the feeling of disgust fills the area more. As if the very land itself is judging them for what they are. Mortals with undeserved power. Adventures will find their divine blessings weakened here, for there is only one true god in this dungeon, and they will exterminate all mortals who dare to tread upon this holy ground.
Okay, indication on the minions would be appreciated, but I have an idea of what to do in case. Probably going on Planar Entities like D&D. Approved.

[X] [The Underground Factory] Deep within the dungeon, a factory ignites. Convery belts start to move, as materials are turned into monsters created with a single purpose in mind. The elimination of adventures. All to create a world for machines, and only machines. Although lacking in materials, the factory has ways of solving this issue. With each adventurer slain, the dungeon takes what they left behind. Weapons, armor, and accessories are all melted down and used to fuel the factory. Each death fuels the factory until only those made of metal remain. Metal blades grind, hammers pound against hot steel in sync, and the killing machine activates.
Approved, good idea for my steampunk aesthetic.

[X]The Abyss: in the debts of the ocean far from the light of the sun and the gods above lie strange lifeforms and stranger magics. This dungeon bring the darkness of the deep waters on the surface, to the horror of its dungeon's delvers.
Deep sea creatures? Approved.

[X] [The Broken Horizon] The Broken Horizon is a treacherous place, for it is formed of perpetually floating landmasses, small and large. Hurricane force Winds, massive thunderstorms and the constant smashing and rumbling of floating Islands colliding with eachover make it extremely dangerous, and that's without taking into account the numerous kinds of flying creatures.
Approved. The enemies will understand the gravity of the situation.

[X] [Endless Hive] A series of dark tunnels and caverns forming a maze filled with infinite sounds of buzzing and skittering. A home of an uncountable number of insects and arachnids of all sizes and abilities that will feast on anything they might find.
Ah yes, Deepnest from Hollow Knight. Approved.

[X] [The Flesh] Rivers of blood and bile, roots of bone, walls of warm flesh filled with puss, and with tunnels more like veins as the very structure pulses with the endless drumming of an unseen heart beat. What is this creature no one knows; is it the form of a slumbering god-beast or something stranger still. All people know is that there is value to be found with in it ever growing depths provided they can survive its horrors. For within its confines the very land comes alive to defend itself like an immune system attacking a infection, and if the body itself doesn't kill you the myriad of parasites and monsters will having grown strong and mutated from consuming the flesh of their home.
In another quest I'm planning to write again when I'll win my writer's block, I have something quite similar. Approved.

[X] [Classic] Who doesn't love a classic? Spiked ceilings, snake pits, sand traps, arrows in the wall, skeleton soldiers. Yea, the good stuff.
I mean, the classic are classic for a reason, so it's clearly approved.

[X] [Puzzle-land] Puzzles and more puzzles. Everything is puzzles! You cant go five feet before being smacked in the face with another puzzle! And getting one wrong answer can be a death sentence. Will wear them out, both mentally and physically.
I imagine this one more trap focused compared to other idea. I think I can make it work. Approved, but if you have some idea for minions and creature would be good.
[X] [Classic] Who doesn't love a classic? Spiked ceilings, snake pits, sand traps, arrows in the wall, skeleton soldiers. Yea, the good stuff.

Classic sounds fun, I don't think I've seen a vanilla dungeon core quest before.
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Voting is open