The End War - A Starcraft Commander Quest

At decisive points, you get to make tactical / strategic choices (write ins usually allowed, the choices I offer tend to be broad "themes" of how to approach a fight). The combination of choices you pick decides the outcome of skirmishes, and you're judged on certain hidden factors (is the mission on a timer? Is it a defensive mission? Did you focus on eco early on?) Think of it like a sequential and concurrent puzzle game in novel form, basically.

Sometimes there may be optimal choices. Sometimes, there are no good choices. But every choice matters, and can even affect outcomes several votes down the line.
Thank you, that level of depth sounds quite interesting, I wish you luck in pulling it off.
[X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
-[X] Land: 6
-[X] A generalist composition - No particular strengths or weaknesses, you're as vanilla as white bread
01: Skies Over Sky Shield
Under the reforms of Emperor Valerian, the battered Dominion fleets had been placed under the overall command of the newly appointed Admiral of the Fleet and former rebel, Matthew Horner. In practice, not a lot changed for Ward. He remained a respected sub-commander over Alpha Squadron and held command over its formidable spacefaring elements.

Those who remembered the days of the Confederacy still knew them by their old name: the Blood Hawks.

"it seems Moebius Corps has forgotten why we're called that," Ward said, standing on the deck of his flagship, behemoth-class battlecruiser Circe. Through the thick glass that separated the the heat of the bridge from the cold void of space, he surveyed the dark red hues of the enemy fleet arrayed against him.

"Are we sure they're hostile?" asked his second, Commodore Isabelle Knox, the proud white stripes of their insignia displayed on her uniform.

"When they start shooting, we'll be sure," Ward said.

"We've the numbers to beat them in a straight up fight, but they might still delay us long enough to scuttle Sky Shield," Knox said.

"Then we send a force in advance to take back the platform while our fleet engages theirs," Ward answered. "Once Sky Shield is back in our hands, we can use its ions guns against the enemy fleet and force them to fall back or fall apart. It doesn't matter to me which they choose." After a moment's pause, he added, "I'll be taking personal command of the expeditionary force."

Knox's brow shot up. "But sir, you're the commander of this fleet. Your place is here."

"My place is where I'm needed," Ward said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I have faith you'll be able to bloody our enemies without my oversight, but someone needs to go down there and ensure it isn't all for naught."

"We might not be able to support your operations once you land," Knox said.

"I'm aware of the risks," Ward said. "First in!"

"Last out!" Knox finished.

"You have the bridge, Commodore."

The battle began as it always did, with a messy splatter of Yamato plasma blasts on the black canvas of space. Rings of escort ships surged ahead; wraiths and vikings trading lasers and missiles with hostile fighters while the larger battlecruisers traded volleys with each other. Support corvettes and ravens weaved in and out of the battle lines, unleashing anti-armor missiles or sending out repair drones as the capital ships grinded each other down.

The expeditionary force launched from the Circe's hangars, a respectable mix of banshees, vikings, and whatever ground escorts they could scrounge up. They skirted the battle lines, going the long way around, but were largely unimpeded on their approach towards Sky Shield.

"Preparing bombing run," a banshee pilot said over the communicator.

Ward could see a projection of the waiting forces on the platform they'd chosen. It was severely lacking in anti-air, having a single missile turret and a pair of ghosts.

They were wiped out easily by a barrage from the banshees.

"Landing zone secured," Adjutant said. "Dropping ground escorts."

That went as well as could be expected. From the central location of Platform 1, the banshees would have a decent operational range, although a base facility would need to be set up to continue operating.

While waiting for the SCVs to finish, there were a number of options available to the forces at hand, or perhaps it would be best to double down on setting up the base to allow for even greater logistical capabilities later on?

[X] Make contact with friendlies to the southwest
[X] Scouting run on the surrounding platforms
[X] Repair and study the first atmospheric stabilizer
[X] Focus on expanding base facilities
@Halt I have a few questions I would like to know about our army.
1) Can our Liberators target buildings? and do they have the old Liberator Range upgrade?
2) In Wings of Liberty Campaign, Wraiths have a chance of incoming attacks to be negated while cloaked, do our Banshees have this or can be upgraded with something similar?
3) Do we have Regen Bio-Steel? Or still use Science Vessels for healing?
4) Do we use the same ships that Horner uses in Co-Op or are they vanilla Sky Terran?
5) What abilities does our BC have? Old Wings of Liberty with Defense Matrix and Missile Pods with Vanadium Plating(extra HP) or Ultracapacitors (extra attack speed)
@Halt I have a few questions I would like to know about our army.
1) Can our Liberators target buildings? and do they have the old Liberator Range upgrade?
2) In Wings of Liberty Campaign, Wraiths have a chance of incoming attacks to be negated while cloaked, do our Banshees have this or can be upgraded with something similar?
3) Do we have Regen Bio-Steel? Or still use Science Vessels for healing?
4) Do we use the same ships that Horner uses in Co-Op or are they vanilla Sky Terran?
5) What abilities does our BC have? Old Wings of Liberty with Defense Matrix and Missile Pods with Vanadium Plating(extra HP) or Ultracapacitors (extra attack speed)

1) Your Liberator equivalents are modified to be able to target buildings, though its primary use remains to be area denial.
2, 3, 5) These upgrades will become available later on. You do not use science vessels, but an alternative support ship which does have healing (alongside other buffing abilities).
4) Neither. I am working on a customized arsenal for this. It's primary differences from H&H Coop is the lack of cheaper merc units, and making sky terran more massable. In practical terms (e.g. if someone implemented this in the game), this means your early game is weaker, but you hit your late game compositions faster (assuming you've unlocked them all in story). Your ultra late game is weaker than some commanders, though you are very, very mobile as a trade off.
2, 3, 5) These upgrades will become available later on. You do not use science vessels, but an alternative support ship which does have healing (alongside other buffing abilities).
Would you be willing to share when we'll be able to start going for these sorts of upgrades, or is it too early for that?
01: Friends with Benefits
Victory began in the skies. It was a maxim as old as planes, for who hadn't dreamed of sailing the stars and skies as child?

Yet, there was always a need for boots on the ground. That much did not escape Ward, and that he did not have much of. It'd never been a particularly pressing issue until now. According to the Adjutant, there were friendlies present to the southwest-a special operative of some sort. He hadn't seen anything on his way down, which suggested they were on the ground and exactly what he needed to shore up his own compositions' weakness.

Plus it'd be a terrible waste of ammunition if they started shooting each other over a lack of communication. They had more than enough enemies as it was to shoot at.

Ward left some instructions to his staff over how the base ought to be setup, but for the most part left it in their hands. They were all professionals who'd been with him for decades; they knew how he liked his eggs scrambled.

"Ten-hut!" bellowed a sergeant by the markings on his chest.

"Sergeant Blackwell," the Adjutant helpfully provided through his earpiece. "Recently promoted for valorous actions during the Assault of Korhal."

Ward returned the salutes he received from his designated escorts. One of them held a dominion flag up high, hopefully to signal their intentions to would-be allies.

"Sergeant Blackwell, is it?" Ward asked as they strapped themselves into the medivac. "I hear you were promoted for Korhal."

"Sir, yes sir," replied Blackwell over the engines screams, allowing the spacecraft to achieve vertical lift. Their ship was sandwiched between a pair of vikings, while a cloaked banshee went ahead to scout the area and provide air support if things went sideways. "We helped Emperor Valerian evacuate civilians during the siege."

"Well deserved then." Ward nodded. He had some detachments stationed in the capital at the time, though his primary fleet was busy patrolling the frontier to participate in the battle which ousted the former Emperor. It had surprised everyone when the Queen of Blades hadn't killed him, though some suspected she'd just been sloppy. Arcturus Mengsk had been stuck in the Imperial Medward for weeks after the incident, and by the time he got out, Valerian's "coup" was over with.

Bullshit is what it was. People forgot or perhaps didn't know that Kerrigan had been a ghost once upon a time, one of the best of the Confederate spooks. They didn't make mistakes like that.

The most logical explanation was that Kerrigan and Valerian had made some sort of deal to remove Mengsk from power. The old Emperor had it coming really, and had become deeply unpopular after Arcturus' role in the Tarsonis affair was revealed. Ward shuddered. It'd taken weeks to quash the rioters on Korhal. He didn't sleep well at all that month, kept awake by dread and fear of orders that never came.

The medivac began to descend. It was a short enough trip if they'd gone on foot, and the only reason they'd used a medivac was over his staffers' fears of the worst case scenario. They worried too much, but then again, that's what they were paid to do.

The vikings too began to drop, parts shifting this way and that until they turned into a bipedal walkers. Then, the ramp opened and half the marines streamed out to check for active threats.

"We've gotten the all clear, sir," Blackwell said, cocking his rifle. "The local commander is here to meet with us."

Ward nodded, put on his officer's cap, and headed outside, flanked by his bodyguards. The commander was not what he expected.

She had blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, and wore a skinsuit that definitely wasn't standard issue for the Dominion, but one Ward had seen before. She's a ghost, he thought, body clenching up. "I'm Commander Ward of Alpha Squadron, responding to a distress call from Korhal."

She stared into Ward's eyes for a long while, before nodding. "The name's Nova." She kept her rifle pointed towards the ground and had her free hand on her hip. "Glad to see some reinforcements."

"Glad to see someone's still fighting," Ward replied. "As the senior ranking officer on the field, I'll be relieving you of command."

Nova arched a brow at him. "You must be confused. I don't fall under your command, you fall under mine. The Emperor's tasked me with securing this platform."

"Ghosts don't command," Ward said, frowning. It was against practice and good sense to let the Emperor's assassins boss around the army. There was an important balancing act between the senior officers and the ghosts to ensure neither branch of the military could pull off a coup against the Emperor.

"This ghost does."

Ward took a moment to consider the state of her men. They looked bruised, but in good shape considering how outnumbered and cut off they must have been. Special forces? It was a serious possibility. The chain of command dictated that he ought to have precedence, but if, if the Emperor had given an order, that could trump his status. Unfortunately, there was no way of reaching the Emperor at the moment, nor would he take this kind of interruption kindly.

[X] Insist on the Chain of Command
[X] Put yourself under Nova's command
[X] A compromise: Joint Commanders and Allies

"What's the situation here?" Ward asked.

She pushed a few buttons on her suit and projected a map for reference. "This is where we are now," she said, pointing to the south-central platform with a slender finger. "Sections one to five---" each area lit up in sequence, "are where the atmospheric stabilizers are located. We'll need to secure all of them before we crash and burn."

"Section one is that way?" Ward asked, pointing to where they'd landed. At Nova's nod, he continued, "In that case, it's already been secured. My men are establishing a base there as we speak."

"Efficient of you," Nova said. "Moebius Corp has two bases in the area they're operating out of, to the northwest and northeast. Intel suggests they're holding some of our scientists prisoners there. We'll need to wipe those out to make sure they can't cause further trouble after we've gotten things in order. Finally, we've got EMP scramblers in sections six, seven, and eight," she said, wincing. "They've done a number on my suits, and seems to disrupt cloaking tech. I'm not sure how they'd interact with your gear, but I'd advise caution moving through those zones."

"Taking them out would make our lives easier," Ward said, "but probably not the priority."

"Agreed," Nova said. "How many men do you have with you?"

"A few squads of marines," Ward said. "I've mostly got airpower with me. Vikings, banshees, wraiths, a few liberators and medivacs. The rest of my fleet is fighting for control over the surrounding space, so I wouldn't rely on them to provide us further support. How much time do we have left?"

"Not a whole lot," Nova said. "An hour tops, though any stabilizers we secure should buy us a bit more time."

Ward nodded. "A lot of ground to cover for an hour. Might be better for us to split up."

She considered the idea, seeming to reach the conclusion that it would let them sidestep the chain of command issue for the moment. "I'm fine with it, but are you sure? We're going into this outnumbered."

Questions of command aside, what that relationship translates to on the field will need some... clarity.

[X] Joint Operations - Combining your forces would make it stronger, but would also require both to agree on any plan. Delays could be deadly, but the potential for synergy was well worth the risk.
[X] Individual Operations - Keep your forces separate. This means two independent forces acting in cohesion, which could mean clearing out Sky Shield faster, or getting picked apart.
[X] Intermixed Forces - Ward has plenty of skypower. Nova's got boots on the ground. Mixing up compositions would allow for greater flexibility and allow each to to hold their own command.

A plan would also be needed.

[X] Death from Above - Use Ward's air superiority and central position to launch strafing runs on enemy positions
[X] Clear and Hold - concentrate forces in clearing out each platform and holding it against enemy counterattacks
[X] The Blitz - Clear out each platform, but there's no need to hold all of it. Just the objectives would be enough.
[X] Write-In

Would you be willing to share when we'll be able to start going for these sorts of upgrades, or is it too early for that?

At the earliest, when the Sky Shield Mission finishes, but it also depends on what routes you take.
God bless, I've been looking for a Starcraft 2 Quest that still updates. Or well, is brand new as seen right here. A shame that Mengsk is still alive, but this does take cues from Co-Op.

After completing the Nova Ops Campaign, I don't think Nova would take kindly to being under command of anyone who isn't the acting emperor. And we know she can definitely command her troops well. Soooo...

[ ] A compromise: Joint Commanders and Allies
[ ] Intermixed Forces - Ward has plenty of skypower. Nova's got boots on the ground. Mixing up compositions would allow for greater flexibility and allow each to to hold their own command.
[ ] Clear and Hold - concentrate forces in clearing out each platform and holding it against enemy counterattacks

The first pick is basically what Co-Op Commanders do anyways.
As funny as massing Banshee-Vikings would be to clear out bases, I'm not sure how well that would apply in reality. Marines can't take out a battlecruiser after all. A balanced comp would do well for army strength.
It's either this or Death from Above. Just blitzing and only going after the objectives might leave us open to counterattacks, which I am not comfy with.
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[X] A compromise: Joint Commanders and Allies
At least until we receive further confirmation of the Emperor's orders. We won't push them around, but neither will we let them do that to us.

[X] Intermixed Forces - Ward has plenty of skypower. Nova's got boots on the ground. Mixing up compositions would allow for greater flexibility and allow each to to hold their own command.
"Individual operations" would let us go faster... and perhaps get killed faster, too. "Intermixed forces" could shore up each other's weaknesses.

[X] The Blitz - Clear out each platform, but there's no need to hold all of it. Just the objectives would be enough.
A bit risky, but time is of the essence here. We can always mope down the remaining opposition after the countdown stops.
"Not a whole lot," Nova said. "An hour tops, though any stabilizers we secure should buy us a bit more time."
My main worry is if we run Joint command and Intermixed Forces we're going to have Nova giving one command, Ward giving another, and their two forces splitting up/not working together correctly as a result and taking unneeded damage because of it.
My main worry is if we run Joint command and Intermixed Forces we're going to have Nova giving one command, Ward giving another, and their two forces splitting up/not working together correctly as a result and taking unneeded damage because of it.
I think Joint Command is the best choice out of the three since it's basic Co-Op mode without stepping on any toes. But I'm open to changes in deployment of forces.
My main worry is if we run Joint command and Intermixed Forces we're going to have Nova giving one command, Ward giving another, and their two forces splitting up/not working together correctly as a result and taking unneeded damage because of it.

There'd be an implicit understanding that the forces "loaned" to the other commander fall under their purview entirely, until those are returned. It wouldn't be a case of two people trying to command the same force.
[X] A compromise: Joint Commanders and Allies
Ward knows how to use his army, Nova knew how to use her army. Best to have leaders that know what they are doing with their pieces.

[X] Intermixed Forces - Ward has plenty of skypower. Nova's got boots on the ground. Mixing up compositions would allow for greater flexibility and allow each to to hold their own command.

Joint Operations means we go Archon mode and that is just a disaster waiting to happen. Intermixed is Co-op so it will be much cleaner and not having to deal with conflicting orders.

[X] Death from Above - Use Ward's air superiority and central position to launch strafing runs on enemy positions

Strafing runs aren't going to do much good if the enemy just repairs and replaces their losses. Weakening the defenses so Nova can hold the ground is what this plan would most likely be. However Nova relies on her ship to fast travel her army to act as her defense and she didn't have that yet? If she did she could dump her army after we Strafe their defenses. Once that platform is clear we can deploy static defense with Liberators while Nova moves on to the next Stabilizer. However, when an enemy wave comes in to take back the Stabilizer, Nova would have to spend her Teleport to stop it and thus puts her on the other side of the platform with her ship on Cooldown causing delays.

[] Clear and Hold - concentrate forces in clearing out each platform and holding it against enemy counterattacks

This plan meant that Nova will have to do most of the heavy lifting in clearing up the bases which could work if she has Nukes, but with the EMP generators and loads of detection that might mean she couldn't get close enough to get a juicy hit so that not be an option.

[] The Blitz - Clear out each platform, but there's no need to hold all of it. Just the objectives would be enough.
Chances are Mobeius will send a unit to break a stabilizer at some point and drag the conflict on so this is the worst option.

So I come up with a combination plan of Clear and Hold and Death from Above.

[] Write In: Adaptable Air - Use Ward's central position and aerial superiority to launch strafing runs on enemy platform and weaken them enough for Nova to come in and pick everyone off. Once she cleared a platform have SCVs build defense, Liberators, Vikings, and Nova's Siege Tanks be deployed on the choke point of the Stabilizer, that should be able to handle any enemy strike team sent to take back the platform. While they defend, the Strafing Wing and Nova go to the next Platform. Repeat until the map is cleared.

I think is the best plan I can think of at the moment. We'll weaken the defenses, Nova clears anyone left, we'll land Vikings when there are no air units left and have Medivacs heal her Marines. Both of us send units to defend it. Repeat.

@Halt Can we make Widow mines? 3 Boosted Medivac Bombers with Drill Mines on top of enemy army would be extremely effective.
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[X] A compromise: Joint Commanders and Allies
[X] Intermixed Forces - Ward has plenty of skypower. Nova's got boots on the ground. Mixing up compositions would allow for greater flexibility and allow each to to hold their own command.
[X] Clear and Hold - concentrate forces in clearing out each platform and holding it against enemy counterattacks

Gonna formally input my vote here.
[X] A compromise: Joint Commanders and Allies
[X] Intermixed Forces - Ward has plenty of skypower. Nova's got boots on the ground. Mixing up compositions would allow for greater flexibility and allow each to to hold their own command.
[X] Clear and Hold - concentrate forces in clearing out each platform and holding it against enemy counterattacks