The End War - A Starcraft Commander Quest

02: Arrival on Augustgrad
02: Arrival on Augustgrad

For the second time in four hours, Ward found himself on a medivac transport heading into yet another hot zone. At least this time, they weren't in such a rush that they had to enter deployment through a dogfight and the Blood Hawks Fleet was able to liberate a landing zone with liberal use of munitions.

Unfortunately, most of the fleet was needed in a standoff against the Golden Armada to ensure they retained sufficient control in space. Not much point saving Augustgrad if Amon's lackeys retook Sky Shield and sent it hurtling down their heads again.

The base which Ward had established was situated to the southwest of Augustgrad, nearly opposite the Korhal Palace.

"Overhead flights indicate that three locations appear to have the greatest concentration of Moebius Corps' forces," Adjutant said. "These are marked P1 to P3 on your holographic display. Coincidentally, the shard-like structures have also been spotted in those areas."

"So whatever it is they're up to, they seem to have a vested interest in defending those structures," Ward said. "That means we have an interest in taking them down. Has reconnaissance been able to spot any other points of interest?"

"There have been reports of fighting deep within the heart of the city, but we have been unable to identify which force it is or make contact," Adjutant said.

"Are they doing okay?"

"Their defensive lines appear stable with only minor changes since we began reconnaissance activities in the area," Adjutant said. "To our immediate east, designated as E1 on the map, Moebius Corps appears to have a forward base from which they are operating from. It appears to be a new construction and is lightly defended for now. This would be an ideal location to expand resource extraction operations once we have secured it."

"Duly noted," Ward said. "Anything noteworthy about the enemy?"

"They appear to be using a heavy mech composition near the shards," Adjutant said. "In the denser urban areas, they've deployed infantry with only lighter mechanized elements and are engaged in door-to-door street fighting."

Ward winced. "That's going to get bloody fast for us." If this were an enemy city, this wouldn't be difficult at all as infantry wouldn't be able to stand up for long to a high intensity aerial bombardment.

The problem, of course, was that this wasn't an enemy city. The civilians that lived here were citizens of the Dominion. Bombing it indiscriminately would be a scandal as bad as Tarsonis was for Arcturus Mengsk. Relaying on his own infantry to clear the city section by section would be slow going, however. Perhaps if he managed to link up with the allied forces in the area, they'd be able to provide a better solution for him?

Before anything could be done however, he'd have to set up a base of operations. Additional ships and personnel could be deployed into the area, but without the proper logistics in place to support them, they'd quickly run out of steam and Ward wasn't in the habit of letting his men down like that.

Perhaps the only spot of good news to this was that he now had an expanded arsenal to work with, rather than being limited like he was on Sky Shield. His ground arsenal was, admittedly, nothing to brag about with a composition heavily around marines and marauders, some scouting hellions, and widow mines for added defense. His fleet tended not to carry any of the heavier mechanized assets around like thors or siege tanks in favor of more air power, and that might come back to bite him today.

But to compensate for that lack of mechanized ground assets were two air support ships. His raven was outfitted with air-to-air repair functions and defensive drones on top of its standard detection array, making it an excellent support vessel for his ships. It meant there wasn't much of a need for his aerial assets to have to return to base once ravens were mixed in with them.

Corvettes, on the other hand, were a new addition to the fleet and not one many other terran commanders thought to use as of now. It was his chief offensive support vessel, armed with anti-armor missiles, minesweeping lasers, and had the ability to deploy forward turrets. If he were expecting combat with the protoss, it was these ships he'd also be relying on to shoot down the small and fast interceptors that came with every protoss carrier as their rapid-fire lasers had proven quite proficient at that task in prior tests.

He might even be able to deploy a battlecruiser should infrastructure permit, although not calling in too many so as to not overly weaken his space fleet would have to be kept in mind.

Ward very much doubted Moebius Corps would have anything that could take down one of those save another battlecruiser, and he would have seen those by now if they had any. Even one would ensure he had free reign over the skies of Augustgrad.

5-Turn Macro Plan:

Resources Generated Per Turn: 1/3
Resources Available: 2

Expand Extraction Operations (1/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
  • New Extraction Location (2 Turns) - Increases Resource Generation Cap to 6, Increases maximum resources that can be spent on extraction operations to 2
  • Expand Production Facilities
    • Barracks (0) (1 Turn)
    • Starport (0) (2 Turns)
    • Factory (0) (1 Turn)
  • Produce Units (0/11) - No Production Facilities
  • Expand Research Facilities - No Production Facilities
    • Tech Lab (1 Turn)
    • Armory (2 Turns)
    • Fusion Core (2 Turns)
  • Fortify Area (1 Turn) - No Barracks, Must State Area
  • Field Upgrades (3 Turns) - No Research Facilities
    • Unit Specific Upgrades
    • Ship Weapons Upgrades (0/3)
    • Ship Armor Upgrades (0/3)
*Numbers in parenthesis indicative of current state of base (e.g. 1/3 means you have 1 command center, and are only mildly saturated)
*Production of units is in groups of units e.g. a squad of infantry, a flight of ships, a company of vehicles
*All macro actions require resources, including expanding
*Resources can be banked to be spent on a different turn
*Expand extract operations can be taken before clearing enemy units to tick down the turn thanks to being terran (floating CCs). It does not grand any additional resources until new base is secured however.

Action Plan:
[X] Prioritize the first shards in section P1
[X] Prioritize expanding extraction operations in E1
[X] Establish contact with allies in B2, using ships to bypass clusters of enemy defenses to do so
[X] Take a defensive stance
[X] Write In. You can vote to move out once you have army units produced.
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An interesting quest. I'm not sure I understand exactly how the macro plan works, so I'll leave that be, but for the action part of the plan, I'm leaning towards establishing contact: being able to coordinate is vitally important in these sorts of situations.
hmm, personally I want to prioritize expanding extraction operations in E1, then after we've got supplies secured move to meet up with the friendlies.
Does this work?
[] Plan Fast Expand
- [X] Turn 1
--Expand Extraction Operations (2/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
-- Starport (1) (2 Turns)
- [X] Turn 2
-- Expand Extraction Operations (3/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
-- Starport (2) (2 Turns)
- [X] Turn 3
-- Barracks (1) (1 Turn)
-- Produce Units (1/10) - Liberators
-- Expand Research Facilities - Tech Lab (1 Turn)
- [X] Turn 4
-- Produce Units (2/10) - Marines
-- Barracks (2) (1 Turn)
-- Produce Units (3/10) - Medivacs
- [X] Turn 5
-- Produce Units (5/10) - Marines
-- New Extraction Location (2 Turns) - Increases Resource Generation Cap to 6, Increases maximum resources that can be spent on extraction operations to 2
-[X] Prioritize expanding extraction operations in E1

What are unit specific upgrades that we have access to? Do we need to upgrade stim and Combat Shields? What about Infantry Upgrades? Do our Medivacs have double healing?
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Does this work?
[X] Plan Fast Expand
- [X] Turn 1
--Expand Extraction Operations (1/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
- [X] Turn 2
-- Expand Extraction Operations (2/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
-- Barracks (1) (1 Turn)
- [X] Turn 3
-- Barracks (1) (1 Turn)
-- Produce Units (10/10) - Marines
-- Starport (1) (2 Turns)
- [X] Turn 4
-- Expand Research Facilities - Tech Lab (1 Turn)
-- Produce Units (10/10) - Marines
-- Expand Extraction Operations (3/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
- [X] Turn 5
-- Produce Units (10/10) - Marines
-- Produce Units (5/10) - Medivacs
-- Produce Units (5/10) - Liberators
-- Produce Units (10/10) - Marauders
-- New Extraction Location (2 Turns) - Increases Resource Generation Cap to 6, Increases maximum resources that can be spent on extraction operations to 2
-[X] Prioritize expanding extraction operations in E1

What are unit specific upgrades that we have access to? Do we need to upgrade stim and Combat Shields? What about Infantry Upgrades? Do our Medivacs have double healing?

Pretty close!
Turn 1
-Expand Extraction Operations (2/3)
*The number in the parenthesis is indicative of the current state. So if you vote to expand operations, it is upgraded from 1/3 to 2/3.
*This also makes your vote to expand operations on Turn 4 invalid. You're already at 3/3 by that point, so you cannot go above it.
*You guys have an extra resource on turn 1 that can be banked or spent as a result of automated refineries, I'll make that clearer.

Turn 3
Produce Units (1/10) - Marines
Turn 4
Produce Units (2/10) - Marines
Turn 5
Produce Units (3/10) - Marines
Produce Units (4/10) - Medivacs
Produce Units (5/10) - Liberators (2 Turns)
Produce Units (6/10) - Marauders
*1/10 Marines is indicative of a squad of marines being produced, not 1 marine. Same with every other unit.
*Number in parenthesis is indicative of current state of affairs to help us keep count of supply
*Liberators are a Tier 3 Unit, and require 2 turns to produce

On turn 5 you also have 5 actions indicated, but only have at most 3 resources to spend.
New Extraction Locaiton also requires resources (basically building a command center). It's important to keep in mind basically every macro action has a resoure cost. As a Terran however, you can take the vote to expand even before clearing out the enemy base because you have the ability to float CCs, it just doesn't give you any additional resources until you can clear the enemy base (but does give you the ability to invest in more than 1 resource per turn on extraction - basically indicative of producing more SCVs).

Re: Upgrades
I'll work on getting out a full list, but yes everything you've listed there is available for upgrades.
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[X] Plan Ward's Early Game Build Order
- [X] Turn 1
--Expand Extraction Operations (2/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
-- Starport (1) (2 Turns)
- [X] Turn 2
-- Expand Extraction Operations (3/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
-- Barracks (2) (1 Turn)
- [X] Turn 3
-- Produce Units (1/11) - Banshees (1 Turn)
-- Expand Research Facilities - Tech Lab (1 Turn)
- [X] Turn 4
-- Produce Units (2/11) - Marines
-- Field Upgrades (3 Turns) - Stim Pack
-- New Extraction Location (2 Turns) - Increases Resource Generation Cap to 6, Increases maximum resources that can be spent on extraction operations to 2
- [X] Turn 5
-- Produce Units (3/11) - Medivacs
-- Produce Units (4/11) - Marauders
[X] Write In:
- Use Banshees to Scout P1 and E1
- If there are no detection on P1, destroy shard and attack any incoming attack waves
- If there is no detection on E1, clear the raze the base
- If there is detection, focus on the other location.
- By Turn 6 use MMM to clear E1 if it wasn't cleared yet.

Goal is to make an army fast so we can start getting scouting info and maybe start dealing damage to stuff or defend against attack while we get our infrastructure set up and get that expansion and get 6 resources per turn to spend. We'll build our 2nd base at turn 4 and fly it over at Turn 6 while the ground army is clear the expansion. Once we have an expansion we send a medivac to make contact with B2 while the army goes on to clear P1. Alternatively, we can go to P1 first to make sure we have time since this is the Void Shard mission. The Comp is MMM with Banshee support before going full Sky Terran with BCs and a couple of Vikings.

@Halt A couple more questions
What about Mules? do we get an extra Resource Point for each Orbital Command due to dropping Mules?
Can we scan P1 to see how heavily defended it will be?
Can we also get our full list of units and what their requirements are? I want to know if we can rush Banshees for early game defense attack?
Can we over saturate SCVs on 1 base and then transfer them to the new base once its secured to also speed up the time to get fully saturated on 2 bases?
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[X] Plan Fast Expand v2
- [X] Turn 1
--Expand Extraction Operations (2/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
-- Starport (1) (2 Turns)
- [X] Turn 2
-- Expand Extraction Operations (3/3) (1 Turn) - Increases Number of Resources Generated Each Turn (Max 1 can be invested in this action each turn)
-- Barracks (2) (1 Turn)
- [X] Turn 3
-- Produce Units (1/11) - Liberators (2 Turn)
-- Barracks (3) (1 Turn)
-- Expand Research Facilities - Tech Lab (1 Turn)
- [X] Turn 4
-- Produce Units (2/11) - Marines
-- Produce Units (3/11) - Marines
--Field Upgrades (3 Turns) - Stim Pack
- [X] Turn 5
-- Produce Units (4/11) - Medivacs
-- Produce Units (5/11) - Marauders
-- Produce Units (6/11) - Marines
-[X] Prioritize expanding extraction operations in E1

Goal is to make an army fast so we can get that expansion and get 6 resources per turn to spend. We'll build our 2nd base at turn 6 while our Infantry clear the expansion. Once we have an expansion we send a medivac to make contact with B2 while the army goes on to clear P1. Alternatively, we can go to P1 first to make sure we have time since this is the Void Shard mission. The Comp is MMM Liberator before going full Sky Terran with BCs and a couple of Vikings.

@Halt A couple more questions
What about Mules? do we get an extra Resource Point for each Orbital Command due to dropping Mules?
Can we scan P1 to see how heavily defended it will be?
Can we also get our full list of units and what their requirements are? I want to know if we can rush Banshees for early game defense attack?
Can we over saturate SCVs on 1 base and then transfer them to the new base once its secured to also speed up the time to get fully saturated on 2 bases?

At this point in time you do not have orbitals yet, but once you unlock it you will be able to make a choice for each orbital as to whether you want an extra resource or a scan each turn.

Full list of units can be found in the Appendix page under Informational.

You can oversaturate by investing in expanding extraction operations above the cap, which will not grant you more resources until you secure the new expansion and finish a new base (new extraction location)
According to the Appendix Libs require Armory so I can't build them yet. I'll switch to Banshees and also the extra resource of T2 is very noticeable on 1 base. Made the necessary changes to the plan and used the Write in option for the Action Plan.

@Halt Can a Barrack build a Tech Lab once a Starport is finished? or can it be built at the same time as when the SP is producing units?
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According to the Appendix Libs require Armory so I can't build them yet. I'll switch to Banshees and also the extra resource of T2 is very noticeable on 1 base. Made the necessary changes to the plan and used the Write in option for the Action Plan.

@Halt Can a Barrack build a Tech Lab once a Starport is finished? or can it be built at the same time as when the SP is producing units?
A barracks can build a tech lab once the starport is finished. It cannot be built while the starport is producing units