The Dragon Roars: A KMT Quest

[X] [RINGLEADER] Hold a Military Tribunal
[X] KMT - Mainline

This is a Military Matter therefore the Military should deal with it. Really would like it if people stop trying to start incidents and similar things.

Also, we need to demobilize next turn, if only to make sure that the conscripts don't get too angry. Which means the tentative plan is Education, Demobilization, and Integration of some provinces.
[X] [RINGLEADER] Hold a Military Tribunal
[X] KMT - Mainline

Nope sorry. If we do the last option other groups will copy them, not just now but in any future conditions. In addition, the NRA will be pissed off with 2 and 3, and I don't trust info not to leak. This is probably one of the most acceptable times to do a military trial, and the only time more acceptable would be a direct war.
[X] [RINGLEADER] Hold a Military Tribunal
[X] KMT - Mainline
[X] [RINGLEADER] Hold a Military Tribunal
[X] KMT - Revolutionary Group
If anyone can do whatever they want, then we have already lost.

[X] [RINGLEADER] Hold a Military Tribunal
[X] KMT - Mainline

Firing squads are almost certain... Maybe they get to live, somehow?
Firing squads are almost certain... Maybe they get to live, somehow?
That would be the "Send them to Prison." option. Bah. This is not at all a pragmatic choice and I'm not asking anyone else to vote for it, but my distaste for capital punishment compels me to switch my vote to it as a protest vote.
[X] [RINGLEADER] Send Them to Prison.
[X] KMT - Mainline
There is no military in human history where the Ringleader gets to live.

Even if they get to sent to prison, they'll just "trip" and fall on a few dozen bullets. Complete accident of course. If you are gonna rebel, you better win.
I'm hardly salivating for it? Just a lot of people have previously voiced that they don't like the party system and that would clear that stuff out of the way and return to internal factions. Literally "some benefits" as I wrote as opposed to total loss.

we are playing as the KMT. if the KMT loses power the quest ends
[X] [RINGLEADER] Hold a Military Tribunal
[X] KMT - Mainline

If we want to demobilize without upsetting the army we do it next turn when it's a civilian matter. This is a military matter, so let them hold the tribunal.
we are playing as the KMT. if the KMT loses power the quest ends
The NRA is the military wing of the KMT. The NRA is not the Chinese Army, it's the KMT's army. That's why this vote is only involving us as the KMT and not the nation at large. So we could probably keep playing if the NRA coups us as that is still the KMT and will still have some factionality although there will be a greater junta-ness about it. We would be toast though if a successful coup is launched by like a KMT skeptic warlord or the ZRF or something.
The NRA is the military wing of the KMT. The NRA is not the Chinese Army, it's the KMT's army. That's why this vote is only involving us as the KMT and not the nation at large. So we could probably keep playing if the NRA coups us as that is still the KMT and will still have some factionality although there will be a greater junta-ness about it. We would be toast though if a successful coup is launched by like a KMT skeptic warlord or the ZRF or something.

We would be toast if the KMT was instituted as the republic's one party dictatorship too, Zhili is feeding our nation, supplies our entire industrial base and forms half of our military potential