I feel like I'm one of the few people who found this trailer really underwhelming. Aquakhal just came across as 'trying way too hard to be Thor', Batman delivering 'my superpower is being rich' with a weird mixture of po-faced seriousness and turn-to-camera winking... it just comes across as desperate. I'm probably one of the few people who preferred the original ComicCon Suicide Squad trailer that showed a dark and dangerous group of lunatics rather than the Queen 'humour everywhere' trailer, and I think the same mistake is being made here, trying to chase lightheartedness without any idea of how to actually do it. BvS and Man of Steel didn't suck cause they were dark and washed out (though that didn't help) they sucked cause they were poorly edited messes that didn't make any sense, and injecting humour into the mixture won't save the universe from being a mess.
Man of Steel was very good. Suicide Squad was..... all right. I haven't seen the Director's Cut of it yet, but I hear it's a vast improvement.

Batman v Superman was ok, better in the Director's Cut, but that cut couldn't fix some of the biggest flaws, like killing off Superman in the second movie. That really should have been like 8 or 9 movies into the franchise, when we might actually wonder if they might let it stick. As is, they completely wasted Doomsday.
While I agree that they pulled the Death of Superman too early, they didn't waste Doomsday. Doomsday is just a wlking plot device. He can't be wasted
Man of Steel was very good. Suicide Squad was..... all right. I haven't seen the Director's Cut of it yet, but I hear it's a vast improvement.

Batman v Superman was ok, better in the Director's Cut, but that cut couldn't fix some of the biggest flaws, like killing off Superman in the second movie. That really should have been like 8 or 9 movies into the franchise, when we might actually wonder if they might let it stick. As is, they completely wasted Doomsday.
Superman will never stay dead. It's foolish to think he would. This way they can actually get Cavill to do more movies afterwards without him being sick of it or too old to play the part.
Every little bit of vision and style Snyder has is an achievement of authors far superior to him, so you're better off reading comic books. Ayer is just empty in terms of ideas.

Man of Steel's visual storytelling was absolutely top-notch, and Batman versus Superman managed it as well in a way that only the absolute best Marvel movies even approach in terms of visual weight. In terms of plot, no, they're not great, but Man of Steel definitely blew things like Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man out of the water in selling the fact that yes, you need the main character to take on the evil supervillainy menace. Batman v. Superman's everything else was weak but it still managed to keep the same level of visual impact.

Synder has consistently been very, very good at visuals from the word 'go', and it's depressing that because he's weak in other areas people bend over backwards to decide to not give him any credit on the things he's strong on.
Eh, visuals would be better if colors weren't so washed out and drab. Superman is supposed to be a bright symbol of hope, Aquaman is associated with bright orange and/or green, etc. The visuals are OK, but the dark tones to them turn me away and make me care less.
Zack Snyder Steps Down From 'Justice League' to Deal With Family Tragedy
"Zack Snyder Steps Down From 'Justice League' to Deal With Family Tragedy

Snyder tells The Hollywood Reporter he is stepping away from Justice League, Warner Bros.' all-star DC Comics superhero mega-movie that is in post-production, in order to deal with the sudden death of his daughter. Snyder's wife, Deborah Snyder, who is a producer on Justice League, also is taking a break to focus on the healing of their family.

Stepping in to shepherd the movie through post and the shooting of some additional scenes will be Joss Whedon, the Avengers filmmaker and creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With Whedon's help, the movie is still on track for its Nov. 17 release date."

My heart goes out to the Snyders but I cannot deny, on a purely selfish fan level, this worries and saddens me.

But their lives and feelings matter more than mine ever will. I hope everything turns out well for everyone, basically.
Synder has consistently been very, very good at visuals from the word 'go', and it's depressing that because he's weak in other areas people bend over backwards to decide to not give him any credit on the things he's strong on.
I can't agree. Snyder is a strong aestheticist in his wheelhouse (eg 300) but the man has no fucking idea how to adapt his style to the given film he's going for. He has no dexterity. It's like, let's say you're the best cook in the world for scrambled eggs. Congrats, that's a big achievement (I genuinely don't mean to downplay that!), but that doesn't make you any less bad a chef when you try and prepare filet mignon like it's fucking eggs you know?

With all that said, though, my heart goes out to the man and his family. I wish them peace and time to mourn.
Man of Steel's visual storytelling was absolutely top-notch, and Batman versus Superman managed it as well in a way that only the absolute best Marvel movies even approach in terms of visual weight. In terms of plot, no, they're not great, but Man of Steel definitely blew things like Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man out of the water in selling the fact that yes, you need the main character to take on the evil supervillainy menace. Batman v. Superman's everything else was weak but it still managed to keep the same level of visual impact.

Synder has consistently been very, very good at visuals from the word 'go', and it's depressing that because he's weak in other areas people bend over backwards to decide to not give him any credit on the things he's strong on.
Like with all visual medium (cartoon, anime, comics, light novels, videogames, etc), good or even great visuals don't mean anything if you have a weak, inconsistent, boring, or all of the above plot.
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Please lord, less Affleck actor more director. And Terry McGuiness would be great, although he always looked Asian to me in the show so they could totally cast Donnie Yen