I actually find the DC movies a lot more interesting (not better, more interesting) than the Marvel ones because the Marvel ones tend to be pretty tightly constructed.

It's really interesting to watch the DC ones because of their flaws-you can see that there's this grand artistic vision and style that their asses can't quite cash but when it works it works.
....even Suicide Squad? Really?
You know, as time goes on, Batfleck grows more and more on me. He's the somewhat-cranky older guy in the group, and I find myself identifying more and more with that perspective.

Also his superpower is money.
...sad to say, I kinda want Power Rangers to do better than this movie. Also, Aquaman actually does remind me a bit of his Brave and the Bold version, which is a good thing.
This trailer is garbage wtf are you all about.

What we have here is something in-between the colorblind version of Avengers and another bunch of origin stories crammed together for space. God fucking dammit DC, do you ever learn?
It's really interesting to watch the DC ones because of their flaws-you can see that there's this grand artistic vision and style that their asses can't quite cash but when it works it works.

Every little bit of vision and style Snyder has is an achievement of authors far superior to him, so you're better off reading comic books. Ayer is just empty in terms of ideas.

I mean this is already more interesting than anything Marvel's pushed out since Winter Soldier, so.
I guess, as long as you don't know what any of those words actually mean and are just throwing them around.
No arguments, eh? Okay then.

The trailer's focus on inter-heroic banter and jokes, the main conflict being triggered by a disposable army of mooks with Big Evil Alien Overlord leading them and a superhero team assembling in response to their attack, the action being filmed with disposable mooks and an enormous shit-ton of CGI on everything make Justice League an Avengers' copypaste in terms of tone, conflict and action.

If you wish to prove that Justice League isn't a copypaste, please provide a counter-argument to everything I wrote above.
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No arguments, eh? Okay then.

The trailer's focus on inter-heroic banter and jokes, the main conflict being triggered by a disposable army of mooks with Big Evil Alien Overlord leading them and a superhero team assembling in response to their attack, the action being filmed with disposable mooks and an enormous shit-ton of CGI on everything make Justice League an Avengers' copypaste in terms of tone, conflict and action.

If you wish to prove that Justice League isn't a copypaste, please provide a counter-argument to everything I wrote above.
I can't because I haven't seen the fucking movie yet, and neither have you. You can't possibly discuss tone, action or conflict from 2 minutes of disconnected trailer footage. I mean I guess you could if you were willing to be totally wrong about everything. Maybe wait on the criticism until after the film has come out? So that there can be an actual discussion rather than needlessly trying to start a fight.
You can't possibly discuss tone, action or conflict from 2 minutes of disconnected trailer footage.

Being able to discuss tone, action and conflict before the movie comes out is the very reason trailers exist. Trailers are made specifically so that viewers could evaluate the movie before its release, and because of that trailers showcase the strongest aspects of the movie without spoiling the plot beforehand. Saying «we can't judge movies based on a trailer» is contrary to the very purpose of movie trailer — to have the movie judged.

Also? Weeks, months of work are put into making the trailers concise, coherent and able to leave a lasting impression. So, unless you want to insult JL's trailer and say it's really bad, calling it «disconnected trailer footage» is not what you want to say here.

Now, if you still want to prove Justice League isn't a copypaste, please provide a counter-argument to everything I wrote in the previous post.
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Being able to discuss tone, action and conflict before the movie comes out is the very reason trailers exist. Trailers are made specifically so that viewers could evaluate the movie before its release, and because of that trailers showcase the strongest aspects of the movie without spoiling the plot beforehand. Saying «we can't judge movies based on a trailer» is contrary to the very purpose of movie trailer — to have the movie judged.
No they're fucking ads for the film. They're not about critically judging a film, they're about making people want to spend money on the product. They're no different than every other ad you see on tv. Trailers are not about critically assessing a film, they're about generating interest and getting people to want to buy tickets.
No they're fucking ads for the film. They're not about critically judging a film, they're about making people want to spend money on the product. They're no different than every other ad you see on tv. Trailers are not about critically assessing a film, they're about generating interest and getting people to want to buy tickets.
Trailers are made specifically so that viewers could evaluate the movie before its release, and because of that trailers showcase the strongest aspects of the movie without spoiling the plot beforehand.
Please read before knee-jerking, Volant, you are just repeating my post with different words, and none of it disproves what I'm saying here.

Look at the bolded part. Yes, the trailers are ads, but much like ads are meant to give you reasons for buying the advertised stuff, the trailers are meant to give you reasons for watching the advertised work. Thus, both ads and trailers focus on what might interest you — show the specifics of their product, focus on their strongest points, push a certain narrative, give you an impression of what the movie is going to be. Justice League trailer is selling yourself to you with humor (Batman's joke is one of the highest points of the trailer), CGI-filled action (around half the trailer is people punching out stuff) and a fabula that consists of disposable army of mooks with Big Evil Alien Overlord leading them and a superhero team assembling in response to their attack (well, the plot). All these points are the very same points Avengers was selling itself to people with.

Also, here's a question — if you believe trailers aren't meant for judging movies, why don't you go and tell Voikirium he hass no right to judge JL as superior to anything MCU? I doubt he saw the movie yet.

Also, if you still want to prove Justice League isn't a copypaste, please provide a counter-argument to everything I wrote here.

EDIT: If you're writing a reply I'll get to it later. Good night everyone!
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Look at the bolded part. Yes, the trailers are ads, but much like ads are meant to give you reasons for buying the advertised stuff, the trailers are meant to give you reasons for watching the advertised work. Thus, both ads and trailers focus on what might interest you — show the specifics of their product, focus on their strongest points, push a certain narrative, give you an impression of what the movie is going to be. Justice League trailer is selling yourself to you with humor (Batman's joke is one of the highest points of the trailer), CGI-filled action (around half the trailer is people punching out stuff) and a fabula that consists of disposable army of mooks with Big Evil Alien Overlord leading them and a superhero team assembling in response to their attack (well, the plot). All these points are the very same points Avengers was selling itself to people with.
OK. That doesn't mean that they're all that similar in tone, action or conflict. After all stripped down to the most basic elements like that BvS and Civil War are basically the same film (heroes are manipulated into fighting each other by a third party. The conflict was driven by the large scale destruction of a city due to a superhero fight. ect.) but in actual practice the movies were nothing alike. Same situation here. Everything you just listed could apply to most every superhero film in the last decade or so.

More directly the movie itself might have far fewer jokes than the trailer lets on but since the major criticism of BvS was that it was too dark and had no humor they might be trying to sell people on the idea that they've changed that, when in actually fact the movie might be more serious in tone.

Also, here's a question — if you believe trailers aren't meant for judging movies, why don't you go and tell Voikirium he hass no right to judge JL as superior to anything MCU? I doubt he saw the movie yet.

I mean this is already more interesting than anything Marvel's pushed out since Winter Soldier, so.
Maybe hold off on the hype, DC needs to earn some actual trust from people first. Let the movie come out before saying it's better than Marvel's stuff.
Lord knows I've been fooled both ways by trailers in the past but in five years D.C. has not given me a single reason to think this will be good so I'm not inclined to be charitable to this trailer.
Lord knows I've been fooled both ways by trailers in the past but in five years D.C. has not given me a single reason to think this will be good so I'm not inclined to be charitable to this trailer.
Well I mean Man of Steel and Suicide Squad were both serviceable films. I'm hoping they can at least pull off Wonder Woman before I really start to look forward to their movies though.