The Crisis of Modernity: New World Order


Well, Argentina does not buy Venezuela's oil reserves and if you say you can reduce tariffs for us, then I have an interest in buying some of your oil reserves.

Excellent, we can also invest in your port facilities at the Canal, if that is alright. In addition, we are considering selling some of our Wolf-class destroyers. Would you like to purchase one?

Excellent, we can also invest in your port facilities at the Canal, if that is alright. In addition, we are considering selling some of our Wolf-class destroyers. Would you like to purchase one?


Yes, I would definitely agree an invest in my port facilities on the Canal and yes I would also like to buy one of your destroyers if that is possible.
From: Prince Yasuhito, Interim Regent of the Empire of Japan
To: Franz Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Jerusalem, Croatia, Dalmatia, Bohemia, Galicia-Lodomeria, etc

The Emperor and myself send the deepest condolences to your imperial highness on your tragic loss, if there is anything we can do to aid you in this dark time you need only ask
To:Emperor Franz Ferdinand
From: Prime Minister Jan Smuts

We the people of South Africa offer our deepest condolences for Duchess Sophie may she Rest In Peace.
From: King Vittorio Emmanuel III
To: Archduke Franz Ferdiand of Austria-Hungary @The Lone Taco

My most profound and deepest condolences for the passing of your wife. Hopefully the scoundrels who perpetuated this attack will be punished. Let it be known that we will keep our eyes open in our frontier to catch these bastards.

From: Kingdom of Italy
To: Italians living in Austria-Hungary @The Lone Taco


Did any of you had anything to do with this? Even if you haven't just remember Mother Italy is here to help you.
To: The Ottoman Empire, Iran, and the Kingdom Of Netherlands @bigseb31213 @Altzek @firepelt123
From: The German Empire


Grüße aus dem Deutsches Kaiserreich.

We are interested in increasing our national oil reserves for the sake of a... project, that we are working on. As such we are looking to negotiate trade deals for increased oil shipments. Additionally, while we understand that such large-scale shipments by definition cannot be kept secret, we would prefer as little attention be drawn to these deals as possible until we are ready to publicly reveal the project. Our hope is that it will be ready for large-scale production sometime in the next two years.


From: The Ottoman Empire

We would be happy to supply you with the fuel. However, the likelihood of it being kept secret for more than perhaps a year or so is low. We have ways of concealing the increased production - falsely reporting that new wells have not yet begun to produce, for example - but it goes without saying that such subterfuge would require a premium paid to offset risk. If you can agree to that, we have a deal

To: Ottoman Empire @bigseb31213
From: Bulgaria

Though we may have had our differences in the past, the Bulgarian government wishes to assure our neighbor that the grievances of the past shall remain in the past. We hope that you feel the same way, and that we may work together for our common interests should any situation arise where that is needed. Neither of us is inclined towards foreign domination, and we may be able to work together in that regard.

From: The Ottoman Empire

We are glad that our friendship can remain strong. We see our partnership with Bulgaria as an important link in both our security and economic prosperity.
To: Austria-Hungary @The Lone Taco
From: Bulgaria

Our condolences on the death of Duchess Sophie. It was a needless tragedy and we are glad those responsible have been brought to Justice (and that the Emperor is safe)

Austria thanks you for your kindness.

To: Farmer's Party of Albania @The Lone Taco
From: Bulgaria

We'll have a bottle of fine Albanian wine, if you please. We are glad to have your support in ensuring a bright future for the Albanian people


Absolutely, let us toast to our prosperous partnership.

From: President Heitor Martinez of Argentina
To: Emperor Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary @The Lone Taco

On behalf of the Argentine Government I send you my condolences for the death of your Emperor wife, I hope that those responsible for this act of terror will be caught and brought to justice soon.

We thank you for your kind words.

From: King Vittorio Emmanuel III
To: Archduke Franz Ferdiand of Austria-Hungary @The Lone Taco

My most profound and deepest condolences for the passing of your wife. Hopefully the scoundrels who perpetuated this attack will be punished. Let it be known that we will keep our eyes open in our frontier to catch these bastards.

Thank you, it warms our hearts that despite our checkered past we can come together against barbarity.

From: Kingdom of Italy
To: Italians living in Austria-Hungary @The Lone Taco


Did any of you had anything to do with this? Even if you haven't just remember Mother Italy is here to help you.

From: Italian Nationalist Groups


Not at all... it was some brain dead communists.
Deutsches Kaiserreich - 1927

Name: The German Empire
Head of State: Kaiser Wilhelm III
Head of Government: Herman Müller
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 65,365,900
Capital: Berlin


Internal Events:

-Germany has watched the events of last year overseas with unease. The attempted revolutions in the USA and the CSA, coupled with the even more recent attempt on the life of Emperor Franz Ferdinand, have unnerved many, and there has been a degree of outcry against the steadily growing syndicalist and communist movements. The response from the German left has been mixed, with those who have found legislative success seeking to distance themselves from acts of violence so as to retain that success and those which have not very pointedly refusing to publicly condemn the acts.

The SPD held a meeting not long into 1927 to determine what should be done in order to ensure that such things would not occur in the Kaiserreich. Many called for an alliance with right-wing elements to suppress the movements, as even before these events there was little lost love between the capitalist and corporatist German upper classes and the leftmost aspects of German politics. Many more others disagreed, however; memories of the Silent Dictatorship and its political repression are still fresh in the mind and there is precious little desire to begin to return to a political state resembling that outside the rightmost fringes.

The decision was eventually reached that an attempt would be made to undercut the movements by moving to address the issues that they were built upon, although it was not accepted without a good deal of grumbling. To that end the SPD has begun to reach out to the legislatively significant left-wing parties with the possibility of a coalition government, exchanging increased worker protection laws and limited union rights for aid in the SPD's immediate agenda of restructuring and stabilizing the German political sphere and reducing the military's role in internal politics.

When questioned on these matters, the only comment offered by Kaiser Wilhelm III was, "It is a terrible thing for one to kill one's countryman over money." The protection detail assigned to the Kaiser and his family has been increased after the assassination attempt in Austria.

@The Lone Taco

Economic Status:
-Germany has grown to become an economic powerhouse since the Weltkrieg, with a solid industrial sector and with Berlin coming to contain a multitude of banks and financial institutions - the Berlin Stock Exchange is easily among the busiest in the world. But the cost of this is a very laissez-fair economy that enables corporations and their wealthy owners at the expense of the common citizen as often as not.


Das Deutsches Heer:

  • 900,000 active-duty troops
  • 1,800,000 reservists
  • 1,000 tanks

Die Hochseeflotte
  • 24 battleships
  • 5 carriers
  • 8 battlecruisers
  • 16 heavy cruisers
  • 34 light cruiser
  • 136 destroyers
  • 224 torpedo boats
  • 63 submariners
  • 4 armored airships

Die Deutsches Luftwaffe
  • 1,400 fighters
  • 1,000 light/medium bombers
  • 600 heavy bombers
  • 16 armored airships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
-Leader of Mitteleuropa
-Significant power of the Imperial Alliance, to the extent that it still exists
-Imperial controller of German Mittelafrika


From: The German Empire
To: The Austro-Hungarian Empire
@The Lone Taco

You have our greatest sympathies for the tragedy that befell your nation recently. Austro-Hungary is a friend of Germany; if you find yourselves in need of aid you need but to ask.

To: Germany @Interested Party

So, has the deal been completed? If so, we require the demo.


Apologies, there was something of a bureaucratic mishap domestically that rather preoccupied our attentions for a brief while. Someone managed to drop a digit on our national population figures in various important forms and it took us until the end of the year to notice, and the panic to work out why more recent forms were indicating that the national population had decreased to a tenth of its former size was rather all-consuming for a time. But we doubt you care overmuch about that.

In any case, we do find your proposed terms acceptable. We shall organize the demonstration as soon as is possible.


From: The Ottoman Empire

We would be happy to supply you with the fuel. However, the likelihood of it being kept secret for more than perhaps a year or so is low. We have ways of concealing the increased production - falsely reporting that new wells have not yet begun to produce, for example - but it goes without saying that such subterfuge would require a premium paid to offset risk. If you can agree to that, we have a deal


Of course, large-scale shipments of the sort we are looking into can hardly be expected to be kept a perfect secret. We are looking more for... discretion, for lack of a better term. And we are willing to pay somewhat above market price for that.
Russia in Revolution 1915-1921
A Chronology

1915: Russia enters the Weltkrieg on the side of the Marseilles Compact, honoring the Franco-Russian Entente. Despite successful initial offensives in Galicia, Russian forces are dealt a decisive blow at the Battle of Tannenburg.

1916: The Imperial Alliance launches a major Eastern offensive, pushing the Russians out of Galicia and securing all of Poland by the end of the year, forming a front-line from Riga to Ternopol in Western Ukraine. Despite pressure, Tsar Nicholas II retains his cousin, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, as Commander-in-Chief at STAVKA, although he increases his personal involvement all the same.

1917: The Brusilov Offensive marks the high-point of Russian wartime success, with the Austro-German forces pushed back in a dramatic summer offensive. The offensive convinces Romania to join the war on the Entente's side, but is quickly stalled and the front-line stalemate resumed. In December, Rasputin is murdered by a conspiracy of officers and nobles led by Prince Felix Yusupov, who feared the cleric's influence on the government was undermining the war effort.

1918: Reacting to Rasputin's murder, Nicholas II comes to terms with the 'Progressive Bloc' in the Duma, which had been instigating for a more intensified war effort. Guchkov is appointed Premier, and organizes a major revitalization of war industry. Nevertheless, Grand Duke Nikolai resists his calls for a renewed offensive on the front.


February - When Nicholas II adds his voice to the growing calls for an offensive, Grand Duke Nikolai is no longer able to resist. The subsequent 'February Offensive' is a complete disaster, and results in the collapse of a great portion of the Imperial Russian Army. Riga is lost, and the Germans push into Belarus, Ukraine, and the Baltics.

March - The German Offensive continues as Kiev and Minsk falls to the Imperial Alliance. By the end of the month Narva, the last obstacle before St. Petersburg, has fallen.

April - Nicholas II, having fled the capital to his palace at Tsarkoye Selo, resolves to seek terms upon the advice of Grand Duke Nikolai. The front somewhat stabilizes, but the Russian position is clearly untenable. An armistice is concluded on 24th April, and is condemned by Russia's wartime allies.

May - As negotiations commence in Brest-Livtosk, government authority begins to unravel. Labour Day Riots occur in St. Petersburg and Moscow, with troops deployed to the streets. Peasant uprisings commence as veterans return from the front, speaking of their wartime horrors and the defeat of Russia on the front-line. As in 1905, workers and soldiers Soviets emerge.

June - When the negotiations for peace break down at Brest-Livtosk, a brief resumption of hostilities, the 'June Offensive', sees German forces reach the outskirts of St. Petersburg. During this period, the German government permits the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin to return to Russia in the hope of weakening the Tsarist government further, arriving on the 21st. By the end of the month, Nicholas II gives in and consents to the harsher German terms.

July - On July 8, The Treaty of Brest-Livtosk is officially signed and announced. On the same day, Lenin leads a vast force of striking workers on the Winter Palace, demanding All Power to the Soviets. The Cossacks guarding the Palace side with the workers, and the Palace is stormed. Thus the July Revolution begins. Over the following days, the workers seize much of the rest of St. Petersburg, with only a Tsarist garrison in the Peter and Paul Fortress holding out, while the sailors at Kronstadt would mutiny and join the Revolution. Rebellions commence in Moscow, Kazan and other major cities, while the peasant insurgency in the countryside reaches new heights. In the Caucasus, the Mensheviks rise to secure Georgia, long a hotbed of Menshevik activity.

August - As Nicholas II deliberates on how to deal with the crisis, the Tsarevich Alexis catches a major injury while in the gardens of Tsarkoye Selo. The boy, afflicted with hemophilia, swiftly perishes from the fatal wound. Distraught and grief-stricken, the Tsar resolves to abdicate and pass power to the new heir, his brother Grand Duke Michael. On 15 August he signs an Instrument of Abdication, and on the following day a Duma deputation meets with the Grand Duke. At the urging of Duma Speaker Rodzianko, Michael accepts the throne (he had wished to wait for a constituent assembly, but the Duma feared such a delay would hand power to the Soviets). Issuing a August Manifesto to mark his accession, Michael II pledges constitutional monarchy and broad civil and social rights for all Russians. Rodzianko is appointed Premier of a Government of National Unity, including the Kadet Pavel Miliukov as Foreign Minister and General Wrangel, soon to earn the moniker 'The Black Baron', as Minister of War.

September - Faced with growing revolutionary disunity over the August Manifesto, and opposition to his dictatorial style of organization and narrow political programme, Lenin resolves to purge his Menshevik and SR allies from the St. Petersburg Soviet. The September Days go down in infamy along international socialist circles as the Bolsheviks undertake a brutal purge of their socialist comrades, with street battles raging across the city between their rival militias. The Bolsheviks secure the city and much of the surrounding territory, while the Mensheviks retreat to Georgia and the SRs to Samarra, where the local Soviets had aligned with them.

October – After a three-month battle, the Tsarists regain full control in Moscow, during which the Bolshevik commander, Joseph Stalin, is killed. The Counter-Revolution, buoyed by the abdication and the August Manifesto, is now in full swing. In St. Petersburg, Lenin is assassinated by an SR, Fanya Kaplan, in retaliation for the September Days. Bolshevik leadership devolves to a triumvirate of Trotsky, Kamenev and Zionviev, in a fractious and tense coalition.

November-January – Fighting rages between the Tsarist government and the various rebel movements, albeit at a low ebb thanks to the winter. The fighting cuts of food supplies, and consequentially a famine occurs, killing several million.


February – The 'Wrangel Offensive' in the Russian New Year sees Tsarist forces make major advances. The SR Government at Samarra is quashed, and by the end of the month government troops are on the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

March – A Bolshevik offensive on March 8 fails to counter Tsarist advances. Government forces continue their push into the capital.

April – St. Petersburg finally falls to the Tsarists, with the Bolshevik leadership taking flight to Kronstadt. There the sailors organize the 'Red Flotilla', which escorts them to exile in Mexico. With that, the 1919 Revolution is decisively defeated, although the work of suppressing workerand peasant uprisings would continue into 1921.
Economic Action: Dutch Royal Shell vs. Venezuelan State Petroleum Company
Dutch Royal Shell vs. Venezuelan State Petroleum Company

A photograph from a Venezuelan oil rig, 1927

Venezuela sees the first challenge to its newfound oil wealth from beyond its borders thanks to an attempted hostile take over and a seizing of its market share by the Royal Shell subsidiary, Dutch East Oil. Having generated an economic boom thanks to massive interest in Venezuelan oil deposits in order to feed a world that has ever rising energy demands, the developing of Venezuela's oil industry has attracted a lot of attention from European companies and nations who seek to either maintain their top tier positions in the market or etch out their own place as petroleum becomes increasingly valuable. Dutch oil executives, likely with the backing of their government, move to puncture the state run Venezuelan oil company with their influence. While attempting to perform a sort of corporate espionage and bribing Venezuelan petroleum executives and managers, they quickly run into problems gathering moles as they can't seem to find many people willing to risk the termination of their employment and -- being the state oil company in an increasingly corporatist state and society that see oil as a staple to their economy -- possible legal sanction and arrest. Besides, most if not all involved in the Venezuelan petroleum industry are state employees with high salaries and access to lucrative pension funds provided to them by the state, meaning that the bribes do little to sway anyone particularly important. Attempts to undercut Venezuelan prices and promote Dutch oil in South American oil markets fail similarly, without insider knowledge and the proximity of Venezuelan oil reserves -- meaning lower shipping costs -- the Dutch fail to beat Venezuelan prices, the great demand for oil makes this proposition a moot one anyway. Venezuelan state oil doesn't walk away unscathed, the Dutch do manage to force the Venezuelans to sell their oil, known for being of lower quality and in far deeper reserves -- meaning higher extraction costs -- for far lower than they need the price to be at to continue funding Venezuela's economic development and the continuing progress of the petroleum industry, causing headaches for oil executives and the Venezuelan government.

@firepelt123 @JbeJ275
To: The Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias @Watercress
From: Napoleon IV, Emperor of France
Secret Correspondence

My old friend, it seems that the world is returning to its senses. I have been restored, and the good people of France beckon not only for their Emperor but for the wrongs made upon our great peoples during the first quarter of this new century be righted. Know that France stands with Russia for eternity and an eternity more. To this extent, I wish to marry one of your daughters to my son, the war hero and Prince Imperial of France. I believe that such a move would serve not only as a message to our people but to potential enemies of Russia and France that we stand united, even more so than ever before.

As for requests from your government to that of France before the elections regarding industrial investment, once the new constitution and government have been formed, you can be most assured that Russia will not be left wanting, as she has the good faith of the Emperor of France.​

From: Michael II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias
To: Napoleon IV, Emperor of the French


Allow me to congratulate you on your restoration to the French throne, and therein by the acclamation of the people. On your proposal of marriage, I do not have any daughters of my own; of my nieces, the daughters of the former Emperor Nicholas, only the youngest, Grand Duchess Anastasia, remains unmarried. I believe she would be an excellent match for the Prince Imperial - but I should desire that the two meet and court each other. To this end, I would be delighted for her to visit Paris as a member of the Russian delegation to negotiate the commercial treaty, when the French constitution has been finalized.
From: Michael II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias
To: Napoleon IV, Emperor of the French


Allow me to congratulate you on your restoration to the French throne, and therein by the acclamation of the people. On your proposal of marriage, I do not have any daughters of my own; of my nieces, the daughters of the former Emperor Nicholas, only the youngest, Grand Duchess Anastasia, remains unmarried. I believe she would be an excellent match for the Prince Imperial - but I should desire that the two meet and court each other. To this end, I would be delighted for her to visit Paris as a member of the Russian delegation to negotiate the commercial treaty, when the French constitution has been finalized.

This sounds most agreeable. I believe the Grand Duchess will find Paris in the Spring is very different to Saint Petersburg and may be much to her liking.

Well would you look at that, an intrepid farmer with his son, visiting his family farm following fall engineering classes at some university in Amsterdam, develop a suit of armor in their spare time. Using old chunks of diving suit material and discarded Weltkreig armor plates from tanks, the father-son team make semi-functioning suit of "power armor", allowing the user significant protection from the elements as well as several times their typical body strength. Unfortunately, once the Dutch army gets a hold of the plans and make their own working prototype, the military scientists and engineers realize that the armor is so heavy, the user can barely move, often times complaining of severe heat from within the suit. While attaching a power source helps, it consumes a lot of fuel and energy, and makes the suit essentially tethered to a huge engine (while also raising the heat to unbearable temperatures inside the suit). Still many in the government feel that while it's still primitive, this whole power armor idea might just be worth the millions in investment to see through until a working, mass producible model can be made. However, massive security is being held around the facility. Although only a few know about it, such tech must not fall into the wrong hands, whomever that may be.
(Claiming tech, curtsy of the @The Lone Taco)
The Argentinian-Chilean Diplomatic Crisis of 1927
The Argentine-Chilean Diplomatic Crisis of 1927

Chilean soldiers post for a photo during a military march

A group of Argentine spies are dispatched by Buenos Aires in order to infiltrate the residence of the King of Chile, Antonio II, and uncover some humiliating secret to use against him and find some way to penetrate the King's inner circle. They attempt to get a position working for the King and his family within the residence. They also come armed. While only one manages to become employed by the monarchy, he is quickly discovered one day while snooping around in a restricted room looking at confidential and private documents. While he attempts an escape, the spy is pushed into a corner and he kills two royal guards before being captured, still believing he could escape. He is tortured relentlessly by state security agents and members of military intelligence before revealing his mission and his country of origin, which immediately puts Chile on high alert. While the agent stated he was only there to gather information and intel, hardliners in the military and the conservatives/nationalists who seek war with anyone who dares cross Chile. The historical animosity between the two countries only seeks to further drive the hysteria and pro-war sentiment among both Chileans and Argentinians. Many feel winds of war are blowing.

@KingOfPenguins @King Saul
To: The Dutch @firepelt123
From: The Republic of Venezuela

We had believed that your nation was in the business of honest trade, and attempting to increase your market share via quality production and fair open trade. Instead it seems your methods are to cover up your own products' insufficiency via espionage. While we would not begrudge attempts to sell your own products doing so in this manner is highly unethical. We would be very thankful if you could immeadietly cease doing so.
To: Argentina @King Saul
From: Chile

Care to explain?

You know very well that Chile is viewed with suspicion by its supposed claims to other countries, we think it better to check if you had no plan involving this in mind, as the part of discovering some secret of your King if we had discovered something we would only use if you plan to put your so-called claims plans into action, if you want war because of this you choose, but I'd like to remind you that I have a mutual aid pact with the Empire of Brazil in the event of a war, but if you do not want to war the Argentine Government may even be willing to issue a public apology to the Kingdom of Chile, finally you know whether you want war or not, Argentina is ready for any of the possibilities.
From: The Federal Republic of Central America
To: The Republic of Colombia
On behalf of the Central American people through the power given to me by the people I wish to extend an offer of friendship towards Colombia, and put an end to old hostilities and rivalries and open up a variety of discussions listed below.

1. Firstly the possibility of an agreement on the Panama issue and the Central American claims onto it through a potential purchase of the territory through the expenditure of a negotiable sum dependant on the request of the Colombian government on what they would be willing to sell it for.

2. Secondly the possibility of aiding the Colombian economy through investment into the known but frankly unexploited mineral wealth of Colombia by the opening of a Central American-Colombian mining company to mutually benefit our two nations.

3. Thirdly the offer of a Mutual Defence Pact or even Alliance against the many dangers that face both our nations be it filthy communist uprising or foreign threats that surround both our nations such as Mexico, Venezuela, or Peru should such needs arise.

4. Fourth and finally we would like to open up the possibility of opening up a common market in which to allow both our peoples access to new goods and cheaper prices to allow a better easier living style be they rich or poor alike.
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From: Confederate States of America
To: Chile @KingOfPenguins


Our government has heard about some chaos with espionage and potential war. We will not ask if you plan on going to war but in the case you do, we would like to be proactive and have our arms companies sell you wonderful Dixie guns and shells in the possibility you plan for war. We can link you to some of our arms manufacturers if you wish to buy Confederate arms.

From: Confederate States of America
To: Argentina @King Saul


Our government has heard about some chaos with espionage and potential war. We will not ask if you plan on going to war but in the case you do, we would like to be proactive and have our arms companies sell you wonderful Dixie guns and shells in the possibility you plan for war. We can link you to some of our arms manufacturers if you wish to buy Confederate arms.
Império do Brasil - 1927

Name: Empire of Brazil
Head of State: Emperor Pedro III of Brazil
Head of Government: TBD
Type of Government: Federal Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 32,557,000
Capital: Rio de Janerio


Internal Events:

-The government recently called for citizens to publicly "show their appreciation for our brave officers of the law". In addition parliament recently voted to increase the wages of the police. Accusations that these actions are motivated by the 1926 Red Summer are quickly deflected.

-After the "incident" in the south there has been a minor uptick in anti-Argentina sentiment. While the majority of Brazilians still view Argentina as a friend the opposing minority have taken this opportunity to make their voices heard.

-Parliamentary debates have increasingly taken on a jingoistic tone. While attacks against the leftist regime in Mexico are nothing new more and more voices are also lashing out against the colonial regime in Peru and the Paraguayan military-state. In completely unrelated news patronage of politicians by arms manufacturers have increased.

Economic Status:
--Domination of the coffee and rapid industrialization has led to an unprecedented level of growth for the Brazilian economy. Citizens are both richer and more productive than they have ever been before. As a result Brazil has recently seen the emergence of a middle class who are rapidly amassing political influence. Now kindly move along and ignore the beggars lining the city streets.
--As a result of government support the arms industry has recently seen a significant boom.

-325,500 men

-World-class fleet
--Actual numbers Coming SoonTM​

-An air force
--Actual numbers Coming SoonTM​

(Military fluff posts planned in the near future)

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Trade with the Republic of Venezuela
Trade with the Republic of Bolivia
Trade with the Republic of Argentina
Guaranteeing the independence of Ecuador
Mutual defense pact with Argentina
Selling arms to Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador
Protective feelings towards Bolivia
Open disdain for Mexico
Recognizes Bolivian claims on the Gran Chaco region

Internal Events - United States

Tanks of the Maryland National Guard outside the Capital Building
An address from President Hearst: My fellow Americans, we live in a time of extraordinary opportunity. Breakthroughs in science, technology, and medicine are curing illnesses and solving problems that prior generations thought impossible to solve. Each day, however, also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything we cherish and value. Radical ideologies, spurred by foreign and southern agitators, threaten our very way of life. The most dastardly regimes support these agitators, and threaten other nations and their own people with violence and degradation.

To that end, I am declaring a state of martial law in the states affected by these socialist agitators, and am directing the state governments to use any and all means available to stamp out this insidious ideology and those who would seek to undermine our way of life. Those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the ordinary, hard working American people, and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To those foreigners and immigrants who come to our shores seeking a better life for themselves, we welcome you. Know your place and work hard, and the fruits of America will be open to you. If you agitate and spread these insidious and poisonous ideologies, know that we will fight you and reject you, as true God fearing Americans should.

Know that I do not take these actions lightly. All people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interests, and their wellbeing, including their prosperity. However, if we do not protect ourselves, our hearts, and our minds in our nation, if we will not build strong families, safe communities, and healthy societies for ourselves, we will fall. We are calling for a great reawakening of Americans, for the revival of their spirits, their pride, their people, and their patriotism.

May God bless you, and may God bless these United States of America.
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Internal Events - United States

Tanks of the Maryland National Guard outside the Capital Building
An address from President Hearst: My fellow Americans, we live in a time of extraordinary opportunity. Breakthroughs in science, technology, and medicine are curing illnesses and solving problems that prior generations thought impossible to solve. Each day, however, also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything we cherish and value. Radical ideologies, spurred by foreign and southern agitators, threaten our very way of life. The most dastardly regimes support these agitators, and threaten other nations and their own people with violence and degradation.

To that end, I am declaring a state of martial law in the states affected by these socialist agitators, and am directing the state governments to use any and all means available to stamp out this insidious ideology and those who would seek to undermine our way of life. Those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the ordinary, hard working American people, and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To those foreigners and immigrants who come to our shores seeking a better life for themselves, we welcome you. Know your place and work hard, and the fruits of America will be open to you. If you agitate and spread these insidious and poisonous ideologies, know that we will fight you and reject you, as true God fearing Americans should.

Know that I do not take these actions lightly. All people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interests, and their wellbeing, including their prosperity. However, if we do not protect ourselves, our hearts, and our minds in our nations, if we will not build strong families, safe communities, and healthy societies for ourselves, we will fall. We are calling for a great reawakening of nations, for the revival of their spirits, their pride, their people, and their patriotism.

May God bless you, and may God bless these United States of America.
The Mexican government strongly condemns President Hearst's actions and announces its solidarity with the American people in resisting dictatorship.