The Crisis of Modernity: New World Order

From Qing China to Siam (@The Lone Taco )

As a sign of unity among the final Asian nations still left unconquered by Europe we will like to send advisors and diplomats to work out a closer relationship between China and Siam.

Whether it be for aid in modernizing your army or industrializing your nation, all of these struggles China has also underwent and so could greatly help Siam avoid mishaps that do not need to happen. In return we will ask for some concessions in tariffs for trade between our nations.

Would Siam be amenable to working closer with China?
To:United Kingdom
@Comrade Jeff
From:South Africa

We the dominion of South Africa as a loyal member of the empire have some humble requests for the king-Emperor and his government

1) the negros are getting uppity and demanding rights and power we therefore request that the U.K. Station some ships in Cape Town to remind the blacks of imperial power.

2)encourage settlement to South Africa to boost white population.

3)your leave to ask the Netherlands to encourage settlement to maintain the Afrikaans British balance

To: South Africa
From: United Kingdom

We can reinforce our squadron in Cape Town for the time being. We can station one of our older Great War heavy cruisers and a few destroyers to properly fly the flag.

In regards to immigration, we have been preparing some economic incentives for those who may be willing to make the trip to a new home in our dominions. While we cannot speak for the Netherlands, they may perhaps be more interested in sending some of their Walloon population.

From: Confederate States of America
To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland @Comrade Jeff
CC: Dominion of Canada @Non Sequitor

Greeting from the Confederacy. It's been 6 years since our colder relations due to political issues from the Great War. We still trade heavily and consider the UK a valuable partner for the world. We should re-strengthen our relations and make both our countries more prosperous.

Secret to the United Kingdom only:
From: United Kingdom

We are not opposed to such a strengthening of relations. We suggest a meeting between our respective ambassadors to discuss such proposals more thoroughly (PMs)

We see merit to such an arrangement, it was only a small time ago after all that the United States nearly overran Canada after all. We should discuss these matters in a more secure channel.
To: South Africa
From: United Kingdom

We can reinforce our squadron in Cape Town for the time being. We can station one of our older Great War heavy cruisers and a few destroyers to properly fly the flag.

In regards to immigration, we have been preparing some economic incentives for those who may be willing to make the trip to a new home in our dominions. While we cannot speak for the Netherlands, they may perhaps be more interested in sending some of their Walloon population.

From: United Kingdom

We are not opposed to such a strengthening of relations. We suggest a meeting between our respective ambassadors to discuss such proposals more thoroughly (PMs)

We see merit to such an arrangement, it was only a small time ago after all that the United States nearly overran Canada after all. We should discuss these matters in a more secure channel.

From: CSA
To: UK @Comrade Jeff

Excellent, President Davis will be making a flight to London shortly.

Indeed, let's talk behind close doors. We should also bring the French aboard. From what we hear, they already re-engaged an Entente with the Russian Empire.
From Qing China to Siam (@The Lone Taco )

As a sign of unity among the final Asian nations still left unconquered by Europe we will like to send advisors and diplomats to work out a closer relationship between China and Siam.

Whether it be for aid in modernizing your army or industrializing your nation, all of these struggles China has also underwent and so could greatly help Siam avoid mishaps that do not need to happen. In return we will ask for some concessions in tariffs for trade between our nations.

Would Siam be amenable to working closer with China?

While we will not turn you away, understand that Siam receives a great deal of investment and collaboration from our friends in Tokyo.

That's something that is unlikely to change.

We are relieved to hear it, and wish to make it plain that the people of the United States bear no ill will towards the people of Japan. We are interested in warming ties between our nations, and while you remain tied to the decaying beast in London, we see no reason why we cannot pursue amicable and mutually beneficial relations.


We also see no reason why such relations cannot be achieved, what does the United States have in mind?
To: South Africa
From: United Kingdom

We can reinforce our squadron in Cape Town for the time being. We can station one of our older Great War heavy cruisers and a few destroyers to properly fly the flag.

In regards to immigration, we have been preparing some economic incentives for those who may be willing to make the trip to a new home in our dominions. While we cannot speak for the Netherlands, they may perhaps be more interested in sending some of their Walloon population.

From: United Kingdom

We are not opposed to such a strengthening of relations. We suggest a meeting between our respective ambassadors to discuss such proposals more thoroughly (PMs)

We see merit to such an arrangement, it was only a small time ago after all that the United States nearly overran Canada after all. We should discuss these matters in a more secure channel.
We thank the U.K. We remain eternally loyal to the empire also a painter will be arriving in London as we have commissioned two portraits of the King and Queen to hang in The House Assembly and The Seante our two Houses of Parliament.

To:Kingdom of Netherlands
From: Dominion of South Africa

We his majesty's South African government offer a sum of money (generous amount) for you to promote Walloon settlement as we assume you don't want this French minority.

President Heitor Martinez of Argentina


To: Emperor of France
@kızıl sultan
From: President Heitor Martinez of Argentina

I greet you by the return of the Empire in France, Emperor, I wish you good luck in your reign and I hope that the relations between our countries grow from today.

To: Republic of Venezuela @JbeJ275
From: President Heitor Martinez of Argentina

Greetings neighbor, since your country is doing very well and you already have a trade with the Empire of Brazil, I would like to know if you have any interest in having business relations with Argentina, too ?.

To: Republic of Ecuador,Republic of Bolívia and Republic of Colombia (Separate Notes) @The Lone Taco
From: President Heitor Martinez of Argentina

I think it is past time for Argentina to have closer relations with our neighbors, so have any interest in having an economic relationship with my country ?.
From: Kingdom of Italy
To: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland @Comrade Jeff


We would like to discuss potential speheres of influence in Africa in regards to our borders between Kenya and Somalia (PM)
A Red Summer

United Autoworkers union members on strike face off against Ford Motor Company strike breakers. A sign of the times, Ford had only just begun hiring strike breakers directly (as part of an in house service, as opposed to outsourcing it to another private company) the year before in 1925 in order to address the rising tide of unionist and anti-capitalist sentiment permeating throughout its blue collar workers

The Red Summer of 1926
Having faced similar anti-war and Marxist protests and riots in the immediate aftermath of the Weltkreig, the United States quickly saw a return to order upon the return of American troops from the front lines, the effective utilization of state and private police forces in order to arrest and murder leftist leadership and the official end to war time rationing. However the bubbling anger and resentment, along with festering revolutionary sentiment among the working class, had not ceased, in fact it had only been magnified. While order returned and much of the American Left's political and philosophical leadership either in prison or deported back to their countries of origin (typically done if they were of Central or Eastern European descent), others simply rose to take their places and fence sitters or the politically uninvolved were incensed at the draconian measures being taken to quell protests, furthermore many were upset at the level of graft and corruption that permeated the Federal and many State governments across the country.

While still legally allowed to participate in politics, the American socialist party was unable to get on the ballot in many states outside of their base of support, the industrial East and Midwest, all thanks to state and local governments agreeing to pass "anti-extremist" ordinances for elections. Outright violence could be visited upon them in the Border States, with little attention paid by authorities to anyone who tried to organize Black workers and farmers. While unable to directly participate in Federal politics, the American Left has found great support in local matters, often serving as activists for unionization drives, or fighting housing discrimination for Blacks. This gives them an air of respectability and even of being above petty partisan politics, allowing them a strength greater than direct legislative and executive power. That doesn't mean that they don't have public and elected officials, being at the height of their power there as well, holding offices in state legislatures and mayorships in California, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc.

However, thanks to their insistence and rebirth in strength, the Federal government and private industry has been paying attention as well. The Federal government, at all levels, since before the swearing in of President Hearst, has been incredibly tough on organized labor and socialist movements of all stripes. Corporate America has only been happy to follow suit, utilizing strike breakers frequently while pressing down hard on the United States government to further tie the noose around the neck of unions and Labor for years now. With Hearst in office, they've had someone who, at worst, has been willing to tend a blind eye to companies cracking down on unions and leftist sentiment, and at best outright join them. It seems people have learned nothing since the labor unrest of the late 19th Century.

In any case, the Wisconsin Farmer-Labor Party, a collective of autonomous unionist and syndicalist movements and parties across the Midwest, encourage the local chapter of the United Auto Workers (this particular chapter being a radicalized one) organize a strike at an automotive assembly factory owned by General Motors in Milwaukee in order to protest wage cuts and alleged bonuses being paid out to management at the end of last year. When General Motors responds with violence and the calling in of scabs, things get ugly and quickly roll on from there. Labor unrest spreads across the state, thanks to radio and word of mouth, much of the state knows of the violent upheaval gripping Milwaukee, the state capital, and workers -- socialist or otherwise -- are furious. Work slowdowns, stoppages, spontaneous walk outs and outright strikes seizing factories and equipment begin to spread not just within the state of Wisconsin but, upon news of the "Red Rebellion" spreading across the country, but the entire region. The great industrial cities quickly begin convulsing in slowdowns and strikes, public transportation workers join in and taxi drivers show their solidarity by staying home.

A "chain gang" comprised entirely of Afro-Confederate convicts. Utilizing their labor for free and even "renting" them out across state lines, the Confederate carceral system is just one example of slavery's survival as an institution to the present
While most Southerners mock their Northern counterparts during their upheaval, they too quickly realize that not all is well. Despite the growing economies in both nations, most at the bottom haven't felt a significant economic boost at all, to say nothing of the South's enormous Black population. Emancipated following the Weltkreig, no one can say with a straight face that the Afro-Confederate is free. Living in a system designed to ensnare and entrap them, whether through the legal system or otherwise, almost all Afro-Confederates have remained in a similar position since their supposed granting of freedom. Utilized as free convict labor, cheap tenant farmers and as domestic servants, the very essence of Confederate society has hinged upon the subservience of the Black race within the country. Whites could be poor or rich, but at least they weren't Black, and that meant that the ruling elite could get away with a lot. Unfortunately for them, the situation in the South for the White poor was so bad in some areas that even then, that wasn't enough.

While lacking an industrial powerhouse like the United States, the Confederate States had faced a significant period of industrialization at the turn of the 19th Century, finally leaving their increasingly backwards and agrarian economic status quo behind. Despite high desire for union representation and a restrained level of sympathy for the radical left, many are fearful of professing those views publicly, fearing social or state sanction. And in fact they'd be right, the Confederacy has some of the strictest anti-socialist laws, at the state level, in the world, outright banning socialist parties and unions in Texas, Arkansas and Florida and all other states employing laws that greatly impedes anyone from outside of the political establishment from entering politics. The South had grown complacent, and it had been a mistake.

With news of so-called "revolution" in the North, Southern leftist movements jumped the gun to join their "Northern comrades". Strikes broke out in Montgomery and quickly spread across the industrialized regions of Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama, and while operating separately, Black sharecroppers began their own demonstrations, usually to be met with extreme violence and lynching. The international sympathy between Northern and Southern revolutionary movements works against them, riling up the far-right nationalists in both countries, but far more in the South. Right wing militias and privately armed anti-socialist veterans fight with unionists and college students in the streets of major cities on the Eastern Seaboard, in both the Confederacy and the United States.

It might have seemed, for a moment, that this was it, the Revolution was finally here. Protests in New York City swelled to envelope the entire city, forcing the bourgeoisie and socialites to actually evacuate the city before the bridge and ferry operators, who had voted to join the revolutionary action, officially put up the bridges and stop servicing the ferries. Richmond, a fairly industrialized and liberal city, was awash in revolutionary sentiment with thousands in the streets, blocking traffic and pelting the police and strikebreakers with rocks and sticks. Chicago, Detroit, Montgomery, Dallas, Los Angeles, Seattle, Biloxi, and at least a dozen other cities looked the same. In the countryside, Black sharecroppers demonstrated fiercely and while often times not being in sync with (White) socialists, demonstrated their own movements towards autonomy, emancipation and Black separatism. For many in leadership, the socialists were still White men, but they could be reasoned with, at least so long as their backs were all against the same wall. While little formal cooperation between Black sharecroppers and White strikers in the South occurred, their ability to ignore one another when dealing with the State and private industry greatly unnerved many in the ruling class.

Nevertheless, there just simply wasn't enough. Enough protesters, strikers, and sympathizers in either the North or the South. While New York -- and many other urban centers -- saw large numbers of striking unions from every level of industry and profession imaginable, there was a crucial one that did not: The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of New York, or the NYPD's police union. Similar scenes are reenacted in cities across North America: a great resolve by trade and labor unions to be dashed by "class traitors" in the police unions, who consistently remain on the side of the State and industry. Over the course of three bloody months (from May to August 1926) riots and violent protests are the norm in many cities and in industrial towns, but little by little order is restored once more by the police and National Guard. Capitalism may have won (again.) but there is a sense that this isn't going away, that this revolutionary sentiment is only going to get worse and worse and worse until either a pressure valve is found or the world damn system blows up.

  • The Red Summer of 1926 takes place.​
  • Thanks to decades of labor unrest brought on about by wars, stagnant wages, lack of social mobility and disaffection with the sitting governments in the South and the North, both the United States and the Confederacy are brought to the brink.​
  • While protests are much worse in the United States, the Confederacy is heavily afflicted by violence as well.​
  • The police unions in most cities refuse to participate and join on the side of the governments, eventually spelling the demise of the "1926 Revolution".​
  • Some call for reform, others call for more draconian measures to deal with labor unrest.​
  • The far-right in both countries is energized by the emergence of the "Red Devils".​

@Arthur Frayn @Lore Snuggleton
The Red Wave affects Elections: Huey Long wins Louisiana! Democrats co-opting populism!

Right-wing comic about the dangers of leftists

Anger and resentment are rising among the working-class, despite economic growth. White Southerners and Negros are both protesting with some concerns from the agrarian and urban elite. The protests were fierce, and for some of the more "violent protesters" (the Negros) causing disruptions, the police and state militias were working to take care of them. Yet the White Southerners protesting remained a larger problem because if they were willing to ignore Negros, it brings a greater fear from this Southern Wave. This wave also affected elections starting with Louisiana: Huey Long was in the lead over his more conservative Democrats in Louisiana and won the election thanks to that wave which supports his "Share the Wealth" program. Huey is the first populist Democrat to win an election and it spelled fear for all the elite in Louisiana, as well as the concern of this spreading influence in other states. Besides the victory in Louisiana, local elections through various states have an increasing trend in promoting newly formed populists, and far-right individuals into the Democratic Party. The Deep core of the South definitely has a mix of far-right Democrats. The Democratic Party, after being the continual minority for so long, have finally found a potential-in to retake majorities in both Houses. The rise of the far-right and this leftist amalgalm inspired Huey Long has gotten Democratic party spokesmen to visit and start co-opting these people into the Democratic party. The leadership assumes it can just control both the far-right, and the Long-inspired populists, but it's yet to be seen, as Whigs start losing a bit of popularity.

From: Secretary of State of the Confederacy Weston Howard
To: All Large Wealthy planters in every Confederate state: @The Lone Taco

Secret Enclosed Letter with government stamp and sense of urgency:

The government wishes to speak to you regarding domestic issues and desires your cooperation concerning a potential long-term danger. We request you come to the Capitol in Montgomery as soon as possible on *Specific date for the remaining part of the year* in order to personally speak to the Secretary of State who is speaking in behalf the central government's interests. We assure you, whatever concerns you have with the current tensions will be addressed and taken care of with your cooperation. Thank you for reading and we are excited to see you at the Capitol building.
From: Consul of Italy Italo Balbo
To: President-Elect Huey Long of the Confederate States of America @Lore Snuggleton

Our most heartfelt congratulations on your election victory President-Elect Long. We hope this can lead to a betterment of relatinos between our two nations.

We would be most grateful for such assistance.

we agree wholeheartedly. Cónsul Sanfuentes would be most willing to meet with Consul Balbo, and discuss a possible alliance.
Socialism is the disease of this world. All red blooded men must fight such an abhorrence.



Perhaps in the future. As it stands Socialism hasn't still reared its head totally in Latin America. When the time comes to fight it because we are the Socialist Devils in Mexico will try to spread it we will be sure to assist you.

It is good to hear that Italy is under sound leadership once more. The Consul of France would like to treat with the Consul of Italy at his earliest convenience.

OOC: Deadass I was going with two Consuls' to replace the Prime Minister position and to fold the authority of the position of President into that of the Emperor in my new constitution. France and Italy's relationship is looking more and more to be the Romance story of Europe, lol.

That would be splendid. Consul Balbo would be willing to travel to Paris once things in Italy get more stabilized.

From: Greece


We are happy to find the new Italian government amendable to protecting her neighbors against the upstart Bulgarians.

From: Alabania


While we appreciate your concern, we are certain that between Italy and the Ottomans serving as protectors of the Balkans, we'll be fine.

To: Greece


Rest assured we won't let our Hellenic cousins get tainted by the threat of such upstarters as the Bulgars are.

To: Albania


While we have our disagreements with the Turks, when it comes to Bulgaria trying to assert its position we won't tolerate it. We value our close trade connections with the Albanian people and it is our hope that Albania can be for us what it was for the Venetians in the past. One of our gateways for trading with the people of the Balkans.
From: Consul of Italy Italo Balbo
To: President-Elect Huey Long of the Confederate States of America @Lore Snuggleton

Our most heartfelt congratulations on your election victory President-Elect Long. We hope this can lead to a betterment of relatinos between our two nations.



Perhaps in the future. As it stands Socialism hasn't still reared its head totally in Latin America. When the time comes to fight it because we are the Socialist Devils in Mexico will try to spread it we will be sure to assist you.

From: Governor-Elect Huey Long of Louisiana
To: Consul of Italy Italo Balbo @Alex Costa

I think your diplomats made a typo on the telegraph but it's okay! I still feel honored to have the leader of a great nation congratulate my victory for both Louisiana and America. Thank you again for the congratulations and surely, whoever wins in our national elections will desire betterment among both Dixie and Italy.

Breaking News: Italy accidentally endorses Long?

Among various news radio, there has been a misconception from Italian-Confederates that the Consul of Italy supports Huey Long for President, Although the letter clearly wasn't the case. Various local organizations in support for Huey Long misrepresented the news to Italian-Confederates in Louisiana, saying the Italian Consul even supports Huey Long. Louisiana government was trying to explain the truth through the local news, but the misinformation spread too late. The Whig minority was furious but Democrats still have a stranglehold over Louisiana, and many local Democratic officials who were either supportive from Long from the start, or think they can use Huey as a puppet just ignore or deflect from the news. Something minor like this will definitely have some implications down the line.
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President Heitor Martinez of Argentina


To: Republic of Venezuela
From: President Heitor Martinez of Argentina

Greetings neighbor, since your country is doing very well and you already have a trade with the Empire of Brazil, I would like to know if you have any interest in having business relations with Argentina, too ?.
To: President Heitor Martinez

While we prefer to trade through private Venezuelan companies rather than central government trades we would be only to happy to endorse an agreement to make trading between our to nation easier and cheaper for those who would seek to do so.
To: President Heitor Martinez

While we prefer to trade through private Venezuelan companies rather than central government trades we would be only to happy to endorse an agreement to make trading between our to nation easier and cheaper for those who would seek to do so.

Good to know, I agree to endorse this agreement then.
Aftermath of a revolution
When Mirza Koochak Khan and Reza Khan took control of Iran in 1921, the situation in Iran was dramatic, Iran was a country plagued by all the symptoms of a late stage and rotten kind of feudalism;
tribes and large landowners dominated the social tissue of the country while illiteracy was rampant and the sanitary situation catastrophic, which forced the people to rely on traditional cures that were not always effective.
With neighbours as large as Russia, Britain and the Ottoman Empire, middle-sized Iran could not be allowed to remain a backwards country lest it was partitioned like it was in the last century.
In order to defend itself, Iran had to be dragged into modernity, even kicking and screaming.

Feudalism had to be disestabilished and so, few months after taking the reins of the country, the new parliament passed a land reform which expropriated land from landowners and sold it at an extremely competitive price to the peasant families that had been living there. Islamic banking practices were ignored by loaning the families the money they needed to pay for the land while also imposing a small interest of 2%, which angered the clergy to no end.
By doing so, the new government had accomplished two objectives, namely eliminating half of the symptoms of feudalism and, through its loans to peasants, introducing market dynamics that would have forced peasants to optimize yields and become in short time small businessmen in order to pay back the loans given by the government. And, in order to eliminate the chances that voracious peasants would have bought each other's lands to maximize their yields and become novel neofeudal landowners, a corrective law was also enacted which limited the amount of land that could be owned to basically little more than what was conceded.
Within a year, food production spiraled with no direct government involvement.
A couple of years later, in 1923, the government acquired from Germany the license to produce several recipes of fertilizers together with thousands of tractors and modern farming tools that were sold at purchase prices to the peasants, maximizing outputs even further.

Still, it is perhaps in the reshaping of the country's culture that the government has proven itself to be extremely radical even by European standards. While by no means anti-religious in conception, the new government found itself involved in what it called "a campaign against bigotry and superstition" through the passing of several laws that effectively provoked the most conservative clergymen into direct resistence against the authorities.
The banning of integral forms of female covering like the chador and the implementation of massive fines for any veil longer than a hijab brought conservatives in conflict with the government, some going as far as accusing the government's nationalistic attitudes to be hypocritical due to the pre-Islamic nature of the veil in question.
Unwilling to face its own hypocricies, the government launched a media campaign to capture the support of women through slogans such as "The beauty of the Aryan woman is for her husband to enjoy and for the world to envy" and "There is virtue in modesty. There is bigger virtue in moderation". By doing so, the new government attempted to portay itself as an emancipating factor for women with the intention of turning them against conservatives while still presenting itself as a fundamentally Muslim government by advocating loyalty to the husband and Muslim rather than pre-Islamic notions of modesty. The results were mixed and, soon, were squandered through another law mandating the adhan, the call to prayer, in reformed Farsi and the translation of the Quran in what the government called "the people's language", which enraged the conservatives even more.
Among some circles the idea that the government itself didn't know whether it was Muslim or nationalist emerged, though strict censorship kept such voices limited to bars and away from newspapers. In reality this was a manifestation of Mirza Kuchak Khan's pious but nevertheless modernist approach to Islam (which also managed to convince the right wing nationalist faction headed by Reza Khan), influenced as he was by the Jadid movement that had emerged in the Russian Empire in the late 19th century and which continued to be widespread among the Tajik, Tatar and Turkestani middle classes in the empire.
Another social reform that, to be honest, was expected by many, was the Surname Law implemented in 1925, which mandated the adoption of a Farsi last name by the population that would have taken the place of patronomics and honorifics.
Mirza Kuchak Khan and Reza Khan themselves were the first to update their IDs. Now they read respectively Younes Gilani and Reza Pahlavi, in a way representing the former's federalist and localist attitudes (for now dormant due to his focus on the modernization and reorganization of the country) and the latter's nationalist and centralist convictions.
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden-1926

Name: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Head of State: Queen Wilhelmina
Head of Government: Hendrikus Colijn
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: TBD
Holland: 7,450,000
Wallonia: 5,500,000
Dutch Antilles: 49,500
Dutch Guinea: 139,900
Dutch East Indies: TBD
Capital: Amsterdam


Internal Events:

Economic Status:
-Stable and Profitable
-Despite being dragged into the Great War, it was for a mere 2 years, unlike the usual 5. Thus, the predictable result, was, that the Netherlands was now one of the wealthiest European Powers as unlike the Danish or Sweden-Norway, Gems from Guinea and oil, rubber and crash crops from Indonesia fill Dutch Markets.


125,000 Regular Army Troops in 10 Divisions
200,000 Landelijk Verdediger (National Guard)
-Home Army: 50,000
-Wallonia Occupation Force: 30,000
-Dutch Colonial Army: 40,000
2 Modern Light Cruisers (Java-Class)
2 Old Protected Cruisers (Holland-Class)
3 Former French Destroyers
2 Flores-Class, 3 Brinio-Class Gunboats
10 Submarines (3 O-9, 7 K-Series
4 Minelayers (2 Hydra-Class, 2 Douwe Aukes-Class)
4 Minesweepers (M-Class)f

Hatred of the Kaiserreich
Fearful of French Retaliation
Determined to Protect what's left of Belgium
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To: kingdom of Netherlands
From: Dominion of South Africa

We the Dominion of South offer her majesty Queen Wilhelmina's government a generous sum of money for her majesty's government to encourage French Walloons to emigrate to South Africa.
To: kingdom of Netherlands
From: Dominion of South Africa

We the Dominion of South offer her majesty Queen Wilhelmina's government a generous sum of money for her majesty's government to encourage French Walloons to emigrate to South Africa.
Indeed, we have enough money and refuse your offer. However, we could establish further trade links, as much of your nation is Afrikaner.
Indeed, we have enough money and refuse your offer. However, we could establish further trade links, as much of your nation is Afrikaner.

Yes we would very much like that we did adopt the Princes flag the flag of the Dutch rebellion against Spain with some modifications of course to please the Anglos further more we will try to preserve the Netherlands interests in the Anglo-French-Russian sphere let us know if there is anything you need.
Dutch Diplomacy (Also know as threats, bargaining and bribes)

TO: Siam @The Lone Taco and Qing @CommandoHowizter
Japan's imperialism is worrying us, and the French a massive threat at home. Both of yourselves are well suited to aid us against them, and it just so happens that we have plenty of modern weapons and lots of money. In exchange for sending military aid (Guns and Officers) could we create an Pacific Defensive Alliance? If not, may we at least increase trade and lower tariffs and/or exchange Embassies?

To: Sweden-Norway @Arryn, Denmark @The Lone Taco, and Spain @Humanity Dark
Our government, having been betrayed by the Kaiser, is leaning toward a neutral focus, hateful of the German Mitteleuropa "Alliance" (More like collection of Puppets) and is fearful of France's revenge. Thus we ask, the neutral and honest members of Europe, to form a defensive alliance to prevent the domination of Europe by Germany but without the British Pulling the strings. In the least, may we increase trade and lower tariffs, as Oil, Rubber, and Sugar from ourselves is in ever present need.

To: Iran @Altzek
You seem to be in a tight fit, surrounded by rivals and low on cash. Could we invest *A large amount* in your oil production?
In addition, your nation's success is of relative importance to ourselves, as whoever controls the Oil in these days can control the world. Would you allow us the establish a military mission in your nation to train and arm your troops?

To: Argentina @King Saul, Mexico @Ceslas, Central America @Cybandeath
Each are different Messages to each nation.

We are curious of your view in Latin America, as the Brazil-Venezuelan partnership is close to dominating the entire continent. We have resources, cash and weapons if you are interested.

To: Ethiopia @The Lone Taco
Surrounded, alone with rivals moving against you. If we can get Italy off your back and perhaps get you a coastline, would you consider a full or at least defensive alliance? We also have resources, cash and weapons if you are interested in other moves. However, to increase deals, you will have to enact several reforms, including abolishing slavery.

To: Dominion of Australia @SkreviskiGreetings fellow neighbor in the Pacific! We are wondering if you would be willing to lower tariffs with us, as we would do likewise.
We are sure you see the threat Imperial Japan poses to the Pacific, would you consider a defensive pact, only against Japan, separate from your mother nation.? Or at least a lowering of tariffs between ourselves?

To: United Kingdom @Comrade Jeff
Our message comes down to one main point, do you forgive us? The Evil Kaiser manipulated, threated and bribed our nation, then lied and left us to die. We had no quarrel with you, and France has threatened us many times in the past, even you can attest that. Would you consider the lowering of tariffs between our nations?

Yes we would very much like that we did adopt the Princes flag the flag of the Dutch rebellion against Spain with some modifications of course to please the Anglos further more we will try to preserve the Netherlands interests in the Anglo-French-Russian sphere let us know if there is anything you need.
The Primary goal we have currently is to show the British we mean no harm, and to end all ills between us.
(Secret message for U.K. Only!!)

To:United Kingdom
@Comrade Jeff
From: Dominion of South Africa

We have been in communication with the Dutch government and though we have no knowledge of them contacting you we would highly encourage the United Kingdom to forgive and forget as the Dutch Kingdom was threatened into war and has stated to us in communications they want to make amends.
Tariffs on Kingdom of Netherlands lowered.

The tariff on goods from the Kingdom of The Netherlands has been lowered to five percent a record low. In a interview on the tariff lowering the Prime Minister Jan Smuts said "we wish for the best of relations with our Dutch brethren"
Dutch Diplomacy (Also know as threats, bargaining and bribes)

TO: Siam @The Lone Taco and Qing @CommandoHowizter
Japan's imperialism is worrying us, and the French a massive threat at home. Both of yourselves are well suited to aid us against them, and it just so happens that we have plenty of modern weapons and lots of money. In exchange for sending military aid (Guns and Officers) could we create an Pacific Defensive Alliance? If not, may we at least increase trade and lower tariffs and/or exchange Embassies?

To: Sweden-Norway @Arryn, Denmark @The Lone Taco, and Spain @Humanity Dark
Our government, having been betrayed by the Kaiser, is leaning toward a neutral focus, hateful of the German Mitteleuropa "Alliance" (More like collection of Puppets) and is fearful of France's revenge. Thus we ask, the neutral and honest members of Europe, to form a defensive alliance to prevent the domination of Europe by Germany but without the British Pulling the strings. In the least, may we increase trade and lower tariffs, as Oil, Rubber, and Sugar from ourselves is in ever present need.

To: Iran @Altzek
You seem to be in a tight fit, surrounded by rivals and low on cash. Could we invest *A large amount* in your oil production?
In addition, your nation's success is of relative importance to ourselves, as whoever controls the Oil in these days can control the world. Would you allow us the establish a military mission in your nation to train and arm your troops?

To: Argentina @King Saul, Mexico @Ceslas, Central America @Cybandeath
Each are different Messages to each nation.

We are curious of your view in Latin America, as the Brazil-Venezuelan partnership is close to dominating the entire continent. We have resources, cash and weapons if you are interested.

To: Ethiopia @The Lone Taco
Surrounded, alone with rivals moving against you. If we can get Italy off your back and perhaps get you a coastline, would you consider a full or at least defensive alliance? We also have resources, cash and weapons if you are interested in other moves. However, to increase deals, you will have to enact several reforms, including abolishing slavery.

To: Dominion of Australia @SkreviskiGreetings fellow neighbor in the Pacific! We are wondering if you would be willing to lower tariffs with us, as we would do likewise.
We are sure you see the threat Imperial Japan poses to the Pacific, would you consider a defensive pact, only against Japan, separate from your mother nation.? Or at least a lowering of tariffs between ourselves?

To: United Kingdom @Comrade Jeff
Our message comes down to one main point, do you forgive us? The Evil Kaiser manipulated, threated and bribed our nation, then lied and left us to die. We had no quarrel with you, and France has threatened us many times in the past, even you can attest that. Would you consider the lowering of tariffs between our nations?

The Primary goal we have currently is to show the British we mean no harm, and to end all ills between us.
(From the Zapatistas) We wish to see them laid low and we happily accept your aid.
To: Kingdom of Netherlands @firepelt123
From: Republic of Argentina

I thank you for the offer but now Argentina is a complete ally of the Empire of Brazil and we hope to have good relations with Venezuela as well.
Brazilian Economic Action: The Merchants of Death Expand
The year 1926 would see a substantial expansion of the Brazilian arms industry. Spurred on by the signing of multiple arms deals the imperial government enacted a significant investment program. Substantial government funds and tax breaks were offered to any arms company willing to modernize their factories with new equipment and/or construct new factories. In addition subsidies were given to companies selling to Argentina, Ecuador and Bolivia in order to ensure that the reduced prices were still profitable. If it had been any other industry these actions would have been far too direct for the imperial government, however as the arms industry is also a significant tool for international influence and prestige it was decided that practicality would override ideology. Funding for this massive endeavor came from tax surplus on the recent industrial boom.

By the years end these efforts had begun to bear fruits. Production output had seen a significant increase and thanks to the modernized equipment quality had also seen a notable increase. Slowly but steadily Brazil was moving towards the standard set by the great powers. Of course no investment program is bereft of political consequences. As the year progressed the massive sums of money slowly but steadily eroded the separation between politics and the weapons manufacturers. More and more voices have started calling for an increase in military spending and expanded involvement in international politics. There is already a debate in parliament as to whether the already substantial navy should be enlarged.​