The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."

[X] [1] Dimensional Science
[X] [2] Spiritual
[X] [3] Enchanting

[X] [1] The TA
[X] [2] Ruby
[X] [3] Sammy

[X] Find time to go into the city.
-[X] The Markets
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."

[1] Dimensional Science
[2] Countermagic
[3] Elemental

[X] [1] The TA
[X] [2] Ruby
[X] [3] Sammy

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
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[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."

[X] [1] Dimensional Science
[X] [2] Spiritual
[X] [3] Enchanting

[X] [1] The TA
[X] [2] Ruby
[X] [3] Sammy

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."

[X] [1] Dimensional Science
[X] [3] Spiritual
[X] [2] Enchanting

[X] [1] The TA
[X] [2] Ruby
[X] [3] Sammy

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."

[X] [1] Dimensional Science
[X] [2] Spiritual
[X] [3] Enchanting

[X] [1] The TA
[X] [2] Ruby
[X] [3] Sammy

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."

[X] [1] Dimensional Science
[X] [2] Spiritual
[X] [3] Enchanting

[X] [1] The TA
[X] [2] Ruby
[X] [3] Sammy

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] And, uh, apologize for the lopsided conversation earlier.

[1] Dimensional
[2] Countermagic
[3] Elemental

I don't give a wit about Spiritual, honestly.

[1] The TA
[2] Ruby
[3] Sammy

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] And, uh, apologize for the lopsided conversation earlier.

[1] Dimensional
[2] Countermagic
[3] Elemental

[1] The TA
[2] Ruby
[3] Sammy
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] Give her a hug.

[1] Dimensional Science
[2] Enchanting
[3] Spiritual

[1] Sammy
[2] The TA
[3] Ruby

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."

[1] Dimensional Science
[2] Countermagic
[3] Elemental

[1] Ruby
[3] The TA
[2] Adam

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
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Hi @Wander, would it be possible for you to use either the character sheet or one of the reserved sections to keep a record of buyable magic and threadmark it? It's a bit tricky looking for it each time.

[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] Give her a hug.

[1] Dimensional Science
[2] Countermagic
[3] Spiritual

[1] Ruby
[3] The TA
[2] Adam

[X] Make a new friend

Okay, so reasoning: We don't know much about spiritual at the moment. I think it's a good idea to get a couple of points just so that we can figure out what can be done with it (and hence, how best to defend against it in a fight). That said, we don't need it as much as the spells in our main build.

On people: We know that Ruby needs support right now, so Saphira should do her best to help her make friends. That's probably going to involve a lot of time spent with her. As for Adam, despite doing what was in his best interests (you can't convince me otherwise!), he's probably not kindly disposed to Saphira at the moment. Best to defuse that before it turns into long term resentment.

And the TA's Saphira's patron, so it's necessary to strengthen their relationship.
"I guess it's true what they say about her. If she sees something she wants, she won't stop until she owns it."
I hope I'm imagining things, but is Ruby saying that Diana let her stay because the dragon wants us? Because if so, our plan to keep from being noticed was doomed from the start.

Edit: Vote added, with reasoning.

[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] Give her a hug.
The world needs more hugs.

[1] Enchanting
[2] Countermagic
[3] Dimensional Science
Enchanting is probably going to be a force multiplier, and if there's any chance of Ruby getting pulled out of school, we should learn from her while we can.

[1] Ruby
[2] Adam
[3] The TA
Ruby and Saphira are great together, and we kind of owe Adam after that incident. Or he owes us... Anyway, maybe we can mend fences with him! We could use a friend a lot more than an enemy.

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college
This got Diana-derailed last time, but it hasn't stopped being a thing we should do.
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I hope I'm imagining things, but is Ruby saying that Diana let her stay because the dragon wants us? Because if so, our plan to keep from being noticed was doomed from the start.

No, Diana let her stay because she wants Ruby to like her. While she owns Ruby legally, she also wants to win her heart and soul. Or at least that's what my interpretation was.

Edit: To clarify, Ruby isn't all that happy at the College because she's being targeted by the Archmage and doesn't have many friends (read: one). This is why Diana wanted to pull her out. Saphira does a lot to make her life more enjoyable, and is now basically the reason Ruby is still at the College.
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[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] Give her a hug.

[1] Dimensional Science
[2] Enchanting
[3] Spiritual

[1] Ruby
[3] The TA
[2] Adam

[x] Figure out our reputation
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] Give her a hug.

[1] Dimensional Science
[2] Enchanting
[3] Countermagic
Dimensional science is great for panic buttons. Opening portals or teleporting is great for gtfo situations, especially if we can obfuscate the trace. Enchanting allows us to prepare defences, but I feel we should focus on hypercompetence in making space time bend over for us. We can then enchant our stuff with that. And countermagic is undervalued, so we should encounter a fair number of opponents who are not prepared for it.

[1] Ruby
[2] The TA
[3] Sammy

[x] Figure out our reputation
[X] Do you say anything before she goes?
-[X] "I'm glad you're staying."
-[X] Give her a hug.

[X] [1] Dimensional Science
[X] [2] Countermagic
[X] [3] Enchanting

[X] [1] The TA
[X] [2] Ruby
[X] [3] Sammy

[X] Figure out your reputation in the college