The Best Kings Wear Skirts

Actually thinking on it more, the detector might not even be set to ban boys but to ban boys sneaking into the female dorms (so something like male identity + intent to go in without permission). Afterall, around half of all professors that were the Griffindoor supervisor were probably male and there would need to be a way to let them through.
That would probably make more sense to be honest. The magical world canonically has mind-reading, but I imaging setting up a defence against people feeling guilty is easier than trying to pin down something as nebulous as gender identity. Not that that wouldn't stop everyone thinking it was the latter.
Makes one wonder why Snape isn't running down the corridors, bouncing up and down the walls, and screaming his head off.

Because as far as he can tell, Lily's just come back from the grave to haunt the castle. Metaphorically.
At worst he's replaced Lily with Harry, at best he's slowly coming to the realization that Harry is possibly not James Potter: the Second Coming. You know, possibly.
*imperious nod* Alas this fic won't seem much if any in the way of floof. Just a bit hard to work into a HP story without it sorta dominating things.
Nonsense, it just has to be emotional floof instead of physical. Besides, we have Crookshanks and Snuffles in this story, and Hedwig, and that seems to be an adequate amount of floof. (Hedwig herself is more than adequate in floofiness).

This is a stark departure rom previous descriptions of her figure. She's thirteen. Having taught, I know there are well endowed thirteen year olds, but going from not Molly not noticing them, and with his original description of 'softness' when he first awoke as a she says that the term 'generous' should definitely not apply to her figure.

I'd been meaning to compliment you on avoiding some of the worst tropes a gender-switch fanfic tend to fall prey to, but this chapter told me I was judging you too soon. Having Harry deal with hearing the other side of "The Talk" in the background dealt with a lot of issues where focusing too much on the biology of, again, a thirteen year old can be downright creepy, so I liked that. Getting clothing done off screen was also good, though having to go back for the rest of her wardrobe was reasonable, though perhaps not the sheer amount of money she dropped so casually. For all that Harry has gone from "independently wealthy" to, "accounts comparable to royalty", Harry was never comfortable with his money in canon, and even with the improvement to her finances, I don't feel she would be quite so cavalier.

On the other hand, somebody actually forcing Harry to buy clothes that actually fit is something canon Harry could have done with. The Boy-Who-Pantsed-The-Dark~ish-One would have likely had fewer issues in school and wider magical society if he didn't look like a hobo. That's just more acceptable for boys than girls, but it still hurt him in ways he never understood.

"I see," she said as she fixed Neville with a look. "Then you should know, Mr. Longbottom, that Sybill Trelawney has predicted the death of one student a year since she arrived at this school. None of them has died yet. Seeing death omens is her favourite way of greeting a new class. If it were not for the fact that I never speak ill of my colleagues--" Professor McGonagall broke off, and they saw that her nostrils had gone white. She went on, more calmly, "Divination is one of the most imprecise branches of magic. I shall not conceal from you that I have very little patience with it. True Seers are very rare and Professor Trelawney…"

There are two funny things when it comes to this subject. First, "divination" translates as, "to learn," or "to find out," so every last spell and technique that gives you information is a form of divinination. All those spells Pomfrey uses to check Harry's health yet again? Divination. The spell to determine what poisons were present in a sample in year 6? Divination. Even the Marauder's Map is an enchantment of a divination effect. I really want to see a story where historical divination is taught, rather than just the least reliable and most difficult branch.

The other is that Trelawney actually bat's 1000 when it comes to spotting omens. Every last time, the omen really is there. It's the interpretation that gets her. I want to see a story where her interpretations are deliberately off to see which students disagree with her. Even if they don't know why they disagree, that might be one of the signs that somebody really does have an oracular gift of some sort. Also, "seer" gets used as a catchall for so many different oracular gifts, which annoys me.

Predicting a student death every year is just her being a drama queen, though =P

"Don't be feeling too bad, Harry. Ye look just like yur mother now. Same face and build."

My guess is Harry is looking 50/50 James/Lily, she's now at 25/75 James/Lily. That she now has a feminine build likely enhances this resemblance to Lily.

. He scowled at her and she sniffed and turned her head away to look for Ron.

I really hope this isn't a Harry/Draco ship. I've never cared for those. Canon Malfoy is such a waste of space that it is really hard to redeem him without starting in first year, though keeping him from sabotaging Hagrid means he isn't digging a deeper hole at the moment.

check Hagrid's plans regularly

For. Every. Last. Class. Not just third year, they need to talk to him about what he's going to show to other years to see where he needs to give warnings ahead of time. Canon Hagrid spent far too little time explaining before throwing the kids at the creature of the week. When I originally read this book, I thought that the point of the Monster Book of Monsters was to see who could figure out that you have to treat it like an animal, a magical creature, as a sort of pre-term test.

Harry grimaced at her Holly and Phoenix Feather wand. It had served her well so far, but something had seemingly changed this year… Maybe the fact that she was a girl now. Maybe her wand was just sexist.

Or you no longer have dank emo fumes influencing the choice.

Her Boggart bothered her a lot. Why had the Boggart thought she would be scared of getting married to Draco Malfoy like others were of the undead or giant spiders?
"I mean, I guess it's a bit of a multiple choice question, but what does a Wedding even represent as a fear?"

Losing your sense of self to your new body. This same scene played out in Ranma 1/2 when Tatewaki is actually nice to onna!Ranma and he has no idea how to respond to that. Ranma never had much experience with people being nice to him in either form.

A comb was pointed in her direction like a "Stay out of this! I will not be defeated by a rats nest!"

You dropped part of a sentence here.

After a few minutes of contemplation Fay dropped that line of thought. It had to be whatever allowed her and Hermione to be in two classes at once, though the other girl seemed to have a lot more issues with her schedule for some reason. Then again, Harry never seemed to have the urge to write a new book every time a Professor asked for an essay.

Up to "doesn't swing that way", I thought Fay was developing a crush on Hermione. Of course, part of Harry doing better is that she simply doesn't have more homework than average, as her time turner was just because of a messed up schedule, not somebody trying to cram more classes into the day than there were hours to put them. Even if the electives were laid out so none occurred during others, I doubt she'd have had the time to go to all of them. WoG from Rowling is that there were never any time turners in the castle before or after is stupid, as you really shouldn't add something to a story that is such a huge thing and then say it only ever happened that once. You're showing too much authorial bias, J.K.
This is a stark departure rom previous descriptions of her figure. She's thirteen. Having taught, I know there are well endowed thirteen year olds, but going from not Molly not noticing them, and with his original description of 'softness' when he first awoke as a she says that the term 'generous' should definitely not apply to her figure.

I'd been meaning to compliment you on avoiding some of the worst tropes a gender-switch fanfic tend to fall prey to, but this chapter told me I was judging you too soon. Having Harry deal with hearing the other side of "The Talk" in the background dealt with a lot of issues where focusing too much on the biology of, again, a thirteen year old can be downright creepy, so I liked that. Getting clothing done off screen was also good, though having to go back for the rest of her wardrobe was reasonable, though perhaps not the sheer amount of money she dropped so casually. For all that Harry has gone from "independently wealthy" to, "accounts comparable to royalty", Harry was never comfortable with his money in canon, and even with the improvement to her finances, I don't feel she would be quite so cavalier.
Actually, if you look at Lily at the same age as Harry, she was already fairly top heavy, compared to the average for the age range, and seeing as Harry, has her body based directly off of Lily's, this means that Harry is fairly well endowed for her age she's still not busty compared to say, the average 16 year old girl. (This is me speaking as the Editor in this instance, not a reader.)
I really hope this isn't a Harry/Draco ship
Not happening. Seriously, what is with those ships?

This is a stark departure rom previous descriptions of her figure. She's thirteen. Having taught, I know there are well endowed thirteen year olds, but going from not Molly not noticing them, and with his original description of 'softness' when he first awoke as a she says that the term 'generous' should definitely not apply to her figure.
See I was going for that then I had a talk with my editor. You can see her point above. That said... I may have to go back and construct something to keep Molly from noticing. I'll think of something.

Edit: My editor points out that Molly did in fact notice something and upon investigation she did... only to get promptly distracted by her husband.

You dropped part of a sentence here.
Whoops ^^;

For all that Harry has gone from "independently wealthy" to, "accounts comparable to royalty", Harry was never comfortable with his money in canon, and even with the improvement to her finances, I don't feel she would be quite so cavalier.
Harry also never seemed to actually know how much money he had. He went 'well that's a lot' but never got a number and never had anything to compare it to.
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