The Best Kings Wear Skirts

It aint a spoiler like asking who harry ends up with
Except, it is. It would spoil for many, on how Harry's gender ident plays out in the end. This is me speaking as not just the Editor for this fic, but as a Editor in general? Don't ask for details of the future of choices like this, its rude, and can force a author to pick a path for something, before it is time to do such, thus degrading creative freedom, and limiting the possible story outcomes prematurely.
Except, it is. It would spoil for many, on how Harry's gender ident plays out in the end. This is me speaking as not just the Editor for this fic, but as a Editor in general? Don't ask for details of the future of choices like this, its rude, and can force a author to pick a path for something, before it is time to do such, thus degrading creative freedom, and limiting the possible story outcomes prematurely.
I can not disagree with you and it pisses me off
My question is why Harry didn't make the conection between I'm like nevile and nevile admitting his wand was his fathers?
I'd just bet that Harry's Boggart is representing a nascent fear that she'll be stuck as a girl for good. It just wasn't quite enough to make it to her "worst" fear, so it threw in Malfoy for that extra bit of horror.

In all honesty, Harry is spectacularly lucky that she changed genders before puberty properly hit. Prior to that point, it's pretty much just cultural and social differences separating boys and girls. Gonna make things really awkward for her in the next few years though. On top of the already surfacing neurological differences ensuring that she's "thinking" like a girl, puberty will more or less cement female instincts into her mentality. She'll probably be capable of turning back once the time arrives, but I'd place a coinflip on her actually wanting to.
Such as those used by the Egyptians (which were poorly understood, but useful for curse breakers).
I wonder if the Rosetta Stone helped at all in deciphering those languages? Even if they're not exactly the same set of hieroglyphics, they'd share a root language. Of course that assumes the magical community is aware of the Rosetta Stone, and given the general disdain towards muggles I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.

Surely if the stairs were like that everyone would know since every now and then a trans boy would get thrown down them.
I dunno. If trans people make up 1% of the world population, which is dropped to 0.5% since we're only counting trans boys. If (for simplicity) we assume every year averages 100 students, total, and that they're split evenly between the four houses, then there's only a 0.00125% chance that Gryffindor will get a trans boy in a given year. So it's a once every 800 years occurrence. firmly in the realm of legend.
I wonder if the Rosetta Stone helped at all in deciphering those languages? Even if they're not exactly the same set of hieroglyphics, they'd share a root language. Of course that assumes the magical community is aware of the Rosetta Stone, and given the general disdain towards muggles I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.

I dunno. If trans people make up 1% of the world population, which is dropped to 0.5% since we're only counting trans boys. If (for simplicity) we assume every year averages 100 students, total, and that they're split evenly between the four houses, then there's only a 0.00125% chance that Gryffindor will get a trans boy in a given year. So it's a once every 800 years occurrence. firmly in the realm of legend.
You messed up some math there. If it's a .5%, that's 1/200, or every other year in a population of 100 students. Gryffindor would get one every ~8 years.
You messed up some math there. If it's a .5%, that's 1/200, or every other year in a population of 100 students. Gryffindor would get one every ~8 years.
Shit. I had it as that but second guessed it and went the other number. I do not do enough math these days to remember how to do anything beyond basic calculations.
Good chapter! I'm guessing Harry is afraid of enjoying being a girl and being stuck as a girl forever with all the things being a girl would entail, like potentially marriage which is why it went for the nuclear option of Malfoy as it's a worst case scenario. (and very common pairing in gender change Harry fics)

Fay seems like a nice girl and may be replacing Ron in a number of ways. Ron seemed a bit put off with Harry this chapter.
Surely if the stairs were like that everyone would know since every now and then a trans boy would get thrown down them.
AFAIK, it's only the female dorm stairs that are protected from males climbing up them. If it's based on the biological bits (and probably it is, as Harry doesn't get kicked down it wasn't, so the rest of this is an AU. Lol.) then a transboy could go up the stairs to the female dorm. (A transman is a man who was assigned female gender at birth, logically a 'transboy' would be a boy who was assigned female gender at birth). Anybody can go up the stairs to the male dorms. Presumably on the basis that 'girls wouldn't do that' (Hogwarts is around 1000 years old).

It's complicated by the fact that gender - even arrangement of physical bits and DNA - is NOT as simple as "(F/M) tick one". There are outliers and genetic and/or developmental complications that occur fairly rarely.

There is also the problem of what would happen to transgirls and whether males affected by polyjuice, male metamorphs* in female form or men who have had human transformation magic used on them to appear female would be kicked down the female dorm stairs.

* A not-uncommon trope is that metamorphs either have no specific gender or are whatever gender they choose to be on any given day.
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AFAIK, it's only the female dorm stairs that are protected from males climbing up them. If it's based on the biological bits (and probably it is, as Harry doesn't get kicked down) then a transboy could go up the stairs to the female dorm.
It might be that in canon, but this story had Dumbledore state that it uses the mind, not the flesh.
AFAIK, it's only the female dorm stairs that are protected from males climbing up them. If it's based on the biological bits (and probably it is, as Harry doesn't get kicked down) then a transboy could go up the stairs to the female dorm. (A transman is a man who was assigned female gender at birth, logically a 'transboy' would be a boy who was assigned female gender at birth). Anybody can go up the stairs to the male dorms. Presumably on the basis that 'girls wouldn't do that' (Hogwarts is around 1000 years old).

It's complicated by the fact that gender - even arrangement of physical bits and DNA - is NOT as simple as "(F/M) tick one". There are outliers and genetic and/or developmental complications that occur fairly rarely.

There is also the problem of what would happen to transgirls and whether males affected by polyjuice, male metamorphs* in female form or men who have had human transformation magic used on them to appear female would be kicked down the female dorm stairs.

* A not-uncommon trope is that metamorphs either have no specific gender or are whatever gender they choose to be on any given day.
It's explicity stated by Dumbledore in this story that it works based on the mind and not the body because of transfiguration and potions etc.
I must have missed that bit. :/

Harry seems to have flipped pretty fast, then.
As I read it, it's basically the author's way to say that Harry is a trans girl (and was so even before her transformation) even if she doesn't realize it yet:

"The protections on the stairs don't rely upon a person's physical form to permit them entry, otherwise enterprising young men would simply transfigure themselves into women to enter the dormitory," he explained, "It relies upon a person's sense of self to determine if they are to be granted entry. There have been times when boys have been able to enter the dormitory because they are more female than male mentally. It is hardly common, but it has happened on occasion."

Harry frowned. That sounded… She chewed her lip. "I guess?" She didn't feel that different from before. Could she have gone up the stairs before?
"She didn't feel that different from before. Could she have gone up the stairs before?"
As I read it, it's basically the author's way to say that Harry is a trans girl (and was so even before her transformation) even if she doesn't realize it yet:

"She didn't feel that different from before. Could she have gone up the stairs before?"
Not necessarily trans, but certainly not being invested in being male. Of course, those aren't mutually exclusive either...
Not necessarily trans, but certainly not being invested in being male. Of course, those aren't mutually exclusive either...
I mean, being "more female than male mentally" (according to Dumbledore, since the stairs let her up) while being born in a ""guy body"" (she notes she doesn't feel like her mind has changed and she could have gone up them before) is kind of textbook transfem.

Of course, that can be on a spectrum and she might not have necessarily identified as a trans girl specifically if she had explored it, but it's hard to say she's not at least trans, even if you don't know the specific place she lands on that transfem spectrum.
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I mean, being "more female than male mentally" (according to Dumbledore, since the stairs let her up) while being born in a ""guy body"" (she notes she doesn't feel like her mind has changed and she could have gone up them before) is kind of textbook transfem.
Speaking from experience, the only reason I ever really felt male was because of the body I was born with. Taking 13 year-old me and magically transitioning that me would have similar results to what's happening with this Harry. Sure, I am transfem, but 'assigned gender by default' is a thing and does fit the available information as much as Harry being an unknowing egg.
to quote a post I made on SB:

"When it comes to Harry herself, I started this story with the idea that Harry... doesn't really have a solid gender identity at the start. Harry is Harry, and that's how Harry thinks of Harry. Not so much gender-fluid as gender-neutral? if that makes sense. On top of that is some societal expectation that skews it one way or another. Third Year is when Harry first develops that crush on Cho Chang which can be considered (in what would have been in this timeline) where societal expectation kinda pushes the otherwise gender-neutral Harry towards male roles. Beyond all of that are the deeper effects of healing Harry with a template of her mother that no one in story is talking about or even knows exist. Which I'll not elaborate on until... probably the summer *after* the triwizard tournament."
By which point this unthreadmarked post will probably be forgotten~ *snickering kitsune*
I mean, being "more female than male mentally" (according to Dumbledore, since the stairs let her up) while being born in a ""guy body"" (she notes she doesn't feel like her mind has changed and she could have gone up them before) is kind of textbook transfem.

Of course, that can be on a spectrum and she might not have necessarily identified as a trans girl specifically if she had explored it, but it's hard to say she's not at least trans, even if you don't know the specific place she lands on that transfem spectrum.

Given how the Wizarding World handles edge cases, it could be 0.00001% over the line simply due to the hormonal influence of her current body and Hogwarts would go "GOOD ENOUGH!"
I am very enthralled by this so far! Interested to see where it goes from here :)
The other simple possibility is the detector isn't set up to allow girls but instead disallow boys. Presumably if someone doesn't identify strongly enough as a boy (which it seems Harry here doesn't have a very strong attachment too) then the detector doesn't try to force you out.

Actually thinking on it more, the detector might not even be set to ban boys but to ban boys sneaking into the female dorms (so something like male identity + intent to go in without permission). Afterall, around half of all professors that were the Griffindoor supervisor were probably male and there would need to be a way to let them through.