The Best Kings Wear Skirts

Side note: I am immediately sad that the hair has been dyed.

Only for a few more days. Unlike muggle dyes, I expect the potion reverts the entire length of their hair, not just the roots, when it wears off.

Don't be, it doesn't last long xD

Very accurate since the fifth attempt was at the start of book five

Also the point where the DADA teacher says, "Do you expect to be attacked in my classroom?" and he fails to say, "Yep. Last four tried to kill me, and you're not looking any better." Let the snark flow, young Potter. Embrace the power of sarcasm, as it is a far safer outlet of your rage, and if she doesn't spot it? Doubly good, as they've proven themselves idiots.
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Hmm, did the potion dye Harry's eyebrows too? :p
Also is Mrs. Weasley confused after those hugs? I'd figure that would be one of the things to give it away.
Also is Mrs. Weasley confused after those hugs? I'd figure that would be one of the things to give it away.
If the all-enveloping hug involved Harry (who is noted as being somewhat touch-inexperienced) reflexively curling her arms in front of herself over her chest, it would have sufficiently confused the impression to avoid detection. And instead drawn even more attention to how small she was.
Hmm, did the potion dye Harry's eyebrows too? :p
Also is Mrs. Weasley confused after those hugs? I'd figure that would be one of the things to give it away.

maybe just a little
edit: *awkward cough* totally didn't forget about that or anything...

She gets to hug him a couple of times per year, and is already thrown by Harry being smaller than when she was a he. Added to the impression I get that her breasts are around the first or second bud stage of development, and you reach a point where Mrs. Weasley not catching the differences is very believable. Change blindness can mask much larger differences with far less time between the two states.
It's a plothole as it was never adequately explained why Harry was a cannonball exiting the floo each time.
I always assumed it was from the Phoenix tears and basilisk venom in Harry's veins but it could just be cause of some innate fire talent.

Honestly though this story idea is very cute and I'm looking forward to more of it whenever that comes about <3
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I always assumed it was from the Phoenix tears and basilisk venom in Harry's veins but it could just be cause of some innate fire talent.

The problem with that theory is that Harry has trouble with the Floo even before that happened. Instead, think of the way his magic reacts to flying on a broom and perhaps he is unconsciously trying to correct for the spinning, but without a broom, that just makes it worse for him.

One interpretation I'm fond of for the basilisk venom and phoenix tears combo is that there is no cure for basilisk venom. It is 100% fatal. Even the most indestructible things, like a horcrux, can't stand against it. No, Fawkes just stopped Harry passing out from blood loss, and helped him recover fast enough to save Ginny's life, but he would have survived without it.
I never really figured it was much of a plot point, just the magical equivalent of someone whos bad with car trips… instead of getting sick you get yeeted out of the floo.
I always assumed it was from the Phoenix tears and basilisk venom in Harry's veins but it could just be cause of some innate fire talent.
Nope... At least, I think it happened the first time he went to the Weasleys...?
Damn, now I have a doubt... Can someone who read Harry Potter recently help us, please?
For all we know, it could just be "This bitch a horcrux YEET!"
The Floo network was tuned very precisely to handle exactly one soul passing through it.

The horcrux in Harry just adds a little extra momentum to his travel but meanwhile Voldemort, who has halved his soul an entire seven times, has been known to spend a week and a half just sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly being dragged through the emerald green flames to his destination.
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The Floo network was tuned very precisely to handle exactly one soul passing through it.

The horcrux in Harry just adds a little extra momentum to his travel but meanwhile Voldemort, who has halved his soul an entire seven times, has been known to spend a week and a half just sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly being dragged through the emerald green flames to his destination.
"So...much...spinning..." *Vomits* "Oh, and that was my good robe. Someones getting a Cruceius for this!"
"My Lord," intoned Malfoy, his even tongue always welcome in such trying times. "Do you believe you are far enough into the manor for us to attempt to employ the... butterfly net?"

You sigh. After three days in this damned fireplace your followers began utilizing increasingly implausible methods to attempt to pull you out of the bedeviled green flames. But, to rule a man must conquer his base urges. He must inspire confidence in his men, even when he wishes to simply take a god-be-damned nap.

You ready your tongue, the sibilant hiss of parseltongue building in the back of your throat.

"Yesss, Lucius. Ready... the net." May your followers never hear you utter the word "butterfly." It is demeaning and Lucius is a stronger man than you for speaking it amongst his fellows.

Your loyal Death Eaters are lined up, standing in solemn observance. Lucius steps forward, his eyes sunken and haggard from a day full of effort.

First they had cast spells to attempt to remove you from the flames, then when that failed Lucius had gone to retrieve his wife. You could still see the accursed woman's laughter behind her eyes. Narcissa was a tightly controlled woman, she would never let you hear even a suggestion of her glee, but you could see it. The mockery, the tears of laughter, all trapped within the amber of her cold visage.

She would pay once you were free. Of that, you would be sure. Not too much, for Lucius has been eminently loyal, but for a measure she would suffer for her mockery.

Silently, Lucius pulls the oversized butterfly net over your form. He takes a breath before digging his heels into his beautiful mahogany floor and heaving, with all the force in his delicate frame.

Your body does not budge an inch, still only moving forward the scant millimetre a minute that has been maintained since the beginning of your entrapment.

Once you were out of this predicament, you would torture a man from the Floo department to his last breath to determine why, exactly, it had occurred. The magic fascinated you, yes, but it frustrated you in much greater measure at the moment. Perhaps, however, where Lucius had failed, the combined might of your Death Eaters could succeed.

"Luciuss," you intone.

"Yes, my Lord."

"Lengthen the handle, Lucius, so that all of my loyal followers may prove their worth..."
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One interpretation I'm fond of for the basilisk venom and phoenix tears combo is that there is no cure for basilisk venom. It is 100% fatal. Even the most indestructible things, like a horcrux, can't stand against it. No, Fawkes just stopped Harry passing out from blood loss, and helped him recover fast enough to save Ginny's life, but he would have survived without it.
I'm not sure I follow? Did you mean Harry didn't get poisoned in the first place or like, Harry is immune to the venom naturally?
I'm not sure I follow? Did you mean Harry didn't get poisoned in the first place or like, Harry is immune to the venom naturally?

He shows himself as being more invulnerable than even things normally considered invulnerable on more than one occasion, not just with the basilisk venom. Having more than one (intact) soul could explain that easily, as would the idea of 'prophetic invulnerability', that is, that since a true prophecy required him be alive, nothing could kill him, regardless of the normal lethality. Injure, or inconvenience? Certainly. Kill? No. More than one fanfic with evil!- and manipulative!Dumbledores have him deliberately trying to get Harry killed so Tom would no longer have that kind of plot armor.

I've tried to put it into a scene, having Dumbledore's portrait explain things after Volde died to cover a number of plot holes, but could never really make it work. For all that I have complex interconnections between various fanfics, IPs, and my own musings, putting that in a form easy to understand by anybody outside of my head has never been a real strength of mine.

Explains why he apparated, flew, or walked everywhere too.

I'd considered making that comment, too.
and this is why Voldemort took a year to do anything after coming back from the dead.
I'm somewhat imagining now that it was an intentional feature of the floo network, to hinder those that create horcruxes, or the like. Just rather undocumented, and somewhat unknown even to the people that maintain it. And even better, something that is applied to multiple parts of the Wizarding World.