The Best Kings Wear Skirts

Honestly, does Harry even want to find Camelot? Between them eating ham and jam and spam alot, And how between their quests they sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gabl, Tis a silly place.
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I just got to the part where Harry decides to actually get the Firebolt and a few other fun things and feels a bit sheepish and, just. Then doesn't get some more things Harry probably actually needs with all the recent changes. And doesn't think to, much less know how to start finding out about, all kinds of useful things that the influx of cash could trivially make accessible - it's right for the mix of traumatized, confused, and uninformed that Harry is right now. That's good characterization.

It's so obvious that how Harry spends money would change in this situation, but it feels like you nailed the right spot for it, the right mix of splurging on a few interests and avoiding things that cause hangups.
It's so obvious that how Harry spends money would change in this situation, but it feels like you nailed the right spot for it, the right mix of splurging on a few interests and avoiding things that cause hangups.
That is what I was aiming for. Harry's just a bit.... Well, Harry is Harry, not some super-competent imposter.
Let me guess; it also asked the House Elves to replace Harry's uniform etc with the 'correct' version.

Hogwarts uniform is robes, and those are fairly monogender as clothing goes.

As Hermione said, Harry already had to get the girl styled robes, though Harry's young enough for the differences to likely be minor, so there is no need for the house elves to do anything about that. As for Harry's other clothes, as Harry thought about it, Hogwarts doesn't seem to care what is under the robes, which must be worn at all times on school days(with a possible exception for after the last classes of the day).

This chapter was full of typos, but i didn't care enough to pick them out, sorry. I'm going to guess the constant -and at times mid sentence- changes in pronouns were emblematic of Harry struggling with adjusting to his new biological situation. I do particularly like that this isn't "can never be undone!!!!" so many changed!Harry fics go for, instead being, "We could risk your life trying to break the spell now, or let you wait five years for the spell to break safely on its own". It's practical, pragmatic, and lets there be an established lore about people having lasting changes, making things like "coming out" have, potentially, a very different subtext.

Whether Harry winds up preferring to be female or develops any attraction to boys, girls, both, or neither isn't something I expect to show up for a long time, if this fic ever gets that far.

This reminds me of in which, at some point in kindergarten, Harry one day woke up as a dragon. Why? Never really even speculated on. Harry being a wizard attending Hogwarts with a wand, while technically being non-human, lets Dumbledore make some changes to laws that let him start teaching more and more varieties of formerly barred races attend school. It ends with Norberta becoming the first natural dragon to attend classes. Permanent voluntary sex changes are just one of many things that come up in the story.
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Does anyone else see Hermonie just standing in the girls dorm looking smug as she sees an extra bed with Harry's trunk at its foot, when Neville met with Harry
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Of the many ways this can go, I think potentially the funniest would be McGonagal saying, "If you wanted to be a girl, you should have just said so. There was no need to try to hide it."
Harry's type seems to be dark haired Seekers, pretty much.
I wonder if that has to do with how he normally interacts with them? They would be the only people he interacts with where he is treated as an equal and respected for his own accomplishments. Quidditch is the first place we ever see confident and comfortable Harry too. So I wonder if him having a relationship he associates with those feelings draws him to them?
You really nailed Harry in this chapter, by which I mean I wanted to pick them up and shake them until all the idiot marbles came pouring out of their ears.

They really said "my plan is to stick my fingers in my ears and go 'NA NA NA nothing is wrong' as loudly as possible and also just wing it" and I can't even be too frustrated by it because I feel like it's likely exactly what canon Harry would do.

Side note: I am immediately sad that the hair has been dyed.
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Presumably because he stopped going "surely this year is going to be normal" and realized that no, the crazy train has no breaks, it's going to be like that all the time.

But yeah, this definitely feels like early series Harry and his tendency to go "LA LA LA LA EVERYTHING IS FINE" even if he is, in fact, literally on fire; so I have been happy with the charicterization so far. And Hermione continues to prove that she is almost always right, and Harry should just give up on it ha.
Since nobody's commented on it yet, shitposts to wit from the Realm of Commanding;

Congrats, the constant flip flopping of guy and girl self-reference in the previous Skirts chapter successfully made my brain just as confused reading it as Harry is experiencing it :V

And also, I admire the dedication. You spent nearly 15k words hyping up Harry's ability to stealth this shit for years and then blew it up in a single sentence. Mad respect.