1. Huh, kind of surprising. Also may the reasons be explained for all of them, if France wants to invade Vaud, why abolish it of other micro states?

2. Will there be consueqneucnes from some radical catholics given the annexation of the Vatican or in Italy, since the church still has a lot of power?

3. Otherwise, looks like the Nazi's are like always. "Czechs outproducing Germans", If only it was so.

4. Also what is an "Aromanian", never heard of that term.
1. Of course it could have been a simple "France wants your clay. Tough luck." But a general statement dissolving microstates in general was thought more appropriate. After all, in an Europe of Nations, nationless microstates are outliers.

2. Not really. The Catholic Church was more powerfull in 1870 and there were no troubles then either. Besides, the Vatican City (the country) is not very important. It's the Holy See (the institution) which is the really important one and it was not touched in any way.

3. Yes. During the last centuries, it were the Germans who grew more than the Czechs.

4. That makes me really sad. I am an Aromanian.

The Aromanians (English exonym) are a Balkan Romance people autochthonous in Northern Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Southern Bulgaria and also numerous in Romania. They are also called Vlachos (Greek exonyms), Macedo-români / Aromâni (Romanian exonyms), etc. The endonym is Armâni.

Some of the Aromanians (including me) consider that they are part of the Romanian Nation.

You may check the Wikipedia Article about the Aromanians which is quite high quality.
1. Of course it could have been a simple "France wants your clay. Tough luck." But a general statement dissolving microstates in general was thought more appropriate. After all, in an Europe of Nations, nationless microstates are outliers.

2. Not really. The Catholic Church was more powerfull in 1870 and there were no troubles then either. Besides, the Vatican City (the country) is not very important. It's the Holy See (the institution) which is the really important one and it was not touched in any way.
Ah yeah that is true.

3. Yes. During the last centuries, it were the Germans who grew more than the Czechs.
Indeed, but well Nazis will remain Nazis.

4. That makes me really sad. I am an Aromanian.

The Aromanians (English exonym) are a Balkan Romance people autochthonous in Northern Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Southern Bulgaria and also numerous in Romania. They are also called Vlachos (Greek exonyms), Macedo-români / Aromâni (Romanian exonyms), etc. The endonym is Armâni.

Some of the Aromanians (including me) consider that they are part of the Romanian Nation.

You may check the Wikipedia Article about the Aromanians which is quite high quality.
Ah, thanks for the information and the article.
[Map] Poland and the Baltics (October 1948)
Poland and the Baltics
After the 1948 European Crisis
Previous Maps from this series: July 1948, August 1948

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Stars: Capitals
  • Circles: Important Cities
  • Red Curve: Berlin Dome, radius 785 km on the ground, and Demarcation Line in Outer Latvia
  • Pink Curve: Deactivated (opened) portions of the Dome

  1. Jaanilinn Area / Ivangorod District (remained part of the Russian SFSR)
  2. Petseri County / Pechory District (retroceded to Estonia)
  3. Abrene County / Pytalovo District (retroceded to Latvia)
  4. Northern Bukovina and Northern Bessarabia (remained part of the Ukrainian SSR)
  5. Transcarpathia Proper (Ukrainian SSR)
  6. Ukrainian Felvidék (Transcarpathia, Ukrainian SSR)
  7. Carpathia Autonomous Region (Slovakia)
  8. Felvidék Autonomous Region (Slovakia)
  9. Hungary (Soviet Occupation Zone)
  10. Karelian Isthmus (retroceded to the Karelian SSR)
[Map] Hungary and Slovakia (October 1948)
Hungary and Slovakia
After the 1948 European Crisis
Previous Maps from this series: July 1948, August 1948

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Stars: Capitals
  • Circles: Important Cities
  • Red Curve: Berlin Dome, radius 785 km on the ground, and Demarcation Line in Outer Hungary
  • Pink Curve: Deactivated (opened) portions of the Dome

  1. Sudetenland
  2. Upper Silesia
[Map] North-East Italy, Slovenia and North-West Croatia (October 1948)
North-East Italy, Slovenia and North-West Croatia
After the 1948 European Crisis
Previous Maps from this series: July 1948, August 1948

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Stars: Capitals
  • Circles: Important Cities
  • Pink Curve: Deactivated (opened) portions of the Dome
[Map] Adriatic Littoral (October 1948)
Adriatic Littoral
After the 1948 European Crisis
Previous Maps from this series: July 1948, August 1948

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Stars: Capitals
  • Circles: Important Cities
  • Pink Curve: Deactivated (opened) portions of the Dome
[Map] Switzerland (October 1948)
After the 1948 European Crisis
Previous Maps from this series: July 1948, September 1948

  • National colours as usual (with the exception of the German Switzerland Cantons)
  • De facto situation shown
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Stars: Capitals
  • Circles: Important Cities
  • Pink Curve: Deactivated (opened) portions of the Dome

The Swiss European Cross-Border Cooperation Area included the territories listed below.

German Swizerland / Deutsche Schweiz
Independent Federal Country under German influence; Claimed by Germany
  • Bern
  • Basel (Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft)
  • Solothurn
  • Aargau
  • Zürich
  • Schaffhausen
  • Thurgau
  • St. Gallen
  • Appenzell (Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden)
  • Glarus
  • Schwyz
  • Zug
  • Luzern
  • Unterwalden (Obwalden and Nidwalden)
  • Uri
  • Graubünden
  • Freiburg
  • Wallis

Sonderkreis of the German Reich

French Switzerland / Romandy
Autonomous Federal State of France
  • Jura
  • Neuchâtel
  • Fribourg
  • Valais
  • Geneva
  • Vaud

Italian Switzerland / Svizzera
Group of Autonomous Regions of Italy
  • Ticino
  • Valtellina
  • Aosta
[Map] Central Europe (November 1948)
Central Europe
After the 1948 European Crisis
Previous Maps from this series: July 1948, September 1948

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Red Curve: Berlin Dome, radius 785 km on the ground, and Demarcation Lines in Outer Latvia and Outer Hungary
  • Pink Curve: Deactivated (opened) portions of the Dome
  • Whitish Area: Demilitarized Zones in Soviet occupied Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Serbia, Albania
[Map] Italy and Croatia (November 1948)
There is no need for a map of Western Europe this time because there have been no changes in that area since the last map (September 1948).

Instead, enjoy a new map of Italy and the entire Croatia (including the new Serb Autonomous Region).

Italy and Croatia
After the 1948 European Crisis
Previous Map from this series: November 1945

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Red Curve: Berlin Dome, radius 785 km on the ground, and Demarcation Line in Outer Hungary
  • Pink Curve: Deactivated (opened) portions of the Dome

Note: Tripolitania and Cyrenaica are not shown on the map, except as a brown rectangle with a downwards pointing arrow near the bottom of the map.

Regions of Italy:
  1. Piemonte (Piedmont)
  2. Liguria
  3. Lombardia (Lombardy)
  4. Veneto
  5. Emilia-Romagna
  6. Toscana (Tuscany)
  7. Marche (Marches)
  8. Umbria
  9. Lazio
  10. Abruzzo
  11. Molise
  12. Campania
  13. Puglia (Apulia)
  14. Basilicata
  15. Calabria
  16. Sicilia (Sicily), Autonomous
  17. Sardegna (Sardinia), Autonomous
  18. Istria, Autonomous
  19. Trentino, Autonomous
  20. Valtellina, Autonomous
  21. Ticino, Autonomous
  22. Aosta, Autonomous
  23. San Marino, Autonomous
  24. Tripolitania, Autonomous
  25. Cirenaica (Cyrenaica), Autonomous
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[Map] Soviet Union (1949)
Soviet Union

Legend and Key in the map (upper-right corner).

Note: The map has a significant area distorsion at high latitudes because of the Google Maps base map Web Mercator projection. A possible solution would be to reproject the map but I don't have the necessary software. In any case, there are no important borders or territories at high latitudes.
[List] Countries & Dependencies (January 1949)
Sovereign Countries & Dependencies
January 1949
Previous: February 1945, May 1945, August 1945, January 1947
Changes in Red. Occupied / Claimed Territories in Italics.

United States of America
Great Power, Federation, Western Bloc
  • Korea (Associated State, preparing for independence in 1950)
  • Alaska (Territory)
  • American Antilles (Territory)
  • Galapagos (Territory)
  • Greenland (Territory)
  • Hawaii (Territory)
  • Micronesia (Territory)
  • Panama Canal Zone (Territory)
  • Puerto Rico (Territory)
  • American Antarctica (Territory)

United Kingdom
Great Power, Western Bloc
  • Malaya (Associated State, preparing for independence in 1951)
  • Somalia (Associated State, preparing for independence in 1966)
  • East Africa (Associated State, preparing for independence in 1966)
  • Guinea (Associated State, preparing for independence in 1966)
  • Gibraltar (Crown Colony)
  • Malta (Crown Colony)
  • Socotra (Crown Colony)
  • Seychelles (Crown Colony)
  • Zanzibar (Crown Colony)
  • Comoros (Crown Colony)
  • Mauritius (Crown Colony)
  • Reunion (Crown Colony)
  • Bathurst (Crown Colony)
  • Saint Helena (Crown Colony)
  • Falkland Islands (Crown Colony)
  • Hong Kong (Crown Colony)
  • British Antarctica (Crown Colony)

British Dominion, Federation, Western Bloc
  • Bermuda (External Territory)
  • Jamaica (External Territory)
  • Trinidad (External Territory)
  • Canadian Caribbean (External Territory)

British Dominion, Federation, Western Bloc
  • Melanesia (External Territory, Federation)
  • Nauru (External Territory)
  • Norfolk Island (External Territory)
  • Australian Indian Ocean Territory (External Territory)
  • Australian Antarctica (External Territory)

New Zealand
British Dominion, Western Bloc
  • Polynesia (External Territory, Federation)
  • New Zealand Antarctica (External Territory)

South Africa
British Dominion, Federation, Western Bloc

Soviet Union
Great Power, Federation, Socialist country, Neutral
  • Occupied Estonia
  • Occupied Latvia
  • Occupied Lithuania
  • Occupied Hungary
  • Occupied Romania
  • Occupied Bulgaria
  • Occupied Serbia
  • Occupied Albania
  • Russia (SFSR)
  • Ukraine (SSR)
  • Byelorussia (SSR)
  • Karelia (SSR)
  • Georgia (SSR)
  • Armenia (SSR)
  • Azerbaijan (SSR)
  • Kazakhstan (SSR)
  • Kyrgyzstan (SSR)
  • Uzbekistan (SSR)
  • Turkmenistan (SSR)
  • Tajikistan (SSR)
  • Kurdistan (SSR)
  • Turkey (SSR)
  • Syria (SSR)

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations


European Community of Nations, some areas under the control of the Algiers Government, de jure situation shown
  • Morocco (Associated State)
  • Tunisia (Associated State)
  • French Equatorial Africa (Colony)
  • French West Africa (Colony)

German Switzerland
European Community of Nations, Federation

Great Power, European Community of Nations, Federation, Dome owner

Socialist country, Neutral

European Community of Nations

Iceland and Faroe
Neutral, Federation


European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

  • Mozambique (Colony)
  • Angola (Colony)

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

European Community of Nations

Western Bloc (American influence)






Costa Rica


Dominican Republic


El Salvador











Western Bloc, Arab League

Western Bloc

Great Power, Neutral

East Africa
British Associated State, Federation

Western Bloc, Arab League

Western Bloc

British Associated State, Federation

Great Power, Western Bloc, Federation


Western Bloc

Western Bloc

Neutral, partial American Occupation

American Associated State

Neutral, Arab League


British Associated State, Federation

French Associated State, Arab League

Western Bloc

British Associated State

Neutral, Federation, including Laos

French Associated State, Arab League

Western Bloc

Note: All 67 independent countries and 7 associated states are full members of the World Forum.
At 1st I was reluctant to read this but now, I can honestly declare this is the best WW2 isot I've ever read. Better than the 2 Hitler SI and I can't speak german
The start was kinda messy and with Aldophine being such a pain in the ass to read, it kinda bummed me out. But all's well that ends well.

Was the -ve publicity from the SJWs over at AH.com? Who cares about them, I like how you write everything objectively and realistically. Unlike the other fic's I mentioned which shy away or ignore the atrocities committed during WW2.

After four and a half months, we have finally caught up with the story published so far on AlternateHistory.com.

From now on, I will post the new chapters in parallel here and there.

Barring occasional hiatuses, you may expect one or two chapters per week.

Questions, comments, criticism, discussions, contributions, etc, are always welcome.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

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I am really sorry for this long hiatus. I was feeling unwell and I found it impossible to concentrate enough in order to write something coherent.

As I am feeling much better now, I will resume posting new chapters, starting tomorrow. I have a cache of chapters already written in order to post them smoothly.

I cannot promise that there will not be other unwanted interruptions in the future. If that happens, I can only hope that you will understand and continue to read this story when I resume posting it. However, as there is not much left of this story anyway, I am almost sure that I will be able to finish it during the following months.

I want to stress that I will never simply abandon a timeline without clearly stating so in a post and for a good reason. If it looks abandoned, please consider that it is only dormant and awaiting a continuation. In case I am banned or decide to leave the site permanently, for whatever reasons, you would be able to find me and my stories on AlternateHistory.com or in other corners of the Internet. If I pass away, somebody with access to my account will inform you. Hopefully, neither of these will happen anytime soon.

After such a long break, it is expected that you have forgotten a significant amount of the information presented so far in the timeline. If you desire to get up to date quickly with the most important events, you may review the recapitulations provided every ten chapters. Of course, I would gladly answer any and all questions about the story, as usual.

Thank you for your continued interest in this story.

The next chapter will be posted tomorrow.
Wahoo! I think there should be more detail into the events of the Middle East and the Balkans, though I don't mind either way what you do next.
Chapter 133. Adolphine and Heinrich Before Their Wedding
Chapter 133. Adolphine and Heinrich Before Their Wedding

For context, you may review the story arc presenting the romance between Adolphine and Heinrich, from Chapter 103 to Chapter 114, the last one being the most important for understanding future events.

In a nutshell, Adolphine and Prince Heinrich of Bavaria fell in love. They embarked in an adventure abroad, breaking the law numerous times. Eventually, they were apprehended, stood trial and received the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. However, Heinrich's parents, the King and Queen of Bavaria, forbid him to see Adolphine anymore.
16-17 July 1946, Deutsches Reich

The trial was held in München. Both Adolphine and Heinrich pleaded guilty to all charges: conspiracy, forgery, use of fake identities, illegal border crossing. They were sentenced to one month with probation. Helga was found not guilty and released immediately.

It took more then one week for the interest of the media to start diminishing. It would take way more than that for the Bavarian Royal family to overcome their shame.

In one of the many deals Adolphine made with the OKW, von Manstein promissed that Heinrich be detached for his military service (conscription) in Obersalzberg. King Rupprecht tried to intervene only to realize that his powers as constitutional monarch were very limited and the Werhmacht was clearly no pushover.
29 September 1946, Deutsches Reich


Adolphine: "I see. And what do I get from that?"

von Manstein (smiling): "I believe that Herr von Bayern should finally do his military service. We could send him to Memelland or, maybe, to Obersalzberg. It's your choice."

All that being clear, we can now resume the story with October 1946, when Heinrich started his military service in Obersalzberg and quickly advance all the way to the wedding of Adolphine and Heinrich, which was celebrated almost three years later.

For other events which took place during that time, both in the Reich and abroad, including the founding of the World Forum, the Wars in the Middle East, the spectacular European Crisis of 1948 and its resolution, you can review the relevant chapters, from Chapter 115 to Chapter 132.

Note: Until the official end of the war with the Soviet Union, the Reich maintained a professional standing army of 1,100,000 to 1,400,000 men, augmented yearly with the conscripts performing their mandatory two year military service (up to 1,600,000 in the two overlapping contingents).

Heinrich had so far avoided conscription. During the war he was at first a minor, then abroad and finally in a concentration camp. After the war, his family's newly restored royal status sheltered him from the draft until von Manstein decided to send him to Obersalzberg in order to placate Adolphine and extract a concession from her during one of their negotiations.

7-24 October 1946, München, Bayern, Deutsches Reich

An official letter from the Wehrmacht arrived at the München Residenz, summoning Heinrich to the local Heer Headquarters for his two year long mandatory military service. Following King Rupprecht's unsuccessful attempt to exempt his son from the draft, Heinrich duly reported to the München Heer Headquarters.

Officer: "Yes, Soldat von Bayern, you shall report to the Obersalzberg Heer Headquarters on the 25th."

Heinrich (stammering): "Obersalzberg?..."

Officer: "Yes. You have been assigned to the Obersalzberg Special Defense Force. Feldwebel von Hitler will be training the recruits this year." (faint smile) "I believe you have met her."

Heinrich: "Yes... Sir!"

Officer: "I hope you do understand that, no matter your personal relation with Feldwebel von Hitler, she is your superior and you will obey her orders. I hope that you will not find yourself in any trouble. Understood?"

Heinrich: "Yes, Sir!"

King Rupprecht was furious when Heinrich told him that he will spend the following two years with Adolphine. He phoned at the OKW and protested vigurously, albeit in vein, then he asked the German Kaiser to intercede, again with no success. In the end, he had to comply and allow Heinrich to leave for Obersalzberg.

25 October 1946, Obersalzberg, Hitler, Deutsches Reich

Heinrich arrived at the Obersalzberg Heer Headquarters early in the morning. After filling in a couple of forms, Heinrich was instructed to wait for Feldwebel von Hitler.

As usual, Adolphine was late and, when she arrived at last, she was obviously sleepy and grumpy. Heinrich stood at attention and saluted. Adolphine's demeanour changed instantly for the better, her wide smile and sparkling green eyes telling Heinrich everything he needed to know. Minding the other men present in the room, Adolphine quickly composed herself, saluted and ordered Heinrich to follow her.

Once outside, Adolphine began to run, with Heinrich doing his best to keep up with her. One hour later, the two lovers were enjoying their reunion in the privacy of the Kehlsteinhaus, after more than three months of forced separation.

26 October 1946 - 22 October 1948, Obersalzberg, Hitler, Deutsches Reich

For two years, Heinrich had performed his military service in Obersalzberg under the direct supervision of Adolphine. Yes, he actually received a certain amount of military training, mainly from Adolphine.

You should have at least the martial skills of your girlfriend, don't you think?

If you want to be with me, you should be able to defend yourself should need arise. There are people out there who want to harm me and those I love. Yes, we have this oversized security detail but it can never hurt to be prepared for the worst.

Come on! Guns are fun! Bombs are fun as well!... Don't be such a pussy!

You know, that backpack of yours is way too light. If you go to war, you would have to carry loads of equipment. I believe 55 kilograms would do... Yes, that's me! Piggyback time!

Heinrich and Adolphine trekked through the Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, ran, cycled, swam and dived in the Königssee, fired all sort of weapons, used explosives, drove military vehicles, including tanks, and even bombed some wooden mockups from Adolphine's airship with a moderate amount of success.

It worked. More or less. At the end of his military service, Heinrich was a decent fighter. While certainly not as good as Adolphine, he was leagues above his former self.

At first, Heinrich spent the nights in the soldier's barracks but later he began to stay overnight with Adolphine at the Kehlsteinhaus more often than not. After about one year, all pretenses were finally dropped and Adolphine brought Heinrich to the Berghof and in her bedroom. To her obvious displeasure, Helga Susanne had to move to her own room. Eva and Gretl feigned being scandalized for a while but Adolphine simply didn't care.

In the second year of Heinrich's military service, the two lovers already lived like husband and wife with the military training becoming increasingly infrequent. Of course, none of Adolphine's superiors cared enough to say anything about it.

In the spring of 1948, a carefully selected team of workers started to build a small palace for Adolphine, not far away from the Berghof. The reasons were multiple.

Firstly, the Berghof started to feel rather crowded with Adolf Hitler, Eva Hitler and their children, Klara (2 years old) and Walküre (newborn), Gretl Fegelein and her daughter Barbara (3 years old), Helga Susanne (16 years old), Adolphine and Heinrich living there together.

Secondly, they had little privacy at the Berghof and the Kehlsteinhaus was about two kilometres away and several hundred metres upslope in the Alpine wilderness.

Thirdly, they intended to get married and have the wedding party in Obersalzberg and it was expected to have a proper place to live on their own, receive guests and have parties as well as, eventually, to raise their children.

The relation with Heinrich's parents became better, the passage of time and the determination of the youngsters to remain together working wonders to mellow the hearts of the Bavarian royals.

From the spring of 1948, Adolphine began to accompany Heinrich to München in his leaves and she was soon allowed to stay at the Residenz as well during their short trips to the Bavarian Capital.

12-14 June 1948, München, Bayern, Deutsches Reich

During an informal dinner at the München Residenz, Adolphine asked King Rupprecht and Queen Antonia to allow their son to marry her. Antonia choked with her pudding.

Two days later, after several rounds of serious discussions, Adolphine and Heinrich finally obtained the blessing of Heinrich's parents.

20 June 1948, München, Bayern, Deutsches Reich

The Engagement of Adolphine and Heinrich

Cardinal Adolf Bertram arrived from Breslau to officiate the engagement of Heinrich Prinz von Bayern with Adolphine Fürstin von Hitler.

It was a small, private ceremony, the small chapel of the Residenz easily accomodating the fiancés, their immediate families and a handful of very close friends. The only notable absence was that of the fiancée's adoptive father, Adolf Hitler, who was forbidden to leave Obersalzberg per the 1945 agreement with the OKW.

Shortly after the end of the Catholic Mass, the fiancés and their guests gathered in a ball room for the equally private engagement party.

Eva, Gretl and Helga Susanne felt and acted rather awkward among royalty but Adolphine was already well accustomed to the expected protocol and behaved almost flawlessly. The fact that she refrained from drinking too much must have surely helped.

The wedding was scheduled for the 1st of May the following year.

It was decided that the wedding party would be quite different from the small and private engagement ceremony. The wedding would be held in Obersalzberg, in Adolphine's new Palace (which would be finished until then) and there would be hundreds of people invited, including royalty and other officials from within the Reich and beyond.

22 June - 24 September 1948

During the European Crisis, Adolphine was rather busy with two trips to Berlin, numerous phone calls with von Manstein, Otto Skorzeny and others and the markedly odd situation with Charles de Gaulle as a prisoner in the Kehlsteinhaus.

Heinrich was compliant, fully understanding that Adolphine had important and top secret affairs to take care of. Helga Susanne was a little more nosy but that was expected given her age and personality.

For Adolphine's involvement in the European Crisis, you may review Chapter 123. Planning the Crisis and Chapter 126. Charles de Gaulle.

Shortly after the end of the European Crisis, Adolphine and Heinrich began to plan their wedding.
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Chapter 134. The Wedding's Who's Who
Chapter 134. The Wedding's Who's Who

In this chapter we will present the participants at the 1st of May 1949 wedding of Adolphine and Heinrich.

The Bride
Adolphine Fürstin von Hitler
(19, née Heimat)

Adolphine had changed significantly during the four years lived in the Reich.

Four years previously she was a prisoner of conscience in a dystopian future. Now she was a Fürstin regnant, a presumed éminence grise of the German Reich and one of the most influential, powerful and richest women in the World.

At nineteen years old, Adolphine had blossomed into a strong, confident and charming young woman. Her slim and tall body (65 kg / 180 cm), large green eyes, anthracite black hair and a barely noticeable hint of oriental features made her quite attractive.

Adolphine was in a great physical shape and quite good at sports and all kinds of physical activities. She was a fast runner, swimmer and cyclist, a good climber and an excellent diver. She was also very resilient to sustained and arduous physical effort, heat, cold, discomfort and pain. The medical nanobots were obviously helpful there.

In November 1948, shortly after Heinrich had finished his military service, Adolphine left active service in the Wehrmacht, being placed in reserve with the rank of Stabsfeldwebel (the highest Unteroffizier rank and the highest rank achievable without attending a Military Academy). Her basic training had been in the special forces. She was an excellent sniper and had good command of most weapons available to the Wehrmacht. She could drive almost any land vehicle, including tanks, sail a small boat, pilot an airship or a glider and jump with a parachute.

Adolphine had finished the thirteenth grade the previous year and had passed her Abitur with a very good score. The professors had strongly suspected that she had cheated but had been unable to prove anything. Naturally, Olaf had been left outside the examination room and she had been checked for any other hidden robots but doubt still lingered. After all, uptime technology was so unbelievably advanced that anything was deemed possible.

Adolphine was very good at English (foreign language), good at German literature and grammar, history, geography and social sciences, decent at mathematics and physics and mediocre at chemistry, biology, economics, French and other subjects. Besides the school subjects, Adolphine could also speak "European" and knew some basics of (downtime) computer programming.

Adolphine had no intention at the moment to continue her studies in a university but Olaf continued to teach her useful bits and pieces from various fields of knowledge.

Adolphine was not very bright but she was not stupid either, her IQ being a little over one hundred. In fact, most of her initial incompetence in helping the Nazis can be attributed to three factors: her lack of formal education, her grotesque indoctrination by her neo-Nazi parents and, last but not least, the very difficult nature of the problems raised by Heisenberg, Hahn, Zuse and other scientists.

Four years later, Adolphine had a rather solid general culture, her initial indoctrination had mostly faded away and she cleverly avoided subjects such as nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, rocket science and others. Not being anywhere near scientists or hardcore Nazis anymore also helped.

After her bizarre performance at the 1946 Nürnberg Rally, Adolphine grew less interested in politics. She was no longer a National Socialist. Maybe she had never really been one. She could not even be considered a proper conservative in the middle of the 20th century. She had military training (not exactly a proper gender role for a woman), had sex before marriage, lived with her boyfriend, considered religion to be rather unimportant (while nominally a Christian) and tolerated sexual minorities as long as they kept it private. She wasn't even a usual Nationalist for that period, as her allegiance to the White Race instead of just the Volk was widely considered absurd.

In fact, Adolphine's personal opinions about her political positions differed markedly from how the other people viewed her. She used to consider herself as the true, unadulterated, National Socialist (not anymore though), a Conservative and a Nationalist. From the point of view of those who knew her, she was none of those and actually impossible to properly characterize from a political point of view.

Another interesting change was that Adolphine was significantly less odd and socially awkward, having learned to suppress her outbursts and to behave properly in polite society.

All in all, it can be said that Heinrich had hit the jackpot. At least that was the general impression, both in the Reich and abroad.

The Groom
Heinrich Prinz von Bayern
(27, House of Wittelsbach)

Heinrich was a tall and handsome young man, bearing a little coincidental resemblance to Adolphine.

He was a member of the House of Wittelsbach, a very old German Royal Family which had reigned in Bavaria since 1180.

Heinrich was the fifth in the succession line to the Bavarian throne after his older brother Albrecht and his four children, so his prospects of ever acceding to the throne were close to zero.

Heinrich did not have a chance to attend university because he had spent most of his adult life in exile, in a Nazi Concentration Camp and, finally, in the military service. He intented to study archaeology, starting that autumn.

Heinrich was an amateur writer, having written a couple of short stories as well as his memories from the exile and subsequent captivity.

In 1949, he was writing a dystopic alternate history novella with the point of divergence being that the Nazi Dictatorship did not fall in the summer of 1945, Hitler managed to quell the revolt and remained in power, resulting in massive internal and international changes. The book, published the following year, would be very successful, sparking an alternate history craze both in the Reich and abroad.

Adolphine's Adoptive Father
Adolf Hitler
(60, former Führer of the German Reich)

Following the 23rd of April 1945 self inflicted gunshot which obliterated his brain, a Computer Core inserted into Hitler's empty cranial cavity completely controlled his brainless body. Besides Adolphine, no other human was aware of Hitler's condition, although several people would eventually begin to suspect it.

According to the 1945 agreement with the OKW, Hitler was forbidden to:
  • leave the Obersalzberg (Hitler) Sonderkreis;
  • engage in politics (join a political party, attend political rallies, deliver political speeches, etc);
  • talk with the mass media or publish anything without prior approval from the OKW.

During the four years spent in Obersalzberg, Hitler received various guests, either Nazis or Fascists from other countries, who were invariably disappointed by Hitler's inexplicable change of heart towards the Nazi Party. Basicly, Hitler simply reiterated his position from his 2nd of May 1945 Statement.
[...] with the National Socialist Revolution successful and complete and the German Reich and Volk saved from their predicament, the National Socialist Party and Movement, having achieved all their aims, are no longer needed and the German Reich should return to a form of National Democracy apropriate for the conditions prevalent in our Reich and the spirit of our Volk.

Although Hitler was basicly a robot and couldn't feel boredom, he, nonetheless, chose to fill his time with various activities in order to maintain an appearance of normalcy and help keep the charade going. Thus, he went on long walks, usually alone with Blondi, sometimes with Eva or with Adolphine, painted 27 paintings which sold very well (despite being considered of rather poor quality by the art critics) and lived a healthy family life with his blissfully unsuspecting wife and children.

More importantly, Hitler wrote his memoirs, Diktator des Deutschen Reiches, and a heavily annotated version of Mein Kampf. There, he tried to explain some of his original ideas as hyperbolic electoral propaganda taken ad literam by deranged people and turned into a nightmare. Both books were published, albeit without several paragraphs discussing atrocities and mass murder which the Reich Authorities were not yet ready to acknowledge. The uncensored editions would only become available after the events of 1997.

Hitler's Family
  • Paula Hitler (53, younger sister)
  • Angela Hammitzsch (65, widowed, née Hitler, elder half-sister)
  • Elfriede Maria Hochegger (39, née Raubal, niece), Angela's daughter (her other daughter, Geli, had committed suicide in 1931), with her husband, Ernst, and sons, Heiner (4) and Helmut (2)
  • Peter Raubal (18, great-nephew), Angela's grandson from Leo Raubal Jr. (prisoner of war in the Soviet Union since 1943, assumed dead)

Hitler was not very close to his sisters and he tried to keep them away as much as possible lest they suspected that something was not what it seemed to be. Nevertheless, they had some limited contact, mainly short visits at Christmas and Easter.

Obviously, his estranged half-brother Alois Hitler Jr. and half-nephew William Patrick Hitler were not invited.

Adolphine's Adoptive Mother
Eva Hitler
(37, née Braun, Adolf Hitler's wife)

With a bland personality and relatively mediocre intelect, Eva was not remarkable in any other way besides being Hitler's wife. Already mother of two, Klara Hitler (3) and Valküre Hitler (1), Eva was again pregnant, awaiting twins in October.

Eva's relations with her husband, younger sister and adoptive daughter were excellent, leading to a generally pleasant and tranquil atmosphere at the Berghof. She spent most of her time either with her children or engaged in various leisurely activities. Eva missed travelling but the presence of an increasing number of small children and her husband's interdiction to leave the Sonderkreis largely precluded that.

Eva's Family
  • Friedrich Braun (Fritz, 70, father)
  • Franziska Braun (Fanny, 64, née Kronberger, mother)
  • Ilse Braun (40, divorced, no children, elder sister)
  • Gretl Fegelein (33, widowed, née Braun, younger sister), with her daughter Barbara (4)

Gretl and Barbara lived at the Berghof. Eva's parents visited the Berghof frequently to spend time with their daughters and granddaughters. Ilse visited them as well, albeit less often.

From all the close relatives of Adolphine and Heinrich, Gretl was the only one who was still a member of the Nazi Party. Gretl and Eva had voted with the Nazis in the last two elections. However, their Nazi beliefs were not especially strong.

Heinrich's Family
  • Rupprecht, King of Bavaria (80, House of Wittelsbach, father)
  • Antonia, Queen of Bavaria (49, House of Luxembourg, mother)
  • Albrecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria (44, elder half-brother), with his wife Maria (45) and children: Marie Gabrielle (18), Marie Charlotte (18), Franz (15, heir) and Max (12)
  • Irmingard (26, younger sister), with her fiancé
  • Editha (24, younger sister), with her husband and daughter (2)
  • Hilda (23, younger sister), with her fiancé
  • Gabrielle (22, younger sister), as maid of honour (see below)
  • Sophie (14, younger sister), as maid of honour (see below)

Heinrich had numerous uncles, aunts and cousins, both paternal (Wittelsbach / Bayern) and maternal (Luxembourg). Some of them (31, with their spouses and children, if any) attended the wedding. Others declined the invitation.

Officiating Priest
Cardinal Adolf Bertram (90, Roman Catholic Church)

Adolphine's wedding was the last important event officiated by the frail and aging Cardinal and the last time he left Breslau. He died the following year, aged 91.

  • Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein, Chief of the OKW (61), for Adolphine
  • Wilhelm III, Deutscher Kaiser (67), for Heinrich

While von Manstein gladly accepted Adolphine's invitation, it took a significant amount of political capital and several rounds of complicated negotiations to persuade the German Kaiser to accept Rupprecht's.

Maids of Honour
  • Helga Suzanne Goebbels (16), Adolphine's best friend (who was living at the Berghof)
  • Gabrielle Prinzessin von Bayern (22)
  • Sophie Prinzessin von Bayern (14)

Best Men
  • Three close friends of Heinrich

Adolphine's Guests (with their spouses, if any)

  • Helga Suzanne Goebbels (16), as maid of honour (see above)
  • Hildegard Traudel Goebbels (Hilde, 15)
  • Holdine Kathrin Goebbels (Holde, 12)
  • Four Officers from the Obersalzberg Defence Force

Magda Goebbels and her other three children did not attend the wedding as their relationship with Adolphine was still strained after Helga Suzanne's defection. However, Magda allowed Hilde and Holde to attend the wedding.

  • Konrad Zuse (38, computer scientist)
  • Werner Heisenberg (47, physicist)
  • Otto Hahn (70, physicist)
  • Ida Noddack (53, physicist)
  • Leni Riefenstahl (46, media icon)
  • Cardinal Adolf Bertram (90), as officiating priest (see above)
  • Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein (61), as witness (see above)
  • Generalfeldmarschall Walther von Brauchitsch (67, former Reich Chancellor)
  • Großadmiral Karl Dönitz (57)
  • Hjalmar Schacht (72, former Reichsminister)
  • Konstantin von Neurath (76, former Reichsminister)
  • Other 18 people from the German Reich (politicians, militars, scientists, etc)

Reich Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Former Reich Chancellors Ludwig Kaas and Kurt Schumacher and many other people whom Adolphine had met and interacted with declined Adolphine's invitation.

  • Anni-Frid Haase (Frida, 4, née Lyngstad) with her father, Alfred Haase (30) and maternal grandmother, Arntine Lyngstad (Agni)
  • Norma Jeane Mortenson (Marilyn Monroe, 23)
  • Elvis Presley (14) with his parents
  • Unity Valkyrie Mitford (34)
  • Other 17 people from within and outside the Reich

Using her vast collection of music and films from the 20th century and with important help from the robots and the competent authorities of the Reich, Adolphine had identified, located and contacted a number of people who had become well known in the Uptime history.

Marilyn Monroe, who was still far from her later amazing success, was delighted by the screening of her would be film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and the attention received from the German officials. Elvis Presley's family was more reluctant at first but compelling audio and video evidence finally convinced them.

Anni-Frid Haase (Frida) was born in Norway on the 17th of November 1945. She is the most famous of the cca. 12,000 war children conceived in German occupied Norway during World War Two by German soldiers and Norwegian women in the Nazi Lebensborn Programme.

After the Wehrmacht evacuated Norway during April 1945, Synni Lyngstad, then pregnant with Frida, remained in Norway, while her boyfriend, Sergeant Alfred Haase, returned to the Reich. Synni died of kidney failure before Frida's second birthday, leaving Frida with her grandmother, Arntine Lyngstad (Agni). After being found by Adolphine's investigators, Agni and Frida moved to the Reich and Frida was reunited with her father.

Little Frida sparked an interesting philosophical discussion, the very interesting question being: Is this child the same human being with the singer Anni-Frid Lyngstad from the other history? Or are they merely sisters, forever separated by the vastness of space-time in two parallel Universes?

Downtime Frida had the same parents with Uptime Frida, was concieved on or around the same date and certainly during the same ovulation of Synni, probably from the very same ovum, some time in the middle of February 1945, less than one month after the Berlin Dome sudden appearance changed history. She was born just two days apart from Uptime Frida, looked almost the same, had the same name, liked to sing and seemed talented, etc.

Adolphine and most people passionately insisted that they were the same person while the robots and other people argued that the probability that she had been conceived from the same sperm cell was minuscule given the extremely large amount of sperm cells which raced to fecundate the ovum and, therefore, the Frida from Uptime was, at best, a fraternal twin of the Frida from Downtime.

Adolphine had been fascinated from her Uptime childhood with the tragic story of Unity Mitford, a young woman who had been a committed Nazi since she was a little girl, just like Adolphine had been at that time.

After the normalization of the Reich's relations with the United Kingdom, the German authorities offered their help to the Mitford family, promissing to do their utmost to restore the health of Unity. Almost two years later, in February 1948, Unity Mitford was finally allowed to return to Germany to undergo surgery and have the bullet removed from her brain.

Eleven German brain surgeons, six industrial robots and three thousand medical nanobots operated on Unity for ten hours in one of the most spectacular surgeries performed so far in the Downtime World. The surgery was an astounding success and, after three more smaller interventions, Unity was free from the bullet which had caused her untimely death in the other history.

After her release from hospital at the end of a long convalescence, Unity visited the Berghof. More than nine years had passed since she had last seen her idol, Adolf Hitler. When she finally met him again, Unity was unable to utter a word, kneeled and cried for minutes to the embarrassment of all those present.

Adolphine planned to ask Unity to live in Obersalzberg but, faced with a very negative reaction from a jealous Eva, she changed her mind and only invited Unity to her wedding. Unity didn't return to England but asked for and received German citizenship and spent the rest of her life in the Reich.

Apart from their relatives, Adolf and Eva Hitler did not invite any guests to the wedding.

Besides the three best men, Heinrich invited other 19 of his friends (some with their spouses).

King Rupprecht's Guests

It was decided that King Rupprecht convey the invitations to the royalty of the Reich and of the rest of Europe, as well as to representatives from the countries with a republican form of government.

German Royalty
  • Deutscher Kaiser Wilhelm III (67), as witness for Heinrich (see above), with his wife Kaiserin Cecilie (63, House of Mecklenburg-Schwerin)
  • Imperial Crown Prince Louis Ferdinand (42) with his wife Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna (40, House of Romanov)
  • King Hubertus of Prussia¹ (41) with his wife Queen Magdalena (30, House of Reuß)
  • Hereditary Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg (29), to represent the Grand Duchy instead of his parents who declined the invitation
  • Grand Duke Louis Napoléon of Alsace-Lorraine (40)
  • Prince Franz Joseph II of Liechtenstein (43 years old) with his wife Princess Georgina (28)
  • 15 other non-ruling German Princes (with their spouses, if any)
1.The Prussian Provinces of East Prussia, Pomerania, Brandenburg, Lower Silesia

The House of Württemberg and the House of Baden declined the invitations as did most of the deposed German monarchs.

The Hohenzollerns were allegedly talked into attending the wedding by the OKW. Jean of Luxembourg was Heinrich's maternal first cousin, Louis Napoléon was usually avoided by the German royalty and wished to integrate and Franz Joseph II used any opportunity to promote his tiny Principality lest it be forgotten by the wider public.

European Royalty and officials from other European countries
  • King Mihai I of the Romanians (27)
  • Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor (55), with his wife Wallis (53)
  • Duchess María del Carmen Franco (22)
  • Jozef Tiso (61, President of Slovakia)
  • Minor officials from Croatia, Latvia and Estonia

Most of those invited declined the invitations. Other countries besides Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Croatia, Latvia and Estonia were not represented in any capacity.

The reasons for the partial boycott of the wedding were multiple:
  1. Most normal, decent people abhorred the idea of sitting at the same table with Hitler and exchanging pleasantries with him at his daughter's wedding. Although most details were still sketchy, by 1949 Hitler was widely regarded as a mass murderer and most citizens from the formerly Nazi occupied countries hated him with a passion.
  2. Although usually not ostentatiously displayed, the Hitler Sonderkreis abounded with Nazi paraphernalia, from its very name to its Swastika flag and Nazi coat of arms. Those alone made most people feel uneasy or even repulsed. The Sonderkreis was like a Nazi time capsule, a tiny portion of Third Reich which survived the 1945 fall of the Nazi regime.
  3. Some royal families regarded Adolphine as an uppity commoner and her ennoblement as a farce. Therefore, they wanted to have nothing to do with her.
  4. Many people from outside Germany hated the Berlin Dome and, consequently, also Adolphine whom they considered responsible for the current state of affairs where the German Reich dominated Europe politically, militarily and economically.
  5. The German Kaiser reluctantly accepted to attend the wedding but categorically refused to put any pressure on other royal families. Moreover, the Reich Government completely ignored the wedding and the other ECN members felt free to ignore it as well.
  6. The presence of unsavoury guests such as Edward VIII, Wallis Simpson, Jozef Tiso and Unity Mitford or unknown would be celebrities from another history further complicated the situation.

Adolphine was somewhat saddened by the numerous refusals but she managed to get over it and take active part in organizing her wedding.

The actual wedding and its aftermath will be presented in the next chapter.
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Chapter 135. May Day
Chapter 135. May Day

About Security

With so many important guests invited (the Kaiser and the Kronprinz, Kings, Grand Dukes, Princes, Presidents, Prime Ministers, diplomats, generals, scientists, etc)¹, the already impressive security apparatus operating in and around Obersalzberg was significantly strengthened.

1. In the end, many of those invited did not attend the wedding. For details, please see the previous chapter.

By the time of the wedding, two distinct albeit still partly overlapping organizations provided the much needed security for Adolphine and her toy principality.
  • The Obersalzberg Heer Unit (part of the Wehrmacht, actually based in Untersalzberg, just outside the Sonderkreis). It consisted of cca. 3000 soldiers, from which about 200 were stationed in Obersalzberg itself and at least another 100 patrolled the Sonderkreis day and night, including the large, mountainous and heavily forested Nationalpark, with the rest ready to quickly intervene in an emergency.
  • The Obersalzberg Defence Force (hybrid entity, nominally part of the Wehrmacht, in fact under the control of Adolphine and, in some respects, similar to a small private army). It consisted of cca. 600 superbly trained men, hand-picked by Adolphine, most of them fanatically loyal to her (with some even adhering to a bizarre cult which literally worshiped Adolphine as God Incarnate).

Besides security, the large Heer presence (which included numerous Abwehr operatives) had at least two additional purposes:
  • to keep an eye on Adolphine, Adolf Hitler and the Obersalzberg Defence Force, providing the OKW and King Rupprecht² with important intelligence;
  • to keep Adolf Hitler in the Sonderkreis and reporters, fanatical Nazis, weirdos and other unwanted visitors out.
2. It was a widely known and tolerated fact that the Bavarian Authorities had a number of men infiltrated in the Obersalzberg Heer Unit.

Between June 1945 (when Adolphine and her adoptive family settled in the Berghof) and April 1948 (when the construction works started), there had been just eight security incidents, all of them deemed minor (mainly harmless trespassing).

Counterintuitively, despite the marked increase in security personnel, during the year prior to the wedding, Obersalzberg was actually less secure than it used to be. The reason for that was the large daily influx of construction workers and assorted personnel hired by Adolphine to build her palace. Despite being checked by the competent authorities, the fear that dangerous individuals may have been inadvertently admitted to Obersalzberg persisted.

The subsequent events proved that those fears had been legitimate as three security incidents with different degrees of seriousness indeed occured.

11 November 1948, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

While Adolphine was inspecting the construction site, a newly employed caterer pelted her with two rotten eggs and yelled: "Go back to your world, you filthy fascist sow!"

Three workers who were close to the assailant subdued him in a rather brutal way and Adolphine's guards detained him a few seconds later. Adolphine wiped the egg off her face and continued her visit, apparently unfazed by the incident.

The investigation revealed that the man was a closeted Communist with no Abwehr file. He was charged with assault and fined, then interned in a concentration camp³ for communists with violent tendencies.

3. No, not a Nazi-style Concentration Camp. Those horrors were long gone. About 17,000 Communists lived and worked in what could be better described as enclosed and guarded small villages. The conditions were clearly better than in an ordinary prison.

22 March 1949, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

During one of his strolls between the Berghof and the Kehlsteinshaus, Hitler was hit by a sniper in the left side of his chest. The bullet missed the heart but perforated the lung and shattered a rib when exiting the thoracic cavity.

Hitler let himself fall on the ground as it was expected from a human after such an injury. Hitler's Core contacted Olaf wirelessly and asked for help, mentioning his position and the approximative bearing and distance of the shooter. Blondy was howling incessantly. The sniper was far enough to escape canine olphactive detection.

Olaf immediately informed Adolphine and the Defence Force. Less than five minutes later, the sniper was located and darted with a tranquilizer gun. Unfortunately, the effect was not fast enough and the shooter managed to commit suicide by swallowing a cyanide pill.

Despite the lack of hard evidence, the assault was eventually linked to several other attacks against high ranking Nazis based on the similar modus operandi and the so called "Jewish physiognomy" of the terrorist.

Apparently, there was a group of Jewish killers operating in the Reich since the autumn of 1948 but whether they were connected to the Israeli Secret Services or not was still unclear. Obviously, the Israeli authorities denied any link with the terrorists, calling them "rogue elements".

In the end, the case was not made public in order to prevent a spike in antisemitism and deny the Nazis the electoral capital associated with it one year before the elections.

The German authorities steeply increased the security both in Obersalzberg and at the Reich's external borders and allotted more human and material resources to the investigation of the terrorist group's activity. Whether or not they managed to curb the threat remains to be seen.

Eva was extremely distraught and could not comprehend Adolphine's rather detached attitude as she still didn't know that her beloved husband was actually a robotic cyborg. However, Hitler recovered quickly and was feeling good enough to attend the wedding five weeks later. The public opinion will only became aware of the shooting several decades later.

20-30 April 1949, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

With Adolphine's palace inaugurated shortly after Easter and all the workers finally gone to their homes, it became much easier to keep the whole perimeter secure.

One week before the wedding, everything was well into place with only a few remaining minute details been still thought over. Adolphine and Heinrich were relatively little involved in the organizing with most work being done by Heinrich's sisters, the Bavarian Princesses seeing it as a useful rehearsal for their own weddings.

The first guests began to arrive six days before the wedding albeit just in time to start partying as the Bachelor Party (Junggesellenabschied), the Bachelorette Party (Adolphine's idea, imported from the future), the Polterabend (when they broke a vast amount of china) and various wedding rehearsals filled the whole week.

The parties and other assorted social events presented a much needed opportunity for the very eclectic guests, and especially the younger ones, to get acquainted with each other, start friendships and, in a few cases, even romantic relations. Two of those romantic relations will subsequently evolve into matrimony.

King Mihai I of the Romanians (27) and Gabrielle Prinzessin von Bayern (22, Adolphine's sister-in-law) got married in the Romanian Exclave in September 1950.

King Mihai I was actively looking for a suitable match in order to provide the Romanian Dynasty with a heir. Gabrielle (the future Queen Gabriela of the Romanians) was not but she fancied the handsome King from the moment they met.

King Mihai's marriage marked his full acceptance back into the select circles of the European royalty after many German ruling families had shunned him for his "betrayal" of the World War Two alliance with Germany. By the way, an interesting conversation concerning that "betrayal" took place during the Polterabend (see below).

King Mihai's marriage with Gabrielle was by all accounts a happy one. The royal couple are still alive and well today, surrounded by their four children, thirteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, with the succession to the Romanian throne secure for the foreseable future.

Hereditary Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg (29) and Marilyn Monroe (23) got married five years later.

The House of Luxembourg was not happy with Jean's choice and, after several futile attempts to keep them from getting married, resolved to make Marilyn's life as miserable as possible. The couple finally divorced after twelve years of unhappy marriage. They have one daughter, Hereditary Grand Duchess Antoinette. She was ten when her parents divorced and twenty when her mother committed suicide.

See also the Marilyn Monroe entry in It's Time For People.


With few exceptions, almost everybody (including Adolphine) behaved appropriately so the number of incidents and awkward situations was rather limited.

Moreover, most of them concerned the expected fact that many guests felt uneasy near the bride's father and, more or less politely, avoided him.

The most blatant display of hostility towards Adolf Hitler was the refusal of Queen Antonia to extend her hand to him.

Adolphine, who was by Hitler's side, stared intently at her future mother-in-law. Antonia vacillated for an embarassing ten seconds or so then whispered to Adolphine: "I can't, Adolphine. I'm sorry, I just can't."

Hitler smiled awkwardly and replied, also sotto voce: "It's no problem, really, I understand. I am the bad Dictator who put her in a camp.", thus putting an end to the incident.

Obviously, Leni Riefenstahl deleted⁴ that particular scene (among others) from the wedding film.

4. Yes, deleted. The film was recorded digitally.

Hitler tried to be as unobtrusive as his role as the bride's father permitted. He received those guests who wanted to see him, delivered Adolphine to the groom in the church and attended the wedding party but not any of the other parties.

A few incidents were centred on Helga Susanne Goebbels, one of the three maids of honour, who managed to embarrass Adolphine on several occasions.

During the Polterabend Party, she ran around, slipped and fell on the shards, yelling sharply. Adolphine stayed with her while she received medical attention thus missing the end of the party. Two of the cuts required stitches.

After Adolphine introduced King Mihai, Helga Susanne whispered in Adolphine's ear: "Why did you invite this traitor?"

Unfortunately, either the whisper was not private enough or King Mihai's hearing was very keen.

The young King frowned visibly and chose to defend himself: "Yes, young lady, I am a traitor. Placed in an impossible situation, I had to choose between betraying my people and betraying Herr Hitler. I believe that my choice was the correct one. In fact, we can say that Herr Hitler had betrayed his own people by starting an unwinnable war of aggression against most of the World. On the other hand, my people only entered the war to regain our provinces which Herr Hitler had previously given away to the Bolsheviks."

Adolphine admonished Helga and apologized on her behalf. Helga apologized as well and fled the room, with her cheeks reddened, either by shame or by fury.

Finally, at the wedding proper and after drinking one glass too many, Helga insisted that she dance with Adolphine until she got her way. After the dance, she started to cry and ran away. She was later found sleeping under a pine in the palace's gardens.

The only incident involving Adolphine was that she broke the heel of her shoe when dancing and changed into more comfortable shoes. Oh, and she yawned once or twice but nobody seemed to have noticed that.

The newly weds received numerous gifts, some of them very valuable such as a small castle in the Bayerischer Wald (from King Rupprecht), an yacht on the Adriatic Sea (from the Kaiser), a painting by Gauguin (from Grand Duke Louis Napoléon) and many others.

Adolphine had a small surprise for Heinrich for the wedding night. She had her nanobots programmed to repair a specific body part which had been damaged a long time ago.

1-2 May 1949, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

After the religious service in the slightly overcrowded Obersalzberg Catholic Church, the guests settled in the main ball room of Adolphine's shiny brand new Obersalzberg Palace.

The wedding party went on for hours without a glitch. The guests drank, ate, chatted, danced and listened to the band. Some of them discussed business or politics. Others simply had a good time.

Then, at 03:42, when some of the guests already started to leave, the bomb exploded.
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Hmm, i wonder who the perpetrators are....
Either some rogue elements in the reich or the deed of a foreign service....
Anyway, the fallout would be massive. I don´t wont to be there when the feces hit the fan.
It is to be seen what will happens after the detonation, who will sign to be responsible for this.
Hmm, i wonder who the perpetrators are....
Either some rogue elements in the reich or the deed of a foreign service....
Anyway, the fallout would be massive. I don´t wont to be there when the feces hit the fan.
It is to be seen what will happens after the detonation, who will sign to be responsible for this.
We'll find out in the next chapter which will be online tomorrow.
Chapter 136. The Blast
Chapter 136. The Blast

2 May 1949, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

The wedding party was attended by 177 guests (including 23 children), of which 26 had left before the time of the blast (03:42). Besides those 151 guests, in the Obersalzberg Palace there were at that time 33 hired personnel (cooks, waiters, singers, etc) and 20 armed guards from the Obersalzberg Defence Force and the Obersalzberg Heer Unit, with more guards patrolling around the premises.

From those 204 people, only 48 had medical nanobots in their system. However, the nanobot pool from the Kehlsteinhaus (the Eagle's Nest, situated cca. 2 km away from the palace) contained enough nanobot packages for at least another 80 people (without depleting the pool too much). An emergency medical nanobot insertion would have been helpful (but not as effective as an already existing nanobot complement).

At the moment of the explosion, most of the guests (137) were in the main ballroom, a 280 square metres elongated room situated at the ground floor of the palace. The rest of the guests (14) were in the palace gardens (Helga Susanne was sleeping under a pine tree), restrooms, etc. Five waiters and five singers were also in the ballroom and eight of the guards were standing at the doors.

The explosion was felt like a powerful earthquake with the ceiling buckling violently and cracking under the enourmous stress. Large pieces of plaster as well as a significant amount of fine dust fell from the ceiling (5.40 metres above the floor). All electrical power was lost and the whole building was covered in profound darkness (the moon was almost new).

Most of the guests panicked and rushed to the exits, trampling those who had fallen down. The guards used their flashlights but the thick plaster dust blocked most of the light. Less than two minutes after the blast, most of the guests were safe in the palace gardens. The guards and some of the guests were helping or carrying the injured out of the damaged building.

While some guests were injured or in a state of shock, most of the others were vividly debating the nature of the phenomenon, arguing whether an earthquake or a bomb had been the culprit.

Adolphine climbed on a garden table and yelled to make herself heard: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I guess we lost the fireworks. Somebody must have mishandled them. We can continue the party here in the gardens. There is nothing to worry about. We are safe."

While many of the guests were initially fooled, most or all of those with military training were obviously aware of the truth but chose not to contradict Adolphine. It is not known why she had lied so blatantly.

Minutes later, hundreds of soldiers had surrounded the perimeter. Fifteen ambulances arrived at the scene, providing emergency medical help and taking those in need to hospitals in Berchtesgaden and Salzburg. A diesel generator was quickly installed to provide much needed light for the palace and its gardens.

Less than twenty minutes later, all civilians had been removed from the palace and its gardens with the bomb squads fervently combing the whole place. Helicopters landed on the Obersalzberg Heliport, taking all important guests home or to the nearest airport in Salzburg. Other guests were returned to their rooms in the three Obersalzberg hotels. Heinrich's family returned to München. Adolphine's family and the newlyweds stayed at the Berghof. However, due to all the stress involved, the wedding was not consummated until the following day.

Soon after noon, the whole area was declared secure. The very sturdy built Obersalzberg Palace was little affected by the explosion. Part of the ceiling of the ballroom had to be demolished and rebuilt but the rest of the building had supported the shock with little to no damage. Five weeks later the repairs were complete.

The preliminary investigation determined that the bomb had been embedded into the concrete slab forming the ceiling of the ballroom (ground floor) and the floor of library (first floor). Normally, the concrete slab would have fractured under the tremendous shock of the deflagration, causing large parts of the ceiling to collapse on the guests partying in the ballroom. Apparently, the reason the ceiling had survived the blast, cracking but not splintering, was the presence of some net-like films made of a new carbon allotrope called graphene manufactured by the industrial robots and embedded in the concrete, similar to the protective films which prevented broken windows to shatter.

The fact that the ceiling absorbed most of the shock must be credited as the main reason why the bomb claimed no fatalities among the guests. From the 155 people present in the ballroom, 13 were seriously injured (mostly fractures) and had to be hospitalized between one day and two weeks, one suffered a myocardial infarction, 23 had entered into shock, the condition of two of them being severe enough to necessitate hospitalization, and about 40 sustained minor injuries (mainly small lacerations, light eye injuries from the plaster, dust inhalation, etc).

The situation in the library situated directly above the ballroom was much worse. There, the floor had ruptured allowing most of the force of the blast to escape upwards. All the central book cabinets were tumbled or shattered and all the windows and doors were blown out. The unlucky soldier who was patrolling the library was killed instantly. Another soldier who was in a neighbouring corridor sustained grievous injuries and would have certainly died if not for an emergency medical nanobot insertion.

May - June 1949, Deutsches Reich

A massive Reich-wide investigation was launched, involving the Police, the Abwehr and the Wehrmacht. Several officers resigned or were sacked because of their failure to prevent the brazen terrorist act. The perpetrators had raised the ire of most of Germany, starting from the Kaiser and the Chief of the OKW to the King of Bavaria and Adolphine herself.

All the workers who had built the palace as well as the other employees were questioned as suspects. Eventually, they were exonerated when it was determined that the bomb had been thrown into the concrete mixture at the concrete factory. The bomb was then brought to the construction site by the concrete mixer whose driver was completely oblivious of its presence.

The terrorists had been sloppy but very lucky. The bomb could have exploded mid-way, it could have been accidentally defused or otherwise rendered unfunctional or it could have been found when pouring the concrete mixture that formed the ceiling slab. But their luck was going to end there. A janitor from the concrete factory remembered something, the lead was followed and the worker who had placed the bomb was found and aprehended. He talked and the conspiracy was slowly unveiled.

The terrorists were not foreign agents as it had been initially assumed. They were home-grown. Not Communists, not Anarchists, not even Religious Fundamentalists. No. They were Nazis. Yes. A group of Nazis who blamed Adolphine for their downfall, were sick of their former Führer turned against them and hated the political establishment of the Reich.

They thought they found the perfect opportunity to eliminate with a single blow all their enemies: Adolphine and Adolf Hitler, the German Kaiser, the Chief of the OKW, the King of Bavaria and other officials. Apparently, they hoped that the success of their operation would ignite a new National Socialist Revolution which would sweep them back in power.

Adolphine and Heinrich spent their honeymoon in the picturesque seaside resort of Ancarano, situated on the German Adriatic Coast, between Triest and Gafers (Capodistria), not far from the Dome limit. Their security detail was impressive, including, besides the usual ground forces, a submarine, a warship and military airplanes patrolling the waters and skies of the small resort. The newlyweds sailed their superb yacht in the Gulf of Trieste under the watchful eye of the ever-present Kriegsmarine.

Adolphine did not become pregnant. The nanobots were programmed to prevent a pregnancy before her 21st birthday and, although Adolphine could have had them reprogrammed, she just didn't. Heinrich accepted her decision without commenting. After all, they still had fifty years of fertility ahead, if not more.

September - December 1949, Deutsches Reich

Although no connection with the leadership of the Nazi Party was ever found, the Party was suspended for the duration of the trial, all its archives were seized and thousands of its members were detained and questioned.

In the end, 46 men were tried for murder, terrorism, high treason and other offences. Of those, 41 were found guilty. Five were executed and the rest were given lengthy prison sentences.

The widely publicised case created a new wave of antipathy against the Nazis which was clearly visible in the opinion polls, the Nazi Party droping from cca. 10% to less than 8% of the voters' preferences.

During and after the trial, most of the Nazis still in positions of power in the state apparatus were finally purged, especially those from the Police, Abwehr, Wehrmacht, the Judiciary and the Public Administration.

Coincidentally, the Israeli cell who had murdered seven Nazis and had attempted to kill another four, including Hitler, was dismantled at the same time with the anti-Nazi crackdown. Most of its members were killed in gunfights with the police or committed suicide when cornered but three of them were caught alive.

They were tried behind closed doors, sentenced to death and executed without any mention in the news whatsoever. The Israeli authorities continued to deny any relation with the group or prior knowledge of their actions.
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