[Graphic] German Elections, 1946
German Federal Election, 1946

Detalied Results

Reichstag Composition
Arch-style Parliament Diagram

German Land Elections, 1946

Bundesrat Composition
Arch-style Parliament Diagram

The Arch-style Parliament Diagrams were created with this online tool.

  1. Go to Wikipedia and find diagrams with identical or similar political parties.
  2. Use a Screen Capture software (there is one included in Windows 10 called Snipping Tool) to capture the portion of the screen containing the legend.
  3. Paste that in an Image Editor (I use Paint.net) and use the Color Picker Tool to get the RGB values for each color (needed in the Diagram Creator Tool).
  4. Populate the party list in the Diagram Creator Tool with party names, number of delegates and party colours (don't change the last two options).
  5. Make the Diagram.
  6. Download it (as an SVG file).
  7. Open the SVG file in an Internet browser (you may also use Inkscape but it's faster with a browser).
  8. Use the desired magnification (I choose 200%). Caution: If you convert first to PNG and resize the PNG raster file later, the results are suboptimal.
  9. Use the Snipping Tool again to capture the image displayed in the browser (it's still an SVG so no copy image menu is available).
  10. Paste it in your Image Editor. Make sure to have plenty of space below the diagram for the legend. If necessary, Resize Canvas.
  11. Go back to the Diagram Creator Tool and copy the wiki markup legend code.
  12. Go to Wikipedia and paste that in an article (or in your sandbox if you have a Wikipedia account).
  13. Do NOT save the article. Use the preview function instead.
  14. Use the Snipping Tool again to capture the legend displayed in the browser.
  15. Go back to your Image Editor and paste the legend below the diagram.
  16. Finish editing the image and save it as a PNG file.
  17. Optimize the PNG using a PNG Optimizer (I use the free optipng tool).
  18. Upload it to a free Image Hosting site (I use DeviantArt) and link it in your post.
Last edited:
[Map] Länder Governments (1946-1950)
Länder Governments

  • Orange: Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
  • Red: Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
  • Orange/Red Stripes: Grand Coalition CDU + SPD
  • Orange/Black Stripes: CDU + DNVP Coalition
  • Dark Yellow: Luxembourgish Front
  • French Blue: Alsace-Lorraine League
  • Earth Brown: Slovene People's Party
  • Purple: Czech People's Party
  • Violet: Liechtenstein Coalition
  • Vivid Green: Adolphine

Länder Form of Government

  • Red: Republic
  • Green: Monarchy (Kingdom, Grand Duchy, Principality)
  • Dark Grey: Autonomous State (Republic)
  • Grey: Claimed Territories (German Switzerland, Outer Slovenia, Italian Slovenia)
  • Light Grey: Other countries
Chapter 103. Back To Adolphine
Chapter 103. Back To Adolphine

July 1945 - January 1946

Adolphine was a tough girl. As time passed, she was slowly leaving behind the horrific memories of her abduction and torture by the SS and, by the end of the year, her mind was mostly healed. And, with fear mostly overcome, Adolphine began to diversify her daily schedule.

Obersalzberg and its magnificent environs were the antithesis of the gloomy subterranean Hirn. Besides Obersalzberg itself, with the Berghof and the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest), Adolphine's Sonderkreis (Special District) included the large mountainous, forested and picturesque Berchtesgaden National Park and the superb lake Königssee.

Of course, Adolphine could not spend the rest of her life in Obersalzberg, however beautiful it might have been. Her first visit to nearby Berchtesgaden was quite stressful at first but, seeing that the town was quiet and everybody was friendly, Adolphine calmed down and enjoyed walking, shopping and talking to normal people. However, she was armed with a Walther P38 and accompanied by at least a dozen guards in plain clothes who were always nearby to protect her from harm.

Soon afterwards, Adolphine began to travel: Salzburg, München, Braunau am Inn, Linz, Nürnberg, Köln, Frankfurt, Breslau, Königsberg, Memel, Danzig... Her plan was to visit the whole Reich but she would obviously need many years for that.

Adolphine travelled by car on the extensive Reichsautobahn network. Her car was an engineering marvel, probably the best car in the whole World. It was a Mercedes-Benz 770 W150, greatly enhanced with a series of futuristic add-ons installed by the Hirn's robots: radio, car phone, three point seat belts, basic airbags, electro-hydraulic powered brakes and steering and even a limited but usable automatic gear changing system.

One of the most shocking features of Adolphine's Mercedes was its ability to be fully controlled by a robot, giving the impression of a self driving vehicle. During her long journeys, Adolphine would simply plug in Olaf and let him drive the car while she relaxed, enjoying the scenery.

Besides her ever present guards who travelled in their own cars, Adolphine was usually alone because Gretl's child Barbara was less than one year old, Eva's pregnancy was already advanced and Hitler was not supposed to leave Obersalzberg (and, being a robot, had no desire to travel).

Of course, while the guards were welcome, Adolphine had the means to defend herself in case of danger. Her car contained a veritable arsenal: the already mentioned Walther P38 pistol, two MP 40 submachine guns, a Karabiner 98k sniper rifle, an astounding cache of ammunition, grenades, etc.

Fortunately, Adolphine was never attacked and she had no opportunity to show her skills outside her training range. Fortunately for the would be attackers...

In the autumn, Adolphine resumed her studies. Home-school, obviously, with Olaf as teacher. Checking the German high school curriculum, Olaf determined that Adolphine could fit in the eleventh grade and began to teach her the same subjects studied in the public schools. Adolphine was a little stressed but Olaf was confident that she would be able to pass her Abitur exams in two or three years' time.

Adolphine enjoyed physical exercises: trekking, skiing, skating, rowing, swimming, running, etc. The addition of clean mountain air, pristine water and healthy food ensured that Adolphine was extremely fit and in a great shape.

During her first year spent in the Reich, Adolphine had grown one last centimetre, reaching 180 cm (5 feet, 11 inches) and had gained four more kilogrammes for a total of 63 kg (139 pounds). The extra weight was all placed in strategically important locations, her adolescent body turning into that of a young woman.

February 1946 - onwards

A week after her 16th birthday and the birth of her step-sister Klara, Adolphine joined the Wehrmacht and started her military training. She was rapidly promoted to the rank of Feldwebel but later that year she became increasingly disinterested and began to miss her scheduled training sessions much to the dismay of her superiors.

April 1946 - onwards

For Adolphine's April Fools' Day prank, see this chapter.

Adolphine joined the Bundesrat as the non-voting representative of the Obersalzberg Sonderkreis. Although she found it very boring and she didn't understand most of the discussed subjects, Adolphine nonetheless attended more than half of the Bundesrat sessions, making periodic trips to Berlin. Adolphine declined the hotel room made available for her, preferring to spend the nights in the Hirn.

17 May 1946, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

: "I'm at school!"

Eva: "Sorry, dear, but Helga is here."

Adolphine: "That's impossible. I talked to her less than one hour ago and she was still in the Hirn..."

Eva (laughing): "No, not the robot! Helga Susanne Goebbels. It seems that she ran away from home..."

Adolphine: "Where is she?"

Eva: "In my room."

Adolphine: "Let's go!... Olaf, the classes are over for today."

Olaf: "Sure. We will resume school tomorrow."


Adolphine: "Helga!"

Helga ran towards Adolphine and hugged her. The thirteen years old girl was crying, dishevelled, muddy and very tired.

Helga: "Let me stay with you... Please..."

Adolphine: "Shhht, stop crying... Tell me what happened. Your mother again?"

Helga (still crying): "Yes. She hit me again. Here, see... I can't stand her. Since Vatti died my life has been a nightmare... I don't want to go home, please..."

Adolphine: "Calm down. I won't send you back home. You can live with us... Come, you need a hot bath and a good night sleep. We shall talk tomorrow."

Helga stopped crying, kissed Adolphine and ran to the bathroom.

Adolphine (shouting): "Just tell the bathtub what you want..."


Olaf: "Keeping Helga Susanne here is against the law. She is a minor and she must be returned to her mother."

Adolphine: "But Magda beats her!"

Olaf: "Apparently, parents are allowed to beat their childern in this age, not only in the Reich but all over the World. There is nothing you can do. I am sorry."

Adolphine: "I won't send her away."

Olaf: "You are breaking the law."

Adolphine: "I don't care. After all, what can they do if I'm breaking the law? It's not like they can put me in prison or something. And the police cannot come here and take her away."

Olaf: "Are you above the law?"

Adolphine: "Umm... Yes, I think so. In Obersalzberg, I am the law."

Olaf: "Okay then. Do as you please."

Eva: "Super, Adolphine, you are a Dictator now!"

Adolphine (smilling): "It runs in the family..."


Adolphine was nearly asleep when she heard the door opening. She drew her gun but quickly slipped it back under her pillow. It was Helga.

Helga: "I'm sorry. I'm afraid to sleep alone..."

Adolphine (sighing): "Okay, come here..."

Helga jumped on the bed, made herself comfortable and put her cheek on Adolphine's shoulder.

Helga: "Can we turn on the diamagnetic cushion?... Please..."

Adolphine: "It's late, Helga, and I'm tired. We will play tomorrow, ok?"

Helga: "Sorry. Good night, Adolphine... And thank you..."

Adolphine: "Good night, Helga."

Well, it seems I've got myself another baby sister...

Helga Susanne stayed in Obersalzberg, increasing its small population to eight persons: Hitler, Eva, Gretl, Adolphine, Helga, Olaf, Barbara, Klara (in order of their ages).

Magda Goebbels was obviously enraged but Adolphine managed to calm her down. In the end, Magda acquiesced and let Helga Susanne live at the Berghof. Magda and her five younger children would visit from time to time but Helga would not. In fact, she won't leave Obersalzberg at all for quite a long time. So, Adolphine got a friend and Olaf got a new pupil.

14 June 1946, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

Although speculations abound, we don't know for sure who had the idea to ennoble Adolphine and why. Fact is that Adolphine received a laconic letter from the German Kaiser, inviting her to the Berlin Palace for the ennoblement ceremony on the 23rd of June. The reason was, obviously, great service to the Fatherland.

First of all, Adolphine was shocked, then bemused and finally extremely anxious.

No, I can't do it! I don't know what to wear, I don't know how to behave, I don't know what to say, I don't know how to address them, I don't know a fucking thing about royalty! And I'm royally fucked!

And, to make things worse, neither Olaf nor anyone else in Obersalzdorf were able to help Adolphine in any meaningful way. After watching Adolphine's lamentations for a couple of hours, Olaf devised a plan. He called Helga (the robot) and asked her to find someone to teach Adolphine everything about being a princess. Well, not really everything but at least everything that could be learned in one week.

Later that evening, Helga called Adolphine to tell her the good news.

Helga (the robot): "Hello, Adolphine."

Adolphine: "Hello."

Helga: "I made a few phone calls and I found someone who is willing to help you. It's Prince Heinrich of Bavaria, the younger son of King Rupprecht."

Adolphine: "Umm... How young is he?"

Helga: "He is just 24 years old but I am sure that he is quite used to the proper protocol..."

Adolphine: "Oh, sure..."

Helga: "Prince Heinrich asked me for permission to call you tomorrow. I gave him your phone number."

Adolphine: "Oh..."

Helga: "Anything else?"

Adolphine: "Is he... Is he married?"

Helga: "No, he isn't."

Adolphine: "I see... Ok, Helga, thanks. Bye."

Helga: "Bye."


Adolphine: "I'll go outside to blow up some dynamite! Does anyone else want to come?... Come on, blowing up stuff does wonders to remove stress."

Gretl: "Don't look at me."

Eva: "I have to nurse Klara."

Helga: "I'm scared of explosions, sorry."

Adolphine: "I see... No problem, I'll take Olaf with me. You are only girls after all!"

And, after a couple of explosions which obliterated a mock-up cabin, Adolphine went to bed, happy and relaxed.

A Prince... My God, I'm going to meet a real Prince... I wonder how he looks like... Gee, I'm such a slut!
Chapter 104. Der Prinz
Chapter 104. Der Prinz

15 June 1946, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

: "Come on, sleeping beauty, wake up!"

Adolphine (yawning): "I didn't sleep very well... It was one of those nightmares again..."

Eva: "Oh, I'm sorry, dear... but those linguists are here again. They said you were expecting them."

Adolphine (sitting up): "Scheiße! I forgot to call them. I don't have time today, Prinz Heinrich will call and I want to be ready..."

Eva (smiling): "I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to get ready while he's still on his way. München is not exactly nearby..."

Adolphine (standing up): "Yes, you're right. I'll go teach them some European then..."

Eva: "You said that Olaf speaks European as well. Why don't you let him teach them?"

Adolphine (blushing): "Oh, I think I just want to feel smart and important... You know, it's the only thing I know better than everybody else. How do you think I was feeling every time those scientists asked me about computers and nuclear physics and stuff? At least I know that shitty language pretty well, although I don't understand why on earth are they so interested in a language nobody else speaks!... Please, Eva, don't tell anyone..."

Eva: "Of course I won't tell. But, Adolphine, you said you hated that language..."

Adolphine (getting dressed): "Oh, sure, I hate it. It's the official language of that dystopia I was born in and it was supposed to replace German..." (shuddering) "But, alas, that horrible future will never happen again!"

Ten minutes later, joyous and refreshed, Adolphine entered the room where the three linguistics professors were patiently waiting for her.

Adolphine (smiling): "Bon die, Professors! Io regretta que io es tarde. Vamos comenciar nostre lection."


Later that afternoon, Adolphine, Eva, Gretl and Helga were watching a romantic comedy from the 22nd century. Helga was so sweet when she was clumsily covering her eyes each time the actors petted.

Eva: "Helga shouldn't watch this..."

Adolphine: "Why not?"

Eva: "This movie is clearly for adults and she is just a little child!"

Adolphine: "They are just frenching, for God's sake, they aren't fu... having intercourse! Besides, Helga is only two years younger than me!"

Gretl: "Not to mention that the actor playing Ron is obviously Jewish!"

Eva: "My God! Are you sure?"

Adolphine: "Of course, in my time most actors were Jews but let's not think about that and enjoy the damn movie! Those Jews aren't getting any money from us now!"

Eva: "Yeah, that Jew is really funny!"

Gretl: "Jesus, I would have never thought I'd enjoy watching Jewish actors!"

Helga: "Can those Jews harm us?"

Gretl (laughing): "Yes, you'd better go to your room, lest they get out of the screen and strangle you! Boo!"

Helga: "That's not funny and I'm not that stupid. Vatti once said that the Jews can harm us just by talking... yes, psychological harm, that's the word he used..."

Eva (hugging Helga): "Sweety, you sound more National Socialist than Adolf!..." (more to herself) "He had softened a lot lately..."

Adolphine: "Don't worry, they can't harm us now. We have won that fight..." (lowering her voice) "And it was us who have harmed them, not the other way around..."

Gretl: "Sorry, what did you say?"

Adolphine (sad): "Oh, nothing. We shouldn't discuss politics now. Let's better watch the movie."


Eva (answering the phone): "Hello... Yes, Herr von Bayern, just one second please..." (to Adolphine) "It's for you..."

Adolphine: "Hello, Herr von Bayern, Adolphine Hitler speaking..."


Adolphine: "He will be here tomorrow at noon. We shall order some food..."

16 June 1946, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

(nervous): "How do I look?"

Eva (smiling): "Splendid!"

Adolphine (blushing): "Thank you."

Eva: "Are you going to receive him here or at the Kehlsteinhaus?"

Adolphine: "What? Here, obviously."

Eva (winking): "I thought you wanted some privacy..."

Adolphine (troubled): "Isn't it too soon for... that?"

Eva (laughing): "Of course! I was joking! Don't even think about it!"


Heinrich Prinz von Bayern arrived after an uneventful three hour drive from München. He was a little taller than Adolphine, thin and handsome. Adolphine decided quickly that she liked him.

The lunch was formal, the food was delicious, Adolphine was a little nervous and Heinrich was very tense, clearly bothered by something.

Adolphine (smiling): "Let's go outside for a walk... Heinrich... May I call you Heinrich?"

Heinrich (smiling back): "Sure... Adolphine."


Adolphine: "I'm glad you're more relaxed now. You looked as if you were feeling rather uneasy during lunch..."

Heinrich: "Don't worry, it was nothing..."

Adolphine: "Please... If you don't like this job, you can quit at any time. You don't have any obligation to babysit me, you know..."

Heinrich: "No, it's not that..."

Adolphine (taking his hand): "Then what? Please, you can tell me. I will understand... Do I bother you in any way?"

Heinrich: "No, it's not you... You are being very nice..."

Adolphine: "What then? Come on, Heinrich, you are making me curious!"

Heinrich: "I am not sure I should talk to you about that..."

Adolphine (smiling): "I don't bite!"

Heinrich: "It is because of your father."

Adolphine: "Adolf?! Did he say anything mean to you?"

Heinrich: "Adolphine, my family were opponents of the National Socialists. We went into exile in 1939 but, except my father, we were eventually captured by the SS... Adolphine! What's wrong?"

Adolphine (pallid and trembling): "It's nothing, please go on."

Heinrich: "My mother, my sisters and I spent five months in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp."

Adolphine: "I understand. You hate my father."

Heinrich: "No! I mean..."

Adolphine: "It's no problem. I understand. I hate him too sometimes."

Heinrich: "I thought you were a National Socialist..."

Adolphine (with a sad smile): "Yes, Heinrich, I am. The others are not real National Socialists, they are nothing but a bunch of thugs. I am a real National Socialist because I hate noone but I love my people. National Socialism was supposed to be about love. Love of one's people and country, not hatred of others, but my father and his enablers spoiled it. They defiled the name National Socialist, they defiled the Swastika, they defiled everything that was good and pure. But I will redeem it, so help me God!"

Adolphine was crying, shaking violently. Heinrich was obviously flabbergasted.

Adolphine (wiping her tears): "Do you want to blow something up?"

Heinrich (bewildered): "Why?"

Adolphine: "It helps relieve stress."

Heinrich: "I am not a soldier... I am not good with explosives."

Adolphine: "I see, come on then, let's race to the Königssee!"

Heinrich (running after her): "Is it far away?"

Adolphine: "No, don't worry. Only six kilometres or so."


Adolphine: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Heinrich (panting heavily): "Yes, it surely is."

Adolphine: "You won't tell anyone, will you?"

Heinrich: "Tell what?"

Adolphine: "About my political creed."

Heinrich: "No! Of course not. Nobody would believe me anyway."

Adolphine (smiling): "Is it really so strange?"

Heinrich: "Umm..."

Adolphine: "It's ok, you don't have to answer that... What do you think, should we do it here or when we get back home?"

Heinrich (stammering): "Do... what?"

Adolphine: "My first lesson, about princes, princesses and the high society!" (smiling) "What did you think I was talking about?"

Heinrich (sitting on a flat rock): "Here it would be just fine, I guess..."


Adolphine: "Was I a good student?"

Heinrich (smiling): "Yes. However, I believe we need more time..."

Adolphine: "Of course, I was hoping you would say that. When shall we meet again?"

Heinrich (thinking): "I can come here again on Tuesday and I would like to invite you to the München Residenz on Thursday, for a rehearsal, as you should be leaving for Berlin on Saturday at the latest."

Adolphine (smiling): "Works for me! Come on, let's go back, it's getting dark!"

Heinrich (sighing): "Running again?"

Adolphine: "Would you prefer to ride a bicycle?"

Heinrich: "Sure, but..."

Adolphine: "I always have a bicycle here, just in case I'm getting tired after swimming."

Heinrich (shocked): "Do you actually swim in this lake? It's freezing!"

Adolphine (smiling): "Oh, Heinrich, I swam here in January, after I cut the ice with a chainsaw!"


Hitler: "Welcome back, children. We were waiting for you..."

Adolphine: "Adolf, go to your room now!... Sorry, Heinrich, he won't bother you again."

Heinrich (stammering): "You... You..."

Adolphine: "Yes..."

Heinrich (perplexed) :"You are giving orders to Herr Hitler?!"

Adolphine (smiling): "Well, it appears I am, am I not?" (thinking) "Adolf is changed... But we shall talk about that some other time... You should be on your way, it's almost eleven."

Heinrich: "Good bye, Adolphine, see you the day after tomorrow!"

Adolphine: "Good bye! Drive carefully!"

17 June 1946, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

: "Now do tell me about him, would you."

Adolphine: "Oh, he's nice... maybe a little naïve and he looks younger than he is... Yes, I think I like him."

Eva: "I hope you behaved yourself..."

Adolphine: "Oh, yes, I did... I repressed my animalistic urges to jump on top of him and fuck his brains out!... Gee, Eva, I'm just kidding! My God, you have no sense of humour! See you tomorrow, I'm tired. Good night."

Eva (laughing): "Sleep well... Olaf will have some work to do tonight, won't he?"

Adolphine: "You naughty girl!"


Helga: "Adolphine..."

Adolphine: "You scared me! Why aren't you asleep? Have you been crying?"

Helga (hugging Adolphine): "Thank you. Thank you for saving my life!"

Adolphine: "Don't overdramatize, you only had a couple of bruises when you got here."

Helga (crying): "I'm not talking about that... I talked to Olaf... about the other history."

Adolphine: "Shit! I shouldn't have left him home... What did he tell you? Olaf! Where are you? Come here!"

Helga (sobbing): "I know everything. That Mother forced me to swallow cyanide... That she killed all six of us."

Adolphine (hugging her back): "You are safe now. That will never happen again. I will protect you... You are my sister now. Stop crying, please..."

Olaf: "I'm here."

Adolphine: "Go away! We'll talk tomorrow."

It's nice to be able to comfort someone. Someone younger and weaker than me, someone who actually needs it... I'll have to talk to her about the Jews though. Her father convinced her that there are always some Jews out there ready to get her!... In fact, I used to be just like her. Maybe even worse...
Chapter 105. Die Fürstin
Chapter 105. Die Fürstin

18 June 1946, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

When Heinrich arrived at the Berghof, he was surprised to find two unknown men in military uniforms standing in the lobby and a small ballot box placed on the large wooden table in the middle of the room. Adolphine smilled happily when she saw the young Prince, ran towards him, hugged him tight and kissed him on the cheek.

Adolphine: "Hi... Glad to see you. We were waiting for you. Please, sign here..."

Heinrich: "What is this? May I read it first?"

Adolphine: "Sure, we are having a referendum and an election here in Obersalzberg and the new Reich Chancellor said that it would be appropriate to invite foreign observers... You know, those pesky Social Democrats... They think I am a Nazi dictator or something. The former Governments were leaving us alone..."

Heinrich (signing the form): "Very good, I am happy to monitor your elections."

Adolphine: "And referendum."

Heinrich (smiling): "Sure."

Adolphine (shouting): "Come on, everybody, please come here. Let's get going and finish this quickly! Heinrich must teach me good manners afterwards!"

Sonderkreis Obersalzberg

Population: 8
Electorate: 5 (Adolf Hitler¹, Eva Hitler, Gretl Fegelein, Adolphine Hitler, Robot Olaf¹)²
Turnout: 5 (100%)
Vote: Secret ballot

1. According to the laws of Obersalzberg (and the Hirn), AIs were full citizens and had the right to vote. Olaf could easily handle a pen, using his flexible tail / belt. Adolphine had to officially tell him, with everyone else present, that he was free to vote according to his wishes. Hitler was also an AI but nobody except Adolphine and Olaf were aware of that.
2. Helga Susanne Goebbels was a minor (13 years old) and did not have the right to vote until turning 15. Barbara Fegelein and Klara Hitler were babies.

Obersalzberg 1946 Referendum

1. Do you want Sonderkreis Obersalzberg to be a Constitutional Monarchy, a Principality (Fürstentum) just like Sonderkreis Liechtenstein?
  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0)

2. Do you want Sonderkreis Obersalzberg to be renamed Sonderkreis Hitler? Only the Kreis will be renamed, its administrative centre, the eponymous Obersalzberg will retain its name.
  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)

Obersalzberg 1946 Elections

For the position of Monarch (Fürst / Fürstin):
  • Adolphine Hitler (100%)
  • Other person, please mention (0)

Less than half an hour later, the unusual democratic exercise was over, with the votes counted, the results officially anounced and all forms duly signed. Everybody congratulated Adolphine then left, leaving Adolphine and Heinrich alone.

Adolphine (smiling): "That was the easy part. The hard one will be on Sunday. I am so nervous..."

Heinrich (encouraging): "You shouldn't be. You'll do just fine, I'm sure."

Adolphine: "You are just being nice..."

Heinrich: "No, it's true... Please tell me, why did you rename the Kreis? It seems rather odd..."

Adolphine (smiling): "Me? Or the electorate?"

Heinrich: "Fine, why did you ask the electorate to rename the Kreis?"

Adolphine: "I didn't want my name to be von Obersalzberg..."

Heinrich: "You could have discussed that with the Kaiser."

Adolphine: "Yeah, I know, but... anyway... I'd like, if possible, a century or two from now, when a kid searches Hitler on the Internet, the first entry to be about a geographical place, not about a dictator..."

Heinrich (smiling): "I'm afraid the dictator would still come first."

Adolphine (sighing): "Yes, wouldn't that be so... Come on, let's go!"

Heinrich (worried): "I don't feel like running..."

Adolphine (smiling): "Don't worry, we won't go all the way to the Königssee, just to the Kehlsteinhaus. It's less than two kilometres away. You'll be fine."

Heinrich: "The Kehlsteinhaus?"

Adolphine: "Yes, a small beautiful castle on top of a rock! It's all mine, Adolf gifted it to me. The view is majestic, I'm sure you'll like it!"

Heinrich: "Just the two of us? Wouldn't that be... improper?..."

Adolphine (laughing): "Don't worry, nobody will tell. Come on, don't be so shy! I won't jump on you, I promise."

Heinrich (troubled): "The issue is usually the other way around..."

Adolphine (serious): "Yes, I know that but, believe me, I can take care of myself quite well... When the SS got me... Yes, that's why I was so shocked the other day when you mentioned being captured by the SS yourself. I know how it's like... No, I'm fine now, thank you... Well, they tortured me... Yes, and I killed them all. Yes, I'm damn serious, Heinrich. I just grabbed a gun and shot them... About forty or so of them... What, do you think I'm crazy?"

Heinrich: "No, no. I'm just wondering why couldn't they shoot you back, that's all."

Adolphine: "Oh, I keep forgetting that that's still a secret. You have to promise you won't tell anyone, ok?... Good. You see, I'm invulnerable. My skin cannot be pierced by bullets or anything else for that matter." (waving a pistol) "I could shoot myself right now and show you a deformed bullet and a bruise but it hurts so I'll use a knife instead... Don't worry..."

Adolphine took an Offiziersmesser (Swiss Army knife) from one of her pockets, cut a napkin in half to show how sharp it was, then slid the blade against her index finger.

Adolphine (smiling): "See, no blood."

Heinrich: "Why are you telling me this?"

Adolphine: "Because we are friends. Come on, let's go."

Helga (rushing into the room): "Can I come with you? Please, Adolphine!"

Adolphine: "We have work to do, Helga. Heinrich is teaching me how to be a Princess. Some other time, ok?"

Helga: "But I want to learn too! I'll be your lady in waiting!"

Heinrich (smiling): "That would be a wonderful idea. We should take Fräulein Goebbels with us."

Helga (happy): "Thanks, Herr von Bayern! You are very nice! You can call me Helga."

Heinrich: "And you can call me Heinrich."

Adolphine (frowning imperceptibly): "Ok, go to the fridge and grab a few sandwiches, would you? We don't have any food up there."

The three youngsters spent a wonderful afternoon at the Eagle's Nest, with Helga playfully chaperoning Heinrich and Adolphine. Besides the etiquette lessons, they took advantage of the superb summer weather and admired the majestic mountainous landscape.

Shortly before sunset, they returned to the Berghof, with Heinrich getting ready to leave for München.

Heinrich: "I had a wonderful day, ladies. Your company was delightfully charming."

Helga (giggling): "Thanks. See you the day after tomorrow!"

Heinrich: "I won't be here the day after tomorrow. My family invited Adolphine to the München Residenz... Our palace... If you want to come, I'll talk to my mother..."

Helga (saddened): "I'm afraid I can't leave Obersalzberg... I'm sorry."

Heinrich: "Why?"

Adolphine: "She has her reasons. Let's better not talk about that, ok?"

Heinrich: "No problem. We are expecting you at noon. You said you don't need me to pick you up..."

Adolphine: "Sure, I enjoy driving. See you on Thursday then!"

Adolphine kissed Heinrich on both cheeks and waved him goodbye.


Adolphine: "What was that?"

Helga (innocent): "What do you mean?"

Adolphine: "You know very well what I meant, young lady! Wasn't it obvious that I wanted to be alone with Heinrich at the Kehlsteinhaus?"

Helga: "But..."

Adolphine: "You did it on purpose! Why? Did Eva ask you to keep an eye on us?"

Helga (whispering): "No, I think I was being jealous. I'm afraid that you'd start dating and you won't have time for me... I'm sorry."

Adolphine (hugging her): "Don't worry, silly. You are my best friend and I'll always find time for you. I love you as if you were my kid sister!... Come on, let's go have dinner, I'm starving!"


Eva: "Hello, Adolphine! How was your day with Prince Charming?"

Adolphine: "It was ok..."

Eva (worried): "Something wrong?"

Adolphine: "No, it's just that Helga came with us at the Kehlsteinhaus."

Eva: "Yes, I noticed that she can be quite possessive with you. Especially now that she learned about the poisoning... But I think it's just a phase... Now do tell me please, do you like him?"

Adolphine (smiling): "I don't know Eva, I believe I do..."

Do I?

18 June 1946, München Residenz, München, Bayern, Deutsches Reich

Queen Antonia of Bavaria
: "Tell me, Heinrich, how do you find that young girl, Adolphine?"

Heinrich: "She is fine, Mother. She is obviously a little different from us because she grew up in a very different world but I believe she is getting used quite well to our ways."

Antonia: "A little different? Our... contacts said that she was... really odd..."

Heinrich: "Mother! I can't believe you spied on her!"

Antonia: "I'm sorry, Heinrich, I only wanted to protect you, that's all."

Heinrich: "Protect me? From what?"

Antonia: "She may be a little... libertine, if you know what I mean. And you are very young and impressionable..."

Heinrich: "She is much younger than me."

Antonia: "But possibly more experienced... I don't want you to get hurt, that's all."

Heinrich (rasping): "Very good, Mother. Thank you for your concern."

Antonia: "My God! You actually like her, don't you! She is a..."

Heinrich: "She is what, Mother?"

Antonia (lowering her voice): "She is not like us..."

Heinrich: "Do you know what's strange, Mother? That Father seemed quite happy with the idea that I meet and possibly befriend Adolphine."

Antonia: "Your father is only thinking about politics. The girl... Adolphine... seems to have a significant amount of power in the Reich. I am a mother. I am thinking of my son... You are more important to me than... Bayern."

Heinrich: "I can understand that. I only hope that you won't make her feel unwelcome here."

Antonia: "Of course, Heinrich. You know me better than that."

Heinrich: "Thank you, Mother. I would like to speak with Father as well..."

Antonia: "He must be already in his room, it's quite late. I believe you should better talk to him tomorrow."

Heinrich: "Very good, Mother. Good night."

Antonia: "Good night."

My God, I barely met the girl and Mother is already worried I might marry her!... Yes, Adolphine is a little odd but in a really delightful way... Yes, she is a little troubled but she is also very nice... I'm not in any kind of danger, that's preposterous... Is it?
Chapter 106. The München Residenz
Chapter 106. The München Residenz

20 June 1946, München Residenz, München, Bayern, Deutsches Reich

: "Adolphine, wake up, we are almost there."

Adolphine (sleepy): "Okay... I didn't sleep well last night... again."

Adolphine drove into the München Residenz courtyard, unplugged Olaf from the car interface, buckled him on her waist, stopped the car and gave the keys to a valet.

A butler accompanied her to a large room where she was quickly joined by Heinrich's five sisters: Irmingard (23), Editha (21), Hilda (20), Gabrielle (19) and Sophie (11).

After getting acquainted with the young princesses, Adolphine took a small package from her pocket and gave it to Sophie.

Adolphine: "Happy Birthday, Sophie..."

Sophie (smiling happily): "You knew that it was my birthday! Thank you very much!"

Adolphine: "It's from the mountains where I live..."

Sophie opened the gift received from Adolphine and stared in disbelief at its contents. It was a superb translucent violet quartz crystal.

Sophie (whispering): "Oh, it's wonderful, thank you. Did you find it yourself?"

Adolphine (smiling): "Yes, I have plenty of time and I love to hike."


Butler: "Fräulein Hitler is here."

King Rupprecht of Bavaria (frowning): "She ought to get rid of that name. I trust you, son, to help the poor girl with that matter..."

Heinrich: "Father!"

Rupprecht: "What is it? I may be old but I still have some sense of humour."

Heinrich: "That wasn't funny. You know what Mother thinks about her..."

Rupprecht: "Your mother is being hysterical. The only thing that matters is how you feel about her. You like the girl, don't you?"

Heinrich: "Yes, Father, but..."

Rupprecht: "Of course, she's young, healthy and beautiful. What's not to like about her?"

Heinrich: "Yes, Father, but I only met her four days ago."

Rupprecht: "I know that, son, but, if you really like her, you should make up your mind quickly."

Heinrich: "Why?"

Rupprecht: "She won't be available forever."

Heinrich: "Father, Adolphine is only 16..."

Rupprecht: "I know, but, where she came from, 16 was apparently old enough... ahem... I mean, she is surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, for God's sake, she's having her military training with them! I'm sure she would end up fancying some young soldier if you turn her down!"

Heinrich: "Turn her down?"

Rupprecht: "Yes, son. A man must take what is offered. The girl clearly needs a man and she'd better get married soon rather than end up sleeping around..."

Heinrich: "Father! Why are you talking like that? You don't know Adolphine!"

Rupprecht: "Oh, but I know her quite well. Our contacts from her guard have painted a very clear picture. She may be young but she had lived in quite a different world with very different mores and expectations. And I don't criticize her, on the contrary, I applaud how she's trying to integrate here... She just needs a little help that's all."

Heinrich: "What do you mean? What do you know?"

Rupprecht: "You don't need to know that. She is a good girl. And she needs a good husband not some soldier to take advantage of her."

Heinrich: "Why would the soldiers take advantage of her? Adolphine surely knows how to keep them away."

Rupprecht: "Of course, but does she want that?"

Heinrich: "What did she do?"

Rupprecht: "Oh, son... It doesn't mean that she's easy, she's from two centuries in the future, it was probably normal then... but those soldiers, those men, might get a wrong impression..."

Heinrich: "What did she do?"

Rupprecht: "Either she doesn't think about it, or she doesn't care, or she does it on purpose... She is swimming in that lake... naked."

Heinrich (flushed): "What do you mean? Completely naked? In front of the soldiers?! No, that can't be true. Your contacts must be lying."

Rupprecht: "Not exactly in front of them, sure, the guards are usually roaming at some distance to give her space but they do have binoculars of course... to keep an eye on her... They are supposed to protect her after all. And they are not lying, son. There are pictures..."

Heinrich (raised voice): "What? Let me see!"

Rupprecht: "It is not appropriate for you to look at pictures with your naked sweetheart."

Heinrich (angry): "But you saw them!"

Rupprecht: "Son, I am an old man. At my age, one is no longer interested in such pictures. You, on the other hand..."

Heinrich (blushing): "We'd better not let Adolphine wait any longer..."


Heinrich, Sophie and Gabrielle took Adolphine on a tour of the superb Bavarian Royal Palace. Adolphine was looking around in awe while Gabrielle and Sophie were playing guide and Heinrich was trying to teach Adolphine more about the expected court protocol.

Heinrich introduced Adolphine to his parents, King Rupprecht (77) and Queen Antonia (46) and to his elder half-brother, Crown Prince Albert (41). Everybody was nice to her and Adolphine behaved herself exemplarily, making Heinrich really proud.

Dinner was very formal, more so than usual in the München Residenz, in order to test Adolphine's progress. And, while obviously a little clumsy, Adolphine managed to eat properly and didn't do anything outrageous.

Adolphine (standing up): "Thank you very much for your hospitality. It has been an honour for me..."

Rupprecht: "It has been a pleasure having you around. Isn't that so, Heinrich?..."

Adolphine: "Thank you, Your Majesty, you are being very nice... I shall go home now, it's getting late."

Rupprecht: "Ahem, we have a surprise for you. There will be a small ball tonight, for Sophie's birthday, and we would like you to attend it."

Adolphine: "A ball?!"

Sophie: "Oh, don't worry, it's more like a usual birthday party with kids and all. We shall get ready though, the party starts in less than one hour!"

Heinrich: "Can you stay for the party?"

Adolphine: "I am not dressed properly for a ball, am I?"

Gabrielle: "I can lend you one of my dresses. It will be a bit short on you and your knees may show but that won't be much of a problem, I suppose."

Adolphine: "It will get very late and there is a three hours drive home from here..."

Rupprecht: "We cannot possibly let you drive home after the party. You can sleep here..." (smiling) "We have at least one hundred spare rooms!"

Adolphine: "Okay, thank you, Sire... Gabrielle, may I see that dress, please?..."


Sophie had been right. The "ball" was indeed a teenagers' party except that its venue was an actual ball room in a magnificent royal palace and most of the guests were Bavarian aristocrats.

Adolphine looked fabulous. Gabrielle had helped her with some bold but classy make-up and the dress was really short on the very tall Adolphine, highlighting her long, straight, thin legs.

The guests split rather quickly into two age groups, the younger children, captivated by Olaf's virtual reality games and the adolescents, talking, dancing and sipping expensive champaigne.

Gabrielle: "Come on, Adolphine, have some more champaigne. You barely drank one glass. We should have fun..."

Adolphine: "I really shouldn't... I may get dizzy and do something stupid..."

Gabrielle: "Don't worry. We shall all be drunk. That's what parties are for."

Adolphine: "Heinrich and I thought this visit to be like some kind of test for me, to see how well do I fit in your society."

Gabrielle (laughing): "Heinrich, tell Adolphine that the bloody test is over and let her enjoy the party!"

Heinrich (smiling awkwardly): "Sure, Adolphine, our lessons are over."

Adolphine gently and quickly squeezed Heinrich's hand, smiled happily, relaxed and took another glass.

21 June 1946, München Residenz, München, Bayern, Deutsches Reich

A few hours later, the party was almost over. Most guests had already left and little Sophie had gone to bed some time ago.

Slightly drunk, sleepy and tired after hours of dancing, Adolphine kicked off her shoes and sat on a comfortable couch, sprawled between Gabrielle and Editha, with her feet tucked underneath her, her dress perilously raised and her white cotton panties clearly showing.

Irmingard (whispering): "Heinrich, I believe that that's enough. She should go to sleep." (smiling) "And you shouldn't be staring so obviously."

Heinrich (embarrassed): "I can't tell her to go to bed, for Christ's sake!"

Irmingard (cheeky): "I thought you wanted to take her to bed..."

Heinrich: "Shut up, Sis!"

Irmingard: "Adolphine, I'm sorry but the party is over and we'll all go to our rooms soon."

Adolphine (unhappy): "Okay... but I was having so much fun..."

Gabrielle: "Come on Irmi, let her stay... My God, you sound just like Mother!"

Irmingard: "It's two o'clock, Gabi... You know, do what you want, I'm leaving..."

Adolphine: "I'm sorry, I don't want to cause any trouble. Would you show me my room please?"

Adolphine stood up with her shoes in her hand, kissed everybody good night, a slightly longer kiss on Heinrich's cheek, and followed Irmingard to the guest room prepared for her. A few minutes later, Irmingard met Heinrich in the hallway.

Irmingard (winking): "The blue room with the large mirrors."

Heinrich: "No!"

Irmingard: "You don't know what you're losing!... Just ask her whether she needs anything and see if she invites you in."

Heinrich (blushing): "Leave me alone, would you!"

And, although Heinrich slept alone, Adolphine showed up in his dreams...


After having breakfast, Adolphine thanked again the Bavarian Royals for their hospitality and went out to retrieve her car. Heinrich accompanied her, telling Sophie to leave him and Adolphine alone.

Adolphine (worried): "Was I over the top last night?"

Heinrich (biting his lip): "Oh, no, not at all. You were... delightful."

Adolphine (squeezing his hand): "You are being so nice with me... And you taught me so many things. Thank you, Heinrich. Thank you very much."

Heinrich: "It was my pleasure."

Adolphine: "Would you... No, that would be too much to ask..."

Heinrich: "You can ask me anything..." (smiling) "And I'll say if I can help you or not."

Adolphine (smiling): "Would you... If you have time, I mean, would you accompany me to Berlin?"

Heinrich: "No. I mean, I can't. In what capacity?... You cannot show up to the Kaiser with someone you have just met!"

Adolphine (laughing): "Oh, you misunderstood me. I'd go see the Kaiser alone, obviously. I only asked if you could accompany me to Berlin and back, not inside the Kaiser's Palace! You know, it's a long trip and I could get stressed and you could... reassure me, that kind of help..."

Heinrich (thinking): "I see... When shall we return?"

Adolphine: "On Tuesday. I'll attend the meeting of the Bundesrat on Monday if I am already in Berlin. Come on, it will be fun! I'll show you the Hirn... It's fabulous! And you could meet Helga..."

Heinrich: "Helga?"

Adolphine: "The Map Robot, the remote control of the Hirn. She's unbelievably smart, much smarter than Olaf, can you imagine that?! And we could give you a shot of nanobots..."

Heinrich: "Nanobots? I didn't know there were enough of them already available..."

Adolphine (proud): "Well, technically there aren't... but an exception can always be made if I say so."

Heinrich: "But I'm young and healthy, I don't need them. There are surely other people who actually need help... Sick people..." (whispering) "...like my mother."

Adolphine: "The Queen? What's wrong with her?"

Heinrich: "We don't know. Since our captivity in Sachsenhausen, she is slowly withering away. Didn't you notice how thin she was?"

Adolphine: "I thought she was on a diet or something. We have to take your mother to Berlin. I'll help her. You are right, Heinrich, you can have your nanobots later... You know, I believe that those who suffered in the camps with trumped up charges should have number one nanobot priority! I mean, that's the least the Reich could do for them! The years spent in a camp are lost forever, at least their health could be restored!"

Heinrich: "What about the Jews? Those who survived, I mean?..."

Adolphine (frowning): "There are no Jews left in the Reich. They left for Israel..."

Heinrich: "What if there were still here, sick after years of deprivations?... Humour me, please..."

Adolphine (internal fight): "Yes. Those who were wrongly imprisoned... Okay, most of them, yes... they should be helped as well. I don't like them but that's the right thing to do."

Heinrich (smiling): "Then you are not a National Socialist."

Adolphine (frowning): "Perhaps... Now, go talk to your mother, would you? And call me later to let me know what you decided, okay?"

Heinrich: "I'll do that, thank you. Good bye, Adolphine."

Adolphine jumped in his arms, hugging him warmly, almost making him lose his balance for a split second.

Adolphine: "Bye-bye, Heinrich! See you!"


That day was a very busy one for the Bavarian Royal Family. Irmingard reported her impressions about Adolphine to her father and Gabrielle to her mother, while poor Heinrich had to withstand interminable discussions with both his parents.

In the evening, Heinrich called Adolphine and told her that he would be at the Berghof the following morning to leave for Berlin together in Adolphine's car while Queen Antonia would travel by plane accompanied by Gabrielle.¹

1. Adolphine didn't fly because a plane crash could cause widespread internal damage, overwhelm her nanobots and thus potentially kill her, leading to the shutting down of the Berlin Dome and the subsequent destruction of Germany. On the other hand, a potential car accident was, apparently, a significantly lesser concern. However, due to security reasons, nobody knew that Adolphine's death would shut down the Dome, lest they painted a big target on her.

In the end, despite Adolphine's shortcomings, the entire Bavarian Royal Family viewed her in a positive light.
Adolphine (internal fight): "Yes. Those who were wrongly imprisoned... Okay, most of them, yes... they should be helped as well. I don't like them but that's the right thing to do."

Heinrich (smiling): "Then you are not a National Socialist."
Strange to see the change regarding her anti-semitism. Then again she never really was as anti-semitic as other Nazi's, not really understanding that the massacre of Jews was completely intentional and not an accident.

Adolphine didn't fly because a plane crash could cause widespread internal damage, overwhelm her nanobots and thus potentially kill her, leading to the shutting down of the Berlin Dome and the subsequent destruction of Germany. On the other hand, a potential car accident was, apparently, a significantly lesser concern
Well deaths due to planes are statistically much less likely than due to cars but it does make sense since many times a car accident while lethal is slower, a plane crash if it is lethal, which isn't actually very often, then suffers quick lethality, so yeah that does make sense that the nanobots could save her from a lethal car accident by internal bleeding, etc. but less likely from a lethal plane crash even if its much less often.

But then what happens if she dies eventually to the dome? Also I wonder what will happen when the secret will be leaked since secrets are typically leaked eventually?
Just out of curiosity, it didn't really seem like there was an explanation for the Czechs not boycotting the elections, but I guess its due to the ineffectiveness of their last boycott though would expect some boycotting given that Jan Masaryk who was universally beloved by Czechs, being the son of Tomas Garrigue Masaryk rejects its legitimacy.
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But then what happens if she dies eventually to the dome? And wonder when the secret will be leaked since secrets are typically leaked eventually
Some hundred years down the line, I think it's rather unlikely anyone would attack Germany for the purposes of revenge.

At this current point however, the Soviet Union still exists, is still on a war footing, maintains a massive military presence near the Reich and is led by Stalin, a man who can hold astounding grudges.
At this current point however, the Soviet Union still exists, is still on a war footing, maintains a massive military presence near the Reich and is led by Stalin, a man who can hold astounding grudges.
Yeah. And France would also be happy for the dome to end and to defeat Inner France, it really depends on how many people know it, the more people that know it, the higher chance of a leak, I am guessing for now they're keeping it very secret, especially from French and Russian symphatisers who might tell it to the countries and then try to kill Adolphine, which does have its own problems of security and near-invulnerability. Given her importance in fact, I am guessing that she has a very high presence of security near as without her, the dome falls. At least Germany now is no longer ruled by Nazis and is starting to become more democratic
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1. Strange to see the change regarding her anti-semitism. Then again she never really was as anti-semitic as other Nazi's, not really understanding that the massacre of Jews was completely intentional and not an accident.

2. Well deaths due to planes are statistically much less likely than due to cars but it does make sense since many times a car accident while lethal is slower, a plane crash if it is lethal, which isn't actually very often, then suffers quick lethality, so yeah that does make sense that the nanobots could save her from a lethal car accident by internal bleeding, etc. but less likely from a lethal plane crash even if its much less often.

3. But then what happens if she dies eventually to the dome?

4. Also I wonder what will happen when the secret will be leaked since secrets are typically leaked eventually?

5. Just out of curiosity, it didn't really seem like there was an explanation for the Czechs not boycotting the elections, but I guess its due to the ineffectiveness of their last boycott though would expect some boycotting given that Jan Masaryk who was universally beloved by Czechs, being the son of Tomas Garrigue Masaryk rejects its legitimacy.
1. Well, some people do change their opinions sometimes. Especially young people. Even more so when placed in extremely unusual circumstances.

2. Correct. It's about the amount of damage. Statistically, a car accident produces much lower damage to the body than a plane crash, although they are more frequent. Even for non-enhanced humans, the odds of surviving a car accident are much higher. For Adolphine, almost any car accident (probably not one involving crashing into a truck filled with liquefied petroleum gas or something similar) is survavible. A catastrophic plane crash, in which most of the bodies are only recognizable by their DNA's, is not.

3. Adolphine's life expectancy at birth was around 200 years. That's a very long time. See also @JuliusClonkus's answer.

If Adolphine dies in an accident or is murdered, the robots will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of her death with the help of the German authorities. If the authorities are not helpful or if the robots have any reason to suspect foulplay, they will shut down the Dome. If the robots are convinced that her death was an accident, suicide or murder by someone not related in any way with the authorities (a rejected lover, an insane person, etc), they may keep the Dome running. Helga's IQ of over 300 will ultimately have to make the call.

4. I don't know. I have not that planned yet.

5. The main reason was seeing that the Slovenes were faring much better under civilian rule and were enjoying their real autonomy after having elected patriotic Slovene politicians in power. Having the Wehrmacht in charge in Czechia was not fun.

Also, many people had lost hope that the Reich would fall and started to think of how to make their lives better under the circumstances as independence didn't seem feasable in the foreseeable future.

Some hundred years down the line, I think it's rather unlikely anyone would attack Germany for the purposes of revenge.

At this current point however, the Soviet Union still exists, is still on a war footing, maintains a massive military presence near the Reich and is led by Stalin, a man who can hold astounding grudges.
I estimate that, in no more than 10 to 15 years, Germany will be able to defend itself against a Soviet invasion even without the Dome (and conquer Outer France in one month like the last time).

Yeah. And France would also be happy for the dome to end and to defeat Inner France, it really depends on how many people know it, the more people that know it, the higher chance of a leak, I am guessing for now they're keeping it very secret, especially from French and Russian symphatisers who might tell it to the countries and then try to kill Adolphine, which does have its own problems of security and near-invulnerability. Given her importance in fact, I am guessing that she has a very high presence of security near as without her, the dome falls. At least Germany now is no longer ruled by Nazis and is starting to become more democratic
I believe that only the Chief of the OKW Erich von Manstein, the German Kaiser, the Reich Chancellor and the robots know that secret (Hitler counts as a robot in this).

Around 300 men are protecting Obersalzberg and its environs at all times and at least 12 men are always accompanying Adolphine everywhere. The idea is not to protect her from a sniper which can't do much harm but from bombs or another abduction.
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Correct. It's about the amount of damage. Statistically, a car accident produces much lower damage to the body than a plane crash, although they are more frequent. Even for non-enhanced humans, the odds of surviving a car accident are much higher. For Adolphine, almost any car accident (probably not one involving crashing into a truck filled with liquefied petroleum gas or something similar) is survavible. A catastrophic plane crash, in which most of the bodies are only recognizable by their DNA's, is not.

Possibly though the odds aren't actually too terrible for surviving plane crashes for un-enhanced humans, contrary to popular belief. 95.7% of passengers aboard crashed planes survive and the average human's odds of dying on a plane are 1 in 11 million, while chances of dying in a car or traffic accident are one in 5,000. But indeed the enhancement changes things as planes are in crashes usually all passengers die or few die, while car accidents have varying scales of lethality, so suddenly a car accident is less lethal than a plane crash
I estimate that, in no more than 10 to 15 years, Germany will be able to defend itself against a Soviet invasion even without the Dome (and conquer Outer France in one month like the last time).
Conquer outer France? So intentions to conquer it? And yeah since on the one hand France will probably be less weakened as the doctrines get updated and technology along with more united in being conquered given that the Communists wont resist as much the war effort though on the other hand the Fascists will more but Germany is also much stronger than the last time and no British aid probably. And the USSR will be probably not a threat for a long time especially if Stalin starts a second purge

If the robots are convinced that her death was an accident, suicide or murder by someone not related in any way with the authorities (a rejected lover, an insane person, etc), they may keep the Dome running. Helga's IQ of over 300 will ultimately have to make the call.
Ah, so an enemy infiltrator could not just force a shutdown then.
1. Conquer outer France? So intentions to conquer it? And yeah since on the one hand France will probably be less weakened as the doctrines get updated and technology along with more united in being conquered given that the Communists wont resist as much the war effort though on the other hand the Fascists will more but Germany is also much stronger than the last time and no British aid probably. And the USSR will be probably not a threat for a long time especially if Stalin starts a second purge.

2. Ah, so an enemy infiltrator could not just force a shutdown then.
1. Not necessarily intentions to conquer Outer France but (i) all armies have contingency plans for almost anything (the United States Army has plans to deal with a Canadian invasion or with a zombie outbreak, no kidding) and (ii) Outer France may opportunistically join a Soviet invasion of Germany.

2. Probably not. Anyway, Adolphine is our main character and I have no intentions to get her killed.
(i) all armies have contingency plans for almost anything (the United States Army has plans to deal with a Canadian invasion or with a zombie outbreak, no kidding)
Yeah, they did even have a plan to deal with a British Invasion in the interwar years and that is true. Armies usually have contingency plans for a lot of things, wouldnt surprise me if France still has a contingency plan against Germany.

(ii) Outer France may opportunistically join a Soviet invasion of Germany.
Yeah, I could see Stalin offering them Inner France including Alsace-Lorraine for help with an invasion
Chapter 107. Berlin (Part I)
Chapter 107. Berlin (Part I)

22 June 1946, Obersalzberg, Deutsches Reich

: "Helga! I have to go! Give me those letters, would you!"

Helga (in a hurry): "Here you are. Be careful, I put some photographs inside too... Look, I wrote their names on the back of the envelopes. Oh, Adolphine, I miss them so much!"

Adolphine (with a hug): "They will be visiting us next month... Nothing for Magda?"

Helga: "I don't know what to tell her. It's so awkward... I'm a runaway after all..."

Adolphine: "Do you miss her too?"

Helga: "I do. But I'm not going back."

Adolphine: "May I tell her that you miss her?"

Helga: "No!... I mean, I don't know. Do what you think it's for the best. But I'll never live with Mother again."

Adolphine: "Ok, I got it! We'll be leaving now. I'll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday... Bye-bye!"

Heinrich: "Good bye, ladies."

Adolphine kissed Helga, Eva and Klara and joined Heinrich who was already in the car. They had a ten hours drive ahead and there was no time to lose if they wanted to reach Berlin before nightfall.

22 June 1946, Reichsautobahn, Deutsches Reich

: "Fasten your seatbelt!"

Heinrich: "Why? Nobody..."

Adolphine: "Because I say so!... Okay, it may save your life if we have an accident... please."

Heinrich: "If you say so. But you seem very concerned about accidents... That's why you don't travel by plane? We could have been in Berlin in three hours instead of ten or twelve..."

Adolphine: "It's not about me..."

Olaf (flashing): "Yes, Your Royal Highness, Adolphine is afraid of accidents but she is shy to admit it."

Adolphine (blushing): "Yes... as Olaf said."

Heinrich: "There is no need to be embarrassed. It's normal to be cautious, especially for women. And, Olaf, please call me Heinrich, we are all peers here."

Olaf: "Ok, Heinrich."

Adolphine: "I wonder... why especially for women? Are men inherently more brave than women?"

Heinrich: "Obviously... I mean, it's common sense!"

Adolphine: "I see... And you say you're no Nazi, are you?"

Heinrich: "Of course not! Why would you say that?"

Adolphine (smiling): "It's funny, you know... In my time, only a Nazi would have said that men are superior to women and here it's common sense."

Heinrich: "But..."

Adolphine: "It's nothing, don't worry. I'm no bloody feminist, you know. It's just kind'a funny, that's all... Leave it, would you, I said it was nothing."

22 June 1946, Prague, Bohemia-Moravia, Deutsches Reich

They didn't stop in Salzburg or Linz which Adolphine had already visited but they spent a couple of hours in Prague, wandering aimlessly through the old part of the Czech capital.

Adolphine: "It's really sad... This beautiful city, the former capital of the Reich, is now full of Czechs... Not that I have anything against the Czechs, mind you, but I would have preferred to hear German rather than this language I don't understand. Do you understand Czech, Olaf?"

Olaf: "I don't have a Czech module installed, but I am learning it right now by listening to the passers-by."

Heinrich: "How fast can you learn a language?"

Olaf: "I think I'll be able to make myself understood if I keep listening to it for a few more hours."

Heinrich: "That's amazing, Olaf, Congratulations!... Adolphine, Prag was never the capital of Germany."

Adolphine: "Sure it was, in the Middle Ages. The capital of the First Reich. But then these Czechs came here and forced the Germans out!"

Heinrich: "Oh, the Holy Roman Empire... Anyway, these Czechs were already here but ethnicity was not very important back then. The Emperor spoke German but he couldn't care less what language did the peasants speak..."

Adolphine took Heinrich's hand and looked straight in his eyes for a few seconds.

Adolphine: "We'd better look at these beautiful buildings... Do you mind me holding your hand? It makes me feel more secure..."

More secure because of me? She has the Walther and the bulletproof skin, not me! And those guards who are always nearby... No way! She must really like me, there is no other reason for holding my hand like this... My God, her hand is so soft and warm!...

22 June 1946, Reichsautobahn, Deutsches Reich

After they passed through Dresden, there was no other major city on their way to Berlin.

Adolphine: "We'll be in Berlin in two hours max... Are your mother and sister already there?"

Heinrich: "No, they will come tomorrow morning."

Adolphine: "We'll be on our own then... Just the two of us..."

Heinrich (blushing): "We'll rent two rooms, obviously."

Adolphine: "Rent? We aren't going to a hotel! We'll spend the night in the Hirn, in my old house."

Heinrich: "I'd better go to a hotel, though."

Adolphine: "Nonsense! There are four rooms in the Hirn Habitation Centre. We'll use just two."

Heinrich: "People will talk..."

Adolphine (annoyed): "So? Let them talk. I have no virtue left to defend, not after what happened... But let's better talk about something else..."

22 June 1946, The Hirn, Deutsches Reich

: "Good evening, Fräulein Hitler. As you know, you are always welcome here but I'm afraid that Herr von Bayern is not allowed in the Hirn without a permit."

Adolphine (irritated): "Darn! I forgot about the permit! How on earth would I get one at this hour? Wake up Feldmarschall von Manstein?... I believe you should make an exception..."

Officer (calm): "I'm really sorry, but I have my orders. You can obtain the permit tomorrow and Herr von Bayern will be able to..."

Adolphine (shouting): "Fuck your orders! I want to fuck this man now and if you don't let us inside, I'll fuck him right here on the grass, damn it! [...]"

Shocked, the officer relented and allowed Heinrich inside the Hirn.


Adolphine: "Here, this is your room. If you need anything, just talk to the objects around you, they are all robots... I'll go to bed now, I'm very tired and I want to be fresh tomorrow... Oh, and please excuse my outburst, I just wanted to spook him to let you pass, that's all... And I really don't feel like having sex tonight, I'm sorry..."

Heinrich just nodded, speechless.

My God, she's wild... but gorgeous... She didn't want to have sex... My God, what if she did? How could I have refused her?!

And Heinrich had a very pleasant dream that night.


Heinrich: "Good morning."

Adolphine: "Good morning. Have you slept well? Umm... I'm sorry for last night, okay?..."

Heinrich: "Don't worry, I'm a grown up man... It's just that I didn't see that coming, that's all. You were so... polite before that..."

Adolphine: "Yeah, I know... Are you hungry? Here, drink this."

Heinrich: "The concentrate?"

Adolphine (smiling): "Yes, how did you know?"

Heinrich: "From the movie..."

Adolphine: "Have you seen Das Hirn?"

Heinrich (smiling): "Everybody has seen it... Or, rather, everybody who could afford to buy a ticket..."


Adolphine and Heinrich left the Hirn together but split soon afterwards, Adolphine going to the Berlin Palace¹ and Heinrich to the airport to welcome his mother and sister.

1. The Berlin Palace was mostly intact, the Dome precluding the February 1945 bombardments which destroyed it in OTL.

22 June 1946, Berlin, Deutsches Reich

The ennoblement ceremony was short and straightforward, Adolphine's fears having being proven groundless. The Kaiser and the Kaiserin were stiff but polite. Adolphine had a distinct sensation that the Kaiser was not happy creating her a Fürstin and that the idea must have belonged to someone else. Nonetheless, Adolphine behaved flawlessly, which made her proud of herself and thankful to Heinrich.

When Adolphine left the Berlin Palace, she was surrounded by a large swarm of noisy reporters and her guards were forced to intervene and keep them at bay. Apparently somebody had tipped the press about her whereabouts which was somewhat worrying.

Adolphine's relation with the press was rather difficult because of two factors: her visceral dislike of the mass media, stemming from her uptime years, and the desire of the authorities to keep her from inadvertently disclosing sensitive or classified information.

However, the public interest was so high that both Adolphine and the Reich Government eventually relented and a meeting with the press was scheduled for the 25th, to be recorded and broadcast after being properly edited.


Adolphine visited von Manstein at the OKW Headquarters. Adolphine and von Manstein were not close. The visit was not a social one. They had business to discuss.

Adolphine: "I'm awfully sorry and really ashamed of my behaviour last night. I was very tired and..."

von Manstein (smiling): "There is no need to apologise. Let's forget about that unfortunate incident..."

Adolphine: "I'm afraid he would talk..."

von Manstein: "Don't worry. A German Officer won't talk about such matters, especially not when I asked him not to. But please try to control yourself, would you? We don't want you to become the subject of tabloid gossip."

Adolphine: "Yes, Sir."

von Manstein: "Here you are, the permit for Heinrich Prinz von Bayern."

Adolphine: "Thank you. But I would like two more permits, for Heinrich's mother and sister Gabrielle."

von Manstein: "The Queen of Bayern is visiting the Hirn? I didn't expect that..."

Adolphine: "Apparently she's very frail since her imprisonment..."

von Manstein: "Yes, a very unfortunate affair..."

Adolphine: "And I offered her a nanobot shot..."

von Manstein: "Umm... We should have discussed that first..."

Adolphine: "So far, I have only asked for three nanobots kits and I'm sure that there are enough of them in the polymetallic pool right now. Olaf has taught me about the exponential growth, you know..."

von Manstein: "Yes but we have also used a few kits..."

Adolphine (angry): "What? Without telling me? Why? Those are my nanobots! That's not fair!"

von Manstein: "Calm down, please..."

Adolphine: "How many? And for whom? Did they bribe you or what?!"

von Manstein (shouting): "Get the hell out of my office!"

Adolphine: "I'm sorry, please forgive me..."

von Manstein: "Look, young lady... Just to make that clear... I didn't get one Pfennig. Everything we did was for the Reich... Let me finish, would you! The Reich is awfully low on cash, the Reichsmark is almost worthless, we can't pay for imports and our war ravaged industry cannot yet produce enough goods for export. The situation is dire and, when the economy is in disarray, all sorts of extremist ideas are more likely to gain traction..."

Adolphine: "The National Socialists?"

von Manstein: "And the Communists and the Ecologists and all kinds of Anarchists or religious nuts!"

Adolphine: "How much money are we talking about?"

von Manstein: "Over ten billion..."

Adolphine: "Holy Christ! Who has that kind of money?"

von Manstein: "Billionaires, especially from the United States of America. Most people are willing to do whatever it takes to prolongue their lifes and regain their health."

Adolphine: "My God!... This surely doesn't look right! What if the mass media finds out about this? Instead of Germans in need, there are foreigners who benefit from my nanobots! Probably Jews. After all who is a billionaire in America?"

von Manstein: "The mass media will not find out. And I surely believe that it was the right thing to do anyway. Let me explain. We could give one nanobot kit to one German and make him perfectly healthy. Right?"

Adolphine: "Right..."

von Manstein: "But, if we sell that kit to an American billionaire for one hundred million dollars, we can use that money to improve the health of tens or hundreds of thousands of Germans. We can buy penicillin and cure any infection now instead of waiting a decade to have enough nanobots for all Germans!"

Adolphine: "I see... You are right... But you could have told me that in advance, couldn't you?"

von Manstein: "Yes, but it appears I forgot. Just like you forgot to ask for a permit..."

Adolphine: "So, what shall I tell the Queen now? That I lied to her and there aren't really any nanobots available?"

von Manstein: "Certainly not. You can give her a nanobot kit. It's just that we can't deplete the pool too much lest the nanobot growth slows down significantly. You should always enquire in advance when you need another kit."

Adolphine: "We'd better just split the nanobots. I'll take a small number and multiply them on my own in Obersalzberg. That way there won't be any more trouble ahead. You just need to send me the necessary polymetallic cocktail."

von Manstein: "Sure, I believe we can do that. You just need to take one Industrial Robot with you to communicate with the nanobots."

Adolphine: "Or ask Helga to install the required software in Olaf... I'll look into that, thanks."

Adolphine: "Was it you who had asked the Kaiser to ennoble me?"

von Manstein: "Oh, I forgot to congratulate you, sorry..."

Adolphine: "It's ok. Was it you?"

von Manstein: "It's a little more complicated than that. There were complicated talks between the Kaiser, the Reich Government, the OKW, the political parties... There was an initial proposal to ennoble Herr Hitler but there were also very strong voices against that, as you may presume... But, let's better not delve into politics now."

Adolphine (sighing): "Okay."

Olaf: "Sorry to interrupt your conversation, Herr Generalfeldmarschall. Adolphine, Heinrich is calling. Can you take the call?"

Adolphine: "May I?"

von Manstein: "Sure, go ahead."

Adolphine: "Heinrich! I was worried, why didn't you call until now?"

Heinrich: "I thought you were busy and I didn't want to intrude..."

Adolphine: "Yes, that's right. As a matter of fact, I am in a meeting right now... Could you call me back in one hour or so? It really sucks that I cannot call you. We should build a robot for you..."

Heinrich: "You can call at our hotel. We are staying at the Schlosshotel im Grunewald, suite eleven."

Adolphine: "Okay, I'll call you. Bye!"

von Manstein: "May I enquire about your relation with Herr von Bayern?"

Adolphine: "With all due respect, Sir, but whether I sleep with him or not is really none of your business."

von Manstein: "Already on the defensive? I was just curious whether we may have a princely wedding or not."

Adolphine: "Umm... It's too early to think about that... I'll send you an invitation if we ever decide to marry, ok?"

von Manstein: "Adolphine, before you leave... You are coming quite rarely to Berlin lately..."

Adolphine: "I come to the Bundesrat sessions..."

von Manstein: "Yes, but you leave immediately afterwards, not to mention that you missed many of them."

Adolphine: "I'm sorry, politics are rather boring. Besides, I'm only an observer, I'm not really needed there."

von Manstein: "I see. There are people you should see. The Reichskanzler for example."

Adolphine: "Herr Schumacher? I don't like leftists."

von Manstein (smiling): "Neither do I and I am still talking to him. You met both von Brauchitsch and Kaas and it is expected of you to pay a visit to Schumacher as well."

Adolphine (sighing): "I see. I'll call him, maybe we'll meet tomorrow, after my Bundesrat session."

During their two hours meeting, Adolphine and von Manstein discussed numerous other issues, including the status of the scientific and technological progress and the help provided by the Hirn's robots, Adolphine's upcoming interview, the upcoming Nazi Nürnberg Parade and Speer's desire to invite Hitler, the preparations for the trial of Adolphine's tormentors, the international situation, etc.
[Meta] Adolphine's Interview (Submissions)
However, the public interest was so high that both Adolphine and the Reich Government eventually relented and a meeting with the press was scheduled for the 25th, to be recorded and broadcast after being properly edited.

Remembering the wonderful way in which you helped me with the Hitler Press Conference (40 chapters ago), I'm asking you again to contribute questions, this time for the Adolphine Interview.

The public knows almost nothing about Adolphine or the Uptime and wild speculations abound.

What is known is that she came from the future and brought the Dome with her in order to save Germany from annihilation. Some of the subsequent events are at least partially known (that she lived in the Hirn, that she was adopted by Hitler and then moved to Obersalzberg, that she is a member of the Bundesrat and a Princess, etc).

Now, with the democratization of Germany and the growing power of the media, that situation was deemed untenable and it was decided to let the public opinion know more about both Adolphine and the Uptime World.

I believe that you, my readers from SV, have the same rights as my readers from AH.com to take part in this story which, in this case, means asking questions for Adolphine.

In order to prevent any duplications, here are the questions already asked (and answered in Chapter 110) on AH. I will simply add yours (with their answers) both here and there (as an edit).

Do you believe in democracy?

What can you tell us about yourself?

For example, what do you like to do?

What can you tell us about your childhood?

What is your current political affiliation?

Aren't you still a National Socialist?

Can you give us an anecdote on the history of your life before you came here?

Since your arrival, Germany has undergone many political and social changes, as we're all aware. What was your role in them? How do they align with what you envisioned when you came here?

To make up for the paucity of verifiable information about you, the Germans have concocted a number of fantastic theories: that you are not a human but either a supernatural being or an extraterrestrial, that you are either Herr Hitler's mistress or his natural daughter, that you singlehandedly killed hundreds of Waffen-SS men who had kidnapped you, that you are invulnerable, that you can float in the air, and so on. What can you comment upon these claims?

Yes, we got to see a movie, we got to see some things, which are indeed astonishing. You and the government claim, you're from the future. Is this true or another fake to hide the real cause of the Dome?

Well, Adolphine, there are other conspiracy theories, which are, in my opinion, far more believable. For example, what about these nanites currently in production, which shall give all of us a longer life and a better health? In how far can we trust them not to do the very opposite? How secure are they?

What is your vision for Germany's future?

Who or what exactly sent you from the future? And, more importantly, why?

Do you miss your world? Would you like to go back? Can you go back? Is there a channel or something between our world and yours?

You were spotted with Prince Heinrich von Bayern. There are rumors, he even spent the last night in the Hirn. Is he your boyfriend?

Important: By contributing questions (or any other material) to this story, you allow me to cross-post them in other parts of the Internet, while maintaining your copyright.

I may perform minor edits to some of the questions (punctuation, formatting, typos, miscellania).

You have 72 hours to ask your questions. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Last edited:
Chapter 108. Berlin (Part II)
Chapter 108. Berlin (Part II)

22 June 1946, Berlin, Deutsches Reich

The 22nd was a very tiresome day for Adolphine. The ennoblement ceremony in the morning, the long conversation with von Manstein in the early afternoon and the day was far from over.

Adolphine sighed. It was a rather hot day, at least for Germany, with 31 degrees in the shade. Adolphine was not usually bothered by heat but the military uniform and the disguise she wore made her perspire profusely. To escape the heat, Adolphine went to the Botanical Gardens, sat down on a bench under a monumental oak tree and started to make phone calls.¹

1. Olaf could be used as a mobile phone in Berlin and in Obersalzberg by connecting wirelessly to a suitable land phone located in the Hirn and, respectively, in the Berghof. The Botanical Garders were almost empty and nobody noticed Adolphine talking to her belt.

Adolphine phoned the Schlosshotel im Grunewald and told Heinrich she will be paying them a visit later in the evening. She told Queen Antonia they would perform the nanobot insertion the following day, shortly after the end of the Bundesrat session, and advised her to rest, eat moderately and drink plenty of fluids in the meantime.

Then, she phoned the Reich Chancellery and asked to talk with Kurt Schumacher. The clearly excited secretary told her that the Reich Chancellor was not there but promissed to contact him swiftly and assured Adolphine that he would call her back soon. Indeed, about half an hour later, a cold but polite Schumacher called and invited Adolphine to have lunch in the Reich Chancellery the following day.

Lastly, she phoned Magda Goebbels and asked her about the right time for a visit. As Magda told her that she could come at any time, Adolphine drove to Magda's superb villa on Schwanenwerder Island. Adolphine brought sweets for the children, gave them the letters and photos from their sister, played with them and answered their questions about Helga Susanne and the life in the Berghof.

Magda: "Umm, Adolphine, about my daughter..."

Adolphine: "Listen, Magda, she's not coming back. Not now and not ever. I'm sorry... But you may visit us anytime you want..."

Magda: "Why does she hate me so much?"

Adolphine: "Oh, Magda, Helga doesn't hate you, she's just afraid of you."

Magda: "Afraid of me?"

Adolphine: "Yes. She remembers your fights with her father whom she adored, she remembers the beatings..." (shuddering) "You whipped that little girl with your belt, Magda, until her little bum was bleeding... Please, let me finish. And, moreover, she knows what would have happened in the other history, when you decided to commit suicide."

Magda: "Joseph said that we did it so the Russians couldn't get them..."

Adolphine: "Yes, you chose for your children. It didn't matter that Helga wanted to live, that she fought you with all her feable strength, no, you still forced the cyanide in her mouth... You know, Magda, Helga wants to decide for herself from now on. Simple things like whether to live or not..."


Hilde: "Are you staying for dinner?"

Adolphine (smiling): "I'm sorry, Maus, my boyfriend is expecting me..."

Hilde: "Wow! You have a boyfriend! Please, tell me about him... Is he handsome?"


When Adolphine arrived in Grunewald, it was already eight in the evening. After a short casual talk with the Queen, the three youngsters went out to have fun. They went to a disco and danced for hours.

While resting on a couch, Gabrielle, a little drunk, was caressing Adolphine's arm.

Gabrielle: "My God, it's perfect!... You are so lucky, Heinrich! Adolphine is absolutely perfect, can you imagine that! Just look at her skin! No imperfections, no blemishes whatsoever, nothing, just flawless womanly skin! I wish I was like her!..."

Heinrich (blushing): "You drank a glass too many, Sis."

Adolphine: "You are beautiful, Gabrielle, don't underestimate yourself."

23 June 1946, Berlin, Deutsches Reich

After Adolphine drove them back to their hotel, Gabrielle waved Adolphine good-bye and quickly went inside, leaving Heinrich and Adolphine alone.

Adolphine: "I had such a good time..."

Heinrich: "Yes, me too..."

Adolphine: "Umm, would you come with me to the Hirn?..." (blushing) "I have the permits in order now..."

Heinrich (blushing): "I'd love too but I can't... What would Mother say..."

Adolphine: "But you like me, don't you?"

Heinrich: "I do... I can kiss you if you want me to..."

Adolphine (smiling happily): "I believe that's a very good idea."

One hour later, Adolphine was laying in her bed, touching herself absentmindedly.

My God, if he waited any longer I would have kissed him first!


The Bundesrat session was boring as usual. When the young Swiss observer started to flirt with her again, Adolphine was prepared.

Adolphine: "Klaus, do you remember when I told you I had a boyfriend?"

Klaus: "Yes..."

Adolphine: "Well, I was lying."

Klaus (hopeful): "So..."

Adolphine: "But now I really have a boyfriend so please leave me alone. And you are not my type anyway."


The lunch with Kurt Schumacher proceeded smoothly, punctuated by small talk and forced pleasantries with both of them clearly knowing that they didn't like each other. The only substantial discussion involved the nanobots.

Adolphine (looking at his stump): "Umm... Herr Schumacher, did you consider a nanobot injection?..."

Kurt Schumacher: "No, not really."

Adolphine: "It may be possible for them to help regrow your arm..."

Schumacher: "I'm not sure we should play God like that. Anyway, I'm already used with missing one arm after all that time and, to be honest, I'm not sure about these nanobots of yours and many people are sharing my concerns..."

Adolphine: "Concerns?"

Schumacher (coughing): "Yes, we cannot be sure they work as intended... How long would it take to grow an arm, anyway?"

Adolphine: "Olaf?"

Olaf: "For a man of Herr Reichskanzler's age, more than five years, probably..."

Schumacher: "See, I may not live that much... Besides, nobody knows a thing about the nanobots! What if they can be tracked via wireless? Who controls them? Could they be ordered to act against the person whose body they inhabit? Like, you know, kill or incapacitate a political opponent for example? Imagine if the Nazis had access to this technology!..."

Adolphine wanted to answer something but finally decided not to and changed the subject.

I wonder how many people share Herr Schumacher unfounded fears... Because they are surely unfounded, are they? The nanobots are medical machines... Primum non nocere, right? My God, why must everything be so damn complicated?!


After Helga convinced her that the nanobots were completely harmless and they couldn't be used in any nefarious way, Adolphine phoned the Schlosshotel im Grunewald and told Queen Antonia that she was expecting them in the Hirn. One hour later, a cab left Antonia, Heinrich and Gabrielle at the Hirn.

Adolphine: "Welcome to my home."

Antonia: "Thank you... It looks just like in the movie..."

Gabrielle: "When I first saw Das Hirn, I thought it was science fiction, special effects, you know..."

Helga: "Welcome, Guests."

Adolphine: "Antonia, Königin von Bayern, Gabrielle Prinzessin von Bayern and Heinrich, Prinz von Bayern. Add them as users, please."

Helga: "Done. Your Majesty, shall we proceed?"

Antonia: "Sure."

Helga: "Please sit on this chair and let XH0343 retreieve a blood sample from your arm. We must teach the nanobots to recognize your cells before introducing them into your body. Are you afraid of blood?... Needles?"

Antonia (smiling): "No, of course not."

XH0343: "It will sting a little..."

The robot punctured Antonia's arm, inserted a cannula in her ulnar vein and drew one cubic centimetre of pure royal blood.

XH0343: "We will leave the cannula in place to inject the nanobots through it. This way we won't have to puncture your vein again. Please try to keep your arm still. It won't take long."

Antonia: "No problem."

About ninety minutes later, XH0343 returned with a flask containing the nanobots immersed in their nurturing solution. In less than one hour, its contents was completely perfused into Antonia's body.

Helga: "Are you feeling ok?"

Antonia: "It burns... a little."

Helga (flashing): "That is normal. Please tell me if you feel any pain."

Antonia: "No, I'm not in pain."

Helga: "You should better lie down and rest. We will keep you under observation for a couple of hours."

Antonia (lying down): "Very good... Thank you, Adolphine."

Helga: "Do you plan to have any more children?"

Antonia: "Who, me? No, I'm too old for that... and I have enough already. Why are you asking?"

Helga: "We must set the Pregnancy property of the nanobots. There are three main options: Facilitate, Allow and Deny. I believe their meaning to be straightforward."

Antonia: "Yes, Deny would be just fine."

While Gabrielle stayed with her mother, Heinrich and Adolphine visited the Hirn and its gardens, sharing a couple of furtive kisses away from prying eyes.

Adolphine (caressing his cheek): "I believe we are boyfriend and girlfriend now, are we not?"

Heinrich (nervous): "I guess so..."

Adolphine: "I don't want to rush you, you should decide when to tell your family about us, ok?"


With the procedure performed flawlessly, Antonia and her children were ready to go to their hotel.

Adolphine: "Heinrich, I have to stay one more day in Berlin. I have an interview scheduled for Wednesday morning. Could you..."

Heinrich: "Sure, Adolphine, we came here together, we'll go back together. I'm not leaving you alone... I'll see Mother and Gabrielle to the airport tomorrow and I'll call you afterwards..."

Adolphine: "Super! And we'll leave right after the interview. We'll take the other route, through Leipzig, Nürnberg and München, so I can leave you home earlier."

And Adolphine spent the night alone in her bed, using Olaf, imagining what Heinrich must have done alone in his bed... Oh my God, I'm in love! I hope he loves me too...

24 June 1946, Berlin, Deutsches Reich

Adolphine spent the whole morning at the OKW Headquarters, reviewing every imaginable aspect of the next day's interview. Afterwards, she had lunch with Erich von Manstein and Karl Dönitz.

Karl Dönitz: "Do you know anything about a Baltic Sea volcano?"

Adolphine: "No! What volcano?"

Dönitz: "Apparently, there is an underwater volcano in the Baltic Sea of all places! One of our U-boats was in danger of being lost when it inadvertently approached it too close..."

Adolphine: "I didn't know there were volcanos in the Baltic Sea."

Dönitz: "Neither did I. And, as far as we know, there has never been any volcanic activity in that area. It's really strange. I assumed that you knew about it because it's growing fast and it would end up creating a volcanic island very soon."

Adolphine: "So... I don't follow you, I'm sorry."

von Manstein: "Something is not in order here. First of all, a volcano appears out of nowhere in a place where there shouldn't be any volcanos..."

Adolphine: "Why shouldn't be any volcanos in the Baltic?"

von Manstein: "We talked with a geologist. For some reason, you can usually find volcanos near the edges of the continents, not in the middle of one! You may look on a map..."

Adolphine: "Okay, go on..."

von Manstein: "This volcano would soon create a new island in the Baltic Sea and that island does not appear on any of Helga's future maps!"

Adolphine: "So... What's the problem here? We already know that things do happen differently in different timelines. There was no volcano and no island in my timeline and there is one in this one. See, it's simple."

Dönitz: "Nothing humans do differenty can plausibly result in different volcanic activity. For example, no enemy forces in Germany cannot in any concievable way result in a new volcano in the Baltic Sea! Things can be different sure, and they are, but some form of causality must be surely observed..."

Adolphine: "It may be because of the underground portion of the Dome. It may hinder the flow of the magma or something..."

Dönitz: "Good catch, but the underground portion of the Dome was disabled on the 4th of April last year, just ten weeks after the initial power-up of the Dome."

Adolphine: "Umm, this discussion is already way beyond my level of understanding. We shall talk to Helga... Have you asked her?"

Dönitz: "Yes, and she seemed reticent."

Adolphine: "Ok, I'll call her. Wait a minute... Helga, the OKW wants to know about that volcano in the Baltic Sea. Do you know anything about it?... Yes... Yes, I'll wait..."

Dönitz: "What is it?"

Adolphine: "She's running a simulation... Yes... Okay, thanks Helga."

Dönitz: "Yes..."

Adolphine: "It seems you were wrong. We created that volcano."

Dönitz: "What? How?"

von Manstein: "Can we make more?"

Adolphine (smiling): "In the centre of Moscow, for example? No, sorry. Helga thinks that when we blew up the wormhole from the Hirn, the so called Abomination, that colossal energy exited the Earth's surface through the Baltic Sea, weakening the Earth's crust in that area, creating a fissure, something like that. Helga will print a complete report for you."

Dönitz: "So, the island that will emerge from the waves will be actually man-made!"

von Manstein: "Yes, a small amount of Lebensraum close to the Latvian coast. And we aren't taking it from anyone this time."


It was already late in the afternoon when Adolphine left the OKW Headquarters. She had all the rest of the day for herself. And for Heinrich. And the night as well. She phoned Heinrich and told him she was expecting him in the Hirn.

Yes, this is the big day. The first time when I have sex on my own free will. The first time when I make love... Shit, I hope dear Heinrich will not chicken out...
Chapter 109. The Breakdown
Chapter 109. The Breakdown

Caution: Reader discretion is advised.

This chapter contains depictions of enamoured adolescents snogging.
There is also content which some readers may find unsettling.
If that troubles you, you may skip this chapter. Thank you.

24 June 1946, The Hirn, Deutsches Reich

While waiting for Heinrich, Adolphine had a long and soothing bath, to calm her fears and nervousness. She pondered what to wear for a good five minutes and decided upon a short summer dress with simple floral motives. Barefoot and with a towel wrapped around her hair, Adolphine welcomed Heinrich in the Hirn Habitation Centre.

Heinrich gave her a large and beautiful bouquet of roses, the second one in two days. Adolphine jumped happily in his arms and kissed him. At least as stressed as her, Heinrich was the one to finally break the kiss.

Heinrich: "Umm, how would you like to spend the evening?... Should we go somewhere? For a walk in the park? Or to a movie theatre?..."

Adolphine (disappointed): "I don't feel like going anywhere, I'm kind of tired. The last days were quite demanding... Besides, the Hirn's park is the best there is and Olaf can always project a movie for us if we ask him to..."

Heinrich (touching her arm): "Adolphine... Very good, let's watch a movie. Olaf, what do you recommend us?"

Olaf (blinking): "A romance, obviously."

They didn't watch the movie very closely. Just half an hour later, they were already petting, their hands exploring each other's bodies, their mouths joined in the embrace of love...

Adolphine heart was pounding. She wanted to go on, to make love to her Prince Charming, but demons from her past whom she thought forgotten were coming back to taunt and torment her.

No, I can't let that stupid fear control me! I have to overcome it! I have to make love to Heinrich! I can't let him down like that when he's so nice and caring. I'm not that kind of bitch!

Adolphine sat up and undressed quickly, revealing her naked body to Heinrich for the first time. When Heinrich opened his mouth to say something, Adolphine shut it close with hers and straddled his body.

No, I can't back off now... I can't... I shan't...

Moments later, Adolphine was on her back, with Heinrich on top of her. The horrors from her captivity were coming back in full force. Adolphine was already hyperventilating, her pupils enlarged, her brain overwhelmed with terror.

Instead of her gentle boyfriend, all she was seeing were brutes in SS uniforms. Just seconds before the would be intercourse, Adolphine snapped, waves upon waves of adrenaline invading her brain...

Adolphine kicked the innocent and unsuspecting Heinrich in the chest with both her feet, throwing him off her and off the bed. Then she howled like a wounded animal. A long, piercing, unhuman scream.


Adolphine was slowly regaining her composure. She was alone in the room, lying on her bed, still naked. She checked her vulva. It was clean and dry. She sighed, then she remembered what had happened and started panicking again.

A couple of minutes later, Adolphine sat up, wiped her tears, put on a long T-shirt and rushed out. She found Heinrich in the living room, sitting in an armchair, with an empty glass in his hand.

Heinrich (looking down): "I'm sorry, I didn't know that... You should have said something..."

Adolphine could not utter a word, sobbing loudly instead.

Heinrich: "I didn't leave because I was worried about you. I was afraid to leave you alone... like that. Shall I leave now?"

Adolphine (still crying): "No..."

Adolphine sat down in another armchair in silence, with her feet tucked under her, her T-shirt covering her private parts and her hair covering her crying eyes.


Adolphine: "You cannot imagine how sorry I am. Please, try to forgive me..."

Heinrich: "There is no need for that. It's not your fault."

Adolphine: "We shall talk..."

Heinrich: "Only if you feel comfortable..."

Adolphine: "I'll never feel comfortable, my God!... But we shall really talk about that. I mean, I shall talk... I'm sick, Heinrich. I mean, I was pretending everything was ok, I was lying to myself, but I'm obviously not ok. I need therapy and I can't get it here..."

Heinrich: "I may be able to help..."

Adolphine: "Oh, Heinrich, you can't help me. Nobody can but me. It may be better for you if you just run away and forget about me..."

Heinrich: "Only if you tell me to. And I'll never forget you."

Adolphine: "I'm too much of a coward and way too selfish to tell you to go away... I want to tell you... all of it. Everything they did to me..." [...]


Heinrich: "I don't know what to say."

Adolphine: "You don't have to say anything. There is really nothing to be said about that."

Heinrich: "What about those who are still alive? Why aren't they prosecuted?"

Adolphine: "There will be a trial this autumn... But not Skorzeny or Mengele, just a few soldiers..."

Heinrich: "Why?"

Adolphine: "Because the Wehrmacht made a deal with them and let them leave the Reich. Yes, it's sickening!"


Adolphine: "Could you help me with something?"

Heinrich (smiling): "I can try."

Adolphine: "I like to travel and I have already seen much of the Reich. And I'd really love to travel abroad for a change..."

Heinrich: "I thought you were not allowed to leave the Reich, for security reasons..."

Adolphine: "Fuck those rules! I don't care. I want to go abroad and I will."

Heinrich (sighing): "I see. How can I help?"

Adolphine (smiling): "Here, take this money..."

Heinrich: "This is a lot of money."

Adolphine: "I didn't count them, it doesn't matter... Hide them someplace safe and, when you are alone and nobody sees you, go buy a car, exactly like mine..."


Adolphine: "Is that offer for a walk in the park still standing?"

Heinrich: "Sure."

Adolphine: "We will overcome this hurdle together. I'll get better, we'll go slower next time and we'll be able to make love... I'm sure of that."

Heinrich (touching her hair): "Sure, my dear, as you say."

I love him so much...

I love her so much...

25 June 1946, The Hirn, Deutsches Reich

Heinrich left the Hirn to sleep in his hotel room that night. Adolphine barely slept a couple of hours and left early in the morning for the interview.
[Map] Unexpected Volcanic Activity in the Inner Baltic Sea
Unexpected Volcanic Activity in the Inner Baltic Sea

The Volcanic Sea Mount in the Inner Baltic Sea is 41 kilometres (or 22 nautical miles) away from from the Inner Latvian Coast, a little farther from the Lithuanian Coast and even farther (but not very far) from the German Coast (Memelland). It is almost 200 kilometres from the Dome Limit. It is clearly outside of the 3 (or later 12) nautical miles of Latvian or Lithuanian territorial waters.
Chapter 110. Adolphine's Interview
Chapter 110. Adolphine's Interview

Note: I have edited the questions to fit the format of the interview.

25 June 1946, Radio Berlin Headquarters, Berlin, Deutsches Reich

: "Good day."

Reporter: "Good day, Ihre Durchlaucht¹, and welcome to Radio Berlin. I am Günther Schymanietz and I will be your host for this interview. Please, make yourself comfortable."

1. Your Serene Highness, formula used to address reigning German Princes such as the Prince of Liechtenstein.

Adolphine (whispering): "Are we online?"

Günther Schymanietz: "The interview will not be live, for security reasons..."

Adolphine: "Yes, I know that. I meant recording. Are you already recording this?"

Günther Schymanietz: "Not yet, Ihre Durchlaucht. That red lamp will be on while recording."

Adolphine: "Please, call me Adolphine."

Günther Schymanietz: "Sure, Adolphine, as you wish. However, you will have to repeat this request when we are recording, lest my boss reprimands me. And you can call me Günther."

Adolphine (smiling): "Sure, Günther."

Günther: "I must remind you that, should you inadvertently reveal state secrets, the military censors will edit or remove your answers before broadcasting this interview."

Adolphine: "I understand."

Günther: "Good. Are you ready?"

Adolphine: "Sure, let's go."

WARNING: During the interview, Adolphine voices some of her political opinions, some of which are incorrect, absurd or even abhorrent.

Moreover, Adolphine laughs about conspiracy theories about her, while promoting other conspiracy theories herself (which is quite ironic, if not altogether tragic).

In any case, many of Adolphine's answers are deliberate lies.

Reader discression is advised.

Excerpts from the Interview with Adolphine Fürstin von Hitler, broadcast by Radio Berlin on the 29th of June 1945

Good day, Ihre Durchlaucht, and welcome to Radio Berlin. I am Günther Schymanietz and I will be your host tonight for this interview.

Good day, Herr Schymanietz. And you can call me Adolphine.

As you wish, Adolphine. And you can call me Günther.

Very good, Günther.

On behalf of my station and our listeners, I wish to thank you for accepting to be our guest.

It is my pleasure. I believe it is everybody's duty to keep the Volk well informed about the topics which may be of interest. A free mass media is an important guarantee of our freedom from tyranny.

Do you believe in democracy?

No, I don't. I said freedom from tyranny, not democracy.

Isn't it the same thing though?

No, I believe it isn't.

We will return to politics later on. What can you tell us about yourself?

About me? I don't know... Could you be more precise?

For example, what do you like to do?

Oh, I like to travel, to see beautiful places, I like being fit, I like sports and physical activity in general, such as running, swimming, climbing, hiking, riding a bicycle, skiing, I like playing games, especially virtual reality games, I mean modern games, games played in simulated environments created by the robots you saw in Das Hirn. Is it ok to mention it?... Okay, so, I like movies, especially documentaries and romantic comedies, I like parties, dancing, chatting and having a good time. And I like food, all kinds of food but especially chocolates and cakes. In fact, I am an adolescent girl and I like most things adolescent girls do. Besides that, I also like guns and explosives and self-defence. Because of the way I was raised when I was a little child...

What can you tell us about your childhood?

I was born in the year 2174. The world I came from is a dictatorship where most people are so content with their pampered lives that they don't care about their lack of freedom. My family cared though. We were appalled by the destruction of our country, of our people, of our race and of our society. And we fought back, for the cherished memory of a Reich, a Volk, a Race and a Society annihilated centuries ago. We fought for freedom, for the freedom to say that we hated what they had done to us, that we hated them, those who did that to us, that we wanted our Reich back and all those foreigners from Africa and Asia out, that we wanted our way of life back.

Yes, I believe we are all very well aware about that dystopic future. However, we cannot help from wondering whether all that information is totally accurate.

I'm sorry, did you just call me a liar?

No, not at all. I'm very sorry I gave you that impression. Nobody doubts the facts but only their interpretation. What I wanted to say was that you may have misjudged the reasons for some of those unfortunate events.

Umm, sure, that may be true. In fact, I was a child. I only know what my parents told me. Of course, others have different views... Let me give you an example. Helga, the robot from the Hirn, she believes that... about that invasion of people of other races... She believes that it had only been about money. The economy was growing faster than the population. In fact, the population was actually decreasing. And the capitalists wanted more workers, to increase their own wealth and they didn't care that our Volk was being outbred by the invaders. Yes, Helga thinks that there wasn't a nefarious plan, that it just happened due to greed and negligence. They just didn't care about our Race, our culture and our way of life. I wonder what's worse though. To destroy everything on purpose or because of greed?

And your parents?

Well, my parents thought that everything had been a conspiracy against Whites in general and Germans in particular. That the Jews wanted revenge because of... what we did to them during the war... And they did somehow engineer the decrease in birthrates in the White Nations through various means like the destruction of the family, the promotion of pederasty and so on only to replace the native White population with other races who outbred us and mixed with us creating a race of mongrels...

And what is your current opinion?

I don't know. It is indeed possible that my parents were wrong. Helga said that the population decrease was a natural trend. I don't know. These things are too complicated for me. Tell me, Günther, do you have children?

Yes, I have a daughter, about your age, and two younger sons. Why?

Are you able to have a discussion with them about issues such as these?

No, you are right. I seem to forget your are only sixteen... How was the Uptime World politically compared to ours? Did that affect the standards of morality? (@Adamgerd)

Well, as I have already told you, Europa Federal was a dictatorship, very different from the National Socialist dictatorship we have experienced first hand but a dictatorship nonetheless. Yes, they had political parties and elections but only a rather limited number of different opinions were allowed. Dissenters were denied a political platform, ridiculed, vilified or even sent to mental hospitals if their opinions were deemed to be really extreme or offensive. About morality... What morality? The Uptime World was completely immoral with every imaginable perversion being promoted as virtue. Yes, it was Hell on Earth. But I don't like politics very much and those memories sadden me.

However, you are engaged in politics. You are the ruler of a Sonderkreis and a Deputy in the Bundesrat. What is your current political affiliation? (Amber)

I am apolitical. I mean, I am a German Nationalist, but I kind of dislike the existing political parties.

Aren't you still a National Socialist? (Amber)

Oh, sure, I mean, I view myself as a National Socialist. In fact, for all that I know, most Germans are National Socialists, ironically, with the exception of those who actually call themselves National Socialists. Did I confuse you?... Yes, I know, it's a matter of semantics. The meaning of words may change during centuries. Let me explain... Uptime, to be a National Socialist meant to be fighting for freedom, against the tyranny of an anti-White Government, for freedom of speech, for the rights of the dwindling minority of pure Whites smothered by the Brown tide, to be a National Socialist meant to love your Race, not to hate others. We didn't want to kill anyone, except the traitors, of course. We only wanted them out of our countries, we wanted them to go back to theirs and let us live in peace and harmony and brotherhood with the other White Peoples. But most of those who call themselves National Socialists now are nothing but brutes and murderers. It's a disgrace. And I'm ashamed to be considered one of them.

You could just drop the label of National Socialist then.

And let them win? Never! They are the ones who should stop calling themselves National Socialists! They sully the name National Socialist and they defile the Holy Swastika with their bloodied hands!

Yes, calm down, please. What about Herr Hitler though? Your adoptive father used to be their Führer.

Adolf was a patriot. He only wanted what was best for the Reich. And, in order achieve that, to help Germany regain its dignity and its strength, he needed power. Now tell me, please, how does one get in power in a democracy?... Let me tell you. By lying. By telling the masses what they want to hear. Adolf used the already existing antisemitism in order to get elected. Eventually it got out of control, that's all.

I see. Let us move on now because our time is limited. In the opinion of future scholars, what could have been done to prevent the War? (@RocketSurgeon)

Prevent World War Two? Let Germany win World War One, I guess. Or, failing that, at least make a reasonable peace instead of that horrible Versailles Diktat. Of course, some so called scholars said that stopping Hitler would have prevented the War. It is obviously a delusion. In those conditions, a new war was unavoidable. The Reich could not have been kept down for much longer. Somebody else would have undoubtedly risen in Hitler's place and would have led the Reich to War to regain its rightful place among Nations. Because the other Great Powers were not going to let us have back what was ours without a fight.

Can you give us an anecdote on the history of your life before you came here? (@ImperialTheorist)

Umm, let me think of something a little more... lighthearted... You know, I like it a little colder and the weather was usually torrid in Europe. The official reason was something with burning fossil fuels like oil and coal, they called it Global Warming... I don't know whether it was a hoax or not, but I digress... So, when I was a little child, my parents took me to that trip to Antarctica, snow and all, it was wonderful. And the penguins were so tame and friendly and I mounted one and asked it to carry me around. You know, I thought they were robots, what did I know... Of course, the penguin didn't understand me and I was very frustrated and I piggybacked Vatti instead. I like penguins very much, though. I believe we could release some into the Königssee, its water is so cold they would feel just like home...

Since your arrival, Germany has undergone many political and social changes, as we're all aware. What was your role in them? How do they align with what you envisioned when you came here? (@Evan)

Umm, Günther, have you forgotten again that I am just a little girl? What role could I have in anything? Sure, I have talked with Adolf, with Herr Hitler I mean, about various issues but could you really imagine him heeding my advice or something? Come on, let's be serious. About the changes, sure, there are a lot of changes, most of them for the better, but they are the result of the Dome and of the resulting peace with our former enemies. And, of course, the Volk wanted change, the Germans wanted freedom, they were fed up with the dictatorship and Adolf was very smart to step down. He just couldn't go against the will of the people whom he loved and respected so much...

To make up for the paucity of verifiable information about you, the Germans have concocted a number of fantastic theories: that you are not a human but either a supernatural being or an extraterrestrial, that you are either Herr Hitler's mistress or his natural daughter, that you singlehandedly killed hundreds of Waffen-SS men who had kidnapped you, that you are invulnerable, that you can float in the air, and so on. What can you comment upon these claims? (Amber)

Yes, many people have an extremely vivid imagination. What can I say? How can I prove that I'm really who I say I am? Those who choose to believe such oddities can never be compelled to think otherwise no matter the amount of evidence presented. Besides, life can be hard and such outlandish claims make for a good distraction from their everyday struggle. However, one of those claims is indeed true. Yes, I can float in the air, only that that isn't anything out of the ordinary with that. It's not magic but science and everybody can float just like me when supported by a diamagnetic cushion.

Yes, we got to see a movie, we got to see some things, which are indeed astonishing. You and the government claim, you're from the future. Is this true or another fake to hide the real cause of the Dome? (Tyr Anazasi)

Well, I have already stated that nothing I could say would make those who believe otherwise to change their minds. I only want to ask you a simple question. If there is indeed a conspiracy and I am not what I pretend to be, then why do the Governments of the Western Powers fully corroborate it? Why did their most famous scientists come to the same conclusion? Does this conspiracy include everyone? Are the Western Powers in collusion with our Reich? Maybe the whole war was nothing but a sham? Don't you see how absurd it is?

Well, Adolphine, there are other conspiracy theories, which are, in my opinion, far more believable. For example, what about these nanites currently in production, which shall give all of us a longer life and a better health? In how far can we trust them not to do the very opposite? How secure are they? (Tyr Anazasi)

Yes, the famous Nanobot Conspiracy Theory from the 2120's raises its head again. I should have anticipated that... Yes, I believe you have the right to be concerned here. I would be as well. Having parasitic robots injected into your body is not a pleasant thing to contemplate. Of course, the nanobots could do harm, if not physical, maybe mental. They could inoculate ideas into your brain, make you support the government or whatever... Maybe the government could use them to track you down, or to read your thoughts, or simply threaten to turn them off if you're not compliant. Yes, all those are legitimate fears, I can understand that. And I have nothing to calm down those fears, absolutely nothing. Yes, I know that the nanobots are perfectly safe and very, very useful, but I cannot do or say anything to convince anyone of that. However, nobody is forcing you to get the nanobots. If you are in good health, you can wait, a decade or two, and see for yourselves that those who have nanobots are doing just fine.

What is your vision for Germany's future? (@Evan)

I have no vision for the future, I'm sorry, I'm no philosopher, you know... I don't know what is for the best, I only know what is to avoid, what I don't want to happen. I don't want another Dictatorship, never, not another Nationalist Dictatorship, not a Communist one and surely not a Progressive Liberal one like that that poisoned my childhood. So, until people more intelligent than me devise a better form of government, I'm afraid we're stuck with this awful representative democracy which promotes liars and corrupts people but, at least, allows us to live in freedom.

Who or what exactly sent you from the future? And, more importantly, why? (@ImperialTheorist)

I don't know exactly. I suppose it was those who had detained me after the death of my parents. They saw that they couldn't change my opinions and integrate me into their sick society, so they decided to send me here to live the life I always wanted to live. And the Dome was only provided to protect me from the Russians, of course. They didn't care about you. The Reich was saved only because they wanted me to stay safe... You know, not all dictatorships are the same. Some kill their opponents' bodies, others prefer to kill their souls... Yeah, they wanted me to live and change my views. Well, they succeeded, at least partially.

Do you miss your world? Would you like to go back? Can you go back? Is there a channel or something between our world and yours? (Amber)

Well, take it easy, please. There are a lot of questions here. And quite difficult ones... No, I don't miss that world. Well, maybe a little, sometimes, rarely... There are things I cannot do here, like travelling to outer space or to other planets for example, but I can live without that. Instead I have freedom and I live amongst my own Volk, in my beloved Reich... Yes, if I had to decide, I'd choose this world in an instant, no questions about it. And I would never want to go back, except as a victorious conqueror, to destroy the system that had destroyed everything that I ever loved... No, I cannot go back and they can't retrieve me either. No, of course there is no channel! There is no time travel! This is a different Universe and our future is not that future. It would be a violation of casuality and other laws of physics! And, before you ask, no, I'm not that smart. The robots explained those things to me. And Herr Heisenberg, who is an old friend of mine.

And, in the end, a more personal question... You were spotted with Prince Heinrich von Bayern. There are rumors, he even spent the last night in the Hirn. Is he your boyfriend? (Tyr Anazasi)

I can see that you like to make this difficult for me... No, no, it's ok. After all, I'm some sort of a minor celebrity so it's only normal that people peek into my private life, not that I like it but that's the way things are... Anyway, to be perfectly honest here, Heinrich and I are... good friends, close friends, but not lovers. Yes, I invited him to the Hirn but, as everybody knows, there are three bedrooms there so we had no trouble to pick two of them. Besides, we were not alone, that place teems with robots.

Thank you very much for your most gracious presence. Our station, our listeners and me, personally, are looking forward to having you again as our guest. Good bye.

It has been my pleasure. Good bye, Günther.

Miss von Hitler, should you marry the Prince, will the honeymoon include a visit to the newest Baltic volcanic seamount? (FickleCrossroad)

Reasons for exclusion:
1. Too early to speculate about a marriage and a honeymoon.
2. For security reasons, Adolphine would not be allowed anywhere near an active volcano.
3. The public is not aware that there will be a new island in the Inner Baltic Sea.
4. That area is not (yet) German territory and Adolphine is not allowed to leave the Reich.

Would be answer:
Lol, I am too young to get married! Anyway, I don't know what volcanic seamount you're talking about!

A question for both Princess Adolphine and the OKW Leadership. From your foreknowledge of the future histories -- of which precious little has yet to be released -- can one seriously expect nations, formerlly occupied and brutalised by the previous administration, to acquiesce to what is essentially permanent German annexation under the Dome? (Winstanley)

Reasons for exclusion:
1. There is no way a German journalist would have asked such a question.
2. Even if asked, there is no way it could have bypassed censorship.

Would be answer:
Oh... Of course, I cannot speak on behalf of the OKW but I dare you to try and ask them directly. Anyway, my answer is obviously affirmative. Yes, history had taught us that these nations did in fact acquiesce to what seemed like indefinite foreign brutal occupation after Germany lost the war in the World I was born. From the Baltic to the Adriatic, all the nations of Eastern Europe endured almost half a century of Soviet occupation with the abhorrent Communist ideology forcefully imposed on them. I think there were a few anti-Communist uprisings but they were easily smothered by the Soviets. Why would the situation be any different now when all those peoples have to accept is German political and military pre-eminence with no absurd social system imposed on them and prosperity instead of misery?

Günther: "And, we have stopped recording."

Adolphine: "Whew! That has been rather harsh... "

Günther: "I'm sorry, I'm a reporter. That's the way we are. Our foremost duty is to our listeners..."

Adolphine: "Yes, I understand. You are okay. It's those reporters who are after me when I'm out in the city that I can't stand. We called them paparazzi, from Italian, but it seems that word isn't known yet. Anyway, congratulations for the interview. You did fine, I suppose, and your German is very good."

Günther: "Thank you. But, why shouldn't my German be good?"

Adolphine: "I meant, it's good for a Pole. But it's ok, I like Poles, Besides, you talk just like a German."

Günther: "Oh, but I'm a German."

Adolphine: "Oh, sorry. Your surname sounded Polish, that's all."

Günther: "Yes, some of my ancestors were Ruhrpolen, but my family was long ago fully assimilated."

Adolphine: "Yeah, sorry again. I have to go now. Bye."

Günther: "Good bye."


Adolphine left Radio Berlin, phoned Heinrich and picked him up from the Schlosshotel Grunewald half an hour later. She kissed him on the cheek and they headed straight to the Reichsautobahn.

The important and difficult visit to Berlin was finally over. Adolphine sighed with relief and began to hum some melody from another future.

Yes, life is good. I'll get better soon and enjoy it to the fullest... But first they have to pay for what they did to me...
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