The Ashlar Knells

Part 4

Don't Be surprised when theres really nothing dIfferent about these random messages. The chance of anything beinG in here is akin to zero. Don't be surprised when theres really nothing different about these random messages. The Chance of anything being in here is akin to zero. Don't be surprised when tHeres really nothing different aboUt these random messages. The chaNce of anything being in here is akin to zero. Don't be surprised when theres really nothinG different about these random messages. The chance of anything being in here is akin to zero. Don't be sUrprised when theres really nothing different about these random messages. The chance of anything being in here is akin to zero. Don't be surprised when theres really nothing different about these random messages. The chance of anything being in here is akin to zero. Don't be surprised when theres really nothing different about these random meSsages. The chance of anything being in here is akIn to zero. Don't be surprised when theres really nothing different about theSe random messages. The chance of anything being in here is akin to zero. Don't be surprised when theres really nothing different about these randoM messages. The chance of anYthing being in here is akin to zero. Don't be surpriseD when theres really nothing different about these random messages. The chAnce of anything being in here is akin to zero. DuDe.​
Oh no now some of the letters are capitalized....
If we remove the "D"s it turns out like this

Big chungus my ass?

On one hand this could just be the dexexe poking fun at other authors that do similar things, but at the same time...

Anyway, that certainly answers my last question. The box just wants to have fun :V
Oh no now some of the letters are capitalized....
If we remove the "D"s it turns out like this

Big chungus my ass?

On one hand this could just be the dexexe poking fun at other authors that do similar things, but at the same time...

Anyway, that certainly answers my last question. The box just wants to have fun :V

You missed two capital i's and removed two Ds to much.
All the capitalized letters minus the first letters in every sentence spells out 'Big Chungus is my dad'.
Narration box does not pull punches, but Nilam is kinda... muted in response to things. Maybe the earlier talk about her boring to make her a 'Matterborn' wasn't far off mark.
Don't you eat that sweet innocent mushroom! Mushrooms are pure and good and delightful and shouldn't be harvested for their sweet delicious fleshmeats or exotic magical reagents...
Part 5

You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting? You just can't stand it anymore, what the heck was the point of even trying to find interest in this place? You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting? You just can't stand it anymore, what the heck was the point of even trying to find interest in this place? You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting? You just can't stand it anymore, what the heck was the point of even trying to find interest in this place? You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting? You just can't stand it anymore, what the heck was the point of even trying to find interest in this place? You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting? You just can't stand it anymore, what the heck was the point of even trying to find interest in this place? You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting? You just can't stand it anymore, what the heck was the point of even trying to find interest in this place? You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting? You just can't stand it anymore, what the heck was the point of even trying to find interest in this place?​
Not really doing a lot to bypass that "boring" descriptor lady.

But then again I'd still be rolling on the floor panicking about my lack of arms so you do you.
To be fair, the floating box is quite rude so not like there is any incentive to do stuff it says.
You ever get that glazed over look? That way nothing seems to interest you at all? Just staring at the thing makes your entire being scream for something, ANYTHING to come and take you to something even a bit more interesting?
I sympathize with this from the opposite side of the problem.
If something like what happened to the protagonist would happen to me, I would look for a corner and shut off my mind until I the world becomes boring again.
Part 6

Time for that sweeT sweet UI design that I stress over like a mOron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a mOron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a Moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet uI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that Sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for That sweet sweet UI design thAt I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stRess over like a moron, always. Time for That sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for tHAt sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for tHAt sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always. Time for that sweet sweet UI design that I stress over like a moron, always.​
Heh, Narration Box pulls no punches and Nilam just doesn't give a fuck at all! I love how just living to be 29 gets her a trait, which means I will get the same in another couple years! :D
The UI design is amazing! It's so intuitive! I see ability skill ranking paired with class skill ranking, I see a talent tree with a currently activated talent portrait, I see a collection of dice modifiers for elemental and non elemental attack and defense types! 🥰🤯😁:grin2::smile2:
If she's a golemancer made of bricks, why is her rock stat so low? No... Honeycomb is clearly grit, so red/green/blue/yellow is not an elemental wheel, or at least not solely an elemental wheel. Which means that white and black probably aren't solely light and dark, and I am still wary of calling the third in that wheel "heart"... maybe it is mind body and soul? Which would mean that the system is saying that she has a 1 in mind... which checks out! At least if Narrator is anything to go by... . I wonder if she can upgrade her eyebrows.

Let us take a moment to pity the poor character who has a menu that both completely obscures their vision and doesn't pause combat... . At least the thing popping up right in her face didn't cause her to stumble down the stairs. yet...

If only morons care about the stuff they put effort into being good, then most everybody must be a moron... which is entirely consistent with my cynicism!
