The Affairs of Ladies: Interdimensional Magical Girl Service [Closed]

Sorry it's been a while, I had trouble logging on for some reason. Olive has now reached Le Fay Castle, so if anyone's interested in talking to a ghost she'd love to get some questions answered.

PS: When she starts talking, should she roll for Instinctive Fear, since IIRC everyone else is alive.

EDIT: Family came over unexpectedly, so might be slow updating.
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@matthew badger

I'm not sure This Mantle Burns Me counts as a Weakness in a traditional sense, but seeing that it requires you to very explicitly roleplay prep time in between magic, this sort of negative Edge seems too good to not change. If however you're forced to do that stuff in a certain situation where you haven't prepared, but you can right that very moment, that'll kick in like a normal Weakness, in that you'll be rolling against your Weakness tto do actions right the hell then. That should be enough, right?
@matthew badger

I'm not sure This Mantle Burns Me counts as a Weakness in a traditional sense, but seeing that it requires you to very explicitly roleplay prep time in between magic, this sort of negative Edge seems too good to not change. If however you're forced to do that stuff in a certain situation where you haven't prepared, but you can right that very moment, that'll kick in like a normal Weakness, in that you'll be rolling against your Weakness tto do actions right the hell then. That should be enough, right?

Yes, exactly! :D

Every time i decide to do something, i must waste an entire turn of action preparing the spell, else it automatically triggers my weakness and i have to roll a natural one for success - Thank you for being understanding.

I'm so hyped to start playing rn! Should i make a first mook encounter?
Totally unintentional, I swear!

Although if you call her a tsundere, she will deck you in the face.
Not helping her case. :V
Being a 'Tsundere' requires Rachel to have any genuine affection for anyone in the first place.

All we've seen so far is all Tsun and no Dere on her part. :p

@Hoshino Yumemi

Right, so, I didn't expect that encounter to be so short despite the fact that I deliberately made the fight (mechanically) simple to get my feet wet with the Wushu system.

Anyway, either one of the girls from the Order of the Jeweled Crest can come in after I make my post or I could have Helena try to look for the Demon she was hunting down in the first place. The latter one might run the risk of dragging things on, though. :V
The latter one might run the risk of dragging things on, though. :V
You know, Sideral's character and mine were originally going to meet a nemesis-type enemy after exploring the area for a while, but Dame Splendid's appearance short-circuited that plan. :V
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You could always roll those two into the same action; I'd already said that Splendid was talking about shit going down really close to Le Fay Palace, and it's not like you actually went in there yet. One quick rumble with other Nemesis fights going on probably wouldn't hurt.


Lots of people are currently in Nemesis fights, and unless I cut Kharn's short that one may be a little while. Having a Knight show up and you starting your Demon hunt at this rate aren't mutually exclusive.
Sorry it's been a while, I had trouble logging on for some reason. Olive has now reached Le Fay Castle, so if anyone's interested in talking to a ghost she'd love to get some questions answered.

PS: When she starts talking, should she roll for Instinctive Fear, since IIRC everyone else is alive.

EDIT: Family came over unexpectedly, so might be slow updating.
Does this mean she gets to roll for fear against Kharn as well?
I think i'm just gonna have a regular mook battle against some of the weaker chaos creatures Gatekeepers are designed to fight. A nice simple way to ease Ella into the story, whilst demonstrating her reliance on preparation during combat - For every one move she makes, her enemies get two.
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Yeah, you definitely need someone to guard you while you prepare. Having half the actions of your opponents is quite the disadvantage.

Edit: It's like Slaking who keeps loafing around every other turn.
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