Voting is open
[X]Plan Nutcracker

Largely see your point, as @Angelform said not best, but better than alternatives.
Agree with pressuring Lystheni, by dismantling their "network" and using diplomatic and economic pressures. While "fast and swift" (military) feels like an instinctive reaction, it's better to do it differently, until the time is right (aka dismantle them).
@uju32 we know that allowing civilian shipping to go where we are in sentry Omega was less successful than we thought. Why was it less successful? We knew how many ships they had and how and it only half as successful as we thought it would be. So either they had less ships than we thought or something happened.

The executives are worried about something we don't know what , but the last time they were these worried it involved Mira. So either they did something that they know will piss her off or there is someone secretly in the backround as dangerous as Mira. Corporations in real life have literally sold to enemies of there countries. So why would the executives not sale to someone who is kind of a neighbor. They are always looking to make money. Executives that don't won't be in charge for long.

I think they sold them ships behind our back and worried about the truth coming out. They are planning something that involves a lot of ships and are not our friends. For all purposes they are crazy by most species standards and will most likely do something to hurt us eventually.
I think they will try something stupid and leave.
Not to mention that you don't address the simple ethical or pragmatic part of this.
Killing a ton of people is both unethical, and paints a huge target on your back. And the survivors won't negotiate.
This is a problem when you're not exactly a heavyweight.

I think they sold them ships behind our back and worried about the truth coming out. They are planning something that involves a lot of ships and are not our friends. For all purposes they are crazy by most species standards and will most likely do something to hurt us eventually.
If the lystheni had all this shit you're claiming, enough spacelift for literally millions of people and their industry, in addition to an escape route, they could have quietly slipped away while we were fighting the Rachni. Still could now, instead of negotiating.
So why exactly would they jeopardize it by fighting a nation that's like three orders of magnitude larger than them by population alone?

It's like saying 1960s Cuba would stay to fight the US if Alien Space Bats somehow made their island capable of flying out of the reach of the US military.

And frankly, selling civilian ships to the lystheni isn't illegal, and I don't know why you think it is.
As long as they paid their taxes, the corporation who did so would be free and clear. And it's not like they can hide ship production; there's only one set of shipyards in Sentry Omega, and it's in the Hoc System with us.
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So, to get back into productive discussion, @uju32 what are your thoughts on double economic analysis next year with the Unemployment Crisis and Economic Review? The emergence of both of these things into the governments working consciousness has me a little worried for how much we aren't seeing and what might exist at the grassroots level.

Depending, of course, on what Overclocking does, I'd like to push for both of these options next year. They're sorely necessary so we can even see what we are able to do.

In particular, I'd like to take both at once, so we get a full and complete picture of our issues with all the proper context.
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So, to get back into productive discussion, @uju32 what are your thoughts on double economic analysis next year with the Unemployment Crisis and Economic Review? The emergence of both of these things into the governments working consciousness has me a little worried for how much we aren't seeing and what might exist at the grassroots level.
We can't take them both; Colonization locks a slot for 2 years.
Of the 1 free slot we have, Unemployment Crisis has priority IMO(2 years). Then New Cities(4 years).
[X] Logistics II
[X] Backstab
[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
[X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
[X] Colony Equipment
[X] Administrative Overclocking
[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets..
[X] Board of Shareholders
[X] Dietary Supplements
[X] Prothean Examination

[X] Personal Attention: Backstab
[X] Commit Hero Unit (Kurik, Board of Shareholders)
[X] Personal Attention: Administrative Overclocking

[X] Plan Kan It
As for reasons...
Lystheni we have to deal with. Preferably as fast as possible and with minimal losses, therefore - sanctions, casus belli, backstab and dealing with pickpockets. Also, experience for army in taking worlds.
Colony equipment - earlier we start, earlier we finish. Also, combined with (hopefully) short victorious war, that should give us some more years before unrest due to unemployment etc, hits us.
Logistics - a safe yet necessary doing.
Administrative overclocking - we will need this, to deal with crumbling economy.
Shareholders - for we do need for this to succeed, to get info.

As to personal actions - shoring up two actions and making sure Lissa would be able to do magic.
Everything pretty simple, I think, with total cost of 349k credits and total loss of income amounting to 70k credits/turn.
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We can't take them both; Colonization locks a slot for 2 years.
Ah shit. You're right.
Of the 1 free slot we have, Unemployment Crisis has priority IMO. Then New Cities.
I would agree with Unemployment Crisis as the priority here. It's an immediate observable problem. Certainly, New Cities would help address it, but I think we might want to do Economic Review before building a whole load of new cities. Knowing where and what the shortfalls in our economy are would help direct the development of metropolitan areas.

After all, we don't want to build cites just for the sake of living space. Cities are more than just dense areas of sapient life, they're economic centers and each has a different economic setup.
[X] Plan Overlord

I don't really think we should leave them at our back 1 they are crazy and 2 they were exiled for a reason.
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I would agree with Unemployment Crisis as the priority here. It's an immediate observable problem. Certainly, New Cities would help address it, but I think we might want to do Economic Review before building a whole load of new cities. Knowing where and what the shortfalls in our economy are would help direct the development of metropolitan areas.
*boosts FDO passive infrastructure*
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Feb 14, 2018 at 2:42 PM, finished with 10559 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X]Plan Nutcracker
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Martial 2: Marine Expansion: 30,000: 2 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X] Plan Overlord
    -[X] Integrating Reforms
    -[X] Backstab
    -[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    -[X] Knowledge Exchange
    -[X] Colony Equipment
    -[X] Administrative Overclocking
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...
    -[X] Board of Shareholders
    -[X] Barrier Miniaturization
    -[X] Quarian Tech Adoption
    -[X] Personal Attention (Integrating Reforms)
    -[X] Personal Attention (Knowledge Exchange)
    -[X] The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?
    [X] Plan Provaction
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X] Martial 2 Backsplash: -30,000 1 year: DC 30 - Minister 11= DC 19
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X] Stewardship 2: Impending Crisis: - 36,000 : DC 45 -10 = DC35
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: The Road Less Traveled -15,000: DC ?
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention The Road Less Traveled [learning 17]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X]Plan War
    -[X] Integrating Reforms: You have researched your new naval reforms, you have purchased the equipment it will take to build the fleet you want, you have improved your logistics network to support all of this (barely), and you will probably be fixing your marines at some point. All that now remains is to comb through your entire navy to apply this comprehensive re-working of your entire void military. Time: 3 years. Cost: -50,000 yearly income (permanently, and applied from start of option). Chance of Success: 60% Effect: Beyond restructuring your fleets, actually go through and ensure that your navy is up to date on the new tactics and that your naval academy is teaching it as required. Gain the benefits of Beshkarian doctrine.
    -[X] Backstab: The Lystheni have committed countless transgressions against you. Off the top of your head, unrepentant and systematic spying, theft and use of military designs, production of a secret navy during a time of existential war, and to cap it all off, the violation of a signed treaty regarding borders, one to which you initially agreed as a concession to them. The 3rd could deploy to backstop any backlash from you yelling at the Lystheni; they could also just cut out the middleman. Time: 1 year. Cost: 45,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%. Effect: Describe the situation to Malan, and have him be your arm in your war with the Lystheni. Failure means either failure to convince him to declare war on behalf of the Republic of Rannoch and having to shift him to cover the 1st Raiding's patrols so they can do it, or more conventional military failures. Does not strictly require use of the, "Casus Belli," option.
    -[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli): While no one thing the Lystheni have done constitutes an ironclad cause for war, taken together, considering the history of continued provocations, they are a damning case. Inform the Lystheni Ambassador of your opinion of such actions, inform the Assembly of the change in your diplomatic relations, and then send the Ambassador and his people home. This war won't drag on for decades. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: Free. Effect: Declare war on the Lystheni state. If you do not take, "Backstab," with this, then you will make no organized offensive. If you do not take, "Trade Sanctions," you will conduct no organized withdrawal of your people from Lystheni space in advance of the declaration. Declaring war against a trading partner when most of your forces are already otherwise committed is complicated.
    -[X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions): You no longer trust the Lystheni to host your people, and you no longer care to provide them the materials they've used to keep their projects going. For the safety of your merchants and to choke off the flow of supplies, you are closing down all trade with the Lystheni, and making an organized withdrawal of your people effective immediately. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 70%. Cost 20,000 credits, trade income (-40,000 yearly income). Effect: Halt all trade with the Lystheni, get your people out of there, and close the borders to free travel. The Lystheni, being possessed of non-zero intelligence quotients, will know that something is up. That said, re-opening trade would in and of itself be a potent bargaining chip in any actual negotiations.
    -[X] Colony Equipment: Assilia is as primed as it's going to be, which about means that you won't have to install orbital infrastructure yourself. Unfortunately, that's only one part of building a colony. You need to purchase the first wave of colonists' equipment -- everything needed to start constructing several small cities across the entire planet, and supply the fledgling colony in the years following its founding. Now that you're all ready to go otherwise, you'll want to take this soon. Time: 2 years. Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 75,000 credits, -30,000 yearly income (income hit imposed at conclusion of option, persisting until Assilia Prime achieves self-sufficiency, a span of time you have no way of reliably estimating).
    -[X] Impending Crisis: The civilian populace has labored for decades under the lash of total war. Willingly, eagerly...but decades, nonetheless. No salarian now lives who remembers the galaxy before the Rachni. Entire generations have been born to the war. And each generation has had a little less, seen a bit more of the economy sustaining them cut away for the sake of the military. In recent years, you've attempted to expand the economy in order to support your burgeoning military spending and projects elsewhere, but you have a lot more people now than you did a decade ago. The economy has not expanded fast enough to support those people, and you keep on having other things to do than to clear the projects that you have to finish before you can even consider expanding the Army and sucking up some of that excess population. It seems...farcical...that a nation at total war could possibly be facing down an unemployment crisis, but that seems to be the reality. Time: 2 years. Chance of Success: 55%. Cost: 36,000 credits. Effect: Set a team to analyzing the problem of your looming unemployment crisis and determining what your options are.
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...: to cut off their fucking fingers. Whether you're taking this conflict with them loud or not, you want to deal with their network now. You know exactly where it all is. If a part of that network extends past the Lystheni Embassy, rip it out. Anybody outside the embassy walls is fair game. Any equipment out in the open now belongs to you. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 25,000 credits. Effect: Inform the Lystheni that you see their intercept devices -- and that their presence does not well please you -- by way of removing it and any of its operators by force. Afterwards, pump them for everything they know or contain.
    -[X] Board of Shareholders: Kirai has reported an undercurrent of unrest in the high-society meetings (once parties, before wartime spending choked the luxuries industry to death) to which she is still frequently invited. The corporate types that tend to attend have been in a state of near-existential restrained terror since your purge of the Ministry of Finance, but with your recent moves, they've slowly begun to relax. Now, suddenly they're back to grimness. Paranoia and tension are the renewed orders of the day. Something has happened to rattle them, and it wasn't you. Find out what. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Dispatch CI-Division agents to find out who think they can scare the piss out of your favorite victims citizens without notifying you.
    -[X] Prothean Examination: The research team in Amalinya, after years of, "pushed a little, no progress gained," abruptly requested nigh-apocalyptic levels of firepower from your army in dealing with the security system. Something is not right down there. Durrahe plans to go and investigate personally. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: ? (Personal attention may not be applied; see Personal options below.) Cost: 10,000 credits. Effect: Dispatch Durrahe to figure out what the hell is going on down there.
    -[X] Quarian Tech Adoption: You have sliced a huge amount of data from the 3rd's databanks. Now it's time to go through it and see what's there. Figuring out how to use it without making it blatantly obvious that you stole from the Republic is another matter, but let's...just...leave that for when you actually have all of these lessons learned, shall we? Time: 3 years. Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Run through the mass of data you acquired and sort out what you already know, what you can use, and what's out of your reach, and how you'd go about applying all three.
    -[X] The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: Something is up with the Amalinya prothean dig site. Whether or not you're letting Durrahe head over, you want to make sure that failures of communication like this never recur. Head on over there, put the fear of you into them, and get this project back on schedule. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: ? Cost: 10,000 credits. Effect: Attend to this personally. Visit the Amalinya site and figure out what's going on there.
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Impending Crisis [Stewardship18]
    [X] Logistics II
    [X] Backstab
    [X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    [X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
    [X] Colony Equipment
    [X] Administrative Overclocking
    [X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets..
    [X] Board of Shareholders
    [X] Dietary Supplements
    [X] Prothean Examination
    [X] Personal Attention: Backstab
    [X] Commit Hero Unit (Kurik, Board of Shareholders)
    [X] Personal Attention: Administrative Overclocking
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Miner249er on Feb 14, 2018 at 3:06 PM, finished with 10566 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X]Plan Nutcracker
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Martial 2: Marine Expansion: 30,000: 2 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X] Plan Overlord
    -[X] Integrating Reforms
    -[X] Backstab
    -[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    -[X] Knowledge Exchange
    -[X] Colony Equipment
    -[X] Administrative Overclocking
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...
    -[X] Board of Shareholders
    -[X] Barrier Miniaturization
    -[X] Quarian Tech Adoption
    -[X] Personal Attention (Integrating Reforms)
    -[X] Personal Attention (Knowledge Exchange)
    -[X] The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?
    [X] Plan Provaction
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X] Martial 2 Backsplash: -30,000 1 year: DC 30 - Minister 11= DC 19
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X] Stewardship 2: Impending Crisis: - 36,000 : DC 45 -10 = DC35
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: The Road Less Traveled -15,000: DC ?
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention The Road Less Traveled [learning 17]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X]Plan War
    -[X] Integrating Reforms: You have researched your new naval reforms, you have purchased the equipment it will take to build the fleet you want, you have improved your logistics network to support all of this (barely), and you will probably be fixing your marines at some point. All that now remains is to comb through your entire navy to apply this comprehensive re-working of your entire void military. Time: 3 years. Cost: -50,000 yearly income (permanently, and applied from start of option). Chance of Success: 60% Effect: Beyond restructuring your fleets, actually go through and ensure that your navy is up to date on the new tactics and that your naval academy is teaching it as required. Gain the benefits of Beshkarian doctrine.
    -[X] Backstab: The Lystheni have committed countless transgressions against you. Off the top of your head, unrepentant and systematic spying, theft and use of military designs, production of a secret navy during a time of existential war, and to cap it all off, the violation of a signed treaty regarding borders, one to which you initially agreed as a concession to them. The 3rd could deploy to backstop any backlash from you yelling at the Lystheni; they could also just cut out the middleman. Time: 1 year. Cost: 45,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%. Effect: Describe the situation to Malan, and have him be your arm in your war with the Lystheni. Failure means either failure to convince him to declare war on behalf of the Republic of Rannoch and having to shift him to cover the 1st Raiding's patrols so they can do it, or more conventional military failures. Does not strictly require use of the, "Casus Belli," option.
    -[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli): While no one thing the Lystheni have done constitutes an ironclad cause for war, taken together, considering the history of continued provocations, they are a damning case. Inform the Lystheni Ambassador of your opinion of such actions, inform the Assembly of the change in your diplomatic relations, and then send the Ambassador and his people home. This war won't drag on for decades. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: Free. Effect: Declare war on the Lystheni state. If you do not take, "Backstab," with this, then you will make no organized offensive. If you do not take, "Trade Sanctions," you will conduct no organized withdrawal of your people from Lystheni space in advance of the declaration. Declaring war against a trading partner when most of your forces are already otherwise committed is complicated.
    -[X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions): You no longer trust the Lystheni to host your people, and you no longer care to provide them the materials they've used to keep their projects going. For the safety of your merchants and to choke off the flow of supplies, you are closing down all trade with the Lystheni, and making an organized withdrawal of your people effective immediately. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 70%. Cost 20,000 credits, trade income (-40,000 yearly income). Effect: Halt all trade with the Lystheni, get your people out of there, and close the borders to free travel. The Lystheni, being possessed of non-zero intelligence quotients, will know that something is up. That said, re-opening trade would in and of itself be a potent bargaining chip in any actual negotiations.
    -[X] Colony Equipment: Assilia is as primed as it's going to be, which about means that you won't have to install orbital infrastructure yourself. Unfortunately, that's only one part of building a colony. You need to purchase the first wave of colonists' equipment -- everything needed to start constructing several small cities across the entire planet, and supply the fledgling colony in the years following its founding. Now that you're all ready to go otherwise, you'll want to take this soon. Time: 2 years. Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 75,000 credits, -30,000 yearly income (income hit imposed at conclusion of option, persisting until Assilia Prime achieves self-sufficiency, a span of time you have no way of reliably estimating).
    -[X] Impending Crisis: The civilian populace has labored for decades under the lash of total war. Willingly, eagerly...but decades, nonetheless. No salarian now lives who remembers the galaxy before the Rachni. Entire generations have been born to the war. And each generation has had a little less, seen a bit more of the economy sustaining them cut away for the sake of the military. In recent years, you've attempted to expand the economy in order to support your burgeoning military spending and projects elsewhere, but you have a lot more people now than you did a decade ago. The economy has not expanded fast enough to support those people, and you keep on having other things to do than to clear the projects that you have to finish before you can even consider expanding the Army and sucking up some of that excess population. It seems...farcical...that a nation at total war could possibly be facing down an unemployment crisis, but that seems to be the reality. Time: 2 years. Chance of Success: 55%. Cost: 36,000 credits. Effect: Set a team to analyzing the problem of your looming unemployment crisis and determining what your options are.
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...: to cut off their fucking fingers. Whether you're taking this conflict with them loud or not, you want to deal with their network now. You know exactly where it all is. If a part of that network extends past the Lystheni Embassy, rip it out. Anybody outside the embassy walls is fair game. Any equipment out in the open now belongs to you. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 25,000 credits. Effect: Inform the Lystheni that you see their intercept devices -- and that their presence does not well please you -- by way of removing it and any of its operators by force. Afterwards, pump them for everything they know or contain.
    -[X] Board of Shareholders: Kirai has reported an undercurrent of unrest in the high-society meetings (once parties, before wartime spending choked the luxuries industry to death) to which she is still frequently invited. The corporate types that tend to attend have been in a state of near-existential restrained terror since your purge of the Ministry of Finance, but with your recent moves, they've slowly begun to relax. Now, suddenly they're back to grimness. Paranoia and tension are the renewed orders of the day. Something has happened to rattle them, and it wasn't you. Find out what. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Dispatch CI-Division agents to find out who think they can scare the piss out of your favorite victims citizens without notifying you.
    -[X] Prothean Examination: The research team in Amalinya, after years of, "pushed a little, no progress gained," abruptly requested nigh-apocalyptic levels of firepower from your army in dealing with the security system. Something is not right down there. Durrahe plans to go and investigate personally. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: ? (Personal attention may not be applied; see Personal options below.) Cost: 10,000 credits. Effect: Dispatch Durrahe to figure out what the hell is going on down there.
    -[X] Quarian Tech Adoption: You have sliced a huge amount of data from the 3rd's databanks. Now it's time to go through it and see what's there. Figuring out how to use it without making it blatantly obvious that you stole from the Republic is another matter, but let's...just...leave that for when you actually have all of these lessons learned, shall we? Time: 3 years. Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Run through the mass of data you acquired and sort out what you already know, what you can use, and what's out of your reach, and how you'd go about applying all three.
    -[X] The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: Something is up with the Amalinya prothean dig site. Whether or not you're letting Durrahe head over, you want to make sure that failures of communication like this never recur. Head on over there, put the fear of you into them, and get this project back on schedule. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: ? Cost: 10,000 credits. Effect: Attend to this personally. Visit the Amalinya site and figure out what's going on there.
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Impending Crisis [Stewardship18]
    [X] Logistics II
    [X] Backstab
    [X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    [X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
    [X] Colony Equipment
    [X] Administrative Overclocking
    [X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets..
    [X] Board of Shareholders
    [X] Dietary Supplements
    [X] Prothean Examination
    [X] Personal Attention: Backstab
    [X] Commit Hero Unit (Kurik, Board of Shareholders)
    [X] Personal Attention: Administrative Overclocking
Counterpoint: building new cities can boost employment.
Also, we seem to really start needing a link to other economies. Ugh.
Costs more though.
Investing -40,000 Income for several years is gonna hurt.
So low hanging fruit.

It (building cities) boosts employment on an extremely temporary basis. See the Chinese ghost cities for an example. For long term employment security, you need to know where to build cities, and what to build in them. The key is to not only attract residents in want of living space, but real estate moguls, corporate tenants, manufacturers, retailers.

Thus, Unemployment Crisis to see what the fuck is happening -> Economic Review to provide a small boost and see where we can improve our economy -> New Cities to provide a massive short term fix for unemployment and jump start more domestic industry and to leverage the findings from Unemployment Crisis and Economic Review into long term growth.

Edit: And yes, we desperately need export markets to help deal with our employment crisis. The worst of it is, we are essentially required to cut our only outside market.
Last edited:
It boosts employment on an extremely temporary basis. See the Chinese ghost cities for an example. For long term employment security, you need to know where to build cities, and what to build in them. The key is to not only attract residents in want of living space, but real estate moguls, corporate tenants, manufacturers, retailers.
To be fair, in a fusion energy, mass effect society, location is not as important as it would normally be.
Not when it's possible to commute vast distances.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Feb 14, 2018 at 5:35 PM, finished with 10599 posts and 34 votes.

  • [X] Plan Kan It
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Martial 2: Backsplash: 30,000: 1 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X]Plan Nutcracker
    -[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Martial 2: Marine Expansion: 30,000: 2 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
    -[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
    -[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
    -[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
    -[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
    -[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
    -[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
    -[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
    -[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000
    [X] Plan Overlord
    -[X] Integrating Reforms
    -[X] Backstab
    -[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    -[X] Knowledge Exchange
    -[X] Colony Equipment
    -[X] Administrative Overclocking
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...
    -[X] Board of Shareholders
    -[X] Barrier Miniaturization
    -[X] Quarian Tech Adoption
    -[X] Personal Attention (Integrating Reforms)
    -[X] Personal Attention (Knowledge Exchange)
    -[X] The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?
    [X] Plan Covering Bases
    -[X] Integrating Reforms
    -[X] Backsplash
    -[X] Lystheni (Making Demands)
    -[X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
    -[X] Colony Equipment
    -[X] Economic Review
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...
    -[X] Board of Shareholders
    -[X] Dietary Supplements
    -[X] Prothean Examination
    -[x] Personal Attention: Lystheni (Making Demands)
    -[X] Personal Attention: Economic Review
    -[X] Personal Attention (Integrating Reforms)
    [X]Plan War
    -[X] Integrating Reforms: You have researched your new naval reforms, you have purchased the equipment it will take to build the fleet you want, you have improved your logistics network to support all of this (barely), and you will probably be fixing your marines at some point. All that now remains is to comb through your entire navy to apply this comprehensive re-working of your entire void military. Time: 3 years. Cost: -50,000 yearly income (permanently, and applied from start of option). Chance of Success: 60% Effect: Beyond restructuring your fleets, actually go through and ensure that your navy is up to date on the new tactics and that your naval academy is teaching it as required. Gain the benefits of Beshkarian doctrine.
    -[X] Backstab: The Lystheni have committed countless transgressions against you. Off the top of your head, unrepentant and systematic spying, theft and use of military designs, production of a secret navy during a time of existential war, and to cap it all off, the violation of a signed treaty regarding borders, one to which you initially agreed as a concession to them. The 3rd could deploy to backstop any backlash from you yelling at the Lystheni; they could also just cut out the middleman. Time: 1 year. Cost: 45,000 credits. Chance of Success: 60%. Effect: Describe the situation to Malan, and have him be your arm in your war with the Lystheni. Failure means either failure to convince him to declare war on behalf of the Republic of Rannoch and having to shift him to cover the 1st Raiding's patrols so they can do it, or more conventional military failures. Does not strictly require use of the, "Casus Belli," option.
    -[X] Lystheni (Casus Belli): While no one thing the Lystheni have done constitutes an ironclad cause for war, taken together, considering the history of continued provocations, they are a damning case. Inform the Lystheni Ambassador of your opinion of such actions, inform the Assembly of the change in your diplomatic relations, and then send the Ambassador and his people home. This war won't drag on for decades. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: Free. Effect: Declare war on the Lystheni state. If you do not take, "Backstab," with this, then you will make no organized offensive. If you do not take, "Trade Sanctions," you will conduct no organized withdrawal of your people from Lystheni space in advance of the declaration. Declaring war against a trading partner when most of your forces are already otherwise committed is complicated.
    -[X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions): You no longer trust the Lystheni to host your people, and you no longer care to provide them the materials they've used to keep their projects going. For the safety of your merchants and to choke off the flow of supplies, you are closing down all trade with the Lystheni, and making an organized withdrawal of your people effective immediately. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 70%. Cost 20,000 credits, trade income (-40,000 yearly income). Effect: Halt all trade with the Lystheni, get your people out of there, and close the borders to free travel. The Lystheni, being possessed of non-zero intelligence quotients, will know that something is up. That said, re-opening trade would in and of itself be a potent bargaining chip in any actual negotiations.
    -[X] Colony Equipment: Assilia is as primed as it's going to be, which about means that you won't have to install orbital infrastructure yourself. Unfortunately, that's only one part of building a colony. You need to purchase the first wave of colonists' equipment -- everything needed to start constructing several small cities across the entire planet, and supply the fledgling colony in the years following its founding. Now that you're all ready to go otherwise, you'll want to take this soon. Time: 2 years. Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 75,000 credits, -30,000 yearly income (income hit imposed at conclusion of option, persisting until Assilia Prime achieves self-sufficiency, a span of time you have no way of reliably estimating).
    -[X] Impending Crisis: The civilian populace has labored for decades under the lash of total war. Willingly, eagerly...but decades, nonetheless. No salarian now lives who remembers the galaxy before the Rachni. Entire generations have been born to the war. And each generation has had a little less, seen a bit more of the economy sustaining them cut away for the sake of the military. In recent years, you've attempted to expand the economy in order to support your burgeoning military spending and projects elsewhere, but you have a lot more people now than you did a decade ago. The economy has not expanded fast enough to support those people, and you keep on having other things to do than to clear the projects that you have to finish before you can even consider expanding the Army and sucking up some of that excess population. It seems...farcical...that a nation at total war could possibly be facing down an unemployment crisis, but that seems to be the reality. Time: 2 years. Chance of Success: 55%. Cost: 36,000 credits. Effect: Set a team to analyzing the problem of your looming unemployment crisis and determining what your options are.
    -[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...: to cut off their fucking fingers. Whether you're taking this conflict with them loud or not, you want to deal with their network now. You know exactly where it all is. If a part of that network extends past the Lystheni Embassy, rip it out. Anybody outside the embassy walls is fair game. Any equipment out in the open now belongs to you. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 25,000 credits. Effect: Inform the Lystheni that you see their intercept devices -- and that their presence does not well please you -- by way of removing it and any of its operators by force. Afterwards, pump them for everything they know or contain.
    -[X] Board of Shareholders: Kirai has reported an undercurrent of unrest in the high-society meetings (once parties, before wartime spending choked the luxuries industry to death) to which she is still frequently invited. The corporate types that tend to attend have been in a state of near-existential restrained terror since your purge of the Ministry of Finance, but with your recent moves, they've slowly begun to relax. Now, suddenly they're back to grimness. Paranoia and tension are the renewed orders of the day. Something has happened to rattle them, and it wasn't you. Find out what. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Dispatch CI-Division agents to find out who think they can scare the piss out of your favorite victims citizens without notifying you.
    -[X] Prothean Examination: The research team in Amalinya, after years of, "pushed a little, no progress gained," abruptly requested nigh-apocalyptic levels of firepower from your army in dealing with the security system. Something is not right down there. Durrahe plans to go and investigate personally. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: ? (Personal attention may not be applied; see Personal options below.) Cost: 10,000 credits. Effect: Dispatch Durrahe to figure out what the hell is going on down there.
    -[X] Quarian Tech Adoption: You have sliced a huge amount of data from the 3rd's databanks. Now it's time to go through it and see what's there. Figuring out how to use it without making it blatantly obvious that you stole from the Republic is another matter, but let's...just...leave that for when you actually have all of these lessons learned, shall we? Time: 3 years. Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 35,000 credits. Effect: Run through the mass of data you acquired and sort out what you already know, what you can use, and what's out of your reach, and how you'd go about applying all three.
    -[X] The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: Something is up with the Amalinya prothean dig site. Whether or not you're letting Durrahe head over, you want to make sure that failures of communication like this never recur. Head on over there, put the fear of you into them, and get this project back on schedule. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: ? Cost: 10,000 credits. Effect: Attend to this personally. Visit the Amalinya site and figure out what's going on there.
    -[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
    -[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Impending Crisis [Stewardship18]
    [X] Logistics II
    [X] Backstab
    [X] Lystheni (Casus Belli)
    [X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
    [X] Colony Equipment
    [X] Administrative Overclocking
    [X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets..
    [X] Board of Shareholders
    [X] Dietary Supplements
    [X] Prothean Examination
    [X] Personal Attention: Backstab
    [X] Commit Hero Unit (Kurik, Board of Shareholders)
    [X] Personal Attention: Administrative Overclocking
To be fair, in a fusion energy, mass effect society, location is not as important as it would normally be.
Not when it's possible to commute vast distances.
I agree, it is certainly not the pivotal issue it is today, but it is still a major factor, IMO. There are certainly some location specific resources and even in an age of ubiquitous hyperloops, people would likely still rather live and work in the same town.

I personally see it as enough of an issue that delaying New Cities until we have our economic woes diagnosed is fairly prudent.

Though I have to say, If I could take the night shift at a financial firm in say, London, and still live in Colorado, I totally would.
[X] Plan Covering Bases
-[X] Integrating Reforms
-[X] Backsplash
-[X] Lystheni (Making Demands)
-[X] Lystheni (Trade Sanctions)
-[X] Colony Equipment
-[X] Economic Review
-[X] The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets...
-[X] Board of Shareholders
-[X] Dietary Supplements
-[X] Prothean Examination

-[X] Personal Attention: Lystheni (Making Demands)
-[X] Personal Attention: Economic Review
-[X] Personal Attention: Integrating Reforms

Backsplash: I think we need to pick one of the military options if we're going to provoke the Lystheni. Is moving our military provocative? Yes. Frankly, I think the Lystheni deserve to be provoked. I want to pressure them as hard as we can without outright declaring war.

Why not just declare war? Mostly PR. Eventually we'll be in contact with sane people. Those people will have to worry about what Virmire will do if provoked. I would rather establish the precedent of "firm diplomatc response" than "preemptive alpha strike."

Economic Review: it's been sitting around for a long time so it strikes me as the most urgent of the multiyear projects.

Everything else I think is self explanatory.
Ok, I feel like a bit of a compromise is necessary. I agree with the more military opinions ofbut also the other policies set forward, so let's strike it down the middle.

[X] Plan Kan It
-[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
-[X]Martial 2: Backsplash: 30,000: 1 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
-[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
-[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
-[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
-[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
-[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
-[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
-[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
-[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
-[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
-[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
-[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000

Credit Reserves: 398,000 credits.
Yearly Income: 298,000 credits.
BUDGET: 30,000 + 20,000 + 20,000 + 70,000 + 42,000 + 25,000 + 35,000 + 35,000 + 40,000 + 10,000 = 317,000 credits
-90,000 Income

This plan is, essentially, Nutcracker, but includes the provision of Backsplash to prevent the Lystheni from doing anything "irrational." The fact is, we are backing them into a corner, and I'd rather be on guard than not. While they would be signing their own death warrants, they have proven exceedingly paranoid to the point of irrationality.

Backstab wasn't chosen for the same reasons @jacobk listed. Looking like a warlord to the wider galaxy is not what we want. As an independent polity after the war, we can't be seen as a major empire builder or destabilizing warlord. We need to have absolutely ironclad irrefutable justification for the wider galaxy to see that we are strong, but don't just idly swing a bat.

I was also considering Impending Crisis or Economic Review, but neither are absolutely necessary right now, and Overclocking is ramp. The earlier we can get it moving, the better, and it will leverage the others to greater results.

I also see the Amalinya personal option as mandatory, simply because it looks like shit is going down there and it is such an obvious hook.
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