Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

What do we actually mean by 'size'? Jeff Hardy is taller than Chris Jericho or RVD, but they were usually treated as bigger than Hardy because they were stockier and more muscular. Hell, did someone call Brock Lesnar 'normal' sized earlier?
4. The Daily Grind
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 4 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] Arya London vs. Ruth 'Less' Ferrari from NLW: Only One. Not only one of the best women's matches you've ever seen, one of the best matches period you've ever seen. These two took to the air in ways you never thought possible and made it look amazing. (Gain trait 'Aerial Enthusiast', 1d50XP for Cool Gimmicks)
No. of Votes: 11

[X] 'The Sundance Angel' Magnus Serafin vs. Daybreak from SUP: Speeding Bullet. Why not pick out one of your new teachers? Not just because she's here and can give you indepth analysis on this like nothing else, but because it stands out in your mind like few things have done. Not only was it one of the great intergender matches, it was also just… just unique. (Gain trait 'Showmanship Enthusiast', 1d50XP for Weird Gimmicks)
No. of Votes: 10

[X] Manmonster vs. Slick Willy from UWC: Rumble in the Rio. It was nothing more than a brawl; you saw dozens of just like it. But no two men punching each other in the face have gotten quite as huge a reaction as these two did. (Gain trait Brawling Enthusiast', 1d50XP for Brute Gimmicks)
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Tim 'Tack' Sharp vs. Jaeger Master from EPC: Unfortunate. It was one of the bloodiest hardcore matches you've ever seen, and you've always been curious how they managed to get away from it with no lasting injuries. (Gain trait 'Hardcore Enthusiast', 1d50XP for Crazy Gimmicks)
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Kalyan 'Canyon' Evans vs. 'The Persian Punisher' Xerxes Attar from SKYLINE. It's rare, but it's great; these two swapped submissions and chained them together like nothing you've ever seen. (Gain trait 'Submission Enthusiast', 1d50XP for Cocky Gimmicks)
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 27
Once your exhausted mind catches up with Daybreak's words, it leaps to the perfect choice. One of your favorite matches of all time.

"Do you have NLW?" you ask.

"What part of 'I've got everything' do you have trouble understanding?"

You let her tone roll off your back; if you flinch every time she sounded annoyed you'll probably never stop. Instead you nod once in acceptance. "The December '06 show," you say, wracking your memory. "The semi-main event. London vs. Ferrari."

Daybreak quirks one eyebrow but doesn't comment on your choice. She just goes over to the computer and pulls up the match in question. With a few clicks it's on the screen.

You know you're supposed to be studying this. Probably taking notes. But you can't help it. As the opening strains of Arya London's music blast out over the speakers, you're absorbed in the match. You've seen this one seventeen minute match so many times that you know every flip, every kick, every counter, every false finish by heart. It doesn't matter; you still watch it with wide eyes and eager anticipation, just like the first time.

The match is over before too long. Ferrari dodges London's finish, the top-rope somersault leg drop, and hooks Arya in a tight stretch muffler, bending the already weakened leg over her head. You're not the only one who winces as the bigger, stronger woman begins to stomp on the back of Arya's head. How can you possibly pull stomps like that? You really hope they were faked- otherwise you're not sure how London didn't wind up with an enormous concussion.

The image pauses right as the referee raises Ferrari's hand. Silence rules the basement for a few moments as you calm back down, as everyone who hasn't seen this match digests it for the first time. Daybreak breaks the lull by clearing her throat. "Alrighty then kiddies. Talk to me."

Conversation breaks out. You pull yourself from your haze and start chiming in. Daybreak answers all the questions you have and then rewinds the match. This time, as it goes, she pauses it every few moments, pointing something out that you should take note of. It's things you've never really paid attention to; where London's hands are when Ferrari powerbombs her, how she's carrying herself at all times, the way her body language lets the crowd know what's coming next even if they don't fully know it.

More questions are asked, but the voices chiming in are fewer. You're speaking up regularly, as often as you have questions. Jack has a whole bunch to ask as well; no real surprise there. And one of the girls is very curious about how Ferrari managed to train her flexibility- the one who's studied tape before. The three of you are the most vocal.

A few others speak up. The older man with the comb over. A woman with a hard, flat face and corded muscles. A younger kid with scars on his arms and shiny burn marks on his shoulders. But aside from them, the rest of your sixteen-strong class sits in utter silence as the discussion gets more and more detailed.

You sneak a look at the guy next to you. He's a tall, powerfully built man who looks like his 'save the whales' T-Shirt was literally painted on. He definitely looks like a more natural fit for the ring then you do- except his face is almost completely glazed over. You mentally shrug. His loss.

Discussion about the London/Ferrari match wraps up and Daybreak picks someone else to choose the next match, a redhead in combat fatigues. After a moment's pause, she picks the 'Sensational Struggle' between Bull Wrecker and 'The Irish Curse' Riley Flanagan. A famous match that- one of the best big brawls that the UWC ever put on.

You watch, discuss, and repeat, this time with the punk rock Barbie behind you picking out Oscar Meyer vs. Dreadnought Dayne from last year's SKYLINE season finale. You've never seen this one, but you've heard of it. Hot Dog Vendor vs. Old Timey Sea Captain isn't a kind of match you see every day. Daybreak has a lot more to talk about with this one, mostly focusing on comedic timing.

Over and over, the cycle repeats itself. Some of the silent students come out of their shell enough to ask for favorite matches. Jack gets to pick towards the end and rambles on for a few minutes about the glory of Sergeant Franklin vs. Kyle Wilkinson from an old PWA show. You watch it with a keen eye, but can't really find what he's gushing about. The moves aren't as crisp as you're used to, and they don't appear to be putting any emotion into anything they do. The crowd liked it though, so you guess that's what matters.

Finally Daybreak calls an end to the tape watching for the day. You're sent on your way with keys to a motel that a friend of hers owns and a stern warning to be on time tomorrow or don't show up at all. The class staggers from the nice suburban home like a horde of zombies, walking the couple miles to the rooms in a daze.

You don't remember making it to the motel, picking out a room, or finding the bed. But when your phone wakes you up the next morning with a blaring alarm, you're in a bed in the motel, so you must have made it.

It feels like you got absolutely no rest. If you thought your back hurt yesterday, you had no idea how it'd feel after your muscles had tightened up again. Every motion sends a fresh wave of pain flowing through your body.

You can't rest anymore though. There's no time. You pull yourself from the strong grip of the motel mattress and force yourself into the shower. After a quick meal of old cereal and a few hard boiled eggs and a few curses about how you need to go to the grocery store, you're ready to go. You hobble out of your room and begin the job back to Daybreak's house.

It's half past seven when you get there. Should you just head in? Or did she want you to be there at eight on the dot? Fuck. You don't want to stand around and look like a jackass, so you head up to the door and ring the bell.

The little girl open the door again. She looks you up and down with a judging look just like her mother's. "Awww." She groans out.

Huh? Did you do something wrong?

She turns around and yells in the house. "It's Martin!"

Daybreak's laugh cuts through the morning stillness. "Told you!"

The girl glares at you. "Thanks." she spits out before she runs out the front door. You watch her go, nonplussed. You feel like you're missing something.

Daybreak is still chuckling as you walk down to the ring. "Good stuff, Eager." she laughs. "I knew you had it in you."

"Umm…" is your answer. "I'm… glad to help?"

That just sets off another wave of chuckles. "She bet me that Gray'd be the first one here. You just won me a month of her getting the trash without whining!"

"Oh." is all you can say. Daybreak doesn't reply to that. She just jerks her head at the ring. You hop up into the squared circle and obligingly start running the ropes again. The rest of the class files in over the next half hour and they all join you in hitting the cables.

The second the clock strikes eight, Daybreak lets out a whistle. "Everyone here? Good! Because we're starting something new!"

A hesitant voice interrupts her. "Excuse me, ma'am? We're not all here." Sure enough, another headcount shows that you're one man down; the bald guy with the eye patch.

Daybreak shakes her head. "Yes, you all are here." she stresses. The message sinks in loud and clear. You've already had your first drop out.

You don't have long to linger on it- Daybreak works you too hard to give you spare time for thinking. After an hour on the ropes, she introduces you all to headgear and then to flat-back bumping. After you've all fallen enough for her satisfaction, it's back to the ropes. And then more bumping. And then running until she whistles, on which you immediately drop and bump before getting back to wrestling.

By the lunch break you feel like you've been in an actual fight with two small cars. The pain you feel makes yesterday's bruises feel like nothing. You eat by yourself, too focused on eating the sandwich in front of you without letting it fall from your hands to worry about talking.

The day goes on, only with more tape watching thrown into the mix. Daybreak stays with the TV, dissecting matches with half the class. The rest stay in the ring with her assistant, a stringy local wrestler who just introduces himself as Brad, and keep bumping and running. And finally, finally, 5 o'clock rolls around.

You stay seated as Daybreak calls an end to the day's session, gathering yourself. A tap on your shoulder breaks you out of your tired haze. "Hey." a voice says. "You in there?"

You look up to see one of your fellow students standing next to you. She's a taller woman with darker skin and Native American features. You've noticed her before- mainly because she fell out of the ring early in today's rope running and had to be caught by Brad. "Hey," you greet her. "Sorry. Just… just tired."

She lets out a snort of amusement. "Yeah. I know the feeling. I'm Naomi by the way."


Naomi doesn't beat around the bush. "We're getting a group together to hit the bar. You want in?"


She jerks her head back to the stairs where a small group has formed up. "Just a few of us students. Brad told us about this place a few blocks from the motel. I figure it might be a good idea to just relax away from all this for a couple hours. You interested?"

You could definitely go for some relaxation. Then again, you could also just go for some sleep about now. You were planning on heading back to the motel and crashing after studying a few more matches. But you don't want to just completely ignore your fellow students; hell, you don't even know most of their names.

And that's if you want to leave. Daybreak said you could work more here as long as you were quiet. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Jack getting back to the ropes and Punk Rock Barbie is settling in in front of the TV. Your body will pay for it, but you could spend more time training.

What do you do?
[] Take Naomi up on her offer. You could use a night out, and you don't want to be a ghost to your fellow students. (Benefits: Tommy gets a bit of a social life. XP rolls at the end of training are a flat d50. Tommy spends some time with Naomi, Chloe, Arthur, and Nick.)
[] Thanks but no thanks. Head on back to the hotel. You'll do some more studying and then go to sleep so you can get a fresh start tomorrow. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work and sleep. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+25. Tommy is refreshed, but doesn't spend time with any of his fellows.)
[] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
Trait Gained!
Major Trait- Aerial Enthusiast:
In addition to the standard bonuses (see mechanics), Tommy gets an additional 50% XP every time he works on his Aerial Skills!
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[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)

Mystery Boxes are like a Siren song to me. Maybe we get special training from Daybreak? And I wanna hang out with Punk Rock Barbie.
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)

If you want to be great, you got to put in the hard work.
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)

This is a no-brainer. You gotta put in the work, man.

Not only that, but Jack's our boy. You never know, we could start out working the circuit together as a tag team.
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)

them mystery rewards
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
[X] Take Naomi up on her offer. You could use a night out, and you don't want to be a ghost to your fellow students. (Benefits: Tommy gets a bit of a social life. XP rolls at the end of training are a flat d50. Tommy spends some time with Naomi, Chloe, Arthur, and Nick.)
[x] Take Naomi up on her offer. You could use a night out, and you don't want to be a ghost to your fellow students. (Benefits: Tommy gets a bit of a social life. XP rolls at the end of training are a flat d50. Tommy spends some time with Naomi, Chloe, Arthur, and Nick.)

Let's try to relaz a little.
[x] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
This might sound weird and unrelated, but Penn Jillette did an interview where he stated that part of the reason they're so good is that he just loves to practice, and they simply... Do.

The audience changes, so there's very little economic pressure to change the show. But my idea of fun is not golf; it's writing and rehearsing. So we develop new material—not for the audience or to keep it interesting for us, but because we've got ideas.

The thing to do if you're looking for a business partner(like a tag team partner) isn't to find someone you like, but someone who's goals match yours and you respect enough to not take it personally when they point out a problem.

It turns out that respect is more durable than affection.

Now, Napoleon Hill, and so many other people will say the same thing, but for various health reasons, I never got to be a wrestler. I did get to be a magician, so he's on my mind.

Thinking of Napoleon Hill and all that... Anyone want to write up what they hope to get out of this? Their plans and ideas for Tommy?

If the QM doesn't mind too much, spirited discussion and actually setting goals can lead things in interesting new directions. Me, I just like the idea of "victory though superior mobility". Being the Cool one is actually a bit fickle. Nice amount of XP we got, but honestly, it feels like the most fragile of the gimmicks/reputations. That's just me though.
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here.(Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)

About eighty percent sure it'll be some sort of trait or reputation related to hard work - and nothing is more respected in wrestling then working incredibly hard.
Thinking of Napoleon Hill and all that... Anyone want to write up what they hope to get out of this? Their plans and ideas for Tommy?

If the QM doesn't mind too much, spirited discussion and actually setting goals can lead things in interesting new directions. Me, I just like the idea of "victory though superior mobility". Being the Cool one is actually a bit fickle. Nice amount of XP we got, but honestly, it feels like the most fragile of the gimmicks/reputations. That's just me though.

Thing is, almost every WWE star is seen as cool. Stone Cold and the Rock were cool. CM Punk was cool. Cool means the fans find us 'cool'. Being cool means Tommy can easily shift between being a heel and a face. Plus being a high flier complements the cool factor well.

Like I wrote before in this thread, my idea for a gimmick would be for Tommy to play a cocky rookie who thinks he's entitled to the fans and veterans' respect. It'd be even better if in kayfabe, he was pushed by the company. Another gimmick could be a cool enforcer for a bigger guy. Like Orlando Jordan for JBL, except cool. Hang around a heel, kiss their ass (metaphorically), do heelish stuff for them. After a while, we start demanding some respect from him, and when Tommy's got some popularity from his high flying and promo skills, turn face by leaving the heel.

I'd also like a wrestling enthusiast gimmick, a bit like Bailey, without the hugging. Just play ourselves, a guy who loves wrestling and is living his dream, giving his all in the ring.
Finding less free time these days...

Anyway, for the current vote.

[X] Thanks but no thanks. Head on back to the hotel. You'll do some more studying and then go to sleep so you can get a fresh start tomorrow. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work and sleep. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+25. Tommy is refreshed, but doesn't spend time with any of his fellows.)

Better gains this way stat-wise.
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)

Always mystery box, never not mystery box.
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
[X] Take Naomi up on her offer. You could use a night out, and you don't want to be a ghost to your fellow students. (Benefits: Tommy gets a bit of a social life. XP rolls at the end of training are a flat d50. Tommy spends some time with Naomi, Chloe, Arthur, and Nick.)
[X] Take Naomi up on her offer. You could use a night out, and you don't want to be a ghost to your fellow students. (Benefits: Tommy gets a bit of a social life. XP rolls at the end of training are a flat d50. Tommy spends some time with Naomi, Chloe, Arthur, and Nick.)

A social life is worth some sacrifices. This teaches a lot of stuff, and I think connections are a pretty important part of the biz.
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[X] Take Naomi up on her offer. You could use a night out, and you don't want to be a ghost to your fellow students. (Benefits: Tommy gets a bit of a social life. XP rolls at the end of training are a flat d50. Tommy spends some time with Naomi, Chloe, Arthur, and Nick.)

Well this is a unique quest, I'm interested
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)
[X] Take Naomi up on her offer. You could use a night out, and you don't want to be a ghost to your fellow students. (Benefits: Tommy gets a bit of a social life. XP rolls at the end of training are a flat d50. Tommy spends some timewith Naomi, Chloe, Arthur, and Nick.)
[X] You're not ready to leave just yet. You're going to spend some more time here. (Benefits: Tommy's life at Horizon is work, work, and more work, spending time with only those who do the same. XP rolls at the end of training are d50+10. Tommy spends some time with Jack and Allison. ???? other benefits.)