Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

[X] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.
[X] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.
[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.
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[X] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.

Almost went for heel because that probably fits the Cool gimmicks better, but this sounds better for the fanbase.
[X] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.

Definitely agree that starting babyface and turning heel down the line is a good move.
[X] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.

Someone else(sorry, sick don't feel like looking it up) said that being the Misunderstood good-guy who hangs with a heel before finally realizing that his friend is Bad was a good use for the Cool gimmick, and I approve. And "You're my friend! But you're a dick!" is a good way to get over.

Besides, it's not like Heel/Face friendships don't work well anyway.
Current Tally:

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[x] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.
No. of Votes: 17

[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.
No. of Votes: 6

Total No. of Voters: 23
[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.

In one of stone cold steve austins podcasts he said that 'A babyface has to have a sorta noble appearnance on him. He can't make mistakes or it'll destroy the story and the crowd loses interest. But a heel can run around with egg on his face and it's all good."

Not an exact quote but the last line is very true to his word. Heel is a great place to start IMO because if we screw up it's fine. We can do something like a new gullible kid gets tricked by a slick manager to fight a rival of his and allow his other guy to get the pin. The crowd will hate us but it'll be a good tag team to be in.
[X] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.​
[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.
[X] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.

I'm loving this quest so far.
[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.

It's good to be bad. Plus I feel like as a Heel we could be a villain for a popular hero.
Alright, you got me. Being the guy who gets his facepunched in by the hero is a decent start. Just no projectile vomiting. (That'd probably be Weird or something else anyway. And he died of unrelated stuff before he got big. still)

[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.
This seems pretty locked up. Closing the vote.

Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[x] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.
No. of Votes: 17

[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.
No. of Votes: 11

Total No. of Voters: 28
Ok. No update tonight; I'm a bit under the weather. Got a fair bit of outlining done though, and did the rolls for the basic training Tommy got at Horizon. You can see the results at the character sheet. Not the best results but not altogether awful. Not bad for someone with no natural talent.

More rolls will be earned through choices in the rest of the Horizon Arc. Two've already gotten and been applied: the extra roll for basic training you got for staying late, plus the extra Babyface roll you got for the last choice. You can also earn more rolls through bribery, if you so choose. Though that'll be hard until I've gotten more into the story I suppose.

Anyway. Update should be out in the next 24 hours.
6. The Heckler
Vote Tally : Original - Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[x] You want to start off as a Babyface. Everyone wants to be a hero and you're no exception. You want to be the hero that the crowds can rally around.
No. of Votes: 17

[X] You want to start off as a Heel. Fuck popularity, notoriety is where it's at. You want to be the villain that the hero always has to come up against.
No. of Votes: 11

Total No. of Voters: 28
And so, for the next few weeks, you add a new part to your training. No longer are you just watching matches to see the moves and the psychology; you're also studying old interviews, promos, anything where a wrestler spoke and developed their personality.

Jack focuses mainly on the heels, and Allie seems to want to stick to watching the matches, but you find yourself gravitating towards the faces. Something about the way the good guys carry themselves appeals to you. The complete confidence in their persona, the way a crowd lives and dies with their every word… yeah. You've got to get yourself some of that.

You study them all. The big names from the eighties like 'Big Titan' and the Punishers. The scrappy underdogs from the nineties, like you old favorite the Sacrifice Kid and Shelby DuPont. Some underground work on smaller shows; SKYLINE has a whole bunch of over the top, campy stuff. Even promos and interviews in languages you don't speak. Angel of Mercy might not speak a lick of English, but the heart and emotion in his words rings loud and clear.

As you study and watch, your time at Horizon Academy passes quickly. Two weeks turns into three, and into four, and then five weeks have passed since you walked into the basement in suburban Baltimore. Your class hemorrhages trainees just like Daybreak promised. Where there were once sixteen, now there are only ten.

You seem to have crossed some kind of invisible threshold. Maybe Daybreak was just trying to run off the ones who would waste her time. But whatever the case is, once the first month has passed you're doing a whole lot less rope running and bumping and a whole lot more actual learning moves. Nothing too complex; Daybreak doesn't do the high-flying or slick chain wrestling. But when it comes to snap mares and arm-wringers, she knows no equal.

After a few days of move training you can see the method to Daybreak's madness. At the end of it all it always comes back to bumping. No matter what the move is, the guy taking it always lands in some kind of bump whether it's on their back, on their face, or on their side. If she'd started you on the moves without actually teaching you how to take this stuff then training would've ended damn quick.

There's another milestone you hit at the four week mark: you actually learn everyone's names. Not that you're antisocial, but… yeah, you've always been a bit antisocial. It takes a while for names to stick with you. But you've finally got them all down. Most of them seem like good people; Naomi still invites you to the bar with them every couple days even though you never accept, and Nick won't stop breaking out pictures of his kids at the drop of a hat. But you still spend most of your time with Jack and Allie.

The three of you get a reputation fairly quickly; one for being damn serious about this. Some of the others might just be doing this for fun or for boredom, but not you three. You're always the first to arrive, the last to leave, and even after you head back to the motel you usually wind up in each other's rooms studying tape.

Or rather, you usually end up in your room studying tape. It hasn't escaped your notice that Allie and Jack don't seem to interact much even when you're all talking. You usually have to twist the conversation to make them talk without your input and you always find yourself back in the center of things before too long. You're not sure why the two of them aren't clicking; they'd have a lot in common if they did. But there's no getting around the fact that you're their friend, and they've both labeled each other as 'my friend's friend'.

They do have their moments when they're on the same page though. One of those moments comes at the end of your fifth week. Daybreak's hinted that she's going to expect you all to start cutting promos in front of the class soon, and you want to get as much practice under your belt as you can with as few eyes on you as possible.

So after Friday's training, after everyone but your small circle is gone, you call both of your friends over to the monitors. "Hey," you say once they're both seated. "Do you guys mind giving me some feedback?"

Allie nods amicably, but Jack shakes his head. "Can it wait a little while? I was kinda hoping to get a few face bumps in."

Not surprising. Jack's been understandably- in your opinion at least- hesitant to fall flat on his face, so he wants some more training. But this should only take a few minutes and you say as much. "Just one promo?" you ask. "I need as much of a response as I can get and there's only so much I can do in front of a mirror."

You would know. You've been cutting promos on yourself in front of a mirror for as long as you've found reflective surfaces. You think you're not altogether terrible but without a live audience to react you're never sure.

Jack agrees after a bit more persuading and sits down next to Allie. You stand in front of them and clear your throat. Nothing to worry about here. You've done this dozens, hundreds, thousands of times with no one in front of you. Now there's only two people in front of you, and if they still hang out with you after the time you accidentally nailed Allie in the face as hard as you could, they're not going to laugh here.

You close your eyes, take a deep breath in, focusing and concentrating. Your muscles start to loosen, your stance relaxes, as you find what you're trying to say. Once you're ready, you open your eyes, focusing on an imaginary camera.

"Karl Smith," you say, voice hard. "I hear you've been talking a lot of trash about me. I hear you've been bragging to every single man, woman, and child on god's green earth about how you held me down for the one-two-three. And now that you've won, now that you've beaten me, I should just hang it up."

"Well no more! You might have proven yourself the better man that day, but only for three seconds. You got me down- but you didn't finish the job. And now I'm here to tell you," you say, jabbing a finger at the camera, "that since you didn't, I will."

"So come on, Smith! You think you're so bad? You think you've got my number? Then come on down to this ring and let's see if you can do it again!"

You trail off at the end, imagining a little red light blinking out. Finally, you look down at your audience and give a sheepish grin. "Not the best, I know. But what'dya think?"

Both of them are united for once. Sadly they seem to be united in not knowing what to say. Both of them blink quickly, tongue tied. Your heart rises a bit in your chest. Maybe you did a better job then you thought?

A peel of laughter from the stair crushes that ember of pride.

Footsteps stomp down the stairs, bringing the laughter down with it. By the time Daybreak's daughter gets to the bottom there are tears in her eyes and her face is bright red. She's gasping for air. "Since you *gasp* didn't," she repeats herself, voice deepened, "I will! That's good, that's good!"

The three of you stare at her, you nonplussed and your friends seeming… a bit relieved. Ok, yeah your promo needs more work. You watch the girl giggle hysterically. Finally she wipes the tears from her eyes and applauds. "Wow, Martin." She says, still chuckling. "I've seen some crap promos here, but that one takes the cake."

You're the one speechless this time. Thankfully Allie isn't. "And why were you eavesdropping?" she asks, annoyance warring with amusement in her voice. "I thought you weren't allowed down here."

You'd thought the same thing honestly. Daybreak's daughter- Delilah, you think you've heard her name is- has been a constant presence in the house but never in the basement. You saw her try and come in once, but Brad had thrown her out pretty quickly.

The young girl pouts at Allie. "Well, yeah, but I couldn't help it." She points an accusing finger at the three of you. "You're all so loud that I've gotta come see what's going on!"

Ooooh. Yeah, you guys haven't been exactly quiet with your training. You've just kept going full speed and full tilt even after normal hours. It's only good luck that's kept Daybreak from sticking to her word and throwing you all out.

Delilah grins as she sees the realization on all your faces. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Let's make a deal; I won't tell Mom that you've been disturbing the house during her evening nap, and you guys don't mention that I've been watching you all for weeks."

Wait, weeks? You hadn't-

"Good!" She proclaims, not even waiting for an answer. "I knew you'd see it my way! And now that you know I'm here, there's no real point in me hiding in the stairs anymore." Delilah walks over and hops into another chair next to Jack.

"You were working on your promos, right Martin?" You nod hesitantly. "Well, it's no good just working on em with no one to watch! You're gonna need a more active audience if you want to be any good. Get to it!"

Every bit of you wants to go to Daybreak and throw this girl out. But she's not wrong; it'd probably mean the end of your evening training sessions. You grit your teeth and get back to work.

"Let me tell you something-"

"Boooo!" Delilah screams out. "You stink! Bring out Daybreak!"

Oh god she's a heckler.

You meet Allie's eyes, pleading desperately. She gives you a guilty smile and shrug and picks up the laptop, ready to get back to her tapes. Jack just shakes his head. "At least you've got an audience." he mumbles as he heads back to the ring. Traitors, both of them!"

"Are you gonna say something or just stand there like a moron?!"

...you're gonna murder this kid.

You try again, and she keeps heckling you. Again and again. She seems to be focusing her heckling on your words, the actual content of your promo. That's the least important part in your opinion; you can always write new words. Maybe you should focus on something else to make her shut up, or at least change it up a bit?

What part of the promo do you focus on?

[] Focus on the actual presentation of your promo. The way you're saying the words, the way you're presenting the whole thing. (Effect: +1 training roll to Microphone)
[] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off. (Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)
[] Fuck focus. You're going to bull ahead with your own natural charm and make Delilah eat her words! (Effect: +1 training roll to Charisma)
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[X] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off. (Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)
[X] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off. (Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)

You have to sell it, bro!!! :V
[X] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off.(Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)
[X] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off. (Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)
[X] Fuck focus. You're going to bull ahead with your own natural charm and make Delilah eat her words! (Effect: +1 training roll to Charism)
[X] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off. (Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)
[X] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off. (Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)
[X] Focus on your body language. You've heard some promos that absolutely suck, but because of the way the wrestler was reacting to his own words, he pulled it off. (Effect: +1 training roll to Acting)
[X] Fuck focus. You're going to bull ahead with your own natural charm and make Delilah eat her words! (Effect: +1 training roll to Charisma)

Go charisma!