What Tone will this game take overall?

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I think Catwoman (@AProcrastinator ) hasn't done their pre-operation action yet, I believe? And Batwoman's hacking attempt sadly failed. Are we waiting on anything else? Aside from the glaring lack of Batman in a Batman RP.

Catwoman according to the IC post decided to stalk US instead of making herself usefull. For some reason.

Also, until we get a BATMAN this is officialy 'Team Penguin' now.
Catwoman according to the IC post decided to stalk US instead of making herself usefull. For some reason.

Also, until we get a BATMAN this is officialy 'Team Penguin' now.

Athletics: [Exceptional: Stealth] [Talented: Acrobatics]
Active Social: [Talented: Deception] [Unlearned: Connections, Seduction]

Well, it could be they managed to map out the place or some of the patrol routes using these skills prior to stalking us.

As for Team Penguin...I'm fine with this. Cobblepot fortune, high wisdom and good intellect. If anyone other than Batman could pull this off, from the 5 accepted sheets...
As for Team Penguin...I'm fine with this. Cobblepot fortune, high wisdom and good intellect. If anyone other than Batman could pull this off, from the 5 accepted sheets...

Goodness gracious, I'm only joking! Without BATMAN nothing is going to work here. Has something to do with being the protagonist and also being BATMAN.
I'm not stalking you guys

I'm just making my entrance at the most dramatically appropriate time, that's all :3
You could still try at least SOMETHING instead of wasting the entire prep turn we have been given.

And just who exactly said I'm not planning on doing something?

The nerve. The gall! The baseless accusation! I feel faint~

But seriously - Catwoman will try doing something stealthy to cut down their numbers, or create an opening, or what have you - just as soon as she determines that doing so wouldn't be redundant. Or at least has knowledge of whether any certain cowled colossuses of the night need her help. Either or!
And just who exactly said I'm not planning on doing something?

The nerve. The gall! The baseless accusation! I feel faint~

But seriously - Catwoman will try doing something stealthy to cut down their numbers, or create an opening, or what have you - just as soon as she determines that doing so wouldn't be redundant. Or at least has knowledge of whether any certain cowled colossuses of the night need her help. Either or!
Hm. That could work.

And yeah, since no one has challenged @Spectre558 on the Mantle, we'll go ahead with him becoming The Bat. Spectre, could you post your own copy of the Batman sheet (so I can update threadmarks), and also roll up a prep action (your choice what), and an IC post for set-up.

Just FYI the set-up actions only risk discovery if you roll a Natural 1, and if you do we'll do another roll (depending on what you did) to determine if you get caught, "just" make them be on alert, or escape notice. This is not quite a milk run but it's close.
Reposting Dova's sheet for organization purposes.

Name :- Bruce Wayne
Alias :- The Bat-Man

Bio: When everything goes silent, i can still hear the gunshot. When i close my eyes i can still see the bodies, laying still on ground as beyond Crime Alley. Despite everything feeling like the world had just ended, the city moved on.

It was a tragedy, everyone agreed, from the media, to the politicians, to the meetings of the board. But nothing changed and the city my parents gave so much to has continued to slide deeper into crime and decay, with no-one able to stop it. The police are just another gang, the crime families own the mayor and the DA's office can only butt its head against the wall of lawyers till another unfortunate accident removes their only witness.

I say no more. If no-one else is willing to stand up for what is right, then i shall. No-one else will have to go through the tragedy that warped the path of m life. No-one else will have to fear the dark, the shadows, the night. For if evil men continue to prey on the innocent, they will find me waiting for them and they will come to fear what judgement their actions have brought them. Law will return to Gotham and once the Wayne family will use its legacy to save a city that has given so much to them.

It will be long and tiring work, but i have trained my life for this, travelling the world in search of those who can teach me the skills to do what must be done. I will find those who share my beliefs and unite them to a common cause, for only together can we give the people of Gotham a city they deserve. Criminals think themselves above the laws of other men, so i must become more than a man. I must become an idea, a symbol that will haunt them till they no longer plague my city.

For i am Vengeance! I am the Night! I am Batman!


Strength 8
Dexterity 9
Constitution 8
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 9
Charisma 8

Detective Work (Talented: CSI/Crime Scene Investigation) (Unlearned: Awareness, Research)
Melee Combat (Talented: Mixed Martial Arts) (Unlearned: Aikido, Improvised)
Passive Social (Competent: Non-Verbal cues) (Unlearned: Lie Detection, reading a room)
Active Social (Competent: Intimidation) (Unlearned: Persuasion, Deception)
Ranged Combat (Competent: Throwing Weapons) (Unlearned: Tazers, Non-Lethal Firearms)
Athletics (Competent: Stealth) (Unlearned: Acrobatic Maneuvers, Sleight of Hand)
Technology (Competent: Gadgets) (Unlearned: Mechanics, Computers)


Secondhand information on activities
Secret Passage in Office

Aware of existance
Alice- Person of Note, fixation on the Kanes

For a prep action, I was thinking of making something like containment foam grenades. Something that would immobilize someone and prevent them from using any weapons. Would that work?
Reposting Dova's sheet for organization purposes.

Name :- Bruce Wayne
Alias :- The Bat-Man

Bio: When everything goes silent, i can still hear the gunshot. When i close my eyes i can still see the bodies, laying still on ground as beyond Crime Alley. Despite everything feeling like the world had just ended, the city moved on.

It was a tragedy, everyone agreed, from the media, to the politicians, to the meetings of the board. But nothing changed and the city my parents gave so much to has continued to slide deeper into crime and decay, with no-one able to stop it. The police are just another gang, the crime families own the mayor and the DA's office can only butt its head against the wall of lawyers till another unfortunate accident removes their only witness.

I say no more. If no-one else is willing to stand up for what is right, then i shall. No-one else will have to go through the tragedy that warped the path of m life. No-one else will have to fear the dark, the shadows, the night. For if evil men continue to prey on the innocent, they will find me waiting for them and they will come to fear what judgement their actions have brought them. Law will return to Gotham and once the Wayne family will use its legacy to save a city that has given so much to them.

It will be long and tiring work, but i have trained my life for this, travelling the world in search of those who can teach me the skills to do what must be done. I will find those who share my beliefs and unite them to a common cause, for only together can we give the people of Gotham a city they deserve. Criminals think themselves above the laws of other men, so i must become more than a man. I must become an idea, a symbol that will haunt them till they no longer plague my city.

For i am Vengeance! I am the Night! I am Batman!


Strength 8
Dexterity 9
Constitution 8
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 9
Charisma 8

Detective Work (Talented: CSI/Crime Scene Investigation) (Unlearned: Awareness, Research)
Melee Combat (Talented: Mixed Martial Arts) (Unlearned: Aikido, Improvised)
Passive Social (Competent: Non-Verbal cues) (Unlearned: Lie Detection, reading a room)
Active Social (Competent: Intimidation) (Unlearned: Persuasion, Deception)
Ranged Combat (Competent: Throwing Weapons) (Unlearned: Tazers, Non-Lethal Firearms)
Athletics (Competent: Stealth) (Unlearned: Acrobatic Maneuvers, Sleight of Hand)
Technology (Competent: Gadgets) (Unlearned: Mechanics, Computers)


Secondhand information on activities
Secret Passage in Office

Aware of existance
Alice- Person of Note, fixation on the Kanes

For a prep action, I was thinking of making something like containment foam grenades. Something that would immobilize someone and prevent them from using any weapons. Would that work?
Foam grenades would work, yes. Will try to rearrange threadmarks later tonight.
Alright I'll roll. Bonus would be... +9, right? +1 from competent gadgets and +8 from INT?
Spectre558 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Prep action Total: 18
18 18
Alright I'll roll. Bonus would be... +9, right? +1 from competent gadgets and +8 from INT?
Yeah. So you've got....hm.

Right, so any one grenade will produce a sticky, pliable foam that will restrain a human (but not get rock-hard), allow them to breath through it, and start to break down in about an hour. One grenade produces enough foam to cover both legs up to mid-calf, assuming the legs are close together.

EDIT: You make enough for...10 grenades.
Yeah. So you've got....hm.

Right, so any one grenade will produce a sticky, pliable foam that will restrain a human (but not get rock-hard), allow them to breath through it, and start to break down in about an hour. One grenade produces enough foam to cover both legs up to mid-calf, assuming the legs are close together.

EDIT: You make enough for...10 grenades.

Sounds good. I'll start writing up an IC post.
Now I'll try my +18 (Exceptional + Dexterity) at Stealth hand ...

... paw ...

... at striking at their edges; silently disrupting or disarming what guards they have at the edge, on their lonesomes. Carving out a path with my claws, as it were.

EDIT: Low roll, but assuming Dexterity is the right stat, still a 24 total!
AProcrastinator threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Curiosity Total: 6
6 6
Now I'll try my +18 (Exceptional + Dexterity) at Stealth hand ...

... paw ...

... at striking at their edges; silently disrupting or disarming what guards they have at the edge, on their lonesomes. Carving out a path with my claws, as it were.

EDIT: Low roll, but assuming Dexterity is the right stat, still a 24 total!
Hm. Let's say this, since this is the "prep work" stage. You don't take out any guards, but you do manage to do a few subtle things to redirect and disrupt their patrol patterns, creating openings that should last for a bit. As well, on 1 guard, you managed to pull his sidearm away. He still has the rifle in his hands, but that's actually less of an advantage than some might think, at the ranges you all will be operating at. And when he goes to pull his pistol, well.
Hm. Let's say this, since this is the "prep work" stage. You don't take out any guards, but you do manage to do a few subtle things to redirect and disrupt their patrol patterns, creating openings that should last for a bit. As well, on 1 guard, you managed to pull his sidearm away. He still has the rifle in his hands, but that's actually less of an advantage than some might think, at the ranges you all will be operating at. And when he goes to pull his pistol, well.

That reminds me. What do you have to say to my roll? The 13 (plus whatever attributes and ornithology is appropiate, which I haven't added so you can do that now)?

Edit: Okay, with Int being 8, Ornithology beinc Competent... I guess its 22?
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Woah wait. Mistake on my part @KnightDisciple I never added my INT score to my roll, just a 1d20 and +1 from Competence. Does it change anything if my total roll is 29 (20 + 8 INT + 1 Skill) instead of 21?
That reminds me. What do you have to say to my roll? The 13 (plus whatever attributes and ornithology is appropiate, which I haven't added so you can do that now)?

Edit: Okay, with Int being 8, Ornithology beinc Competent... I guess its 22?
Oh, right! Your result would be enough not only do you get a good idea of the layout and patrol routes, you have...3 birds you managed to keep "on station" for semi-real-time updates.

Woah wait. Mistake on my part @KnightDisciple I never added my INT score to my roll, just a 1d20 and +1 from Competence. Does it change anything if my total roll is 29 (20 + 8 INT + 1 Skill) instead of 21?
Um, add 2 more of your Tasers. Part of the restriction there was available materials. It's the same reason the Foam Grenades don't last forever, aren't bulletproof, etc. This is y'all doing last-minute stuff. When we have a Downtime after this, you can look at making more permanent gadget.

@Crow , taking into account that you didn't roll a Nat 1, and your Skill+Attribute, you get to choose one of these 2 as the best result of what you got:
-You can have the locations, but not the viewing arcs, of all the cameras.
-You can patch in to Cobblepot's birds-eyes-view network and give that uplink to everyone. Without this option, only his smartphone can get the feed reliably and without risk of "bleedover" to the bad guys' systems (since a lot of both sets of gear is wireless).

-Cobblepot's birds were able to spot....let's say probably 1/4-1/3 of the cameras. So you have some idea of where they're at but not a complete picture.
Oh, right! Your result would be enough not only do you get a good idea of the layout and patrol routes, you have...3 birds you managed to keep "on station" for semi-real-time updates.

-You can patch in to Cobblepot's birds-eyes-view network and give that uplink to everyone. Without this option, only his smartphone can get the feed reliably and without risk of "bleedover" to the bad guys' systems (since a lot of both sets of gear is wireless).

-Cobblepot's birds were able to spot....let's say probably 1/4-1/3 of the cameras. So you have some idea of where they're at but not a complete picture.

My god, I'm so proud of my idea of using BIRDS as intelligent and less suspicious (than say... drones) surveilance. All praise the BIRDS!
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-You can patch in to Cobblepot's birds-eyes-view network and give that uplink to everyone. Without this option, only his smartphone can get the feed reliably and without risk of "bleedover" to the bad guys' systems (since a lot of both sets of gear is wireless).
This could be goood!