Taylor Hebert's Quest for the Happy Ending (Worm Alt power Taylor)

Reboot or no Reboot? That is the question!

  • Reboot

    Votes: 41 56.2%
  • No Reboot

    Votes: 32 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Meh, who cares about him. To be honest I'm not all that hot on the other players trying to 'reconnect' with him at all costs to the exculsion of all common sense.
Reconnecting with him, yes. At the cost of all common sense, no. Taylor isn't exactly healthy, even with her mindset apparently stuck in 'Happy' with very little capable of changing that. Getting that as stable as possible should mean less problems later on. Besides, Taylor Hebert and common sense? They're not exactly on friendly terms here. I should know, I'm the same way.
Reconnecting with him, yes. At the cost of all common sense, no. Taylor isn't exactly healthy, even with her mindset apparently stuck in 'Happy' with very little capable of changing that. Getting that as stable as possible should mean less problems later on. Besides, Taylor Hebert and common sense? They're not exactly on friendly terms here. I should know, I'm the same way.
It's less stuck in Happy, and more Taylor is trying to keep it there. She seems to feel emotions rather intensly (as I covered before). When she's happy, everything is sunshine and rainbows. When she got sad, she utterly broke down. Presumably when she gets mad, man, there's no holding her back. She also doesn't really have a inbetween for emotion states, looking at how fast she went from sad when Danny rejected her, to happy that she's meeting MM.
Reconnecting with him, yes. At the cost of all common sense, no. Taylor isn't exactly healthy, even with her mindset apparently stuck in 'Happy' with very little capable of changing that. Getting that as stable as possible should mean less problems later on. Besides, Taylor Hebert and common sense? They're not exactly on friendly terms here. I should know, I'm the same way.

I don't think Taylor and common sense where ever on friendly terms even in canon, here they may as well be living in different universes.
Honestly, we're already a mid-to-high tier cape in terms of raw power. Plus, about the only thing that can permanently harm us would be temporal effects (like the time freeze bomb) or something that instantly transmutes our body (like the glass bomb) or 'maybe' Sundancer's suns, if they completely engulf our body, leaving nothing to regenerate. Which means, very few capes, Tinkers, and Scion.


As Gatewaewanderer said, on the physical front we're strong enough for now.

On the social and emotional fronts, we are extremely weak, and need to get that shored up.

Meaning, we need to build up social skills, and reconnect with our father, which would be part of Taylor's Happy Ending. With our present raw power, we're good for a fight against anything but an Endbringer, or Scion, and we don't have to worry about Scion quite yet.

Also, I'd say getting Emma to at minimum admit she was wrong, and to apologize (and mean it) would be a requirement for a true Happy Ending. Even if they never become friends again (and I think that was pretty much doomed by the time Emma destroyed Annette's flute) it would be a good point to help reach the goal.

If we max out Multitasking, can we achieve the level that QA granted Taylor?
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don't think Taylor and common sense where ever on friendly terms even in canon, here they may as well be living in different universes.

Heh. I wasn't just referring to the fic, I was referring to Worm period. I've said elsewhere (I think QQ while talking about Amelia,) that as far as I was concerned, placed in the same situations as either Taylor or Lisa, I'd have made many of the same choices... and thus, many of the same mistakes. I see qualities in them that I see in myself, some good, many bad. Like being stubborn beyond all reason.
Honestly, at this point I am wonder if I should just do away with the rolls entirely and just write the story based on choices you guys make with little to no random chance.

Though the random encounter rolls will still be a thing.
Random encounter rolls are good.

Maybe take a page from the Worm/Metal Gear quest and have dice rolls for what the situation is like when we enter it? QM basically has us roll a d100 for options like raiding or talking to people that are essentially for how good the situation we enter into is. Each option having different chances of being bad/neutral/good based on whatever factors he's using to figure that stuff out.

In that quest we can see the chances for each cause we got Dinah really early. Like we were supposed to have an entire arc on her and we got her in one update by accident.

Anyway, 1d100 for what the situation is like, with things like 50/30/20, 30/10/60, 33/34/33, 0/10/90, etc. chance of being bad/neutral/good, and then look at our skills and decide if they're up to the task of working it out/keeping it from degrading/or if it just blows up in our face.

That way there's still a good amount of chance involved, but our skill still matters as much as it really should.
Maybe rolls for random encounters, or the occasional bit of combat, but use them as a guide, rather than the master of the character's destiny.

Maybe when you're not entirely sure of something, throw some dice then as well.
Or maybe make the skills more relevant, so that there's less randomness involved where actions using them are concerned.

Plenty of options, overall.
You sure you don't want to create your own thread though?

Your Saiyan Taylor is rather interesting.

You might think of making this a Fic of its ow at some point, I think.

As to the name... I just think she'll call herself Taylor Hebert.

Well, that or Great Saiyagirl.

Okay, so I now have the idea in my head that she isn't going to bother with a cape name or a mask. :D

As far as making it a thread of it's own. While it's here, there's no pressure to have it totally polished, no cries that I'm getting the characters wrong and no one pointing out that she seems to be ditching school for the sheer hell of it.

(I swear to God someone telling me that Taylor Hebert is TiNO after having a big dose of Abridged!Vegeta poured into her will make me Final Flash a motherfucker through the internet :p )

I make this it's own 'fic and then I need a Beta, I have to polish what's already there and it takes away from the other writing I'm already doing.

But if there is still interest after I've done a couple more bits of it, then maybe I will make this it's own 'fic, as sort of an official spin off of the quest.

[X] Accept. Join the Wards, they seem friendly and showed that they did not like Sophia at all. The trio is being punished and you won.
[x]Half day.

--[x] Call your friend that you made before the break, and apologize for not going to Winslow anymore. You'll still hang out though, right? In fact...
----[x] Go to the boardwalk and get ice-cream in celebration for your joining of the Wards!( chance of a random encounter)
------[x] Bring Danny along for this as well

[x]Look for a secret lair... I mean hideout. Secret lair's are for bad guys only.(chance of a random encounter)
--[x] See if your friend wants to help you look for a hideout with you.
----[x] Ditch Danny by saying you want to do some shopping with your friend (or even get her to say it).

[x]Training: Shapeshifting
--[x]Lets try to do this while we are calm (Training: meditation).

[x]Training: Academics
--[x] let's try to use our multitasking to help train in academics (Training: multitasking/academics)

Edit: Altered my vote to make more sense as well as add stuff.

Also I'm maximizing/multitasking or whatever it's called on my votes here.
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[x]Look for a secret lair... I mean hideout. Secret lair's are for bad guys only.(chance of a random encounter)
Why would we need a hideout? Not only are we joining the Wards, but we are out to our not-dad, meaning we could also store our jazz at home if we wanted. So we got 2 locations, both fairly secure (the PRT is damn secure against non-PRT) to do anything we want, and store anything we want. The only other thing I could think of we could need is a place to practice our more destructive abilities, and that ain't happening in the city (which is another reason we should buy Flight).
Why would we need a hideout? Not only are we joining the Wards, but we are out to our not-dad, meaning we could also store our jazz at home if we wanted. So we got 2 locations, both fairly secure (the PRT is damn secure against non-PRT) to do anything we want, and store anything we want. The only other thing I could think of we could need is a place to practice our more destructive abilities, and that ain't happening in the city (which is another reason we should buy Flight).

Hide people i mean candy things that we don't want either the PRT or not-dad to know about.

One thing, didn't Buu only change people into candy to get their power, if so we could change people into things like earrings and wear them (good for thinkers that one)(goes with the secret hideout too).
Hide people i mean candy things that we don't want either the PRT or not-dad to know about.

One thing, didn't Buu only change people into candy to get their power, if so we could change people into things like earrings and wear them (good for thinkers that one)(goes with the secret hideout too).
No, he just ate them (might have got their power anyways though). He absorbed the other guys, wrapping his body around them.
Nah, Buu Absorbed him using his body.

*course, not that Buu didn't try to absorb Vegito by turning him into candy. It just didn't work out the way he expected*
...Going to need to clean this up later.
Yeah, especially because the two below should be one thing. That's what I intended anyhow.
[X] Call your friend that you made before the break, and apologize for not going to Winslow anymore. You'll still hang out though, right?
--[x] Call your friend that you made before the break, and apologize for not going to Winslow anymore. You'll still hang out though, right? In fact...

Well, Lung would definitely be one possibility in regards to villains that might get a "World of Cardboard" speech from Majin!Taylor...
so something like:

"You know, the first time I did power testing, I went to the blaster range and they told me 'Just throw something out there Taylor, nothing will break.'"

Taylor shrugs.

"So I did. There was a blue jay flying by the hole that was left, it was pretty. I just sorta held up my hand a bit like this."

Taylor holds up her hand, her fingers splayed open.

"And I ended up blowing down the 'blaster proof' wall. Which was when I saw that blue jay over the Bay. I've been trying not to do something like crack the planet, because it's so easy. Destroying things always is."

Taylor holds up both her hands, wrist to wrist with her fingers curled forward like claws before her.

"But you think your stronger than the planet, don't you scaly boy?"

A tiny white energy ball appears, rapidly growing brighter then the sun.

"Now are you going to give up? Because I am sick of your disingenuous assertions."

Nah, it probably wont be something petty. Though something like that could anger you.


Honestly, at this point I am wonder if I should just do away with the rolls entirely and just write the story based on choices you guys make with little to no random chance.

Though the random encounter rolls will still be a thing.
Might be best to take the 'roll for how bad it is when we get involved' thing and then stick with either smaller numbers (D20 with +1 per rank advantage, perhaps with max being a +2 for that rank) or dispense with the dice for anything beyond rough guideline.

meaning I honestly haven't thought about the max level of multitasking.
Given that Majin are like 60% pure magic, 30% sheer power and 90% sugar, something tells me that 'multitasking' will take on a far more literal outcome. As in 'multiple bodies doing multiple tasks' kind of literal.

Clockblocker arrives at HQ for patrols: "Hey Taylor, and Taylor, and Taylor, and... Uh, what's going on?"
Taylors x6: "I'm multitasking!"
Clock: "Uuuh... I don't think-"
Aegis: "Don't. Seriously, just roll with it."
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Might be best to take the 'roll for how bad it is when we get involved' thing and then stick with either smaller numbers (D20 with +1 per rank advantage, perhaps with max being a +2 for that rank) or dispense with the dice for anything beyond rough guideline.

Honestly, I have been using the dice as just a rough guideline. Danny just hasn't had any luck on hitting the number where I use the rough guideline. His rolls were all below 30.

Hmm, so using small numbers like in social rolls with bonuses on the social rank?

Danny's social roll would be a d20-1 right now though... If I use d20.

Maybe a d50

Where d50 is great, d25 is neutral and d10 is terrible?

And as you level up a relevant skill, the terrible shrinks and the great grows?

I might be able to do that with d100's though as well.

God damn dice system, why did I ever go with you on a whim.


Votes close in 3 hours.
Given that Majin are like 60% pure magic, 30% sheer power and 90% sugar, something tells me that 'multitasking' will take on a far more literal outcome. As in 'multiple bodies doing multiple tasks' kind of literal.

Clockblocker arrives at HQ for patrols: "Hey Taylor, and Taylor, and Taylor, and... Uh, what's going on?"
Taylors x6: "I'm multitasking!"
Clock: "Uuuh... I don't think-"
Aegis: "Don't. Seriously, just roll with it."

As a side note, did anyone else get a feeling that Dennis might have a bit of a thing for her in part 6?
[X] Full day. (Your dad would want this.)
[X] Training: What skill?
--[X] Meditation. It felt really good when you did it before. Maybe you should do it again?
--[X] Ki control. It's what most of your abilities are based on, after all.
[X] Call your friend that you made before the break, and apologize for not going to Winslow anymore. You'll still hang out though, right? In fact...
--[x] Go to the boardwalk and get ice-cream in celebration for your joining of the Wards!( chance of a random encounter)

Just Under the Wire!