Taylor Hebert's Quest for the Happy Ending (Worm Alt power Taylor)

Reboot or no Reboot? That is the question!

  • Reboot

    Votes: 41 56.2%
  • No Reboot

    Votes: 32 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Votes close and Danny gets a chance.


[X]I am willing to give you another chance... Dad. ( Live together and try to improve your relationship with your father when you can. If you can.)

Update would more than likely be tomorrow at some time.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]I am willing to give you another chance... Dad. ( Live together and try to improve your relationship with your father when you can. If you can.)
No. of votes: 16
Bailey Matutine
The Shadowmind
the DragonBard
Ando Owen

[X] I think it would be for the best for both of us if I was not your daughter anymore...(Cut ties completely, go to the PRT tomorrow to see what options you have to get emancipated as a minor and become a ward of the state.)
No. of votes: 1

[X] I think it would be for the best if I live separate from you. (Makes interaction with your father as minimal as possible, you will still call him every now and then. Also you will go to the PRT tomorrow with your dad to see what your options would be for living areas.)
--[X] It's for your own safety, sorry.
No. of votes: 5
shade argost

[X] I think we need to see a counselor
No. of votes: 2

[X] I think it would be for the best if I live separate from you. (Makes interaction with your father as minimal as possible, you will still call him every now and then. Also you will go to the PRT tomorrow with your dad to see what your options would be for living areas.)
No. of votes: 7
Tel Janin Aman

[X]I am willing to give you another chance... Dad.
No. of votes: 1

[X]I am willing to give you another chance... Dad. ( Live together and try to improve your relationship with your father when you can. If you can.)
[X]But I think we both need to see a counselor
No. of votes: 4
Ignis fatuus

[X]I am willing to give you another chance... Dad. ( Live together and try to improve your relationship with your father when you can. If you can.)
-[X]But I want you to be honest if you want this,there is no going back for both of us.
--[X]But I think we both need to see a counselor
No. of votes: 1
[X]I am willing to give you another chance... Dad. ( Live together and try to improve your relationship with your father when you can. If you can.)
[X]But I think we both need to see a counselor
[X] "I think it would be for the best for both of us if I was not your daughter anymore..."(Cut ties completely, go to the PRT tomorrow to see what options you have to get emancipated as a minor and become a ward of the state.)
Waking up Pink, Chapter 8 part 2
Winning vote:

[X]I am willing to give you another chance... Dad. ( Live together and try to improve your relationship with your father when you can. If you can.)

I scream for ice-cream part 2.

I stare at him for the longest time. Preparing myself to cut ties with him for his own good.

But I found myself saying something entirely different.

"I am willing to give us another chance... Dad."

I look down to the floor awkwardly. Not meeting his bright eyes, or wanting to see how relieved he was when I said it. It kinda makes me feel ashamed...

'If I went through with my plan... how would he have took it?' I thought, staring at my feet. 'He would have took it poorly... just like he took moms death poorly.' I quickly shake that thought out of my head.

"Thank you Taylor." I try to ignore how relived his voice sounded. He was really prepared for the worst... wasn't he?

I only give him a small smile in return.

'For better or worse, he will always be my father.'

I know the risks are great, but the way he brightened up actually makes it worth it.

I just need to be prepared... prepared when a villain is stupid enough to hurt my father.

After awhile we just sit there in each others presence, watching something stupid on TV.

We must have sat their silently for an hour at least... trying to repair what was broken will take a lot of time. Something I am willing to do.

But it would have to be in small steps... ignoring everything that has happened and pretending everything is ok is not the best way to go. I already tried that before.


I let out a small sigh. I really hope something happens, sitting here and not saying anything to each-other is extremely awkward.


I jump at the sound of the phone ringing, silently grateful for the interruption, I tell dad that I will answer it. He only nods his head in conformation.

'He seems into the stupid TV show...' I thought as I got out of the comfy chair. 'Must be a man thing... I mean really? The show is about a case 53 platypus with chain saw hands fighting a mysterious organization that wants to kill the worlds first super hero. Who in their right mind came up with that, and who the hell would watch something like that?'

I start walking quickly towards the house phone.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I say to myself as the obnoxious ringing continues. Walking slightly faster, nearing a small jog.

"Hello, Hebert residence, Taylor Hebert speaking." I state as soon as I pick up the phone. Awkwardly placing it around what is supposed to be my ear...

"Taylor?" A female voice asks. "Are you ok? Your voice sounds... different."

"I am ok... just... I am ok." I say unhelpfully, as I have no idea how to bring up my changes over the phone.

Given the fact that I do know the voice over the phone... but I could be wrong about who it is.

"Oh! I forgot... Its me Julia." Julia finally introduces herself.

"Hello!" I say cheerfully, brightening up already from having a friend to speak too.

Honestly, If someone said I would become friends with her a couple of months back I wouldn't have believed them. After all, Julia was technically one of the hanger ons that the trio attracted. But she never really did anything to me and was always disinterested in the entire thing. So when the trio seemed like they were backing off from bulling me she confronted me. It was in that encounter that we learned that we have somethings in common and we just started to talk to each other. And now we are friends, simple as that.

"You seem to be in a good mood." She said with a bit of mirth.

I think back to my conversation with dad...

"Kinda..." I say with a bit of a sadness leaking in my tone. Remembering what I almost did.

"Did something happen today?" She asked, picking up my tone. "Is that why you weren't at school today?"

"Yes..." I look at my pink hand. "Something did happen today, sorry I didn't come to school today."

"I-Its ok!" She stutters a bit nervously. "It was better that you did not come today."

Why would it... oh, the locker. That was just a prank though right? It is not like they would think about pushing me in there right?

'....' I thought silently as I imagined what would have happened at school, especially if they did try to push me in the locker. 'Yeah... it was for the best that I didn't go to school today.'

Exploding Winslow in a fit of panic induced rage came to mind.

"Taylor?" Julia's voice broke me out of my increasingly depressing and destructive thoughts.

"I'm here!" I exclaim in surprise. "Sorry, I was just thinking what would have happened if I went to school today... what I would have done about my locker." My tone became darker as I mentioned the locker.

"Y-You know about that?" Julia asks, a bit unnerved about my tone.

"I feel like ice-cream!" I abruptly exclaimed, shifting the topic away from that. "You want to meet up and go to that one ice-cream place in the Boardwalk?"

After all, it would be easier for me to explain in person. Plus, ice-cream~.

"Sure." She answers surprised.

So we decided where to meet, said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.

I am starting to get nervous about this, we rarely ever hung out before I changed, and now... I just hope I don't loose a friend because of this. I have too few of them.

'Damn it Emma.' I thought angrily at the cause of me not having friends.

But it does not matter anymore since she will never bring me down again.

I still want to punch her for throwing years of our friendship in my face and then spitting on it. But she would probably die so that is a bad Idea. Bad Taylor... no punching the bitch even though she deserves it.

At least until I get better control over my strength.

'Now how to leave without this getting... awkward.' I thought to myself as I started to go back to the living room.

"Hey dad!" I shout a little to get his attention. "I am going out to meet a friend and get ice-cream!"

"Ok..." Dad says as he looks at me a bit funny. How rude... of course I have friends! "Be..." he hesitates, probably thinking about my changes, "careful out there."

" I will!" I exclaim with a fist pump. "I will punch anyone who tries something with me!"

"That is what I am afraid of..." He mutters.

I pretend to not have heard it and quickly gather my things. Making sure to put my super secret disguise hoodie over my head, I leave the house filled with nervous energy!

I made sure to make my face look as human as possible at least, so at a distance no one will probably notice anything strange about me... until I get up close.

I decide to run instead of taking the bus. More to test how fast I can, and more to the fact that I do not think I could get tired anymore... or sweat for that matter.

I started to run past some cars, so really... it took me no time at all to get near the tourist trap known as the boardwalk.

I slow down before I even get there though. And walk the rest of the way, after making sure my hoodie is still on my head.

I do not want a repeat of last time.

It took awhile, with avoiding any gawkers, but I managed to spot my friend.

If I could describe my friend in one word... it would be average; long brown hair cut near her shoulder blades, not wearing anything fancy like jewelery or something like that. Just tank top and blue jeans with a jacket tied to her waist... the weather must not be chilly, I cant really tell because cold doesn't bother me anymore.

'Well... enough stalling.' I thought and then took a deep breath to calm myself. 'Time to make or break a friendship.'

With courageous resolve I walk straight up to Julia, who did not notice me as she was playing around on her cellphone, and greet her cheerfully!


She abrubtly stops what she was doing and closes her cellphone and looks at me. Her eyes widen as she looks me up and down, seemingly on the verge of panic as she noticed my unnatural pinkness. She starts to breath heavily and looks like she is about to scream.

"Julia calm down its me! Taylor!" I exclaim franticly, trying to calm her down with a not so small amount of panic.

I do not need a debut of accidentally making my friend scream!

"Really?" she abruptly calms down and stares at me suspiciously.

'Was she just acting panicked?!' I though with surprise.

"Yes." I say with growing confidence. "Remember on the phone when I told you something happened today?"

"Yes." She says, still eying me suspiciously and giving me a once over again. This time she with a small blush... huh.

"This is what happened." I say gesturing to my glorious new pink body. "I woke up pink."

"More than that apparently." Julia says then smirks. A smirk that fills me with a tiny amount of dread. "We are going to need to take you shopping to find better cloths for you." She pokes me on the chest.

"What?!" I exclaimed! I really do not like shopping.

I do not really need to go shopping anyway... but something tells me to keep that little tidbit a secret from her.

"We will worry about that later Taylor." She stated, looking at my chest, and then gained an impish smile. "Soooo... besides growing a couple of cup sizes and gaining a new color, what else can you do?"

I cross my arms over my chest subconsciously and then look towards the ground, shuffling shyly.

"Well... the best way to describe what I can do is yes."

"What?" She asked, surprised.

"Yes." I repeat again, this time with more confidence.

"Ok... sorry for teasing you." she lets out a small chuckle. "What can you do really?"

"Well... I can."

I start listing every power I found out I could do, her eyes started to get really wide only to get pensive when I mentioned about my healing ability.

That would be something I should ask about later... I have a feeling it is important.

"Well..." Julia finally says after a moment of silence. "You certainly won the power lottery."

Yeah I apparently did. The cat said so.

"Anyway... after the day I have I really feel like I need ice-cream." I say, changing the subject. I noticed a crowd was starting to gather around us again.

"But..." she starts to say before I interrupt her by grabbing her hand and pulling her in the direction of the ice-cream place in a hurry.

My disguise is not full proof!

She lets out a small yelp of surprise but just goes with the flow.

Of course moving quickly and not really paying attention caused me to bump into someone.

That someone was a blond girl with green eyes and cute freckles, who promptly fell on her ass.

"Ow." The blond groans on the ground.

"Here let me help you up!" I exclaimed, letting go of Julia's hand and not noticing how she looked at her hand then sighed, and reached down to help the poor blond girl I ran over up.

"Thanks." The blond muttered as she grabbed the hand I offered.

It was then that she finally looked at me and went rigid, her eyes becoming wide as saucers.

"Are you ok?" I ask, a bit worried.

My appearance isn't that shocking is it?

"Y-yeah! Everything is fine!" She said, nearly shouting in her nervousness.

"Are you sure your ok?" Julia asked in a odd tone causing me to blink and look at her.

Huh... she must be upset that we are at the ice-cream place yet.

"Yes, I am." The blond said with some infliction, shooting Julia a small glare. Then she turned back to me and flinched in pain.

"You don't look ok." I said, worried about the blonds health.

"Its nothing, just a headache!" The blond says sharply, causing Julia to glare at her.

I wave Julia off and look at the blond in concern.

"If you want I can try to heal you." I say to the blond.

I think I can do it... just need to stay focus and calm down.

"Yes...please." The blond finally said after looking me in the eyes for a good while.

"Ok." I mutter and take a deep breath to calm down and focus.

It took a few more calming breaths but soon the world opened up to my senses once again.

And the girl I am about to heal has the weird dual life energy thing going on like Mili has.

I keep the shock from appearing on my face as I deaden all emotional reactions.

'She is a parahuman.' I thought, somewhat conflicted about the breach of privacy I just did. Civilian identities are a big thing after all. 'Doesn't matter right now... I just wont tell anyone.'

With that minor personal conflict out of the way, I get to work gathering and mixing my energies together in my palm.

My palm started to glow bright pink of course. And without further adieu, I place my palm directly on top of the smaller girls head.

She was enveloped in a bright pink light for a few seconds until it died down.

"Feeling better?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. Her life energy seems a lot more healthy now as well. I would imagine that she never felt as healthy in her life as she does now.

The blond took her head out of her hand and stares at it blinking. Then she stared at me then she went back to staring at her hand then back to me. Then she smiled a beaming smile that could only be described as fox-like. It was like she was just took the last cookie in the cookie jar with her grumpy roommate none the wiser.

"Better?" The blond stated, her smile becoming even more sincere. "I never felt this good in my entire life. Thank you."

I look towards the ground and started shuffling shyly with my hands behind my back.

Julia twitches for some strange reason.

"You're welcome." I muttered. Not used to sincere gratitude.

"I am Lisa by the way." Lisa introduced herself.

"Taylor." I state then smiled at her.

"Julia." Julia huffed, crossing her arms across her chest.

There was a pause as Lisa shuffled around in her purse, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen.

"Here." Lisa said as she held out a piece of paper. "This is my number, I am sure we can be great friends."

"Really?" I ask, taking the paper and staring at it.

For some reason Julia looks a little put out. She is probably just jealous about me making another friend.

'She shouldn't worry about that, I think ill buy her ice-cream.' I nod to myself with that thought. My plan to make sure my friend is happy is set.

"Yep, we are friends now!" The blond chirped a bit before giving Julia a sly knowing grin.

The Lisa abruptly hugs me out of no where, causing me to freeze and Juila's mouth to open.

"I know that you are probably lost and confused right now but hang in there Taylor." Lisa whispers to me, causing me to actually be confused. "If you ever need someone to talk to do not hesitate to call me."

"Wha-?" I start to ask before she abruptly ended the hug.

Julia looked like she was about to say something before she was cut off as well by the blond.

"Well I think I interrupted your date long enough." The blond says, causing Julia to splutter and blush bright red, then she swings her arms behind her back and grins. "I should leave before your girlfriend tries to rip my head off." Lisa starts walking away. "See you around Taylor!" The blond says, nonchalantly waving behind her as she leaves.

.... I could only stare at her back in utter confusion. What did she mean by a girlfriend?

"Lisa is strange." I finally say causing Julia to look at me strange.

"Yes... yes she is Taylor." Julia said then sighed.

I have a feeling that she was going to say something else there. And there are people who stopped what they were doing and stood there staring at us... no staring at me.

I reached up at the top of my head only to find my hood pulled down... again.

"..." I stand there in silence, staring at where Lisa left long enough for Julia to start getting worried about me and sighed. "Lets just go get some ice-cream." I say with a tone of resignation, then turned and started to walk again. A moment later Julia followed.

I never bother putting my hood back on. So much for my super disguise.
Lisa P.O.V​

There is no one that I absolutely hate more than Coil. That is one absolute fact in this world. Not only does he point a literal gun to my head but he has me recruit a team to play super villain. So of course... my team is messed up.

Well, pretty much every parahuman is messed up in some way. Why else would grown men and women parade around in spandex and fight each other? Shouting speeches and quips like they are in some sort of comic book?

I let out a sigh and continue my little walk around the Boardwalk.

'At least I make the spandex look good.' I thought to myself with a smile. That was a small concession from the predicament I found myself in..

If I am going to be force to play this little game of cops and robbers, I will make sure to do it in style. And at the end of it, I will bring Coil down.

Right now though, like every human being needs once and awhile, I take a break.

Of course that just means I go out for a walk in my old stomping grounds from my days as a petty thief and watch people pass by. People watching sorta became a hobby of mine ever since I got my powers. It kept me safe more than once when I ran away from my home because my parents that saw me as nothing but a meal ticket.

Honestly, that is another reason why I hate Coil. He is just like my parents, only ten times worse. Like the fact that he would not hesitate to make me his "pet" if I ever become less useful to him not drugged up to the gills.

I stopped and felt my body shudder in disgust thinking about that asshole, and what he would do to me if he thought he could get away with it.

I wave off some passerby that shown concern. Making a mental note to give the police an anonymous tip regarding him. Bastard only showed concern about me because he has a thing for underage blonds.

I honestly love and hate my power. My power makes it very easy to read people, find out their darkest secrets like the fact that boy over there is in the ABB and currently cheating on his girlfriend who is stalking the girl that he is cheating on her with.

I make another mental note to give the police an anonymous tip about that girl. Yanderes are scary as fuck.

But yeah... my power is bullshit. I get information from people through their body language, their expressions, when they talk or just staring at them. All I need to do is piece together the clues they unwittingly provide and presto! Sherlock Holmes taking up to the eleventh.

And that is why I hate it. There is a thing called knowing too much. There are somethings I really, really would not want to know about a person. Like their sex life... uhg.

I felt my face twist in disgust at the thought of that.

So yeah... my power has its benefits and draw backs. Take for for example that I just ran into a freaking soft wall and fell on my ass because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

"Ow." I groan, I just know that is going to be sore for awhile.

"Here let me help you up!" The wall I apparently ran into said. Really... what the hell is that girl made of?

'Well, may as well see who I ran into.' I take the offered hand and open my eyes.

I just found out why those A.I's in that stupid TV show love to say does not compute when looking at that platypus. Damn Alec and his TV hogging ways.

'What is she?' I asked myself. I felt my body go rigid and my eyes go wide.

"Are you ok?" The thing asked.

Her eyes are pitch black with red irises, her skin is a light shade of pink and she is wonder if her appearance is that shocking?! Really?!

Not human. Unknown life form.

Thank you power for chiming that in! That makes me feel a lot better!

So I ignore that because my power can be wrong, obviously this girl is a case 53 who happened to get lucky with her appearance.

After all, you could do worse then being an apparent pink bombshell with creepy eyes...eyes that feel like they are staring into my very soul.

Can crush my hand easily, could kill me easily. Her body stretches.

"Y-yeah! Everything is fine!" I find myself almost shouting. Damn it power! You made me show fear!

"Are you sure you're ok?" The brown haired girl asked.

Is not really concerned about me. Is getting upset that I am taking up the pink girls attention.

Great... just what I need. A jealous girlfriend after me.

"Yes, I am!" I couldn't keep a little anger from slipping in my tone. I continue to stare at the pink girl and decide to push my power further.

Not a case 53. Does not show signs of being one. No memory loss. Not a human.

Not that again! I shelve that and try again.

Made of an unknown substance. Substance can change shape easily. Just woke up like this today. Not human.

With a great amount of willpower I force that line of thought away. I can already feel the pain of pushing my power to hard.

Fragile mind-state. Prone to extreme emotional shifts. Can punch a giant crater in the ground, unconsciously controlling the amount of strength she uses. Lives in a world filled of cardboard... super girl? Not human.

Yes! Finally something useful and oh shit. That... that sounds really, really bad. And the pain came full force. Fuck!

"You don't look ok." The creepy eyed girl said with worry.

Is sincerely worried about me.

.... But... I- I could cry if I wasn't worried about the implications of her ever mentally breaking.

Why the hell is she worried about a complete stranger?!

Loner. Suffered at the hands of a vicious bulling campaign. Does not have many friends. Does not like seeing people in pain.

"Its nothing, just a headache!" I say a bit sharper then I intended and she flinched a bit.

Shit. Stupid headache!

Flinches when she thinks someone is angry at her. Recently was betrayed by someone she trusted the most. Was yelled at by an ill temper father.

Well thank you pink girl's father! That was an absolute wonderful idea! Yell at the girl that can punch fucking craters in the ground!

"If you want I can try to heal you." Pinkie said, waving off her girlfriend's righteous anger.

That caused me to go still and stare at her. Fuck it, in for a penny in for a pound. So I push my power more.

Can manipulate an unknown energy source. Can use it to heal, or can make it explode.

Thats just peachy! Ow, my head.

Has not healed anyone before. Believes she can do it. Wants to help me. Feels like she needs to help me. Does not want to go back to being her old useless self.


Well... there is only one answer I can say to that.

"Yes.. please." I say with a great deal of pain.

Then it was like a switch happened and the world tilted. The pink girl opened her eyes I could tell something changed. Though the widening of her eyes for a bit told me something that might either be good or bad.

Is able to tell I am a parahuman. Is able to sense where my powers are. My powers are alive. The cycle is in danger.

'What cycle?!' I thought to myself before I was hit by the biggest pain wave yet.

'What was I thinking about again? Why is there a palm on top of my head?'

Then everything went pink.

When the light died down... I have honestly never felt better.

"Feeling better?" The pinkette asked. Though she already knew the answer to that. I could tell.

I couldn't help but stare at my hand and then her... I just know something changed. I know I should be worried about it, but I just felt giddy. Like a constant pressure that I did not even know about just vanished.

Body fully restored to optimum compacity. Body enhanced. I can use my powers freely without worrying about pain. I can turn off my powers if I want to.

"Better?" I question her and then gave her a sincere smile. "I never felt better in my entire life.Thank you!"

Aw... she is adorable shuffling shyly like that. At the same time sad because this reaction was caused by her never being sincerely thanked before. Maybe I should hunt down the bitches that bullied her?

"You're welcome." She mutters. Well, time to break the ice!

"I am Lisa by the way." I introduce myself.

"Taylor." She says and I smile at her.

"Julia." Huh, forgot about the jealous girlfriend. Oh, well.

I start to shuffle around in my purse as soon as the introductions were out of the way. Aha! Found what I was looking for. I pull out a pen and paper and wrote my number on it. I have a feeling it would be a good idea to keep in contact with Taylor.

"Here."I say, holding out a piece of paper. "This is my number, I am sure we can be great friends."

I hate manipulating her using the "friend" word so she would take it, but I honestly believe we can become friends.

"Really?" Taylor asked but didn't expect me to answer.

I saw the jealous girlfriend start to huff and puff so I couldn't help but give her a sly grin.

"Yep, we are friends now!" I chirped. Teasing that "girlfriend" like this is rather entertaining.

Then I abruptly hugged Taylor in front of her.

"I know that you are probably lost and confused right now but hang in there Taylor." I whisper to her."If you ever need someone to talk to do not hesitate to call me."

After all... I am actually worried about her mental health, if what my power says is true... she almost snapped today. And the city almost went bye bye.

"Wha-?" She squeaks and I end the hug. I make sure to pull down her hood.

She needs to build more self confidence about her looks, honestly.

Julia looks like she is about to say some pretty rude things about me, well then.

"Well I think I interrupted your date long enough." I say, causing the brunette to splutter and blush bright red.Success! Then I swing my arms to my back and grin. "I should leave before your girlfriend tries to rip my head off." I start walking away. "See you around Taylor!" I nonchalantly wave at her when I walk away.

I have a feeling things are only going to be looking up for me from here on out.

I predict many people dropping this now. Also, no vote options today, still going off the old one. The Danny one was a special case.

I honestly had fun writing this part chapter. I hope I got Lisa's character right and her powers. If not, oh well. This is now officially an AU worm universe anyway. Who cares about canon?

Yes. Lisa does come to some wrong conclusions with her power in this.

Also, to head of any arguments regarding romance.

There will probably not be any romance in this story. If there is, it would be rarely more than holding hands or cuddling. Escalating to kissing eventually and that is it.

But Taylor would probably not be a part of it at all. Taylor is not looking for romance and is currently look only for friendship.

Even if she was looking for romance, Taylor is straight. Not bi and not secretly a lesbian, but completely straight. Sorry. If you wanted yuri, you should have chosen a magical girl option.

Dragon ball and dragon ball z is all about the action and the humor super powered beings get up to.

Therefore this story will mainly be about some action and humor while adding some worm themes to it like miscommunication, Escalation, and bad things happening at lunch time.

Yes. Your power choice set the tone that I would have gone with the story. And whether I would write it depressing as fuck, or lighthearted with some seriousness.

Also, to head off arguments on what happened with Lisa's powers.

The shards are alive but not really that sentient. Space whale physics bullshit just met Majin magic physics breaking bullshit. And Lisa benefited greatly. Also, you know what Guru did to Gohan and Krillian in DBZ? Taylor accidentally did something similar. But whether Lisa or Taylor figures that out is the question. Currently Lisa just thinks her body was enhance to optimize her power usage without pain.

Final part will probably come either a week from now or a couple of days.
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to be honest 150 page is not much i finished the last HP in a day and half when it came out, but yes 2 min is plenty if you don't get sidetracked by something
but yes 2 min is plenty if you don't get sidetracked by something

Yeah, getting sidetracked is a major problem with me and something I have to deal with. Comes with the depression I used to have off and on, and my ever growing need to have constant entertainment.

I would pretty much switch reading things to do something else if I find that I am getting bored.

There is a reason why I use cat avatars.
So Lisa doesn't know that she can technically use Ki now? Even if she has to train herself and everything, she should at least be pretty fucking durable.

So Talyor/Lisa training montage is in the works?
In high school I was always suprised by other peoples reading speed being really slow....
i felt the same but well when reading is like a drug for you it's quite hard to understand that people can find reading boring, i'm the kind of person who could live a happy life so long as i have something to eat/drink and reading material.
on another note i find it funny how much Taylor is fucking with Tt's power i mean her shard is shitting itself it's highly amusing